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  • Phonetic matches for the first/middle name ("Elizabeth") and last name ("Phillips")
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  • 3-Character matches on the last name ("Phi")
1784-1787 State Census
No Results found
1790 Federal Census
No Results found
1800 Federal Census
No Results found
1810 Federal Census
No Results found
1820 Federal Census *
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1830 Federal Census *
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1840 Federal Census *
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1860 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Phillips, Edgar
3 White Male 455 Beulah
Phillips, Edith
8 White Female 86 Boon Hill
Phillips, Edith
0 White Female 130 Boon Hill
Phillips, Elijah
5 White Male 130 Boon Hill
Phillips, Elijah H.
32 White Male 73 Clayton
Phillips, Elizabeth
40 White Female 130 Boon Hill
Phillips, Elizabeth
2 White Female 130 Boon Hill
Phillips, Polly E.
7 White Female 73 Clayton
1870 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Phillips, E. I. B.
5 White Male 145 Beulah
Phillips, Edgar E.
14 White Male 145 Beulah
Phillips, Edith
18 White Female 74 Boon Hill
Phillips, Edna
35 White Female 42 Meadow
Phillips, Eliza
7 White Female 205 Boon Hill
Phillips, Ellen E. S.
12 White Female 145 Beulah
Phillips, Esther M. M.
8 White Female 145 Beulah
Phillips, Eveline
10 White Female 151 O'Neals
1880 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Phillips, Chella E.
28 White Female 370 Boon Hill
Phillips, E. Ann
16 White Female 370 Boon Hill
Phillips, Edgar E.
23 White Male 23 Selma
Phillips, Edith
26 White Female 114 Boon Hill
Phillips, Elizabeth
10 White Female 92 O'Neals
Phillips, Elizabeth H.
32 White Female 23 Selma
Phillips, Ellen E. S.
21 White Female 23 Selma
Phillips, Emerson
22 White Male 27 Town of Clayton
Phillips, Enoch
15 White Male 156 Clayton
Phillips, Enoch J. B.
15 White Male 23 Selma
Phillips, Eveline
42 White Female 17 Town of Clayton
Phillips, Evline
19 White Female 92 O'Neals
Phillips, Mary E.
29 White Female 298 Meadow
Phillips, Pollie E.
26 White Female 370 Boon Hill
Phipps, Elizabeth
49 White Female 81 Wilders
1900 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Philips, Mary E.
49 White Female 362 Banner
Phillips, Albert E.
19 White Male 95 Boon Hill
Phillips, Charley E.
20 White Male 94 Selma
Phillips, Edney M.
40 White Female 141 O'Neals
Phillips, Elijah
23 White Male 45 Clayton
Phillips, Elizabeth
31 White Female 137 O'Neals
Phillips, Elsie I.
17 White Female 95 Boon Hill
Phillips, Estella R.
16 White Female 95 Boon Hill
Phillips, Ether C.
14 White Female 65 Smithfield
Phillips, Luther E.
12 White Male 142 O'Neals
Phillips, Mary E.
9 White Female 142 O'Neals
Phillips, Milton E.
11 White Male 65 Smithfield
Phillips, Rosa E.
14 White Female 142 O'Neals
Phipps, Earl
1 White Male 265 Wilders
Phipps, Ellen
5 White Female 265 Wilders
1910 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Philips, Babe E.
22 White Female 156 Banner
Philips, Eligah M.
32 White Male 114 Pine Level
Philips, Mary E.
60 White Female 154 Banner
Philips, Minnie E.
6 White Female 124 Banner
Phillips, E. H.
2/2/1900 White Male Clayton
Phillips, Edgar T.
1+7/12 White Male 588 Selma
Phillips, Edna M.
47 White Female 588 Selma
Phillips, Edney
51 White Female 194 O'Neals
Phillips, Eliga
3 White Male 199 O'Neals
Phillips, Ellen
26 White Female 8 Smithfield
Phillips, Elro F.
9 White Male 2 Boon Hill
Phillips, Ernest C.
16/12 White Male 601 Selma
Phillips, Hawkins E.
61 White Female 293 Selma
Phillips, Luther E.
