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» Search Results » DOROTHY WALLACE
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1784-1787 State Census
No Results found
1790 Federal Census
No Results found
1800 Federal Census
No Results found
1810 Federal Census
No Results found
1820 Federal Census *
No Results found
1830 Federal Census *
No Results found
1840 Federal Census *
No Results found
1860 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Wall, David
2 White Male 879 Sandy Level
Wall, Jas. D.
25 White Male 878 Sandy Level
Wallace, David
0 White Male 168 Clayton
Wallin, David
6 White Male 310 Smithfield
Wallin, Delia
4 White Female 310 Smithfield
1870 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Wall, David
13 White Male 231 O'Neals
Wall, David
0 White Male 9 Selma
Wall, Dock
1 White Male 11 Selma
Wall, Doncan
8 White Male 11 Selma
Wallace, David
15 White Male 92 Smithfield
Wallace, Delia
13 White Female 92 Smithfield
Walles, David
11 White Male 164 Clayton
Wells, Divolition
3 White Male 70 Boon Hill
1880 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Wall, D. A.
30 White Male 220 Wilders
Wall, Delila
32 Black Female 162 Beulah
Wall, Dock
30 Black Male 162 Beulah
Wall, Henry D.
7 Black Male 41 Selma
Wall, R. D.
43 White Male 106 Wilders
Wallace, David H.
26 White Male 286 South Smithfield
Wallace, Delia
24 White Female 286 South Smithfield
Wallace, Delia
8 White Female 138 Ingrams
Wallis, David
20 White Male 313 Selma
Wallis, Effie D.
1 White Female 214 Selma
Wells, Hollis D.
27 White Male 208 Boon Hill
Wells, Nelson D.
12 White Male 1 Selma
1900 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Walker, Daisy
3 Black Female 17 Ingrams
Wall, Daniel
12 White Male 181 Wilders
Wall, Debby
0 Black Female 92 Selma
Wall, Dennis
2 White Male 100 Clayton
Wall, Dilsie
6 Black Female 13 Selma
Wall, Diner
38 Black Female 92 Selma
Wall, Dock
57 Black Male 60 Beulah
Wall, Doctor J.
33 White Male 100 Clayton
Wall, Jim D.
65 White Male 200 Wilders
Wallace, David
46 White Male 308 Boon Hill
Wallace, David B.
2 White Male 95 Pleasant Grove
Wallace, Dora
21 White Female 228 Ingrams
Wallace, Ira D.
1 White Male 417 Smithfield
Wallice, David
3 White Male 132 Selma
Wallice, David E.
40 White Male 132 Selma
Wallice, Jefferson D.
9 White Male 132 Selma
Wells, Holoman D.
47 White Male 15 Boon Hill
Willis, Delaney
46 White Female 29 Elevation
Willis, King D.
22 White Male 33 Beulah
1910 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Walker, Daisey
11 Black Female 215 Cleveland
Wall, Daniel
22 White Male 155 Wilders
Wall, David D.
7 White Male 101 Clayton
Wall, David G.
1/1/1900 White Male 290 Clayton
Wall, Della
10 Black Female 393 Selma
Wall, Dianna
46 Black Female 393 Selma
Wall, Dock
67 Black Male 519 Selma
Wall, Doctor A.
60 White Male 168 Wilders
Wall, Douglas
6 White Male 275 Wilders
Wall, Duel S.
7 White Male 172 Wilders
Wall, Durwood
5 White Male 258 Wilders
Wall, George D.
19 White Male 136 Wilders
Wall, John D.
2/9/1900 White Male 10 Banner
Wall, Walter D.
20 White Male 100 Wilders
Wallace, David
12 White Male 355 Selma
Wallace, David B.
12 White Male 305 Pleasant Grove
Wallace, David E.
51 White Male 355 Selma
Wallace, David H.
2/25/1900 White Male 64 Boon Hill
Wallace, Della
36 White Female 63 Wilson's Mills
Wallace, Dixon
10 White Male 269 Smithfield
Wallace, Guilford D.
1/12/2012 White Male 497 Smithfield
Wallace, Hubert D.
4 White Male 354 Selma
Wallace, Jefferson D.
19 White Male 355 Selma
Wallace, Moses D.
2/9/1900 White Male 276 Clayton
Wells, Dewill
1/5/1900 White Male 84 Boon Hill
Wells, Sollomond D.
2/26/1900 White Male 83 Boon Hill
Wilks, Arbi D.
