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» Search Results » ELMO COOKE
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  • Phonetic matches for the first/middle name ("Elmo") and last name ("Cooke")
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  • 3-Character matches on the last name ("Coo")
1784-1787 State Census
No Results found
1790 Federal Census
No Results found
1800 Federal Census
No Results found
1810 Federal Census
No Results found
1820 Federal Census *
No Results found
1830 Federal Census *
No Results found
1840 Federal Census *
Name M00 M05 M10 M15 M20 M30 M40 M50 M60 M70 M80 M90
Cox, Edmond 1 3 1
* Missing Categories - Free white women, free colored persons, slaves, blind/deaf/dumb, age and education
1860 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Casey, Elizabeth
6 White Female 984 Bentonville
Casey, Epsey
28 White Female 984 Bentonville
Cox, Mary E.
4 White Female 206 Clayton
1870 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Coop, Emoly
32 White Female 38 Clayton
Cox, Emma
18 Mulatto Female 45 Smithfield
1880 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Cook, Elizabeth
5 Black Female 36 Town of Clayton
Cook, Emanuel
12 Black Male 11 Town of Clayton
Cox, Elizabeth
3 White Female 93 Bentonville
Cox, Emma G.
6 White Female 89 Bentonville
Cox, Mary E.
11 White Female 97 Bentonville
Cox, Mary E.
50 White Female 97 Bentonville
Cox, Mary E.
50 White Female 92 Bentonville
1900 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Casey, Effie E.
5 White Female 448 Smithfield
Cook, Ella
23 Black Female 79 Smithfield
Cook, Estell
29 Black Female 79 Smithfield
Cooley, Ephram
92 Black Male 176 O'Neals
Coor, Eugenia
18 White Female 153 Smithfield
Cox, Easter
60 Black Female 76 Meadow
Cox, Ellen
35 White Female 172 Cleveland
Cox, Emma G.
26 White Female 215 Bentonville
Cox, Lindley E.
14 White Male 215 Bentonville
Cox, Mary E. N.
70 White Female 173 Bentonville
Cox, Redford E.
20 White Male 215 Bentonville
1910 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Casey, Effie
1/15/1900 White Female 564 Smithfield
Cook, Ella
31 Black Female 180 Smithfield
Cook, Erma
1/15/1900 Black Female 230 Clayton
Cooper, Annie E.
5 White Female 36 Banner
Cooper, Eli
46 Black Male 156 Clayton
Cooper, Emer
15 White Female 36 O'Neals
Cooper, Emma
21 Black Female 311 Wilders
Cooper, Julie E.
18 White Female 36 O'Neals
Cox, Bedford E.
30 White Male 112 Bentonville
Cox, Elijah
4 Mulatto Male 127 Bentonville
Cox, Eveline
45 Black Female 236 Smithfield
Cox, Lindley E.
24 White Male 111 Bentonville
Cox, Mary E. M.
80 White Female 114 Bentonville
1920 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Cheek, Elaine
White Female 325 Clayton
Cook, E. T.
33 White Male 94 Wilders
Cook, Earnest
White Male 94 Wilders
Cook, Ederson
2 White Male 114 Wilders
Cook, Elmo
9 White Male 114 Wilders
Cook, Emma
16 White Female 251 Banner
Cook, Estell
7 White Female 114 Wilders
Cook, Mary E.
28 White Female 169 Selma
Cook, Sallie E.
11 White Female 40 Pine Level
Cooley, Evelean
21 Black Female 74 Wilders
Coon, Eula
42 White Female 82 Bentonville
Cooper, Elizabeth
6 White Female 159 O'Neals
Cooper, Emma
31 Mulatto Female 40 Wilders
Cox, Elijah
13 Mulatto Male 95 Boon Hill
Cox, Elridge
3 White Male 138 Bentonville
Cox, Emma
White Female 87 Bentonville
Cox, Euverta
Black Female 122 Clayton
Cox, Evelline
7 Black Female 312 Smithfield
Cox, Everlener
50 Black Female 312 Smithfield
Cox, Lineley E.
35 White Male 138 Bentonville
Cox, Mary E.
30 Black Female 405 Selma
1930 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Cage, Newal E.
14 White Female 237 Wilders
Casey, David E.
4 White Male 095 Smithfield
Casey, Emmagene
2 White Female 095 Smithfield
Casey, Laurie E.
