All search results include:
- Phonetic matches for the first/middle name ("Carl") and last name ("Parrish")
- 1-Character matches on the first and middle name ("C")
- 3-Character matches on the last name ("Par")
1784-1787 State Census |
Name |
WM21-60 |
WM-Other |
WF |
B21-50 |
B-Other |
Parrish, Charles |
1 |
? |
6 |
2 |
1790 Federal Census |
Name |
FWM16- |
FWM16+ |
Slaves |
Parish, Charles |
1 |
1 |
4 |
1 |
1800 Federal Census |
Name |
Pg/Rw |
M00 |
M10 |
M16 |
M26 |
M45 |
F00 |
F10 |
F16 |
F26 |
F45 |
FP |
SL |
Parish, Charles |
763 / 21 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
3 |
1 |
Pearce, Charles |
751 / 15 |
1 |
1 |
2 |
2 |
1 |
1810 Federal Census |
Name |
Pg/Rw |
M00 |
M10 |
M16 |
M26 |
M45 |
F00 |
F10 |
F16 |
F26 |
F45 |
FP |
SL |
Parish, Charles |
273 / 15 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
Pearce, Cader |
279 / 4 |
2 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1820 Federal Census * |
Name |
M00 |
M10 |
M1618 |
M16 |
M26 |
M45+ |
F00 |
F10 |
F16 |
F26 |
F45+ |
Parish, Charles |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1830 Federal Census * |
Name |
M00 |
M05 |
M10 |
M15 |
M20 |
M30 |
M40 |
M50 |
M60 |
M70+ |
Parrish, Charles |
2 |
1 |
Pearce, Chacey |
1 |
1840 Federal Census * |
No Results found |
1860 Federal Census |
Name |
Age |
Race |
Sex |
Family |
Township |
Parish, Calvin |
Parish, Christiana |
Parish, Claudius |
Parish, Cornelia |
Parker, Clarkey |
Parker, Clarkey |
Parnold, Clarky |
Parnold, Clements |
Parrish, Calvin |
Parrish, Caswell |
Parrish, Catherine |
Pearce, Charity |
Pearce, Charles |
Pearce, Chasey |
Pearce, Clarky |
Pearce, Julia C. |
Price, Candis |
Price, Caroline |
Price, Caroline |
Price, Carson |
Price, Catharine |
Price, Cornelia |
Price, Cula |
1870 Federal Census |
Name |
Age |
Race |
Sex |
Family |
Township |
Parker, Charles |
Parker, Cicero |
Parker, Civel |
Parker, Clarrica |
Parnell, Clarky |
Parnell, Clement |
Parrish, Calvin |
Parrish, Caroline |
Parrish, Caswell |
Parrish, Charles |
Parrish, Charlott |
Parrish, Claudeus |
Pearce, Caroline |
Pearce, Charety |
Pearce, Charity |
Pearce, Charley |
Pearce, Chloey |
Pearce, Clarkey |
Pearce, Cornelia |
Price, Caroline |
Price, Cathrine |
1880 Federal Census |
Name |
Age |
Race |
Sex |
Family |
Township |
Parish, Cadar H. |
Parish, Cassie |
Parish, Charley M. |
Parish, Eliza C. |
Parker, Charles |
Parker, Charlie |
Parker, Cialroe B. |
Parker, Cilvia B. |
Parker, Cindy |
Parker, Civil |
Parker, Clarkie |
Parker, Clarkie |
Parker, Cornelia |
Parker, Cornelius |
Parker, Cornelius U. |
Parker, George C. |
Parker, Jane C. |
Parker, Nancy C. |
Parker, Noah C. |
Parnel, Clemance |
Parrish, C. H. |
Parrish, C. J. |
Parrish, Catherine |
Parrish, Cathren |
Parrish, Charles |
Parrish, Cilvestus |
Parrish, Civil A. |
Parrish, D. C. |
Parrish, Elizabeth C. |
Parrish, Madicy C. |
Parrish, Penney C. |
Pearce, Caroline |
Pearce, Catharine |
Pearce, Charity |
Pearce, Charles |
Pearce, Chloe |
Pearce, Claudy
Pearce, Cornelia |
Pearce, Cornelia J. |
Pearce, Curtis |
Pearce, Ganzada C. |
Pearce, Sidney C. |
Perras ?, Zebulen C. |
Pierce, Charley A. |
Pierce, Clarkey |
Pierce, Clarkey |
Pierce, Cornelia C. |
Price, Candis |
Price, Carson |
Price, Cathirine |
Price, Cathrine T. |
Price, Celie |
Price, Charles E. |
Price, Cherrie |
Price, Cornelia |
Price, James C. |
Price, James C. |
Price, John C. |
Price, Joseph C. |
Price, Lucy C. |
1900 Federal Census |
Name |
Age |
Race |
Sex |
Family |
Township |
Parham, Willie C. |
Parish, Corah A. |
Parker, Alice C. |
Parker, Alsey C. |
Parker, Callie |
Parker, Camillia |
Parker, Carella |
Parker, Cattie M. |
Parker, Cephas |
Parker, Charity |
Parker, Charles |
Parker, Charles G. |
Parker, Charley M. |
Parker, Charlie E.
Parker, Cisero B. |
Parker, Civil |
Parker, Civil E. |
Parker, Cleon G. |
Parker, Conward H.
Parker, Cornelia |
Parker, Dartha C. |
Parker, Lelia C. |
Parker, Louise C. |
Parker, Lula C. |
Parker, Mary C. |
Parker, Owen C. |
Parker, Quinton C. |
Parker, Quinton C. |
Parnell, Chrisjane |
Parnell, Clemons |
Parnell, Critta F. |
Parris, Cornelia |
Parrish, Callie A. |
Parrish, Calvin |
Parrish, Calvin H. |
Parrish, Carrie |
Parrish, Carrie J. |
Parrish, Caswell |
Parrish, Ceiley |
Parrish, Cellie C. |
Parrish, Charles C. |
Parrish, Charley |
Parrish, Charlie |
Parrish, Charlie |
Parrish, Charlie F. |
Parrish, Claude |
Parrish, Claude |
Parrish, Clida |
Parrish, Clifford |
Parrish, Clyde |
Parrish, Corel |
Parrish, Cornelia |
Parrish, Cornelia |
Parrish, James C. |
Parrish, John C. |
Parrish, Lona C. |
Parrish, Mary C. |
Parrish, Maud C. |
Parrish, Susan C. |
Partin, Claudie M.