1/14/1900 White Male 32 Meadow
1920 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Walder, Dock
21 Black Male 40 Ingrams
Wall, Dalmon
18 White Male 445 Clayton
Wall, Daniel
31 White Male 334 Clayton
Wall, Dellah
21 Black Female 182 Selma
Wall, Diannah
56 Black Female 182 Selma
Wall, Dock
70 Black Male 209 Selma
Wall, Dred S.
17 White Male 46 Clayton
Wall, Dugles
15 White Male 89 Wilders
Wall, Durward
15 White Male 80 Wilders
Wall, Dwight
3 White Male 57 O'Neals
Wall, Maud D.
6 White Female 65 Banner
Wall, Minnie D.
38 White Female 25 Cleveland
Wallace, Arthur D.
35 White Male 339 Selma
Wallace, Daniel J.
White Male 82 Smithfield
Wallace, David B.
22 White Male 239 Pleasant Grove
Wallace, David H.
66 White Male 40 Smithfield
Wallace, Della
42 White Female 25 Wilson's Mills
Wallace, G. Doc
11 White Male 236 Elevation
Wallace, Ira D.
20 White Male 74 Smithfield
Wallace, Moses D.
52 White Male 81 Clayton
Wallace, Moses D.
16 White Male 63 Cleveland
Wells, David
White Male 152 Boon Hill
Wells, Dora C.
27 White Female 147 Smithfield
Wells, Hallie D.
67 White Male 36 Boon Hill
Willis, Bessie D.
9 White Female 25 Meadow
1930 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Walker, Della
17 Black Female 177 Meadow
Wall, D. Harris
37 White Male 176 Wilders
Wall, David G.
20 White Male 252 Clayton
Wall, Delma D.
28 White Male 089 Clayton
Wall, Delma D. Jr.
5 White Male 089 Clayton
Wall, Dick
14 Black Male 063 Clayton
Wall, Dicksy
64 White Male 111 Wilders
Wall, Doris M.
10 White Female 108 Wilders
Wall, Douglas
7 White Male 232 O'Neals
Wall, Douglas
3+6/12 White Male 088 Selma
Wall, Douglas
26 White Male 110 Wilders
Wall, Drexel
10 White Male 098 Wilders
Wall, Dwight
12 White Male 232 O'Neals
Wall, Faby D.
11 White Female 346 Selma
Wall, Harry D.
7 White Male 279 Clayton
Wall, James D.
42 White Male 251 Clayton
Wall, Walter D.
40 White Male 279 Clayton
Wallace, Alton D.
4 White Male 262 Clayton
Wallace, D. Jeff
14 White Male 187 Smithfield
Wallace, Dalma
26 White Male 188 Cleveland
Wallace, David Jr.
4+7/12 White Male 092 Pleasant Grove
Wallace, David
76 White Male 089 Smithfield
Wallace, David B.
32 White Male 092 Pleasant Grove
Wallace, David E.
3+1/12 White Male 115 Boon Hill
Wallace, Delbert W.
9/12 White Male 092 Pleasant Grove
Wallace, Della
48 White Female 067 Wilson's Mills
Wallace, Dixon
30 White Male 107 Smithfield
Wallace, Moses D.
62 White Male 262 Clayton
Waller, Dusilla
27 White Female 069 Boon Hill
Wallice, Dallas E.
2 White Male 103 Ingrams
Wells, David
11 White Male 106 Boon Hill
Wells, Wade D.
2 Black Male 045 Cleveland
Wheeless, Dillie
18 Black Female 059 Selma
1940 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Walace, D. B.
42 White Male 196 Pleasant Grove
Walace, David Jr.
14 White Male 196 Pleasant Grove
Walace, Delbert
10 White Male 196 Pleasant Grove
Wall, Dan
11 White Male 100 Wilders
Wall, Daniel
52 White Male 253 Clayton
Wall, David
14 White Male 327 Cleveland
Wall, Deavlon
7 White Male 39 Wilders
Wall, Delma
38 White Male 143 Clayton
Wall, Delma Jr.
15 White Male 143 Clayton
Wall, Dinnis
29 White Female 47 Wilders
Wall, Donnie R.
1 White Male 84 Beulah
Wall, Dorothy
13 White Female 177 Wilders
Wall, Dorris Jean
6 White Female 150 Selma
Wall, Dorthy
14 White Female 136 Wilders
Wall, Douglas
13 White Male 184 Smithfield
Wall, Douglas
18 White Male 312 Cleveland
Wall, Douglas
18 White Male 254 O'Neals
Wall, Dwight
23 White Male 254 O'Neals
Wall, Etta D.
