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» Search Results » GODFREY STANCIL
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1784-1787 State Census
No Results found
1790 Federal Census
No Results found
1800 Federal Census
No Results found
1810 Federal Census
Name Pg/Rw M00 M10 M16 M26 M45 F00 F10 F16 F26 F45 FP SL
Stansill, Godfrey 285 / 20 1 1 1 2
1820 Federal Census *
Name M00 M10 M1618 M16 M26 M45+ F00 F10 F16 F26 F45+
Stancill, Godfrey 3 1 1 1
* Missing Categories - Free colored persons, slaves, foreigners and employment
1830 Federal Census *
Name M00 M05 M10 M15 M20 M30 M40 M50 M60 M70+
Stancell, Godfrey 1 2 1
* Missing Categories - Free white women, free colored persons, slaves, foreigners and blind, deaf & dumb
1840 Federal Census *
Name M00 M05 M10 M15 M20 M30 M40 M50 M60 M70 M80 M90
Stansell, Godfry Sr. 1 1 1
Stansell, John G. 1
* Missing Categories - Free white women, free colored persons, slaves, blind/deaf/dumb, age and education
1860 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Stallings, George
7 White Male 370 Boon Hill
Stanley, Gideon
35 White Male 713 Elevation
Stanly, George
18 White Male 850 Newton Grove
Stanly, Gideon
35 White Male 853 Newton Grove
Stanly, Gideon
32 White Male 744 Elevation
Stanly, Gincy
26 White Female 743 Elevation
Stansel, Gaston
15 White Male 491 Beulah
Stansel, Godfrey
0 White Male 899 Sandy Level
Stansil, G.
47 White Male 471 Beulah
Stansil, George
18 White Male 686 Elevation
Stansil, Godfrey
5 White Male 471 Beulah
Starling, Gaston
5 White Male 238 Boon Hill
1870 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Stafford, George
12 White Male 29 Bentonville
Stallings, George
15 White Male 178 Boon Hill
Stanly, Georganna
1 White Female 217 Ingrams
Stanly, George
6 White Male 4 Ingrams
Stanly, Gideon
45 White Male 121 Ingrams
Stansell, Godfry
8 White Male 186 O'Neals
Stanstill, Godfry
57 White Male 21 O'Neals
Stanstill, Godfry
15 White Male 21 O'Neals
Starling, Gaston
15 White Male 161 Selma
1880 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Stallings, Geneva F.
5 White Female 89 Boon Hill
Stallings, George B.
24 White Male 185 Boon Hill
Stancell, George W.
8 White Male 382 Selma
Stancil, George
8 White Male 278 Pleasant Grove
Stanley, Gideon
54 White Male 88 Ingrams
Stanly, Atlas G.
12 White Male 73 Ingrams
Stanly, George
18 White Male 129 Ingrams
Stanly, George
3 White Male 240 Ingrams
Stanly, Georgiana
12 White Female 205 Ingrams
Stanly, Georgiana
8 White Female 102 Ingrams
Stanly, Gincy
40 White Female 73 Ingrams
Stansell, Gaston
14 White Male 364 O'Neals
Stansell, Gilliam
7 White Male 43 O'Neals
Stansell, Godfrey
20 White Male 364 O'Neals
Stansell, Godfrey
24 White Male 62 O'Neals
Starling, Gaston
25 White Male 127 Selma
Starling, Gertrude
1 White Female 11 Selma
1900 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Stafford, Charney G.
24 White Male 134 Boon Hill
Stalings, Graham
7 White Male 69 O'Neals
Stallings, George
45 White Male 56 Smithfield
Stallings, George
35 Black Male 103 Clayton
Stallings, George
5 Black Male 103 Clayton
Stallings, George D.
1 White Male 56 Smithfield
Stallings, Grace
30 White Female 112 Smithfield
Stancell, George
22 White Male 210 Wilders
Stancil, Batha G.
11 White Male 1 O'Neals
Stancil, George O.
7 White Male 52 O'Neals
Stancil, Gilman
26 White Male 60 O'Neals
Stancil, Godfrey
48 White Male 31 O'Neals
Stancill, George
20 White Male 259 Beulah
Stancill, Graham
2 Black Male 215 O'Neals
Stancill, Walter G.
