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» Search Results » CLARENCE HOLLOMAN
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1784-1787 State Census
No Results found
1790 Federal Census
No Results found
1800 Federal Census
No Results found
1810 Federal Census
No Results found
1820 Federal Census *
No Results found
1830 Federal Census *
Name M00 M05 M10 M15 M20 M30 M40 M50 M60 M70+
Holland, Curtis 2 1 1
* Missing Categories - Free white women, free colored persons, slaves, foreigners and blind, deaf & dumb
1840 Federal Census *
Name M00 M05 M10 M15 M20 M30 M40 M50 M60 M70 M80 M90
Holland, Curtis 2 1 2 1 1
* Missing Categories - Free white women, free colored persons, slaves, blind/deaf/dumb, age and education
1860 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Holland, Celestia
8 White Female 239 Leachburg
Holland, Charles
14 White Male 239 Leachburg
Holland, Christopher
12 White Male 644 Beulah
Holland, Christopher
5 White Male 322 Boon Hill
Holland, Cullen
14 White Male 322 Boon Hill
Holland, Curtis
59 White Male 299 Boon Hill
Holland, Virginia C.
12 White Female 239 Leachburg
Holley, John C.
35 White Male 835 Newton Grove
Holloman, Caroline
23 White Female 820 Earpsboro
Holloman, Crissey
30 White Female 820 Earpsboro
Holmes, Celia
7 White Female 666 Elevation
Holmes, Chelly
20 White Female 665 Elevation
Holt, C. A.
33 White Male 314 Boon Hill
Holt, C. G.
24 White Male 390 Boon Hill
Holt, Cloah
43 White Female 172 Boon Hill
1870 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Holder, Cana
26 Black Male 47 Selma
Holland, C. C.
70 White Male 43 Beulah
Holland, C. Cole
21 White Male 171 Beulah
Holland, Calvin
50 White Male 117 Boon Hill
Holland, Charity
5 Black Female 63 Pleasant Grove
Holland, Charles
24 White Male 76 Pleasant Grove
Holland, Cornelia
17 Black Female 150 Pleasant Grove
Holland, Cray
15 White Male 117 Boon Hill
Holland, Curtis
6 White Male 117 Boon Hill
Holland, Curtis F.
1 White Male 216 Beulah
Holland, Faney C.
1 White Female 64 Beulah
Holleman, Cressy
48 White Female 133 O'Neals
Holley, Cloe A.
2 Black Female 72 Smithfield
Holloman, Caroline
46 White Female 203 Selma
Holoway, Caswill
65 Black Male 160 Pleasant Grove
Holoway, Charity
24 Black Female 160 Pleasant Grove
Holoway, Charly
0 Black Male 160 Pleasant Grove
Holt, Cephas
4 White Male 206 Smithfield
Holt, Charles
6 White Male 274 Boon Hill
Holt, Charles
4 Black Male 275 Clayton
Holt, Charlotte
40 White Female 206 Smithfield
Holt, Clary
54 White Female 300 Boon Hill
1880 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Holder, Caroline
25 White Female 8 Bentonville
Holder, Charlotte
45 Black Female 344 O'Neals
Holder, Chellie
40 Black Female 350 O'Neals
Holland, C. H.
34 White Male 134 Pleasant Grove
Holland, Charity
30 White Female 439 Boon Hill
Holland, Charles C.
3 White Male 134 Pleasant Grove
Holland, Charley
6 Black Male 154 Clayton
Holland, Charrita A.
7 White Female 131 Beulah
Holland, Clarence V.
4 White Male 77 Pleasant Grove
Holland, Emma C.
25 White Female 77 Pleasant Grove
Holland, Kenith C.
21 White Male 439 Boon Hill
Hollawell, Mary C.
2 White Female 263 Beulah
Hollawell, Netta C.
4 White Female 263 Beulah
Holleman, C. M.
38 White Male 12 O'Neals
Holloman, Caroline
51 White Female 402 Boon Hill
Holly, Joseph C.
27 White Male 254 Meadow
Holmes, Bytha C.
19 White Female 133 Meadow
Holt, Calvin
10 White Male 357 Boon Hill
Holt, Calvin A.
