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» Search Results » ETHEL PITTMAN
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1784-1787 State Census
No Results found
1790 Federal Census
No Results found
1800 Federal Census
Name Pg/Rw M00 M10 M16 M26 M45 F00 F10 F16 F26 F45 FP SL
Pateman, Esais 752 / 25 1 1 1 1
1810 Federal Census
No Results found
1820 Federal Census *
No Results found
1830 Federal Census *
Name M00 M05 M10 M15 M20 M30 M40 M50 M60 M70+
Pitman, Elijah 2 1 1
Pitman, Elisha 1 1 1 1
* Missing Categories - Free white women, free colored persons, slaves, foreigners and blind, deaf & dumb
1840 Federal Census *
Name M00 M05 M10 M15 M20 M30 M40 M50 M60 M70 M80 M90
Pitman, Elijah 3 1 1 1 1
Pitman, Elisha 2 1 2 1 1 1
* Missing Categories - Free white women, free colored persons, slaves, blind/deaf/dumb, age and education
1860 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Pitman, Edgar
1 White Male 633 Beulah
Pitman, Edna
32 White Female 63 Boon Hill
Pitman, Edney
14 White Female 645 Beulah
Pitman, Elisha
27 White Male 63 Boon Hill
Pitman, Elisha
72 White Male 457 Beulah
Pitman, Elizabeth
34 White Female 357 Boon Hill
Pitman, Ephraim
6 White Male 636 Beulah
1870 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Pitman, Edney M.
23 White Female 134 Beulah
Pitman, Elisha
42 White Female 40 Boon Hill
Pitman, Elizabeth
44 White Female 21 Beulah
Pitman, Ephram
16 White Male 67 Beulah
Pitman, Equilley
9 White Female 197 Beulah
Pitman, Eroy
18 White Male 73 O'Neals
Pitman, Mary E. M.
12 White Female 67 Beulah
Pitman, Penny E.
36 White Female 88 Beulah
1880 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Patman, Dora E.
10 White Female 291 Selma
Patman, Edney M.
32 White Female 291 Selma
Pitman, Annie E.
0 White Female 141 Selma
Pitman, Edward G.
3 White Male 120 Beulah
Pitman, Egilley
18 White Female 147 Beulah
Pitman, Elizabeth
53 White Female 169 Beulah
Pitman, Ephrem
24 White Male 166 Beulah
Pitman, Erven G.
4 White Male 106 Beulah
Pitman, Evalina
20 White Female 165 Beulah
Pitman, Julia E.
6 White Female 327 Selma
Pitman, Mary E. M.
22 White Female 226 Beulah
Pitman, Taner E.
8 White Female 106 Beulah
Pitmon, Ellen
17 White Female 32 O'Neals
Pittman, Edny P.
5 White Female 191 Boon Hill
Pittman, Elisha
54 White Male 191 Boon Hill
Pittman, Eliza A.
11 White Female 191 Boon Hill
Pittman, James E.
13 White Male 191 Boon Hill
1900 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Pittman, Edgar
9 White Male 54 Beulah
Pittman, Edmund
2 White Male 49 Beulah
Pittman, Edney
4 White Female 192 Boon Hill
Pittman, Elisha
69 White Male 130 Selma
Pittman, Elisha F.
3 White Male 150 Boon Hill
Pittman, Elizabeth
43 White Female 97 Beulah
Pittman, Elizer
35 White Female 12 Smithfield
Pittman, Ella
6 White Female 55 Beulah
Pittman, Ella
13 White Female 34 O'Neals
Pittman, Emma
5 White Female 54 Beulah
Pittman, Ephraim
54 White Male 163 Beulah
Pittman, Ephraim Jr.
5 White Male 163 Beulah
Pittman, Ernest
11 White Male 97 Beulah
Pittman, Ervin G.
22 White Male 267 Beulah
Pittman, Garry E.
1 White Male 106 Beulah
Pittman, Lena E.
18 White Female 5 O'Neals
Pittman, Mary E.
44 White Female 72 Selma
Pittman, Ruth E.
