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» Search Results » ANNA HEATH
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1784-1787 State Census
No Results found
1790 Federal Census
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1800 Federal Census
No Results found
1810 Federal Census
No Results found
1820 Federal Census *
No Results found
1830 Federal Census *
Name M00 M05 M10 M15 M20 M30 M40 M50 M60 M70+
Hood, Charles A. 1 1
* Missing Categories - Free white women, free colored persons, slaves, foreigners and blind, deaf & dumb
1840 Federal Census *
No Results found
1860 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Heath, A. J.
29 White Male 50 Boon Hill
Heath, Avy
1 White Female 50 Boon Hill
Hood, Mary Ann
28 White Female 876 Newton Grove
1870 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Haywood, Mary A.
0 Black Female 52 Selma
Heath, A. J.
39 White Male 152 Boon Hill
Heath, Arcada
35 Black Female 167 Smithfield
Heath, Ava
12 White Female 152 Boon Hill
Hood, Allie
4 White Female 163 Wilders
Hood, Alonza
0 White Male 199 Meadow
Hood, Aner
0 White Female 199 Meadow
Hood, Anna
32 Black Female 49 Bentonville
Hood, Martha A.
35 White Female 188 Bentonville
1880 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Haywood, Adline
20 Black Female 124 Wilson's Mills
Haywood, Annie
6 Black Female 105 Selma
Heath, Adam J.
49 White Male 225 North Smithfield
Heath, Ange
22 Black Female 133 Wilders
Heath, Ava
2 White Female 225 North Smithfield
Hood, Aldona C.
1 White Female 181 Selma
Hood, Allen
3 White Male 121 Wilders
Hood, Alonza
10 White Male 53 Meadow
Hood, Amy
45 Black Female 65 Bentonville
Hood, Anna
12 White Female 53 Meadow
Hood, M. A.
46 White Female 13 Town of Smithfield
1900 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Heales, Sallie A.
27 White Female 173 Boon Hill
Heath, Arbella
18 White Female 225 Banner
Hood, Ada
6 Black Female 387 Smithfield
Hood, Ada
29 White Female 226 Meadow
Hood, Ada L.
19 White Female 120 Meadow
Hood, Allen W.
23 White Male 48 Clayton
Hood, Almon
3 White Male 226 Meadow
Hood, Alozes
30 White Male 226 Meadow
Hood, Ammie
60 Black Female 114 Bentonville
Hood, Annie
31 White Female 194 Smithfield
Hood, Annie N.
19 White Female 263 Selma
Hood, Arthur
10 Black Male 385 Smithfield
Hood, Bennet A.
16 White Male 74 Beulah
Hood, Geo. A.
28 White Male 34 Beulah
Hood, Howard A.
9 White Male 263 Selma
Hood, Jacob A.
1 Black Male 387 Smithfield
Hood, Lucy A.
38 White Female 124 Smithfield
Hood, Martha A.
66 White Female 13 Smithfield
1910 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Haywood, Adeline
51 Black Female 187 Wilson's Mills
Haywood, Alberta
3 Mulatto Female 229 Clayton
Haywood, Alton L.
Mulatto Male 229 Clayton
Haywood, Anna
57 Black Female 271 Clayton
Heartley, Aaron B.
1/26/1900 Black Male 174 Clayton
Heartley, Elex A.
Black Male 174 Clayton
Heath, Alvin
1/3/1900 White Male 174 Elevation
Heath, Anna S.
10 Black Female 191 Wilders
Heath, Arkina
3/9/1900 Black Female 409 Smithfield
Hood, Ada
1/16/1900 Black Female 487 Smithfield
Hood, Adah
2/8/1900 White Female 114 Meadow
Hood, Albert
1/4/1900 Black Male 487 Smithfield
Hood, Albert
2 Black Male 226 Cleveland
Hood, Alice T.
24 White Female 163 Selma
Hood, Allen W.
