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» Search Results » BRANDON TART
All search results include:
  • Phonetic matches for the first/middle name ("Brandon") and last name ("Tart")
  • 1-Character matches on the first and middle name ("B")
  • 3-Character matches on the last name ("Tar")
1784-1787 State Census
No Results found
1790 Federal Census
No Results found
1800 Federal Census
No Results found
1810 Federal Census
No Results found
1820 Federal Census *
No Results found
1830 Federal Census *
No Results found
1840 Federal Census *
No Results found
1860 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Tart, Bud
8 White Male 775 Newton Grove
1870 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Tart, Bethena
17 White Female 113 Meadow
Tart, Bettie
14 White Female 36 Ingrams
Tart, William B.
30 White Male 150 Meadow
1880 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Tart, Preston B.
12 White Male 94 Meadow
Tart, William B.
37 White Male 166 Meadow
1900 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Tart, Bettie D.
7 White Female 166 Banner
Tart, Ira B.
12 White Male 10 Meadow
Tart, Ira B.
5 White Male 166 Banner
Tart, John B.
38 White Male 118 Ingrams
Tart, Marey B.
2 White Female 106 Meadow
Tart, Reading B.
17 White Male 14 Meadow
Tart, Rosana B.
22 White Female 14 Meadow
Tart, William B.
55 White Male 150 Meadow
Tart, William B.
13 White Male 166 Banner
1910 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Tart, Bernice
1/28/1900 White Male 608 Smithfield
Tart, Bertha
20 Mulatto Female 42 Smithfield
Tart, Bessie
4 White Female 113 Meadow
Tart, Bettie D.
1/19/1900 White Female 271 Banner
Tart, Bettie F.
1/23/1900 White Female 52 Meadow
Tart, Bettie M.
8 White Female 104 Meadow
Tart, Brazily B.
3 White Female 98 Meadow
Tart, Bud
1/21/1900 White Male 271 Banner
Tart, Ira B.
1/16/1900 White Male 271 Banner
Tart, Ira B.
22 White Male 129 Meadow
Tart, James B.
1/5/1900 White Male 52 Meadow
Tart, Mary B.
12 White Female 79 Meadow
Tart, Nellie B.
1/24/1900 White Female 20 Meadow
Tart, Oscar B.
17 White Male 125 Meadow
Tart, Preston B.
2/11/1900 White Male 38 Meadow
Tart, William B.
65 White Male 7 Meadow
1920 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Tart, B. I.
43 White Male 96 Ingrams
Tart, B. I. Jr.
6 White Male 96 Ingrams
Tart, Bernert
38 White Male 189 Smithfield
Tart, Bertie
6 White Female 77 Meadow
Tart, Bertt
30 White Female 197 Banner
Tart, Bessie
14 White Female 29 Boon Hill
Tart, Bessie
22 White Female 75 Ingrams
Tart, Bettie D.
24 White Female 15 Banner
Tart, Bettie F.
33 White Female 148 Meadow
Tart, Bettie Mae
17 White Female 77 Meadow
Tart, Brazzilie B.
14 White Female 28 Meadow
Tart, Brilla
20 White Female 149 Meadow
Tart, Calton B.
9 White Male 26 Elevation
Tart, Cicero B.
7 White Male 148 Meadow
Tart, Earl B.
5 White Male 148 Meadow
Tart, Fernie B.
White Male 47 Meadow
Tart, Ina Belle
15 White Female 93 Meadow
Tart, James B.
15 White Male 148 Meadow
Tart, Jasper B.
White Male 286 Banner
Tart, John B.
6 White Male 197 Banner
Tart, John B.
58 White Male 117 Ingrams
Tart, Nora Belle
White Female 47 Meadow
Tart, Oscar B.
27 White Male 26 Meadow
Tart, Preston B.
42 White Male 188 Meadow
Tart, William B.
75 White Male 25 Meadow
Tart, William B.
24 White Male 286 Banner
Tart, William B.
33 White Male 108 Banner
1930 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Tart, Beatrice
10/12 White Female 055 Meadow
Tart, Belvie
20 White Female 235 Pine Level
Tart, Berta E.
44 White Female 328 Banner
Tart, Bertha
7/12 White Male 022 Meadow
Tart, Bessie
35 White Female 101 Smithfield
Tart, Bessie E.
9 White Female 331 Meadow
Tart, Bettie
43 White Female 051 Meadow
Tart, Betty May
26 White Female 018 Pleasant Grove
Tart, Brady
25 White Male 052 Meadow
Tart, Braxton I.
55 White Male 091 Ingrams
Tart, Braxton I. Jr.
16 White Male 091 Ingrams
Tart, Carlie B.
5 White Male 042 Meadow
Tart, Colon B.
19 White Male 073 Pleasant Grove
Tart, Ettie B.
22 White Female 042 Meadow
Tart, Fernie B.
14 White Male 010 Meadow
Tart, Ina B.
25 White Female 206 Ingrams
Tart, Ira B.
34 White Male 143 Banner
Tart, Jasper B.
12 White Male 149 Banner
Tart, Joe B.
1/12 White Male 052 Meadow
Tart, John B.
17 White Male 328 Banner
Tart, John B.
68 White Male 143 Ingrams
Tart, Junius B.
28 White Male 073 Pleasant Grove
Tart, Maggie B.
40 White Female 091 Ingrams
Tart, Nora B.
