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» Search Results » CLARA ADAMS
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  • Phonetic matches for the first/middle name ("Clara") and last name ("Adams")
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  • 3-Character matches on the last name ("Ada")
1784-1787 State Census
No Results found
1790 Federal Census
No Results found
1800 Federal Census
No Results found
1810 Federal Census
Name Pg/Rw M00 M10 M16 M26 M45 F00 F10 F16 F26 F45 FP SL
Adams, Clabin 277 / 16 1 1 2 1
1820 Federal Census *
Name M00 M10 M1618 M16 M26 M45+ F00 F10 F16 F26 F45+
Adams, Claburn 1 1 1 4 1 1 1
* Missing Categories - Free colored persons, slaves, foreigners and employment
1830 Federal Census *
Name M00 M05 M10 M15 M20 M30 M40 M50 M60 M70+
Adams, Clabaurn 2 1 1 1 1
* Missing Categories - Free white women, free colored persons, slaves, foreigners and blind, deaf & dumb
1840 Federal Census *
No Results found
1860 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Adams, Caroline
11 White Female 173 Smithfield
Adams, Civil
4 White Female 1182 Newton Grove
Adams, Civil
8 White Female 586 Bentonville
Adams, Claborne
80 White Male 1077 Newton Grove
1870 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Adams, Betty C.
48 White Female 244 Ingrams
Adams, Carrie
21 White Female 160 Wilders
Adams, Catherine
27 White Female 160 Wilders
Adams, Charles
3 White Male 99 Ingrams
Adams, Charles
15 White Male 279 Clayton
Adams, Charlie
5 White Male 77 Ingrams
Adams, Charly
3 White Male 318 Smithfield
Adams, Civel
17 White Female 96 Smithfield
1880 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Adams, C.
14 White Male 55 South Smithfield
Adams, Calton
6 White Male 34 Ingrams
Adams, Caroline
32 White Female 133 Selma
Adams, Carson
8 White Male 127 Ingrams
Adams, Cathran
26 White Female 263 Ingrams
Adams, Cathrine
37 White Female 133 Selma
Adams, Charley
8 White Male 41 Selma
Adams, Charley D.
14 White Male 229 Ingrams
Adams, Charly
12 White Male 127 Ingrams
Adams, Charly
8 White Male 130 Ingrams
Adams, Cornelia
0 White Female 20 Ingrams
Adams, Cornelia J.
6 White Female 202 Ingrams
Adams, Curtis
16 White Male 34 Ingrams
Adams, James C.
19 White Male 75 Ingrams
1900 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Adams, Bethany C.
14 White Female 6 Bentonville
Adams, Bettie C.
16 White Female 298 Ingrams
Adams, Cader P.
19 White Male 185 Clayton
Adams, Callie W.
6 White Female 377 Banner
Adams, Calvin
59 Black Male 246 Selma
Adams, Calvin J.
26 White Male 157 Boon Hill
Adams, Carrie
6 Black Female 82 Cleveland
Adams, Carson
2 White Male 133 Clayton
Adams, Cartha C.
5 White Female 377 Banner
Adams, Charles
28 White Male 254 Clayton
Adams, Charles
34 White Male 157 Elevation
Adams, Charles R.
32 White Male 5 Ingrams
Adams, Charlie A.
7 White Male 365 Banner
Adams, Charlie G.
6 White Male 271 Ingrams
Adams, Charly
24 Black Male 160 Meadow
Adams, Cleveland
16 White Male 37 Clayton
Adams, Cora
22 Black Female 82 Cleveland
Adams, Cornelia J.
19 White Female 92 Ingrams
Adams, Creasy
33 White Female 77 Ingrams
Adams, Currena
4 Black Female 82 Cleveland
Adams, Curtis
36 White Male 185 Clayton
Adams, David C.
30 White Male 300 Ingrams
Adams, Emily C.
47 White Female 102 Ingrams
Adams, Finey C.
13 White Male 9 Pleasant Grove
Adams, Hinton C.
56 White Male 103 Ingrams
Adams, James C.
39 White Male 161 Ingrams
Adams, Nancy C
31 White Female 277 Ingrams
1910 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Adams, Ada C.
30 White Female 228 Pleasant Grove
Adams, Anna C.
White Female 53 Meadow
Adams, Annie C.
1/30/1900 White Female 30 Clayton
Adams, Callie
23 White Female 36 Bentonville
Adams, Callie W.
17 White Female 151 Banner
Adams, Carlton N.
4 White Male 91 Wilson's Mills
Adams, Carson
1/12/1900 White Male 188 Clayton
Adams, Cartha C.
15 White Female 151 Banner
Adams, Catherline
1/30/1900 White Female 121 O'Neals
Adams, Charles R.