Partin, Martha C. |
Pearce, Cathan |
Pearce, Charles |
Pearce, Charles |
Pearce, Charley |
Pearce, Charlie |
Pearce, Cleveland |
Pearce, Clide |
Pearce, Clifton |
Pearce, Clifton A. |
Pearce, Clypsie A. |
Perris, Charles |
Pierce, Charles A. |
Pierce, Charles E. |
Pierce, Cora |
Pierce, Tempa C. |
Price, Caroline |
Price, Charley |
Price, Charlie E. |
Price, Charrie A. |
Price, Clarky |
Price, Coma |
Price, Cornelia |
Price, Cornelia F. |
Price, Cynthia |
Price, Henry C. |
Price, William C. |
1910 Federal Census |
Name |
Age |
Race |
Sex |
Family |
Township |
Parish, Callie A. |
Parish, Sarah C. |
Parker, Alie C. |
Parker, Callie E. |
Parker, Carl F. |
Parker, Carrie E. |
Parker, Celey |
Parker, Cernelious |
Parker, Charles |
Parker, Charles F. |
Parker, Charlie |
Parker, Charlie E. |
Parker, Charlie M. |
Parker, Chartie |
Parker, Cicero A. |
Parker, Civil |
Parker, Civil Ann |
Parker, Clida |
Parker, Cornelia C. |
Parker, Dorthy C. |
Parker, Eunice C. |
Parker, Faison C. |
Parker, Girtie C. |
Parker, Joe C. |
Parker, Lula C. |
Parker, Malcom C. |
Parker, Mary C. |
Parker, Mathew C. |
Parker, Noah C. |
Parker, Quinten C. |
Parker, Quinton C. |
Parnell, Allen C. |
Parnell, Alma C. |
Parnell, Christana |
Parnell, Clemons |
Parrish, Callie I. |
Parrish, Calvin H. |
Parrish, Carl K. |
Parrish, Carlie |
Parrish, Caro |
Parrish, Carrie |
Parrish, Carry L. |
Parrish, Celie C. |
Parrish, Charley |
Parrish, Charley E. |
Parrish, Charlie |
Parrish, Charlie B. |
Parrish, Charlie F. |
Parrish, City |
Parrish, Claud |
Parrish, Clyde |
Parrish, Clydia D. |
Parrish, Cornelia |
Parrish, Cornelia F. |
Parrish, Cornelia M. |
Parrish, Doctor C. |
Parrish, James C. |
Parrish, James C. |
Parrish, Mary C. |
Parrish, Roba C. |
Parrish, Susie C. |
Parrish, Thomas C. |
Parrish, Zadie C. |
Parsons, Charlie |
Partin, Carrie S. |
Partin, Claudie M. |
Partin, Corinna A. |
Partin, Martha C. |
Pearce, Charley |
Pearce, Charlie |
Pearce, Charlie A. |
Pearce, Charlie E. |
Pearce, Chas. |
Pearce, Corah |
Pearce, Elizabeth C. |
Pierce, Cefor |
Pierce, Cenia |
Pierce, Charles |
Pierce, Clide |
Pierce, Clifton |
Pierce, Clyde |
Pierce, Connie |
Price, Cammie G. |
Price, Carl |
Price, Caroline |
Price, Cassie |
Price, Catherine |
Price, Celia |
Price, Clifton |
Price, Cornelia |
Price, Cynthia |
Price, Floyd C. |
Price, Henry C. |
Price, James C. |
Price, Millie C. |
Price, Sarah C. |
1920 Federal Census |
Name |
Age |
Race |
Sex |
Family |
Township |
Parash, Clamel |
Parash, John C. |
Parham, Cathaline |
Parish, Herman C. |
Parker, C. B. |
Parker, Callie |
Parker, Carel |
Parker, Carl F. |
Parker, Carlie C. |
Parker, Carson E. |
Parker, Charles |
Parker, Charley |
Parker, Charlie |
Parker, Charlie E. |
Parker, Charlie M. |
Parker, Chas. L. |
Parker, Cheesda |
Parker, Cherity |
Parker, Chester |
Parker, Clara Mae |
Parker, Cleveland |
Parker, Clidar |
Parker, Cornelia C. |
Parker, Cornelius |
Parker, Cornelius |
Parker, Daniel C. |
Parker, Gertie C. |
Parker, James C. |
Parker, John C. |
Parker, Leon C. |
Parker, Mary C. |
Parker, Q. C. |
Parker, Quinton C. |
Parker, R. Clyde |
Parker, W. C. |
Parrish, Annie C. |
Parrish, Callie |
Parrish, Callie |
Parrish, Calvin H. |
Parrish, Cara L. |
Parrish, Carl |
Parrish, Carl |
Parrish, Carley |
Parrish, Carlie |
Parrish, Cellie C. |
Parrish, Charles I. |
Parrish, Charley |
Parrish, Charlie |
Parrish, Chas. |
Parrish, Christine |
Parrish, Cittie |
Parrish, Clara |
Parrish, Clarnce |
Parrish, Claud |
Parrish, Claud |
Parrish, Clee |
Parrish, Cleveland |
Parrish, Clide |
Parrish, Clide |
Parrish, Clide |
Parrish, Clifford E. |
Parrish, Clifton |
Parrish, Clifton |
Parrish, Clyda |
Parrish, Clyde |
Parrish, Cornelia |
Parrish, Etta C. |
Parrish, James C. |
Parrish, John C. |
Parrish, Lexie C. |
Parrish, Percy C. |
Parrish, R. Chester |
Parrish, Russell C. |
Parrish, Sarah C. |
Parrish, Susan C. |
Partin, Carl C. |
Partin, Carrie S. |
Partin, Claudie M. |
Partin, Corinna |
Partin, George C. |
Pearce, Carrie |
Pearce, Clarence |
Pearce, Elizabeth C. |
Pearce, Sindine C. |
Pearce, Wm. C. |
Pierce, Alton C. |
Pierce, Cefus |
Pierce, Cena |
Pierce, Charles |
Pierce, Charlie |
Pierce, Chas. I. |
Pierce, Chas. I. Jr. |
Pierce, Clara |
Pierce, Cleaver |
Pierce, Cleveland |
Pierce, Clifton |
Pierce, Clifton |
Pierce, Connie |
Pierce, Cora |
Price, Bertie C. |
Price, Callena |
Price, Callie |
Price, Carrie |
Price, Carson |
Price, Cassie B. |
Price, Cassie B. |
Price, Catherine |
Price, Celeristor |
Price, Charles |
Price, Charlie |
Price, Cleavlad |
Price, Clifford |
Price, Clifton |
Price, Commie |
Price, Cora A. |
Price, Cornelia |
Price, Floid C. |
Price, Grover C. |
Price, James C. |
Price, John C. |
Price, Willis C. |
1930 Federal Census |
Name |
Age |
Race |
Sex |
Family |
Township |
Parity, Barbara C. |
Parity, Charles B. |
Parker, Caldine |
Parker, Callie W. |
Parker, Calvin C. |
Parker, Carl C. |
Parker, Carl C. |
Parker, Carle B. |
Parker, Carlie C. |
Parker, Carson |
Parker, Carthie E. |
Parker, Celie M. |
Parker, Celpas |
Parker, Charety |
Parker, Charles |
Parker, Charles M. |
Parker, Charlie |
Parker, Charlie |
Parker, Charlotte B. |
Parker, Chester A. |
Parker, Cisrow B. |
Parker, City |
Parker, Clara |
Parker, Clearence Q. |
Parker, Cleo |
Parker, Cleveland |
Parker, Clifton |
Parker, Clydia |
Parker, Conrad H. |
Parker, Cora E. |
Parker, Cornelius
Parker, Cornelius Jr. |
Parker, Cyrena |
Parker, David C. |
Parker, Dolphus C.