33 White Male 63 Wilders
Hood, Almond
1/13/1900 White Male 114 Meadow
Hood, Alonzo
2/9/1900 White Male 114 Meadow
Hood, Amy
75 Black Female 81 Bentonville
Hood, Anne
29 White Female 163 Selma
Hood, Arthur
1/16/1900 Black Male 443 Smithfield
Hood, Arthur
1/19/1900 Black Male 443 Smithfield
Hood, Audrey
1/29/1900 Black Female 539 Smithfield
Hood, George A.
2/7/1900 White Male 84 Beulah
Hood, Jacob A.
1/10/1900 Black Male 487 Smithfield
Howette, Alvesta
Mulatto Female 368 Beulah
1920 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Haywood, Adline
60 Black Female 104 Wilson's Mills
Heath, Adell
White Female 256 Elevation
Heath, Alvin
11 White Male 256 Elevation
Heath, Anie
24 White Male 315 Smithfield
Hood, Ada S.
White Female 103 Meadow
Hood, Albert
14 Black Male 71 Selma
Hood, Alice M.
35 White Female 169 Smithfield
Hood, Almon B.
22 White Male 103 Meadow
Hood, Anna
50 Black Female 71 Selma
Hood, Annie B.
9 White Female 103 Meadow
Hood, Arulha
30 Black Male 281 Smithfield
Hood, Howard A.
29 White Male 170 Selma
Hood, Jacob A.
21 Black Male 71 Selma
Hood, Thomas A.
5 White Male 80 Smithfield
Howed, Allas J.
56 Black Female 107 Meadow
1930 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Headen, Annie M.
22 Black Female 094 Beulah
Heath, Adell W.
11 White Female 107 Elevation
Heath, Alvin D.
22 White Male 107 Elevation
Heath, Margaret A.
5 White Female 165 Elevation
Hewett, Adrian
3+5/12 White Male 062 Boon Hill
Hewett, Anson
11 White Male 062 Boon Hill
Hood, Ada S.
10 White Female 169 Meadow
Hood, Alice
16 White Female 046 Boon Hill
Hood, Alice
46 White Female 036 Selma
Hood, Almond B.
33 White Male 169 Meadow
Hood, Almond B.
30 White Male 169 Meadow
Hood, Amody
77 Black Female 236 Smithfield
Hood, Annie R.
6 White Female 284 Beulah
Hood, Martha A.
74 Black Female 125 Bentonville
Hood, Thomas A.
15 White Male 074 Smithfield
1940 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Heath, Annie
31 White Female 21 Clayton
Hood, Ada
20 White Female 230 Smithfield
Hood, Ada S.
20 White Female 9 Meadow
Hood, Alice
36 White Female 258 Selma
Hood, Alice R.
59 White Female 221 Smithfield
Hood, Allen
15 White Male 57 O'Neals
Hood, Almond B.
42 White Male 9 Meadow
Hood, Annie
17 White Female 203 Pine Level
Hood, Dorothy Ann
5 White Female 93 O'Neals
Hood, Louis A.
8 White Male 62 Cleveland
Hood, Nancy Ann
4 Black Female 284 Smithfield
Hood, Nancy Anne
4 Black Female 48 Smithfield
Hood, William A.
5 White Male 1 Meadow
Hood, Willis A.
