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» Search Results » DELLA BRANHAM
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  • Phonetic matches for the first/middle name ("Della") and last name ("Branham")
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  • 3-Character matches on the last name ("Bra")
1784-1787 State Census
No Results found
1790 Federal Census
No Results found
1800 Federal Census
Name Pg/Rw M00 M10 M16 M26 M45 F00 F10 F16 F26 F45 FP SL
Brassel, David 771 / 24 3 1 1 1 2
1810 Federal Census
No Results found
1820 Federal Census *
Name M00 M10 M1618 M16 M26 M45+ F00 F10 F16 F26 F45+
Brantley, Duncan 2 1 1 1
Braswell, David 1 2 1 1
* Missing Categories - Free colored persons, slaves, foreigners and employment
1830 Federal Census *
No Results found
1840 Federal Census *
No Results found
1860 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Braddy, Dixon
9 White Male 98 Boon Hill
1870 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Brannan, Dalmon
14 White Male 235 O'Neals
1880 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Brady, Delany
10 White Female 133 Boon Hill
Brady, Dora M.
8 White Female 132 Boon Hill
Brannan, Delia
26 White Female 166 Wilders
Branom, Delia
19 White Female 194 South Smithfield
1900 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Braddy, Delia
22 White Female 322 Clayton
Bradshaw, Will D.
30 White Male 291 Selma
Brady, Druzilla
31 White Female 135 Boon Hill
Brady, M. Della
26 White Female 46 Banner
Branch, Donie A.
19 White Female 94 Clayton
Branham, Della
34 White Female 240 Clayton
Brannan, David
10 White Male 217 Wilders
Brannan, Delia
48 White Female 217 Wilders
Braswell, Daniel W.
6 White Male 160 Boon Hill
Braswell, David
18 White Male 160 Boon Hill
Braswell, Doctor D.
19 White Male 144 Boon Hill
Braswell, John D.
5 White Male 148 Boon Hill
Braswell, John D.
3 White Male 147 Boon Hill
Braswell, John D.
3 White Male 88 Boon Hill
Braughton, Levi D.
6 White Male 74 Beulah
1910 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Bradley, Daniel
62 Black Male 50 Boon Hill
Bradley, Della
48 White Female 44 Smithfield
Braham, Dennis
1/9/1900 White Male 251 Clayton
Brannan, D. B.
2/3/1900 White Male 170 Clayton
Brannan, Daisy A.
21 White Female 209 Wilders
Brannan, David M.
20 White Male 279 Wilders
Brannan, Della E. L. F.
60 White Female 279 Wilders
Brannan, Dick
20 White Male 172 O'Neals
Brannan, Irene D.
26 White Female 71 Wilders
Braswell, Daniel
13 White Male 128 Smithfield
Braswell, David
26 White Male 219 Boon Hill
Braswell, Dock
28 White Male 169 Smithfield
Braswell, James D.
8 White Male 247 Boon Hill
1920 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Braddy, Mary D.
46 White Female 176 Banner
Bradley, Jos. D.
White Male 71 Smithfield
Branan, Daisy Ann
29 White Female 1 Wilders
Branch, James D.
8 White Male 278 Smithfield
Branna, D. B.
45 White Male 4 Clayton
Brannan, Otis D.
22 White Male 183 O'Neals
Braswell, Daniel
16 White Male 274 Boon Hill
Braswell, Daniel W.
24 White Male 75 Pine Level
Braswell, David
38 White Male 319 Boon Hill
Brazell, Daniel
22 White Male 443 Smithfield
Brazell, Doar
21 White Female 443 Smithfield
Browning, David D.
5 White Male 11 Elevation
1930 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Bradley, Doris
5 White Female 006 Boon Hill
Bradley, Duke
15 White Male 032 Smithfield
Brady, Dewey E.
10 White Male 167 Banner
Brady, Mary D.
56 White Female 165 Banner
Branch, Dorothy L.
3 White Female 068 Clayton
Brannan, Daisy
41 White Female 117 Wilders
Brannan, Dora
39 White Female 228 Wilders
Brannan, Dorthy
10 White Female 228 Wilders
Brannon, Dale
2+3/12 White Male 231 O'Neals
Brannon, Dwight W.