17 White Female 091 Smithfield
Cook, Edison
12 White Male 169 Wilders
Cook, Edna E.
7 White Female 169 Wilders
Cook, Elmo
19 White Male 169 Wilders
Cook, Estell
17 White Male 169 Wilders
Cook, Excell
6 White Male 170 Wilders
Cook, Leora E.
22 White Female 071 Beulah
Cook, Roy E.
7 White Male 156 Elevation
Cooke, Ernest G.
43 White Male 025 Wilders
Cooke, Ethel R.
47 White Female 328 Banner
Cooke, Mary E.
1 White Female 025 Wilders
Cooley, Edward Leon
6 Black Male 203 O'Neals
Cooper, Cellie E.
53 White Female 201 Beulah
Cooper, Donald E.
1+2/12 White Male 114 Beulah
Cooper, Effie
19 White Female 176 Beulah
Cooper, Elizabeth
16 White Female 118 O'Neals
Cooper, Elma
1+3/12 White Female 121 Beulah
Cooper, Eva M.
10 White Female 172 Beulah
Cooper, Willard E.
27 White Male 138 Clayton
Coor, Eustace O.
35 White Male 010 Pine Level
Coor, Eustace O. Jr.
7 White Male 010 Pine Level
Cox, Bedford E.
50 White Male 231 Bentonville
Cox, Bernard E.
4+7/12 White Male 231 Bentonville
Cox, Edieth
12 White Female 329 Selma
Cox, Elijah
23 Black Male 352 Boon Hill
Cox, Elizabeth
8 Black Female 013 Clayton
Cox, Emma
21 White Female 107 Micro
Cox, Emma G.
16 White Female 231 Bentonville
Cox, Ethel
20 White Female 329 Selma
Cox, Eugene
1 White Male 329 Selma
Cox, Lester E.
15 White Male 231 Bentonville
Cox, Marcelin E.
64 White Female 122 Clayton
Cox, Mittie E.
48 White Female 231 Bentonville
Cox, William E.
52 White Male 249 Smithfield
1940 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Casey, Elowise
9 White Female 32 Boon Hill
Cash, Eva
20 Black Female 356 Clayton
Cheek, Carolyn E.
8 White Female 120 Smithfield
Cheek, Charles E.
22 White Male 120 Smithfield
Cheek, Elizabeth Hancock
49 White Female 120 Smithfield
Cook, Earcell
16 White Female 179 Wilders
Cook, Edison
23 White Male 238 Clayton
Cook, Elizabeth Iris
11 White Female 74 Smithfield
Cook, Ella V.
60 White Female 235 Clayton
Cook, Elmo
29 White Male 238 Clayton
Cook, Ray Edward
17 White Male 226 Elevation
Cook, Sadie E.
33 White Female 74 Smithfield
Cooke, Earnest
53 White Male 43 Wilders
Cooke, Earnestine
3 White Female 43 Wilders
Cooke, Mary Ellen
11 White Female 43 Wilders
Cooley, Eardine
3 Black Female 114 Wilders
Cooper, Eardine
15 Black Female 77 Wilders
Cooper, Effie
29 White Female 74 O'Neals
Cooper, Elenora B.
9 Black Female 324 Smithfield
Cooper, Elizabeth
30 White Female 304 Smithfield
Cooper, Elizabeth
29 Black Female 324 Smithfield
Cooper, Elmer
10 White Male 238 Beulah
Cooper, Eugene
18 Black Male 338 Selma
Cooper, Eugene
16 Black Male 268 Selma
Cooper, Eugene
11 White Male 266 Beulah
Cooper, Eula Mae
27 White Female 330 Beulah
Cooper, Eva
32 Black Female 86 Smithfield
Cooper, Eva G.
14 Black Female 259 Beulah
Cooper, Mary E.
11 Black Female 324 Smithfield
Cooper, Reba E.
1 White Female 74 O'Neals
Coor, Eustice
45 White Male 19 Pine Level
Cox, Emma
12 White Female 272 Smithfield
Cox, Ernest
3 Black Male 205 Clayton
Cox, Everet
18 Black Male 61 Beulah
Cox, Nancy E.