Parker, Dorris C. |
Parker, Dorthy C. |
Parker, Edith C. |
Parker, Elic C. |
Parker, James C. |
Parker, James C. |
Parker, L. C. |
Parker, Lemon C. |
Parker, Louise C. |
Parker, Lynn C. |
Parker, Maggie C. |
Parker, Maizie C. |
Parker, Mary C. |
Parker, Mary C. |
Parker, Mildred C. |
Parker, Norman C. |
Parker, Quinton C. |
Parker, Rayford C. |
Parker, Rellow C. |
Parks, C. B. |
Parnell, Christine |
Parnell, Clarie |
Parrish, Burline C. |
Parrish, Cala M. |
Parrish, Callie |
Parrish, Callie F. |
Parrish, Carius |
Parrish, Carl |
Parrish, Carl P. |
Parrish, Carlie |
Parrish, Carry B. |
Parrish, Cellie C. |
Parrish, Charles |
Parrish, Charles F. |
Parrish, Charlie |
Parrish, Charlie |
Parrish, Charlie |
Parrish, Charlie B. |
Parrish, Charlie G. |
Parrish, Chas S. |
Parrish, Chester |
Parrish, Christin |
Parrish, Christine E. |
Parrish, Clara |
Parrish, Clara |
Parrish, Clarabel |
Parrish, Clarence |
Parrish, Cleo O. |
Parrish, Cleveland
Parrish, Clifton |
Parrish, Clinton |
Parrish, Clora L. |
Parrish, Clovis
Parrish, Clyda |
Parrish, Clyda M. |
Parrish, Clyde |
Parrish, Clyde |
Parrish, Cornelia |
Parrish, J. Clee
Parrish, James C. |
Parrish, Jasper C. |
Parrish, John C. |
Parrish, Lexie C. |
Parrish, Maxton C. |
Parrish, Miller C. |
Parrish, Vernon C. |
Parrish, Wilbert C. |
Parson, Charlie |
Partin, Charlie H. |
Partin, Clarine |
Partin, Clayborn |
Partin, Cora |
Pearce, Carie L. |
Pearce, Carrie |
Pearce, Charlie |
Pearce, Clarence B. |
Pearce, Clenon |
Pearce, Cleveland |
Pearce, Connie |
Pearce, Lillie C. |
Pierce, C. H. |
Pierce, C. Wade |
Pierce, Cenia |
Pierce, Charles |
Pierce, Charles D. |
Pierce, Charlie |
Pierce, Chas. A. |
Pierce, Clare |
Pierce, Clause |
Pierce, Cloviet |
Pierce, R. Clifton |
Pierce, Velma Cleo |
Pierce, Vigia C. |
Piers, Catherine |
Price, Callie |
Price, Carl |
Price, Charlie |
Price, Charlie L. |
Price, Christian |
Price, Claud |
Price, Clifton |
Price, Clifton |
Price, Clifton |
Price, Clinton |
Price, Cora |
Price, Cora |
Price, Cornelia |
Price, Eldredge C. |
Price, Floyd C. |
Price, Floyd C. Jr. |
Price, O. C. |
1940 Federal Census |
Name |
Age |
Race |
Sex |
Family |
Township |
Parish, Carl |
Parish, Cornelia F. |
Parish, John Calvin |
Parish, R. Chester |
Parish, Walton C. |
Parker, Caline |
Parker, Callie |
Parker, Callie F. |
Parker, Callie L. |
Parker, Calvin C. |
Parker, Carl |
Parker, Carl C. |
Parker, Carlie |
Parker, Carlton |
Parker, Carrol |
Parker, Catherine |
Parker, Cecil |
Parker, Channie |
Parker, Chapil V. |
Parker, Charity |
Parker, Charles |
Parker, Charles |
Parker, Charles |
Parker, Charles |
Parker, Charles A. L. Sr. |
Parker, Charles E. |
Parker, Charles L. |
Parker, Charlie |
Parker, Charlie |
Parker, Charlie |
Parker, Charlie |
Parker, Charlie Q. |
Parker, Charlotte |
Parker, Chessie |
Parker, Chester |
Parker, Christelle |
Parker, Christine |
Parker, Christine |
Parker, Cicero B. |
Parker, Cinda Lou |
Parker, Clare E. |
Parker, Clarence |
Parker, Clarence Q. |
Parker, Cleavon |
Parker, Cleo |
Parker, Cletus |
Parker, Clifton |
Parker, Clinnon |
Parker, Conrad H. |
Parker, Corena |
Parker, Cornelius |
Parker, Cornelius Jr. |
Parker, Coy |
Parker, Cramer |
Parker, E. C. |
Parker, H. Carl |
Parker, John C. |
Parker, L. C. |
Parker, Lindsy C. |
Parker, Louise C. |
Parker, Mary C. |
Parker, O. C. |
Parker, Q. C. |
Parker, Raeford C. |
Parker, Rubert C. |
Parker, William Carson |
Parks, Charlie C. |
Parnell, Carrie |
Parnell, Charles |
Parnell, Christine |
Parnell, Clarie |
Parnell, Esther C. |
Parrish, Callie |
Parrish, Callie |
Parrish, Caloma |
Parrish, Carl |
Parrish, Carl Jr. |
Parrish, Carl G. |
Parrish, Carl K. |
Parrish, Carlie |
Parrish, Carlton |
Parrish, Carolyn |
Parrish, Carrie B. |
Parrish, Catherine |
Parrish, Cecil |
Parrish, Cecil |
