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» Search Results » C WALLACE
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1784-1787 State Census
No Results found
1790 Federal Census
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1800 Federal Census
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1810 Federal Census
No Results found
1820 Federal Census *
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1830 Federal Census *
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1840 Federal Census *
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1860 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Wallace, Calvin
37 White Male 159 Clayton
Wallace, Robert C.
5 White Male 168 Clayton
Wallice, Christopher
3 White Male 314 Smithfield
Wallin, Calvin
35 White Male 310 Smithfield
1870 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Wall, Charaty
60 Black Female 49 Selma
Wall, Charity
52 Mulatto Female 82 Selma
Wall, Charles
1 White Male 33 Wilders
Wall, Claudius
12 Black Male 49 Selma
Wall, Claudius
10 Black Male 82 Selma
Wallace, Calvin
45 White Male 92 Smithfield
Wallace, Christopher
14 White Male 93 Smithfield
Wallace, Cinda
11 White Female 92 Smithfield
Walles, Calvin
48 White Male 176 Clayton
Walton, Charles
3 Black Male 108 Clayton
1880 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Wall, Charlie
10 White Male 33 Wilders
Wall, Claudis
21 Black Male 93 Selma
Wallace, C. A.
23 White Male 280 South Smithfield
Wallace, C. J.
55 White Male 286 South Smithfield
Wallace, Calvin
17 White Male 109 Ingrams
Wallace, Calvin
58 White Male 144 Clayton
Wallace, Charles
2 White Male 287 South Smithfield
Wallace, J. C.
20 White Male 280 South Smithfield
Wallace, M. C.
6 White Female 54 South Smithfield
Wallis, Robert C.
28 White Male 214 Selma
Walton, Charley
13 Black Male 260 Clayton
Wells, Catura
12 White Female 423 Boon Hill
1900 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Walker, Caroline
33 Black Female 97 Clayton
Walker, Castilla
39 Black Female 17 Ingrams
Wall, Cassanda
28 White Female 171 O'Neals
Wall, Charley J.
4 Black Male 248 Selma
Wall, Charty
5 White Male 147 Beulah
Wall, Cladis
13 Black Male 92 Selma
Wall, Clarence
1 White Male 130 Wilders
Wall, Clyde
6 White Male 181 Wilders
Wall, Cora
2 Black Female 13 Selma
Wall, Corenna
24 White Female 227 Wilders
Wall, Corenna
23 White Female 228 Wilders
Wall, Crecy
37 White Female 53 Wilders
Wallace, C. A.
43 White Male 418 Smithfield
Wallace, Carey
0 White Male 28 Clayton
Wallace, Charles
5 White Male 175 Clayton
Wallace, Charlie
22 White Male 215 Smithfield
Wallace, Claude A.
2 White Male 116 Ingrams
Wallace, Clyda
1 White Female 194 Ingrams
Wallace, Cornelia C.
37 White Female 194 Ingrams
Wallace, Cornell N.
3 White Male 243 Clayton
Wallace, Johnnie C.
2 White Female 43 Ingrams
Wallace, Marion C.
39 White Male 194 Ingrams
Walton, Mary C.
53 White Female 29 Pleasant Grove
Walton, Willis C.
0 White Male 29 Pleasant Grove
Walton, Willis C.
31 White Male 29 Pleasant Grove
Wilks, Coloma
25 White Female 58 Meadow
Willis, Claund M.
17 White Male 33 Beulah
Willis, Cornelius
6 White Male 29 Elevation
1910 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Wall, Casandy
38 White Female 590 Selma
Wall, Celey
32 White Female 275 Wilders
Wall, Charlie
15 Black Male 223 Selma
Wall, Charlie
16 White Male 75 Beulah
Wall, Chester
12 White Male 224 Beulah
Wall, Clara
40 White Female 161 Wilders
Wall, Clarence
11 White Male 87 Wilders
Wall, Clyde N.
15 White Male 180 Wilders
Wall, Colan
1/7/1900 White Male 290 Clayton
Wall, Corry
20 White Female 272 Wilders
Wall, Cresy
2/17/1900 White Female 68 O'Neals
Wall, Emma C.
27 White Female 155 Wilders
Wall, R. Chester
25 White Male 135 Wilders
Wallace, Carnel
1/13/1900 White Male 18 Clayton
Wallace, Carrie B.
