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» Search Results » BEULAH WALLACE
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1784-1787 State Census
No Results found
1790 Federal Census
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1800 Federal Census
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1810 Federal Census
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1820 Federal Census *
No Results found
1830 Federal Census *
Name M00 M05 M10 M15 M20 M30 M40 M50 M60 M70+
Wall, Bennet 2 1 1
Wall, Bennett 2 1 1
Wall, William B. 1
* Missing Categories - Free white women, free colored persons, slaves, foreigners and blind, deaf & dumb
1840 Federal Census *
Name M00 M05 M10 M15 M20 M30 M40 M50 M60 M70 M80 M90
Wall, Bennet 1 2 1
Wall, Jarrell B. 1 1 1
Walston, Benjamin 2 1 1
* Missing Categories - Free white women, free colored persons, slaves, blind/deaf/dumb, age and education
1860 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Wall, Bennett
60 White Male 875 Sandy Level
Wall, Bennett
15 White Male 538 St. Charles
Wall, Bennett
19 White Male 750 Creechville
Wall, Bettie
12 White Female 877 Sandy Level
Wall, Bettie
2 White Female 892 Sandy Level
Wall, Bettie
24 White Female 538 St. Charles
Wall, J. B.
52 White Male 538 St. Charles
Wall, J. B.
27 White Male 889 Sandy Level
Wall, James B.
2 White Male 880 Sandy Level
Wall, W. B.
56 White Male 877 Sandy Level
Wallan, Bithana
7 White Female 770 Smithfield
Wallice, Bythan
16 White Male 314 Smithfield
1870 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Walker, Betsey
70 White Female 98 Smithfield
Wall, Berry
7 White Male 104 Wilders
Wall, J. B.
36 White Male 33 Wilders
Wall, James B.
14 White Male 167 Wilders
Wallace, Betty
23 White Female 90 Smithfield
Wallace, Bithan
25 White Male 90 Smithfield
Walles, Bythan
15 White Male 176 Clayton
Wallice, Betty
26 White Female 112 Ingrams
1880 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Wall, Bennet
5 White Male 51 O'Neals
Wall, Bennett
11 White Male 222 Wilders
Wall, Bryant
22 White Male 376 O'Neals
Wall, J. B.
23 White Male 224 Wilders
Wall, J. B.
46 White Male 33 Wilders
Wall, W. B.
76 White Male 37 Wilders
Wall, W. B.
14 White Male 224 Beulah
Wallace, Bathan
35 White Male 61 Ingrams
Wallace, Bethania
14 White Female 138 Ingrams
Wallace, Bithan
24 White Male 143 Clayton
Walton, Bettie
2 Black Female 260 Clayton
1900 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Wall, Bennett
25 White Male 171 O'Neals
Wall, Bennett
30 White Male 65 Cleveland
Wall, Bessie
11 White Female 148 Beulah
Wall, Bettie
24 White Female 258 Smithfield
Wall, Bettie
37 White Female 126 Selma
Wall, Blanch
9 White Female 148 Beulah
Wall, James B.
43 White Male 99 Clayton
Wall, Nathaniel B.
29 White Male 126 Selma
Wall, Willie B.
35 White Male 148 Beulah
Wallace, Betsy
25 White Female 395 Smithfield
Wallace, Bettie J.
54 White Female 75 Boon Hill
Wallace, Birta
8 White Female 175 Clayton
Wallace, Bytha
56 White Male 228 Ingrams
Wallace, Bytha
29 White Female 193 Ingrams
Wallace, Bythan
39 White Male 243 Clayton
Wallace, David B.
2 White Male 95 Pleasant Grove
Wallace, Holton B.
5 White Male 417 Smithfield
Wells, Bethanie
30 White Female 324 Boon Hill
1910 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Wall, Albert B.
36 White Male 4 Cleveland
Wall, Benjamin
35 White Male 590 Selma
Wall, Bertha
18 White Female 100 Wilders
Wall, Bessie
1/21/1900 White Female 68 O'Neals
Wall, Bessie
1/19/1900 White Female 10 Banner
Wall, Bettie
24 White Female 159 Wilders
Wall, Bettie
30 White Female 154 Wilders
Wall, Bettie
48 White Female 645 Selma
Wall, Bettie V.