22 White Male 193 O'Neals
Phillips, Mary E.
19 White Female 193 O'Neals
Phillips, Mary E.
2/27/1900 White Female 86 Clayton
Phillips, R. E.
2/27/1900 White Male 86 Clayton
Phillips, Walter E.
3 White Male 601 Selma
Phipps, Earl
11 White Male 240 Wilders
Phipps, Ellen
16 White Female 240 Wilders
Phipps, Elva
9 White Female 240 Wilders
1920 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Philips, Charlie E.
39 White Male 174 Selma
Philips, Eliga
41 White Male 257 Clayton
Philips, Ervin R.
68 White Male 102 Selma
Philips, Eural
1 White Male 472 O'Neals
Phillip, Ernest
11 White Male 73 Micro
Phillips, Babe E.
30 White Female 163 Banner
Phillips, Edgar
13 White Male 403 Beulah
Phillips, Edna
58 White Female 403 Beulah
Phillips, Edna
White Female 346 Boon Hill
Phillips, Elija
42 White Male 131 Pine Level
Phillips, Elroe
19 White Male 47 Boon Hill
Phillips, Elva E.
10 White Female 92 Smithfield
Phillips, Ethal
6 White Female 162 Banner
Phillips, Flosie E.
13 White Female 92 Smithfield
Phillips, Mary E.
70 White Female 164 Banner
Phillips, Minnie E.
15 White Female 169 Banner
Phillips, Pollie E.
38 White Female 92 Smithfield
Phipps, Earl
20 White Male 12 Wilders
Phipps, Elva
18 White Female 12 Wilders
Phipps, Elverada A.
47 White Female 12 Wilders
Polyfas, Estelle
32 Black Female 36 Beulah
1930 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Philipps, Elva Cora
21 White Female 053 Smithfield
Philips, Edgar T.
20 White Male 246 Beulah
Philips, Edna M.
68 White Female 248 Beulah
Philips, Estelle
29 White Female 153 Selma
Philips, Ethel
16 White Female 231 Banner
Philips, Eugena
59 White Female 160 Selma
Phillipps, Edna E.
29 White Female 024 Wilders
Phillips, Albert E.
49 White Male 377 Boon Hill
Phillips, Allen E.
3+8/12 White Male 148 Beulah
Phillips, Babe E.
42 White Female 276 Banner
Phillips, Edison
12 White Male 092 O'Neals
Phillips, Edna
85 White Female 055 O'Neals
Phillips, Edna
1+10/12 White Female 092 O'Neals
Phillips, Edna
14 White Female 377 Boon Hill
Phillips, Eldridge
8 White Male 092 O'Neals
Phillips, Elijah
23 White Male 041 O'Neals
Phillips, Elijah
52 White Male 042 Clayton
Phillips, Ellen B.
26 White Female 271 Beulah
Phillips, Elmore
2+6/12 White Male 044 O'Neals
Phillips, Elouise
20 White Female 044 O'Neals
Phillips, Elroy
28 White Male 044 O'Neals
Phillips, Ernest
21 White Male 184 Micro
Phillips, Ester
2+9/12 White Female 077 O'Neals
Phillips, Ethel
8 White Female 044 O'Neals
Phillips, Etta
43 White Female 091 O'Neals
Phillips, Evelyn
17 White Female 013 Clayton
Phillips, Evelyn
16 White Female 020 Clayton
Phillips, L. E.
42 White Male 092 O'Neals
Phillips, Lathan E.
20 White Male 305 Smithfield
Phipps, Verna E.
22 White Female 004 Wilders
1940 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Phelps, Charles E.
3 White Male 138 Ingrams
Philips, Betsy E.
36 White Female 188 Beulah
Philips, Elijah
63 White Male 393 Clayton
Philips, Ester
11 White Female 177 O'Neals
Philips, Eugene
13 White Male 29 Beulah
Philips, Evelyn
25 White Female 394 Clayton
Philips, James E.
13 White Male 393 Clayton
Phillips, Babe E.
51 White Female 237 Banner
Phillips, Carl E.
26 White Male 96 Smithfield
Phillips, Charlie Elton
16 White Male 160 Selma
Phillips, Clarence E.