<1 Black Male 48 Smithfield
Hoyt, Allen Grist
1 White Male 165 Smithfield
Bastardy Bonds
No Results found
NC Yearbooks
No Results found
No Results found
NC Civil War Soldiers Index *
Name Unit Comp Rank Side
Hathaway, Augustus 30th Regiment, NC Infantry F Private C
Head, A. E. 28th Regiment, NC Infantry F Private C
Head, Anderson C. 25th Regiment, NC Infantry B Corporal C
Head, Asa 27th Regiment, NC Infantry K Private C
Headden, Jeffry A. 25th Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Headen, Aaron G. 48th Regiment, NC Infantry G First Lieutenant C
Headen, Jeffrey A. 25th Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Headick, Andrew 23rd Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Headrick, A. 1st Regiment, NC Junior Reserves C Private C
Headrick, Adam S. 48th Regiment, NC Infantry B Corporal C
Headrick, George A. 14th Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Heafner, F. A. 34th Regiment, NC Infantry E Sergeant C
Heanes, A. 7th Regiment, NC Senior Reserves Private C
Heanley, A. D. 21st Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Heardtzog, Able 34th Regiment, NC Infantry E Ensign C
Hearn, A. 1st Regiment, NC Junior Reserves H Private C
Hearn, A. B. 5th Regiment, NC Infantry A Private C
Hearn, Abram 1st Regiment, NC Artillery E Private C
Hearn, Amos 30th Regiment, NC Infantry F Private C
Hearn, William A. 1st Regiment, NC Infantry (6 months, 1861) I Private C
Hearn, William A. 4th Regiment, NC Infantry F Private C
Hearrel, James A. 17th Regiment, NC Infantry (1st Organization) G Private C
Heart, Albert C. 56th Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Heart, George A. 56th Regiment, NC Infantry G,A Private C
Heartman, P. A. 57th Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Heartness, Abram 7th Regiment, NC Infantry K Private C
Heartsell, E. A. 1st Regiment, NC Junior Reserves G Private C
Heartsfield, Jacob A. 1st Regiment, NC Infantry I First Lieutenant C
Heartso, Able C. 34th Regiment, NC Infantry E Ensign C
Heartsoe, A. 35th Regiment, NC Infantry K Private C
Heartzog, Able 34th Regiment, NC Infantry E Ensign C
Heath, A. H. 22nd Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Heath, A. L. 67th Regiment, NC Infantry Private C
Heath, A. W. 4th Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Heath, Alford L. 3rd Regiment, NC Cavalry E Private C
Heath, Alfred L. 3rd Regiment, NC Cavalry E Private C
Heath, Amos 61st Regiment, NC Infantry K Private C
Heath, Aron B. 22nd Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Heath, Augustus S. 22nd Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Heath, B. A. 2nd Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Heath, E. A. J. 2nd Regiment, NC Infantry E Private C
Heath, Hezekiah A. 25th Regiment, NC Infantry E Private C
Heath, Hezekiah A. 6th Regiment, NC Cavalry D,E Private C
Heath, S. A. 27th Regiment, NC Infantry K Sergeant C
Heath, William A. 1st Battalion, NC Heavy Artillery B Private C
Heatherington, Thomas A. 60th Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Heatherley, Andrew J. Infantry Regiment, Thomas' NC Legion C Private C
Heatherly, Aaron J. 64th Regiment, NC Infantry (Allen's) B Private C
Heatherly, Ambrus J. Infantry Regiment, Thomas' NC Legion C Private C
Heatherly, Arren J. Infantry Regiment, Thomas' NC Legion C Private C
Heavener, A. P. 2nd Regiment, NC Conscripts G Private C
Heavener, Julius A. 11th Regiment, NC Infantry (Bethel Regiment) I Private C
Heavlin, R. A. 1st Regiment, NC Cavalry E Private C
Heavner, Julius A. 11th Regiment, NC Infantry (Bethel Regiment) I Private C
Heavner, W. A. 38th Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Heide, Alexander S. 5th Regiment, NC Cavalry A Private C
Hewett, Abel K. 20th Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Hewett, Armelin 20th Regiment, NC Infantry G Corporal C