12 White Male 262 Beulah
Stanley, George W.
37 White Male 307 Ingrams
Stanly, Arthur G.
8 White Male 168 Ingrams
Stanly, Atlas G.
39 White Male 80 Ingrams
Stanly, Bennet G.
47 White Male 287 Ingrams
Stanly, Gency E.
55 White Female 137 Ingrams
Stanly, George
6 White Male 244 Ingrams
Stanly, George E.
21 White Male 225 Ingrams
Stanly, George W.
26 White Male 245 Ingrams
Stanly, Gideon
77 White Male 238 Ingrams
Stanly, Henry G.
17 White Male 225 Ingrams
Stanly, James G.
27 White Male 236 Ingrams
Starling, Gaston S.
41 White Male 70 Smithfield
Starling, Geo B.
28 White Male 24 Beulah
Starling, Geo. B. Jr.
0 White Male 24 Beulah
Starling, Gertrude
5 White Female 184 Beulah
1910 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Stallings, George
46 Black Male 195 Wilders
Stallings, George Jr.
15 Black Male 195 Wilders
Stallings, George B.
55 White Male 81 Smithfield
Stallings, George Dewey
10 White Male 81 Smithfield
Stallings, Katie G.
20 White Female 151 Selma
Stallings, Willie G.
8 White Female 151 Selma
Stallings, Wilson Gordan
1/4/1900 White Male 239 Clayton
Stancil, George I.
1/29/1900 White Male 182 Beulah
Stancil, George R.
1/2/1900 White Male 182 Beulah
Stancil, George S.
38 White Male 206 Wilson's Mills
Stancil, Gertrude
1/5/1900 White Female 181 Beulah
Stancil, Gillam
2/5/1900 White Male 331 O'Neals
Stancil, Gladys
1/1/1900 White Female 313 Beulah
Stancil, Godfrey
54 White Male 17 O'Neals
Stancil, Grayham
1/12/1900 Black Male 97 O'Neals
Stancil, John G.
6 White Male 117 O'Neals
Stancil, Lucy G.
28 White Female 84 O'Neals
Stancil, William G.
White Male 223 Pleasant Grove
Stancill, George R.
31 White Male 80 Wilders
Stanley, George
28 White Male 33 Ingrams
Stanley, George W.
48 White Male 211 Cleveland
Stanley, Ginney
67 White Female 87 Ingrams
Stanly, Anna G.
12-Jul White Female 251 Ingrams
Stanly, Arthur G.
18 White Male 127 Ingrams
Stanly, Bennet G.
56 White Male 305 Ingrams
Stanly, George W.
36 White Male 277 Ingrams
Stanly, Gertrude
1+8/12 White Female 290 Ingrams
Stanly, James G.
37 White Male 176 Ingrams
Stanly, Sarah G.
11 White Female 126 Ingrams
Starling, George B.
2/7/1900 White Male 43 Clayton
Starling, George W.
6 White Male 168 O'Neals
Starling, Gertrude
15 White Female 192 Beulah
Starling, Gladys
5 White Female 192 Beulah
1920 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Stalings, Gennieve F.
44 White Female 235 Smithfield
Stalings, George B.
64 White Male 81 Smithfield
Stalings, George D.
20 White Male 81 Smithfield
Stalings, George E.
34 White Male 235 Smithfield
Stallings, Kattie G.
35 White Female 158 Selma
Stallings, Willie G.
18 White Female 158 Selma
Stallins, George M.
12 White Male 170 Selma
Stancel, Garland
10 White Male 264 Cleveland
Stancil, B. G.
32 White Male 253 O'Neals
Stancil, G. I.
38 White Male 346 Beulah
Stancil, G. R.
41 White Male 50 Wilders
Stancil, Garland
White Male 342 Beulah
Stancil, George
54 White Male 213 Wilson's Mills
Stancil, George
27 White Male 169 O'Neals
Stancil, George
5 White Male 365 O'Neals
Stancil, Gertrude
14 White Female 342 Beulah
Stancil, Gilliam
46 White Male 338 Beulah
Stancil, Godfrey
65 White Male 365 O'Neals
Stancil, Gurney
6 White Male 348 Beulah
Stancil, Guy
8 White Male 348 Beulah
Stanley, A. G.
