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» Resources » Cemeteries » Sunset Memorial Park Cemetery » Andrew Robbins Caudill
Birth: 26 Mar 1874
Death: 4 Mar 1943
Age: 68 Years Old
Comments: Husband of Ida Llewellyn Lee Caudill
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Sunset Memorial Park Cemetery
Cemetery: Sunset Memorial Park Cemetery
Township: Smithfield, Johnston County
Full Survey: 1980
Known Graves: 1205
Births: 1852 - 2004
Deaths: 1902 - 2013
Surnames: Adams, Alford, Allen, Archible, Arnold, Arthur, Atkinson, Ausley, Austin, Avery, Aycock, Bagley, Bailey, Baker, Ball, Barbour, Barefoot, Barnes, Barwick, Bass, Batson, Batten, Baugham, Beasley, Beaty, Beaumont, Bell, Benson, Benton, Betts, Binick, Bissette, Bizzell, Blackman, Blackwell, Bond, Booker, Bowen, Boyd, Bradley, Braswell, Breaden, Brink, Britt, Britton, Broughton, Brown, Burnside, Byrd, Caldwell, Campbell, Capps, Casey, Cates, Caudill, Chisholm, Clifton, Clow, Coates, Coats, Cobb, Coe, Coker, Collier, Cook, Cooke, Corbett, Cordell, Creech, Crocker, Crumpler, Daughtry, Davis, Debnam, Denning, Dickerson, Dohrosielski, Dove, Driver, Dublin, Eason, Edgerton, Edwards, Ellis, Ennis, Erlandsen, Evans, Faircloth, Farmer, Faulkner, Ferrell, Few, Fields, Finch, Fitzgerald, Fleming, Flowers, Fowler, Frost, Fulghum, Futrell, Gardner, Garlington, Gattis, George, Gillespie, Glover, Godwin, Goins, Goodwin, Gordon, Gore, Gower, Graham, Grimes, Gurkin, Hall, Hamilton, Hardee, Harper, Harris, Harrison, Hartman, Hayes, Heath, Heavener, Henry, Herring, Hill, Hinnant, Hinton, Hobbs, Hobgood, Holland, Hooks, Horne, Howell, Hudson, Hughes, Hunter, Huntley, Ingram, Iza, Jenkins, Jerome, Johnson, Jolliff, Jones, Jordan, Joyner, King, Kirby, Knight, Kornegay, Lancaster, Lane, Langdon, Langley, Langston, Lassiter, Lee, Lehew, Lewis, Liles, Little, Lofton, Long, Love, Lowery, Lucas, Lynn, Maharaj, Mallard, Markum, Marshall, Martin, Massengill, Massey, Matthews, Mayo, McClain, McClamb, McCoy, McCullers, McDaniels, McGee, McGowen, McHenry, McLamb, McLean, McNair, Miller, Mills, Mitchell, Mitchiner, Mooneyham, Moore, Morgan, Mosier, Mozingo, Mullen, Mumford, Munn, Narron, Nelms, Nichols, Nordan, Nordon, Oakley, Ogburn, Oliver, Omelia, Onisko, Overby, Owen, Pace, Parker, Parrish, Parrott, Partin, Pate, Patterson, Paul, Peacock, Pearce, Peedin, Penny, Peterson, Phillips, Pippin, Pittman, Pleasant, Poole, Poston, Pounds, Powell, Price, Pullen, Radford, Rappold, Rhodes, Rhyne, Richardson, Ricks, Rivera, Roberts, Robinson, Rogers, Rose, Rowland, Royall, Sambleson, Sanderford, Sanders, Sandford, Santos, Sapp, Sasser, Schwendinger, Scott, Sellers, Shedrick, Sherrill, Siler, Simmons, Smith, Solomon, Southerland, Spruill, Stallings, Stancil, Stanfield, Stanley, Starling, Stephens, Stephenson, Stevens, Stewart, Stone, Strickland, Sugg, Suggs, Sutton, Talton, Tart, Taylor, Temple, Thomas, Thompson, Todd, Toler, Toole, Townsend, Tubbs, Tucker, Tuder, Turner, Upchurch, Utley, Vann, Venegas, Walker, Wall, Wallace, Walsh, Warren, Warrick, Watson, Weishaar, Welbaum, West, Westbrook, White, Whitehurst, Whitley, Wiggs, Wilkins, Williams, Willie, Williford, Wilson, Winstead, Wood, Woodall, Woodard, Worley, Yarborough, Yard, Yelverton, Yost, Young, Youngblood
Location: 35.517865,-78.359508
JCGHS*: #0422 - ½ mile west of Smithfield at the junction of Hwy 70 and Hwy 210.
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Connie Ellen Adams
Passed away on 15 July 2015

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