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» Search Results » ABRAM DIXON
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1784-1787 State Census
No Results found
1790 Federal Census
No Results found
1800 Federal Census
No Results found
1810 Federal Census
No Results found
1820 Federal Census *
No Results found
1830 Federal Census *
No Results found
1840 Federal Census *
No Results found
1860 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Dixon, Abram
42 White Male 682 Elevation
1870 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Dishon, Alice
8 White Female 25 Clayton
Dixon, Abraham
52 White Male 177 Elevation
Dixon, Agnas
9 White Female 179 Elevation
Dixon, Amanda
10 White Female 179 Elevation
Dixon, Anna
1 White Female 179 Elevation
1880 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Dicson, Adaline
25 White Female 302 Pleasant Grove
Dicson, Mary A.
2 White Female 302 Pleasant Grove
Dixon, Abrim
62 White Male 43 Elevation
Dixon, Agnes
19 White Female 174 Elevation
Dixon, Ailes M.
12 White Male 307 Elevation
Dixon, Alonza G.
3 White Male 48 Elevation
Dixon, Annie B.
11 White Female 174 Elevation
Dixon, Annie O.
1 White Female 48 Elevation
Dixon, Austin M.
17 White Male 307 Elevation
Dixon, Bettie A.
10 White Female 148 Elevation
Dixon, Effia A.
1 White Female 285 Elevation
Dixon, Martha A.
47 White Female 148 Elevation
Dixon, Mary A.
42 White Female 43 Elevation
Dixon, Pensia A.
22 White Female 285 Elevation
Dixon, Virginia A.
14 White Female 289 Selma
1900 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Dickson, Alnora
8 Black Female 302 Clayton
Dixon, Addie
12 White Female 147 Elevation
Dixon, Adeline
44 White Female 179 Pleasant Grove
Dixon, Albert O.
5 White Male 255 Elevation
Dixon, Alerous M.
30 White Male 200 Bentonville
Dixon, Alice
5 Black Female 122 Elevation
Dixon, Annie
8 White Female 92 Beulah
Dixon, Ardelia
22 White Female 26 Elevation
Dixon, Cora A.
6 White Female 341 Elevation
Dixon, Delphine A.
25 White Female 147 Elevation
Dixon, Kitsie A.
21 White Female 145 Elevation
Dixon, Martin A.
37 White Male 147 Elevation
Dixon, Mary A.
64 White Female 212 Elevation
Dixon, Tempy A.
8 White Female 132 Pleasant Grove
1910 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Dixon, Addie P.
1/27/1900 White Female 41 Elevation
Dixon, Albert O.
1/14/1900 White Male 195 Elevation
Dixon, Allie B.
1/4/1900 White Male 190 Elevation
Dixon, Ally
1/7/1900 White Female 376 Beulah
Dixon, Alnora
18 Black Female 95 Clayton
Dixon, Annie
1/18/1900 White Female 376 Beulah
Dixon, Annie L.
1/7/1900 White Female 190 Elevation
Dixon, Ardelia
2/1/1900 White Female 190 Elevation
Dixon, Martin A.
48 White Male 170 Pine Level
Dixon, Mary A.
1/12/1900 Black Female 130 Clayton
Dixon, Melva A.
1/1/1900 White Female 209 Clayton
Dixon, Tempy A.
19 White Female 79 Pleasant Grove
1920 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Dickson, Ama
58 Black Female 297 Clayton
Dixon, Addie P.
38 White Female 157 Elevation
Dixon, Alice
16 White Female 131 Beulah
Dixon, Alma C.
23 White Female 104 Smithfield
Dixon, Alonzo V.
35 White Male 16 Banner
Dixon, Alton
White Male 370 Clayton
Dixon, Annie
17 White Female 94 Elevation
Dixon, Ardelia
42 White Female 94 Elevation
Dixon, Ava
9 White Female 123 Banner
Dixon, James A.
White Male 129 Pine Level
Dixon, Willie A.
White Male 263 Pleasant Grove
1930 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Dixion, Annie L.
