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» Search Results » DEXTER LEE
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  • Phonetic matches for the first/middle name ("Dexter") and last name ("Lee")
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  • 3-Character matches on the last name ("Lee")
1784-1787 State Census
Name WM21-60 WM-Other WF B21-50 B-Other
Lee, David 1 3 3 3 1
1790 Federal Census
Name FWM16- FWM16+ FWF AOFP Slaves
Lee, David Jr 3 2 4
Lee, David Sr 1 2 3 5
1800 Federal Census
Name Pg/Rw M00 M10 M16 M26 M45 F00 F10 F16 F26 F45 FP SL
Lee, David Sen…r 775 / 5 2 1 1 1 1 1
Lee, David Sen…r 776 / 5 1 1 6
1810 Federal Census
Name Pg/Rw M00 M10 M16 M26 M45 F00 F10 F16 F26 F45 FP SL
Lee, David Jn…r 288 / 6 1 1 1 4
Lee, David Sen…r 289 / 18 1 1 1 6
1820 Federal Census *
Name M00 M10 M1618 M16 M26 M45+ F00 F10 F16 F26 F45+
Lee, David Sr. 1 1
Lee, Durham 1 1 1 1 1
* Missing Categories - Free colored persons, slaves, foreigners and employment
1830 Federal Census *
Name M00 M05 M10 M15 M20 M30 M40 M50 M60 M70+
Lee, David 1
Lee, Durham 1 1 1
* Missing Categories - Free white women, free colored persons, slaves, foreigners and blind, deaf & dumb
1840 Federal Census *
Name M00 M05 M10 M15 M20 M30 M40 M50 M60 M70 M80 M90
Lee, Durham 1 1 1
* Missing Categories - Free white women, free colored persons, slaves, blind/deaf/dumb, age and education
1860 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Lee, Daniel
27 White Male 841 Newton Grove
Lee, David
8 White Male 689 Elevation
Lee, Delia
4 White Female 65 Clayton
Lee, Delia
0 White Female 1024 Bentonville
Lee, Disa
42 White Female 906 Newton Grove
Lee, Doratha
50 White Female 1027 Bentonville
Lee, Durham
73 White Male 810 Newton Grove
1870 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Lee, Dallas
6 White Male 19 Ingrams
Lee, Daratha
68 White Female 208 Meadow
Lee, David
0 Black Male 174 Ingrams
Lee, David
14 White Male 251 Smithfield
Lee, Dealia
11 White Female 29 Meadow
Lee, Deliar
13 White Female 295 Clayton
Lee, Demsy
20 Black Male 136 Wilders
Lee, Dicey
29 White Female 28 Ingrams
Lee, Dicy
32 Black Female 40 Wilders
Lee, Dicy
50 White Female 122 Meadow
Lee, Druzilla
8 Black Female 177 Ingrams
Lee, Durham
80 White Male 150 Ingrams
1880 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Lea, Dealear
30 White Female 196 Elevation
Lee, Dallas
19 White Male 262 Ingrams
Lee, David
30 White Male 243 Ingrams
Lee, David C.
3 White Male 192 Pleasant Grove
Lee, David G.
3 White Male 303 Meadow
Lee, David M.
29 White Male 192 Pleasant Grove
Lee, Delia E.
6 White Female 294 Ingrams
Lee, Delia Jane
11 White Female 245 Ingrams
Lee, Dempsy
30 Black Male 251 Wilders
Lee, Dicea
40 White Female 199 Ingrams
Lee, Dicy
1 White Female 288 Meadow
Lee, Dicy J.
6 White Female 304 Meadow
Lee, Doc
5 Black Male 167 Bentonville
Lee, Dolly
28 Black Female 80 South Smithfield
Lee, Dora C.
7 White Female 245 Ingrams
Lee, Druzilla
15 Black Female 153 Bentonville
Lee, Durham
0 White Male 251 Ingrams
Lee, Elizabeth D.
19 White Female 181 Meadow
Lee, Ida D.
7 White Female 83 Pleasant Grove
Lee, Isaac D.
26 White Male 251 Ingrams
Lee, Thommy D.