30 White Female 102 Beulah
Pittman, Sarah E
2 White Female 127 Beulah
1910 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Pitman, Addie E.
3 White Female 199 Pine Level
Pitman, Elefare
1/8/1900 White Female 294 O'Neals
Pitman, Mary E.
27 White Female 200 Pine Level
Pittman, Earnest
1/21/1900 White Male 403 Beulah
Pittman, Eddie
1/14/1900 White Male 290 Beulah
Pittman, Ednie
14 White Female 212 Boon Hill
Pittman, Edward G.
2/2/1900 White Male 502 Beulah
Pittman, Edwin B.
5 White Male 156 Smithfield
Pittman, Effie
23 White Female 244 Beulah
Pittman, Elisha F.
13 White Male 214 Boon Hill
Pittman, Elizabeth
2/22/1900 White Female 403 Beulah
Pittman, Ella
2/4/1900 White Female 197 Beulah
Pittman, Ella
16 White Female 239 Beulah
Pittman, Ella M.
1/5/1900 White Female 448 Beulah
Pittman, Emma
15 White Female 25 Beulah
Pittman, Ephram
14 White Male 62 Beulah
Pittman, Ernest
White Male 244 Beulah
Pittman, Estelle
1/2/1900 White Female 502 Beulah
Pittman, Ethel
2 White Female 92 Selma
Pittman, Ida E
15 White Female 223 Smithfield
Pittman, Jim E.
41 White Male 212 Boon Hill
Pittman, Margrett E.
38 White Female 78 O'Neals
Pittman, Mary E.
55 White Female 130 O'Neals
1920 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Pitman, Eddie
25 White Male 75 Boon Hill
Pittman, Arthur E.
17 White Male 173 Micro
Pittman, Earnest
10 White Male 184 Micro
Pittman, Eddie G.
43 White Male 122 Micro
Pittman, Effie
31 White Female 184 Micro
Pittman, Ella
37 White Female 209 Pine Level
Pittman, Elmer
White Male 187 Beulah
Pittman, Elowise C.
9 White Female 322 Selma
Pittman, Emma
6 White Female 249 Beulah
Pittman, Emma
12 White Female 167 Micro
Pittman, Emma
20 White Female 307 Beulah
Pittman, Erwin B.
15 White Male 36 Smithfield
Pittman, Estell
12 White Female 122 Micro
Pittman, Eunice
8 White Female 184 Micro
Pittman, Eva
8 White Female 167 Micro
Pittman, Eva
7 White Female 71 Beulah
Pittman, Eva.
23 White Female 217 Micro
Pittman, Rudolph E.
White Male 322 Selma
Pittman, Thomas E.
13 White Male 36 Smithfield
Putnam, Edith
36 White Female 27 Banner
1930 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Pitman, Harold E.
7 White Male 037 Selma
Pittman, E. G.
8 White Male 019 Micro
Pittman, Edgar
39 White Male 056 Micro
Pittman, Edman
7 White Male 030 Micro
Pittman, Edward G.
53 White Male 119 Beulah
Pittman, Edward L.
4+3/12 White Male 086 Pine Level
Pittman, Edward L.
4+3/12 White Male 086 Pine Level
Pittman, Edwin
4+1/12 White Male 093 O'Neals
Pittman, Effie
43 White Female 140 Micro
Pittman, Elbert
3/12 White Male 072 O'Neals
Pittman, Elibith
4 White Female 030 Micro
Pittman, Ella
52 White Female 113 Beulah
Pittman, Ellen
39 White Female 226 Pine Level
Pittman, Elmer E.
15 White Male 109 Boon Hill
Pittman, Elmore R.
13 White Male 041 Smithfield
Pittman, Eloise C.
18 White Female 041 Smithfield
Pittman, Elsia
26 White Female 071 O'Neals
Pittman, Elton
6 White Male 224 Pine Level
Pittman, Emma B.