10/12 White Female 217 Beulah
Dixon, A. J.
6 White Male 016 Elevation
Dixon, A. W.
2 Black Male 081 Smithfield
Dixon, Agnes
29 White Female 219 Boon Hill
Dixon, Albert O.
35 White Male 016 Elevation
Dixon, Ardelia
52 White Female 012 Elevation
Dixon, Harriett A.
7 White Female 328 Banner
Dixon, James A.
13 White Male 270 Pine Level
Dixon, Melva A.
21 White Female 036 Banner
Dixon, Nancy A.
72 White Female 125 Pleasant Grove
Dixon, Rose A.
17 White Female 266 Elevation
1940 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Dawson, Albert
40 Black Male 366 Selma
Dixon, Agnes
38 White Female 66 Boon Hill
Dixon, Agnes M.
8 White Female 66 Boon Hill
Dixon, Albert J.
16 White Male 142 Elevation
Dixon, Albert O.
45 White Male 142 Elevation
Dixon, Alma
16 White Female 383 Banner
Dixon, Annie R.
10 White Female 127 Beulah
Dixon, Ardia
62 White Female 139 Banner
Dixon, Aron
21 White Male 383 Banner
Bastardy Bonds
No Results found
NC Yearbooks
No Results found
No Results found
NC Civil War Soldiers Index *
Name Unit Comp Rank Side
Dawson, Addison 1st Regiment, NC Artillery H Private C
Dawson, Amos 51st Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Deakin, John A. 26th Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Deskin, John A. 26th Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Dicken, Andrew J. 10th Battalion, NC Heavy Artillery B Private C
Dickson, A. 4th Battalion, NC Junior Reserves C Private C
Dickson, A. A. 13th Battalion, NC Light Artillery E Sergeant C
Dickson, A. C. McLean's Battalion, NC Light Duty Men B Private C
Dickson, Alfred 5th Regiment, NC Senior Reserves B Private C
Dickson, Allen 2nd Regiment, NC Cavalry K Private C
Dickson, Andrew G. 34th Regiment, NC Infantry F Private C
Dickson, Arch A. 3rd Regiment, NC Artillery G Sergeant C
Dickson, Ashley 4th Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Dickson, Jacob A. 12th Regiment, NC Infantry A Private C
Dickson, James A. 49th Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Dickson, John A. 1st Regiment, NC Infantry (6 months, 1861) G Second Lieutenant C
Dickson, S. A. 3rd Battalion, NC Junior Reserves C Private C
Dickson, Samuel A. 27th Regiment, NC Infantry G Musician C
Dickson, W. A. 49th Regiment, NC Infantry A Private C
Dickson, W. A. 37th Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Dickson, William A. 49th Regiment, NC Infantry A Private C
Dison, Angus 1st Battalion, NC Heavy Artillery C Private C
Dixon, A. 5th Regiment, NC Senior Reserves B Private C
Dixon, A. 3rd Battalion, NC Junior Reserves C Private C
Dixon, A. 4th Battalion, NC Junior Reserves C Private C
Dixon, A. G. 2nd Regiment, NC Junior Reserves D Private C
Dixon, A. I. 14th Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Dixon, Abner 7th Regiment, NC Senior Reserves Private C
Dixon, Abram 8th Regiment, NC Senior Reserves Private C
Dixon, Alexander 1st Regiment, NC Cavalry A Private C
Dixon, Alexander F. 24th Regiment, NC Infantry A First Sergeant C
Dixon, Allen 2nd Regiment, NC Cavalry K Private C
Dixon, Anderson F. 5th Regiment, NC Cavalry G Private C
Dixon, Asa 17th Regiment, NC Infantry (2nd Organization) H Private C
Dixon, B. A.J. 31st Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Dixon, Benjamin A. 2nd Regiment, NC Infantry K Private C
Dixon, Duncan A. 1st Regiment, NC Infantry A Private C
Dixon, H. A. 30th Regiment, NC Infantry F Private C
Dixon, Jacob A. 12th Regiment, NC Infantry A Private C
Dixon, James A. 6th Regiment, NC Infantry F Private C