9 White Male 17 Ingrams
Adams, Charley
2/13/1900 White Male 225 Banner
Adams, Charley G.
16 White Male 231 Ingrams
Adams, Charley H.
2/7/1900 White Male 284 Clayton
Adams, Charlie
30 Black Male 195 Banner
Adams, Charlie A.
17 White Male 152 Banner
Adams, Charlie F.
2/12/1900 White Male 575 Smithfield
Adams, Chester
4 White Male 231 Boon Hill
Adams, Clarence
White Male 227 Boon Hill
Adams, Clyda
28 White Female 346 Ingrams
Adams, Condary
White Male 52 Meadow
Adams, Cornelia
White Female 153 Banner
Adams, David C.
35 White Male 255 Ingrams
Adams, Emlie C.
57 White Female 143 Ingrams
Adams, James C.
52 White Male 180 Ingrams
Adams, James C.
35 White Male 227 Boon Hill
Adams, Maud C.
24 White Female 424 Selma
Adams, Nancy C.
12 White Female 149 Ingrams
Adams, Nancy C.
41 White Female 246 Ingrams
Adams, Noble C.
8 White Male 151 Bentonville
1920 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Adams, Ada C.
38 White Female 199 Pleasant Grove
Adams, C. Reed
19 White Male 123 Ingrams
Adams, Callie
8 White Female 214 Ingrams
Adams, Callie D.
32 White Female 326 Pleasant Grove
Adams, Carl
21 White Male 271 Ingrams
Adams, Carlton
White Male 177 Pine Level
Adams, Carlton
13 White Male 70 Wilson's Mills
Adams, Carmeth
White Male 50 Bentonville
Adams, Carson
22 White Male 25 Elevation
Adams, Charles
White Male 145 Ingrams
Adams, Charley H.
49 White Male 351 Clayton
Adams, Charlie
26 White Male 108 Meadow
Adams, Charlie
51 Black Male 5 Banner
Adams, Charlie
10 White Male 238 Ingrams
Adams, Charlie
53 White Male 69 Banner
Adams, Charnie
13 White Male 230 Boon Hill
Adams, Cherrie L.
35 White Female 12 Ingrams
Adams, Chester
13 White Male 215 Boon Hill
Adams, Chester A.
7 White Male 107 Meadow
Adams, Christia
White Female 12 Bentonville
Adams, Christine
Black Female 79 Cleveland
Adams, Christine
3 Black Female 249 Cleveland
Adams, Clarence
White Male 271 Ingrams
Adams, Clarence
12 White Male 177 Pine Level
Adams, Clida
White Female 274 Smithfield
Adams, Clida E.
38 White Female 10 Ingrams
Adams, Cluster
19 White Male 16 Bentonville
Adams, Condarry
10 White Male 231 Banner
Adams, Conolia G.
23 White Female 214 Ingrams
Adams, Cornelia
47 White Female 230 Boon Hill
Adams, D. C.
53 White Male 209 Ingrams
Adams, Daniel C.
8 White Male 150 Pleasant Grove
Adams, Edith C.
32 White Female 133 Banner
Adams, Emily C.
67 White Female 276 Ingrams
Adams, George C.
6 White Male 133 Banner
Adams, James C.
46 White Male 177 Pine Level
Adams, Mary C.
White Female 261 Smithfield
Adams, Rosa C.
41 White Female 69 Banner
Adams, William C.
White Male 102 Banner
Adams, William C.
White Male 262 Smithfield
1930 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Adamas, Charles H.
57 White Male 159 Clayton
Adams, Ada C.
49 White Female 244 Pleasant Grove
Adams, Alford C.
10 White Male 316 Ingrams
Adams, Callie
43 White Female 057 Smithfield
Adams, Callie
26 White Female 189 Banner
Adams, Callie M.
19 White Female 046 Elevation
Adams, Carlton
14 White Male 023 Boon Hill
Adams, Carlton
13 White Male 212 Smithfield
Adams, Carmie G.
10 White Male 080 Bentonville
Adams, Carroll D.
6 White Male 351 Selma
Adams, Carson
30 White Male 046 Elevation
Adams, Celesta
21 White Male 149 Cleveland
Adams, Chaley
20 White Male 130 Elevation
Adams, Charles W.
11 White Male 137 Ingrams
Adams, Charlie
55 Black Male 042 Banner
Adams, Charlie
64 White Male 001 Banner
Adams, Charlie
5 Black Male 186 Banner
Adams, Charlie A.
36 White Male 333 Meadow
Adams, Charlie F.
46 White Male 003 Banner
Adams, Cherry L.
45 White Female 133 Ingrams
Adams, Chester
17 White Male 324 Meadow
Adams, Christie
12 Black Female 148 Cleveland
Adams, Christie G.
