All search results include:
- Phonetic matches for the first/middle name ("Bessie") and last name ("Parrish")
- 1-Character matches on the first and middle name ("B")
- 3-Character matches on the last name ("Par")
1784-1787 State Census |
Name |
WM21-60 |
WM-Other |
WF |
B21-50 |
B-Other |
Parnal, Benjamin |
1 |
6 |
2 |
1790 Federal Census |
Name |
FWM16- |
FWM16+ |
Slaves |
Parnal, Benjamin |
5 |
1 |
2 |
1800 Federal Census |
Name |
Pg/Rw |
M00 |
M10 |
M16 |
M26 |
M45 |
F00 |
F10 |
F16 |
F26 |
F45 |
FP |
SL |
Parnold, Benjamin |
749 / 18 |
2 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1810 Federal Census |
Name |
Pg/Rw |
M00 |
M10 |
M16 |
M26 |
M45 |
F00 |
F10 |
F16 |
F26 |
F45 |
FP |
SL |
Parnal, Benj...n |
280 / 11 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1820 Federal Census * |
Name |
M00 |
M10 |
M1618 |
M16 |
M26 |
M45+ |
F00 |
F10 |
F16 |
F26 |
F45+ |
Parish, Braxton |
2 |
1 |
2 |
1 |
Parnal, Benjamin |
1 |
1 |
1 |
2 |
1 |
Porch, Bridgers |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1830 Federal Census * |
Name |
M00 |
M05 |
M10 |
M15 |
M20 |
M30 |
M40 |
M50 |
M60 |
M70+ |
Parnold, Benjamin |
1 |
1 |
1 |
Parrish, Braxton |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1840 Federal Census * |
Name |
M00 |
M05 |
M10 |
M15 |
M20 |
M30 |
M40 |
M50 |
M60 |
M70 |
M80 |
M90 |
Parker, Benjamin |
1 |
Parrish, Braxton(?) |
1 |
2 |
1 |
1 |
1860 Federal Census |
Name |
Age |
Race |
Sex |
Family |
Township |
Parish, Bert |
Parish, Bettie |
Parish, Bettie |
Parish, Floyed B. |
Parish, Frances B. |
Parish, J. B. |
Parish, William B. |
Parker, Benjamin |
Parker, Benjamin |
Parker, Boaz |
Parnol, Bettie |
Parrish, Bartholamew |
Parrish, Benj. |
Pearce, Barden |
Pearce, Bennett |
Pearce, Bethany Iredell |
Pearce, Betsey |
Pearce, Bettie |
Pearce, Bettie |
Pearce, Bettie |
Price, Benj. |
Price, Berry |
Price, Bettie |
Price, Bettie |
Price, Bettie |
1870 Federal Census |
Name |
Age |
Race |
Sex |
Family |
Township |
Parker, Benjamin |
Parker, Bethany |
Parker, Betsey |
Parker, Betsey |
Parker, Betty |
Parker, Betty |
Parker, Boaz |
Parker, Branton |
Parker, Joseph B. |
Parrish, Betsey |
Parrish, Betsey |
Parrish, Betsy |
Parrish, Bettie |
Parrish, Betty |
Parrish, Betty |
Parrish, Bryant |
Parrish, Bryant |
Parten, Benjamin |
Pearce, B. A. |
Pearce, Bethan |
Pearce, Betty |
Pearce, Brady |
Pearce, Buck |
Pearce, Harriet B. |
Pearce, James B. |
Pearce, Joseph B. |
Price, Betsey |
Price, Betty |
Price, Betty |
Price, Betty |
Price, Betty |
Price, Bitha |
1880 Federal Census |
Name |
Age |
Race |
Sex |
Family |
Township |
Parish, B. D. |
Parish, Betsy Jane |
Parker, Baby
Parker, Benj. |
Parker, Bethana
Parker, Bethania |
Parker, Betty R. |
Parker, Cialroe B. |
Parker, Cilvia B. |
Parker, Elijah B. |
Parker, Young B. |
Parnell, Idelser B. |
Parrish, B. F. |
Parrish, Benj. |
Parrish, Blany |
Parrish, Buddie |
Parrish, Burnice B. |
Parrish, Ella B. |
Parrish, J. B. |
Parrish, P. B. |
Parrish, Paschal B. |
Pearce, Bennett |
Pearce, Berline |
Pearce, Bettie |
Pearce, Braddoc |
Pearce, Buck |
Pierce, Bethana |
Pierce, Harret B. |
Pierce, Joseph B. |
Price, Bettie |
1900 Federal Census |
Name |
Age |
Race |
Sex |
Family |
Township |
Parish, Bertha J. |
Parker, Benjamin F. |
Parker, Bessie |
Parker, Bethana |
Parker, Bethana |
Parker, Bettie P.
Parker, Bettie T. |
Parker, Blake |
Parker, Cisero B. |
Parker, Esro B. |
Parker, Joseph B. |
Parker, Joseph B. |
Parker, Robert B. |
Parker, Rosie B. |
Parker, Willie B. |
Parker, Young B. |
Parnell, Betsey |
Parnell, Beulah |
Parnell, Bircut |
Parnell, William B. |
Parrish, B. Floyd |
Parrish, Bernice H. |
Parrish, Bert |
Parrish, Bertha |
Parrish, Bertie D. |
Parrish, Bessie |
Parrish, Bessie A. |
Parrish, Betsy F. |
Parrish, Bettie A. |
Parrish, Bettie L.
Parrish, Blaney W. |
Parrish, Bud P. |
Parrish, Burt |
Parrish, James B. |
Parrish, Julian B. |
Parrish, Julius B.
Parrish, Marion B. |
Parrish, William B. |
Partin, Benj. F. |
Partin, Bryant W. |
Partin, Burt L. |
Pearce, Barney |
Pearce, Benjamin F.
Pearce, Bertie |
Pearce, Bessie |
Pearce, Bethany |
Pearce, Borden |
Pearce, Effiy B. |
Pearce, Henry B. |
Pearce, Henry B. |
Pearce, Joseph B. |
Perris, Bedie |
Price, Archie B. |
Price, Bettie |
Price, Betty |
Price, Billie |
Price, Bismark |
Price, Blassa A.