33 White Male 231 O'Neals
Brannon, Winnie D.
30 White Female 231 O'Neals
Branon, Joe D.
14 White Male 128 Wilders
Brantham, William D.
14 White Male 242 Bentonville
Brasswell, Daniel
35 White Male 229 Micro
Braswell, Daniel
28 White Male 374 Boon Hill
Braswell, David
47 White Male 027 Boon Hill
Braswell, David Q.
14 White Male 027 Boon Hill
Braswell, Dewey
7 White Male 034 Boon Hill
Braswell, Dixie
6 White Female 091 Boon Hill
Braswell, Dock D.
49 White Male 023 Boon Hill
Braswell, Dora
35 White Female 014 Pine Level
Braswell, Dora
31 White Female 367 Boon Hill
Braswell, Doris
4+0/12 White Female 112 Boon Hill
Braswell, Dorothy L.
6 White Female 043 Boon Hill
Braswell, J. Daniel
36 White Male 367 Boon Hill
Braswell, Lois D.
30 White Female 023 Boon Hill
Braswell, Ruth D.
7 White Female 023 Boon Hill
Browning, Dave M.
39 White Male 058 Wilders
Browning, David D.
17 White Male 377 Ingrams
Browning, Doris S.
1 White Female 181 Wilders
1940 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Bradley, Doris
14 White Female 76 Boon Hill
Bradley, Duke
24 White Male 137 Smithfield
Bradley, Joseph D.
4 White Male 137 Smithfield
Bradshaw, Deloris
1 White Female 56 Wilders
Brady, Dolan H.
3 White Male 88 Ingrams
Brady, Dorothy
17 White Female 95 Banner
Branch, Donald
5 White Male 261 Smithfield
Branch, Dorothy
13 White Female 261 Smithfield
Brannan, Daisy
50 White Female 139 Wilders
Brannan, Dora
49 White Female 271 Wilders
Braswell, Daniel W.
44 White Male 137 Pine Level
Braswell, David M.
58 White Male 166 Boon Hill
Braswell, Dewey
18 White Male 32 Boon Hill
Braswell, Donald
<1 White Male 32 Pine Level
Braswell, Donald
6 White Male 5 Boon Hill
Braswell, Donald Ray
6 White Male 180 Smithfield
Braswell, Dora
36 White Female 95 Boon Hill
Braswell, Dora
35 White Female 273 Elevation
Braswell, Doretta
24 White Female 30 Boon Hill
Braswell, Doris D.
9 White Female 85 Pine Level
Braswell, Doris E.
14 White Female 64 Pine Level
Braswell, Dorthy L.
18 White Female 45 Boon Hill
Braswell, Douglas E.
2 White Male 246 Smithfield
Braswell, Lois D.
41 White Female 90 Boon Hill
Braswell, Nellie D.
8 White Female 155 Boon Hill
Braswell, Raymond D.
13 White Male 180 Smithfield
Braswell, Ruth D.
17 White Female 90 Boon Hill
Braswell, Virginia D.
42 White Female 126 Boon Hill
Browning, David D.
26 White Male 228 Banner
Browning, Doris
11 White Female 386 Clayton
Browning, Jessie D.