3 White Male 2 Meadow
1900 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Lee, Alva D.
10 White Female 239 Meadow
Lee, Archie D.
4 White Male 360 Banner
Lee, Charlie D.
12 White Male 188 Banner
Lee, Dallas
39 White Male 74 Ingrams
Lee, Dallie
56 Black Female 247 Smithfield
Lee, Dalton
15 White Male 112 Ingrams
Lee, Danie
18 White Female 118 Clayton
Lee, Daniel Clarence
0 White Male 80 Pleasant Grove
Lee, Daniel M.
8 White Male 360 Banner
Lee, Dave M.
50 White Male 121 Cleveland
Lee, David
2 Black Male 114 Selma
Lee, David
16 White Male 142 Ingrams
Lee, David
24 White Male 85 Cleveland
Lee, David
1 White Male 188 Banner
Lee, David
1 Black Male 108 Wilders
Lee, David A.
18 Black Male 190 Meadow
Lee, David A.
9 White Male 184 Ingrams
Lee, David A.
38 White Male 188 Banner
Lee, David J.
16 White Male 36 Bentonville
Lee, Delanie E.
31 White Female 231 Ingrams
Lee, Delia
49 White Female 118 Elevation
Lee, Delia
29 White Female 66 Ingrams
Lee, Delia
17 White Female 118 Elevation
Lee, Delia E. V.
26 White Female 217 Smithfield
Lee, Della
16 Black Female 185 Smithfield
Lee, Della
9 White Female 125 Bentonville
Lee, Della F.
15 White Female 117 Ingrams
Lee, Dewey
1 White Male 108 Ingrams
Lee, Dicy
21 White Female 68 Banner
Lee, Dicy Ann
58 White Female 158 Ingrams
Lee, Donnie
10 White Female 122 Bentonville
Lee, Donnie
18 Black Female 185 Smithfield
Lee, Donnie
0 Black Male 220 Meadow
Lee, Dora
15 Black Female 119 Wilders
Lee, Dora
11 Black Female 216 Meadow
Lee, Frank D.
14 White Male 142 Ingrams
Lee, Henry D.
12 White Male 120 Ingrams
Lee, Isaac D.
47 White Male 252 Ingrams
Lee, Lonny D.
20 White Male 252 Ingrams
Lee, Samuel D.
0 White Male 481 Smithfield
Lee, Thomas D.
24 White Male 126 Meadow
Lee, William D.
50 White Male 157 Ingrams
Lee, William D.
6 White Male 157 Ingrams
1910 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Lee, Alva D.
1/18/1900 White Female 152 Meadow
Lee, Archie D
14 White Male 123 Banner
Lee, Callie D.
1/5/1900 Black Female 145 Meadow
Lee, Conley D.
33 White Male 49 Cleveland
Lee, Dallas
18 White Female 35 Elevation
Lee, Dallas
48 White Male 136 Ingrams
Lee, Dalton
26 White Male 6 Ingrams
Lee, Daniel
1/7/1900 Black Male 505 Smithfield
Lee, Daniel
4 White Male 66 Bentonville
Lee, Daniel C.
10 White Male 255 Pleasant Grove
Lee, Daniel F.
23 White Male 81 Ingrams
Lee, Daniel M.
18 White Male 178 Banner
Lee, Dartha V.
5/12/2012 White Female 94 Banner
Lee, Darthy
2/9/1900 White Female 28 Meadow
Lee, Dary B.
1 White Male 122 Banner
Lee, David
1/10/1900 White Male 277 Banner
Lee, David
12 Black Male 118 Pine Level
Lee, David
White Male 35 Elevation
Lee, David
18 Black Male 351 Wilders
Lee, David A.
25 White Male 34 Ingrams
Lee, David A.
2/17/1900 White Male 277 Banner
Lee, David A.
17 White Male 119 Ingrams
Lee, David G.
32 White Male 119 Banner
Lee, David J.
1/26/1900 White Male 124 Meadow
Lee, David M.
58 White Male 34 Cleveland
Lee, Deg
6 Black Male 286 Wilders
Lee, Delana E.
