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» Search Results » EDGAR MCCULLERS
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  • Phonetic matches for the first/middle name ("Edgar") and last name ("McCullers")
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  • 3-Character matches on the last name ("McC")
1784-1787 State Census
No Results found
1790 Federal Census
No Results found
1800 Federal Census
No Results found
1810 Federal Census
No Results found
1820 Federal Census *
No Results found
1830 Federal Census *
No Results found
1840 Federal Census *
Name M00 M05 M10 M15 M20 M30 M40 M50 M60 M70 M80 M90
McCullers, Edwin 1
* Missing Categories - Free white women, free colored persons, slaves, blind/deaf/dumb, age and education
1860 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
McCullers, Elizabeth
28 White Female 510 Elevation
McCullers, Ella
9 White Female 152 Clayton
McCullers, Mary E.
37 White Female 51 Clayton
1870 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
McClam, Edna
24 White Female 131 Meadow
McClam, Evaline
40 White Female 63 Meadow
McCloud, Elizer
40 White Female 210 Pleasant Grove
McCullers, Edgar
10 White Male 58 Clayton
McCullers, Edward
49 Black Male 89 Clayton
McCullers, Eliza
10 Black Female 160 Smithfield
McCullers, Emmel
24 Black Female 97 Smithfield
McCullers, Etty
17 White Female 297 Clayton
McCullers, Sarah E.
10 White Female 4 Smithfield
1880 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
McCabe, Emeth
4 Black Male 229 South Smithfield
McColes, E.
24 White Male 225 South Smithfield
McCoy, Mary E.
60 Black Female 312 Pleasant Grove
McCullers, Eddie
2 Black Female 337 Selma
McCullers, Edgar B.
20 White Male 186 Clayton
McCullers, Edward
57 Black Male 279 Clayton
McCullers, Edward
0 Black Male 286 Clayton
McCullers, Eliza
0 Black Female 36 Wilson's Mills
McCullers, Elizabeth
18 Black Female 85 Pleasant Grove
McCullers, Elva
27 Black Female 28 Clayton
McCullers, Emma E.
0 Black Female 28 Clayton
McCullers, Emmer
2 Black Female 284 Beulah
McCullers, Emmer
34 Black Female 337 Selma
McCullers, Emmer
0 Black Female 337 Selma
McCullers, Evelina
13 Black Female 28 Clayton
1900 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
McCabe, Edieth C.
53 White Female 356 Elevation
McCaulay, Everit
15 Black Male 80 Smithfield
McCullers, Eddie
15 Black Male 166 Cleveland
McCullers, Edgar B.
40 White Male 49 Clayton
McCullers, Edgar W.
6 White Male 49 Clayton
McCullers, Edmon
10 Black Male 81 Selma
McCullers, Eliza
32 Black Female 147 Clayton
McCullers, Ella G.
34 White Female 210 Clayton
McCullers, Essay
6 Black Male 166 Cleveland
McCullers, Henry E.
3 Black Male 81 Selma
1910 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
McCabe, E. B.
33 White Male 10 Elevation
McCabe, Eliza
65 White Female 117 Elevation
McCall, Eunice
7 White Female 671 Selma
McCauley, Everett
26 Black Male 181 Smithfield
McClain, Estella
8 Black Female 239 Banner
McClain, Vara E.
Black Female 239 Banner
McClane, Ellis
10 Black Male 102 Cleveland
McCullers, E. B.
2/19/1900 White Male 62 Clayton
McCullers, E. K.
2/17/1900 White Male 276 Clayton
McCullers, Ed
24 Black Male 238 Cleveland
McCullers, Edmond
1/21/1900 Black Male Clayton
McCullers, Effie
16 Black Male 155 Cleveland
McCullers, Eliza
2/11/1900 Black Female 72 Clayton
McCullers, Elliot
1/6/1900 White Male 241 Clayton
McCullers, Eula May
Mulatto Female 265 Selma
McCullers, Mary E.
19 White Female 40 Smithfield
1920 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
McCabe, Edith
73 White Female 89 Elevation
McCabe, Ellen
21 White Female 162 Elevation
McCabe, Emmett
12 White Male 89 Elevation
McCabe, Emmett B.
44 White Male 89 Elevation
McCabe, Eva
White Female 240 Elevation
McCalister, Ester
10 Black Female 386 Clayton
McCall, Martha E.
51 White Female 161 Selma
McCauley, Everett H.
Mulatto Male 371 Smithfield
McClamb, Ester
28 White Female 239 Clayton
McClead, Carener E.
20 White Female 78 Smithfield
McClead, Daniel E.
32 White Male 78 Smithfield
McClead, Milard E.
5 White Female 78 Smithfield
McCoy, Elizabeth
18 Black Female 203 Smithfield
McCullers, Ed
34 Black Male 250 Cleveland
McCullers, Ed
31 Black Male 36 Clayton
McCullers, Ed
40 Black Male 138 Beulah
McCullers, Edgar B.
