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» Search Results » FLORA LANGLEY
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1784-1787 State Census
No Results found
1790 Federal Census
No Results found
1800 Federal Census
No Results found
1810 Federal Census
Name Pg/Rw M00 M10 M16 M26 M45 F00 F10 F16 F26 F45 FP SL
Langley, Francis 283 / 16 1
1820 Federal Census *
Name M00 M10 M1618 M16 M26 M45+ F00 F10 F16 F26 F45+
Langley, Francis 1 2 1 1
* Missing Categories - Free colored persons, slaves, foreigners and employment
1830 Federal Census *
Name M00 M05 M10 M15 M20 M30 M40 M50 M60 M70+
Langly, Frances 1 1
* Missing Categories - Free white women, free colored persons, slaves, foreigners and blind, deaf & dumb
1840 Federal Census *
Name M00 M05 M10 M15 M20 M30 M40 M50 M60 M70 M80 M90
Langley, Francis 1 1 1
Langston, Furney 1
* Missing Categories - Free white women, free colored persons, slaves, blind/deaf/dumb, age and education
1860 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Langhorn, Anna F.
3 White Female 995 Bentonville
Langhorn, Franklin
45 White Male 995 Bentonville
Langhorn, Julius F.
7 White Male 995 Bentonville
Langhorn, Troy F.
0 White Male 995 Bentonville
Langley, F.
72 White Male 585 Beulah
Langley, Frank
7 White Male 586 Beulah
Langston, Furney
12 White Male 945 Bentonville
Langston, Furney
57 White Male 1051 Newton Grove
1870 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Langley, Frances
17 White Female 200 Beulah
Langston, Fernia
22 White Male 48 Bentonville
Lankster, Frank
52 White Male 58 Bentonville
1880 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Langdon, B. F.
25 White Male 204 Pleasant Grove
Langdon, Frances C.
8 White Female 28 Pleasant Grove
Langdon, Mary F.
6 White Female 200 Pleasant Grove
Langdon, Sarah F.
33 White Female 200 Pleasant Grove
Langley, Franklin
26 White Male 253 Beulah
Langston, Fannie
0 White Female 1 Bentonville
Langston, Fannie
5 White Female 36 Meadow
Langston, Funy.
33 White Male 22 Bentonville
1900 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Lancaster, Freeland
16 White Male 29 Clayton
Lane, Fannie L.
23 White Female 204 Boon Hill
Lane, Freddie
2 Black Male 86 Banner
Langdon, Bettie F.
17 White Female 126 Pleasant Grove
Langdon, Flora V.
13 White Female 246 Pleasant Grove
Langdon, Florence
33 White Female 124 Wilson's Mills
Langdon, Frances
18 White Female 246 Pleasant Grove
Langdon, Lina F.
2 White Female 221 Pleasant Grove
Langdon, Richard F.
44 White Male 245 Pleasant Grove
Langdon, Sarah F.
8 White Female 142 Pleasant Grove
Langley, Floid G.
13 White Male 132 Boon Hill
Langley, Flucher
16 White Male 51 Boon Hill
Langley, Frank
12 White Male 355 Boon Hill
Langley, Frank
48 White Male 69 Beulah
Langston, Faithy
48 Black Female 72 Bentonville
1910 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Lancaster, Flossie
6 White Female 57 Wilson's Mills
Lane, Fannie
2/2/1900 White Female 296 Boon Hill
Lane, Fred
1/13/1900 Black Male 299 Banner
Langdon, Benjamin F.
54 White Male 138 Pleasant Grove
Langdon, Bessie F.
21 White Female 115 Pleasant Grove
Langdon, Bettie F.
28 White Female 176 Pleasant Grove
Langdon, Flora V.
23 White Female 287 Pleasant Grove
Langdon, Florence
44 White Female 28 Elevation
Langdon, Lina F.
12 White Female 138 Pleasant Grove
Langdon, Richard F.
54 White Male 282 Pleasant Grove
Langdon, Sarah F.
19 White Female 114 Pleasant Grove
Langdon, Sarah F.