2 White Female 243 Clayton
Wall, Rupert D.
33 White Male 317 Clayton
Wallace, C. Dixon
7 White Male 16 Smithfield
Wallace, Dallas E.
11 White Male 193 Smithfield
Wallace, Dalma M.
37 White Male 272 Cleveland
Wallace, David
13 White Male 360 Beulah
Wallace, Della
56 White Female 16 Wilson's Mills
Wallace, Dennis
4 White Male 70 Smithfield
Wallace, Dixon
40 White Male 16 Smithfield
Waller, Devit A.
11 White Male 343 Smithfield
Waller, Druzilla
39 White Female 343 Smithfield
Walters, Dorithy
12 White Female 249 Selma
Welch, Dorothy
1 White Female 129 Clayton
Wells, J. D.
17 White Male 6 Wilson's Mills
Bastardy Bonds
No Results found
NC Yearbooks
No Results found
No Results found
NC Civil War Soldiers Index *
Name Unit Comp Rank Side
Waldroop, David S. 39th Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Waldrop, Jaron D. 34th Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Waldrop, Theron D. 34th Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Walick, D. L. 57th Regiment, NC Infantry B Sergeant C
Walker, D. D. 22nd Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Walker, D. D. 62nd Regiment, NC Infantry F Second Lieutenant C
Walker, D. V. 45th Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Walker, Daniel 32nd Regiment, NC Infantry (Lenoir Braves) A Private C
Walker, Daniel 12th Regiment, NC Infantry L Private C
Walker, Daniel A. 10th Battalion, NC Heavy Artillery D Private C
Walker, Daniel F. 6th Regiment, NC Cavalry F,B Private C
Walker, David 3rd Battalion, NC Senior Reserves C Private C
Walker, David 54th Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Walker, David 58th Regiment, NC Infantry F Private C
Walker, David A. 6th Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Walker, David D. 62nd Regiment, NC Infantry F Second Lieutenant C
Walker, David J. 2nd Regiment, NC Artillery G Private C
Walker, David L. 39th Regiment, NC Infantry H Captain C
Walker, David M. 45th Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Walker, David N. 45th Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Walker, Davidson 56th Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Walker, Dudley 44th Regiment, NC Infantry A Private C
Walker, E. D. 3rd Regiment, NC Cavalry A Private C
Walker, Edward D. Jr. 1st Regiment, NC Infantry C Sergeant C
Walker, H. D. 18th Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Walker, Henry D. 4th Regiment, NC Cavalry (59th NC State Troops) C Private C
Walker, J. D. McDugald's Company, NC Private C
Walker, J. D. 32nd Regiment, NC Infantry (Lenoir Braves) F Private C
Walker, James D. 60th Regiment, NC Infantry G Sergeant C
Walker, John D. Walker's Battalion, Thomas' NC Legion D Private C
Walker, Major D. 24th Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Walker, Richmond D. 30th Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Walker, Robert D. 6th Regiment, NC Cavalry E Private C
Walker, Robert D. 7th Battalion, NC Cavalry D,E Private C
Walker, Thomas D. 4th Regiment, NC Cavalry (59th NC State Troops) G Private C
Walker, William D. 52nd Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Wall, Allen D. 45th Regiment, NC Infantry K Private C
Wall, D. J.J. 21st Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Wall, Daniel 53rd Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Wall, David 45th Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Wall, Delaney 17th Regiment, NC Infantry (2nd Organization) C Private C
Wall, Dilany 17th Regiment, NC Infantry (1st Organization) D Private C
Wall, Dred J. 21st Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Wall, J. D. 33rd Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Wall, John D. Infantry Regiment, Thomas' NC Legion D Private C
Wall, Rufus D. 24th Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Wall, W. D. 21st Regiment, NC Infantry F Private C
Wall, William D. 45th Regiment, NC Infantry H Corporal C
Wallace, D. 1st Regiment, NC Infantry I Private U
Wallace, D. A. 7th Battalion, NC Junior Reserves A Private C
Wallace, D. A. 3rd Battalion, NC Junior Reserves H Private C
Wallace, D. H. 49th Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Wallace, D. S. 23rd Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Wallace, Daniel 13th Battalion, NC Light Artillery A Private C
Wallace, Daniel C. 13th Regiment, NC Infantry F Private C
Wallace, Delany 2nd Regiment, NC Cavalry I Private C
Wallace, J. D. 13th Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Wallace, J. D. 50th Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Wallace, S. D. Wallace's Company, Wilmington NC Railroad Guards Captain C
Wallace, William D. 52nd Regiment, NC Infantry K First Sergeant C
Wallas, Delany 2nd Regiment, NC Cavalry I Private C
Waller, D. T. 1st Regiment, NC Artillery D Private C