59 White Male 37 Clayton
McCullers, Edgar W.
26 White Male 37 Clayton
McCullers, Elika
16 White Female 39 Clayton
McCullers, Elizabeth
49 White Female 39 Clayton
McCullers, Elliott
14 White Male 39 Clayton
McCullers, Essie
26 Black Male 203 Cleveland
1930 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
McCabe, Ernest
22 White Male 188 Elevation
McCabe, Eva Bell
12 White Female 208 Elevation
McCall, Emely
28 White Female 257 Smithfield
McCallaster, Evelyne
10/12 Black Female 206 O'Neals
McCaskey, Evelyn
20 White Female 262 Beulah
McCauley, Everett
11 Black Male 168 Smithfield
McClain, James E.
7 Black Male 020 Wilson's Mills
McClamb, Earl
2+10/12 White Male 080 Banner
McClamb, Earnest L.
8 White Male 080 Banner
McClamb, Elsie M.
19 White Female 094 Banner
McClamb, Elton
27 White Male 103 Banner
McClamb, Ethel I.
17 White Female 094 Banner
McClamb, Evander V.
24 White Male 062 Banner
McClamb, Jasper E.
42 White Male 080 Banner
McClamb, Jasper E. Jr.
6 White Male 080 Banner
McClamb, Mary E.
5 White Female 104 Banner
McClamb, Mary E.
14 White Female 094 Banner
McClamb, Mary E.
65 White Female 103 Banner
McClamb, Sarah E.
42 White Female 080 Banner
McClamb, Willie E.
10 White Male 080 Banner
McClambe, Darries E.
13 White Male 098 Ingrams
McClambe, Elton
13 White Male 338 Ingrams
McClan, E. Kattie
35 Black Female 142 Selma
McClean, Eava
13 Black Female 023 Selma
McClean, Estell
39 Black Female 023 Selma
McClonet, Edna I.
15 White Female 075 Elevation
McCord, Estell
8 Black Male 121 Smithfield
McCormac, Ora E.
25 White Female 107 Boon Hill
McCoy, James E.
15 Black Male 070 Banner
McCoy, Mary E.
3 Black Female 415 Ingrams
McCray, Eva M.
11/12 Black Female 121 Meadow
McCullen, Elsie L.
8/12 White Female 047 Selma
McCullers, Edgar B.
70 White Male 049 Clayton
McCullers, Edward
53 Black Male 187 Beulah
McCullers, Elizabeth C.
19 White Female 136 Clayton
McCullers, Essie
35 Black Male 035 Cleveland
McCullers, Essie M.
4 Black Male 035 Cleveland
McCullers, Eugene H.
62 White Male 171 Clayton
McCullers, Eva
28 White Female 233 Smithfield
McCullers, Eva L.
29 White Female 257 Clayton
McCullers, Warren E.
36 White Male 023 Clayton
McCullers, William E.
25 White Male 136 Clayton
McCullers, William E.
3+1/12 Black Male 293 Clayton
1940 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
McCabe, Ethelene
5 White Female 143 Smithfield
McCabe, Eugene
1 White Male 106 Elevation
McCabe, George E.
31 White Male 143 Smithfield
McCalister, Emogene
10 Black Female 159 O'Neals
McCall, Emile Joseph
3 White Male 73 Smithfield
McCall, Emily Abdeh
38 White Female 73 Smithfield
McCarlon, Elec
60 Black Male 190 Banner
McCarthy, Elizabeth
22 White Female 93 Clayton
McCormick, Edna O.
40 White Female 128 Smithfield
McCoy, Easter
35 Black Female 299 Beulah
McCoy, Eddie
13 Black Male 299 Beulah
McCoy, Elma
3 Black Female 299 Beulah
McCoy, Eunice F. S.
50 White Female 70 Smithfield
McCray, Eunice
15 Black Female 70 Ingrams
McCullen, Ellie
45 White Female 47 Beulah
McCullers, Annie E.
14 Black Female 30 Wilson's Mills
McCullers, Ed
53 Black Male 324 Clayton
McCullers, Edgar B.
80 White Male 164 Clayton
McCullers, Edna
8 Black Female 79 Cleveland
McCullers, Emma Lee
16 Black Female 30 Wilson's Mills
McCullers, Essex
43 Black Male 79 Cleveland
McCullers, Essex M.
14 Black Male 79 Cleveland
McCullers, Eva J.