Parrish, Celllie |
Parrish, Charles |
Parrish, Charles |
Parrish, Charles |
Parrish, Charles Jr. |
Parrish, Charles E. |
Parrish, Charles F. |
Parrish, Charles G. |
Parrish, Charlie |
Parrish, Charlie |
Parrish, Charlie |
Parrish, Charlie Jr. |
Parrish, Charlie E. |
Parrish, Chellia Mae |
Parrish, Christine |
Parrish, Christine |
Parrish, Christine |
Parrish, Christine |
Parrish, Clara |
Parrish, Clara |
Parrish, Clarabelle |
Parrish, Clarence |
Parrish, Claude |
Parrish, Clelton |
Parrish, Cleo |
Parrish, Clevean |
Parrish, Cleveland |
Parrish, Clifton |
Parrish, Clifton |
Parrish, Clyda |
Parrish, Clyde
Parrish, Clyde D. |
Parrish, Cora T. |
Parrish, Crettie Lou |
Parrish, Curtis |
Parrish, G. C. |
Parrish, J. Charlie |
Parrish, J. Clee
Parrish, L. C. |
Parrish, Mae C. |
Parrish, Stephen C. |
Pearce, C. F. Jr. |
Pearce, C. W. |
Pearce, Carrie |
Pearce, Cenie |
Pearce, Charles A. |
Pearce, Clara Lee |
Pearce, Clarisa |
Pearce, Clinton |
Pearce, Clinton |
Pearce, Lou C. |
Pearce, R. C. |
Pierce, Carlton |
Pierce, Christine |
Pierce, Christopher H. |
Pierce, Clara |
Pierce, Clennon |
Pierce, Clossie |
Pierce, Connie |
Pierce, Cora |
Pierce, Joseph C. |
Price, A. C. |
Price, Carl |
Price, Carlose |
Price, Cason
Price, Cathron |
Price, Cecil |
Price, Charles |
Price, Charles |
Price, Charles Durwood |
Price, Charles P. |
Price, Christine |
Price, Claude C. |
Price, Clessie |
Price, Clifton |
Price, Cora |
Price, Cora E. |
Price, Cornelia |
Price, Curtis |
Price, Eldridge C. |
Price, Floyd C. |
Price, Garland C. |
Price, J. C. |
Price, Jimmy C. |
Price, M. Carl |
Price, M. Carl Jr. |
Price, Mary C. |
Bastardy Bonds |
Father's Name |
Mother's Name |
Date |
Beasley, Sylvanns |
Price, Caron Ann |
20 Mar 1875 |
Daman?, W. B. |
Parrish, Susan C. |
30 Sep 1876 |
Price, J. C. |
Braddy, Sarah |
20 Sep 1875 |
NC Yearbooks |
No Results found |
Freemasons |
No Results found |
NC Civil War Soldiers Index * |
Name |
Unit |
Comp |
Rank |
Side |
Pardew, Colbard
33rd Regiment, NC Infantry
D |
Private |
Pardew, Franklin C.
33rd Regiment, NC Infantry
D |
Sergeant |
Pardue, Colvert
33rd Regiment, NC Infantry
D |
Private |
Pardue, Franklin C.
33rd Regiment, NC Infantry
D |
Sergeant |
Pardue, John C.
45th Regiment, NC Infantry
D |
Private |
Pardue, T. C.
21st Regiment, NC Infantry
A |
Private |
Pardue, T. C.
66th Regiment, NC Infantry
G |
Private |
Parham, Asa C.
23rd Regiment, NC Infantry
G |
Private |
Parham, H. C.
4th Regiment, NC Senior Reserves
F |
Private |
Parish, C.
31st Regiment, NC Infantry
G |
Private |
Parish, Calvin
22nd Regiment, NC Infantry
E |
Private |
Parish, Caswell J.
31st Regiment, NC Infantry
H |
Musician |
Parish, John C.
14th Regiment, NC Infantry
B |
Private |
Parish, W. C.
1st Regiment, NC Infantry
F |
Private |
Park, Calvin W.
28th Regiment, NC Infantry
A |
Private |
Park, David C.
3rd Battalion, NC Light Artillery
A |
Private |
Park, O. Cromwell
61st Regiment, NC Infantry
I |
Second Lieutenant |
Parker, Benjamin C.
34th Regiment, NC Infantry
D |
Private |
Parker, C. F.
42nd Regiment, NC Infantry
E |
Private |
Parker, C. M.
27th Regiment, NC Infantry
E |
Private |
Parker, C. R.
8th Regiment, NC Infantry
K |
Drum Major |
Parker, Cade R.
4th Regiment, NC Infantry
D |
First Lieutenant |
Parker, Cader
4th Regiment, NC Infantry
D |
First Lieutenant |
Parker, Cader
4th Regiment, NC Infantry
H |
Private |
Parker, Caleb L.
5th Regiment, NC Infantry
G |
First Lieutenant |
Parker, Charles
46th Regiment, NC Infantry
K |
Private |
Parker, Charles
Wallace's Company, Wilmington NC Railroad Guards
Private |
Parker, Charles D.
2nd Regiment, NC Artillery
H |
Private |
Parker, Charles F.
Infantry Regiment, Thomas' NC Legion
E,C |
Private |
Parker, Charles W.
27th Regiment, NC Infantry
E |
Private |
Parker, Childs A.