17 White Female 102 Clayton
Wall, Beula
26 White Female 258 Wilders
Wall, Blanch
18 White Female 77 Beulah
Wall, Blanche
8 White Female 101 Wilders
Wall, J. B.
2/22/1900 White Male 290 Clayton
Wall, Lillie B.
16 White Female 152 Clayton
Wall, Maud B.
14 White Female 152 Clayton
Wall, Nathan B.
39 White Male 645 Selma
Wall, Steven B.
50 White Male 180 Wilders
Wall, Troy B.
38 White Male 204 Wilders
Wall, William B.
40 White Male 101 Clayton
Wall, Willie B.
5 White Male 4 Cleveland
Wallace, Bellie
35 White Female 147 Elevation
Wallace, Berta B.
1/18/1900 White Male 20 Clayton
Wallace, Bertha
3 White Female 147 Elevation
Wallace, Bettie V.
3 White Female 139 Ingrams
Wallace, Bitha
38 White Female 139 Ingrams
Wallace, Butler
37 White Male 191 Boon Hill
Wallace, Bythan
66 White Male 137 Ingrams
Wallace, Carrie B.
1/3/1900 White Female 497 Smithfield
Wallace, David B.
12 White Male 305 Pleasant Grove
Wallace, Holden B.
14 White Male 269 Smithfield
Wallace, Poter B.
1/14/1900 White Male 18 Clayton
Wallace, William B.
2/24/1900 White Male 18 Clayton
Wells, Bessie
12 White Female 368 Selma
Wells, Bethany
2/9/1900 White Female 382 Boon Hill
1920 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Wall, Albert B.
46 White Male 25 Cleveland
Wall, Bessie
29 White Female 65 Banner
Wall, Bessie
18 White Female 116 Selma
Wall, Bessie
31 White Female 19 O'Neals
Wall, Bettie
31 White Female 214 Selma
Wall, Bettie
39 White Female 251 Clayton
Wall, Bettie B.
1 White Female 25 Cleveland
Wall, Blanch
19 White Female 118 Wilders
Wall, Earvin B. Jr.
3 White Male 126 Wilders
Wall, Edgar Battle
White Male 51 Clayton
Wall, Ida Bell
White Female 128 Selma
Wall, James B.
63 White Male 83 Clayton
Wall, Troy B.
48 White Male 10 Wilders
Wall, W. B.
34 White Male 139 Wilders
Wall, W. Bennett
50 White Male 445 Clayton
Wall, Willie B.
15 White Male 25 Cleveland
Wallace, Beatrice
White Female 239 Pleasant Grove
Wallace, Bert
22 White Female 198 Ingrams
Wallace, Bertie
25 White Female 176 O'Neals
Wallace, Butler
43 White Male 266 Boon Hill
Wallace, Carra Belle
12 White Female 236 Elevation
Wallace, David B.
22 White Male 239 Pleasant Grove
Wallace, W. Byth
64 White Male 157 Clayton
Wallice, Bythie
50 White Female 431 Ingrams
Walter, Bettie
18 White Female 63 Clayton
Walter, Bulah
5 White Female 52 Selma
Walton, Fannie B.
28 White Female 250 Pleasant Grove
Welch, Blanch
23 White Female 69 Banner
Wells, Bessie
White Female 9 Clayton
Wells, Bethenie
49 White Female 133 Boon Hill
Wilks, Bernice
White Female 75 Clayton
Wilks, Blonnie
44 White Female 158 Meadow
Willis, Bessie D.
9 White Female 25 Meadow
1930 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Walden, Bessie
36 Black Female 178 Smithfield
Walker, Billie
8 White Male 248 Selma
Walker, Blanch
5 White Female 248 Selma
Wall, Beatrice M.
6 White Female 247 Beulah
Wall, Bervard
2 White Male 064 Wilders
Wall, Bessie
29 White Female 209 Pine Level
Wall, Bessie
39 White Female 047 Banner
Wall, Bettie
55 White Female 034 Clayton
Wall, Bettie F.
43 White Female 014 Pleasant Grove
Wall, Blanch A.
26 White Female 098 Wilders
Wall, Blanche L.
25 White Female 089 Clayton
Wall, Braxton O.
10 White Male 097 Beulah
Wall, Burbon
6 White Male 309 Wilders
Wall, Ervin B.
12 White Male 034 Clayton
Wall, Hassie B.
