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» Search Results » CHRIS PEELE
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1784-1787 State Census
No Results found
1790 Federal Census
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1800 Federal Census
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1810 Federal Census
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1820 Federal Census *
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1830 Federal Census *
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1840 Federal Census *
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1860 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Peebles, Cherry
56 White Female 312 Smithfield
Peebles, Civil
6 White Female 805 Newton Grove
Peeden, Catharine
35 White Female 341 Boon Hill
Peeden, Cornelia
2 White Female 187 Boon Hill
Peedin, Curtis
35 White Male 601 Pine Level
Pool, Caroline
13 White Female 102 Clayton
Pool, Catherine
27 White Female 37 Clayton
Pool, Chandley
28 White Male 68 Clayton
Pool, Cornelia
0 White Female 292 Smithfield
Pool, Delia C.
2 White Male 68 Clayton
Pool, Lucretia C.
13 White Female 104 Clayton
Powell, Charley
16 White Male 13 Boon Hill
1870 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Peeden, Catharine
46 White Female 294 Boon Hill
Peedin, Cornelia
12 White Female 231 Smithfield
Peedin, Curtis H.
39 White Male 141 Selma
Pool, Caswell
23 Black Male 240 Clayton
Pool, Ceseros
14 White Male 42 Boon Hill
Pool, Cornelia
11 White Female 113 Smithfield
Powel, Charley
26 White Male 328 Smithfield
Powel, Chatham
65 White Male 47 Bentonville
Powel, Cheester
7 White Male 47 Bentonville
Pully, Charles B.
11 White Male 82 Wilders
Pully, Leora C.
3 White Female 82 Wilders
1880 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Peeden, Candary
2 White Male 389 Selma
Peeden, Casanda
27 White Female 389 Selma
Peeden, Mary C.
30 White Female 176 Bentonville
Peedin, Catherine
55 White Female 395 Boon Hill
Peedin, Eliza C.
5 White Female 164 Boon Hill
Peedin, Emley C.
25 White Female 97 Selma
Peedin, Hepsy C.
19 White Female 163 Boon Hill
Pool, Caswell
32 Black Male 107 Clayton
Pool, Charity
22 White Female 283 Elevation
Pool, Charles
14 White Male 91 Wilson's Mills
Pool, Cicerow
24 White Male 30 Selma
Pool, J. C.
2 Black Male 192 South Smithfield
Poole, John C.
20 White Male 81 Clayton
Powell, Alice C.
7 Black Female 235 Boon Hill
Powell, Charles P.
5 Black Male 235 Boon Hill
Powell, Charley
36 White Male 140 Ingrams
Powell, Charley
0 White Male 140 Ingrams
Powell, Cittie
22 Black Female 116 Wilson's Mills
Powell, Crestus
17 White Male 61 Bentonville
Pulley, Candis
7 Black Female 313 O'Neals
Pulley, Catharan
11 White Female 78 Beulah
Pulley, Charles
18 White Male 78 Beulah
1900 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Peeden, Etta C.
10 White Female 168 Boon Hill
Peeden, Henry C.
4 White Male 168 Boon Hill
Peedin, Callie
26 White Female 91 Boon Hill
Peedin, Carrie
15 White Female 129 Selma
Peedin, Casanda
46 White Female 105 Selma
Peedin, Catherine
49 White Female 91 Selma
Peedin, Cicero
17 White Male 295 Smithfield
Peedin, Cinda
70 White Female 121 Selma
Peedin, Clara
9 White Female 105 Selma
Peedin, Fannie C.
4 White Female 201 Boon Hill
Peedin, Mary C.
54 White Female 59 Bentonville
Peedin, Mary C.
46 White Female 295 Smithfield
Peele, Anna C.
40 White Female 88 Boon Hill
Peele, Charley S.
16 White Male 88 Boon Hill
Pool, Catherine
52 White Female 172 Wilders
Pool, Charlie
6 Black Male 266 Wilders
Pool, Robert C.
46 White Male 233 Banner
Poole, Caswell
59 Black Male 220 Clayton
Poole, Charles
17 White Male 19 Clayton
Poole, Clide
7 White Female 253 Clayton
Poole, Council
6 White Male 320 Clayton
Poole, John C.
39 White Male 320 Clayton
Powell, Ben C.
9 White Male 71 Smithfield
Powell, Caroline
39 White Female 444 Smithfield
Powell, Charles S.