2 White Male 228 Banner
Browning, W. Donald
7 White Male 245 Banner
Bastardy Bonds
No Results found
NC Yearbooks
No Results found
No Results found
NC Civil War Soldiers Index *
Name Unit Comp Rank Side
Birmingham, J. D. 23rd Regiment, NC Infantry A Private C
Bracker, W. D. 22nd Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Brackett, John D. 39th Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Brackett, William D. 22nd Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Brackin, R. D. 4th Regiment, NC Senior Reserves A Private C
Bradburn, David F. 64th Regiment, NC Infantry (Allen's) C Private C
Braddy, Daniel 2nd Regiment, NC Artillery B Private C
Braddy, S. D. 2nd Regiment, NC Artillery B Private C
Bradford, D. Bartlett 17th Regiment, NC Infantry (1st Organization) L Sergeant Major C
Bradford, D. L. 20th Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Bradford, David L. 49th Regiment, NC Infantry E Private C
Bradley, Alexander D. 31st Regiment, NC Infantry I Corporal C
Bradley, D. W. 6th Regiment, NC Cavalry F,A Private C
Bradley, Daniel 6th Regiment, NC Cavalry F,A Private C
Bradley, James D. 1st Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Bradley, James D. 3rd Regiment, NC Artillery I Private C
Bradley, James D. 60th Regiment, NC Infantry I,A Private C
Bradley, Joseph D. 29th Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Bradlow, D. W. 45th Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Bradshaw, B. D. 30th Regiment, NC Infantry E Private C
Bradshaw, D. W. 4th Regiment, NC Cavalry (59th NC State Troops) C Private C
Bradshaw, D. Y. 4th Regiment, NC Cavalry (59th NC State Troops) B Private C
Bradshaw, Daniel J. 51st Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Bradshaw, David 12th Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Bradshaw, David J. 51st Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Bradshaw, David T. 1st Battalion, NC Heavy Artillery C Private C
Bradshaw, David W. 43rd Regiment, NC Infantry A Private C
Bradshaw, J. D. 51st Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Bradshaw, William D. 3rd Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Bradsher, David Y. 4th Regiment, NC Cavalry (59th NC State Troops) B Private C
Bradsher, Dolphus G. 13th Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Bradsher, James D. 24th Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Brady, David 1st Regiment, NC Artillery D Private C
Brady, W. D. 22nd Regiment, NC Infantry L Private C
Bragaman, David 28th Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Bragamer, David 28th Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Bragden, Andrew D. 16th Battalion, NC Cavalry A Private C
Bragg, James D. 21st Regiment, NC Infantry A Private C
Brain, David 1st Regiment, NC Artillery D Private C
Bran, William D. 21st Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Branch, D. W. 1st Regiment, NC Infantry (6 months, 1861) G Private C
Branch, David 16th Regiment, NC Infantry E Private C
Branch, Dennis J. 3rd Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Branch, Talton D. 51st Regiment, NC Infantry E Private C
Brandall, Micajah D. 62nd Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Brandle, Micajah D. 62nd Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Brandon, Calvin D. 4th Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Brandon, D. Calvin 4th Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Brandon, David L. 4th Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Brann, Peter D. 45th Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Brann, W. D. 9th Battalion, NC Sharpshooters (1st Battalion) A Private C
Brannan, Dennis 12th Regiment, NC Infantry F Private C
Branson, David B. 3rd Regiment, NC Cavalry D Private C
Brant, L. D. 24th Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Brantley, Bennett D. 7th Regiment, NC Infantry E Sergeant C
Brantly, David H. 38th Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Branton, D. 33rd Regiment, NC Infantry E Private C
Braswell, Daniel 26th Regiment, NC Infantry K Private C
Braswell, David 33rd Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Braswell, Drew 44th Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Braswell, John D. 17th Regiment, NC Infantry (2nd Organization) I Private C
Braswell, Samuel D. 32nd Regiment, NC Infantry (Lenoir Braves) K Corporal C
Braswell, Spencer D. 8th Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Braswell, William D. 15th Regiment, NC Infantry K Captain C
Braun, W. D. 9th Battalion, NC Sharpshooters (1st Battalion) A Private C
Brawn, Peter D. 45th Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Brawn, W. D. 9th Battalion, NC Sharpshooters (1st Battalion) A Private C
Bray, Daniel C. 1st Battalion, NC Heavy Artillery A,D Private C
Bray, David 2nd Battalion, NC Infantry B Private C
Bray, David C. K. 1st Battalion, NC Heavy Artillery A,D Private C
Bray, Mathis D. 44th Regiment, NC Infantry E Private C
Brayman, David 28th Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Browning, D. C. 3rd Regiment, NC Cavalry F Corporal C
Browning, David E. 3rd Regiment, NC Cavalry F Corporal C
Browning, Dolphus E. 3rd Regiment, NC Cavalry F Corporal C
Burman, D. 37th Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
* All North Carolina soldiers (Union and Confederate) who fought in the Civil War.