7 White Female 091 O'Neals
Wall, Heddie B.
6 White Female 253 Selma
Wall, James B.
73 White Male 252 Clayton
Wall, Troy B.
58 White Male 070 Wilders
Wall, Walter Barnes
16 White Male 316 Wilders
Wall, William B.
47 White Male 102 O'Neals
Wall, William B.
61 White Male 089 Clayton
Wallace, Bert
34 White Female 410 Smithfield
Wallace, Bertha B.
37 White Male 023 Clayton
Wallace, Bitha W.
60 White Female 322 Ingrams
Wallace, Butler
56 White Male 266 Boon Hill
Wallace, David B.
32 White Male 092 Pleasant Grove
Wallace, Latheta Beatrice
13 White Female 092 Pleasant Grove
Wallace, William B.
74 White Male 011 Clayton
Waller, Burl
7 White Male 069 Boon Hill
Walls, Bulah G.
17 White Female 227 Smithfield
Wells, Beathany
59 White Female 093 Boon Hill
Wells, Beulah
37 White Female 068 Boon Hill
Wilks, Bernice V.
13 White Female 172 Meadow
Willis, Beulah
24 Black Female 339 Smithfield
Willis, Beulah
8 Black Female 339 Smithfield
1940 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Walace, D. B.
42 White Male 196 Pleasant Grove
Walden, Bessie
42 Black Female 313 Smithfield
Walden, Butler
35 Black Male 402 Selma
Walker, Bertha
44 Black Female 182 Meadow
Walker, Blanch
2 Black Female 182 Meadow
Wall, Albert B.
66 White Male 151 Selma
Wall, Albert B. Jr.
12 White Male 151 Selma
Wall, Annie Belle
34 White Female 184 Smithfield
Wall, Barbary
4 White Female 266 Clayton
Wall, Beatrice M.
16 White Female 136 Beulah
Wall, Bennett
70 White Male 143 Clayton
Wall, Bennett
9 White Male 37 Wilders
Wall, Bernard
12 White Male 67 Wilders
Wall, Bertus
33 White Male 151 Selma
Wall, Bessie
37 White Female 35 Selma
Wall, Bessie
48 White Female 163 Banner
Wall, Bessie
18 White Female 327 Cleveland
Wall, Betsy R.
3 White Female 67 Wilders
Wall, Bettie
65 White Female 328 Clayton
Wall, Bettie
18 White Female 226 Pleasant Grove
Wall, Bettie J.
2 White Female 399 Clayton
Wall, Billie
3 White Male 152 Selma
Wall, Billie
7 White Male 158 Selma
Wall, Billy
13 White Male 229 Clayton
Wall, Billy Y.
1 White Male 35 Wilders
Wall, Blanche
35 White Female 143 Clayton
Wall, Blanche
37 White Female 270 Cleveland
Wall, Bobbie Jean
7 White Male 150 Selma
Wall, Bobby
8 White Male 69 Wilders
Wall, Bobby L.
3 White Male 84 Beulah
Wall, Braxton O.
19 White Male 207 Beulah
Wall, Hattie B.
22 White Female 317 Clayton
Wall, Ida Belle
21 White Female 348 Selma
Wall, Irving B.
23 White Male 84 Clayton
Wall, James B.
83 White Male 226 Clayton
Wall, James B.
4 White Male 82 Beulah
Wall, Pheora B.
27 White Female 31 Wilders
Wall, Robert B.
8 White Male 327 Cleveland
Wallace, Barbie Ann
1 White Female 339 Ingrams
Wallace, Bert
44 White Female 138 Boon Hill
Wallace, Bill
17 White Male 360 Beulah
Wallace, Bobby
8 White Male 92 Elevation
Wallace, Bythia
70 White Female 337 Ingrams
Wallace, Halton B.
45 White Male 250 Smithfield
Wallace, Ida B.
49 White Female 263 Beulah
Wallace, W. Bythe
84 White Male 167 Clayton
Waller, Berle S.
17 White Male 343 Smithfield
Walton, Leola Brongbuc
21 Black Female 126 Smithfield
Welch, Oscar B.