Price, James B. |
Price, Robert B. |
1910 Federal Census |
Name |
Age |
Race |
Sex |
Family |
Township |
Pairrish, Burline |
Parish, Bartley |
Parish, Bertha |
Parish, Bessie |
Parish, Burland A. |
Parish, John B. |
Parker, Alton B. |
Parker, Alton B. |
Parker, Bascom |
Parker, Beatrice |
Parker, Becca W. |
Parker, Ben |
Parker, Ben J. |
Parker, Berlena |
Parker, Bertha E. |
Parker, Bessie |
Parker, Bethana P. |
Parker, Betsy |
Parker, Bettie |
Parker, Bettie E. |
Parker, Bettie P. |
Parker, Blake |
Parker, Blonco |
Parker, Bonney |
Parker, Brittie A. |
Parker, Bud |
Parker, Elton B. |
Parker, Estella B. |
Parker, Ezro B. |
Parker, Hester B. |
Parker, Isaac B. |
Parker, John B. |
Parker, Joseph B. |
Parker, Joseph B. |
Parker, Joseph B. Jr. |
Parker, Mancy B. |
Parker, Mehettie B. |
Parker, Roenna B. |
Parker, Rossie B. |
Parker, Walter B. |
Parker, Willie B. |
Parker, Willie B. |
Parker, Young B. |
Parker, Young B. |
Parnell, Bertha |
Parnell, Betsy |
Parnell, Eugene B. |
Parnell, William B. |
Parrish, Barilla |
Parrish, Benjamin H. |
Parrish, Bernice H. |
Parrish, Berta |
Parrish, Bertie D. |
Parrish, Bessie A. |
Parrish, Bettie |
Parrish, Bettie F. |
Parrish, Bettie L. |
Parrish, Beulah |
Parrish, Bryant |
Parrish, Bud P. |
Parrish, Charlie B. |
Parrish, Ed B. |
Parrish, Floyd B. |
Parrish, Harris B. |
Parrish, James B. |
Parrish, John B. |
Parrish, Laura B. |
Parrish, M. B. |
Parrish, Odis B. |
Parrish, Paschal B. |
Parrish, Renza B. |
Parrish, Rosco B. |
Parrish, William B. |
Parrish, William B. |
Parrish, William B. |
Parsons, Blake |
Parsons, Henry B. |
Parsons, John B. |
Part, Bud |
Partin, Benjamin F. |
Partin, Bert L. |
Pearce, Bethany |
Pearce, Bradley |
Pearce, Henry B. |
Pearce, Mamie B. |
Percey, Alice B. |
Pierce, Barden |
Pierce, Berttie |
Pierce, Bessie |
Pierce, Bunder |
Pierce, Joseph B. |
Pierce, William B. |
Price, Archie B. |
Price, Bernice |
Price, Bertie A. |
Price, Bessie |
Price, Bessie P. |
Price, Bettie |
Price, Bettie A. |
Price, Bismark |
Price, Luna B. |
1920 Federal Census |
Name |
Age |
Race |
Sex |
Family |
Township |
Parash, Badey E. |
Parash, Berlon |
Parash, Berta L. |
Parash, Bessie |
Parash, Julieus B. |
Parash, William B. |
Parham, Bell |
Parham, Bud |
Parish, A. B. |
Parker, Alton B. |
Parker, Beartas |
Parker, Beatrice |
Parker, Benn Jr. |
Parker, Benn F. |
Parker, Bertha |
Parker, Bertha M. |
Parker, Bettie |
Parker, Betty J. |
Parker, Blake |
Parker, Blanco B. |
Parker, Bonnie |
Parker, Brodie |
Parker, Burchan |
Parker, C. B. |
Parker, E. B. |
Parker, Ehnon B. |
Parker, Elton B. |
Parker, Hettie B. |
Parker, Isaac Bragdon |
Parker, John B. |
Parker, Joseph B. |
Parker, Lizzie B. |
Parker, Mack B. |
Parker, Rossie B. |
Parker, Vernon B. |
Parker, Willie B. |
Parneal, Bettie |
Parrish, Barilla |
Parrish, Battle |
Parrish, Belvia |
Parrish, Benjamin |
Parrish, Benjamin H. |
Parrish, Berline |
Parrish, Bertha |
Parrish, Bertie |
Parrish, Bessie |
Parrish, Bessie |
Parrish, Bessie |
Parrish, Bettie F. |
Parrish, Beulah |
Parrish, Blanche |
Parrish, Bonnie |
Parrish, Braxton |
Parrish, Braxton |
Parrish, Bryant |
Parrish, Bud P. |
Parrish, Burnice H. |
Parrish, Byron |
Parrish, Edd B. |
Parrish, Floyed B. |
Parrish, Lucy B. |
Parrish, Merian B. |
Parrish, Pascal B. |
Parrish, William B. |
Parrish, William B. |
Parson, John B. |
Partin, Ben F. |
Partin, Burt L. |
Partridge, Beatrice |
Pearce, Barden |
Pearce, Bardin |
Pearce, Berzela |
Pearce, Bessie |
Pearce, Bessie |
Pearce, Bessie V. |
Pearce, Betsy |
Pearce, Henry B. Jr. |
Pearce, Henry B. Sr. |
Pierce, Adelaide B. |
Pierce, Berjie |
Pierce, Bessie |
Pierce, J. B. |
Pierce, Joseph B. |
Price, Archie B. |
Price, Bertie C. |
Price, Bertie G. |
Price, Bessie |
Price, Bessie |
Price, Bessie |
Price, Bessie |
Price, Bettie |
Price, Blanche |
Price, Cassie B. |
Price, Cassie B. |
Price, Lola B. |
Price, Neomie B. |
1930 Federal Census |
Name |
Age |
Race |
Sex |
Family |
Township |
Parity, Barbara C. |
Parity, Charles B. |
Parity, Leborae B. |
Parker, Addie B. |
Parker, Annie B. |
Parker, Beatress |
Parker, Beatrice |
Parker, Beatris |
Parker, Berdey |
Parker, Bessie |
Parker, Bessie M. |
Parker, Bessie M. |
Parker, Bethany |
Parker, Bethenia |
Parker, Bettie |
Parker, Bettie |
Parker, Bettie E. |
Parker, Bettie J. |
Parker, Bettie S. |
Parker, Bill |
Parker, Bill |
Parker, Bin F. |
Parker, Bin James |
Parker, Blake |
Parker, Blanche |
Parker, Blanche |
Parker, Bragsdon |
Parker, Braxton |
Parker, Carle B. |
Parker, Charlotte B. |
Parker, Cisrow B. |
Parker, Dellar B. |
Parker, Elmond B. |
Parker, Elton B. |
Parker, Ezra B. |
Parker, Frank B. |
Parker, Hester B. |
Parker, Hettie B. |
Parker, Ida B. |
Parker, J. B. |
Parker, James B. |
Parker, Jessie B. |
Parker, John B. |
Parker, Johnnie B. |
Parker, Joseph B. |