56 White Male 71 Smithfield
Powell, Charley
20 White Male 71 Smithfield
Powell, Charlie
12 Black Male 161 Bentonville
Powell, Charlie
6 Black Male 86 Smithfield
Powell, Ches
17 Black Male 250 Selma
Powell, Clyde
1 White Female 444 Smithfield
Powell, Coy
10 Black Male 161 Bentonville
Powell, Custus
37 White Male 91 Bentonville
Pulley, Charley
35 White Male 24 Selma
Pulley, Clara
51 White Female 273 Wilders
Pulley, Claude
5 White Male 145 Beulah
Pulley, Cleman
6 Mulatto Male 145 Beulah
Pulley, Luby C.
8 White Male 145 Beulah
1910 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Paley, Cicero
40 White Male 202 O'Neals
Peedin, Carie
1/8/1900 White Female 280 Boon Hill
Peedin, Casandy
57 White Female 126 Pine Level
Peedin, Chester A.
12-Jul White Male 319 Selma
Peedin, Cicroe
28 White Male 397 Selma
Peedin, Clarence
20 White Male 126 Pine Level
Peedin, Clarence
1/14/1900 White Male 280 Boon Hill
Peedin, Clarence J.
8 White Male 319 Selma
Peedin, Cynthia J.
44 White Female 88 Pine Level
Peedin, Emily C.
60 White Female 392 Selma
Peedin, Esther C.
25 White Female 49 Pine Level
Peedin, Fanny C.
1/14/1900 White Female 293 Boon Hill
Peedin, James C.
32 White Male 128 Pine Level
Peedin, Mary C.
60 White Female 228 Smithfield
Peedin, Ruth C.
2 White Female 125 Pine Level
Peedin, Sarah C.
39 White Female 202 Boon Hill
Peedin, Simeon C.
62 White Male 121 Pine Level
Peel, Anna C.
2/19/1900 White Female 177 Boon Hill
Peel, Chaney
43 White Female 149 Boon Hill
Peele, Chester
2 White Male 89 Beulah
Pool, C. H.
2/8/1900 White Male 191 Clayton
Pool, Caswell
2/28/1900 Black Male 216 Clayton
Pool, Chester
8 White Male 20 Pine Level
Pool, Clarace
10/12/2012 White Male 58 Clayton
Pool, Clarine
3 White Female 362 Selma
Pool, Claude E.
4 White Male 57 Smithfield
Pool, Clye S.
20 White Male 184 Wilders
Pool, Clyed
1/16/1900 White Female 289 Clayton
Pool, Cornelia
57 White Female 184 Wilders
Pool, Cornelia
1/25/1900 White Female 58 Clayton
Pool, David C.
16 White Male 73 Clayton
Pool, John C.
49 White Male 73 Clayton
Pool, Kate C.
24 White Female 44 Clayton
Pool, Robert C.
2/25/1900 White Male 59 Banner
Pool, Salina C.
79 White Female 108 Wilson's Mills
Pool, Taylor C.
18 White Male 173 Clayton
Pool, William C.
1/8/1900 White Male 289 Clayton
Powell, Ben C.
19 White Male 225 Smithfield
Powell, Caroline
2/18/1900 White Female 523 Smithfield
Powell, Carrie
18 Black Female 220 Clayton
Powell, Charlie
21 Mulatto Male 126 Bentonville
Powell, Charlie
34 Black Male 161 Boon Hill
Powell, Charlie S.
66 White Male 225 Smithfield
Powell, Clyde
1/11/1900 White Female 523 Smithfield
Powell, Cornelia
5 White Female 220 Smithfield
Powell, Curtis C.
47 White Male 146 Bentonville
Powell, Ludolph C.
23 White Male 222 Smithfield
Pulley, Carl
17 White Male 320 Wilders
Pulley, Charlie
50 White Male 196 Pine Level
Pulley, Christenia
7 White Female 196 Pine Level
Pulley, Ed C.
19 Black Male 33 Wilders
Pully, Claud
1/15/1900 White Male 462 Beulah
Pully, Luby C.
1/17/1900 White Male 462 Beulah
1920 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Peeden, Cisroe
37 White Male 271 Smithfield
Peedin, Callie
6 White Female 187 Boon Hill
Peedin, Callie M.
28 White Female 289 Selma
Peedin, Carie V.
18 White Female 154 Pine Level
Peedin, Casanda
67 White Female 69 Pine Level
Peedin, Catherine
70 White Female 36 Selma
Peedin, Catherine
38 White Female 169 Pine Level
Peedin, Chester
White Male 169 Pine Level
Peedin, Clara
White Female 95 Selma
Peedin, Clarance
White Male 157 Pine Level
Peedin, Claud
5 White Male 206 Boon Hill
Peedin, Dora C.
