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» Search Results » EDITH ADAMS
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  • Phonetic matches for the first/middle name ("Edith") and last name ("Adams")
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  • 3-Character matches on the last name ("Ada")
1784-1787 State Census
No Results found
1790 Federal Census
No Results found
1800 Federal Census
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1810 Federal Census
No Results found
1820 Federal Census *
No Results found
1830 Federal Census *
Name M00 M05 M10 M15 M20 M30 M40 M50 M60 M70+
Adams, Edney 1 1 1
* Missing Categories - Free white women, free colored persons, slaves, foreigners and blind, deaf & dumb
1840 Federal Census *
Name M00 M05 M10 M15 M20 M30 M40 M50 M60 M70 M80 M90
Adams, Edna 1
* Missing Categories - Free white women, free colored persons, slaves, blind/deaf/dumb, age and education
1860 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Adams, Edwin
40 White Male 1077 Newton Grove
Adams, Eliza
45 White Female 1081 Newton Grove
Adams, Elizabeth
12 White Female 1081 Newton Grove
Adams, Elizabeth
25 White Female 856 Newton Grove
Adams, Esther
23 White Female 813 Newton Grove
1870 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Adams, Elender
2 Black Female 110 Smithfield
Adams, Elender
22 White Female 251 Elevation
Adams, Elender
20 White Female 133 Meadow
Adams, Elizar
57 White Female 21 Ingrams
Adams, Esther
32 White Female 77 Ingrams
1880 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Adams, Earnest
3 White Male 3 Town of Clayton
Adams, Edward
61 White Male 23 Ingrams
Adams, Edward F.
11 Black Female 43 Meadow
Adams, Elenar
26 White Female 75 Ingrams
Adams, Eliza
60 White Female 127 Ingrams
Adams, Eliza
4 Black Female 43 Meadow
Adams, Elizabeth
30 White Female 31 Selma
Adams, Elizabeth
10 White Female 133 Selma
Adams, Elizabeth
2 White Female 263 Ingrams
Adams, Elizabeth
47 White Female 75 Ingrams
Adams, Elizabeth
47 White Female 203 Ingrams
Adams, Ella
10 Black Female 47 Meadow
Adams, Ella
5 White Female 3 Town of Clayton
Adams, Ellender
10 White Female 133 Selma
Adams, Emma E.
24 White Female 151 Clayton
Adams, Esther
2 White Female 20 Ingrams
Adams, Esther
45 White Female 229 Ingrams
Adams, Etta M.
0 Black Female 47 Meadow
Adams, Everline
35 White Female 3 Town of Clayton
Adams, G. E.
10 White Female 17 Town of Smithfield
Adams, Jesse E.
13 White Male 203 Ingrams
Adams, Letha E.
7 White Female 203 Ingrams
Adams, Litha E.
1 White Female 117 Elevation
Adams, Mary E.
17 White Female 231 Ingrams
Adams, Nancy E.
11 White Female 203 Ingrams
Adams, Nathan E.
4 White Male 305 Meadow
1900 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Adams, Arabella E.
60 White Female 161 Clayton
Adams, Bettie E.
44 White Female 157 Elevation
Adams, David E.
13 White Male 23 Ingrams
Adams, Della E.
9 White Female 377 Banner
Adams, Easter A.
21 White Female 92 Ingrams
Adams, Eathon
13 White Male 235 Meadow
Adams, Edward
15 Black Male 82 Cleveland
Adams, Effie
32 White Female 148 Ingrams
Adams, Effie D.
5 White Female 144 Ingrams
Adams, Elbert L.
5 White Male 298 Ingrams
Adams, Eliza
90 White Female 144 Ingrams
Adams, Eliza F.
2 White Female 144 Ingrams
Adams, Elizabeth
55 White Female 195 Elevation
Adams, Ella
16 White Female 278 Meadow
Adams, Emily C.
47 White Female 102 Ingrams
Adams, Emit
14 White Male 300 Ingrams
Adams, Emma
11 White Female 235 Meadow
Adams, Emma M.
8 White Female 138 Clayton
Adams, Era D.
18 White Male 103 Ingrams
Adams, Ernest D.
22 White Male 5 Clayton
Adams, Estella
20 Black Female 81 Cleveland
Adams, Ester A.
3 White Female 183 Ingrams
Adams, Esther
66 White Female 122 Ingrams
Adams, Etta L.