Parker, Kattie B. |
Parker, Lizzie B. |
Parker, Myrtle B. |
Parker, Ora B. |
Parker, Robert B. |
Parker, Rosie B. |
Parker, Samuel B. |
Parker, Shelton B. |
Parker, Walter B. |
Parker, William B. |
Parker, William B. |
Parker, Young B. |
Parks, C. B. |
Parnell, Annie B. |
Parnell, Betsy A. |
Parnell, Buddie |
Parnell, Mary B. |
Parrish, A. Briant |
Parrish, Barila |
Parrish, Bartley E. |
Parrish, Battle |
Parrish, Bebie |
Parrish, Benjamin H. |
Parrish, Benjamin L. |
Parrish, Berhia |
Parrish, Berlon |
Parrish, Berney |
Parrish, Bernice H. |
Parrish, Bertie |
Parrish, Bertie E. |
Parrish, Bessie |
Parrish, Bessie |
Parrish, Bettie |
Parrish, Bettie J. |
Parrish, Bettie V. |
Parrish, Beulah |
Parrish, Billie |
Parrish, Birta L. |
Parrish, Bitha |
Parrish, Blanche |
Parrish, Braxton |
Parrish, Braxton
Parrish, Brucedan |
Parrish, Bryant |
Parrish, Bryon N. |
Parrish, Bud |
Parrish, Bud P. |
Parrish, Bula |
Parrish, Bulah M. |
Parrish, Burline C. |
Parrish, Carry B. |
Parrish, Charlie B. |
Parrish, Doris B. |
Parrish, Ed B. |
Parrish, James B. |
Parrish, Jean B. |
Parrish, Julian B. |
Parrish, Lucy B. |
Parrish, Mabel B. |
Parrish, Mazie B. |
Parrish, Pascal B. |
Parrish, Ralph B. |
Parrish, Rassie B. |
Parrish, Renzie B. |
Parrish, William B. |
Partin, Birt |
Pearce, Annie B. |
Pearce, Baby |
Pearce, Beatrice |
Pearce, Bessie |
Pearce, Bessie
Pearce, Bobby G. |
Pearce, Borden |
Pearce, Bud |
Pearce, Bud B. |
Pearce, Clarence B. |
Pearce, Effie B. |
Pearce, Henry B. |
Pearce, Joe B. |
Pearce, Mattie B. |
Pierce, Beulah |
Pierce, Bill |
Price, Alton B. |
Price, Barnett |
Price, Beatrice |
Price, Bertha |
Price, Bertha V. |
Price, Bettie |
Price, Bettie |
Price, Bettie R. |
Price, Billie D. |
Price, Billie W. |
Price, Bis. M.
Price, Brandon |
Price, Bruce |
Price, Henry B. |
Price, Leon B. |
Price, Lettie B. |
Price, Luna B. |
Price, Lura B. |
Price, May Belle |
1940 Federal Census |
Name |
Age |
Race |
Sex |
Family |
Township |
Parish, Barilla |
Parker, Alton B. |
Parker, Bennie |
Parker, Bessie |
Parker, Bessie Mae |
Parker, Bettie |
Parker, Bettie J. |
Parker, Bettie R. |
Parker, Bettie Virginia |
Parker, Billey R. |
Parker, Billie |
Parker, Billy |
Parker, Billy |
Parker, Billy H. |
Parker, Billy Roy |
Parker, Blake |
Parker, Blance B. |
Parker, Bobbie |
Parker, Bobbie |
Parker, Bobby |
Parker, Bobby |
Parker, Bobby H. |
Parker, Bobby Ray |
Parker, Brody |
Parker, Bruce |
Parker, Buddie |
Parker, Cicero B. |
Parker, Ezro B. |
Parker, Hester B. |
Parker, Hubert B. |
Parker, Ira B. |
Parker, Ira B. |
Parker, Issac B. |
Parker, J. B. |
Parker, James B. |
Parker, Jessie B. |
Parker, John B. |
Parker, Joseph B. |
Parker, Katie Bella |
Parker, Peggy Bowen |
Parker, Wade B. |
Parker, Walter B. |
Parker, William B. |
Parker, Willie B. |
Parker, Young B. |
Parnell, Betsy Ann |
Parnell, Billie |
Parnell, Bobby |
Parnell, Burnice |
Parnell, William B. |
Parrish, Anna Belle |
Parrish, B. Frank |
Parrish, B. Harvie |
Parrish, Belvia |
Parrish, Benjamin |
Parrish, Berlon |
Parrish, Bernice |
Parrish, Bertha |
Parrish, Berttie |
Parrish, Bessie |
Parrish, Bessie S. |
Parrish, Bettie |
Parrish, Betty |
Parrish, Betty Jane |
Parrish, Beulah |
Parrish, Billie |
Parrish, Billie Lou |
Parrish, Billie Ray |
Parrish, Billy W. |
Parrish, Bitha |
Parrish, Blanda |
Parrish, Braxton |
Parrish, Braxton |
Parrish, Bruce |
Parrish, Buddie |
Parrish, Bula |
Parrish, Burline |
Parrish, Byron |
Parrish, Carrie B. |
Parrish, Flora B. |
Parrish, Genevieve B. |
Parrish, J. Bartley |
Parrish, Lucy B. |
Parrish, Lysert B. |
Parrish, Mazie Bell |
Parrish, Nellie B. |
Parrish, Ora Bell |
Parrish, R. B. Jr. |
Parrish, W. B. |
Parrish, W. Bannie |
Parrish, William B. |
Parson, Bernard |
Parson, Bula |
Parson, John B. |
Partin, B. Boy |
Pearce, Beatrice |
Pearce, Beatrice |
Pearce, Bernard |
Pearce, Bertha |
Pearce, Bessie |
Pearce, Betsie |
Pearce, Betty |
Pearce, Bill |
Pearce, Billy Ray |
Pearce, Bobby G. |
Pearce, Bobby G. |
Pearce, Bobby Lou |
Pearce, Bradley |
Pearce, Brady |
Pearce, Hazel B. |
Pearce, Janie B. |
Pearce, Jarvas B. |
Percy, Bobby |
Pierce, Adelaide B. |
Pierce, Bessie |
Pierce, Betty L. |
Pierce, Billy |
Pierce, Billy |
Pierce, Mettie B. |
Price, Bertha |
Price, Bessie |
Price, Bessie L. |
Price, Bettie A. |
Price, Bettie Frances |
Price, Betty |
Price, Betty |
Price, Billie |
Price, Billie |
Price, Billy R. |
Price, Bis M. |
Price, Bob |
Price, Bruce |
Price, Henry B. |
Price, Janie B. |
Price, John B. |
Price, Luna Bell |
Price, Myrta B. |
Price, Pearl Blackman |
Bastardy Bonds |
Father's Name |
Mother's Name |
Date |
Higgins, W. H. |
Parrish, Brady |
26 Mar 1877 |
NC Yearbooks |
No Results found |
Freemasons |
No Results found |
NC Civil War Soldiers Index * |
Name |
Unit |
Comp |
Rank |
Side |
Paramour, John B.