42 White Male 129 Clayton
Wells, Barney
53 White Male 228 Selma
Wells, Bessie
25 White Female 159 Micro
Wells, Bethana
69 White Female 152 Boon Hill
Bastardy Bonds
No Results found
NC Yearbooks
No Results found
No Results found
NC Civil War Soldiers Index *
Name Unit Comp Rank Side
Walch, B. H. 26th Regiment, NC Infantry C Corporal C
Waldrup, Green B. 64th Regiment, NC Infantry (Allen's) A Private C
Walker, Alfred B. 52nd Regiment, NC Infantry K Private C
Walker, B. 7th Regiment, NC Senior Reserves Private C
Walker, B. H. 38th Regiment, NC Infantry A Private C
Walker, B. L. 44th Regiment, NC Infantry Private C
Walker, Basley J. 45th Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Walker, Benjamin 5th Regiment, NC Senior Reserves K Private C
Walker, Benjamin 37th Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Walker, Benjamin H. 11th Regiment, NC Infantry (Bethel Regiment) E Private C
Walker, Benjamin M. 3rd Regiment, NC Cavalry F&S Surgeon C
Walker, Berryman 30th Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Walker, Buckley 24th Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Walker, Buckner H. 38th Regiment, NC Infantry A Private C
Walker, C. B. 31st Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Walker, Chesley B. 16th Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Walker, Griffin B. 4th Regiment, NC Cavalry (59th NC State Troops) G Private C
Walker, J. B. 1st Regiment, NC Cavalry C Private C
Walker, J. B. 56th Regiment, NC Infantry K Private C
Walker, J. Blount 30th Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Walker, James B. 6th Regiment, NC Infantry H Corporal C
Walker, John B. 34th Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Walker, John B. 62nd Regiment, NC Infantry F Private C
Walker, John B. 56th Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Walker, John B. 56th Regiment, NC Infantry K Private C
Walker, John B. 30th Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Walker, Nathan B. 3rd Battalion, NC Senior Reserves A Second Lieutenant C
Walker, S. B. 22nd Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Walker, Snoden B. 3rd Regiment, NC Artillery C Private C
Walker, William B. 32nd Regiment, NC Infantry (Lenoir Braves) B Private C
Wall, A. B. 38th Regiment, NC Infantry Private C
Wall, Amos B. 6th Regiment, NC Cavalry C,G Corporal C
Wall, Andrew B. 6th Regiment, NC Cavalry C,G Corporal C
Wall, Bennet 24th Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Wall, Bennet B. 24th Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Wall, Booker 13th Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Wall, James B. 18th Regiment, NC Infantry E Private C
Wall, Johnson B. 3rd Regiment, NC Artillery H Private C
Wall, Johnson B. 13th Battalion, NC Light Artillery F Private C
Wall, Little B. 18th Regiment, NC Infantry E Private C
Wall, William B. 22nd Regiment, NC Infantry M,E Private C
Wallace, Bland 43rd Regiment, NC Infantry A Private C
Wallace, Bythan 24th Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Wallace, John B. 52nd Regiment, NC Infantry A Private C
Wallace, Robert B. 38th Regiment, NC Infantry E Private C
Wallen, A. B. 64th Regiment, NC Infantry (Allen's) F Private C
Wallen, Ben F. 64th Regiment, NC Infantry (Allen's) F Private C
Wallen, Benjamin 2nd Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Wallen, R. B. 64th Regiment, NC Infantry (Allen's) F Private C
Wallen, Ruben B. 64th Regiment, NC Infantry (Allen's) F Private C
Wallin, Reuben B. 64th Regiment, NC Infantry (Allen's) F Private C
Wallise, R. B. 38th Regiment, NC Infantry E Private C
Walls, Andrew B. 7th Battalion, NC Cavalry C Private C
Walls, B. F. 1st Regiment, NC Junior Reserves F Private C
Walls, Burgess 2nd Regiment, NC Infantry E Private C
Walls, William B. 30th Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Walser, Britton 42nd Regiment, NC Infantry A Private C
Walser, Burton 57th Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Walsh, B. H. 26th Regiment, NC Infantry C Corporal C
Walsh, George B. 42nd Regiment, NC Infantry K Private C