1/3/1900 White Female 497 Smithfield
Wallace, Cathern
65 White Female 232 Ingrams
Wallace, Charley A.
1/14/1900 White Male 20 Clayton
Wallace, Charlie W.
2/4/1900 White Male 311 Smithfield
Wallace, Christa
2/21/1900 White Male 389 Smithfield
Wallace, Clara V.
4 White Female 355 Selma
Wallace, Claude A.
1/12/1900 White Male 477 Smithfield
Wallace, Clyda
10 White Female 300 Ingrams
Wallace, Cornelia
46 White Female 300 Ingrams
Wallace, Emma C.
24 White Female 354 Selma
Wallace, Hubert C.
3 White Male 208 Cleveland
Wallace, Julia C.
2/25/1900 White Female 20 Clayton
Wallace, Marion C.
44 White Male 300 Ingrams
Walton, Mary C.
64 White Female 244 Pleasant Grove
Walton, Willis C.
42 White Male 244 Pleasant Grove
Walton, Willis C.
10 White Male 244 Pleasant Grove
Wells, Carlton
1/9/1900 Black Male 58 Beulah
Wilks, Clouia
2/4/1900 White Female 32 Meadow
1920 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Walker, Clifton
22 Black Male 301 Pleasant Grove
Wall, Cathoine
5 White Female 20 O'Neals
Wall, Celie
24 White Female 88 Wilders
Wall, Celie
42 White Female 89 Wilders
Wall, Charley
25 Black Male 332 Clayton
Wall, Charlie
25 White Male 48 Micro
Wall, Chester
22 White Male 65 Micro
Wall, Chloe
30 White Female 345 Clayton
Wall, Clarnce
White Male 60 Micro
Wall, Cleecy
2 White Female 139 Wilders
Wall, Cleo
10 White Male 46 Micro
Wall, Clyde
25 White Male 312 Clayton
Wall, Cor
4 White Male 19 O'Neals
Wall, Creasy
56 White Female 39 O'Neals
Wall, Ednar C.
White Female 117 Wilders
Wall, Haseal C.
4 White Female 117 Wilders
Wall, Quinton C.
34 Black Male 338 Selma
Wallace, Carra Belle
12 White Female 236 Elevation
Wallace, Cedric
7 White Male 284 Clayton
Wallace, Charley
24 White Male 260 Clayton
Wallace, Lillian C.
22 White Female 239 Pleasant Grove
Wallas, Chelie
35 White Male 485 Smithfield
Wallis, Clida
20 White Female 267 Ingrams
Wallis, Cornelia
54 White Female 267 Ingrams
Wallis, M. Calvin
55 White Male 267 Ingrams
Walton, Willis C.
20 White Male 228 Pleasant Grove
Wells, Carlton
18 Black Male 37 Beulah
Wells, Dora C.
27 White Female 147 Smithfield
Wells, Robert C.
37 White Male 76 Banner
Wells, Robert C. Jr.
7 White Male 76 Banner
Wilks, Charley
White Male 75 Clayton
Willis, Charles E.
White Male 25 Meadow
Willis, Clara
White Female 25 Meadow
Willis, William C.
13 White Male 25 Meadow
Wills, Caroline
32 White Female 124 Boon Hill
Wills, Chapie
1 White Female 124 Boon Hill
1930 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Walden, Calissie
16 Black Female 178 Smithfield
Walker, Chilie
28 Black Female 173 Selma
Walker, Corrina
39 White Female 355 Selma
Walker, William C.
38 White Male 283 Selma
Wall, C. L.
9 White Male 261 Pine Level
Wall, Catheline
15 White Female 253 Selma
Wall, Cathleen
15 White Female 091 O'Neals
Wall, Celie
52 White Female 110 Wilders
Wall, Celie
37 White Female 089 Wilders
Wall, Charley
37 Black Male 256 Clayton
Wall, Charlie
35 White Male 261 Micro
Wall, Charlie Jr.
8 Black Male 256 Clayton
Wall, Chloe J.