42nd Regiment, NC Infantry
E |
Private |
Parker, Cornelius
1st Regiment, NC Cavalry
B |
Private |
Parker, Council C.
1st Battalion, NC Heavy Artillery
B |
Private |
Parker, Cullen
11th Regiment, NC Infantry (Bethel Regiment)
C |
Private |
Parker, Cyrus
1st Regiment, NC Infantry
B |
Private |
Parker, J. C.
30th Regiment, NC Infantry
C |
Private |
Parker, J. C.
66th Regiment, NC Infantry
D |
Corporal |
Parker, James C.
8th Regiment, NC Infantry
A |
Sergeant |
Parker, John C.
66th Regiment, NC Infantry
D |
Corporal |
Parker, John C.
56th Regiment, NC Infantry
E |
Private |
Parker, John C.
28th Regiment, NC Infantry
E |
Private |
Parker, John C.
8th Battalion, NC Cavalry (Partisan Rangers)
B,C |
Corporal |
Parker, R. C.
17th Regiment, NC Infantry (1st Organization)
C |
Private |
Parker, Richard C.
17th Regiment, NC Infantry (2nd Organization)
K |
Private |
Parker, W. Cary
17th Regiment, NC Infantry (1st Organization)
D |
Private |
Parker, William C.
14th Regiment, NC Infantry
E |
Sergeant |
Parker, William Cary
17th Regiment, NC Infantry (2nd Organization)
C |
Second Lieutenant |
Parkes, Clinton L.
58th Regiment, NC Infantry
E |
Private |
Parks, Charles B.
54th Regiment, NC Infantry
B |
Sergeant |
Parks, Charles M.
27th Regiment, NC Infantry
G |
Hospital Steward |
Parks, David C.
27th Regiment, NC Infantry
G |
Private |
Parks, Dewitt C.
1st Regiment, NC Cavalry
A |
Second Lieutenant |
Parks, J. C.
13th Regiment, NC Infantry
A |
Private |
Parks, N. C.
28th Regiment, NC Infantry
A |
Private |
Parks, Oliver C.
61st Regiment, NC Infantry
I |
Second Lieutenant |
Parks, Theophilus C.
54th Regiment, NC Infantry
E |
Quartermaster |
Parks, William C.
28th Regiment, NC Infantry
A |
Private |
Parnell, Calvin
3rd Regiment, NC Artillery
E |
Private |
Parrish, Allen C.
6th Regiment, NC Infantry
B |
Private |
Parrish, Charlton
17th Regiment, NC Infantry (1st Organization)
I |
Private |
Parrish, J. C.
31st Regiment, NC Infantry
D |
Private |
Parrish, Pinkney C.
5th Regiment, NC Senior Reserves
F |
Private |
Parrish, W. C.
1st Regiment, NC Infantry
F |
Private |
Parrott, William C.
16th Regiment, NC Infantry
B |
Private |
Parsons, C.
37th Regiment, NC Infantry
I |
Private |
Parsons, Calloway
1st Regiment, NC Cavalry
A |
Private |
Parsons, Calvin
2nd Regiment, NC Infantry
K |
Private |
Parsons, Craig S.
37th Regiment, NC Infantry
K |
Private |
Parsons, Daniel C.
28th Regiment, NC Infantry
A |
Private |
Parsons, James C.
53rd Regiment, NC Infantry
K |
Private |
Parsons, James C.
37th Regiment, NC Infantry
F |
Private |
Parsons, James C.
2nd Battalion, NC Infantry
B |
Private |
Parsons, L. C.
1st Regiment, NC Cavalry
A |
Private |
Parsons, Solomon C.
1st Regiment, NC Cavalry
A |
Private |
Parsons, W. C.
26th Regiment, NC Infantry
C |
Private |
Partin, C. A.
Mallett's Battalion, NC Camp Guards (Camp Holmes)
E |
Private |
Partin, C. C.
3rd Battalion, NC Light Artillery
C |
Private |
Partin, John C.
2nd Regiment, NC Artillery
C |
Private |
Partrick, Cornelius
20th Regiment, NC Infantry
Private |
Partrick, Cornelius
30th Regiment, NC Infantry
A |
Second Lieutenant |
Pearce, B. C.
35th Regiment, NC Infantry
A |
Private |
Pearce, C. C.
1st Regiment, NC Artillery
H |
Private |
Pearce, Calvin
24th Regiment, NC Infantry
K |
Private |
Pearce, Calvin
1st Regiment, NC Infantry
I |
Private |
Pearce, Cincinnatus
2nd Regiment, NC Cavalry
C |
Private |
Pearce, Henry C.
2nd Battalion, NC Infantry
H |
Private |
Pearce, James C.
33rd Regiment, NC Infantry
E |
Private |
Pearce, James Coles
33rd Regiment, NC Infantry
E |
Private |
Pearce, John C.
47th Regiment, NC Infantry
B |
Sergeant |
Pearce, William C.
Naval Battalion, NC Infantry (Miscellaneous)
A |
Private |
Pearcey, Gabriel C.
3rd Regiment, NC Cavalry
F |
Private |
Peerce, Chris. C.
1st Regiment, NC Artillery
H |
Private |
Peirce, Joseph C.
2nd Regiment, NC Infantry
D,B |
First Lieutenant |
Percy, Charles
13th Battalion, NC Light Artillery
D |
Private |
Pharrish, M. C.
35th Regiment, NC Infantry
H |
Private |
Pierce, Calvin
1st Regiment, NC Infantry
I |
Private |
Pierce, Calvin
24th Regiment, NC Infantry
K |
Private |
Pierce, Chapin
5th Regiment, NC Senior Reserves
H |
Private |
Pierce, Christopher C.
1st Regiment, NC Artillery
H |
Private |
Pierce, Cincinnatus
4th Regiment, NC Cavalry (59th NC State Troops)
D |
Private |
Pierce, Cincinnatus
2nd Regiment, NC Cavalry
C |
Private |
Pierce, Henry C.
2nd Battalion, NC Infantry
H |
Private |
Pierce, J. C.
13th Battalion, NC Light Artillery
C |
Sergeant |
Pierce, John C.
47th Regiment, NC Infantry
B |
Sergeant |
Pierce, Joseph C.