58 White Male 357 Boon Hill
Holt, Charity
28 Black Female 71 Selma
Holt, Charles
15 Black Male 21 Clayton
Holt, Charles H.
15 White Male 336 Boon Hill
Holt, Charlie
15 Black Male 137 Clayton
Holt, Charlotte
43 White Female 204 Elevation
Holt, Cornelia
28 Black Female 45 Wilson's Mills
Holt, James C.
20 White Male 230 Boon Hill
Holt, Richard C.
20 White Male 46 Elevation
Holt, William C.
7 Black Male 342 Boon Hill
1900 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Holder, Chally
3 Black Female 192 O'Neals
Holder, Clinton
66 Black Male 16 Wilders
Holder, Cluster
2 Black Male 156 Clayton
Holder, Cora A.
21 Black Female 192 O'Neals
Holder, Cordelia
18 Black Female 25 O'Neals
Holder, Cornelia
28 Black Female 156 Clayton
Holders, Castella
35 Black Female 87 Smithfield
Holiman, Charley A.
0 White Male 199 O'Neals
Holland, Bennie C.
12 White Male 165 Cleveland
Holland, Celia
11 White Female 241 Beulah
Holland, Charles
54 White Male 165 Cleveland
Holland, Charley
1 White Male 52 O'Neals
Holland, Charlie R.
16 White Male 198 Pleasant Grove
Holland, Clarkie
14 Black Female 165 Clayton
Holland, Clem
1 White Male 170 Cleveland
Holland, Cloa A.
15 White Female 241 Beulah
Holland, Cornelia
25 White Female 13 Clayton
Holland, Ira C.
7 White Male 36 Selma
Holland, Sarah C.
11 White Female 36 Selma
Holley, Cor E.
5 White Female 161 Meadow
Holloman, Carrie
13 White Female 84 Beulah
Holloman, Charley
8 White Male 84 Beulah
Hollomon, Sophia C.
5 White Female 177 Boon Hill
Hollomon, Zylphia C.
72 White Female 175 Boon Hill
Hollowell, Mary C.
22 White Female 42 Smithfield
Holmes, C. Lauretta
9 White Female 246 Banner
Holmes, Carlie M.
1 White Male 239 Banner
Holmes, Cartha L.
7 White Male 239 Banner
Holmes, Caswell
28 Black Male 117 Smithfield
Holmes, Catholine
0 White Female 53 Banner
Holmes, Charlie B.
25 White Male 33 Banner
Holmes, Christiana
9 White Female 80 Banner
Holmes, Ida C.
4 White Female 30 Smithfield
Holmes, Jesse C.
8 White Male 30 Smithfield
Holmes, Joseph C.
10 White Male 152 Elevation
Holmes, Lula C.
17 White Female 53 Banner
Holmes, Nancy C.
56 White Female 7 Banner
Holt, Calvin
78 White Male 35 Boon Hill
Holt, Calvin A.
30 White Male 265 Boon Hill
Holt, Casco C.
3 Black Male 249 Boon Hill
Holt, Charley
25 Black Male 353 Boon Hill
Holt, Clarence
2 Black Male 222 Boon Hill
Holt, Clifton G.
9 White Male 44 Boon Hill
Holt, Clyfton
7 Black Male 130 Boon Hill
Holt, Elser C.
3 White Female 265 Boon Hill
Holt, James C.
38 White Male 63 Cleveland
Holt, James C.
6 White Male 127 Clayton
Holt, Nerus C.
6 White Male 44 Boon Hill
1910 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Holden, Castilla
43 Black Female 210 Smithfield
Holder, Charity
21 Black Female 3 Wilders
Holder, Cora
31 Black Female 50 Wilders
Holland, Bennie C.
21 White Female 156 Cleveland
Holland, Charles H.
1 White Male 224 Banner
Holland, Charley
1/9/1900 White Male 143 O'Neals
Holland, Cleo
1/6/1900 Black Male 100 Clayton
Holland, Clim W.
10 White Male 224 Banner
Holland, Cornelia
2/3/1900 White Female 259 Clayton
Holleman, Carrie L.