21 White Female 63 Pine Level
Bastardy Bonds
No Results found
NC Yearbooks
No Results found
No Results found
NC Civil War Soldiers Index *
Name Unit Comp Rank Side
Caisey, E. C. 42nd Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Case, Daniel E. 35th Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Case, E. F. 64th Regiment, NC Infantry (Allen's) G Private C
Case, E. Fidella 7th Battalion, NC Cavalry D Private C
Case, E. Frilella 6th Regiment, NC Cavalry D Private C
Case, Elisha G. 25th Regiment, NC Infantry E Private C
Casey, E. M. 42nd Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Casey, E. P. 5th Regiment, NC Cavalry H Private C
Casey, Elijah 2nd Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Casey, Ephraim C. 42nd Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Cash, Elisha 23rd Regiment, NC Infantry E Private C
Cash, Elkins 3rd Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Cash, Erasmus 24th Regiment, NC Infantry A Private C
Causey, Alfred E. 22nd Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Causey, Enoch 45th Regiment, NC Infantry K Private C
Cheek, E. Asse 1st Regiment, NC Cavalry E Private C
Cheek, J. E. 11th Regiment, NC Infantry (Bethel Regiment) G Private C
Coke, J. E. 17th Regiment, NC Infantry (1st Organization) H Private C
Cook, Aaron E. 35th Regiment, NC Infantry K Private C
Cook, E. 3rd Battalion, NC Junior Reserves G Private C
Cook, E. A. 62nd Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Cook, E. C. 45th Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Cook, E. C. 22nd Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Cook, E. F. 13th Battalion, NC Light Artillery B Private C
Cook, E. S. 13th Battalion, NC Light Artillery B Private C
Cook, E. T. 45th Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Cook, Elbridge 13th Regiment, NC Infantry E Captain C
Cook, Eli 2nd Regiment, NC Artillery F Private C
Cook, Eli 53rd Regiment, NC Infantry E Private C
Cook, Eli 8th Battalion, NC Junior Reserves C Private C
Cook, Elisha S. 45th Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Cook, Eugene 1st Regiment, NC Cavalry E Private C
Cook, Evans E. 22nd Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Cook, John E. 17th Regiment, NC Infantry (2nd Organization) A Private C
Cooke, E. T. 1st Regiment, NC Cavalry E Private C
Cooke, Euclid M. 38th Regiment, NC Infantry C Second Lieutenant C
Cooke, John E. 17th Regiment, NC Infantry (1st Organization) H Private C
Cooley, Edmund 60th Regiment, NC Infantry G Sergeant C
Coombs, Ervin E. 35th Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Coon, D. E. 11th Regiment, NC Infantry (Bethel Regiment) I First Lieutenant C
Cooper, C. E. 5th Regiment, NC Senior Reserves I Sergeant C
Cooper, E. C. 5th Regiment, NC Senior Reserves I Sergeant C
Cooper, Elijah N. 32nd Regiment, NC Infantry (Lenoir Braves) A,F Private C
Cooper, Elijah N. 12th Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Cooper, Erastus 2nd Battalion, NC Local Defense Troops B,F Private C
Cooper, James E. 17th Regiment, NC Infantry (2nd Organization) D Private C
Cooper, John E. 25th Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Cooper, Joseph E. 42nd Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Cooper, William E. 11th Regiment, NC Infantry (Bethel Regiment) B Private C
Cooper, William E. 3rd Regiment, NC Cavalry F Private C
Couch, E. M. 9th Battalion, NC Sharpshooters (1st Battalion) A Private C
Couch, E. M. 21st Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Couch, E. M. Allen's Company, NC Local Defense Corporal C
Cox, E. Franklin 5th Regiment, NC Cavalry B Second Lieutenant C
Cox, E. G. 2nd Battalion, NC Infantry A Private C
Cox, Ebenezer 48th Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Cox, Edmund A. 49th Regiment, NC Infantry A Private C
Cox, Edward 3rd Regiment, NC Artillery C Private C
Cox, Edward A. 49th Regiment, NC Infantry A Private C
Cox, Edward F. 1st Regiment, NC Artillery B Private C
Cox, Elbert 45th Regiment, NC Infantry A Private C
Cox, Eli 11th Regiment, NC Infantry (Bethel Regiment) H Private C
Cox, Eli 26th Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Cox, Eli 3rd Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Cox, Eli 35th Regiment, NC Infantry A Private C
Cox, Eli 29th Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Cox, Eli 50th Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Cox, Eli 53rd Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Cox, Eli E. 11th Regiment, NC Infantry (Bethel Regiment) H Private C
Cox, Elias 64th Regiment, NC Infantry (Allen's) A Private C
Cox, Elijah L. 17th Regiment, NC Infantry (1st Organization) E Private C
Cox, Elijah L. 18th Regiment, NC Infantry Lieutenant C
Cox, Elisha 26th Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Cox, Enach F. 5th Regiment, NC Cavalry B Second Lieutenant C
Cox, G. E. 27th Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Cox, J. E. 16th Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Cox, James E. 2nd Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Cox, Wylie E. 4th Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
* All North Carolina soldiers (Union and Confederate) who fought in the Civil War.