62 White Female 139 Pleasant Grove
Langdon, Vera F.
9/12/2012 White Female 430 Smithfield
Langley, Fletchers
26 White Male 151 Boon Hill
Langley, Flossie M.
1/5/1900 White Female 432 Beulah
Langley, Floyd
23 White Male 65 Selma
Langley, Forest G.
1/3/1900 White Male 432 Beulah
Langley, Frank R.
2/27/1900 White Male 429 Beulah
Langston, Millard F.
21 White Male 657 Selma
1920 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Lancaster, Flossie
16 White Female 92 Selma
Lanchester, Willie F.
41 White Male 321 Selma
Lane, Fannie
43 White Female 204 Boon Hill
Langdon, Bessie F.
32 White Female 28 Pleasant Grove
Langdon, Florence
53 White Female 148 Elevation
Langdon, Frank
5 White Male 297 Pleasant Grove
Langdon, Lonnie F.
2 White Male 44 Banner
Langdon, Mattie F.
23 White Female 139 Bentonville
Langdon, Richard F.
64 White Male 309 Pleasant Grove
Langdon, Sarah F.
73 White Female 298 Pleasant Grove
Langdon, Winsie F.
13 White Female 44 Banner
Langley, Fletcher
36 White Male 200 Boon Hill
Langley, Floyd
35 White Male 224 Boon Hill
Langley, Ford
13 White Male 209 Beulah
Langley, Franklin
White Male 207 Beulah
Langston, Emma F.
25 White Female 4 Bentonville
Langston, Fannie
50 White Female 62 Bentonville
Langston, Farie
65 Mulatto Female 109 Bentonville
Langston, Francis
15 White Male 127 Bentonville
Langston, Millard F.
32 White Male 267 Selma
Langston, W. F.
40 White Male 101 Beulah
Lanier, Wilbert F.
Black Male 163 Cleveland
1930 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Lancaster, Frances N.
8 White Female 076 Smithfield
Lancaster, Frelon
15 White Male 042 Clayton
Lane, Fannie L.
53 White Female 192 Boon Hill
Lane, Lucy F.
29 White Female 142 Smithfield
Lane, Pearcie F.
8 White Female 195 Boon Hill
Langdon, Bertie F.
30 White Female 224 Ingrams
Langdon, Bessie F.
8 White Female 224 Meadow
Langdon, Frances O.
2+7/12 White Female 005 Banner
Langdon, Frank
15 White Male 010 Pleasant Grove
Langdon, Fronnie E.
67 White Female 277 Elevation
Langdon, Lillian F.
3+8/12 White Female 027 Pine Level
Langdon, Mattie F.
33 White Female 012 Cleveland
Langdon, Richard F.
75 White Male 027 Pine Level
Langdon, Sarah F.
83 White Female 024 Pleasant Grove
Langley, Forest L.
23 White Male 030 Beulah
Langley, Franklin W.
14 White Male 033 Beulah
Langly, Bessie F.
19 White Female 067 Boon Hill
Langly, F. F.
46 White Male 151 Boon Hill
Langly, James F.
2+5/12 White Male 254 Boon Hill
Langly, Thurman F.
20 White Male 067 Boon Hill
Langston, Fannie
60 White Female 097 Bentonville
Langston, Festus
6 Black Male 267 Pleasant Grove
Langston, Florene
6/12 White Female 187 Bentonville
Langston, Frank J.
25 White Male 198 Bentonville
Langston, Fred
8 White Male 196 Bentonville
1940 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Lancaster, Floyd W.
28 White Male 189 Cleveland
Lancaster, Frances
17 White Female 42 Selma
Lancaster, Freeland
24 White Male 232 Clayton
Lane, Billy F.
2 White Male 219 Beulah
Lane, Earl F.
30 White Male 219 Beulah
Lane, Fannie
10 Black Female 260 Selma
Lane, Fannie
2 White Female 16 Boon Hill
Lane, Fannie
63 White Female 36 Boon Hill
Lane, Florence
9 Black Female 308 Boon Hill
Lane, Frank
12 Black Male 303 Clayton
Lane, Lucy Frances
37 White Female 171 Smithfield
Lane, Nettie F.