10 White Female 152 Pine Level
Peedin, James C.
42 White Male 1 Pine Level
Peel, Carrie
28 White Female 12 Boon Hill
Peele, Chester
12 White Male 76 Micro
Pool, Carter
14 White Male 99 Selma
Pool, Chester
17 White Male 71 Pine Level
Pool, Clarina
12 White Female 99 Selma
Pool, Council
25 White Male 63 Clayton
Poole, Cas
69 Black Male 333 Clayton
Poole, Charley
18 White Male 339 Clayton
Poole, Charley H.
49 White Male 282 Clayton
Poole, Clarence
10 White Male 21 Clayton
Poole, Conner
18 White Male 42 Clayton
Poole, Cornelia
3 White Female 282 Clayton
Poole, Cornelia
White Female 21 Clayton
Poole, George C.
38 White Male 390 Clayton
Poole, John C.
59 White Male 412 Clayton
Powell, Allise C.
14 White Female 20 Smithfield
Powell, Ben C.
28 White Male 43 Cleveland
Powell, C. Zerlery
10 Mulatto Female 208 Selma
Powell, Carl
6 White Male 417 Clayton
Powell, Carline
59 White Female 247 Smithfield
Powell, Charley
41 Black Male 217 Selma
Powell, Clarence
34 Black Male 186 Beulah
Powell, Custer
57 White Male 27 Bentonville
Powell, Ralph C.
8 White Male 247 Cleveland
Pulley, C. S.
26 White Male 6 Beulah
Pulley, Clee P.
4 Black Male 165 Wilders
Pulley, Clyde
27 White Female 416 Clayton
Pulley, Clyde
20 White Female 240 Clayton
1930 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Peedin, Addie C.
27 White Female 097 Pine Level
Peedin, Callie C.
16 White Female 168 Boon Hill
Peedin, Charles
7/12 White Male 203 Selma
Peedin, Charlie
2 Black Male 038 Wilders
Peedin, Clara May
13 White Female 203 Selma
Peedin, Clarence
14 White Male 127 Pine Level
Peedin, Claud
15 White Male 161 Boon Hill
Peedin, Clerance
34 White Male 201 Boon Hill
Peedin, Clyde L.
5 White Male 165 Boon Hill
Peedin, Cooper
9 White Male 203 Selma
Peedin, Cynthia
65 White Female 284 Pine Level
Peedin, James C.
52 White Male 129 Pine Level
Peel, Chester
22 White Male 183 Micro
Peele, Callie
33 White Female 020 O'Neals
Peele, Carrie M.
38 White Female 003 Boon Hill
Peele, Cartha B.
19 White Male 239 Beulah
Peele, Charles S.
46 White Male 003 Boon Hill
Peele, Charles S. Jr.
9 White Male 003 Boon Hill
Peendin, Catherine
52 White Female 042 Boon Hill
Peendin, Chester
16 White Male 042 Boon Hill
Pool, David C.
35 White Male 270 Clayton
Pool, John C.
70 White Male 164 Clayton
Pool, Thelma C.
23 White Female 246 Clayton
Pool, William C.
28 White Male 173 Clayton
Poole, Callie
20 White Female 298 Selma
Poole, Chester H.
28 White Male 021 Wilson's Mills
Poole, Clara
36 White Female 304 Clayton
Poole, George C. Jr.
6 White Male 043 Clayton
Powell, Aaron C.
20 White Male 063 Bentonville
Powell, B. C.
13 White Male 382 Smithfield
Powell, Ben C.
39 White Male 382 Smithfield
Powell, Carl
17 White Male 123 Smithfield
Powell, Carrie L.
5 White Female 002 Banner
Powell, Clyde
7 Black Male 170 Selma
Powell, Edna C.
2+10/12 White Female 155 Smithfield
Powell, George C.
21 White Male 232 O'Neals
Powell, John C.
45 White Male 232 O'Neals
Powell, John C.
6 White Male 155 Smithfield
Powell, King C.
3+6/12 White Male 002 Banner
Pulley, Carrie L.
8 White Female 227 Clayton
Pulley, Clinton S.
35 White Male 038 Beulah
Pulley, Clyde
37 White Female 172 Clayton
Pulley, Omega C.