13 White Female 144 Bentonville
Adams, Clare Lee
5 White Female 032 Pleasant Grove
Adams, Clarence
22 White Male 085 Boon Hill
Adams, Clarence
10 White Male 144 Ingrams
Adams, Clarnce
11 White Male 110 Micro
Adams, Clida B.
30 White Female 265 Ingrams
Adams, Clifton
4 White Male 244 Elevation
Adams, Clyde E.
48 White Female 006 Ingrams
Adams, Condary
20 White Male 356 Banner
Adams, Cornelia
33 White Female 393 Smithfield
Adams, Cynthia
30 White Female 091 Ingrams
Adams, David C.
60 White Male 135 Ingrams
Adams, George C.
14 White Male 283 Banner
Adams, Hazel C.
2 White Female 095 Banner
Adams, Isaac C.
13 White Male 091 Smithfield
Adams, James C.
8 White Male 011 Boon Hill
Adams, James C.
15 White Male 006 Ingrams
Adams, James C.
56 White Male 023 Boon Hill
Adams, Lilly C.
9 White Female 095 Banner
Adams, Mary C.
11 White Female 137 Wilson's Mills
Adams, Paul C.
10 White Male 006 Ingrams
Adams, Rosa C.
50 White Female 001 Banner
Adams, Waylon C.
6 White Male 265 Ingrams
Adams, William C.
14 White Male 095 Banner
1940 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Adams, Alfred C. H.
20 White Male 263 Ingrams
Adams, Callie
52 White Female 160 Smithfield
Adams, Callie
31 White Female 157 Ingrams
Adams, Caris D.
3 White Male 188 Banner
Adams, Carlton
21 White Male 283 Pleasant Grove
Adams, Carmie
20 White Male 395 Clayton
Adams, Carson
41 White Male 157 Ingrams
Adams, Charles
1 White Male 35 Ingrams
Adams, Charles
1 White Male 231 Pleasant Grove
Adams, Charles
4 White Male 5 Beulah
Adams, Charles Jr.
5 White Male 260 Meadow
Adams, Charles E.
40 White Male 104 Clayton
Adams, Charley
74 White Male 49 Banner
Adams, Charlie
30 White Male 311 Elevation
Adams, Charlie
4 White Male 291 Clayton
Adams, Charlie
66 Black Male 171 Banner
Adams, Charlie A.
48 White Male 260 Meadow
Adams, Charlie Bryant
17 White Male 49 Banner
Adams, Chellie
46 White Female 151 Clayton
Adams, Cherry L.
54 White Female 49 Banner
Adams, Cherry Temple
5 Black Female 285 Smithfield
Adams, Chester
28 White Male 248 Meadow
Adams, Chester T.
14 White Male 4 Boon Hill
Adams, Christie
23 White Female 10 Beulah
Adams, Christine
21 Black Female 214 Cleveland
Adams, Clara Lee
15 White Female 188 Pleasant Grove
Adams, Clarence
31 White Male 98 Boon Hill
Adams, Clarence
20 White Male 290 Selma
Adams, Clarence
20 White Male 208 Smithfield
Adams, Claude C.
37 White Male 18 Pleasant Grove
Adams, Clem
36 White Male 107 Ingrams
Adams, Clifton L.
9 White Male 150 Wilson's Mills
Adams, Clovis
24 White Male 3 Pleasant Grove
Adams, Clyda
23 White Female 210 Beulah
Adams, Clyda
28 White Female 183 Beulah
Adams, Clyde
56 White Female 14 Ingrams
Adams, Condary
31 White Male 255 Meadow
Adams, Cora
29 White Female 357 Ingrams
Adams, Cornelia
68 White Female 19 Beulah
Adams, Curron
16 White Male 18 Pleasant Grove
Adams, Cyntha
43 White Female 105 Ingrams
Adams, D. Carson
69 White Male 75 Ingrams
Adams, Edward C.
2 White Male 255 Meadow
Adams, George Cleo
27 White Male 216 Banner
Adams, Hazel C.
11 White Female 166 Banner
Adams, Hilda C.
19 White Female 205 Banner
Adams, James C.
18 White Male 4 Boon Hill
Adams, James C.
5 White Male 248 Meadow
Adams, John C.
5 White Male 255 Meadow
Adams, Lillie C.
19 White Female 166 Banner
Adams, Vada C.