41 White Female 174 Ingrams
Lee, Delia
39 White Female 92 Ingrams
Lee, Delia
2/28/1900 White Female 101 Clayton
Lee, Della
23 White Female 34 Ingrams
Lee, Della
20 White Female 150 Ingrams
Lee, Della
18 White Female 66 Bentonville
Lee, Deny
11 White Male 35 Ingrams
Lee, Dewy H.
10 White Male 42 Meadow
Lee, Dicy A.
68 White Female 194 Ingrams
Lee, Doanie
30 White Female 200 Clayton
Lee, Dolly
53 Black Female 131 Smithfield
Lee, Donie
1/9/1900 Black Female 151 Banner
Lee, Dora
29 White Female 35 Ingrams
Lee, Dora
1/22/1900 Black Female 93 Meadow
Lee, Dora
40 Black Female 351 Wilders
Lee, Dora I.
1/26/1900 White Female 163 Meadow
Lee, Dougell
12 White Male 5 Bentonville
Lee, Emma D.
9 White Female 36 Bentonville
Lee, Essia D.
7 White Female 174 Ingrams
Lee, Isaac D.
57 White Male 145 Ingrams
Lee, Lon D.
28 White Male 144 Ingrams
Lee, Ransom D.
6 White Male 194 Ingrams
Lee, Silvia D.
2/5/1900 Black Female 145 Meadow
Lee, Talbott D. Z.
1/1/1900 White Male 28 Meadow
Lee, William D.
1/1/1900 White Male 163 Meadow
Lee, William D.
1/3/1900 White Male 152 Meadow
Lee, William D. Jr.
15 White Male 202 Ingrams
Lee, William D. Sr.
61 White Male 202 Ingrams
1920 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Lee, Daisy B.
11 White Female 168 Banner
Lee, Dallas
58 White Male 218 Ingrams
Lee, Dallie
6 Black Female 73 Smithfield
Lee, Dalton
34 White Male 12 Ingrams
Lee, Dalton J.
7 White Male 29 Meadow
Lee, Daniel
14 White Male 1 Bentonville
Lee, Daniel C.
20 White Male 247 Pleasant Grove
Lee, Daniel G.
42 White Male 133 Meadow
Lee, Daniel M.
28 White Male 156 Banner
Lee, Daniel O.
6 White Male 133 Meadow
Lee, Daniel P.
6 White Male 452 Smithfield
Lee, Daphney
5 Black Female 179 Wilders
Lee, Daton
White Male 195 Meadow
Lee, David
9 White Male 88 Ingrams
Lee, David
White Male 376 Ingrams
Lee, David
White Male 137 Bentonville
Lee, David
39 White Male 147 Boon Hill
Lee, David
White Male 147 Boon Hill
Lee, David A.
36 White Male 160 Ingrams
Lee, David A.
19 White Male 6 Banner
Lee, David C.
43 White Male 178 Cleveland
Lee, David J.
36 White Male 126 Meadow
Lee, Delia
67 White Female 7 Clayton
Lee, Delia
48 White Female 252 Ingrams
Lee, Delia V.
43 White Female 177 Smithfield
Lee, Delie
21 White Female 268 Ingrams
Lee, Della
32 White Female 160 Ingrams
Lee, Della
35 White Female 293 Ingrams
Lee, Delma
White Male 59 Elevation
Lee, Dennie V.
13 White Male 278 Ingrams
Lee, Denton F.
9 White Male 246 Pleasant Grove
Lee, Dexter
5 White Male 427 Ingrams
Lee, Doner
White Female 26 Bentonville
Lee, Donie C.
38 White Female 210 Meadow
Lee, Donnie J.
24 Mulatto Female 302 Selma
Lee, Dora
38 White Female 162 Ingrams
Lee, Dora I.
35 White Female 55 Meadow
Lee, Dora P.
22 White Female 181 Cleveland
Lee, Dorothy
10 White Female 199 Banner
Lee, Dorothy
50 White Female 152 Meadow
Lee, Dortha
White Female 25 Clayton
Lee, Dorthy
7 White Female 152 Meadow
Lee, Hubert D.