2nd Regiment, NC Infantry
D,B |
Second Lieutenant |
Powers, Charles
20th Regiment, NC Infantry
K |
Private |
Powers, Charles
1st Regiment, NC Artillery
B |
Private |
Powers, Cornelius
17th Regiment, NC Infantry (1st Organization)
E |
Private |
Powers, L. C.
21st Regiment, NC Infantry
A |
Lieutenant |
Powers, William C.
1st Regiment, NC Artillery
B |
Private |
Price, C.
1st Regiment, NC Junior Reserves
C |
Private |
Price, Calaway C.
37th Regiment, NC Infantry
D |
Private |
Price, Caleb B.
20th Regiment, NC Infantry
E |
Private |
Price, Caleb B.
2nd Regiment, NC Infantry
C |
Sergeant |
Price, Calvin
37th Regiment, NC Infantry
E |
Private |
Price, Calvin
Griswold's Company, NC Local Defense
Private |
Price, Calvin C.
37th Regiment, NC Infantry
D |
Private |
Price, Calvin W.
18th Regiment, NC Infantry
F |
Private |
Price, Charles
1st Regiment, NC Junior Reserves
A |
Captain |
Price, Charles W.
2nd Regiment, NC Artillery
B |
Private |
Price, Charles W.
13th Battalion, NC Light Artillery
B |
Private |
Price, Cirimnatti
1st Regiment, NC Infantry
I |
Private |
Price, Clingman
39th Regiment, NC Infantry
C |
Private |
Price, James C.
48th Regiment, NC Infantry
F |
Private |
Price, James C.
37th Regiment, NC Infantry
D |
Private |
Price, John C.
20th Regiment, NC Infantry
E |
Private |
Price, John C.
24th Regiment, NC Infantry
F |
Private |
Price, John C.
48th Regiment, NC Infantry
F |
Private |
Price, Leander C.
55th Regiment, NC Infantry
H |
Private |
Price, T. C.
32nd Regiment, NC Infantry (Lenoir Braves)
H |
Private |
Price, T. Carter
12th Regiment, NC Infantry
H |
Private |
Price, Wilson C.
48th Regiment, NC Infantry
I,F |
Private |
NC Civil War Sailors Index * |
No Results found |
Southern Claims Commission |
No Results found |
Executions |
No Results found |
Cemetery Graves |
Name |
Birth |
Death |
Cemetery |
Parker, Alice Caudill |
1867 |
1937 |
Juniper Primitive Baptist Church |
Parker, Bettie C |
1911 |
1936 |
Johnson, J. C. |
Parker, C Eldridge |
1907 |
1970 |
Barbour's Chapel Advent Christian Church |
Parker, Callie A |
1892 |
1963 |
Hannah's Creek Primitive Baptist Church |
Parker, Calvin C |
1926 |
1967 |
Parker, Cicero |
Parker, Calvin C |
1925 |
1999 |
McLamb, Isham |
Parker, Carl |
1910 |
1923 |
Antioch Baptist Church |
Parker, Carl C |
1925 |
1976 |
Hodges Chapel Free Will Baptist Church |
Parker, Carl F |
1901 |
1954 |
Banner Chapel Church |
Parker, Carolyn Marie |
1945 |
Beulah Church |
Parker, Carson |
Weaver, J. J. |
Parker, Catherine |
1912 |
1918 |
Beulah Church |
Parker, Charity Pittman |
1874 |
1963 |
Old Beulah Church |
Parker, Charles E |
1928 |
1929 |
Parker, W. F. |
Parker, Charles E |
1935 |
1978 |
Juniper Primitive Baptist Church |
Parker, Charles Lindberg |
1930 |
1962 |
Bethel Freewill Baptist Church |
Parker, Charles Nelaon |
1875 |
1942 |
Sunset Memorial Park |
Parker, Charles Patrick |
1909 |
1934 |
Greenwood |
Parker, Charlie |
1888 |
1949 |
Banner Chapel Church |
Parker, Charlie Allen |
1892 |
1962 |
Bethsaida Primative Baptist Church |
Parker, Charlie D |
1901 |
1974 |
Selah Christian Church |
Parker, Charlie E |
1979 |
Parker, Cicero |
Parker, Charlie M |
1877 |
1944 |
Pisgah Baptist Church |
Parker, Charlie Quinton |
1907 |
1975 |
Piney Grove Free Will Baptist Church |
Parker, Chessie D |
1928 |
1953 |
Juniper Primitive Baptist Church |
Parker, Cicero B |
1867 |
1942 |
Parker, Cicero |
Parker, Cindy Lou |
1962 |
Hodges Chapel Free Will Baptist Church |
Parker, Civil Elizabeth |
1845 |
1937 |
Oakland |
Parker, Cleveland B |
1914 |
1957 |
Creech's Primative Baptist Church |
Parker, Cornelia |
1879 |
1950 |
Parker, Cicero |
Parker, Cornelia Katherine |
1885 |
1927 |
Barefoot/McLamb |
Parker, Cynthia |
1804 |
1882 |
Parker, Needham Powell |
Parker, David Clinnon |
1918 |
1968 |
Roselawn |
Parker, Edith C |
1893 |
1938 |
Johnson, John |
Parker, Elizabeth Chrisman |
1919 |
1967 |
Juniper Primitive Baptist Church |
Parker, George Clarence |
1920 |
1966 |
Juniper Primitive Baptist Church |
Parker, Gordon C |
1930 |
1931 |
Morgan, William G. |
Parker, Hezekiah Carl |
1898 |
1949 |
Juniper Primitive Baptist Church |
Parker, I C |
1874 |
1915 |
Beulah Church |
Parker, J C |
1874 |
1915 |
Beulah Church |
Parker, James Cleveland |
1917 |
1967 |
Four Oaks Town |
Parker, Joe Cephus |
1884 |
1946 |
Barefoot/McLamb |
Parker, John C |
1915 |
1918 |
Beulah Church |
Parker, Joseph Calvin |
1849 |
1885 |
Parker, J. C. |
Parker, Mavoureen C |
1905 |
1971 |
Roselawn |
Parker, Nancy C |
1871 |
1887 |