22 White Female 234 Pine Level
Holleman, Charlie
17 White Male 234 Pine Level
Hollomon, Carolyn
3/23/1900 White Female 271 Boon Hill
Hollomon, Carrie
1/14/1900 White Female 273 Boon Hill
Hollomon, Clarence
1/7/1900 White Male 273 Boon Hill
Hollowell, Chellie
1/4/1900 White Female 256 Boon Hill
Holly, Cora E.
15 White Female 14 Meadow
Holly, Joe C.
55 White Male 20 Meadow
Holmes, Callie B.
6/12/2012 White Female 135 Elevation
Holmes, Caswell
2/13/1900 Black Male 333 Smithfield
Holmes, Celester
4 Black Male 53 Smithfield
Holmes, Charley
1/28/1900 White Male 22 Banner
Holmes, Chester
1/17/1900 White Male 221 Elevation
Holmes, Christianna
11 Black Female 53 Smithfield
Holmes, Christuana
1/18/1900 White Female 46 Banner
Holmes, Cillia
1/25/1900 White Female 264 Banner
Holmes, Joseph C.
20 White Male 168 Banner
Holmes, Julia C.
1/4/1900 White Female 84 Banner
Holt, Cadmous
1/14/1900 White Male 161 Clayton
Holt, Calvin A.
2/6/1900 White Male 221 Boon Hill
Holt, Calvin J.
49 White Male 53 Cleveland
Holt, Cases
1/12/1900 Black Male 92 Boon Hill
Holt, Caspian
1/9/1900 White Male 38 Boon Hill
Holt, Charley
2/14/1900 White Male 38 Boon Hill
Holt, Charlie
6 White Male 131 Clayton
Holt, Clarence
1/13/1900 Black Male 85 Boon Hill
Holt, Clifton G.
1/19/1900 White Male 151 Boon Hill
Holt, Colonel
21 Black Male 220 Wilson's Mills
Holt, Cora E.
1/13/1900 White Female 221 Boon Hill
Holt, Cornelia
58 Black Female 221 Wilson's Mills
Holt, James C.
2/19/1900 White Male 193 Boon Hill
Holt, Nerus C.
1/16/1900 White Male 151 Boon Hill
Holt, Rosco C.
2/10/1900 White Male 196 Boon Hill
1920 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Holden, Chartie
33 Black Female 254 Selma
Holder, Castilla
51 Black Female 189 Smithfield
Holder, Catherene
Mulatto Female 236 Selma
Holder, Clifton
10 Black Male 65 Wilders
Holland, Charlie R.
37 White Male 81 Pleasant Grove
Holland, Charlie W.
White Male 81 Pleasant Grove
Holland, Cornelia
44 White Female 1 Selma
Holley, Joseph C.
67 White Male 9 Meadow
Holloman, Charlie
27 White Male 153 Pine Level
Holmes, Callie B.
10 White Female 144 Elevation
Holmes, Celia
38 White Female 63 Banner
Holmes, Charley G.
36 White Male 170 Elevation
Holmes, Chester A.
26 White Male 305 Cleveland
Holmes, Clara
White Female 35 Banner
Holmes, Clarah B.
White Female 32 Banner
Holmes, Clarence C.
5 White Male 261 Elevation
Holmes, Cleo
3 White Female 63 Banner
Holmes, Clifton
18 Black Male 139 Selma
Holmes, Clifton
18 Black Male 42 Selma
Holmes, Elsie Clara
7 White Female 144 Elevation
Holmes, Jas. C.
30 White Male 6 Banner
Holmes, Julia C.
13 White Female 251 Elevation
Holmes, Mary C.
33 White Female 70 Smithfield
Holt, Cadimus
27 White Male 211 Clayton
Holt, Calvin A.
48 White Male 17 Smithfield
Holt, Calvin A. Jr.
White Male 17 Smithfield
Holt, Calvin J.
59 White Male 99 Cleveland
Holt, Casco
23 Black Male 264 Boon Hill
Holt, Charles Henry
Black Male 90 Wilson's Mills
Holt, Charlie
17 Mulatto Male 329 Boon Hill
Holt, Charlie H.
54 White Male 68 Boon Hill
Holt, Clara J.
14 Black Female 293 Smithfield
Holt, Clifton
30 White Male 67 Boon Hill
Holt, Colonel
36 Black Male 90 Wilson's Mills
Holt, Cornelia
35 White Female 76 Boon Hill
Holt, Cornelia
70 Black Female 186 Wilson's Mills
Holt, Rheubin C.