44 White Female 237 Clayton
Wall, Clarence
32 White Male 288 Wilders
Wall, Clayon
5 White Male 232 O'Neals
Wall, Cleveland
21 White Male 260 Micro
Wall, Clora
68 White Male 237 Smithfield
Wall, Colon
28 White Male 173 Wilders
Wall, Cozy
5 Black Female 256 Clayton
Wall, Creacy
67 White Female 089 O'Neals
Wall, Creacy
32 White Female 089 O'Neals
Wall, Creacy
6 White Female 102 O'Neals
Wall, Edsel C.
6 White Male 096 Wilders
Wall, G. C.
14 White Male 176 Wilders
Wall, George C.
4 White Male 282 O'Neals
Wall, Jasper C.
82 White Male 112 Cleveland
Wall, Lottie C.
21 White Female 054 Clayton
Wall, William C.
6 White Male 282 O'Neals
Wallac, Martha C.
39 White Female 001 Clayton
Wallace, Calvin E.
41 White Male 016 Clayton
Wallace, Caroline E.
9 White Female 267 Smithfield
Wallace, Charles W.
54 White Male 436 Smithfield
Wallace, Charlie F.
14 White Female 267 Smithfield
Wallace, Charlie R.
34 White Male 267 Smithfield
Wallace, Claire
7 White Female 054 Elevation
Wallace, Clara A.
10 White Female 092 Pine Level
Wallace, Clearnce
10 White Male 115 Boon Hill
Wallace, Cora-Bell
16 White Female 023 Clayton
Wallace, Elma C.
12 White Male 267 Smithfield
Wallace, Lillian C.
32 White Female 092 Pleasant Grove
Waller, Carl
1+10/12 White Male 069 Boon Hill
Wallice, Cornelia
65 White Female 102 Ingrams
Wallice, Marion C.
67 White Male 102 Ingrams
Walls, Cora
5 Black Female 274 Boon Hill
Walton, William C.
31 White Male 183 Pleasant Grove
Wells, Charlie W.
46 White Male 188 Beulah
Wells, Chassie L.
11 White Female 084 Beulah
Wells, Christine
4+11/12 White Female 068 Boon Hill
Wells, Clarkey C.
42 White Female 084 Beulah
Wheeless, Catherine
6 White Female 156 Boon Hill
1940 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Walker, Carrie M.
21 Indian Female 344 Beulah
Walker, Charles
16 Black Male 182 Meadow
Walker, Curtis
44 Indian Male 344 Beulah
Walker, Curtis
<1 Indian Male 344 Beulah
Wall, Carrie Ann
12 Black Female 427 Ingrams
Wall, Cecil
14 White Male 177 Wilders
Wall, Celey
62 White Female 55 Wilders
Wall, Celia
44 White Female 69 Wilders
Wall, Charles
46 Black Male 136 Clayton
Wall, Charles
10 White Male 127 Clayton
Wall, Charles
9 White Male 357 Selma
Wall, Charles Jr.
18 Black Male 136 Clayton
Wall, Charlie L.
44 White Male 65 Selma
Wall, Charlie L. Jr.
20 White Male 65 Selma
Wall, Christine
11 White Female 177 Wilders
Wall, Christine
25 White Female 67 Wilders
Wall, Clara G.
12 White Female 327 Cleveland
Wall, Clarence
38 White Male 312 Cleveland
Wall, Clarence F.
42 White Male 25 Clayton
Wall, Claudius
56 Black Male 206 Selma
Wall, Clayton
15 White Male 254 O'Neals
Wall, Cleona
29 White Female 95 Wilders
Wall, Cleotha
31 White Male 67 Micro
Wall, Cleve
27 White Female 105 Clayton
Wall, Cloe
48 White Female 208 Clayton
Wall, Clyde Jr.
17 White Male 229 Clayton
Wall, Colon
38 White Male 35 Wilders
Wall, Cozie
16 Black Female 136 Clayton
Wall, Cresie
79 White Female 237 O'Neals
Wall, Jake Camilla
5 White Female 243 Clayton
Wall, James C.
26 White Male 82 Beulah
Wall, R. Clyde
46 White Male 229 Clayton
Wall, T. C.
8 White Male 67 Micro
Wallace, C. Dixon
7 White Male 16 Smithfield
Wallace, Carrie
17 White Female 38 Smithfield
Wallace, Catharine
7 White Female 289 Smithfield
Wallace, Catherine
9 White Female 273 Cleveland
Wallace, Cecil J.
<1 White Female 339 Ingrams
Wallace, Charlie
44 White Male 166 Selma
Wallace, Charlie W.