18 White Female 298 Ingrams
Adams, Ettie
22 White Female 254 Clayton
Adams, Eveline
58 White Female 5 Clayton
Adams, Fannie E.
1 White Female 40 Pleasant Grove
Adams, Florence E.
14 White Female 123 Bentonville
Adams, Flosey E.
9 White Female 138 Clayton
Adams, Jesse E.
8 White Male 23 Ingrams
Adams, John E.
65 White Male 161 Clayton
Adams, John E.
18 White Male 162 Ingrams
Adams, Joseph E.
18 White Male 195 Elevation
Adams, Laura E.
15 White Female 23 Ingrams
Adams, Letha E.
1 White Female 235 Meadow
Adams, Lou E.
12 White Female 377 Banner
Adams, Louie E.
12 White Female 161 Ingrams
Adams, Lucy E.
15 White Female 106 Ingrams
Adams, Martha E.
12 White Female 103 Ingrams
Adams, Mary E.
37 White Female 23 Ingrams
Adams, Mary E.
9 White Female 161 Ingrams
Adams, Mary E.
40 White Female 271 Ingrams
Adams, Mary E.
40 White Female 298 Ingrams
Adams, Millie E.
3 White Female 277 Meadow
Adams, Millie E.
10 White Female 277 Ingrams
Adams, Minnie E.
16 White Female 377 Banner
Adams, Nathan E.
23 White Male 278 Meadow
Adams, Pherebe E.
2 White Female 271 Ingrams
Adams, Tabitha E.
11 White Female 40 Pleasant Grove
Adams, Tempie E.
21 White Female 102 Ingrams
1910 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Adams, Bettie E.
2/23/1900 White Female 225 Banner
Adams, Easther
72 White Female 31 Ingrams
Adams, Edla V.
4 White Female 228 Pleasant Grove
Adams, Effie
9 White Female 227 Boon Hill
Adams, Effie
15 White Female 309 Ingrams
Adams, Effie
1/9/1900 White Female 188 Clayton
Adams, Effie A.
42 White Female 13 Ingrams
Adams, Eliza
1/23/1900 White Female 64 O'Neals
Adams, Eliza J.
22 White Female 348 Wilders
Adams, Emlie C.
57 White Female 143 Ingrams
Adams, Emma
1/21/1900 White Female 137 Meadow
Adams, Emma
24 White Female 166 Ingrams
Adams, Emmette
24 White Male 346 Ingrams
Adams, Ernest
7 Black Male 100 Cleveland
Adams, Estell
2 White Female 91 Wilson's Mills
Adams, Estella
30 Black Female 100 Cleveland
Adams, Estellar
25 White Female 231 Boon Hill
Adams, Esther A.
32 White Female 149 Ingrams
Adams, Ethan
1/23/1900 White Male 137 Meadow
Adams, Etta
28 White Female 32 Ingrams
Adams, Ettie
2/1/1900 White Female 284 Clayton
Adams, Eula
10 White Female 421 Selma
Adams, Eula M.
1/12/1900 White Female 506 Smithfield
Adams, Eunice H.
1/12/1900 White Male 284 Clayton
Adams, Euphemia
1 White Female 230 Beulah
Adams, Eva
12 White Female 230 Beulah
Adams, Eva F.
6 White Female 179 Ingrams
Adams, Evelyn
3/6/1900 White Female 90 Clayton
Adams, Fannie E.
10 White Female 17 Pleasant Grove
Adams, Hattie E.
23 White Female 152 Banner
Adams, James E.
29 White Male 178 Ingrams
Adams, Jesse E.
2/10/1900 White Male 30 Clayton
Adams, Joseph E.
1/28/1900 White Male 64 O'Neals
Adams, Letha E.
1/11/1900 White Female 137 Meadow
Adams, Louie E.
23 White Female 180 Ingrams
Adams, Lynn E.
15 White Male 38 Wilson's Mills
Adams, Martha E.
22 White Female 130 Ingrams
Adams, Mary E.
50 White Female 38 Wilson's Mills
Adams, Mary E.
50 White Female 231 Ingrams
Adams, Mary E.
47 White Female 46 Bentonville
Adams, Mattie E.
27 White Female 52 Meadow
Adams, Millie E.
13 White Female 53 Meadow
Adams, Nathan E.
33 White Male 71 Meadow
Adams, Nicy E.