Juniper Primitive Baptist Church |
Parker, Nola Capps |
1908 |
1987 |
Parker, Cicero |
Parker, Norman Cleatus |
1923 |
1994 |
Benson City |
Parker, Norman Cleatus |
1923 |
1994 |
Barefoo |
Parker, Quinton C |
1871 |
1926 |
Banner Chapel Church |
Parker, Quinton C Bud |
1877 |
1962 |
Beasley, James |
Parker, Stella Cole |
Four Oaks Town |
Parnell, Clemons |
1848 |
1912 |
Aldridge, W. G. |
Parrish, Allen Cleo |
1939 |
1973 |
King/Ogburn |
Parrish, Bettie C |
1893 |
1982 |
Greenwood |
Parrish, Callie Creech |
1892 |
1959 |
Parrish Memorial Baptist Church |
Parrish, Callie M |
1898 |
1932 |
St. Mary's Grove Original Free Will Baptist Church |
Parrish, Callie McGee |
1903 |
1995 |
Ennis |
Parrish, Caplon |
1905 |
1909 |
Carroll/Lee |
Parrish, Carl Gray |
1932 |
1994 |
Pisgah Baptist Church |
Parrish, Carl Keen |
1890 |
1960 |
Wilson's Mills |
Parrish, Carl P |
1912 |
1970 |
Selma Memorial Gardens |
Parrish, Carolyn Ryals |
1962 |
1996 |
Ryals |
Parrish, Cecil H |
1930 |
1963 |
Kenly City |
Parrish, Cellie C |
1896 |
1942 |
Fellowship Primitive Baptist Church |
Parrish, Charles Benton |
1870 |
1950 |
Wilson's Mills |
Parrish, Charles H |
1924 |
1957 |
Maplewood |
Parrish, Charlie E |
1890 |
Maplewood |
Parrish, Charlie F |
1890 |
1961 |
Maplewood |
Parrish, Charlie G |
1943 |
1974 |
Selma Memorial Gardens |
Parrish, Charlie H |
1891 |
1974 |
Crocker |
Parrish, Charlie Walton |
1922 |
1958 |
Oliver's Grove |
Parrish, Christopher |
Langley, Zeno H. |
Parrish, Civil Ann Stephenson |
1835 |
1894 |
Parrish, Benjamin |
Parrish, Clara Ann |
1950 |
1950 |
Parrish Memorial Baptist Church |
Parrish, Clara Creech |
1889 |
1973 |
Parrish Memorial Baptist Church |
Parrish, Clara Earleen |
1932 |
1939 |
Bethsaida Primative Baptist Church |
Parrish, Clara W |
1894 |
1978 |
Bethsaida Primative Baptist Church |
Parrish, Claude |
1883 |
1951 |
Hales Chapel Baptist Church |
Parrish, Claudia Boykin |
1916 |
2006 |
Micro Memorial Gardens |
Parrish, Cleon T |
1907 |
1946 |
Wilson's Mills |
Parrish, Clifton (Buddy) |
1917 |
1986 |
Oakland |
Parrish, Clyde |
1971 |
Hales Chapel Baptist Church |
Parrish, Cora |
1910 |
1910 |
Parrish Memorial Baptist Church |
Parrish, Cornelia Frances |
1864 |
1949 |
Johnston Union Primitive Baptist Church |
Parrish, Cornelia Maie |
1888 |
1970 |
Maplewood |
Parrish, Cylde Douglas |
1942 |
2011 |
Princeton |
Parrish, Ethel C |
1917 |
Parrish Memorial Baptist Church |
Parrish, Flora Capps |
1914 |
1996 |
Oakland |
Parrish, Irene C |
1904 |
Johnson Chapel |
Parrish, James C |
1884 |
1950 |
Bethel Primitive Baptist Church |
Parrish, James C Lee |
1887 |
1944 |
Maplewood |
Parrish, James Charlie |
1903 |
1959 |
Sunset Memorial Park |
Parrish, John C |
1880 |
1946 |
Crocker |
Parrish, Kenneth C |
1930 |
1978 |
Sunset Memorial Park |
Parrish, Lawson Carlie |
1887 |
1935 |
Coats City |
Parrish, Lucile C |
1904 |
1934 |
Riverside |
Parrish, Martha C |
1941 |
1950 |
St. Mary's Grove Original Free Will Baptist Church |
Parrish, Mildred Crocker |
1925 |
1973 |
Sunset Memorial Park |
Parrish, Rada C |
1913 |
1980 |
Selma Memorial Gardens |
Parrish, Sis Capps |
1870 |
1901 |
Capps, John |
Parrish, Thomas Carl |
1902 |
1982 |
Bethsaida Primative Baptist Church |
Parrish, Vernon C |
1896 |
1963 |
Wilson's Mills |
Parrish, W Clifton |
1917 |
1982 |
Parrish Memorial Baptist Church |
Parrish, William C |
1943 |
1946 |
Piney Grove Free Will Baptist Church |
Parrish, Zulema C |
1873 |
1935 |
Maplewood |
Partin, Charles Howard |
1918 |
1955 |
Sunset Memorial Park |
Partin, Charles R |
1888 |
1966 |
Sunset Memorial Park |
Partin, Chester O |
1893 |
1960 |
Sandy Grove Primitive Baptist Church |
Partin, Corrinna A |
1886 |
1956 |
Sandy Grove Primitive Baptist Church |
Partin, Ed C |
1894 |
1939 |
Sandy Grove Primitive Baptist Church |
Partin, Nancy C |
1860 |
1892 |
Partin, B. F. |
Pearce, Albert C |
1907 |
1908 |
Pearce |
Pearce, C R Elder |
1851 |
1901 |
Rains Crossroads |
Pearce, Charles A |
1878 |
1956 |
Oakland |
Pearce, Charles Iredell |
1886 |
1924 |
Riverside |
Pearce, Charles Wade |
1887 |
1958 |
Selma Memorial Gardens |
Pearce, Col Goodman Bill |
1946 |
1966 |
Selma Memorial Gardens |
Pearce, Elizabeth C Hall |
1885 |
1954 |
Greenwood |
Pearce, Lettie Capps |
1903 |
1937 |
Snipes/Pearce |
Pearce, Raymond C |
1916 |
1992 |
Princeton |
Pearce, Robert C |
1883 |
1949 |
Sunset Memorial Park |
Pearce, Robert C Jr |
1921 |
1974 |
Sunset Memorial Park |
Pearce, Ruth C |
1926 |
1980 |
Princeton |
Pearce, Sidney Carl |
1877 |
1921 |
Oakland |
Pierce, Carrie |