20 White Female 36 Meadow
Adams, William Clarence
24 White Male 166 Banner
Bastardy Bonds
No Results found
NC Yearbooks
No Results found
No Results found
NC Civil War Soldiers Index *
Name Unit Comp Rank Side
Adair, C. C. 50th Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Adair, Columbus 50th Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Adams, A. C. 62nd Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Adams, Alfred C. Infantry Regiment, Thomas' NC Legion I Private C
Adams, Amos C. 55th Regiment, NC Infantry A Private C
Adams, C. J. 21st Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Adams, C. K. 21st Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Adams, Calbert 14th Regiment, NC Infantry K Private C
Adams, Calvin 52nd Regiment, NC Infantry F Private C
Adams, Carleton P. 11th Battalion, NC Home Guards A Private C
Adams, Charles 37th Regiment, NC Infantry A Private C
Adams, Charles 52nd Regiment, NC Infantry F Private C
Adams, Charles 29th Regiment, NC Infantry E,C Private C
Adams, Churchill D. 3rd Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Adams, Creed 26th Regiment, NC Infantry A Private C
Adams, D. C. 3rd Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Adams, David C. 26th Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Adams, David C. 27th Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Adams, David C. 1st Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Adams, Hinton C. 50th Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Adams, J. C. 23rd Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Adams, James C. 51st Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Adams, M. C. 38th Regiment, NC Infantry A Private C
Adams, T. C. 27th Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Adams, William C. 44th Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Adams, William C. 1st Regiment, NC Artillery G Private C
Adams, William C. 1st Regiment, NC Infantry (6 months, 1861) K Private C
* All North Carolina soldiers (Union and Confederate) who fought in the Civil War.
NC Civil War Sailors Index *
No Results found
Southern Claims Commission
No Results found
No Results found
Cemetery Graves
Name Birth Death Cemetery
Adams, Ada C Powell 1880 1931 Adams Family
Adams, Alfred C 1968 Bethel Freewill Baptist Church
Adams, Beulah Capps 1923 1965 Crocker
Adams, C W 1898 1928 Wood, John S.
Adams, Callie F 1907 St. Mary's Grove Original Free Will Baptist Church
Adams, Callie Lee 1888 1963 Knollwood
Adams, Carson 1898 1965 St. Mary's Grove Original Free Will Baptist Church
Adams, Cassie Dodd Davis 1898 1968 Juniper Primitive Baptist Church
Adams, Charles 1866 1944 Roselawn
Adams, Charles Jr 1935 1987 Banner Chapel Church
Adams, Charles Robey 1867 1901 Four Oaks Town
Adams, Charlie A 1893 1950 Banner Chapel Church
Adams, Charlie G 1893 1913 Rhodes, Joseph E.
Adams, Charlie G 1893 1913 Adams, J. S.
Adams, Charlie H 1872 1934 Amelia Christian Church
Adams, Chester A 1912 1962 Roselawn
Adams, Chester H 1906 1955 Princeton
Adams, Chester Thomas 1925 1997 Princeton
Adams, Clara L 1927 2006 Adams, David Benton
Adams, Clarence W 1919 1999 Grace Baptist Church
Adams, Claude G 1901 1948 Bethel Primitive Baptist Church
Adams, Clyde 1911 1978 Mill Creek Christian Church
Adams, Clyde C 1881 1969 Four Oaks Town
Adams, Clyde R 1907 1909 Oliver, A. W.
Adams, Coimzo 1916 1916 Banner Chapel Church
Adams, Condary 1909 1967 Banner Chapel Church
Adams, Cora Stanley Barbour's Chapel Advent Christian Church
Adams, Curtis Wayne 1964 Bethel Freewill Baptist Church
Adams, D Carson 1871 1946 Four Oaks Town
Adams, Edith Catherine 1887 1923 Adams, David Benton
Adams, Hinton C 1840 1907 Adams, Elder (Massengill/Lee/Blackmon)
Adams, James Carlton 1873 1937 Oliver, A. W.
Adams, James R (Cub) 1935 2004 Oakland
Adams, Lougenia Carroll 1892 1951 Bethel Primitive Baptist Church
Adams, Nelia C 1879 1906 Kemple, Konrad
Adams, Rosa C 1878 1940 Roselawn
Adams, W Clarence 1916 2000 Young Family
Adams, William Coolidge 1924 1984 Adams, Elder (Massengill/Lee/Blackmon)
Adams, Worth C 1915 1943 Sandy Grove Primitive Baptist Church
NC Confederate Soldiers Burial Database*
No Results found
Wills Index *
No Results found
Other Resources
Surname Resource Title
Adams-Ingram Marriages Right A. Adams to Theny Ingram, 1834
Hines-Adams Marriages Benjamin Hines to Altona Adams, 1859
Ingram-Adams Marriages Nathan Ingram to Catharine A. Adams, 1866
Rose-Adams Marriages Isaac C. Rose to Susan Adams, 1883
Adams Wills & Estates Howell Adams - 1800
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County Coordinator
Michael W. Kay
County Volunteers
Ross Sippel
Connie Ellen Adams
Passed away on 15 July 2015

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