24 White Female 49 Pleasant Grove
Adams, Pheraby E.
12 White Female 231 Ingrams
Adams, Riley E.
46 White Male 545 Selma
Adams, William E.
1+11/12 White Male 230 Ingrams
1920 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Adames, Daved E.
34 White Male 201 Smithfield
Adames, Laro E.
7 White Female 201 Smithfield
Adames, Martha E.
30 White Female 167 Smithfield
Adams, Audrey E.
40 White Female 319 Smithfield
Adams, Clida E.
38 White Female 10 Ingrams
Adams, David E.
32 White Male 54 Bentonville
Adams, Ebert
6 White Male 12 Bentonville
Adams, Eckie
16 White Female 68 Banner
Adams, Edgar
12 White Male 204 Ingrams
Adams, Edith C.
32 White Female 133 Banner
Adams, Edith P.
White Female 133 Banner
Adams, Edla V.
14 White Female 199 Pleasant Grove
Adams, Ednora
18 Black Female 172 Pleasant Grove
Adams, Effie
18 White Female 177 Pine Level
Adams, Effie
56 White Female 116 Ingrams
Adams, Eldridge
7 White Male 26 O'Neals
Adams, Eliza
33 White Female 26 O'Neals
Adams, Elizabeth
5 White Female 26 O'Neals
Adams, Ella
22 Mulatto Female 126 Cleveland
Adams, Ellafair
10 White Female 230 Boon Hill
Adams, Emeline E.
39 White Female 150 Pleasant Grove
Adams, Emily C.
67 White Female 276 Ingrams
Adams, Emma
33 White Female 310 Ingrams
Adams, Emmitte
33 White Male 10 Ingrams
Adams, Ernest
17 Black Male 79 Cleveland
Adams, Esda
White Female 150 Pleasant Grove
Adams, Estella
35 White Female 215 Boon Hill
Adams, Estella
40 Black Female 79 Cleveland
Adams, Estelle
11 White Female 70 Wilson's Mills
Adams, Ethan
32 White Male 102 Meadow
Adams, Ethel
10 White Female 123 Meadow
Adams, Ethel
20 White Female 119 Pleasant Grove
Adams, Ethel
9 White Female 26 O'Neals
Adams, Etheran
45 White Female 238 Ingrams
Adams, Ettie
42 White Female 351 Clayton
Adams, Ettie
36 White Female 258 Ingrams
Adams, Eunice
21 White Male 351 Clayton
Adams, Eva
16 White Female 421 Ingrams
Adams, Evander B.
32 White Male 4 Meadow
Adams, Everett
White Male 10 Ingrams
Adams, James E.
White Male 426 Smithfield
Adams, Jesse E.
8 White Male 41 Ingrams
Adams, Jesse E.
White Male 13 Ingrams
Adams, Joe E.
38 White Male 26 O'Neals
Adams, Lettie E.
21 White Female 68 Meadow
Adams, Lida E.
White Female 102 Meadow
Adams, Mattie E.
37 White Female 231 Banner
Adams, Percy E.
27 White Male 57 Pleasant Grove
Adams, Unies E.
White Female 426 Smithfield
1930 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Adamas, Ettie W.
51 White Female 159 Clayton
Adams, Alda E.
13 White Female 245 Meadow
Adams, Annie E.
2/12 White Female 330 Meadow
Adams, Bettie E.
33 White Female 333 Meadow
Adams, Clyde E.
48 White Female 006 Ingrams
Adams, David E.
42 White Male 250 Bentonville
Adams, Dora E.
50 White Female 281 Banner
Adams, Earl
6 White Male 011 Boon Hill
Adams, Eather M.
7 White Female 245 Meadow
Adams, Eddie
29 White Female 244 Elevation
Adams, Eddie
8 White Male 244 Elevation
Adams, Edgar
22 White Male 146 Ingrams
Adams, Edith P.
12 White Female 283 Banner
Adams, Edna V.
24 White Female 244 Pleasant Grove
Adams, Edward
12 White Male 240 Elevation
Adams, Effie
63 White Female 106 Ingrams
Adams, Effie F.
8 White Female 014 Ingrams
Adams, Elbert B.
16 White Male 144 Bentonville
Adams, Elga
1 Black Male 149 Cleveland
Adams, Elga M.
3+7/12 White Female 333 Meadow
Adams, Eliza
42 White Female 237 Smithfield
Adams, Elmer
2+3/12 White Male 144 Ingrams
Adams, Elmer V.