Waller, Doctor Franklin 1st Regiment, NC Artillery D Private C
Waller, Isaac D. 2nd Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Waller, T. D. 5th Regiment, NC Cavalry I Private C
Wallis, David 4th Regiment, NC Senior Reserves H Private C
Walls, Drewry M. 2nd Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Walls, Drury 52nd Regiment, NC Infantry K Private C
Walls, Drury M. 2nd Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Walls, J. D. 52nd Regiment, NC Infantry G Captain C
Walsh, D. K. 5th Regiment, NC Senior Reserves K Private C
Walsh, Edward D. 1st Regiment, NC Artillery B,F Captain C
Walston, Enos D. 43rd Regiment, NC Infantry F Private C
Walston, John D. 27th Regiment, NC Infantry E Corporal C
Walter, David P. 33rd Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Walter, Jeremiah D. 56th Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Walters, Daniel C. 7th Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Walters, Daniel L. 37th Regiment, NC Infantry D First Lieutenant C
Walters, Jeremiah D. 56th Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Walters, Jerry D. 12th Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Waltham, John D. 3rd Regiment, NC Infantry K Private C
Walton, George D. 10th Battalion, NC Heavy Artillery A Private C
Walton, John D. 3rd Regiment, NC Infantry K Private C
Welch, D. H. 26th Regiment, NC Infantry E Private C
Welch, Daniel P. 25th Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Welch, David Infantry Regiment, Thomas' NC Legion B Private C
Welch, David W. 21st Regiment, NC Infantry G Sergeant C
Welch, Davis 7th Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Welch, Dolphus A. 26th Regiment, NC Infantry E Private C
Welch, Felix D. 62nd Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Welch, Jacob D. Jr. 39th Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Welch, Jacob D. Sr. 39th Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Welch, Thaddeus D. Infantry Regiment, Thomas' NC Legion E Private C
Welch, William D. 1st Regiment, NC Infantry (6 months, 1861) M Private C
Wells, D. D. 3rd Regiment, NC Cavalry A Corporal C
Wells, D. M. 60th Regiment, NC Infantry K Private C
Wells, Daniel D. 1st Regiment, NC Cavalry I Second Lieutenant C
Wells, Daniel W. 18th Regiment, NC Infantry I Corporal C
Wells, David 60th Regiment, NC Infantry K Private C
Wells, David 3rd Regiment, NC Artillery D Sergeant C
Wells, David J. 18th Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Wells, David M. 15th Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Wells, David N. 60th Regiment, NC Infantry K Private C
Wells, David W. 26th Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Wells, Delamer 2nd Regiment, NC Artillery B Private C
Wells, J. D. 29th Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Wells, J. Daniel 1st Regiment, NC Infantry (6 months, 1861) K Musician C
Wells, James D. 52nd Regiment, NC Infantry G Captain C
Wells, John D. 4th Regiment, NC Infantry F Private C
Wells, Julius D. 29th Regiment, NC Infantry C,H Private C
Wells, R. D. 60th Regiment, NC Infantry E Private C
Wells, W. David 26th Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Welsh, D. A. 26th Regiment, NC Infantry E Private C
Welsh, David W. 21st Regiment, NC Infantry G Sergeant C
Welsh, Felix D. 62nd Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Wiles, William D. 33rd Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Wilkey, D. Franklin 26th Regiment, NC Infantry E Private C
Wilkie, Doctor F. 26th Regiment, NC Infantry E Private C
Wilkie, L. D. 6th Regiment, NC Cavalry H Private C
Wilkie, L. D. 23rd Regiment, NC Infantry F First Lieutenant C
Wilks, D. V. 2nd Battalion, NC Infantry A Sergeant C
Wilks, Daniel 20th Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Wilks, David J. 20th Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Wilks, Drury D. 21st Regiment, NC Infantry F Private C
Wilks, H. D. Unidentified NC D Private C
Wilks, P. D. C. C. 21st Regiment, NC Infantry F Private C
Willex, T. D. 50th Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Willis, A. D. 1st Regiment, NC Junior Reserves G Private C
Willis, Algernon D. 1st Regiment, NC Junior Reserves G Private C
Willis, Algernon D. 1st Regiment, NC Infantry G Sergeant C
Willis, C. D. 1st Regiment, NC Artillery K Private C
Willis, D. E. 64th Regiment, NC Infantry (Allen's) K Private C
Willis, John D. 3rd Regiment, NC Artillery H Private C
Willis, John D. 13th Battalion, NC Light Artillery F Private C
Willis, John D. 2nd Regiment, NC Artillery G Private C
Willis, Melvin D. 1st Regiment, NC Artillery H Musician C
Wills, J. D. 1st Regiment, NC Infantry (6 months, 1861) K Musician C
* All North Carolina soldiers (Union and Confederate) who fought in the Civil War.