61st Regiment, NC Infantry
B |
Private |
Pardew, Beverly
33rd Regiment, NC Infantry
D |
Private |
Pardue, Beverly
33rd Regiment, NC Infantry
D |
Private |
Parham, B. R.
52nd Regiment, NC Infantry
K |
Private |
Parham, Benjamin F.
52nd Regiment, NC Infantry
K |
Private |
Parham, J. B.
Allen's Company, NC Local Defense
Private |
Parham, T. B.
12th Regiment, NC Infantry
B,D |
Private |
Parham, Thomas B.
54th Regiment, NC Infantry
K |
Private |
Parish, B.
3rd Battalion, NC Junior Reserves
A |
Private |
Parish, B. F.
42nd Regiment, NC Infantry
I |
Corporal |
Parish, Benjamin J.
3rd Regiment, NC Infantry
H |
Private |
Parish, Bolus E.
7th Regiment, NC Infantry
H |
Private |
Parish, J. B.
49th Regiment, NC Infantry
D |
Private |
Parish, Jesse B.
48th Regiment, NC Infantry
D |
Private |
Parish, Joseph B.
56th Regiment, NC Infantry
E |
Private |
Parish, P. B.
31st Regiment, NC Infantry
D |
Sergeant |
Park, Benjamin
67th Regiment, NC Infantry
H |
Private |
Park, Benjamin F.
32nd Regiment, NC Infantry (Lenoir Braves)
K |
Private |
Park, Benjamin F.
15th Regiment, NC Infantry
L |
Private |
Parke, B. F.
15th Regiment, NC Infantry
A |
Private |
Parker, Allen B.
31st Regiment, NC Infantry
I |
Captain |
Parker, Archabald B.
5th Regiment, NC Cavalry
C |
Sergeant |
Parker, Archibald B.
30th Regiment, NC Infantry
G |
Private |
Parker, B. A.
2nd Regiment, NC Junior Reserves
C |
Private |
Parker, B. E.
13th Regiment, NC Infantry
G |
Private |
Parker, B. F.
1st Regiment, NC Cavalry
B |
Private |
Parker, B. F.
50th Regiment, NC Infantry
H |
Private |
Parker, B. Franklin
2nd Regiment, NC Cavalry
C |
Private |
Parker, B. G.
17th Regiment, NC Infantry (1st Organization)
D |
Private |
Parker, B. H.
1st Regiment, NC Junior Reserves
K |
Private |
Parker, B. J.
1st Regiment, NC Junior Reserves
K |
Private |
Parker, B. J.
17th Regiment, NC Infantry (1st Organization)
D |
Private |
Parker, B. R.
60th Regiment, NC Infantry
C |
Private |
Parker, B. S.
1st Regiment, NC Artillery
F |
Private |
Parker, Barry
24th Regiment, NC Infantry
B |
Private |
Parker, Benjamin
1st Regiment, NC Junior Reserves
K |
Private |
Parker, Benjamin
30th Regiment, NC Infantry
C |
Private |
Parker, Benjamin
39th Regiment, NC Infantry
K |
Private |
Parker, Benjamin
16th Regiment, NC Infantry
A |
Private |
Parker, Benjamin C.
34th Regiment, NC Infantry
D |
Private |
Parker, Benjamin F.
24th Regiment, NC Infantry
B |
Private |
Parker, Benjamin F.
60th Regiment, NC Infantry
A |
Private |
Parker, Benjamin F.
13th Regiment, NC Infantry
G |
Private |
Parker, Benjamin F.
2nd Regiment, NC Cavalry
C |
Private |
Parker, Benjamin F.
15th Regiment, NC Infantry
A |
Private |
Parker, Benjamin H.
6th Regiment, NC Infantry
B |
Private |
Parker, Benjamin P.
15th Regiment, NC Infantry
A |
Private |
Parker, Benjamin T.
17th Regiment, NC Infantry (1st Organization)
D |
Private |
Parker, Benjamin T.
12th Regiment, NC Infantry
D |
Private |
Parker, Benjamin T.
4th Regiment, NC Cavalry (59th NC State Troops)
D |
Private |
Parker, Britton J.
1st Regiment, NC Cavalry
B |
Private |
Parker, Bryan
2nd Regiment, NC Infantry
H |
Private |
Parker, Bryan
24th Regiment, NC Infantry
B |
Private |
Parker, Bryant
2nd Regiment, NC Infantry
H |
Private |
Parker, Bryant
54th Regiment, NC Infantry
C |
Private |
Parker, Drury B.
7th Regiment, NC Infantry
C |
Private |
Parker, F. B.
48th Regiment, NC Infantry
G |
Private |
Parker, Henry B.
7th Regiment, NC Infantry
C |
Private |
Parker, Hersey B.
54th Regiment, NC Infantry
D |
Private |
Parker, Hersey B.
16th Battalion, NC Cavalry
G |
Private |
Parker, Hersey B.
12th Battalion, NC Cavalry
C |
Private |
Parker, J. B.
1st Regiment, NC Junior Reserves
G |
Private |
Parker, J. B.
33rd Regiment, NC Infantry
H |
Private |
Parker, J. B.
3rd Regiment, NC Cavalry
B |
Private |
Parker, J. B.
7th Regiment, NC Infantry
C |
Private |
Parker, James B.
11th Regiment, NC Infantry (Bethel Regiment)
C |
Private |
Parker, James B.
1st Regiment, NC Infantry
F |
Corporal |
Parker, James B.
34th Regiment, NC Infantry
D |
Corporal |
Parker, John B.