Walsh, H. B. 1st Regiment, NC Artillery F Private C
Walston, J. B.H. 17th Regiment, NC Infantry (2nd Organization) I Private C
Walter, Alfred B. 51st Regiment, NC Infantry F Captain C
Walter, B. 57th Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Walter, B. 2nd Regiment, NC Mounted Infantry B Private U
Walter, H. B. 2nd Regiment, NC Junior Reserves E Private C
Walters, B. C. 35th Regiment, NC Infantry E Private C
Walters, Benjamin F. 37th Regiment, NC Infantry A Private C
Walters, Bennett 13th Battalion, NC Light Artillery A Private C
Walters, Bower 37th Regiment, NC Infantry K Private C
Walters, J. B. 1st Regiment, NC Junior Reserves K Private C
Walters, James B. 3rd Regiment, NC Cavalry K Private C
Walters, John B. 52nd Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Walthall, Lawson B. 13th Regiment, NC Infantry H Sergeant C
Walton, B. 57th Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Walton, B. F. 46th Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Walton, B. F. 31st Regiment, NC Infantry D First Lieutenant C
Walton, B. T. 46th Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Walton, Richard B. 42nd Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Welch, Barnard 61st Regiment, NC Infantry E Private C
Welch, Benjamin H. 26th Regiment, NC Infantry C Corporal C
Welch, Benjamin M. 5th Regiment, NC Infantry A Private C
Welch, Bernard 2nd Regiment, NC Infantry A Private C
Welch, Henry B. 26th Regiment, NC Infantry E Private C
Welch, J. B. 3rd Regiment, NC Cavalry I Private C
Welch, Levi B. 26th Regiment, NC Infantry E Private C
Welch, T. Bynum 26th Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Welch, William B. 11th Regiment, NC Infantry (Bethel Regiment) F Private C
Wells, Benjamin 64th Regiment, NC Infantry (Allen's) L Private C
Wells, Boney 1st Battalion, NC Heavy Artillery B Private C
Wells, George B. 14th Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Wells, Joseph B. 61st Regiment, NC Infantry K Private C
Wells, Joseph B. 4th Regiment, NC Cavalry (59th NC State Troops) C Private C
Wells, M. B. 60th Regiment, NC Infantry E,I Private C
Wells, Marcus B. 1st Regiment, NC Infantry (6 months, 1861) E Private C
Wells, Mark B. 1st Regiment, NC Infantry (6 months, 1861) A Private C
Wells, Mark B. 43rd Regiment, NC Infantry E Corporal C
Wells, Theophilus B. 2nd Regiment, NC Artillery F Private C
Wells, Woody B. 34th Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Welsh, Benjamin M. 5th Regiment, NC Infantry A Private C
Welsh, Bernard 3rd Regiment, NC Artillery H Private C
Welsh, Bernard 2nd Regiment, NC Infantry A Private C
Welsh, George B. 42nd Regiment, NC Infantry K Private C
Whales, Arthur B. 43rd Regiment, NC Infantry I Musician C
Wheelees, William B. 24th Regiment, NC Infantry K Private C
Wheless, Arthur B. 43rd Regiment, NC Infantry I Musician C
Wheless, William B. 24th Regiment, NC Infantry K Private C
Wheluss, William B. 24th Regiment, NC Infantry K Private C
Wiles, Gillum B. 39th Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Willis, Amos B. Snead's Company, NC Local Defense Private C
Willis, Bartlet M. 3rd Regiment, NC Artillery G Private C
Willis, Bartlett 2nd Regiment, NC Artillery I Private C
Willis, Benjamin 58th Regiment, NC Infantry K Private C
Willis, Benjamin 8th Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Willis, Benjamin 6th Regiment, NC Infantry E Private C
Willis, Benjamin 2nd Regiment, NC Infantry K Private C
Willis, Benjamin F. Walker's Battalion, Thomas' NC Legion H Private C
Willis, Benjamin M. 2nd Regiment, NC Infantry K Private C
Willis, Burgess 42nd Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Willis, George B. 39th Regiment, NC Infantry E Private C
Willis, Green B. 39th Regiment, NC Infantry E Private C
Willis, Greenberry B. 39th Regiment, NC Infantry E Private C
Willis, Hardy B. 3rd Regiment, NC Infantry F First Lieutenant C
Willis, William B. 1st Regiment, NC Artillery K Private C
Wills, Theophilus B. 2nd Regiment, NC Artillery F Private C
* All North Carolina soldiers (Union and Confederate) who fought in the Civil War.