2 White Male 53 Selma
Phillips, E. F.
39 White Male 73 O'Neals
Phillips, Eara
20 White Female 116 Boon Hill
Phillips, Earnest
31 White Male 20 O'Neals
Phillips, Edison
22 White Male 85 O'Neals
Phillips, Edna
79 White Female 22 Micro
Phillips, Edna
2 White Female 74 O'Neals
Phillips, Edna Green
14 White Female 42 O'Neals
Phillips, Effie J.
29 White Female 311 Beulah
Phillips, Eldridge
19 White Male 85 O'Neals
Phillips, Eliga
33 White Male 105 Selma
Phillips, Ellie
48 White Female 61 O'Neals
Phillips, Elmon
12 White Male 73 O'Neals
Phillips, Eloise
30 White Female 73 O'Neals
Phillips, Elsie
38 White Female 240 Banner
Phillips, Elsie G.
21 White Female 291 Smithfield
Phillips, Elton G.
4 White Male 198 Beulah
Phillips, Ennis
40 White Male 227 Banner
Phillips, Estella
39 White Female 160 Selma
Phillips, Ester May
9 White Female 122 Smithfield
Phillips, Ethel
34 White Female 227 Banner
Phillips, Ethel
8 White Female 160 O'Neals
Phillips, Eugene
6 White Male 198 Beulah
Phillips, Herbert E.
54 White Male 188 Smithfield
Phillips, L. E.
52 White Male 85 O'Neals
Phillips, L. E.
30 White Male 66 Smithfield
Phillips, Lewis E.
40 White Male 111 Wilders
Phillips, Roger E.
6 White Male 96 Smithfield
Phillips, Ruby E.
15 White Female 238 Smithfield
Phillips, Stella E.
19 White Female 238 Smithfield
Phipps, Essie
67 White Female 279 Selma
Bastardy Bonds
Father's Name Mother's Name Date
Person, Jno. B. Phillips, Ersula E. 1 Oct 1873
NC Yearbooks
No Results found
No Results found
NC Civil War Soldiers Index *
Name Unit Comp Rank Side
Phelps, E. Franklin 3rd Battalion, NC Light Artillery B Private C
Phelps, E. S. 17th Regiment, NC Infantry (2nd Organization) A Private C
Phelps, Elisha 2nd Regiment, NC Cavalry H Private C
Phelps, Elisha 15th Regiment, NC Infantry A Private C
Phelps, Erasmus 48th Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Phelps, Franklin E. 3rd Battalion, NC Light Artillery B Private C
Phelps, M. E. 3rd Regiment, NC Artillery G Private C
Phelps, M. E. 13th Battalion, NC Light Artillery E Private C
Phifer, Edward H. 49th Regiment, NC Infantry K First Lieutenant C
Phifer, Elijah M. 49th Regiment, NC Infantry F Private C
Phifer, Ervin 53rd Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Philbeck, Benjamin E. 34th Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Philbeck, E. G. 2nd Regiment, NC Junior Reserves D Private C
Philips, E. E. 1st Regiment, NC Cavalry A Private C
Philips, Elbert 2nd Regiment, NC Infantry F Private C
Philips, Elijah H. 24th Regiment, NC Infantry F Private C
Philips, Elisha 2nd Regiment, NC Infantry K Private C
Philips, W. E. 26th Regiment, NC Infantry F Private C
Phillipps, E. E. 1st Regiment, NC Cavalry A Private C
Phillipps, Eli 1st Regiment, NC Cavalry A Private C
Phillips, A. E. 29th Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Phillips, Andrew E. 64th Regiment, NC Infantry (Allen's) N Sergeant C
Phillips, B. E. 17th Regiment, NC Infantry (2nd Organization) K Private C
Phillips, E. 4th Regiment, NC Infantry E Private C
Phillips, E. C. 1st Regiment, NC Cavalry A Private C
Phillips, E. E. 1st Regiment, NC Cavalry A Private C
Phillips, E. H. Mallett's Battalion, NC Camp Guards (Camp Holmes) A Private C
Phillips, Edmund 44th Regiment, NC Infantry E Private C
Phillips, Edmund M. 31st Regiment, NC Infantry A Private C