8 White Male 98 Meadow
Lee, Irvin D.
1 White Male 154 Meadow
Lee, Isaac D.
66 White Male 273 Ingrams
Lee, James D.
2 Black Male 73 Smithfield
Lee, Marvin D.
White Male 436 Ingrams
Lee, Ransom D.
17 White Male 31 Ingrams
Lee, Rev. D. C.
9 White Male 23 Meadow
Lee, William D.
70 White Male 30 Ingrams
Lee, William D.
13 White Male 63 Meadow
Lee, Willie D.
26 White Male 30 Ingrams
Lee, Zora D.
26 White Female 245 Ingrams
1930 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Lee, Archie D.
32 White Male 180 Ingrams
Lee, Avery D.
12 White Male 076 Meadow
Lee, Charles D.
1 White Male 107 Banner
Lee, Clyde D.
14 White Male 331 Ingrams
Lee, Daisy
7 White Female 078 Clayton
Lee, Dalas L.
5 White Male 085 Meadow
Lee, Dallie
15 Black Female 012 Smithfield
Lee, Dalton
15 White Male 263 Boon Hill
Lee, Dalton G.
17 White Male 112 Elevation
Lee, Dancie
8 White Female 091 Wilson's Mills
Lee, Daniel
23 White Male 107 O'Neals
Lee, Daniel
16 White Male 124 Ingrams
Lee, Daniel C.
30 White Male 174 Pleasant Grove
Lee, Daniel M.
36 White Male 246 Banner
Lee, Dartha
1 White Female 359 Banner
Lee, Darthie M.
5 White Female 032 Ingrams
Lee, Dasie
16 Black Female 173 O'Neals
Lee, David
10 White Male 126 Smithfield
Lee, David
8 White Male 126 Smithfield
Lee, David
29 White Female 359 Banner
Lee, David
10 Black Male 040 Wilders
Lee, David
16 White Male 052 Clayton
Lee, David
17 White Male 086 Meadow
Lee, David
29 White Male 359 Banner
Lee, David G.
52 White Male 297 Meadow
Lee, David J.
45 White Male 138 Meadow
Lee, David T.
12 White Male 265 Bentonville
Lee, Dayton
23 White Male 211 Meadow
Lee, Deleuis
2 Black Female 080 Wilders
Lee, Deleuis
4/12 Black Female 080 Wilders
Lee, Delia
30 White Female 106 Boon Hill
Lee, Delia E.
59 White Female 053 Ingrams
Lee, Delia V.
55 White Female 045 O'Neals
Lee, Della
26 White Female 166 Ingrams
Lee, Della
26 White Female 166 Ingrams
Lee, Della
45 White Female 164 Ingrams
Lee, Della G.
17 White Female 087 Ingrams
Lee, Della M.
8 White Female 170 Elevation
Lee, Della Perry
50 White Female 254 Clayton
Lee, Delma
8 White Male 092 Boon Hill
Lee, Delma
22 Black Female 287 Clayton
Lee, Delma
14 White Male 124 Ingrams
Lee, Delma A.
10 White Male 104 Ingrams
Lee, Delma A.
20 Black Female 170 Clayton
Lee, Denton F.
19 White Male 085 Pleasant Grove
Lee, Donnie J.
37 Black Female 115 Selma
Lee, Dora
18 White Female 107 O'Neals
Lee, Dora
26 Black Female 026 Selma
Lee, Dora L.
10 Black Female 296 Wilders
Lee, Doris M.
2+4/12 White Female 213 Meadow
Lee, Dorothy
11 White Female 196 Clayton
Lee, Dorothy
20 White Female 413 Selma
Lee, Dorothy
62 White Female 095 Meadow
Lee, Dorothy
18 White Female 095 Meadow
Lee, Dorothy B.
6 White Female 100 Ingrams
Lee, Dortha
3/12 White Female 210 Meadow
Lee, Dorthy
9 White Female 066 Wilson's Mills
Lee, Dorthy J.
1+6/12 White Female 009 Elevation
Lee, Emma D.
29 White Female 017 Bentonville
Lee, Erwin D.