White Male 73 Cleveland
1930 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Holand, Charlie
42 White Male 033 Cleveland
Holder, C. V. Jr.
2+1/12 Black Male 149 O'Neals
Holder, Catrina
20 Black Female 127 Selma
Holder, Charles
6 Black Male 074 Selma
Holder, Chrstine
30 Black Female 204 O'Neals
Holder, Clarence
8 Black Male 074 Selma
Holder, Clifton
18 Black Male 049 Wilders
Holder, Cora
50 Black Female 258 Wilders
Holder, Cornelia
4+10/12 Black Female 204 O'Neals
Holland, Carl J.
4 White Male 162 Banner
Holland, Carlie
26 White Male 162 Banner
Holland, Cecile
10 White Male 290 Beulah
Holland, Charlie
28 White Male 073 Wilders
Holland, Clara B.
7 White Female 244 Beulah
Holland, Clarence
22 White Male 290 Beulah
Holland, Clem
29 White Male 275 Banner
Holland, Clinton
14 White Male 067 Beulah
Holland, Coleman
5 White Female 244 Beulah
Holland, Cornelia
54 White Female 396 Selma
Holland, Mildred C.
22 White Female 085 Beulah
Holley, Cleveland M.
9 White Male 002 Ingrams
Holley, Corry M.
37 White Female 307 Meadow
Holloman, Cassie
23 White Female 071 Pine Level
Holloman, Charlie
32 White Male 251 Boon Hill
Holloman, Clarence
27 White Male 067 Pine Level
Holloman, Conniebelle
7 White Female 063 Pine Level
Holloway, Chellie
60 White Female 002 Meadow
Holly, Corlis
8 White Male 020 Ingrams
Holman, Christine
3 Black Female 296 Clayton
Holmes, Andrew C.
62 White Male 076 Banner
Holmes, Chester A.
36 White Male 044 Cleveland
Holmes, Clara B.
15 White Female 204 Banner
Holmes, Clarince C.
16 White Male 065 Elevation
Holmes, Lola C.
19 Black Female 127 Smithfield
Holoman, Chester
7 White Male 311 Boon Hill
Holt, Charles H.
10 Black Male 044 Wilson's Mills
Holt, Charles H.
66 White Male 081 Boon Hill
Holt, Clarence
2+11/12 White Male 121 O'Neals
Holt, Clifton G.
39 White Male 082 Boon Hill
Holt, Colonel
38 Black Male 044 Wilson's Mills
Holt, Cornelia S.
46 White Female 067 Boon Hill
Holt, Ida C.
16 White Female 177 Clayton
Holt, J. C.
34 White Male 121 O'Neals
Holt, James C.
68 White Male 077 Cleveland
Holt, Nerus C.
35 White Male 013 Boon Hill
Holt, Ross C.
61 White Male 239 Boon Hill
1940 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Holder, C. V.
8 Black Male 22 O'Neals
Holder, Calla
19 Black Female 112 O'Neals
Holder, Callie
24 Black Female 284 O'Neals
Holder, Carrie
30 Black Female 138 Smithfield
Holder, Cecil
1 Black Male 101 O'Neals
Holder, Charles A.
<1 White Male 397 Clayton
Holder, Christine
9 Black Female 20 Wilders
Holder, Civea?
8 Black Male 330 O'Neals
Holder, Clara
3 Black Female 101 O'Neals
Holder, Clarence
23 White Male 27 Cleveland
Holder, Clarine
8 Black Female 257 Wilders
Holder, Claude Earl
2 Black Male 215 Wilders
Holder, Cloritha
8 Black Female 30 Clayton
Holder, James C.
17 Black Male 30 Clayton
Holland, Carolina
17 White Female 205 Pleasant Grove
Holland, Celion D.
4 White Male 196 Beulah
Holland, Charity
20 White Female 73 Wilders
Holland, Charles
9 White Male 208 Beulah
Holland, Charlie
55 White Male 51 Cleveland
Holland, Charlie
36 White Male 131 Meadow
Holland, Charlie Jr.
7 White Male 131 Meadow
Holland, Clara B.