6 White Male 242 Selma
Adams, Emma B.
44 White Female 071 Ingrams
Adams, Emmette
44 White Male 006 Ingrams
Adams, Emmette W.
17 White Male 006 Ingrams
Adams, Era D.
48 White Male 036 Ingrams
Adams, Ernest
27 Black Male 149 Cleveland
Adams, Ernest E.
3 Black Male 149 Cleveland
Adams, Estella
49 Black Female 148 Cleveland
Adams, Estelle A.
8 White Female 356 Banner
Adams, Ethon
43 White Male 338 Meadow
Adams, Etta F.
48 White Female 090 Ingrams
Adams, Eunice H.
32 White Male 160 Clayton
Adams, Eva M.
7 White Female 327 Meadow
Adams, Everette
44 White Male 091 Smithfield
Adams, Everette E.
12 White Male 006 Ingrams
Adams, Ezra
21 White Male 037 Ingrams
Adams, Francis E.
12 White Female 244 Pleasant Grove
Adams, Grace E.
5 White Female 095 Banner
Adams, Hettie E.
16 White Female 356 Banner
Adams, Jennie E.
2+4/12 White Female 189 Banner
Adams, Jessie E.
10 White Male 151 Ingrams
Adams, Jessie E.
18 White Male 235 Ingrams
Adams, Joseph E.
2+5/12 White Male 330 Meadow
Adams, Lynn E.
35 White Male 137 Wilson's Mills
Adams, Lynn E. Jr.
5 White Male 137 Wilson's Mills
Adams, Mabel E.
20 White Female 137 Ingrams
Adams, Mansy E.
26 White Female 330 Meadow
Adams, Martha E.
9 White Female 137 Ingrams
Adams, Mary E.
69 White Female 372 Smithfield
Adams, Mary E.
66 White Female 360 Smithfield
Adams, Mary E.
5/12 White Female 071 Ingrams
Adams, Matha E.
9 White Female 304 Meadow
Adams, Mattie E.
48 White Female 356 Banner
Adams, Mattie E.
48 White Female 356 Banner
Adams, Nathan E.
49 White Male 245 Meadow
Adams, Percy E.
38 White Male 215 Elevation
Adams, Rosa E.
12 White Female 014 Ingrams
Adams, Ruby E.
14 White Female 333 Meadow
1940 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Adams, Annie E.
43 White Female 99 Smithfield
Adams, Annie E.
10 White Female 258 Meadow
Adams, Annie Ellen
9 White Female 99 Smithfield
Adams, Bettie Ellen
44 White Female 260 Meadow
Adams, Charles E.
40 White Male 104 Clayton
Adams, David E.
53 White Male 224 Beulah
Adams, E. Dalton
59 White Male 116 Ingrams
Adams, Earl
14 White Male 290 Selma
Adams, Earl L.
16 White Male 4 Boon Hill
Adams, Earlenna
15 Black Female 214 Cleveland
Adams, Edgar
32 White Male 244 Ingrams
Adams, Edith
21 White Female 3 Pleasant Grove
Adams, Edith Pearl
25 White Female 217 Banner
Adams, Edith V.
5 White Female 216 Banner
Adams, Edna Earle
27 White Female 251 Smithfield
Adams, Edna L.
7 White Female 166 Banner
Adams, Edna M.
7 White Female 23 Banner
Adams, Edna Pearl
2 White Female 216 Banner
Adams, Edward
17 White Male 189 Pleasant Grove
Adams, Edward
2 White Male 157 Ingrams
Adams, Edward
7 White Male 290 Selma
Adams, Edward C.
2 White Male 255 Meadow
Adams, Effie
73 White Female 147 Banner
Adams, Effie V.
11 White Female 187 Meadow
Adams, Elameta
7 White Female 255 Meadow
Adams, Eldridge
8 White Male 222 Boon Hill
Adams, Elgie
13 White Female 260 Meadow
Adams, Elizabeth
32 White Female 150 Wilson's Mills
Adams, Elizabeth
10 White Female 222 Boon Hill
Adams, Elizabeth
19 White Female 160 Clayton
Adams, Ella
24 White Female 248 Meadow
Adams, Ellie S.