NC Civil War Sailors Index *
No Results found
Southern Claims Commission
No Results found
No Results found
Cemetery Graves
Name Birth Death Cemetery
Wall, Bessie D 1891 1977 Benson City
Wall, D Glenn 1909 1969 Maplewood
Wall, David 1911 1911 Talton/Wall
Wall, Dennie M 1910 White Oak Baptist Church
Wall, Dianna M 1865 1920 Selma
Wall, Douglas 1903 1944 White Oak Baptist Church
Wall, James Daniel 1888 1958 Castleberry, Ruffin J.
Wall, Joseph D 1888 1916 Selma
Wall, Leslie D 1900 1918 Batten, Ransom
Wall, Robert David 1888 1888 Talton/Wall
Wall, Walter D 1890 1959 Maplewood
Wallace, Daniel Jefferson 1915 1964 Riverside
Wallace, David H 1853 1933 Rains Crossroads
Wallace, David Raymond 1929 1929 Piney Grove Free Will Baptist Church
Wallace, Davie E 1860 1917 Greenwood
Wallace, Della S 1880 1957 Oakland
Wallace, Dennis 1949 2006 Princeton
Wallace, Dorothy L 1919 1922 Wallace, Calvin
Wallace, Eunice Dupree 1916 1979 Sunset Memorial Park
Wallace, Holton D 1894 1960 Riverside
Wallace, Ira Dixon 1899 1864 Riverside
Wallace, M Dalma 1903 1967 Oakland Presbyterian Church
Wallace, Mattie D 1923 1980 Princeton
Wallace, Virginia D 1910 1992 Dunn, Sampson
Wallace, William David Jr 1920 1979 Hodges Chapel Free Will Baptist Church
Wells, David S 1919 1995 Aycock, Needham
Wells, Hollie Donald 1852 1929 Princeton
Wells, Patricia D 1964 1964 Langley, Zeno H.
NC Confederate Soldiers Burial Database*
Name Death County Cemetery
Walker, David 1865 Wake Oakwood Cemetery
Walker, David A. 1897 Wake Oakwood Cemetery
Walker, David J. 1865 Brunswick Zion United Methodist Church Cemetery
Walker, Edward D. 1902 Duplin Pinecrest
Walker, Henry Dudley 1900 New Hanover Oakdale Cemetery
Walker, J. D. Jr. Columbus Walker Cemetery
Wells, D. (Daniel) W. (White) 1915 Sampson Wells Chapel Church Cemetery
Wells, Daniel Dulaney Duplin Concord Church
Wells, David J. Sampson Wells Chapel Church Cemetery
Wells, Delemar 1897 Carteret Gillikin-Golden Cemetery
Wells, John Daniel 1895 Wilson Maplewood Cemetery
Willis, Melvin D. 1906 Carteret Bayview Cemetery
* Records are still being added.
Wills Index *
No Results found
Other Resources
Surname Resource Title
Walton Court Records Jonathan Walton - Deceased, 1807
Benson-Wallace-Wilkins Deaths & Obituaries Benson, Wallace & Wilkins Deaths
Wallace Deaths & Obituaries James Wallace, 1916
Wall-Cook Deaths & Obituaries Wall/Cook, Suicides, 1894
Walton Deaths & Obituaries Jonathan Walton, 1806
Walton Deaths & Obituaries William Walton, 1807
Benson-Wallace-Wilkins Marriages Benson, Wallace & Wilkins Marriages
Ingram-Walston Marriages John B. Ingram to Nancy Walston, 1855
Walston Marriages Walston Marriages
Walter Wills & Estates John Conerly Will - 1751
Walter Wills & Estates James Walter - 1817
Surname Researchers
Surname Counties Date Range Researcher
WallWake, Johnston Gary Corbett
WallJohnston1700's - present Albert Hendrick
Wallace Harold Boyette Wallace
Wallace Iris Hill Brown
WallaceJohnston1700's - 1900's Tammy Gurley Tyner
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County Coordinator
Michael W. Kay
County Volunteers
Ross Sippel
Connie Ellen Adams
Passed away on 15 July 2015

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