17 White Female 220 Selma
Holland, Coleman
15 White Male 220 Selma
Holland, Leland C.
5 White Male 196 Beulah
Holland, Mildred C.
33 White Female 195 Beulah
Holleman, Henry C.
38 White Male 7 Beulah
Hollie, Calie
18 White Male 190 Ingrams
Holloman, Carrel U.
<1 White Female 180 Pine Level
Holloman, Cassie
39 White Female 199 Pine Level
Holloman, Cecil
<1 White Male 199 Pine Level
Holloman, Clarence
37 White Male 180 Pine Level
Hollowell, Celia
68 White Female 4 Boon Hill
Hollowell, Chellie
70 White Female 100 Wilson's Mills
Hollowell, Claudia
31 White Female 110 Ingrams
Hollowell, Cleverland
18 White Male 103 Selma
Hollowman, Chester
17 White Male 354 O'Neals
Holly, Carrie Mae
48 White Female 157 Meadow
Holly, Cleveland
19 White Male 152 Ingrams
Holmes, Canielee
2 White Female 7 Ingrams
Holmes, Carribell
20 White Female 7 Ingrams
Holmes, Charles
8 White Male 96 Banner
Holmes, Charlie
1 White Male 63 Banner
Holmes, Chester A.
49 White Male 22 Cleveland
Holmes, Clarence
30 Black Male 289 Smithfield
Holmes, J. Calvin
50 White Male 1 Banner
Holt, Calvian
4 Black Male 191 Boon Hill
Holt, Carlton
1 Black Male 70 Boon Hill
Holt, Caroline
19 White Female 129 Pine Level
Holt, Casco
44 Black Male 230 Boon Hill
Holt, Caspin S.
39 White Male 76 Boon Hill
Holt, Charlie
24 Black Male 159 Beulah
Holt, Charlie
5 Black Male 301 O'Neals
Holt, Clarence
13 White Male 247 Wilders
Holt, Claudie
17 White Female 269 Elevation
Holt, Clifton G.
49 White Male 75 Boon Hill
Holt, Colonel
50 Black Male 45 Wilson's Mills
Holt, J. C.
44 White Male 247 Wilders
Holt, Nerus C.
46 White Male 104 Boon Hill
Holt, Zora C.
40 White Female 129 Pine Level
Bastardy Bonds
Father's Name Mother's Name Date
Holt, C. A. Howell, Elizabeth 27 Nov 1858
NC Yearbooks
Name Year Class School
Holland, Robert C. 1925 Senior NC State University
No Results found
NC Civil War Soldiers Index *
Name Unit Comp Rank Side
Hallman, C. H. 6th Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Hallman, Oliver C. 23rd Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Holbrooks, Caleb 5th Regiment, NC Senior Reserves K Private C
Holcomb, A. C. 6th Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Holcomb, C. J. 44th Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Holcomb, Calvin M. 28th Regiment, NC Infantry I Sergeant C
Holcomb, M. C. 54th Regiment, NC Infantry ... Private C
Holden, C. 1st Regiment, NC Artillery A Private C
Holden, Calvin 56th Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Holden, Cornelius Galloway's Company, NC Coast Guards Private C
Holder, C. H. 21st Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Holder, C. J. 21st Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Holder, Calvin W. 56th Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Holder, Charles 45th Regiment, NC Infantry K Private C
Holder, J. C. 26th Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Holder, James C. 47th Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Holder, John C. 33rd Regiment, NC Infantry F,I Corporal C
Holder, W. C. 21st Regiment, NC Infantry K Sergeant C
Holder, William C. 21st Regiment, NC Infantry K Sergeant C
Holderby, Marcus C. 45th Regiment, NC Infantry H Captain C
Holderly, M. C. Unassigned Conscripts, NC Private C
Holderly, Marcus C. 45th Regiment, NC Infantry H Captain C
Hole, C. A. 20th Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Hole, N. C. 20th Regiment, NC Infantry F Private C
Holehauser, C. 4th Regiment, NC Infantry K Private C
Holeman, C. S. 6th Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Holes, C. W. Unidentified NC First Lieutenant C
Holey, J. C. 5th Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Holhouser, C. M. 57th Regiment, NC Infantry C Sergeant C
Holingsworth, C. H. 22nd Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Holinsworth, Thomas C. 16th Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Holland, B. C. 1st Regiment, NC Artillery A Private C
Holland, C. 16th Battalion, NC Cavalry A Private C
Holland, Charles 8th Battalion, NC Cavalry (Partisan Rangers) D Private C