56 White Female 90 Ingrams
Adams, Elmer
14 White Male 208 Smithfield
Adams, Elmer Vick
16 White Male 325 Selma
Adams, Elwood
6 White Male 183 Beulah
Adams, Emma
55 White Female 314 Beulah
Adams, Emmit
53 White Male 14 Ingrams
Adams, Enna
30 White Female 311 Elevation
Adams, Ernest
38 Black Male 285 Smithfield
Adams, Ernest
13 Black Male 285 Smithfield
Adams, Estella
56 Black Female 214 Cleveland
Adams, Estelle
17 White Female 192 Banner
Adams, Etha Margaret
17 White Female 215 Meadow
Adams, Ethan
53 White Male 95 Meadow
Adams, Ethel
18 White Female 130 Ingrams
Adams, Ethel
26 White Female 50 Banner
Adams, Ethel M.
9 White Female 187 Meadow
Adams, Etta
62 White Female 291 Clayton
Adams, Eunice
42 White Male 291 Clayton
Adams, Eunice
9 Black Female 182 O'Neals
Adams, Eva
17 White Female 245 Meadow
Adams, Eva May
23 White Female 216 Banner
Adams, Eva Pearl
17 White Female 215 Meadow
Adams, Evette
22 White Male 14 Ingrams
Adams, Evlin Grey
3 White Female 37 Banner
Adams, Ezra
33 White Male 214 Ingrams
Adams, Grace E.
15 White Female 166 Banner
Adams, Jesse E.
29 White Male 20 Ingrams
Adams, Joseph E.
58 White Male 288 Elevation
Adams, Joseph E.
12 White Male 258 Meadow
Adams, Mary Elizabeth
11 White Female 150 Wilson's Mills
Adams, Mary Ellen
25 White Female 106 Smithfield
Adams, Nancy Eller
36 White Female 258 Meadow
Adams, Nathan E.
65 White Male 215 Meadow
Adams, Robert E.
38 White Male 19 Elevation
Adams, Ruby Ellen
24 White Female 260 Meadow
Adams, Veneta E.
8 White Female 255 Meadow
Adams, William E.
4 White Male 255 Meadow
Bastardy Bonds
No Results found
NC Yearbooks
Name Year Class School
Adams, Sallie Evelyn 1923 Senior Atlantic Christian College
Adams, Sallie Evelyn 1923 Senior Barton College
No Results found
NC Civil War Soldiers Index *
Name Unit Comp Rank Side
Adams, Alfred E. Infantry Regiment, Thomas' NC Legion I Private C
Adams, E. M. 7th Regiment, NC Senior Reserves Private C
Adams, E. T. 57th Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Adams, E. W. 49th Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Adams, E. W. 50th Regiment, NC Infantry F&S Acting Quartermaster C
Adams, Edward 27th Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Adams, Edward W. 50th Regiment, NC Infantry Captain/Acting Quartermaster C
Adams, Edwin 8th Regiment, NC Senior Reserves Private C
Adams, Edwin 8th Regiment, NC Senior Reserves Second Lieutenant C
Adams, Edwin T. 57th Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Adams, Elam J. 28th Regiment, NC Infantry F Private C
Adams, Elbert A. 4th Regiment, NC Cavalry (59th NC State Troops) H Private C
Adams, Elbert A. 5th Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Adams, Eli M. 35th Regiment, NC Infantry I Second Lieutenant C
Adams, Elijah 24th Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Adams, Elijah Infantry Regiment, Thomas' NC Legion Private C
Adams, Elijah 39th Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Adams, Ephraim 3rd Regiment, NC Artillery B Private C
Adams, J. E. 57th Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Adams, Jacob E. 57th Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Adams, James E. 50th Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Adams, James E. 32nd Regiment, NC Infantry (Lenoir Braves) E Private C
Adams, John E. 3rd Regiment, NC Cavalry D Private C
Adams, John E. 54th Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Adams, John E. 4th Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Adams, John E. 24th Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Adams, Joseph E. 50th Regiment, NC Infantry D Sergeant C
* All North Carolina soldiers (Union and Confederate) who fought in the Civil War.
NC Civil War Sailors Index *
No Results found
Southern Claims Commission
No Results found
No Results found
Cemetery Graves
Name Birth Death Cemetery
Adams, Audrey Earle Baker 1879 1948 Oakland
Adams, Bettie E 1895 1981 Banner Chapel Church
Adams, Bettie E Woodall 1856 1914 Woodall/Wheeler
Adams, David E 1887 1974 Pauline Primitive Baptist Church
Adams, E Dalton 1881 1964 Dunn, Dicey
Adams, Earnest D 1922 1923 Four Oaks Town
Adams, Easter Lee 1886 1925 Wood, John S.