26 White Male 321 Ingrams
Stanley, George E.
39 White Male 355 Pleasant Grove
Stanley, George W.
58 White Male 161 Cleveland
Stanley, George W.
44 White Male 22 Bentonville
Stanley, Gertie
17 White Female 221 Ingrams
Stanley, Gertrude
11 White Female 196 Ingrams
Stanley, Gilbert
7 White Male 264 Ingrams
Stanley, Gladis
5 White Female 325 Ingrams
Stanley, Gurley E.
2 White Female 26 Ingrams
Stanley, J. G.
55 White Male 342 Ingrams
Starlin, Glaster
17 White Male 313 Selma
Starling, Aganes G.
White Female 113 Smithfield
Starling, Edieth G.
White Female 203 Cleveland
Starling, Gerge W.
16 White Male 113 Smithfield
Starling, Glandys
15 White Female 203 Cleveland
1930 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Stafford, Virginia G.
12 White Female 145 Smithfield
Stalling, George V.
44 White Male 077 Smithfield
Stalling, Lenard G.
16 White Male 077 Smithfield
Stallings, Geo. A.
4 White Male 031 Smithfield
Stallings, Geo. D.
30 White Male 031 Smithfield
Stallings, George R.
4 White Male 001 Smithfield
Stallings, George S.
2+7/12 Black Male 323 Clayton
Stancil, Cord G. T. Jr.
9 White Male 051 Beulah
Stancil, Eula G.
12 White Female 052 Beulah
Stancil, Garland
20 White Male 008 Cleveland
Stancil, Gaylord
11 White Male 072 Selma
Stancil, George
15 White Male 162 O'Neals
Stancil, George A.
7 White Male 136 Beulah
Stancil, George G.
10 White Male 052 Beulah
Stancil, George I.
49 White Male 051 Beulah
Stancil, George R.
51 White Male 043 Wilders
Stancil, George V.
23 White Male 138 Beulah
Stancil, Gernie
16 White Female 024 Wilson's Mills
Stancil, Gertrude
25 Black Female 177 O'Neals
Stancil, Gillum
54 White Male 160 Beulah
Stancil, Glinn
5 White Male 053 Beulah
Stancil, Lucy G.
48 White Female 137 Beulah
Stanley, Annie G.
20 White Female 249 Ingrams
Stanley, Beatress G.
6 White Female 248 Ingrams
Stanley, Dorcas G.
6 White Female 111 Ingrams
Stanley, George E.
56 White Male 049 Elevation
Stanley, George W.
55 White Male 392 Smithfield
Stanley, Geradine
2+10/121 White Female 203 Elevation
Stanley, Gertrude
21 White Female 032 Ingrams
Stanley, Gertrude
8 White Female 203 Elevation
Stanley, Gilbert
18 White Male 114 Ingrams
Stanley, Gladys
8 White Female 056 Banner
Stanley, Goldie M.
21 White Female 287 Ingrams
Stanley, Gurtie
26 White Female 289 Ingrams
Stanley, Gussie
35 White Female 205 Boon Hill
Stanley, Gustus
28 White Male 313 Ingrams
Stanley, Gyrtha
9 White Female 114 Ingrams
Stanley, Henry G.
47 White Male 081 Ingrams
Stanley, Jim G.
55 White Male 007 Ingrams
Stanley, Mazie G.
6 White Female 236 Ingrams
Stanly, Authur G.
42 White Male 141 Selma
Stanly, Grace A.
5 White Female 096 Ingrams
Stanly, Rather G.
1+1/12 White Male 096 Ingrams
Starling, Agnes G.
11 White Female 025 Smithfield
Starling, Gladys
5 White Female 090 Pine Level
Starling, Mina G.
1+1/12 White Female 002 O'Neals
Staton, Golden
19 Black Female 142 Beulah
Stones, Warren G.
9 White Male 252 Banner
1940 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Stafford, William G.
2 White Male 79 Boon Hill
Stallings, Avis Grey
10 White Male 174 Selma
Stallings, Charlie G.
34 White Male 321 Clayton
Stallings, G. Millard
32 White Male 207 Selma
Stallings, G. Robert
14 White Male 258 Smithfield
Stallings, George
74 Black Male 147 Clayton
Stallings, George Alvin
14 White Male 45 Smithfield
Stallings, George I.