10 White Male 300 Ingrams
Lee, Hubert D.
17 White Male 282 Banner
Lee, Irwin D.
11 White Male 100 Meadow
Lee, Isaac D.
9 White Male 126 Smithfield
Lee, Isaac D.
77 White Male 064 Ingrams
Lee, James D.
12 Black Male 012 Smithfield
Lee, James D.
5/12 White Male 166 Ingrams
Lee, James D.
41 White Male 100 Wilson's Mills
Lee, Janus D.
2+3/12 White Male 156 Bentonville
Lee, John D.
7 White Male 235 Clayton
Lee, Leacy D.
4 White Female 067 Ingrams
Lee, Lillie D.
5 White Female 120 Banner
Lee, Lumas D.
11 White Male 100 Wilson's Mills
Lee, Ransom D.
29 White Male 254 Ingrams
Lee, Thomas D.
48 White Male 348 Banner
Lee, William D.
35 White Male 240 Ingrams
Lee, Worth D.
13 White Male 077 Cleveland
1940 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Lee, Archie D.
40 White Male 209 Banner
Lee, Charles D.
52 White Male 82 Banner
Lee, D. J.
2 White Male 177 Smithfield
Lee, D. L.
15 White Male 43 Banner
Lee, Dacey
35 Black Female 006b Clayton
Lee, Daisy Katharine
<1 White Female 318 Smithfield
Lee, Dalton
25 White Male 254 Smithfield
Lee, Daneul L.
2 White Male 257 Pleasant Grove
Lee, Daniel
23 White Male 177 Smithfield
Lee, Daniel
36 White Male 68 Beulah
Lee, Daniel M.
48 White Male 84 Ingrams
Lee, Dannie
18 White Male 152 Ingrams
Lee, Darcy
7 White Female 300 Pleasant Grove
Lee, DaRelee
6 White Male 238 Elevation
Lee, David
26 White Male 113 Clayton
Lee, David
40 White Male 198 Banner
Lee, David
63 White Male 210 Meadow
Lee, David
20 White Male 152 Ingrams
Lee, David
9 White Male 184 Banner
Lee, David E.
4 White Male 57 Meadow
Lee, David John
56 White Male 109 Meadow
Lee, David W.
23 White Male 289 Clayton
Lee, Delia
69 White Female 167 Ingrams
Lee, Delia
63 White Female 156 Ingrams
Lee, Della
55 White Female 29 Ingrams
Lee, Delma
18 White Male 252 Beulah
Lee, Delma
22 White Male 336 Ingrams
Lee, Delma
32 Black Female 115 Clayton
Lee, Delmon
15 White Male 165 Ingrams
Lee, Denton F.
29 White Male 70 Smithfield
Lee, Dexter
25 White Male 196 Elevation
Lee, Donadle
10 White Male 110 Banner
Lee, Donald
21 White Male 267 Meadow
Lee, Donald
5 White Male 6 Banner
Lee, Donnie
45 Black Female 270 Selma
Lee, Donnie R.
15 White Female 19 Pine Level
Lee, Dora
28 White Female 68 Beulah
Lee, Dora
2 Black Female 130 Smithfield
Lee, Doris
9 White Female 292 Beulah
Lee, Dorothy
35 White Female 323 Selma
Lee, Dorothy
11 White Female 275 Banner
Lee, Dorothy
70 White Female 114 Meadow
Lee, Dorothy L.
10 White Female 4 Meadow
Lee, Dorris
<1 White Female 210 Meadow
Lee, Dorris J.
3 White Female 153 Smithfield
Lee, Dorris M.
12 White Female 35 Meadow
Lee, Dorthia
1 White Female 267 Meadow
Lee, Dorthy
19 White Female 54 Wilson's Mills
Lee, Dorthy
3 White Female 391 Clayton
Lee, Dorthy B.
16 White Female 105 Ingrams
Lee, Dorthy D.
12 White Female 198 Banner
Lee, Edwin D.
3 White Male 21 Meadow
Lee, Erwin D.
20 White Male 94 Banner
Lee, Harold D.
1 White Male 43 Banner
Lee, Howard D.