22 White Female 097 Clayton
1940 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Paul, Cecil Leo
<1 White Male 159 Boon Hill
Peed, Catherine
8 White Female 291 Pleasant Grove
Peed, Cora Lee
6 White Female 291 Pleasant Grove
Peede, Clyde W.
33 White Male 167 Pleasant Grove
Peedin, Addie C.
37 White Female 6 Pine Level
Peedin, Callie
49 White Female 50 Smithfield
Peedin, Carolyn
4 White Female 112 Pine Level
Peedin, Charles
9 White Male 64 Selma
Peedin, Charles N.
9 White Male 6 Pine Level
Peedin, Charlie
11 Black Male 218 Wilders
Peedin, Chester
25 White Male 8 Boon Hill
Peedin, Clarence
24 White Male 121 Pine Level
Peedin, Clarence
44 White Male 338 Cleveland
Peedin, Claud
25 White Male 37 Boon Hill
Peedin, Clyde
15 White Male 31 Boon Hill
Peedin, James C.
19 White Male 64 Selma
Peedin, James C.
62 White Male 111 Pine Level
Peedin, Jessie C.
9 White Male 338 Cleveland
Peedin, Mary C.
18 White Female 50 Smithfield
Peedin, Sadie C.
37 White Female 98 Pine Level
Peele, Callie
6 White Female 37 O'Neals
Peele, Carrie M.
48 White Female 91 Boon Hill
Peele, Carthul B.
27 White Male 99 Beulah
Peele, Charles
3 White Male 161 Micro
Peele, Charles S.
56 White Male 91 Boon Hill
Peele, Charles S. Jr.
19 White Male 91 Boon Hill
Peele, Chester O.
32 White Male 558d Selma
Peele, Clarance
8 White Male 41 Clayton
Peele, Clifford
2 White Male 104 O'Neals
Peele, Clinton
29 White Male 104 O'Neals
Pool, Cassie
30 White Female 304 Selma
Pool, Chanley
38 White Male 246 Clayton
Pool, Charity
39 White Female 86 Banner
Pool, Charles
7 White Male 316 Selma
Pool, Colon
7 White Male 292 Clayton
Pool, David C.
38 White Male 292 Clayton
Pool, George C.
54 White Male 384 Clayton
Pool, George C. Jr.
16 White Male 384 Clayton
Poole, Cary
50 White Female 56 Wilders
Poole, Chester
38 White Male 96 Pine Level
Poole, Clyde
50 White Male 56 Wilders
Poole, Council
44 White Male 186 Clayton
Powell, B. C.
49 White Male 55 Smithfield
Powell, B. C. Jr.
23 White Male 55 Smithfield
Powell, Carl S.
26 White Male 190 Smithfield
Powell, Clara Dell
1 White Female 119 Cleveland
Powell, Clyde
18 Black Male 276 Selma
Powell, Edna C.
12 White Female 168 Smithfield
Powell, J. C.
55 White Male 64 O'Neals
Powell, John C.
16 White Male 168 Smithfield
Pulley, Carrie
29 White Female 185 Smithfield
Pulley, Charlie H.
30 White Male 109 Beulah
Pulley, Clennon S.
46 White Male 322 Beulah
Pulley, Clyde
47 White Female 244 Clayton
Pulley, Debric C.