16 White Female 057 Beulah
Pittman, Ermine
5 White Female 123 O'Neals
Pittman, Ernest
19 White Male 140 Micro
Pittman, Esther
6 White Female 034 Micro
Pittman, Ethel
27 White Female 072 O'Neals
Pittman, Eula
11 White Female 030 Micro
Pittman, Eula
15 White Female 222 Pine Level
Pittman, Eunice
18 White Female 140 Micro
Pittman, Eunice
19 White Female 225 Pine Level
Pittman, Eva
34 White Female 109 Boon Hill
Pittman, Eva I.
17 White Female 003 Beulah
Pittman, Evabell
14 White Female 009 Micro
Pittman, Evelyn
21 White Female 205 Beulah
Pittman, Gretson Elmar
14 White Male 034 Micro
Pittman, Gurney E.
19 White Male 119 Beulah
Pittman, Kermitt E.
20 White Male 225 Pine Level
Pittman, Lossie E.
22 White Female 119 Beulah
Pittman, Mary E.
18 White Female 097 Beulah
Pittman, Ruth E.
11 White Female 109 Boon Hill
Pittman, Ruth E.
1+12/12 White Female 108 Beulah
Pittmon, Fannie E.
29 White Female 258 Beulah
Putman, Edith
46 White Female 212 Banner
1940 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Pittman, Billy E.
2 White Male 54 Beulah
Pittman, Carlton E.
19 White Male 184 Beulah
Pittman, Eddie G.
63 White Male 14 Beulah
Pittman, Edgar
28 White Male 379 Beulah
Pittman, Edgar L.
49 White Male 188 Micro
Pittman, Edna
26 White Female 63 Micro
Pittman, Edward
14 White Male 17 Pine Level
Pittman, Effie
63 White Female 290 Micro
Pittman, Elbert
2 White Male 157 Micro
Pittman, Elbert
9 White Male 116 O'Neals
Pittman, Elgah
29 White Female 21 Micro
Pittman, Elizabeth
25 White Female 360 O'Neals
Pittman, Ella
64 White Female 269 Beulah
Pittman, Ella Bettie
2 White Female 371 O'Neals
Pittman, Ellen
46 White Female 220 Pine Level
Pittman, Elma
23 White Female 519 Selma
Pittman, Elmer
16 White Male 221 Beulah
Pittman, Elmer C.
41 White Male 184 Beulah
Pittman, Elsie
37 White Female 125 O'Neals
Pittman, Elsie M.
38 White Female 184 Beulah
Pittman, Elton
16 White Male 217 Pine Level
Pittman, Ermine
15 White Female 189 Micro
Pittman, Estelle
24 White Female 119 Clayton
Pittman, Ethel
23 White Female 161 O'Neals
Pittman, Etta
49 White Female 221 Beulah
Pittman, Eugene
6 White Male 84 Selma
Pittman, Eula
21 White Female 53 Boon Hill
Pittman, Eva
42 White Female 101 Beulah
Pittman, Fannie E.
39 White Female 96 Beulah
Pittman, Fannie E.
67 White Female 63 Beulah
Pittman, Marjorie E.
7 White Female 184 Beulah
Pittman, Mary Ellen
25 White Female 43 Selma
Pittman, Rose E.
7 White Female 269 Beulah
Pittman, Ruth E.
11 White Female 149 Beulah
Pittman, Sallie E.
31 White Female 325 Beulah
Pittman, Thomas E.
8 White Male 57 Pine Level
Putnam, Edith
56 White Female 50 Smithfield
Putnam, Elizabeth
3 White Female 50 Smithfield
Bastardy Bonds
No Results found
NC Yearbooks
No Results found
No Results found
NC Civil War Soldiers Index *
Name Unit Comp Rank Side
Pitman, English 1st Battalion, NC Heavy Artillery A Private C
Pitman, O. E. 24th Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Pitt, Etheldred 17th Regiment, NC Infantry (2nd Organization) I Private C
Pittard, Elijah 13th Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Pittman, Elisha 21st Regiment, NC Infantry L Private C
Pittman, Jesse E. R. 2nd Regiment, NC Cavalry E Private C
Pittman, Oliver E. 24th Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Pittman, R. E. 30th Regiment, NC Infantry F Corporal C
Pittman, Thaddeus E. 27th Regiment, NC Infantry A Adjutant C
Pitty, E. 28th Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Putman, E. L. 15th Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Putman, M. E. 15th Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Putnam, E. L. 49th Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Putnam, E. L. 15th Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Putnam, E. W. 49th Regiment, NC Infantry G Sergeant C
Putnam, Elias W. 49th Regiment, NC Infantry G Sergeant C
* All North Carolina soldiers (Union and Confederate) who fought in the Civil War.