64 White Male 332 Ingrams
Wallace, Charlotte
25 White Female 143 Smithfield
Wallace, Clarence
20 White Male 91 Boon Hill
Wallace, M. Calvin
77 White Male 17 Ingrams
Waller, Melvin C.
5 White Male 343 Smithfield
Walton, Carlton S.
9 White Male 82 Pleasant Grove
Walton, Charles L.
8 White Male 86 Pleasant Grove
Walton, Josie C.
16 White Female 86 Pleasant Grove
Walton, W. C.
40 White Male 82 Pleasant Grove
Wells, Caroline
51 White Female 242 Beulah
Wells, Charlie
57 White Male 148 Micro
Wells, Chassie Lee
21 White Female 242 Beulah
Wells, Christine
7 White Female 235 Beulah
Wells, Cora E.
48 White Female 154 Ingrams
Wilks, Colonia
66 White Female 90 Meadow
Willis, Clara
21 White Female 47 Banner
Bastardy Bonds
No Results found
NC Yearbooks
No Results found
No Results found
NC Civil War Soldiers Index *
Name Unit Comp Rank Side
Walch, T. C. 18th Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Walch, T. C. 15th Regiment, NC Infantry Acting Commissary of Subsistence C
Walker, A. C. 51st Regiment, NC Infantry K Private C
Walker, C. 55th Regiment, NC Infantry K Private C
Walker, C. B. 31st Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Walker, C. H. 30th Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Walker, C. W. 1st Regiment, NC Artillery B Private C
Walker, Caleb 2nd Regiment, NC Cavalry G Private C
Walker, Carter A. 3rd Regiment, NC Cavalry K Private C
Walker, Charles A. Infantry Regiment, Thomas' NC Legion I Private C
Walker, Charles R. 4th Regiment, NC Cavalry (59th NC State Troops) G Private C
Walker, Chesley B. 16th Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Walker, Christopher 30th Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Walker, Christopher N. 30th Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Walker, Columbus F. Walker's Battalion, Thomas' NC Legion F&S Sergeant Major C
Walker, Crawford 3rd Regiment, NC Artillery B Private C
Walker, Crawford N. 3rd Regiment, NC Cavalry K Sergeant C
Walker, H. C. 26th Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Walker, H. C. 1st Regiment, NC Cavalry F Private C
Walker, Henry C. 56th Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Walker, Isaac C. 15th Regiment, NC Infantry K Corporal C
Walker, James C. 30th Regiment, NC Infantry A Private C
Walker, Jeremiah C. 58th Regiment, NC Infantry F Private C
Walker, Jones C. 51st Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Walker, Joseph C. 37th Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Walker, Joshua C. 3rd Regiment, NC Infantry F&S Assistant Surgeon C
Walker, L. C. 14th Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Walker, T. C. 57th Regiment, NC Infantry E Private C
Walker, Thomas C. Walker's Battalion, Thomas' NC Legion G Private C
Walker, William C. 37th Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Walker, William C. 29th Regiment, NC Infantry F&S Lieutenant Colonel C
Walker, William C. Walker's Battalion, Thomas' NC Legion F&S Lieutenant Colonel C
Walkup, C. F. 26th Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Walkup, Henry C. 26th Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Walkup, James C. 26th Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Wall, A. C. 21st Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Wall, A. C. McRae's Battalion, NC Cavalry E Private C
Wall, Arthur C. 16th Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Wall, Calvin 53rd Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Wall, Carey J. 16th Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Wall, Charles T. 21st Regiment, NC Infantry G Sergeant C
Wall, H. C. 4th Regiment, NC Cavalry (59th NC State Troops) A Private C
Wall, Henry C. 23rd Regiment, NC Infantry D Sergeant C
Wall, J. C. 31st Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Wall, Samuel C. 23rd Regiment, NC Infantry A Private C
Wall, William C. 4th Regiment, NC Cavalry (59th NC State Troops) C Private C
Wall, William C. 23rd Regiment, NC Infantry D Captain C
Wallace, C. A. 3rd Battalion, NC Junior Reserves F Private C