31st Regiment, NC Infantry
B |
Private |
Parker, John B.
42nd Regiment, NC Infantry
H |
Private |
Parker, John B.
5th Regiment, NC Infantry
B |
Private |
Parker, John B.
17th Regiment, NC Infantry (2nd Organization)
D |
Sergeant |
Parker, Joseph B.
24th Regiment, NC Infantry
E |
Private |
Parker, Joseph B.
4th Regiment, NC Cavalry (59th NC State Troops)
F |
Private |
Parker, Nathan B.
27th Regiment, NC Infantry
A |
Private |
Parker, Richard B.
27th Regiment, NC Infantry
A |
Sergeant |
Parker, Robert B.
61st Regiment, NC Infantry
H |
Private |
Parker, Robert B.
17th Regiment, NC Infantry (2nd Organization)
F |
Private |
Parker, Robert B.
42nd Regiment, NC Infantry
B |
Private |
Parker, S. B.
2nd Regiment, NC Junior Reserves
K |
Private |
Parker, W. B.
3rd Regiment, NC Artillery
G |
Private |
Parker, W. B.
1st Regiment, NC Artillery
A |
Private |
Parker, Weeks B.
1st Regiment, NC Infantry (6 months, 1861)
A |
Private |
Parker, Wilson B.
27th Regiment, NC Infantry
D |
Private |
Parkes, Thomas B.
11th Regiment, NC Infantry (Bethel Regiment)
H |
Private |
Parks, B. F.
32nd Regiment, NC Infantry (Lenoir Braves)
K |
Private |
Parks, Ben.
64th Regiment, NC Infantry (Allen's)
Private |
Parks, Benjamin
67th Regiment, NC Infantry
H |
Private |
Parks, Berry
27th Regiment, NC Infantry
K |
Captain |
Parks, Britton
28th Regiment, NC Infantry
K |
Private |
Parks, Charles B.
54th Regiment, NC Infantry
B |
Sergeant |
Parks, Harvey B.
10th Battalion, NC Heavy Artillery
C |
Private |
Parks, J. B.
1st Regiment, NC Artillery
B |
Private |
Parks, J. B.
13th Battalion, NC Light Artillery
C |
Private |
Parks, Thomas B.
2nd Regiment, NC Cavalry
I |
Private |
Parlier, B.
1st Battalion, NC Junior Reserves
D |
Private |
Parmer, W. B.
67th Regiment, NC Infantry
E |
Private |
Parnell, Anson B.
51st Regiment, NC Infantry
F |
Private |
Parnell, Benjamin
31st Regiment, NC Infantry
A |
Private |
Parnell, Benjamin
57th Regiment, NC Infantry
A |
First Lieutenant |
Parnell, John B.
6th Regiment, NC Infantry
E |
Private |
Parome, Benjamin R.
52nd Regiment, NC Infantry
K |
Private |
Parramo, W. B.
67th Regiment, NC Infantry
E |
Private |
Parris, M. B.
2nd Battalion, NC Infantry
H |
Private |
Parrish, B.
7th Regiment, NC Senior Reserves
Private |
Parrish, B. B.
5th Regiment, NC Infantry
C |
Private |
Parrish, B. D.
53rd Regiment, NC Infantry
C |
Private |
Parrish, B. F.
42nd Regiment, NC Infantry
I |
Corporal |
Parrish, Balis E.
7th Regiment, NC Infantry
H |
Private |
Parrish, Ben
3rd Battalion, NC Junior Reserves
A |
Private |
Parrish, Ben
4th Battalion, NC Junior Reserves
A |
Private |
Parrish, J. B.
48th Regiment, NC Infantry
D |
Private |
Parrish, J. B.
49th Regiment, NC Infantry
D |
Private |
Parrish, John B.
67th Regiment, NC Infantry
D |
Private |
Parrish, Joseph B.
56th Regiment, NC Infantry
E |
Private |
Parrish, Pascal B.
5th Regiment, NC Infantry
C |
Private |
Parrom, B. R.
52nd Regiment, NC Infantry
K |
Private |
Parrott, Adolphus B.
13th Regiment, NC Infantry
D |
Private |
Parsom, B. R.
52nd Regiment, NC Infantry
K |
Private |
Parsons, Benjamin
20th Regiment, NC Infantry
H |
Private |
Parsons, Benjamin T.
7th Regiment, NC Infantry
C |
Private |
Parsons, Franklin B.
37th Regiment, NC Infantry
K |
Private |
Parsons, Franklin B.
Doughton's Company, NC (Alleghany Grays)
Ordnance Sergeant |
Parsons, J. B.
4th Regiment, NC Senior Reserves
A |
Private |
Parsons, W. B.
8th Regiment, NC Senior Reserves
Private |
Partin, Benjamin F.
15th Regiment, NC Infantry
D |
Private |
Partin, Benjamin F.
49th Regiment, NC Infantry
B |
Private |
Parting, B. F.
15th Regiment, NC Infantry
D |
Private |
Parton, B. F.
15th Regiment, NC Infantry
D |
Private |
Parton, William B.
Infantry Regiment, Thomas' NC Legion
F |
Private |
Pearce, Alfred B.
5th Regiment, NC Infantry
I |
Private |
Pearce, B. C.
35th Regiment, NC Infantry
A |
Private |
Pearce, Benjamin
55th Regiment, NC Infantry
H |
Private |
Pearce, Benjamin F.
2nd Regiment, NC Artillery
B |
Private |
Pearce, Benjamin F.
1st Regiment, NC Infantry (6 months, 1861)
F |
Quartermaster Sergeant |
Pearce, Benjamin F.
54th Regiment, NC Infantry
K |
Lieutenant |
Pearce, Benjamin W.
15th Regiment, NC Infantry
E |
Sergeant |
Pearce, Berry
55th Regiment, NC Infantry
I |
Private |
Pearce, Burmell
2nd Regiment, NC Artillery
A |
Private |
Pearce, Burrell
1st Regiment, NC Artillery
I |
Private |
Pearce, Burrell
2nd Regiment, NC Artillery
F |
Private |
Pearce, Burwell
1st Regiment, NC Artillery
I |
Private |
Pearce, George B.
24th Regiment, NC Infantry
A |
Private |
Pearce, George B.
66th Regiment, NC Infantry
A |
Second Lieutenant |
Pearce, Nathaniel B.
24th Regiment, NC Infantry
A |
Corporal |
Pearce, Stephen B.
McDugald's Company, NC
Sergeant |
Pearce, W. B.