12 White Female 010 Meadow
Tart, Oscar B.
37 White Male 066 Meadow
Tart, Preston B.
62 White Male 059 Meadow
Tart, R. Bertie
16 White Female 018 Pleasant Grove
Tart, Therman B.
2+11/12 White Male 066 Meadow
Tart, Vida B.
3+9/12 White Female 042 Meadow
Tart, William B.
3+11/12 White Male 094 Ingrams
Tart, William B.
35 White Male 149 Banner
1940 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Tart, Beatrice
10 White Female 96 Elevation
Tart, Belva
30 White Female 216 Wilders
Tart, Bert
50 White Female 49 Banner
Tart, Bertha
10 White Female 6 Meadow
Tart, Bessie
47 White Female 385 Clayton
Tart, Bessie E.
18 White Female 259 Meadow
Tart, Bettie
55 White Female 119 Meadow
Tart, Bettie M.
28 White Female 27 Banner
Tart, Braston
67 White Male 154 Ingrams
Tart, Bruce
<1 White Male 14 Boon Hill
Tart, Eddie Bell
32 White Female 253 Meadow
Tart, Eva Bell
19 White Female 141 Banner
Tart, Ina B.
35 White Female 156 Ingrams
Tart, Ira B.
43 White Male 42 Banner
Tart, John B.
25 White Male 49 Banner
Tart, John B.
26 White Male 53 Banner
Tart, W. Bud
64 White Male 5 Banner
Bastardy Bonds
No Results found
NC Yearbooks
No Results found
No Results found
NC Civil War Soldiers Index *
Name Unit Comp Rank Side
Tarboro, D. B. 52nd Regiment, NC Infantry E Private C
Tarborough, D. B. 6th Regiment, NC Senior Reserves A Private C
Tarbrough, John B. 13th Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Tarkenton, R. B. 17th Regiment, NC Infantry (2nd Organization) G Private C
Tarkenton, William B. 17th Regiment, NC Infantry (2nd Organization) G Private C
Tarkenton, William B. 3rd Battalion, NC Light Artillery B Private C
Tarkenton, William B. 61st Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Tarkington, William B. 17th Regiment, NC Infantry (2nd Organization) G Private C
Tarkinton, Benjamin F. 12th Regiment, NC Infantry L Private C
Tarkinton, Benjamin F. 32nd Regiment, NC Infantry (Lenoir Braves) F,A Private C
Tarkinton, W. B. 1st Regiment, NC Artillery G Private C
Tarkinton, William B. 17th Regiment, NC Infantry (2nd Organization) G Private C
Tarkinton, William B. 61st Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Tarlton, Benjamin 23rd Regiment, NC Infantry A Private C
Tarlton, James B. 43rd Regiment, NC Infantry K Private C
Tart, West Brook 10th Battalion, NC Heavy Artillery B Private C
Tart, William B. 24th Regiment, NC Infantry E Private C
Tarxey, J. B. 56th Regiment, NC Infantry A Private C
Thrut, Bery 52nd Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Trott, Brice W. 3rd Regiment, NC Cavalry H Second Lieutenant C
* All North Carolina soldiers (Union and Confederate) who fought in the Civil War.
NC Civil War Sailors Index *
No Results found
Southern Claims Commission
No Results found
No Results found
Cemetery Graves
Name Birth Death Cemetery
Tart, Barbara Jean 1944 1945 Hodges Chapel Free Will Baptist Church
Tart, Bert Moore 1892 1943 McLamb, Isham
Tart, Bertha 1908 1909 Johnston Union Primitive Baptist Church
Tart, Betty Johnson 1887 1963 Johnson/Lee
Tart, Brandon D 1874 1894 Tart, Ernie
Tart, Braston I 1873 1964 Four Oaks Town
Tart, Brodie E 1912 Tart, Ellington
Tart, Bulah May 1909 1911 Beulah Church
Tart, Colon B 1911 1939 McGee, John
Tart, Elmon B 1877 1931 Hinson Family
Tart, Ether B 1857 1960 Hinson Family
Tart, Ira B 1896 1978 Roselawn
Tart, Ivey Browning 1917 2008 Stones Creek Church
Tart, Joe Bright 1922 2001 Banner Chapel Church
Tart, John B 1861 1935 Wood, John S.
Tart, Lillian B 1888 1974 Banner Chapel Church
Tart, Lloyd B 1916 1942 Princeton
Tart, Oscar B 1892 1964 Tart, Ellington
Tart, Redden B 1882 1946 Hinson Family
Tart, Sherman B 1927 1981 Hodges Chapel Free Will Baptist Church
Tart, William B 1844 1922 Tart, William B.
Tart, William B 1896 1968 McLamb, Isham
NC Confederate Soldiers Burial Database*
No Results found
Wills Index *
No Results found
Other Resources
Surname Resource Title
Tart Deaths & Obituaries Arbie Langdon Tart, 2001
Wilson-Tartt Marriages Josiah Wilson to Penniniah Tartt, 1818
Tarver Wills & Estates Frederick Tarver - 1772
Surname Researchers
Surname Counties Date Range Researcher
TarverVa, Edgecombe, Northampton, WakeEarly 1700's - early 1800's Lotus Cirilo
Tarver, Sr., RansomJohnston Lorrie Stewart
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Michael W. Kay
County Volunteers
Ross Sippel
Connie Ellen Adams
Passed away on 15 July 2015

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