5 White Female 16 Boon Hill
Lane, Willie Frank
5 White Male 171 Smithfield
Langdon, Alice Fay
1 White Female 271 Elevation
Langdon, Brenda Fay
1 White Female 178 Banner
Langdon, Frances
12 White Female 113 Smithfield
Langdon, Frances
13 White Female 58 Pleasant Grove
Langdon, Frank
25 White Male 56 Pleasant Grove
Langdon, Fred T.
12 White Male 181 Pleasant Grove
Langdon, Mary F.
2 White Female 114 Cleveland
Langdon, Shirley Fay
5 White Female 105 Elevation
Langdon, Shirley Faye
3 White Female 127 Pleasant Grove
Langley, Forest L.
33 White Male 77 Beulah
Langley, H. Fletcher
56 White Male 38 Boon Hill
Langley, James F.
7 White Male 174 Cleveland
Langley, James Floyd
13 White Male 137 Boon Hill
Langley, Margaret F.
<1 White Female 81 Beulah
Langley, Shirley F.
3 White Female 78 Beulah
Langley, Thurman F.
31 White Male 174 Cleveland
Langston, Fannie
70 White Female 160 Beulah
Langston, Florine
10 White Female 32 Beulah
Langston, Frances
8 White Female 44 Beulah
Langston, Frank
35 White Male 44 Beulah
Langston, Fred
18 White Male 40 Beulah
Langston, William F.
63 White Male 87 Beulah
Bastardy Bonds
No Results found
NC Yearbooks
No Results found
No Results found
NC Civil War Soldiers Index *
Name Unit Comp Rank Side
Lancaster, Benjamin F. 4th Regiment, NC Infantry F Private C
Lancaster, Frederick 1st Regiment, NC Artillery I Private C
Lancaster, George F. 1st Regiment, NC Artillery I Private C
Lance, Fidelia A. 16th Regiment, NC Infantry F Private C
Landa, Frank W. 2nd Battalion, NC Local Defense Troops D Private C
Lander, Joseph F. 5th Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Landers, John F. 52nd Regiment, NC Infantry D Corporal C
Landerth, E. F. 22nd Regiment, NC Infantry F Private C
Landid, J. F. 28th Regiment, NC Infantry A Private C
Landing, James F. 38th Regiment, NC Infantry A Private C
Landing, Joseph F. 5th Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Landrey, J. F. 5th Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Lane, Isaac F. 27th Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Lane, James F. 33rd Regiment, NC Infantry F,I Private C
Lane, W. Frank 46th Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Lane, William F. 2nd Battalion, NC Infantry F Private C
Laneer, H. F. 51st Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Langdon, Richard F. 1st Regiment, NC Infantry E First Lieutenant C
Langdon, Richard F. 3rd Regiment, NC Infantry F&S Acting Quartermaster C
Langley, F. M. 2nd Regiment, NC Junior Reserves H Sergeant C
Langley, Franklin S. 13th Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Langly, Franklin S. 13th Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Langston, F. M. 26th Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Langston, Fennel 3rd Regiment, NC Artillery A Private C
Langston, Francis 5th Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Langston, Francis 8th Regiment, NC Senior Reserves Corporal C
Lanhon, A. F. 30th Regiment, NC Infantry F Sergeant Major C
Laniear, H. F. 51st Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Lanier, Hosea F. 51st Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Lanier, J. F. 3rd Regiment, NC Cavalry H Private C
Lanier, Thomas F. 61st Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Lankford, James F. 22nd Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Lanning, Thomas F. 42nd Regiment, NC Infantry A Sergeant C
Lansford, W. F. 52nd Regiment, NC Infantry E Private C
Lanter, Francis M. Walker's Battalion, Thomas' NC Legion D Second Lieutenant C
Lincoln, Foster 4th Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Lingle, Franklin S. 53rd Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Lingle, John F. 53rd Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
* All North Carolina soldiers (Union and Confederate) who fought in the Civil War.