16th Battalion, NC Cavalry
A |
Private |
Peirce, Bryan
6th Regiment, NC Senior Reserves
K |
Private |
Perrish, B. D.
53rd Regiment, NC Infantry
C |
Private |
Perrish, P. B.
5th Regiment, NC Infantry
C |
Private |
Persse, Anthony B.
56th Regiment, NC Infantry
C |
Second Lieutenant |
Pierce, Baldwin
1st Regiment, NC Infantry
Private |
Pierce, Benjamin
55th Regiment, NC Infantry
H |
Private |
Pierce, Benjamin F.
54th Regiment, NC Infantry
K |
First Lieutenant |
Pierce, Berry
55th Regiment, NC Infantry
I |
Private |
Pierce, Burwell
2nd Regiment, NC Artillery
A |
Private |
Pierce, George B.
13th Battalion, NC Infantry
A |
Sergeant |
Pierce, Stephen B.
McDugald's Company, NC
Sergeant |
Pierce, T. B.
13th Battalion, NC Light Artillery
C |
Corporal |
Pierce, Thomas B.
2nd Regiment, NC Artillery
C |
Corporal |
Powars, W. B.
33rd Regiment, NC Infantry
G |
Private |
Powers, B. F.
21st Regiment, NC Infantry
L |
Private |
Powers, B. F.
7th Regiment, NC Senior Reserves
Private |
Powers, B. K.
3rd Regiment, NC Infantry
K |
Captain |
Powers, Benjamin
31st Regiment, NC Infantry
K |
Private |
Powers, Benjamin F.
1st Regiment, NC Artillery
B |
Private |
Powers, Britton
17th Regiment, NC Infantry (2nd Organization)
G |
Private |
Powers, Britton
32nd Regiment, NC Infantry (Lenoir Braves)
A |
Private |
Powers, Kinchen B.
3rd Regiment, NC Infantry
K |
Captain |
Powers, R. B.
3rd Regiment, NC Infantry
K |
Captain |
Powers, William B.
1st Regiment, NC Infantry (6 months, 1861)
F |
Private |
Powers, William B.
33rd Regiment, NC Infantry
G |
Private |
Price, B. J.
66th Regiment, NC Infantry
K |
Private |
Price, Barry
18th Regiment, NC Infantry
D |
Private |
Price, Bedford
7th Regiment, NC Infantry
A |
Private |
Price, Benajah
1st Regiment, NC Cavalry
H |
Private |
Price, Benjamin T.
7th Regiment, NC Infantry
C |
Private |
Price, Berry
18th Regiment, NC Infantry
D |
Private |
Price, Caleb B.
20th Regiment, NC Infantry
E |
Private |
Price, Caleb B.
2nd Regiment, NC Infantry
C |
Sergeant |
Price, D. B.
2nd Regiment, NC Junior Reserves
H |
Private |
Price, J. B.
2nd Regiment, NC Junior Reserves
H |
Private |
Price, Jesse B.
55th Regiment, NC Infantry
G |
Private |
Price, L. B.
5th Regiment, NC Infantry
H |
Private |
Price, Levan B.
55th Regiment, NC Infantry
G |
Private |
Price, Moses B.
4th Regiment, NC Infantry
D |
Private |
NC Civil War Sailors Index * |
No Results found |
Southern Claims Commission |
No Results found |
Executions |
No Results found |
Cemetery Graves |
Name |
Birth |
Death |
Cemetery |
Parker, Addie Bell |
1912 |
Banner Chapel Church |
Parker, Alton B |
1909 |
1916 |
Beulah Church |
Parker, Annie Bell |
1912 |
1996 |
Parker, Cicero |
Parker, Barbara Ann |
1940 |
1941 |
Batten/Brown |
Parker, Belle |
1894 |
1919 |
Johnson, John |
Parker, Belvia Parrish |
1901 |
1973 |
Pisgah Baptist Church |
Parker, Bertha May |
1922 |
1924 |
Banner Chapel Church |
Parker, Bessie L |
1906 |
1980 |
Stones Creek Church |
Parker, Bethany A |
1908 |
1969 |
Johnson, Sir William |
Parker, Betharia L |
1848 |
1933 |
Juniper Primitive Baptist Church |
Parker, Betsy R |
1885 |
1969 |
Beulah Church |
Parker, Bettie |
1883 |
1940 |
Parker, Julius |
Parker, Bettie C |
1911 |
1936 |
Johnson, J. C. |
Parker, Bettie T |
1877 |
1932 |
Juniper Primitive Baptist Church |
Parker, Betty Boykin |
1945 |
2014 |
Hicks/Boykin |
Parker, Betty J |
1881 |
1976 |
Parker, W. F. |
Parker, Beulah |
1923 |
1923 |
Adams, David Benton |
Parker, Bevie T |
1906 |
1972 |
Johnson, J. Q. |
Parker, Bill P |
1907 |
1967 |
Parker, Cicero |
Parker, Billy |
1927 |
1966 |
Crocker |
Parker, Billy Harold |
1936 |
1972 |
Corinth United Methodist. Church |
Parker, Blake |
1959 |
Parker, Cicero |
Parker, Blanco Bridgers |
1900 |
1965 |
Crocker |
Parker, Bobby Fulton |
1930 |
1986 |
Bethsaida Primative Baptist Church |
Parker, Bobby Gilbert |
1935 |
1969 |
Wood, Larry |
Parker, Bonnie B |
1905 |
1926 |
Beulah Church |
Parker, Bonnie Lou |
1951 |
Bethel Freewill Baptist Church |
Parker, Bud |
1925 |
County Home |
Parker, Cicero B |
1867 |
1942 |
Parker, Cicero |
Parker, Cleveland B |
1914 |
1957 |
Creech's Primative Baptist Church |
Parker, Geraldine B |
1942 |
1983 |
Juniper Primitive Baptist Church |
Parker, Hester B |
1902 |
1972 |
Juniper Primitive Baptist Church |
Parker, Huel Boykin |
1921 |
1961 |
Sunset Memorial Park |
Parker, Isaac B |
1902 |
1971 |
Roselawn |
Parker, Joe Bright Elder |
1837 |
1920 |
Juniper Primitive Baptist Church |
Parker, John B |
1909 |
1966 |
Johnson/Lee |
Parker, Joseph B |
1901 |
1939 |
Juniper Primitive Baptist Church |
Parker, Joseph B Jr |
1888 |