Hewit, Ambrose 32nd Regiment, NC Infantry (Lenoir Braves) E Private C
Hewit, Anderson 46th Regiment, NC Infantry K Private C
Hewit, Franklin A. 46th Regiment, NC Infantry K Private C
Hewitt, A. K. 20th Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Hewitt, Abram 3rd Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Hewitt, Abram M. 3rd Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Hewitt, William A. 35th Regiment, NC Infantry A Private C
Hiatt, John A. 15th Regiment, NC Infantry K Private C
Hite, James A. 2nd Battalion, NC Infantry C Private C
Hoad, Abraham 27th Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Hood, A. McLean's Battalion, NC Light Duty Men B Private C
Hood, A. 27th Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Hood, A. F. 31st Regiment, NC Infantry E Private C
Hood, A. R. 66th Regiment, NC Infantry F Private C
Hood, Abel T. 13th Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Hood, Abel T. 31st Regiment, NC Infantry E Private C
Hood, Abner B. 30th Regiment, NC Infantry K Private C
Hood, Abraham 54th Regiment, NC Infantry K Private C
Hood, George A. 14th Regiment, NC Infantry K Musician C
Hood, Joseph A. 5th Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Hood, P. A. 60th Regiment, NC Infantry D Corporal C
Hoyt, C. A. 4th Regiment, NC Cavalry (59th NC State Troops) A Private C
Huit, A. M. 32nd Regiment, NC Infantry (Lenoir Braves) E Private C
Huit, Anderson 46th Regiment, NC Infantry K Private C
Huitt, Henry A. 6th Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Hyate, Andrew 5th Regiment, NC Senior Reserves F Private C
Hyatt, John A. 15th Regiment, NC Infantry K Private C
Hyatt, R. A. Infantry Regiment, Thomas' NC Legion E Private C
Hyatt, W. A. 21st Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Hyde, A. E. Levi's Battery, Light Artillery, Thomas' NC Legion Private C
Hyde, Adolphus E. 29th Regiment, NC Infantry F Private C
Hyde, Anson E. Levi's Battery, Light Artillery, Thomas' NC Legion Private C
Hyde, John A. Walker's Battalion, Thomas' NC Legion A Private C
* All North Carolina soldiers (Union and Confederate) who fought in the Civil War.
NC Civil War Sailors Index *
No Results found
Southern Claims Commission
No Results found
No Results found
Cemetery Graves
Name Birth Death Cemetery
Heath, A E Heath, Adam J.
Heath, Adam J 1831 1894 Heath, Adam J.
Heath, Anna Mae 1908 1952 Maplewood
Heath, William Allen 1981 2004 Evans-McKeel
Hood, Adah 1870 1912 Hood, Robert T.
Hood, Albert 1828 1908 Selah Christian Church
Hood, Alice Rhodes 1881 1956 Riverside
Hood, Alice Tye 1883 1976 Greenwood
Hood, Almon B 1897 1974 Hood's Grove Baptist Church
Hood, Alonzo 1869 1917 Hood, Robert T.
Hood, Amanda 1849 1937 Hood/Sanders
Hood, G A 1872 1915 Benson City
Hood, Howard Arthur 1943 Greenwood
Hood, James A 1933 2009 Hood/Sanders
Hood, Martha A 1833 1915 Riverside
NC Confederate Soldiers Burial Database*
Name Death County Cemetery
Heavlin, Robert A. 1916 Wake Oakwood Cemetery
Heide, Alexander S. 1900 New Hanover Oakdale Cemetery
Hewett, Armelin 1863 Brunswick LEHEW - LEHUE CEMETERY
Hyatt, John A. 1864 Wake Oakwood Cemetery
* Records are still being added.
Wills Index *
No Results found
Other Resources
Surname Resource Title
Hood Biographies Early Hood Lineage
Hood-Cook Deeds S.H. & Mollie Hood to Nancy Cook, 1891
Haywood-Cressey Marriages Dr. Lewis Haywood to Sarah Cressey, 1810
Hearne-Thornton Marriages Joseph Hearne to Miss Thornton, 1812
Hood-Ellington Marriages Charles Hood to Sally Ellington, 1810
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Michael W. Kay
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Ross Sippel
Connie Ellen Adams
Passed away on 15 July 2015

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