27 White Male 185 Smithfield
Bastardy Bonds
No Results found
NC Yearbooks
Name Year Class School
Pool, Calvin Parker 1923 Law School Wake Forest University
Poole, Charles Glenn 1922 Senior Wake Forest University
Powell, Cornelia 1928 Senior UNC-Greensboro
Powell, E. Charles 1933 Senior UNC-Chapel Hill
No Results found
NC Civil War Soldiers Index *
Name Unit Comp Rank Side
Paul, David C. 27th Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Paul, David C. 1st Regiment, NC Infantry D Sergeant C
Paul, William C. 1st Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Peal, Charles 5th Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Peed, William C. 30th Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Peel, Charles 2nd Regiment, NC Junior Reserves G Corporal C
Peel, Charles 5th Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Peel, Charles 33rd Regiment, NC Infantry E Private C
Peel, Craven 17th Regiment, NC Infantry (2nd Organization) D,K Private C
Peeler, David C. 34th Regiment, NC Infantry F Private C
Peeler, H. C. 2nd Regiment, NC Junior Reserves B Sergeant C
Peeler, John C. 57th Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Peerce, Chris. C. 1st Regiment, NC Artillery H Private C
Pell, C. 2nd Regiment, NC Junior Reserves G Sergeant C
Pfohl, C. B. 4th Battalion, NC Junior Reserves B Second Lieutenant C
Pfohl, C. B. 3rd Battalion, NC Junior Reserves B Lieutenant C
Pfohl, Charles B. 3rd Battalion, NC Junior Reserves B Lieutenant C
Polley, C. H. 7th Battalion, NC Junior Reserves B Private C
Polly, C. H. 3rd Battalion, NC Junior Reserves D Private C
Pool, Caldwell 14th Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Pool, Christopher C. 37th Regiment, NC Infantry G Corporal C
Pool, Coy 1st Regiment, NC Junior Reserves D Private C
Pool, H. C. 18th Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Pool, Henry C. 1st Regiment, NC Artillery D Private C
Pool, Henry C. 1st Regiment, NC Artillery H Second Lieutenant C
Pool, Robert C. 54th Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Poole, Calvin 31st Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Poole, J. C. Allen's Company, NC Local Defense Private C
Poole, J. C. 1st Regiment, NC Junior Reserves D Private C
Poole, S. C. 50th Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Poole, W. C. 50th Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Poole, William C. Jr. 17th Regiment, NC Infantry (1st Organization) L Private C
Powel, M. C. 3rd Battalion, NC Junior Reserves D Private C
Powell, A. C. 1st Battalion, NC Junior Reserves D Private C
Powell, C. B. 38th Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Powell, C. B. 56th Regiment, NC Infantry F Private C
Powell, C. D. 24th Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Powell, C. P. 53rd Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Powell, Cabot 6th Regiment, NC Senior Reserves K Private C
Powell, Cave 44th Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Powell, Champ 25th Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Powell, Charles 27th Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Powell, Charles 10th Battalion, NC Heavy Artillery B Second Lieutenant C
Powell, Charles H. 7th Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Powell, Charles L. 24th Regiment, NC Infantry E Lieutenant C
Powell, Charles M. 24th Regiment, NC Infantry E Lieutenant C
Powell, Charles P. 23rd Regiment, NC Infantry D Corporal C
Powell, Charles S. 24th Regiment, NC Infantry E First Lieutenant C
Powell, George C. 20th Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Powell, J. C. 6th Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Powell, J. C. 47th Regiment, NC Infantry F&S Adjutant C
Powell, James C. 22nd Regiment, NC Infantry G Sergeant C
Powell, S. C. 47th Regiment, NC Infantry F&S Adjutant C
Powell, Thomas C. 47th Regiment, NC Infantry F&S Adjutant C
Powell, W. C. 3rd Regiment, NC Artillery B Private C
Powell, William C. 17th Regiment, NC Infantry (1st Organization) G Private C
Powell, William C. 2nd Battalion, NC Local Defense Troops F Private C
Powell, William C. 44th Regiment, NC Infantry B Corporal C
* All North Carolina soldiers (Union and Confederate) who fought in the Civil War.
NC Civil War Sailors Index *
No Results found
Southern Claims Commission
No Results found
No Results found
Cemetery Graves
Name Birth Death Cemetery
Peeden, Charlton W 1960 1975 Princeton
Peedin, Agnes Carpenter 1927 1959 Selma Memorial Gardens
Peedin, Alice C 1913 2001 Hephzibah Baptist Church
Peedin, Bertha Crocker 1904 1934 Crocker
Peedin, Bessie Creech 1895 1972 Sunset Memorial Park
Peedin, Callie J 1890 1966 Greenwood
Peedin, Casanda 1852 1928 Peedin
Peedin, Catherine 1826 1894 Peedin, Handy
Peedin, Catherine E 1884 1970 Oakland
Peedin, Charles J 1930 1973 Selma Memorial Gardens
Peedin, Clara L 1895 1897 Peedin, S. A.
Peedin, Clarance 1890 1911 Peedin
Peedin, Clarence 1906 1907 Creech, John R.
Peedin, Crisroe 1870 1925 Yelverton Grove Free Will Baptist Church
Peedin, Cynthia Jane 1865 1936 Peedin, Silas Ruffin
Peedin, Doris Creech 1916 1976 Sunset Memorial Park
Peedin, Elizabeth Creech 1837 1910 Peedin, James Isaac
Peedin, Emily C 1844 1940 Yelverton Grove Free Will Baptist Church
Peedin, Emma C 1892 1966 Peedin, Silas Ruffin
Peedin, Ethel C 1909 1977 Selma Memorial Gardens
Peedin, Hepsty C 1859 1936 Peedin, James Isaac
Peedin, James C 1877 1941 Peedin
Peedin, Mary Cornelia 1853 1918 Yelverton Grove Free Will Baptist Church
Peedin, Minnie C 1884 1958 Peedin, S. A.