7 White Male 198 Banner
Lee, Katie D.
17 White Female 198 Banner
Lee, Linda D.
3 White Female 6 Banner
Lee, Sherill Deleon
2 White Male 31 Meadow
Lee, William D.
33 White Male 33 Meadow
Lee, Willow Dean
10 White Female 201 Meadow
Lee, Zeb D.
51 White Male 94 Banner
Bastardy Bonds
No Results found
NC Yearbooks
No Results found
No Results found
NC Civil War Soldiers Index *
Name Unit Comp Rank Side
L., Dan 3rd Regiment, NC Mounted Infantry F Private U
Law, David Unidentified NC Private C
Lay, David 5th Battalion, NC Cavalry B Private C
Lea, D. 20th Regiment, NC Infantry H Second Lieutenant C
Lea, David 13th Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Lea, Green D. 13th Regiment, NC Infantry D Corporal C
Lea, L. D. 7th Regiment, NC Senior Reserves Private C
Lee, B. D. 4th Regiment, NC Cavalry (59th NC State Troops) I Private C
Lee, B. D. 12th Battalion, NC Cavalry B Private C
Lee, D. 13th Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Lee, D. J. 3rd Regiment, NC Artillery H Private C
Lee, D. L. 51st Regiment, NC Infantry E Private C
Lee, D. T. 31st Regiment, NC Infantry H Sergeant C
Lee, Daniel S. 3rd Regiment, NC Artillery H Private C
Lee, Daniel W. 5th Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Lee, Daniel W. Jr. 4th Regiment, NC Cavalry (59th NC State Troops) G Sergeant C
Lee, Daniel W. Sr. 4th Regiment, NC Cavalry (59th NC State Troops) G Private C
Lee, David 51st Regiment, NC Infantry E Private C
Lee, David 20th Regiment, NC Infantry H Second Lieutenant C
Lee, David C. 27th Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Lee, David J. 4th Regiment, NC Cavalry (59th NC State Troops) G Private C
Lee, David L. 20th Regiment, NC Infantry H Second Lieutenant C
Lee, David P. 13th Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Lee, David S. 3rd Regiment, NC Artillery H Private C
Lee, Drury B. 28th Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Lee, Henry D. 26th Regiment, NC Infantry K Private C
Lee, Herbert D. 16th Regiment, NC Infantry D Major C
Lee, James D. 18th Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Lee, P. D. Croom's Company, NC Local Defense (Kingston Guards)(Kingston Provost Guard) Private C
Lee, R. D. 42nd Regiment, NC Infantry F Private C
Lee, W. D. 43rd Regiment, NC Infantry K Private C
Low, Daniel 52nd Regiment, NC Infantry E Private C
Low, Daniel 21st Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Low, David Unidentified NC Private C
Lowe, Dallas 24th Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Lowe, Daniel 21st Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Lowe, Daniel 47th Regiment, NC Infantry K Private C
Lowe, Daniel 52nd Regiment, NC Infantry E Private C
Lowe, David 2nd Regiment, NC Artillery A Private C
Lowe, Samuel D. 28th Regiment, NC Infantry C Colonel C
* All North Carolina soldiers (Union and Confederate) who fought in the Civil War.
NC Civil War Sailors Index *
No Results found
Southern Claims Commission
No Results found
No Results found
Cemetery Graves
Name Birth Death Cemetery
L, D A Pauline Primitive Baptist Church
Lee, Aaron David 1920 1993 Roselawn
Lee, Alva D 1892 1912 Lee, J. Claude
Lee, Amanda D 1869 1890 Smith, Bud
Lee, Archie D 1896 1971 Johnson, Sir William
Lee, Bevie D 1916 2003 Johnson, J. Q.
Lee, Carroll Dee 1946 1966 Lee's Chapel Advent Christian Church
Lee, Charlie D 1888 1942 Banner Chapel Church
Lee, D A 1861 1919 Hodges Chapel Free Will Baptist Church
Lee, Dallas 1860 1924 Lee, John "Jackie"
Lee, Dalton 1915 1995 Selma Memorial Gardens
Lee, Dalton 1881 1964 Massengill, Bud
Lee, Daniel 1892 1971 Allen, James G
Lee, Darry B 1909 1976 Banner Chapel Church
Lee, Daughter 1973 Lee's Chapel Advent Christian Church
Lee, David 1850 1900 Johnson/Lee
Lee, David 1848 1887 Tart, Furney
Lee, David Allen 1946 1946 Smith, Joseph A.