Holland, Charles 66th Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Holland, Charles 3rd Regiment, NC Artillery A Private C
Holland, Charles 60th Regiment, NC Infantry H First Sergeant C
Holland, D. C. 1st Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Holland, Henry C. 2nd Battalion, NC Local Defense Troops C Private C
Holland, James C. 28th Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Holland, Samuel C. 25th Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Holland, William C. 50th Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Holleman, C. S. 6th Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Holler, J. C. McRae's Battalion, NC Cavalry E Private C
Holley, John C. 5th Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Hollifield, H. C. 56th Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Hollifield, Harvey C. 56th Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Hollifield, Jacob C. 64th Regiment, NC Infantry (Allen's) A Private C
Hollifield, John C. 64th Regiment, NC Infantry (Allen's) A Private C
Holliman, C. M. 50th Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Holliman, C. N. Mallett's Battalion, NC Camp Guards (Camp Holmes) A Private C
Hollin, Samuel C. 25th Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Hollingsworth, Callahed H. 22nd Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Hollingsworth, Charles 20th Regiment, NC Infantry I Corporal C
Hollingsworth, L. C. 12th Regiment, NC Infantry K Private C
Hollingsworth, S. C. 12th Regiment, NC Infantry K Private C
Hollingsworth, Sweetman C. Jones' Company, NC Supporting Force Private C
Hollingsworth, T. C. 12th Regiment, NC Infantry K Private C
Hollinsworth, Collie H. 22nd Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Hollman, O. C. 23rd Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Holloman, C. M. 50th Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Holloy, Cephas 34th Regiment, NC Infantry E Private C
Holly, Daniel C. 34th Regiment, NC Infantry E Private C
Holly, John C. 50th Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Holmes, James C. 30th Regiment, NC Infantry A Major C
Holmes, James C. 20th Regiment, NC Infantry Second Lieutenant C
Holmes, Marcellus C. 15th Regiment, NC Infantry E Private C
Holmes, W. C. 4th Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Holshouser, C. 76th Regiment, NC Militia Private C
Holshouser, C. C. 4th Regiment, NC Infantry K Private C
Holshouser, C. M. 57th Regiment, NC Infantry C Sergeant C
Holshouser, Calvin 57th Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Holshouser, Crawford 57th Regiment, NC Infantry C Sergeant C
Holshouser, Crisenbery 1st Regiment, NC Artillery D Private C
Holsouser, C. M. 57th Regiment, NC Infantry C Sergeant C
Holt, A. C. 32nd Regiment, NC Infantry (Lenoir Braves) K Private C
Holt, Augustus C. 15th Regiment, NC Infantry L Private C
Holt, C. D. 53rd Regiment, NC Infantry F Sergeant C
Holt, Calvin 13th Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Holt, Calvin A. 27th Regiment, NC Infantry A Private C
Holt, Calvin M. 48th Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Holt, Caswell 5th Regiment, NC Infantry E Private C
Holt, Charles M. 48th Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Holt, Chesley 47th Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Holt, Daniel C. 13th Regiment, NC Infantry E Private C
Holt, Henry Clay 12th Regiment, NC Infantry F Private C
Holton, Charles H. 45th Regiment, NC Infantry K Private C
Holtshouser, Crisenbery 1st Regiment, NC Artillery D Private C
Holyfield, Columbus C. 28th Regiment, NC Infantry A Private C
* All North Carolina soldiers (Union and Confederate) who fought in the Civil War.
NC Civil War Sailors Index *
No Results found
Southern Claims Commission
No Results found
No Results found
Cemetery Graves
Name Birth Death Cemetery
Holder, Carrie Leona 1909 1989 Wesley Chapel A.M.E. Church
Holland, C H Garrard, Thompson
Holland, Carolyn Bostic 1906 1982 Holland
Holland, Clarabel 1922 2000 Holland
Holland, Cornelia A 1875 1944 Atkinson, Josiah
Holland, Emma C 1855 1883 Holland, D. H.