NC Civil War Sailors Index *
No Results found
Southern Claims Commission
No Results found
No Results found
Cemetery Graves
Name Birth Death Cemetery
Pittman, Adranah E Pulley 1857 1906 Pittman, Joseph
Pittman, Billy E 1937 2014 Pittman, W. G.
Pittman, Billy Eugene 1941 1941 Langley, Zeno H.
Pittman, E F 1855 1902 Pittman, Ephriam
Pittman, E Rudolph 1917 1998 Princeton
Pittman, Edgar Lee 1890 1954 Parrish Memorial Baptist Church
Pittman, Edna M 1940 2012 Pittman, W. G.
Pittman, Edna Mae Eason 1940 2012 Pittman, W. G.
Pittman, Edna Rudine 1925 1925 Branch Chapel Free Will Baptist Church
Pittman, Edney Creech 1830 1869 Creech, John R.
Pittman, Edward Graham 1876 1947 Kenly City
Pittman, Effie Davis 1886 1967 Selma Memorial Gardens
Pittman, Elenor Peedin Brady 1856 1926 Brady, Millard
Pittman, Elisha 1831 1906 Creech, John R.
Pittman, Elizabeth 1941 Langley, Zeno H.
Pittman, Elizabeth 1856 1912 Boyette, John
Pittman, Elizabeth 1825 1888 Pittman, Joseph
Pittman, Elizabeth Jones 1910 1931 Pittman, Joseph
Pittman, Ellen 1890 1968 Pittman, Ephriam
Pittman, Elmon Rudolph 1917 1998 Princeton
Pittman, Elsie Ferrell 1902 1944 Pittman, Joseph
Pittman, Emma 1899 1950 Langley, Zeno H.
Pittman, Emme Magdalene Pittman 1910 1938 Micro Memorial Gardens
Pittman, Emmett Edwin 1925 1980 Langley, Zeno H.
Pittman, Ephriam Jr 1894 1918 Pittman, Ephriam
Pittman, Ethel 1923 1951 Piney Grove Church
Pittman, Ethel 1914 1915 Pittman, Joseph
Pittman, Ethel Arphelia Young 1916 2008 Micro Memorial Gardens
Pittman, Etta Pearl 1883 1887 Pittman, Joseph
Pittman, Eula 1894 1923 Boyette, John
Pittman, Eva A 1897 Knollwood
Pittman, Evelyn C 1908 1972 Parrish Memorial Baptist Church
Pittman, Fannie Etta Ballance 1900 1972 Kenly City
Pittman, Gary E 1899 1964 Langley, Zeno H.
Pittman, Gurney E 1910 1979 Selma Memorial Gardens
Pittman, Julia E 1872 1887 Riverside
Pittman, Mary E 1863 1929 Pittman, Joseph
Pittman, Mary E Avery 1855 1937 Branch Chapel Free Will Baptist Church
Pittman, Mary Ella 1882 1922 Pittman, Ephriam
Pittman, Rosie E 1882 1883 Holland
Pittman, Rutha Ellen 1869 1926 Boyette, John
Pittman, Sallie Edna 1890 1920 Watson, Robert
Putnam, Edith P 1883 1956 Juniper Primitive Baptist Church
NC Confederate Soldiers Burial Database*
Name Death County Cemetery
Pitman, Oliver E. 1903 Onslow Parker Cemetery
* Records are still being added.
Wills Index *
Name Year
Pittman, Elisha 1862
* Wills from 1760-1922 which are physically located at the North Carolina Archives [C.R. 050.801.1-11]
Other Resources
Surname Resource Title
Pittman Deeds Stephen Pittman to R.E. Pipkin, 1887
Pittman-Gurley Marriages W.J. Pittman & Lula Gurley, 1930
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Passed away on 15 July 2015

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