Lee, David Allen 1900 1972 Banner Chapel Church
Lee, David Allen 1884 1926 Lee, James H.
Lee, David Conley 1877 1928 Oakland Presbyterian Church
Lee, David E Overbee, D. A.
Lee, David G 1877 1942 Banner Chapel Church
Lee, David John 1883 1957 Roselawn
Lee, David Jones 1889 1908 Lee
Lee, David Long 1746 1812 Lee, David Long
Lee, David M 1851 1914 Oakland Presbyterian Church
Lee, David W 1910 1956 Sunset Memorial Park
Lee, Delia Frances 1885 1960 Lee's Chapel Advent Christian Church
Lee, Delia Virginia 1874 1969 Oakland
Lee, Della Ethel 1886 1925 Lee, James H.
Lee, Dellon D 1940 1943 Banner Chapel Church
Lee, Delton 1921 1923 Banner Chapel Church
Lee, Dennie V 1902 1924 Lee, Isaac D.
Lee, Denton Farmer Sr 1910 1965 Oakland Presbyterian Church
Lee, Denton Farmer 1910 1965 Sunset Memorial Park
Lee, Dexter 1914 1948 Hannah's Creek Primitive Baptist Church
Lee, Dicey Ann Guin 1914 Lee, James E. "Russia"
Lee, Dicye 1916 1916 Parker, Cicero
Lee, Dola Baker 1906 1935 Barbour's Chapel Advent Christian Church
Lee, Donald Ray 1946 1946 Blackmons Grove Baptist Church
Lee, Donald Ray 1955 1977 McLamb, Isham
Lee, Donald Roy 1934 1971 Roselawn
Lee, Dora B 1928 Hills of the Neuse Memorial Gardens
Lee, Dora Irene Rose 1882 1923 Langston/Rose/Lee
Lee, Dorothy Johnson 1869 1943 Johnson/Lee
Lee, Dorothy Smith 1798 1866 Lee, John Sr.
Lee, Dosia Blackman 1863 1939 Bethel Freewill Baptist Church
Lee, Douglas 1905 1906 Clayton City
Lee, Edwin Dale 1936 1964 Lee, James
Lee, Emma Dean Easterly 1900 1977 Antioch Methodist Church
Lee, Floyd D 1924 Bethel Freewill Baptist Church
Lee, Glenwood Dale 1965 1977 Banner Chapel Church
Lee, Harold D 1933 1959 Blackmons Grove Baptist Church
Lee, Helen D 1935 1967 Bethsaida Primative Baptist Church
Lee, Howard D 1933 1974 Banner Chapel Church
Lee, Hubert D 1910 1911 Banner Chapel Church
Lee, Hubert D 1913 1966 Banner Chapel Church
Lee, Isaac D 1853 1938 Lee, Isaac D.
Lee, James Daniel 1888 1970 Sunset Memorial Park
Lee, James Daniel 1927 1973 Hills of the Neuse Memorial Gardens
Lee, Jater D 1912 1963 Johnson, J. Q.
Lee, John Daniel 1923 1935 Benson City
Lee, Joseph D 1915 1944 Allen, James G
Lee, Lonnie D 1880 1952 Lee, Isaac D.
Lee, Martha Dunn 1895 1953 Mill Creek Christian Church
Lee, Marvin Dave 1954 2013 Lee, Aaron
Lee, Ransom D 1901 1947 Sunset Memorial Park
Lee, Ransom D 1947 Sunset Memorial Park
Lee, Robert D 1916 1984 Roselawn
Lee, Ruby Doris 1925 1926 Hodges Chapel Free Will Baptist Church
Lee, S D 1846 1912 Lee, S. D.
Lee, Stenson Duke 1934 Oakland Presbyterian Church
Lee, Talbot D 1908 1970 Johnson/Lee
Lee, William David 1849 1924 Lee, James H.