54 White Male 123 Smithfield
Stallings, James G.
4 White Male 168 Smithfield
Stancil, B. G.
49 White Male 122 O'Neals
Stancil, Eula Gray
4 White Female 7 Micro
Stancil, G. V.
33 White Male 177 O'Neals
Stancil, Garland
30 White Male 65 Pleasant Grove
Stancil, Garlon
21 White Male 144 Beulah
Stancil, Geneva
24 White Female 96 Banner
Stancil, George
24 White Male 233 O'Neals
Stancil, George I. Jr.
18 White Male 153 Beulah
Stancil, George O.
47 White Male 192 O'Neals
Stancil, George R.
61 White Male 179 Smithfield
Stancil, Geraldine
8 White Female 84 O'Neals
Stancil, Gertrude
36 Black Female 127 O'Neals
Stancil, Gladys
25 White Female 222 Beulah
Stancil, Glenn W.
15 White Male 151 Beulah
Stancil, Verna Gray
7 White Female 177 O'Neals
Stancil, Walter G.
52 White Male 14 Ingrams
Stanley, Geneva
19 White Female 326 Ingrams
Stanley, Gerald
17 White Male 5 Elevation
Stanley, Geraldine
11 White Female 104 Pleasant Grove
Stanley, Gertie
39 White Female 326 Ingrams
Stanley, Gladys
24 White Female 258 Ingrams
Stanley, Gusta
40 White Female 214 Smithfield
Stanley, Joyce G.
16 White Female 17 Ingrams
Stanley, Nellie Grey
<1 White Female 108 Ingrams
Stanley, O. Gustus
39 White Male 334 Ingrams
Stanley, Thelma G.
1 White Female 151 Ingrams
Stanley, Vernon G.
3 White Male 271 Ingrams
Stanly, Gertrude
26 White Female 99 Pleasant Grove
Starling, Gladis
17 White Female 171 Selma
Starling, Glady R.
15 White Female 77 Smithfield
Starling, Mina G.
11 White Female 26 Pine Level
Starling, Viran G.
12 White Male 43 Smithfield
Staton, Grey
69 Black Male 96 Wilders
Bastardy Bonds
No Results found
NC Yearbooks
No Results found
No Results found
NC Civil War Soldiers Index *
Name Unit Comp Rank Side
Stacy, G. L. 11th Regiment, NC Infantry (Bethel Regiment) B Private C
Stacy, George L. 1st Regiment, NC Infantry (6 months, 1861) G Private C
Stacy, George L. 11th Regiment, NC Infantry (Bethel Regiment) B Private C
Stadler, B. G. 13th Regiment, NC Infantry A Private C
Stafford, G. 67th Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Stafford, Gaston 67th Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Stafford, George 3rd Regiment, NC Artillery G Corporal C
Stafford, George 13th Battalion, NC Light Artillery E Private C
Stafford, George W. 35th Regiment, NC Infantry K Private C
Stafford, George W. 7th Regiment, NC Infantry F Private C
Staines, K. G. 48th Regiment, NC Infantry F Private C
Stale, W. G. 53rd Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Staliman, Henry G. 64th Regiment, NC Infantry (Allen's) H Private C
Stallcup, George G. Infantry Regiment, Thomas' NC Legion H Private C
Stallcup, George Y. Infantry Regiment, Thomas' NC Legion H Private C
Stallings, G. H. 24th Regiment, NC Infantry K Private C
Stallings, George 1st Regiment, NC Junior Reserves D Private C
Stallings, George 12th Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Stallings, George W. 24th Regiment, NC Infantry K Private C
Stallings, George W. 15th Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Stallings, Grady 12th Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Stallings, Gray 12th Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Stallings, J. G. 22nd Regiment, NC Infantry A Private C
Stamey, George 58th Regiment, NC Infantry A Private C
Stammie, G. 54th Regiment, NC Infantry E Private C
Stamp, G. H. 14th Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Stamper, G. W. McLean's Battalion, NC Light Duty Men A Private C
Stamper, George 49th Regiment, NC Infantry E Private C
Stamper, Gilbert N. 33rd Regiment, NC Infantry A Private C
Stamper, H. G. 22nd Regiment, NC Infantry F Private C
Stamy, George 58th Regiment, NC Infantry A Private C
Stanback, George L. 14th Regiment, NC Infantry C Sergeant C
Stancel, Gaston W. 24th Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Stancell, Gaston W. 24th Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Stancell, George R. 24th Regiment, NC Infantry F Private C
Stancil, Gaston W. 24th Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Stancil, Godfrey A. 1st Regiment, NC Artillery K Private C