Wallace, Calvin 48th Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Wallace, Calvin R. 2nd Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Wallace, Charles 8th Battalion, NC Junior Reserves A Private C
Wallace, Charles S. 37th Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Wallace, Council 38th Regiment, NC Infantry E Private C
Wallace, Daniel C. 13th Regiment, NC Infantry F Private C
Wallace, Matthew C. 39th Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Wallace, Robert C. 30th Regiment, NC Infantry E Private C
Wallace, Thomas C. 5th Regiment, NC Infantry D Sergeant C
Wallace, William C. 29th Regiment, NC Infantry E,A Private C
Wallace, William C. Walker's Battalion, Thomas' NC Legion D Captain C
Waller, C. C. 5th Regiment, NC Cavalry I Private C
Waller, Crusoe 1st Regiment, NC Artillery D Private C
Waller, Henry C. 1st Regiment, NC Artillery D Private C
Waller, L. C. 14th Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Wallic, L. C. 3rd Battalion, NC Junior Reserves G Private C
Wallice, Morgan C. Walker's Battalion, Thomas' NC Legion B,H Private C
Wallick, John C. 11th Regiment, NC Infantry (Bethel Regiment) I Private C
Wallis, C. W. 2nd Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Wallis, Mathew C. 39th Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Wallis, William C. 29th Regiment, NC Infantry E,A Private C
Wallise, Council 38th Regiment, NC Infantry E Private C
Walls, M. C. 26th Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Walser, Henry C. 21st Regiment, NC Infantry A Private C
Walsh, Coleman 3rd Regiment, NC Infantry F Private C
Walsh, Y. C. 18th Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Walston, C. P. 32nd Regiment, NC Infantry (Lenoir Braves) H Corporal C
Walston, Caleb P. 17th Regiment, NC Infantry (1st Organization) E Sergeant C
Walston, Caleb P. 56th Regiment, NC Infantry A Second Lieutenant C
Walston, Samuel C. 33rd Regiment, NC Infantry F Second Lieutenant C
Walter, Charles F. 52nd Regiment, NC Infantry A Sergeant C
Walter, Martin C. 52nd Regiment, NC Infantry A Private C
Walters, B. C. 35th Regiment, NC Infantry E Private C
Walters, C. W. 17th Regiment, NC Infantry (1st Organization) H Private C
Walters, Crafford 18th Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Walters, Crawford 18th Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Walters, Daniel C. 7th Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Walters, Thomas C. 3rd Regiment, NC Cavalry C Private C
Walton, Charles McDugald's Company, NC Private C
Welch, Caswell H. 5th Regiment, NC Cavalry E Private C
Welch, Cyrus 2nd Battalion, NC Infantry G Private C
Welch, Joseph C. 39th Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Welles, William C. 5th Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Wells, Charles 1st Battalion, NC Junior Reserves E Private C
Wells, Charles W. 64th Regiment, NC Infantry (Allen's) I Second Lieutenant C
Wells, H. C. 52nd Regiment, NC Infantry F Private C
Wells, Robert C. 29th Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Wells, William C. 5th Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Welsh, Charles 1st Regiment, NC Artillery G Private C
Welsh, Cyrus 2nd Battalion, NC Infantry G Private C
Wheless, Spier Coffield 43rd Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Whelus, Spier C. 43rd Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Wilks, William C. 2nd Regiment, NC Artillery B Private C
Wilks, Willie C. 2nd Regiment, NC Artillery B Private C
Willis, A. C. 2nd Regiment, NC Infantry F Private C
Willis, C. D. 1st Regiment, NC Artillery K Private C
Willis, Cass 2nd Regiment, NC Artillery I Private C
Willis, Charles 2nd Regiment, NC Artillery G Private C
Willis, Charles P. 1st Regiment, NC Artillery H Private C
Willis, Charles T. 1st Regiment, NC Artillery K Private C
Willis, Charles T. 45th Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Willis, Henry C. 45th Regiment, NC Infantry B Second Lieutenant C
Willis, Jacob C. 37th Regiment, NC Infantry F Private C
Willis, S. C. 43rd Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
* All North Carolina soldiers (Union and Confederate) who fought in the Civil War.