Phillips, Edwin 5th Regiment, NC Senior Reserves H Private C
Phillips, Elbert 2nd Regiment, NC Infantry F Private C
Phillips, Eli 1st Regiment, NC Cavalry A Private C
Phillips, Eli 48th Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Phillips, Elias 46th Regiment, NC Infantry A Private C
Phillips, Elias 1st Battalion, NC Heavy Artillery C Private C
Phillips, Elias 2nd Regiment, NC Artillery E Private C
Phillips, Elijah 11th Regiment, NC Infantry (Bethel Regiment) B Private C
Phillips, Elijah 7th Regiment, NC Infantry K Private C
Phillips, Elijah 58th Regiment, NC Infantry M Private C
Phillips, Elijah H. 24th Regiment, NC Infantry F Private C
Phillips, Elisha 2nd Regiment, NC Infantry K Private C
Phillips, Elisha H. 24th Regiment, NC Infantry F Private C
Phillips, Ephraim 29th Regiment, NC Infantry K Private C
Phillips, Evan 37th Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Phillips, Jarmon E. 51st Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Philmore, E. K. 27th Regiment, NC Infantry A Private C
Phipps, Elijah 5th Regiment, NC Senior Reserves B Captain C
Phipps, Enoch 37th Regiment, NC Infantry K Private C
* All North Carolina soldiers (Union and Confederate) who fought in the Civil War.
NC Civil War Sailors Index *
No Results found
Southern Claims Commission
No Results found
No Results found
Cemetery Graves
Name Birth Death Cemetery
Phillips, Albert E. 1880 1934 Futrell
Phillips, Annie E 1893 1971 Progressive Presbyterian Church
Phillips, Charlie E 1881 1955 Oliver, Robert E.
Phillips, Edgar L 1914 1966 Kenly City
Phillips, Edgar T 1909 1967 Kirby
Phillips, Edith P 1877 1959 Mt. Moriah Baptist Church
Phillips, Edna M 1857 1916 Whitley/Barnes/Phillips
Phillips, Edna M 1899 Salem Primitive Baptist Church
Phillips, Edna M 1861 1943 Kirby
Phillips, Effie J 1910 Selma Memorial Gardens
Phillips, Elizabeth 1868 1942 Phillips, Guy H.
Phillips, Elizabeth 1868 1942 Brown, Joseph
Phillips, Elizabeth 1848 1920 Futrell
Phillips, Eloise B 1909 Bailey, J. B.
Phillips, Eloise B 1909 Phillips, Guy H.
Phillips, Eloise Bailey 1909 1986 Bailey, Ruffin
Phillips, Elro F 1900 1959 Bailey, Ruffin
Phillips, Elro F 1900 1959 Phillips, Guy H.
Phillips, Elroe 1900 1959 Bailey, J. B.
Phillips, Elsie L 1901 1950 Banner Chapel Church
Phillips, Ennis 1898 1970 Roselawn
Phillips, Ernest Q 1908 1993 Capps, John Edwin
Phillips, Esther Rudine 1922 1922 Brown, Bardin
Phillips, Ethel B 1905 1971 Roselawn
Phillips, Faye Evans 1933 Bailey, Ruffin
Phillips, Herbert Elma 1881 1964 Peedin
Phillips, James E 1926 1959 Maplewood
Phillips, Jimmie E 1873 1952 Oakland
Phillips, Luther E 1888 1970 Branch Chapel Free Will Baptist Church
Phillips, Nancy E Lee 1915 1953 Banner Chapel Church
Phillips, Robert Elmore 1927 2014 Bailey, Ruffin
Phillips, Thomas E 1917 1943 Branch Chapel Free Will Baptist Church
Phipps, Eura 1904 1907 Clyde's Chapel Baptist Church
Phipps, George Edward 1961 Clyde's Chapel Baptist Church
Phipps, Lewis Earl 1899 1947 Clyde's Chapel Baptist Church
NC Confederate Soldiers Burial Database*
No Results found
Wills Index *
No Results found
Other Resources
Surname Resource Title
Philips-Oliver Marriages Dickson Philips to Edith Oliver, 1814
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Passed away on 15 July 2015

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