Stancill, Gaston 43rd Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Stancill, George R. 24th Regiment, NC Infantry F Private C
Stancill, George W. 13th Regiment, NC Infantry G First Lieutenant C
Standefor, J. G. 57th Regiment, NC Infantry D Second Lieutenant C
Stanfield, William G. 24th Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Stanford, George W. 12th Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Stanford, George W. 51st Regiment, NC Infantry C Sergeant C
Stanford, William G. 28th Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Stanler, W. G. 28th Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Stanley, G. F. 4th Battalion, NC Junior Reserves A Private C
Stanley, G. W. 5th Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Stanly, G. W. M. 5th Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Stanly, George 6th Regiment, NC Senior Reserves A Private C
Stanly, Gideon 31st Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Stanly, Gideon 50th Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Stansel, Gaston W. 24th Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Stansel, George R. 24th Regiment, NC Infantry F Private C
Stansel, Godfrey A. 17th Regiment, NC Infantry (2nd Organization) G Private C
Stansill, A. G. 3rd Battalion, NC Junior Reserves A Private C
Stansill, Arthur G. 30th Regiment, NC Infantry K Private C
Stansill, Gastan 43rd Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Stanton, G. G. 23rd Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Stanton, George 64th Regiment, NC Infantry (Allen's) K Private C
Starett, G. W. 6th Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Starnes, George H. 29th Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Starns, K. G. 48th Regiment, NC Infantry F Private C
Starrett, George M. 6th Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Starver, G. M. 32nd Regiment, NC Infantry (Lenoir Braves) E Private C
Staten, George H. 15th Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Staton, George H. 15th Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Staughter, Amos G. 24th Regiment, NC Infantry A Private C
Staunton, G. G. 23rd Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Steenken, George 18th Regiment, NC Infantry A Private C
Steinige, George 18th Regiment, NC Infantry A Private C
Steiniger, George 18th Regiment, NC Infantry A Private C
Steinken, George 18th Regiment, NC Infantry A Private C
Steins, George 64th Regiment, NC Infantry (Allen's) C Private C
Stines, George 64th Regiment, NC Infantry (Allen's) C Private C
Stines, George N. 64th Regiment, NC Infantry (Allen's) C Private C
Stinson, George M. 15th Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Stinson, George W. 47th Regiment, NC Infantry K Private C
Stinston, George W. 47th Regiment, NC Infantry K Private C
Stinuger, George Howard's Cavalry Company, NC Local Defense Private C
Stonecipher, W. G. Infantry Regiment, Thomas' NC Legion K Private C
Stunes, G. W. 10th Battalion, NC Heavy Artillery C Private C
* All North Carolina soldiers (Union and Confederate) who fought in the Civil War.
NC Civil War Sailors Index *
No Results found
Southern Claims Commission
No Results found
No Results found
Cemetery Graves
Name Birth Death Cemetery
Stallings, G B 1856 1928 Yelverton Grove Free Will Baptist Church
Stallings, George Dewey 1899 1948 Sunset Memorial Park
Stallings, George I 1887 1948 Yelverton Grove Free Will Baptist Church
Stallings, George Robert 1925 1946 Sunset Memorial Park
Stallings, James Glenn 1935 1965 Yelverton Grove Free Will Baptist Church
Stancii, Gilliam 1874 1933 Stancil/Creech
Stancil, Billy G 1957 1971 White Memorial Presbyterian Church
Stancil, Ella Garner Garner, Mabry
Stancil, G C 1868 1936 Riverside
Stancil, Gaston 1868 1907 Stancil, Allen S.
Stancil, George 1878 1966 Riverside
Stancil, George 1841 1885 Stancil, George
Stancil, George I 1880 1935 Holly Springs Free Will Baptist
Stancil, George O 1892 1968 Holland, W. D. N.
Stancil, George Vernon 1906 1986 Stancil, James H.
Stancil, Gladys 1979 Resthaven
Stancil, Gladys Stancil, J. T.