NC Civil War Sailors Index *
Name Birthplace Occupation Age
Brambry, David Easton None 36
* African-American sailors who were born in North Carolina and fought for the Union.
Southern Claims Commission
No Results found
No Results found
Cemetery Graves
Name Birth Death Cemetery
Braddy, Elizabeth Davis 1896 Starling, W. W.
Bradley, Della 1861 1918 Oakland
Bradley, Doctor May 1901 1901 Mt. Moriah Baptist Church
Bradley, Joseph Duke Jr 1935 2009 Woodard, A. F.
Bradley, Larry Duke 1963 1963 Woodard, A. F.
Bradshaw, Delia Rich 1870 1939 Rich/Bradshaw
Bradshaw, H D 1860 1924 Rich/Bradshaw
Brady, Della O'Neal 1874 1930 Benson City
Brady, Denny Ray 1949 Baptist Center Church
Brady, Donald K 1961 2010 Powhatan Church
Brady, Hilda Deans 1936 1998 Grace Baptist Church
Brady, Manard D 1916 1916 Howell, John Daniel
Branch, Donald D 1935 1978 Selma Memorial Gardens
Branch, John D 1901 1902 Mt. Moriah Baptist Church
Braner, Dean M 1932 1977 Cole, John (or William H.)
Branham, Della 1865 1962 Austin, Henry
Brannan, D B Jr 1929 1961 Maplewood
Brannan, D B Sr 1875 1970 Maplewood
Brannan, Dora B 1890 1966 Branch Chapel Free Will Baptist Church
Brannon, Doris Eason, Oscar
Brannon, Mrs Doris H Griswold/Eason
Brantham, Daisy Ann 1885 1968 Howell/Toler
Brantham, William Dewitt 1917 1952 Oakland
Brantley, Dolphus H 1908 1971 Corinth Baptist Church
Braswell, Alvin D 1907 1907 Braswell, George
Braswell, D D (Dock) 1880 1931 Princeton
Braswell, Daniel Webster 1896 1963 Knollwood
Braswell, Dessie 1918 1918 Braswell, Alex
Braswell, Dora Harper 1905 1993 Braswell
Braswell, Infant Daugher 1920 Braswell, Andrew
Braswell, James Daniel 1902 1975 Woodard, B. C.
Braswell, Jerry Dwane 1971 2007 Oakland Presbyterian Church
Braswell, Jerry Dwane Jr 1998 2007 Oakland Presbyterian Church
Braswell, John D 1897 1901 Braswell, George
Braswell, John Daniel 1896 1964 Yelverton Grove Free Will Baptist Church
Braswell, Nell Doris 1932 1949 Pearce
Braswell, Raymond Debro 1927 1969 Yelverton Grove Free Will Baptist Church
Braswell, Sally D 1894 1965 Braswell, Andrew
Browning, D H 1928 1929 Massengill, David H.
Browning, Robert D 1892 1976 Barbour's Chapel Advent Christian Church
NC Confederate Soldiers Burial Database*
Name Death County Cemetery
Bradshaw, David W. 1899 Duplin Pin Hook Cemetery
Bradshaw, William D. 1924 Duplin Clay Hill Cemetery
* Records are still being added.
Wills Index *
No Results found
Other Resources
Surname Resource Title
Braddy Bibles Samuel Braddy Family Bible Records
Daughtry-Pearce-Braswell Bibles Daughtry-Pearce-Braswell Family Bible
Brannon Court Records William Brannon v. Timothy Duck Heirs, 1816
Bradley-Reeves Deeds John Bradley to George Reeves, 1764
Brady Wills & Estates John Brady - 1794
Surname Researchers
Surname Counties Date Range Researcher
BraddyJohnston1800 - present James ?Roger? Braddy
BrannanJohnston, Wake1850's forward Patricia Godwin
BranthamJohnston, Wayne1800 - present Kristi Stanfield
BraswellJohnston, Edgecombe1700 - present Foy Braswell
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Passed away on 15 July 2015

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