Dixon, James A. 49th Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Dixon, John A. 1st Regiment, NC Cavalry A Private C
Dixon, Simon A. Walker's Battalion, Thomas' NC Legion B Private C
Dixon, W. A. 49th Regiment, NC Infantry A Private C
Dixon, William A. Walker's Battalion, Thomas' NC Legion B Private C
Dixon, William A. 2nd Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Dixon, William A. 20th Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Dixson, Allen 2nd Regiment, NC Cavalry K Private C
Dixson, Simon A. Walker's Battalion, Thomas' NC Legion B Private C
Dixson, William A. Walker's Battalion, Thomas' NC Legion B Private C
Dogen, Adam 62nd Regiment, NC Infantry K Private C
Duggan, W. A. 4th Regiment, NC Infantry H Assistant Surgeon C
Dysen, S. A. 55th Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Dyson, A. J. 5th Regiment, NC Senior Reserves K Private C
Dyson, Angus 1st Battalion, NC Heavy Artillery C Private C
Dyson, Asberry 51st Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Dyson, Asby 51st Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Dyson, Waite A. 39th Regiment, NC Infantry E Private C
Dyson, William A. 39th Regiment, NC Infantry E Private C
Dyson, William A. 20th Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Dyson, William A. 20th Regiment, NC Infantry K First Lieutenant C
* All North Carolina soldiers (Union and Confederate) who fought in the Civil War.
NC Civil War Sailors Index *
Name Birthplace Occupation Age
Dixon, Allen Beaufort Woodcutter 15
* African-American sailors who were born in North Carolina and fought for the Union.
Southern Claims Commission
No Results found
No Results found
Cemetery Graves
Name Birth Death Cemetery
Dixon, A J Sr 1923 1998 Dixon, Richard S.
Dixon, Abram 1818 1896 Elevation United Methodist Church
Dixon, Adaline C 1855 1913 Dixon, John
Dixon, Addie P Thornton 1882 1923 Elevation United Methodist Church
Dixon, Adrick Dixon, Richard S.
Dixon, Agnes 1901 1976 Princeton
Dixon, Agnes Marie 1932 2010 Princeton
Dixon, Albert Otha 1894 1962 Dixon, Richard S.
Dixon, Aldridge 1825 1859 Dixon, Richard S.
Dixon, Annie Ruth 1936 1976 Selma Memorial Gardens
Dixon, Ardelia Ryals 1877 1956 Dixon, Richard S.
Dixon, Martha A Woodall 1833 1916 Dixon, Major
Dixon, Martin A 1863 1929 Wiggs
Dixon, Paula Annette 1965 2012 Princeton
Dixon, Pensia A 1857 1893 Dixon, Richard S.
NC Confederate Soldiers Burial Database*
Name Death County Cemetery
Dixon, A. G. 1864 Cleveland Kadesh United Methodist Church Cemetery
Dixon, James A. 1910 Alamance Hawfields Presbyterian Church
Dixon, W. A. Vance Kittrell Confederate Cemetery
Duggan, Dr. William A. 1902 Wake Oakwood Cemetery
Dyson, Angus 1912 Bladen Dyson Cemetery
* Records are still being added.
Wills Index *
Name Year
Dixion, A. M. 1903
* Wills from 1760-1922 which are physically located at the North Carolina Archives [C.R. 050.801.1-11]
Other Resources
Surname Resource Title
Dixon Deaths & Obituaries Laney Dixon, 1862
Dixon Deaths & Obituaries Mary Dixon, 1862
Dixon Deaths & Obituaries William G. Dixon, 1862
Lassiter-Dixon Marriages Henry Lassiter to Eleanor Dixon, 1857
Surname Researchers
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Dawson Betty Stokes
DuskinWake1700 Patricia Godwin
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County Coordinator
Michael W. Kay
County Volunteers
Ross Sippel
Connie Ellen Adams
Passed away on 15 July 2015

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