1888 |
Juniper Primitive Baptist Church |
Parker, Lela B |
1887 |
1949 |
Juniper Primitive Baptist Church |
Parker, Lillie Beulah |
1914 |
1991 |
Massengill, W. Bennett |
Parker, Lizzie B |
1926 |
2003 |
Little Creek Primitive Baptist Church |
Parker, Mandy B |
1917 |
1999 |
Young Family |
Parker, Myrtle B |
1898 |
1940 |
Oakland |
Parker, Primrow B |
1935 |
1964 |
Roselawn |
Parker, Sarah Beasley |
1851 |
1923 |
Juniper Primitive Baptist Church |
Parker, Sivel Beasley |
1850 |
1924 |
Beasley, James |
Parker, Wade B Sr |
1937 |
1995 |
Allen, James G |
Parker, William Benjamin |
1924 |
1967 |
Wood, Larry |
Parker, William Brian |
1958 |
1958 |
Oliver, Doc Berry |
Parker, Willie Branston |
1898 |
1943 |
Crocker |
Parker, Winnie Brown |
1865 |
1952 |
Creech's Primative Baptist Church |
Parker, Young B |
1894 |
1976 |
Parker, Cicero |
Parker, Young B |
1897 |
1970 |
Parker, Cicero |
Parnell, Bertha E |
1891 |
1915 |
Aldridge, W. G. |
Parnell, Bobby Joe |
1963 |
Kenly City |
Parnell, E B |
1875 |
1958 |
Bethsaida Primative Baptist Church |
Parnell, Ernest B |
1911 |
1977 |
Bethsaida Primative Baptist Church |
Parnell, Lizzie Baker |
1893 |
1919 |
Mitchell, Albert |
Parrish, Adeline Barbee |
1873 |
1937 |
Parrish Memorial Baptist Church |
Parrish, B D |
1845 |
1906 |
Talton/Wall |
Parrish, B Harvey |
1902 |
1917 |
Rehobeth Primitive Baptist Church |
Parrish, B Herman |
1882 |
1938 |
St. Mary's Grove Original Free Will Baptist Church |
Parrish, B P |
1859 |
1936 |
Langley, Zeno H. |
Parrish, Barbara |
1952 |
1952 |
Piney Grove Free Will Baptist Church |
Parrish, Battle |
1909 |
1963 |
Little Creek Primitive Baptist Church |
Parrish, Benjamin |
1818 |
1884 |
Parrish, Benjamin |
Parrish, Benjamin Lacey |
1919 |
1967 |
Sunset Memorial Park |
Parrish, Bernie W |
1894 |
1959 |
Thanksgiving Baptist Church |
Parrish, Bertha J |
1899 |
1991 |
Johnson, J. Q. |
Parrish, Bertie B |
1904 |
St. Mary's Grove Original Free Will Baptist Church |
Parrish, Bertie G |
1890 |
1922 |
Hatcher, Charlie |
Parrish, Bessie H |
1909 |
Elevation United Methodist Church |
Parrish, Bessie J |
1902 |
Maplewood |
Parrish, Bettie C |
1893 |
1982 |
Greenwood |
Parrish, Bettie Lue Della |
1878 |
1919 |
Carroll/Lee |
Parrish, Billy Ray |
1946 |
1980 |
Clyde's Chapel Baptist Church |
Parrish, Billy Ray |
1931 |
1985 |
Parrish Family |
Parrish, Bobby H |
1929 |
1931 |
Elevation United Methodist Church |
Parrish, Brenda K |
1945 |
1946 |
Pleasant Grove Missionary Baptist Church |
Parrish, Bruce Dean |
1929 |
1930 |
Ennis |
Parrish, Burline H |
1889 |
1962 |
Baptist Center Church |
Parrish, Byron Mitchiner |
1919 |
1971 |
Sunset Memorial Park |
Parrish, Charles Benton |
1870 |
1950 |
Wilson's Mills |
Parrish, Claudia Boykin |
1916 |
2006 |
Micro Memorial Gardens |
Parrish, Clifton (Buddy) |
1917 |
1986 |
Oakland |
Parrish, Ed B |
1960 |
Clayton City |
Parrish, Emily B |
1865 |
1949 |
Rehobeth Primitive Baptist Church |
Parrish, Ertie B |
1893 |
1976 |
Oakland |
Parrish, Floyd B |
1852 |
1924 |
Johnston Union Primitive Baptist Church |
Parrish, Freeman B Sr |
1901 |
1949 |
Hatcher, Charlie |
Parrish, J Bartley |
1884 |
1967 |
Little Creek Primitive Baptist Church |
Parrish, James Bryant |
1858 |
1939 |
Hales Chapel Baptist Church |
Parrish, John B |
1921 |
1922 |
Bethsaida Primative Baptist Church |
Parrish, John B |
Langley, Zeno H. |
Parrish, Lela B |
1884 |
1961 |
Fellowship Primitive Baptist Church |
Parrish, Lucy B |
1897 |
1948 |
Fellowship Primitive Baptist Church |
Parrish, Lummie B |
1899 |
1975 |
Piney Grove Free Will Baptist Church |
Parrish, Marion B |
1880 |
1957 |
Bethesda Baptist Church |
Parrish, Meta Beal |
1913 |
1914 |
Johnston Union Primitive Baptist Church |
Parrish, Minnie B |
1887 |
1959 |
Hales Chapel Baptist Church |
Parrish, Missouri B |
1883 |
1961 |
Oakland |
Parrish, Neva B |
1885 |
Rehobeth Primitive Baptist Church |
Parrish, Otis Bryant |
1904 |
1948 |
Hales Chapel Baptist Church |
Parrish, Reba B |
1926 |
1972 |
Johnson Memorial Church |
Parrish, Renzie Britton |
1900 |
1944 |
Fellowship Primitive Baptist Church |
Parrish, Roy Beckwith |
1908 |
1936 |
Bethesda Baptist Church |
Parrish, Ruby Barham |
1901 |
1948 |
Hales Chapel Baptist Church |
Parrish, W B |
1858 |
1920 |
Pittman, Harrison |
Parrish, W Bannie |
1891 |
1978 |
Powhatan Church |
Parrish, William B |
1900 |
1968 |
St. Mary's Grove Original Free Will Baptist Church |
Parrott, Luther Brodie |
1908 |
1956 |
Sunset Memorial Park |
Partin, B F |
1869 |
1927 |
Partin, B. F. |
Partin, Burt T |
1895 |
1936 |
Partin, B. F. |
Partin, Lynn B |
1902 |
1953 |