Holland, Harvey Clinton 1896 1943 Kenly City
Holland, James C 1909 1911 Holland, J. M.
Holley, Betty C 1873 1911 Hood's Grove Baptist Church
Holliman, C M 1840 1915 Antioch Baptist Church
Holloman, Cassie E 1906 1970 Selma Memorial Gardens
Holloman, Charlie 1893 1950 Holloman, John R.
Holloman, Clarence Jr 1925 1925 Holloman, John R.
Holloman, Lola C 1913 1975 Crocker
Holloman, M Clarence 1902 1992 Holloman, John R.
Hollowell, Celia E 1873 1947 Hollowell
Hollowell, Chellie 1866 1942 Hollowell
Hollowell, Chiellie 1909 Rains Crossroads
Holmes, C B 1875 1952 Banner Chapel Church
Holmes, Charles 1911 1911 Hodges Chapel Free Will Baptist Church
Holmes, Charles E Sr 1911 1975 Roselawn
Holmes, Clarence E 1910 1975 Resthaven
Holmes, Henry C 1888 1937 Holmes, Henry
Holmes, Joseph C 1889 1981 Hannah's Creek Primitive Baptist Church
Holmes, Nancy C 1836 1903 Benson City
Holms, Curtiss Johnson/Holmes
Holms, Henry C 1850 1916 Johnson/Holmes
Holt, Calvin 1864 1934 Oakland Presbyterian Church
Holt, Calvin A 1868 1943 Princeton
Holt, Charity Ann 1852 1889 Selma
Holt, Charles C 1882 1882 Princeton
Holt, Charles E 1923 1924 Hodges Chapel Free Will Baptist Church
Holt, Charles Henry 1864 1930 Princeton
Holt, Clare Elizabeth Dillon 1889 1969 Holt, G. M.
Holt, Clifton Graham 1890 1942 Princeton
Holt, Cornelia Sanders 1884 1968 Princeton
Holt, Cornelia Sanders 1929 Wilson's Mills Community
Holt, James C 1859 1931 Princeton
Holt, Kizziah Caroline 1830 1894 Princeton
Holt, Myrtle C 1899 St. Mary's Grove Original Free Will Baptist Church
Holt, Richard C Jr 1925 1967 Riverside
Holt, Sarah Cox 1871 Coor, N. C.
Holt, Willie C 1922 1923 Clayton City
Holt, Zora C 1891 Crocker
NC Confederate Soldiers Burial Database*
Name Death County Cemetery
Holcomb, T. C. 1863 Wayne Willow Dale Cemetery
Holeshouser, Crawford 1926 Wake Oakwood Cemetery
Holmes, James Clinton 1865 Sampson Clinton City Cemetery
* Records are still being added.
Wills Index *
No Results found
Other Resources
Surname Resource Title
Holt Bibles Holt Family Bible Records
Holland Deaths & Obituaries Caroline Holland, 1859
Hollowell Deaths & Obituaries Delphima Hollowell, 1940
Holland-Farrow Marriages Alfred Holland to Nannie Farrow, 1868
Rose-Holland Marriages Haris Rose to Zilpa Holland, 1846
Holder Wills & Estates James Holder - 1791
Holt Wills & Estates Etheldred Holt Sr - 1847
Holt Wills & Estates James Holt Sr - 1843
Surname Researchers
Surname Counties Date Range Researcher
HollandJohnston, Wayne1730 - present Diana Holland Faust
Holland Andy Langston
HollomanJohnston Stephen Wayne Holloman
HolmesJohnston1700's - present Albert Hendrick
HolmesJohnston Jann Woodard
Holt Diane Pollard Keiser
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 Other GenWeb SitesSimilar Counties
Johnston County, Oklahoma Johnson County, Arkansas
Johnson County, Georgia
Johnson County, Illinois
Johnson County, Indiana
Johnson County, Iowa
Johnson County, Kansas
Johnson County, Kentucky
Johnson County, Missouri
Johnson County, Nebraska
Johnson County, Tennessee
Johnson County, Texas
Johnson County, Wyoming

County Coordinator
Michael W. Kay
County Volunteers
Ross Sippel
Connie Ellen Adams
Passed away on 15 July 2015

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Site last updated on October 4, 2024