37 White Female 146 Smithfield
McCullers, Lawrence Earl
7 White Male 146 Smithfield
McLaren, Estella
9 Black Female 38 Pleasant Grove
Bastardy Bonds
No Results found
NC Yearbooks
Name Year Class School
Maccullers, Mary Elizabeth 1910 Senior Meredith College
Mccullers, Mary Elizabeth 1912 Senior Meredith College
No Results found
NC Civil War Soldiers Index *
Name Unit Comp Rank Side
McCachran, Daniel E. 7th Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
McCadams, Eli 6th Regiment, NC Infantry K Private C
McCahren, Daniel E. 7th Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
McCain, E. C. 26th Regiment, NC Infantry B Corporal C
McCain, Ellis C. 48th Regiment, NC Infantry F Sergeant C
McCain, William E. 48th Regiment, NC Infantry F Corporal C
McCall, Ezekiel W. 34th Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
McCanlas, James E. 58th Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
McCanless, James E. 58th Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
McCanley, E. W. 21st Regiment, NC Infantry I. Hospital Steward C
McCarhern, Daniel E. 7th Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
McCarlie, E. 14th Battalion, NC Cavalry D Private C
McCarter, Eli Infantry Regiment, Thomas' NC Legion I Private C
McCarver, Eli 4th Regiment, NC Senior Reserves E Private C
McCarver, I. E. 49th Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
McCary, S. E. 22nd Regiment, NC Infantry A Private C
McCauley, D. E. 28th Regiment, NC Infantry G Captain C
McCauley, E. N. 7th Regiment, NC Infantry I Hospital Steward C
McCauley, Ephriam A. 37th Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
McClain, John E. Walker's Battalion, Thomas' NC Legion C Private C
McClaine, Joseph E. 27th Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
McClary, Eli 17th Regiment, NC Infantry (2nd Organization) H Private C
McClellan, E. F. 49th Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
McClellan, E. T. 49th Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
McClery, Eli 17th Regiment, NC Infantry (2nd Organization) H Private C
McCloud, E. J. 2nd Regiment, NC Artillery H Private C
McCloud, J. E. 8th Regiment, NC Infantry E Private C
McCollock, Thomas E. Walker's Battalion, Thomas' NC Legion C Commissary Sergeant C
McConell, Edwin 5th Regiment, NC Senior Reserves B Private C
McConnell, E. 5th Regiment, NC Senior Reserves B Private C
McConnell, E. M. 39th Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
McConnell, Elisha W. 39th Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
McConnell, Enos 62nd Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
McCormick, E. Lafayette 4th Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
McCormick, Edward R. 46th Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
McCourry, William E. 14th Battalion, NC Cavalry D Private C
McCoury, E. L. 16th Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
McCoury, Eldridge 16th Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
McCoy, John E. 2nd Regiment, NC Infantry F Private C
McCracken, E. E. Infantry Regiment, Thomas' NC Legion E Private C
McCracken, E. E. 1st Battalion, NC Junior Reserves C Private C
McCroray, Edward F. 45th Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
McCroray, Edward F. 6th Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
McCrory, E. F. 6th Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
McCrory, Edward F. 45th Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
McCrory, Elvis 5th Regiment, NC Cavalry Surgeon C
McCrowry, Edward 6th Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
McCullen, Early 20th Regiment, NC Infantry F Private C
McCullers, C. E. 3rd Regiment, NC Cavalry I Private C
McCulloch, Thomas E. Walker's Battalion, Thomas' NC Legion C Commissary Sergeant C
McCurry, William E. 14th Battalion, NC Cavalry D Private C
McCury, Eldridge 16th Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
McCutchen, E. H. 1st Regiment, NC Artillery I Private C
McGlawhorn, Enoch 17th Regiment, NC Infantry (2nd Organization) K Private C
McGloharn, Enoch 17th Regiment, NC Infantry (2nd Organization) K Private C
McKellar, J. E. 18th Regiment, NC Infantry D Sergeant C
McLeary, Eli 17th Regiment, NC Infantry (2nd Organization) H Private C
* All North Carolina soldiers (Union and Confederate) who fought in the Civil War.
NC Civil War Sailors Index *
No Results found
Southern Claims Commission
No Results found
No Results found
Cemetery Graves
Name Birth Death Cemetery
McCabe, Edith 1847 1926 St. Mary's Grove Original Free Will Baptist Church
McCabe, G Emmette 1908 Barbour's Chapel Advent Christian Church
McCall, Martha E Brown 1865 1944 Brown McCall
McCall, Rosa E Weaver 1922 1969 Holly Springs Free Will Baptist
McCauley, Evrett Hall 1885 1918 Thomas, John D.
McCoy, Elizabeth 1912 1975 Forest Hills
McCray, Mamie E 1918 1969 Oakland
McCullen, Ralph E 1943 1970 Princeton
McCullers, Edgar B 1860 1947 Maplewood
McCullers, Edgar Warren 1894 1973 Maplewood
McCullers, Elise 1900 1901 McCullers, William H., Sr.
McCullers, Elizabeth 1845 Riverside
McCullers, Ella 1851 1862 McCullers, William H., Sr.
McCullers, Ella Ray Nowell 1866 1903 Riverside
McCullers, Eugene Herbert 1891 1892 Maplewood
NC Confederate Soldiers Burial Database*
No Results found
Wills Index *
No Results found
Other Resources
Surname Resource Title
McClenny Wills & Estates James McClenny - 1793
McCoy Wills & Estates John McCoy - 1781
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Connie Ellen Adams
Passed away on 15 July 2015

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