Sandy Grove Primitive Baptist Church |
Pearce, B Frank MD |
1900 |
1930 |
Princeton |
Pearce, Bernard L |
1899 |
1912 |
Rains Crossroads |
Pearce, Bobby Gray |
1928 |
2014 |
Princeton |
Pearce, Effie Bailey |
1883 |
1952 |
Princeton |
Pearce, Effie Belle |
1931 |
1984 |
Princeton |
Pearce, Etheredge Bud |
1903 |
1971 |
Selma Memorial Gardens |
Pearce, H B |
1854 |
1921 |
Greenwood |
Pearce, H B Jr |
1880 |
1959 |
Greenwood |
Pearce, Hubert B |
1906 |
1908 |
Rains Crossroads |
Pearce, Inez Bowen |
1916 |
1996 |
Micro Memorial Gardens |
Pearce, James B Jim |
1924 |
1969 |
Selma Memorial Gardens |
Pearce, Jesse Brodus |
1901 |
1957 |
Snipes/Pearce |
Pearce, Kate Byrd |
1890 |
1971 |
Sunset Memorial Park |
Pearce, Vonnie Braswell |
1913 |
2007 |
Princeton |
Pierce, Archie B |
1883 |
1923 |
Barbour's Chapel Advent Christian Church |
Pierce, Bethany |
1869 |
1876 |
Pierce, Epheram |
Pierce, Joseph B |
1849 |
1925 |
Kenly City |
Price, Bertha M |
1908 |
1936 |
Lee's Chapel Baptist Church |
Price, Bertha Massey |
1915 |
1998 |
Micro Memorial Gardens |
Price, Bessie A Mitchell |
1977 |
Sunset Memorial Park |
Price, Bessie Mavis |
1924 |
1947 |
Sunset Memorial Park |
Price, Bettie Sellers |
1881 |
1910 |
Peedin Family Burial Ground |
Price, Betty Atkinson |
1881 |
1960 |
Old Beulah Church |
Price, Billie A |
1910 |
1918 |
Barnes/Price |
Price, Bis M |
1889 |
1953 |
Hales Chapel Baptist Church |
Price, Bozzell |
1910 |
Sullivan, Quillie B. |
Price, Braxton |
1918 |
1920 |
Hales Chapel Baptist Church |
Price, Burness |
1904 |
1904 |
Sanders, H. Jordan |
Price, Cora B |
1897 |
1959 |
Price/Hatcher |
Price, Estelle B |
1921 |
Hales Chapel Baptist Church |
Price, Leacie Brown |
1868 |
1950 |
Price, Hilliard |
Price, Letha B |
1912 |
2008 |
Batten, Ransom |
Price, Lura Bell |
1896 |
Bethesda Baptist Church |
Price, Pearl B |
1904 |
1971 |
Knollwood |
NC Confederate Soldiers Burial Database* |
Name |
Death |
County |
Cemetery |
Park, Byrd |
1864 |
Wake |
Oakwood Cemetery |
Parker, Weeks B. |
1896 |
Wake |
Oakwood Cemetery |
Parks, Berry |
1915 |
Wayne |
Parks Cemetery |
Parsons, Alexander B. |
1866 |
Alleghany |
Parsons Cemetery |
Pierce, Benjamin F. |
1863 |
Bladen |
Perry Cemetery |
Pierce, Benjamin Franklin |
1900 |
Columbus |
Smith-Pierce Cemetery |
Pierce, Thomas B. |
Columbus |
Pierce Cemetery |
Powers, Kinchen B. |
1890 |
Duplin |
Rockfish Memorial Cemetery |
Price, B. R. |
Wake |
Oakwood Cemetery |
Wills Index * |
No Results found |
Other Resources |
Surname |
Resource |
Title |
Partin |
Cemeteries |
Partin Family Cemetery |
Pearce |
Cemeteries |
Pearce Family Cemetery |
Price |
Cemeteries |
Price Cemetery |
Parker-Rose |
Court Records |
Annie Moore Parker vs. William N. Rose & Sarah Rose, John w. Rose & Susan A. Rose, and D. W. Fuller, 1896 |
Pearce-Gray |
Court Records |
John Pearce v. Thomas Gray, 1815 |
Price-Lockhart |
Court Records |
Simon Price v. Scales & Lockhart, 1812 |
Parker |
Deaths & Obituaries |
Fannie Georgianna Parker, 1992 |
Pearce |
Deaths & Obituaries |
Allie S. Pearce, 1967 |
Pearce |
Deaths & Obituaries |
Henry B. Pearce, 1921 |
Pearce |
Deaths & Obituaries |
Richard A. Pearce, 1954 |
Pearce |
Deaths & Obituaries |
Allie S. Pearce, 1967 |
Pearce |
Deaths & Obituaries |
Richard A. Pearce, 1954 |
Price |
Deaths & Obituaries |
James Daniel Price, 1999 |
Howard-Parish |
Marriages |
Edward Howard to M. A. Parish |
Pearce-Smith |
Marriages |
Dixon Pearce to Nancy Smith |
Rose-Parish |
Marriages |
Tobias Rose to Sally Parish, 1849 |
Price |
Military |
Thomas Price Pension, 1832 |
Parker |
Photographs |
Judy Kay Parker of Johnston County, North Carolina, a member of the 4-H clothing program |
Parish |
Wills & Estates |
John Parish - 1822 |
Pearce |
Wills & Estates |
Everett Pearce Sr - 1807 |
Pearce |
Wills & Estates |
Mary Pearce - 1816 |
Pearce |
Wills & Estates |
Richard Pearce - 1790 |
Pearce |
Wills & Estates |
Simon Pearch - 1826 |
Pearce |
Wills & Estates |
Arthur Pearce - 1792 |
Pearce |
Wills & Estates |
Richard Pearce - 1790 |
Price |
Wills & Estates |
Edward Price - 1789 |
Surname Researchers |
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Harnett County
Nash County
Sampson County
Wake County
Wayne County
Wilson County
Johnston County, Oklahoma
Johnson County, Arkansas
Johnson County, Georgia
Johnson County, Illinois
Johnson County, Indiana
Johnson County, Iowa
Johnson County, Kansas
Johnson County, Kentucky
Johnson County, Missouri
Johnson County, Nebraska
Johnson County, Tennessee
Johnson County, Texas
Johnson County, Wyoming
County Coordinator |
W. Kay |
County Volunteers |
Ross Sippel |