Stancil, Glenn W 1924 2008 Center Ridge Presbyterian Church
Stancil, Gregory Hale 1949 1969 Oliver, Doc Berry
Stancil, Gregory Lamont 1962 1986 Resthaven
Stancil, John G 1801 1869 Stancil/Hicks
Stancil, Leona Garner 1920 2004 Stancil Family
Stancil, Lucy G Broadwell 1889 1938 Stancil, James H.
Stancil, W G Godfrey... 1923 Stancil, Godfrey
Stanley, Fannie G 1894 1978 Sunset Memorial Park
Stanley, George W 1860 1922 St. Mary's Grove Original Free Will Baptist Church
Stanley, George W 1871 1938 Piney Grove Free Will Baptist Church
Stanley, Gideon Stanley, Elijah
Stanley, Gilbert 1911 1937 Piney Grove Free Will Baptist Church
Stanley, Golden M 1914 1917 Piney Grove Free Will Baptist Church
Stanley, Jarvis G 1940 1961 Bethel Freewill Baptist Church
Stanley, M Grace 1928 1972 Piney Grove Free Will Baptist Church
Stanley, Mazie Gladys 1923 1935 Bethel Freewill Baptist Church
Stanley, Rachel G 1927 1927 Bethel Freewill Baptist Church
Stanley, Randy Glenn 1965 2007 Parker, Cicero
Stanley, Sallie G 1900 1967 Selma Memorial Gardens
Stanley, Walter Gerald 1928 2010 Faith Free Will Baptist Church
Stanley, William G 1942 1950 Bethel Freewill Baptist Church
Stanley, William G 1918 Oliver's Grove
Starling, Durwood Glenn 1939 1941 Bethany Baptist Church
Starling, Garland 1910 1915 Holland
Starling, George Vick 1933 1933 Starling, Andrew
Starling, Shirley Grey 1935 1938 Oakland
NC Confederate Soldiers Burial Database*
Name Death County Cemetery
Stanfield, William G. 1903 Alamance PINE HILL
* Records are still being added.
Wills Index *
Name Year
Stancil, Godfrey 1855
* Wills from 1760-1922 which are physically located at the North Carolina Archives [C.R. 050.801.1-11]
Other Resources
Surname Resource Title
Creech-Batten-Stallings Cemeteries Creech-Batten-Stallings Cemetery
Stancil Deaths & Obituaries George Robert Stancil, 1966
Stancil Deaths & Obituaries William Stancil, 1916
Stancil Deaths & Obituaries Joseph Henry Stancil, 1929
Starling Deaths & Obituaries Walter Starling
Stanly-Atkinson Deeds Stanly & Mordecai to John Atkinson, 1829
Ingram-Stallings Marriages Thomas Ingram and Jane E. Stallings, 1854
Johnson-Stallings Marriages Richard Johnson to Mary Stallings, 1810
Rose-Stafford Marriages Joel Rose to Mollie Stafford, 1887
Rose-Starling Marriages William Rose to Edney Starling, 1878
Rose-Starling Marriages Barna Rose to Winnie Starling, 1878
Rose-Starling Marriages Jno. B. Rose to S. Starling, 1889
Rose-Starling Marriages Larry Rose to Susan Starling, 1863
Starling-Daughtry Marriages Larry Starling to Inez Daughtry, 1948
Stancil Photographs Lou Ada Johnson
Stancil Photographs Jesse Bernard Stancil
Stancil Photographs Harold Lloyd Stancil
Stancil Photographs Harold Lloyd Stancil with brother
Stallings Wills & Estates James Stallings - 1786
Stancill Wills & Estates John Stancill - 1795
Stansell Wills & Estates John Stansell Sr - 1795
Surname Researchers
Surname Counties Date Range Researcher
Stafford Dana Hinson
Stancil Sylvia Stephens
StancilJohnston, Wake1700 - 1920 Carla Stancil
StansellJohnston Jann Woodard
StarlingJohnston, Wayne1800 - present Charlene Nix
StarlingJohnston, Wayne1800 - present Kristi Stanfield
StarlingJohnston Barbara Batton Pierce
StarlingsJohnston1700 - present Jim Montgomery
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Connie Ellen Adams
Passed away on 15 July 2015

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