NC Civil War Sailors Index *
No Results found
Southern Claims Commission
No Results found
No Results found
Cemetery Graves
Name Birth Death Cemetery
Lane, Fannie W 1877 1954 Oliver, Robert E.
Lane, Frances W 1901 1902 Lane, Millard
Lane, Franklin 1901 1902 Deans, J. R.
Lane, Patsy F 1924 Yelverton Grove Free Will Baptist Church
Lane, Willie Frank 1934 1940 Lane, H.J.
Langdon, Cynthia Florence 1866 1935 Johnston Union Primitive Baptist Church
Langdon, Fred T 1929 Rehobeth Primitive Baptist Church
Langdon, Freda Annette 1943 1943 Langdon, Jacob M.
Langdon, L Franklin (Frank) 1940 1956 Bethel Primitive Baptist Church
Langdon, Mattie Florence Johnson 1896 1954 Langdon, Carroll
Langdon, Richard F 1856 1934 Langdon, Z.
Langdon, Sophronia Elizabeth Honeycutt (Fronie) 1861 1911 Langdon, Caswell
Langdon, Willie F 1891 1892 Langdon, Caswell
Langley, Fannie R 1860 1884 Langley, C. O.
Langley, Fannie R 1860 1884 Langley, C. C.
Langley, Fletcher F 1884 1968 Sardis Baptist Church
Langley, Flora Janw 1885 1956 Tee's Chapel Baptist Church
Langley, Flossie M 1904 1914 Langley, Zeno H.
Langley, Floyd Jethro 1886 1927 Langley, C. O.
Langston, Fannie Dupree 1869 1947 Britt, Wilmoth
Langston, Frank J 1904 1958 Mill Creek Christian Church
Langston, Furney 1848 1884 Langston/Rose/Lee
NC Confederate Soldiers Burial Database*
Name Death County Cemetery
Lane, Lafayette Fate 1915 Burke Silver Creek Baptist Church Cemetery
Langdale, James F. Bertie Langdale Cemetery
Langdon, Richard F. 1895 New Hanover Oakdale Cemetery
* Records are still being added.
Wills Index *
Name Year
Langley, Francis 1867
Langston, Furney 1867
* Wills from 1760-1922 which are physically located at the North Carolina Archives [C.R. 050.801.1-11]
Other Resources
Surname Resource Title
Langley Bibles Isaac Langley Family Bible Records
Langdon Cemeteries Langdon Family Cemetery
Langdon Deaths & Obituaries Alton Clingman Langdon, 2001
Langdon Deaths & Obituaries David Bruce Langdon, 2006
Langston Deaths & Obituaries Jane Langston, 1935
Langston-Rose Deeds Joseph Langston, Sr. to Benjamin Rose, 1803
Langston-Baker Marriages Joseph Langston to Sukey Baker, 1802
Langston-Britt Marriages Westbrook Langston to Patience Britt, 1844
Langston-Jordan Marriages Joseph Langston to Basheba Jordan, 1804
Langston-Lewis Marriages Elias Langston to Jane Lewis, 1836
Langston-Randall Marriages John Langston to Mary Randall, 1794
Langston-Toal Marriages Joseph Langston to Rachel Toal, 1839
Rose-Langston Marriages William N. Rose Jr to Sarah Langston, 1872
Lane Military Charles Lane Pension, 1847
Langdon Military James Langdon Pension, 1855
Langston Military J.W. Langston, 1918
Langston Photographs Furney Langston, Barefoot Road, Johnston County
Langdon Wills & Estates Britton Langdon - 1874
Langdon Wills & Estates Elizabeth Langdon - 1888
Langley Wills & Estates James Langley - 1823
Surname Researchers
Surname Counties Date Range Researcher
Langdon Charles Langdon
LangleyJohnston1700's - 1900's Tammy Gurley Tyner
LangstonJohnston1700's - present Andy Langston
Lankford/LangfordJohnston1700 -1800 Ronald Wade
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Connie Ellen Adams
Passed away on 15 July 2015

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