Peedin, Simon C 1847 1911 Creech, John R.
Peedin, Tresindy Creech 1882 Creech, John R.
Peele, Anna C 1860 1937 Princeton
Peele, Bertha Creech 1893 1990 Powhatan Church
Peele, Callie Creech 1897 1938 Creech's Primative Baptist Church
Peele, Carthel B 1911 1967 Kenly City
Peele, Charles Creech 1936 2007 Micro Memorial Gardens
Peele, Charles S Jr 1920 1944 Princeton
Peele, Chris Chaney 1866 1936 Powhatan Church
Peele, Mary Carolyn 1939 1944 Princeton
Pool, Calvin 1822 1908 Mt. Moriah Baptist Church
Pool, Cathrine 1830 1861 Mt. Moriah Baptist Church
Pool, Chrystal Ann 1948 1951 Greenwood
Pool, Clifton 1902 1978 Mt. Moriah Baptist Church
Pool, J Coy 1846 1926 Mt. Moriah Baptist Church
Pool, Robert C 1853 1918 Hodges Chapel Free Will Baptist Church
Poole, Alice C 1895 1934 Maplewood
Poole, Charity A 1900 1987 Hannah's Creek Primitive Baptist Church
Poole, Cornelia M 1880 1971 Powhatan Church
Poole, David C 1901 1909 Maplewood
Poole, George C 1886 1946 Maplewood
Poole, George C 1923 1967 Maplewood
Poole, J C 1860 1951 Mt. Moriah Baptist Church
Poole, Lonnie C 1904 1989 Mt. Moriah Baptist Church
Poole, Ninah Canady 1878 1980 White Oak Baptist Church
Poole, William C 1901 1977 Sunset Memorial Park
Powell, Amanda C 1860 1902 Cole, Willis
Powell, Ben Caee Sr 1890 1964 Oakland
Powell, C Charles S Stevens 1843 1918 Powell, Ashley
Powell, Caroline A Runge 1861 1909 Powell, Ashley
Powell, Caroline Casey 1861 1928 Higgins/Barham
Powell, Cindy Parker, Cicero
Powell, Joyce C 1930 Mt. Moriah Baptist Church
Pulley, Charlie Benjamin 1859 1915 Batten/Pulley
Pulley, Charlie Hubert 1931 1932 Batten/Pulley
Pulley, Clinton S 1893 1974 Kenly City
Pulley, Clyde B 1899 Maplewood
Pulley, Clyde P 1893 1966 Maplewood
Pulley, Omega Creech 1907 1960 Selma Memorial Gardens
Pyle, Martha Caroline 1827 1857 Maplewood
NC Confederate Soldiers Burial Database*
Name Death County Cemetery
Peeler, David C. 1902 Cleveland Pleasant Grove Baptist Church Cemetery
Pool, Christopher C. Alexander Antioch Baptist Church Cemetery
Powell, Charles Stevens 1918 Johnston Powell Cemetery
* Records are still being added.
Wills Index *
No Results found
Other Resources
Surname Resource Title
Peedin Cemeteries Peedin Family Cemetery (Partial)
Pool Court Records William Pool - Deceased, 1816
Peele Deaths & Obituaries John Ivey Peele, 1931
Peele Deaths & Obituaries Sarah Ellen Peele, 1902
Peele Deaths & Obituaries Sarah Ellen Peele, 1902
Powell Deaths & Obituaries Ruth Ogburn Powell
Powell Deaths & Obituaries Roderick J. Powell, 1826
Powell Deaths & Obituaries Penelope Powell, 1810
Powell-Grimes Marriages Isaac Powell to Frances Grimes, 1819
Powell Military Stephen Powell Pension, 1791
Powell Military C.S. Powell Account
Peele Wills & Estates Jesse Peele - 1818
Peele Wills & Estates Jesse Peele - 1817
Pool Wills & Estates William Pool - 1763
Pool Wills & Estates James Pool - 1816 - Abstract
Pool Wills & Estates Thomas Pool - 1856
Pool Wills & Estates James Pool - 1816
Surname Researchers
Surname Counties Date Range Researcher
Peedin Kim Cummings
PeeleWayne, Wilson, Johnstin1800's Patricia Godwin
Poole, WilliamJohnston1700 - present Thomas Poole
PowellJohnston, Wayne Warren Bagley
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Connie Ellen Adams
Passed away on 15 July 2015

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