1895 |
1911 |
Mitchell, Kurtis |
Pierce, Charlie Auby |
1898 |
1950 |
Parrish Memorial Baptist Church |
Pierce, Clarky |
1828 |
1852 |
Pierce, Epheram |
Pierce, Colonel |
1862 |
1888 |
Pierce, Epheram |
Pierce, G Cleveland |
1862 |
1956 |
Kenly City |
Pierce, M C |
1915 |
Holt, William |
Price, Carolyn Gail Lee |
1947 |
2008 |
Faith Free Will Baptist Church |
Price, Carrie Lee |
1902 |
Bethesda Baptist Church |
Price, Carson |
1849 |
1928 |
Wallace, Calvin |
Price, Catherin S |
1871 |
1943 |
Sullivan, Quillie B. |
Price, Catherine |
1945 |
1946 |
Maplewood |
Price, Cecil |
1919 |
1929 |
Lee's Chapel Baptist Church |
Price, Cecil |
1925 |
1925 |
Sunset Memorial Park |
Price, Celia |
1828 |
1911 |
Antioch Baptist Church |
Price, Charles G |
1931 |
Lee's Chapel Baptist Church |
Price, Charles Noble |
1887 |
1956 |
Greenwood |
Price, Charles Ray |
1940 |
1957 |
Micro Memorial Gardens |
Price, Charlie L |
1893 |
1964 |
Kenly City |
Price, Christine |
1919 |
1924 |
Bethany Baptist Church |
Price, Clifton Tip |
1907 |
1960 |
Corinth Baptist Church |
Price, Cora B |
1897 |
1959 |
Price/Hatcher |
Price, Cynthia Jo |
1947 |
1947 |
Price/Hatcher |
Price, Essie Campbell |
1893 |
1970 |
Thanksgiving Baptist Church |
Price, G C |
1882 |
1926 |
Wallace, Calvin |
Price, Herman C |
1924 |
1961 |
Dixon, William J. |
Price, James Claude |
1875 |
1954 |
Sunset Memorial Park |
Price, Lloyd C |
1889 |
1967 |
Selma Memorial Gardens |
Price, Milton Carl |
1900 |
1952 |
Price, Haywood |
Price, Ray C |
1926 |
White Oak Baptist Church |
Price, Sarah Catherine |
1876 |
1937 |
Bethesda Baptist Church |
NC Confederate Soldiers Burial Database* |
Name |
Death |
County |
Cemetery |
Parker, Council C. |
1905 |
Duplin |
Parker Cemetery |
Parker, Hamilton C. |
Cleveland |
Cogdell Cemetery |
Pierce, Christopher R. |
1895 |
Wake |
Oakwood Cemetery |
Price, John Charles |
1906 |
Wayne |
Price Cemetery |
Price, William Crapon |
1932 |
Brunswick |
Old Morse Cemetery |
Wills Index * |
Name |
Year |
Pearce, Clarkey
Other Resources |
Surname |
Resource |
Title |
Partin |
Cemeteries |
Partin Family Cemetery |
Pearce |
Cemeteries |
Pearce Family Cemetery |
Price |
Cemeteries |
Price Cemetery |
Parker-Rose |
Court Records |
Annie Moore Parker vs. William N. Rose & Sarah Rose, John w. Rose & Susan A. Rose, and D. W. Fuller, 1896 |
Pearce-Gray |
Court Records |
John Pearce v. Thomas Gray, 1815 |
Price-Lockhart |
Court Records |
Simon Price v. Scales & Lockhart, 1812 |
Parker |
Deaths & Obituaries |
Fannie Georgianna Parker, 1992 |
Pearce |
Deaths & Obituaries |
Allie S. Pearce, 1967 |
Pearce |
Deaths & Obituaries |
Henry B. Pearce, 1921 |
Pearce |
Deaths & Obituaries |
Richard A. Pearce, 1954 |
Pearce |
Deaths & Obituaries |
Allie S. Pearce, 1967 |
Pearce |
Deaths & Obituaries |
Richard A. Pearce, 1954 |
Price |
Deaths & Obituaries |
James Daniel Price, 1999 |
Howard-Parish |
Marriages |
Edward Howard to M. A. Parish |
Pearce-Smith |
Marriages |
Dixon Pearce to Nancy Smith |
Rose-Parish |
Marriages |
Tobias Rose to Sally Parish, 1849 |
Price |
Military |
Thomas Price Pension, 1832 |
Parker |
Photographs |
Judy Kay Parker of Johnston County, North Carolina, a member of the 4-H clothing program |
Parish |
Wills & Estates |
John Parish - 1822 |
Pearce |
Wills & Estates |
Everett Pearce Sr - 1807 |
Pearce |
Wills & Estates |
Mary Pearce - 1816 |
Pearce |
Wills & Estates |
Richard Pearce - 1790 |
Pearce |
Wills & Estates |
Simon Pearch - 1826 |
Pearce |
Wills & Estates |
Arthur Pearce - 1792 |
Pearce |
Wills & Estates |
Richard Pearce - 1790 |
Price |
Wills & Estates |
Edward Price - 1789 |
Surname Researchers |
NCGenWeb Project USGenWeb® Project USGenWeb® Archives USGenWeb® Archives Srch Tombstone Transcript Proj The Heritage Center JC GIS MapClick JC Register of Deeds NC Yearbook Index ArchiveGrid NC State Archives NCGH Library NCGH Pinterest NCGH Flickr Transcript Proj FamilySearch ACPL Genealogy Center The Family History Guide FamilySearch Learning Center US African American Griots Family Group Sheet Project USGenWeb Kidz |
Harnett County
Nash County
Sampson County
Wake County
Wayne County
Wilson County
Johnston County, Oklahoma
Johnson County, Arkansas
Johnson County, Georgia
Johnson County, Illinois
Johnson County, Indiana
Johnson County, Iowa
Johnson County, Kansas
Johnson County, Kentucky
Johnson County, Missouri
Johnson County, Nebraska
Johnson County, Tennessee
Johnson County, Texas
Johnson County, Wyoming
County Coordinator |
W. Kay |
County Volunteers |
Ross Sippel |