Lee, William Dayton 1906 1991 Lee, J. Claude
Lee, William Delma 1908 1910 Langston/Rose/Lee
Lee, Wilson D 1911 1914 Johnson/Lee
Lee, Zeb D 1889 1950 Barbour's Chapel Advent Christian Church
NC Confederate Soldiers Burial Database*
Name Death County Cemetery
Lee, David C. 1915 Duplin Lee Memorial Park
Lee, Drury Bridges 1883 Cleveland Sharon United Methodist Church Cemetery
* Records are still being added.
Wills Index *
Name Year
Lee, David 1833
* Wills from 1760-1922 which are physically located at the North Carolina Archives [C.R. 050.801.1-11]
Other Resources
Surname Resource Title
Griffin-Lee Bibles Griffin-Lee Family Bible
Lee Deaths & Obituaries Zachariah Lee, 1862
Lee Deaths & Obituaries J. Lee, 1863
Lee Deaths & Obituaries Mary Jane Lee, 1922
Morton-Lee Deaths & Obituaries Caroline C. (Lee) Morton, 1859
Lee Deeds Godfrey Lee, 1780-1784
Lee Deeds Robert Lee, 1748-1756
Lee-Hooks Deeds Blackman & Mary Lee to Franklin & John Hooks, 1848
Lee-Rose Deeds Samuel Lee Jr. to Nicholas Rose, 1822
Lee Letters Thomas Lee, 1792
Ingram-Lee Marriages Isaac Ingram to Winefred Lee, 1786
Ingram-Lee Marriages Loverd Ingram to Martha Lee, 1816
Ingram-Lee Marriages William Ingram to Barthma Lee, 1816
Ingrim-Lee Marriages Isaac Ingrim Jr to Betsy Lee, 1848
Lee-Hood Marriages Gideon Lee to Polly Ann Hood, 1861
Lee-Ingram Marriages James Lee Jr to Ann Ingram, 1785
Lee-Ingram Marriages James Lee to Ellinder Ingram, 1821
Lee-Rose Marriages Ransom Lee and Lucy Rose, 1854
Rhodes-Lee Marriages Moses Rhodes to Pherebe Lee, 1820
Rhodes-Lee Marriages Joseph E. Rhodes to Elizabeth Lee, 1854
Rhodes-Lee Marriages Moses Rhodes to Pherube Lee, 1820
Rose-Lee Marriages Henderson Rose to Cathrine Lee, 1879
Rose-Lee Marriages Charles M. Rose to Lucy E. Lee, 1890
Rose-Lee Marriages William N. Rose to Pherebee, 1847
Lee Military James Lee Pension, 1847
Lee Military John Lee Pension, 1853
Lee Military Lemuel Lee Pension, 1834
Lee Military Young Lee, 1864
Lee Wills & Estates John Lee Sr - 1766
Lee Wills & Estates Robert Lee - 1774
Lee Wills & Estates John Lee - 1768
Surname Researchers
Surname Counties Date Range Researcher
Lee Alice Holmes
Lee Donna Sherron
LeeJohnston David Dunn
LeeDuplin, Sampson, Johnston1700's & 1800's Mamie Tate
LeeJohnston, Sampson, Wayne1700's - present Auburn Hall
Lee, James of Edgecombe Co.Johnston, Edgecombe, Nash, Wake1700's Warren Bagley
Lee, John & Peter Sylvia Stephens
Lee, John Esq.JohnstonEarly Jim Williams, Sr
Lee, Long David & Short DavieSampson1750 - present Ruth Creech
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 Adjacent CountiesAdjacent Counties
Harnett County
Nash County
Sampson County
Wake County
Wayne County
Wilson County
 Other GenWeb SitesSimilar Counties
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Johnson County, Iowa
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Johnson County, Kentucky
Johnson County, Missouri
Johnson County, Nebraska
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County Coordinator
Michael W. Kay
County Volunteers
Ross Sippel
Connie Ellen Adams
Passed away on 15 July 2015

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Site last updated on October 4, 2024