NC Civil War Sailors Index *
No Results found
Southern Claims Commission
No Results found
No Results found
Cemetery Graves
Name Birth Death Cemetery
Wall, Albert B 1874 1956 White Oak Baptist Church
Wall, B 1860 1917 Garner, Bartley
Wall, Bennett 1874 1918 Hatcher, Joseph
Wall, Bernice W 1916 1960 Corinth Baptist Church
Wall, Bertha Barnes 1894 1917 White Oak Baptist Church
Wall, Bessie D 1891 1977 Benson City
Wall, Bettie S 1886 White Oak Baptist Church
Wall, Betty Viola 1893 1942 White Oak Baptist Church
Wall, Billy Y 1938 Selma Memorial Gardens
Wall, Bobby Gene 1932 1964 Maplewood
Wall, Emma B 1879 1954 Batten, Ransom
Wall, Ervin Barnes 1968 Clayton City
Wall, James Buchanan 1856 1941 Clayton City
Wall, Madie Barnes 1914 1999 Piney Grove Church
Wall, Myrtle B 1908 1971 Selma Memorial Gardens
Wall, Nathan Burke 1936 Garner, Bartley
Wall, S B 1860 1919 Hinton, Malachi
Wall, Troy Bryant 1871 1940 White Oak Baptist Church
Wall, W B 1866 1915 Talton/Wall
Wall, William B 1882 1942 Corinth Baptist Church
Wallace, Mrs Baine 1926 Johnson, Myrick B.
Wallace, Bettie Moore 1873 1948 Barbour's Chapel Advent Christian Church
Wallace, Bettie V 1906 1910 Piney Grove Free Will Baptist Church
Wallace, Beulah F 1922 Hills of the Neuse Memorial Gardens
Wallace, Bytha S 1869 1954 Piney Grove Free Will Baptist Church
Wallace, Elmer Barbour 1929 2012 Oakland Presbyterian Church
Wallace, Esther Barbour 1901 1975 Oakland
Wallace, Julia B Smith 1877 1906 Riverside
Wallace, Monella B 1898 1980 Oakland Presbyterian Church
Wallace, Nona Bert Herring 1896 1968 Piney Grove Free Will Baptist Church
Wallace, W B 1855 1947 Wallace, Calvin
Walson, Bettie Evelyn 1919 1928 Capps, John
Wells, Bethany 1870 1958 Rains Crossroads
Wells, Betsey 1862 1933 Brown McCall
Wells, Beulah M 1898 1973 Rains Crossroads
Willis, Betty Lee Young 1964 Jernigan, William H.
Willis, Francis B 1928 2012 Holland
NC Confederate Soldiers Burial Database*
Name Death County Cemetery
Walker, Benjamin Frederick 1863 Wake Oakwood Cemetery
Walker, Buckner H. 1906 Duplin Swinson-Walker Cemetery
Wallace, Bland 1928 Duplin Wallace Cemtery
Wells, John B. 1863 Wayne Willow Dale Cemetery
Wells, William Boney 1911 Duplin Rockfish Presbyterian Church Cemetery
Willis, Bartley Carteret Bayview Cemetery
Willis, Hardy Bryan 1889 New Hanover Oakdale Cemetery
* Records are still being added.
Wills Index *
Name Year
Wall, Bennett 1861
* Wills from 1760-1922 which are physically located at the North Carolina Archives [C.R. 050.801.1-11]
Other Resources
Surname Resource Title
Walton Court Records Jonathan Walton - Deceased, 1807
Benson-Wallace-Wilkins Deaths & Obituaries Benson, Wallace & Wilkins Deaths
Wallace Deaths & Obituaries James Wallace, 1916
Wall-Cook Deaths & Obituaries Wall/Cook, Suicides, 1894
Walton Deaths & Obituaries Jonathan Walton, 1806
Walton Deaths & Obituaries William Walton, 1807
Benson-Wallace-Wilkins Marriages Benson, Wallace & Wilkins Marriages
Ingram-Walston Marriages John B. Ingram to Nancy Walston, 1855
Walston Marriages Walston Marriages
Walter Wills & Estates John Conerly Will - 1751
Walter Wills & Estates James Walter - 1817
Surname Researchers
Surname Counties Date Range Researcher
WallWake, Johnston Gary Corbett
WallJohnston1700's - present Albert Hendrick
Wallace Harold Boyette Wallace
Wallace Iris Hill Brown
WallaceJohnston1700's - 1900's Tammy Gurley Tyner
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Passed away on 15 July 2015

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