NC Civil War Sailors Index *
No Results found
Southern Claims Commission
No Results found
No Results found
Cemetery Graves
Name Birth Death Cemetery
Casey, David E 1926 1987 Casey, Matthew
Casey, Edith Lee 1934 Casey, Matthew
Cheek, Elizabeth Hancock 1889 1964 Riverside
Cook, Betty Elizabeth 1873 1939 Earp/Cook
Cook, Debra Elaine Good 1958 2015 Princeton
Cook, Edna I 1920 1921 Hodges Chapel Free Will Baptist Church
Cooke, Alice E 1920 Maplewood
Cooke, Elmo L 1910 1967 Maplewood
Cooke, Mary Elizabeth 1874 1917 Greenwood
Cooke, Sarah E 1879 1939 Stephenson, Nimrod
Coor, Edmund 1811 1895 Coor, N. C.
Coor, Eustace Ovid 1894 1973 Crocker
Cox, Bedford Elijah 1879 1946 Cox, Micajah
Cox, Bernard Elijah 1925 2006 Cox, Micajah
Cox, Elbert 1909 Atkinson, Wesley
Cox, Eliza Henry 1892 1955 Resthaven
Cox, Eugene 1944 1958 Atkinson, Wesley
Cox, Glenn E 1902 1972 Mt. Zion United Methodist Church
Cox, Henry E 1865 1889 Bethany Baptist Church
Cox, Ida Eddie 1919 1920 Blackman, Sir William
Cox, Marceline E 1865 1942 Vinson, James
Cox, Mary E 1829 1913 Bethany Baptist Church
Cox, Mary Ella 1918 1919 Blackman, Sir William
Cox, Mittie E Grantham 1882 1947 Cox, Micajah
Cox, W E Oakland
NC Confederate Soldiers Burial Database*
Name Death County Cemetery
Cook, Elam 1898 Davidson Spring Hill Methodist Church Cemetery
Cook, Eli 1905 Burke Pleasant Hill Baptist Church Cemetery
Cooke, Euclid Monroe 1908 Alamance Hawfields Presbyterian Church
Cooper, B. E. R 1935 Cumberland Antioch Baptist Church Cemetery
Cox, Eli 1912 Onslow Shaw Cemetery
* Records are still being added.
Wills Index *
No Results found
Other Resources
Surname Resource Title
Cox-Kennedy Bibles Cox - Kennedy Family Bible Records
Cook Court Records Harry Cook, Murder, 1917
Cooper Court Records Betsey Cooper v. Benjamin Lockhart, 1810
Cox Court Records Lydia P. Cox v. Jas. Cox, 1865
Cooke Deaths & Obituaries M. Owen Cooke
Wall-Cook Deaths & Obituaries Wall/Cook, Suicides, 1894
Casey Deeds Micajah Casey #578, 1782
Casey Deeds Micajah Casey #597, 1782
Casey Deeds Wright Casey to Roan Wilson, 1842
Cook Deeds A.J. & Nancy Cook to Allie Cook, 1884
Cook Deeds James H. & Sary P. Cook to Nancy Cook, 1890
Cook-Morris Deeds James & Sary Cook to Stephen Morris, 1881
Hood-Cook Deeds S.H. & Mollie Hood to Nancy Cook, 1891
Murphrey-Cook Deeds J.I. Murphrey to J.H.A. Cook, 1891
Richardson-Cook Deeds M.C. Richardson to A.J. Cook, 1883
Cook Wills & Estates Nancy Cook - 1891
Cook Wills & Estates Nancy Cook - 1892 - Estate Record
Cox Wills & Estates Smithson Cox - 1828
Surname Researchers
Surname Counties Date Range Researcher
CookJohnston Lee Spurlin
CooperEarly 1800's Warren Bagley
CooperGranville to Johnston Harold Gosnell
CoxHarnett Christie Moore
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Ross Sippel
Connie Ellen Adams
Passed away on 15 July 2015

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