NC Civil War Sailors Index *
No Results found
Southern Claims Commission
No Results found
No Results found
Cemetery Graves
Name Birth Death Cemetery
Wall, Alma C 1897 1945 Watkins Chapel Baptist Church
Wall, Casanda 1872 1911 Talton/Wall
Wall, Celia Ann 1894 1977 White Oak Baptist Church
Wall, Celia Murphry 1877 1964 White Oak Baptist Church
Wall, Charlie 1895 1968 Piney Grove Church
Wall, Clarence F 1898 1962 White Oak Baptist Church
Wall, Cleo Holland 1927 1993 Holland
Wall, Cleve W Maplewood
Wall, Corenner Crabtree 1899 Hinton, Malachi
Wall, Crecy J 1861 1944 Corinth Baptist Church
Wall, Emma C 1882 1913 Castleberry, Ruffin J.
Wall, Jasper C 1848 1935 Oakland Presbyterian Church
Wall, Jennie Carroll 1864 1951 White Oak Baptist Church
Wall, Lynn C 1944 2008 Selma Memorial Gardens
Wall, Numer C 1895 1966 Maplewood
Wall, Quinton C 1886 1967 Walls
Wall, R Chester 1885 1934 White Oak Baptist Church
Wallace, Arthur C 1915 1977 Dunn, Sampson
Wallace, Arthur C 1915 1977 Dunn, Sampson
Wallace, C A 1857 1919 Hopewell Baptist Church
Wallace, Calvin J 1820 1893 Wallace, C. J.
Wallace, Calvin R 1822 1894 Wallace, Calvin
Wallace, Carrie S 1900 1976 Wilson's Mills Community
Wallace, Charlie W 1876 1940 Barbour's Chapel Advent Christian Church
Wallace, Charlotte Heavner 1915 Riverside
Wallace, Christine McLamb 1926 2008 Princeton
Wallace, Colonel N 1896 1916 Wallace, Calvin
Wallace, Cornelia 1864 1953 Piney Grove Free Will Baptist Church
Wallace, Crage 1914 Clayton City
Wallace, Julia Carrie 1854 1925 Wallace, Calvin
Wallace, Marion Calvin 1862 1948 Piney Grove Free Will Baptist Church
Wallace, Martha C 1893 Maplewood
Walton, Mary C 1847 1919 Walton, A. J.
Walton, W C 1869 1919 Walton, A. J.
Wells, Caroline Radford 1887 1959 Radford, Miles
Wells, Christine 1924 1931 Rains Crossroads
Wells, Clifton Ray 1934 1939 Rains Crossroads
Wells, James Clifton 1926 1927 Rains Crossroads
Wheeless, Clifford 1922 1923 Sardis Baptist Church
Wheeless, Eula C 1926 1926 Sardis Baptist Church
Wilks, Colonia L 1875 1948 Johnson/Lee
Willis, Cornelia H 1935 2012 Holland
Willis, Sarah Coston Smith 1841 1930 Mt. Zion United Methodist Church
NC Confederate Soldiers Burial Database*
Name Death County Cemetery
Walker, Carey Williams 1911 Wake Oakwood Cemetery
Walker, Joshua C. 1882 New Hanover Oakdale Cemetery
Wallace, Robert Chasten 1863 Duplin Wallace Cemtery
Walters, Thomas Coleman 1864 Caswell Walters Cemetery
Welch, Cyrus 1913 Davidson Spring Hill Methodist Church Cemetery
* Records are still being added.
Wills Index *
No Results found
Other Resources
Surname Resource Title
Walton Court Records Jonathan Walton - Deceased, 1807
Benson-Wallace-Wilkins Deaths & Obituaries Benson, Wallace & Wilkins Deaths
Wallace Deaths & Obituaries James Wallace, 1916
Wall-Cook Deaths & Obituaries Wall/Cook, Suicides, 1894
Walton Deaths & Obituaries Jonathan Walton, 1806
Walton Deaths & Obituaries William Walton, 1807
Benson-Wallace-Wilkins Marriages Benson, Wallace & Wilkins Marriages
Ingram-Walston Marriages John B. Ingram to Nancy Walston, 1855
Walston Marriages Walston Marriages
Walter Wills & Estates John Conerly Will - 1751
Walter Wills & Estates James Walter - 1817
Surname Researchers
Surname Counties Date Range Researcher
WallWake, Johnston Gary Corbett
WallJohnston1700's - present Albert Hendrick
Wallace Harold Boyette Wallace
Wallace Iris Hill Brown
WallaceJohnston1700's - 1900's Tammy Gurley Tyner
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Ross Sippel
Connie Ellen Adams
Passed away on 15 July 2015

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