Adams, Edgar Juniper Primitive Baptist Church
Adams, Edith Catherine 1887 1923 Adams, David Benton
Adams, Edith Pearl 1915 1955 Adams, David Benton
Adams, Edna Earle ONeal 1913 1972 Oakland
Adams, Effie Allen 1867 1941 Allen, James G
Adams, Eletha 1879 1887 Dowdy, Foster
Adams, Elizabeth 1906 1998 Princeton
Adams, Elizabeth 1881 1881 Adams, R. B.
Adams, Elizabeth 1906 Crocker
Adams, Elizabeth E 1832 1899 Adams, Elder (Massengill/Lee/Blackmon)
Adams, Ella Dunn 1916 1995 Roselawn
Adams, Ella S 1901 1969 Bethel Primitive Baptist Church
Adams, Elouise 1926 1927 Yelverton Grove Free Will Baptist Church
Adams, Elsie Mae 1941 Piney Grove Free Will Baptist Church
Adams, Emette 1886 1951 Four Oaks Town
Adams, Emma B 1886 1987 Pauline Primitive Baptist Church
Adams, Erastus 1931 1935 Bethel Primitive Baptist Church
Adams, Ernest D 1876 1922 Clayton City
Adams, Estelle P 1884 1942 Oliver, A. W.
Adams, Esther M 1919 2009 Faith Free Will Baptist Church
Adams, Etta Florence Young 1882 1966 Young, Benjamin Franklin
Adams, Ettie E 1877 1960 Amelia Christian Church
Adams, Ettie F 1882 1942 Allen, James G
Adams, Eunice H 1898 1926 Maplewood
Adams, Everett 1893 1932 Casey, Matthew
Adams, Everett O 1893 1946 Bethel Primitive Baptist Church
Adams, J E 1866 1891 Adams, Elder (Massengill/Lee/Blackmon)
Adams, Rev J Edward 1927 2012 Banner Chapel Church
Adams, James Everette 1924 1925 Adams, R. B.
Adams, Jeffery Edwin 1918 1918 Adams, David Benton
Adams, Jesse E 1912 1940 Four Oaks Town
Adams, Joseph Edward 1927 2012 Banner Chapel Church
Adams, L Elbert 1895 1934 Yelverton Grove Free Will Baptist Church
Adams, Letha E 1872 1891 Adams, Elder (Massengill/Lee/Blackmon)
Adams, Lottie E 1922 1965 Clyde's Chapel Baptist Church
Adams, Mancy E 1904 1983 Banner Chapel Church
Adams, Margaret Evelyn Strickland 1906 1977 Strickland, Jule
Adams, Martha Evans 1889 1974 Barbour's Chapel Advent Christian Church
Adams, Mary E 1888 1964 Banner Chapel Church
Adams, Mary E Morgan 1862 1934 Juniper Primitive Baptist Church
Adams, Mary Emily 1861 1925 Rhodes, Joseph E.
Adams, Mary Emily 1861 1925 Adams, J. S.
Adams, Mattie Ellen 1882 1938 Banner Chapel Church
Adams, Mildred Elizabeth 1923 2002 Grace Baptist Church
Adams, Neta E 1923 2001 Pisgah Baptist Church
Adams, Percy Edward 1892 1973 St. Mary's Grove Original Free Will Baptist Church
Adams, Sarah E 1888 1918 Keen, George
Adams, William Ezra 1908 1968 Bethel Freewill Baptist Church
NC Confederate Soldiers Burial Database*
Name Death County Cemetery
Adams, James E. 1862 Wake Oakwood Cemetery
* Records are still being added.
Wills Index *
No Results found
Other Resources
Surname Resource Title
Adams-Ingram Marriages Right A. Adams to Theny Ingram, 1834
Hines-Adams Marriages Benjamin Hines to Altona Adams, 1859
Ingram-Adams Marriages Nathan Ingram to Catharine A. Adams, 1866
Rose-Adams Marriages Isaac C. Rose to Susan Adams, 1883
Adams Wills & Estates Howell Adams - 1800
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County Coordinator
Michael W. Kay
County Volunteers
Ross Sippel
Connie Ellen Adams
Passed away on 15 July 2015

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