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» Search Results » H. STRICKLAND
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1784-1787 State Census
No Results found
1790 Federal Census
No Results found
1800 Federal Census
No Results found
1810 Federal Census
No Results found
1820 Federal Census *
No Results found
1830 Federal Census *
No Results found
1840 Federal Census *
Name M00 M05 M10 M15 M20 M30 M40 M50 M60 M70 M80 M90
Strickland, Henry 2 1 2 1
* Missing Categories - Free white women, free colored persons, slaves, blind/deaf/dumb, age and education
1860 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Strickland, Henry
2 White Male 1056 Newton Grove
Strickland, Henry
7 White Male 16 Boon Hill
1870 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Strickland, Henry
22 White Male 24 Bentonville
Strickland, Joseph H.
17 White Male 228 Smithfield
1880 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Straughn, Henry
14 White Male 158 Wilders
Strickland, G. Hugh
1 White Male 260 Boon Hill
Strickland, H. R.
65 White Male 5 Ingrams
Strickland, Hellen
19 White Female 177 O'Neals
Strickland, Henry
24 White Male 201 North Smithfield
Strickland, Henry
22 Black Male 16 Ingrams
Strickland, Henry
34 White Male 36 Bentonville
Strickland, Hilliard
2 Black Male 302 O'Neals
Strickland, Joseph H.
2 White Male 143 Ingrams
Strickland, W. H.
21 White Male 1 Clayton
Strickling, Henry
23 White Male 242 Elevation
Strickling, Joseph H.
0 White Male 331 Elevation
1900 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Straughn, Hattie J.
22 White Female 282 Boon Hill
Strickland, H
22 White Male 78 O'Neals
Strickland, Harvey D.
6 White Male 244 Meadow
Strickland, Harvie
7 White Male 97 O'Neals
Strickland, Hattie
1 Black Female 32 Wilders
Strickland, Hattie
9 White Female 108 O'Neals
Strickland, Hector
18 White Male 109 Bentonville
Strickland, Helen
38 White Female 108 O'Neals
Strickland, Henry E.
8 White Male 430 Smithfield
Strickland, Herbert
8 White Male 326 Smithfield
Strickland, Hettie E.
0 White Female 21 Meadow
Strickland, Hubert
4 White Male 222 Cleveland
Strickland, Joseph H.
22 White Male 11 Bentonville
Strickland, Salina H.
50 White Female 72 Ingrams
Strickland, William H.
0 White Male 167 Selma
Strictlin ?, Hugh
21 White Male 73 Boon Hill
1910 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Strickland, George H.
32 White Female 208 Smithfield
Strickland, Hartford
1/2/1900 White Male 15 Beulah
Strickland, Harvy
1/17/1900 White Male 242 O'Neals
Strickland, Hattie
1/20/1900 White Female 175 O'Neals
Strickland, Hattie
11 Mulatto Female 330 Wilders
Strickland, Healen
2/18/1900 White Female 236 O'Neals
Strickland, Hector
1/29/1900 White Male 94 Elevation
Strickland, Henry
1/10/1900 White Male 175 O'Neals
Strickland, Henry
8 White Male 347 Selma
Strickland, Henryetta
1/16/1900 White Female 244 O'Neals
Strickland, Herman
2 White Male 193 Ingrams
Strickland, Herman
4 White Male 169 Ingrams
Strickland, Hubert
White Male 208 Smithfield
Strickland, Hubert
10 White Male 64 Pine Level
Strickland, Hubert M.
3 White Male 313 Ingrams
Strickland, Hunter
9 White Male 106 Ingrams
Strickland, Hunter
11 White Male 163 Ingrams
Strickland, James H.
1/25/1900 White Male 15 Beulah
Strickland, James H.
7 White Male 218 Ingrams
Strickland, John H.
12-Apr Mulatto Male 330 Wilders
Strickland, Joseph H.
29 White Male 169 Ingrams
Strickland, Lesy H.
42 White Female 106 Ingrams
Strickland, Silina H.
62 White Female 76 Ingrams
Stricklin, Bud H.
22 White Male 121 Meadow
Strickling, Hurbert
1/18/1900 White Male 97 Clayton
Strickling, Joseph H.
32 White Male 145 Bentonville
1920 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Stricklan, Henry
19 White Male 46 Selma
Strickland, A. H.
52 White Male 158 Wilson's Mills
Strickland, D. H.
73 White Male 201 Ingrams
Strickland, Hallie
White Female 253 Boon Hill
Strickland, Hareit E.
28 White Female 42 Smithfield
Strickland, Harise
12 White Male 176 Smithfield
Strickland, Hattie
35 White Female 66 O'Neals
Strickland, Haywood
White Male 40 Bentonville
Strickland, Hector
38 White Male 82 Ingrams
Strickland, Henry
29 White Male 26 Smithfield
Strickland, Henryeta
26 White Female 442 O'Neals
Strickland, Herbert
4 White Male 150 Ingrams
Strickland, Herbert
20 White Male 20 Pine Level
Strickland, Herman
20 White Male 46 Banner
Strickland, Hermon
8 White Male 169 Ingrams
Strickland, Hermon
14 White Male 298 Ingrams
Strickland, Hettie E.
19 White Female 155 Meadow
Strickland, Hubert
14 White Male 169 Ingrams
Strickland, Hubert
2 White Male 82 Ingrams
Strickland, Hubert
9 White Male 320 Boon Hill
Strickland, Hubert
14 White Male 196 Boon Hill
Strickland, Hugh
42 White Male 320 Boon Hill
Strickland, Hulen
58 White Female 431 O'Neals
Strickland, Hunter
19 White Male 150 Ingrams
Strickland, Hunter
21 White Male 280 Ingrams
Strickland, Hunter
22 White Male 269 Ingrams
Strickland, Hurbert
28 White Male 273 Smithfield
Strickland, J. H.
39 White Male 298 Ingrams
Strickland, R. H.
29 White Male 66 Beulah
Stroud, Hettie
1 White Female 183 Wilders
1930 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Strickland, Albert H.
62 White Male 010 Wilders
Strickland, D. H.
30 White Male 183 Boon Hill
Strickland, Fannie H.
51 White Female 154 Boon Hill
Strickland, Harrit E.
38 White Female 028 Smithfield
Strickland, Harrold
5/12 White Male 127 Smithfield
Strickland, Haywood
13 White Male 221 Boon Hill
Strickland, Hazel E.
2+6/12 White Female 129 Ingrams
Strickland, Hector
48 White Male 129 Ingrams
Strickland, Hellen
65 White Female 241 O'Neals
Strickland, Henrietta
35 White Female 059 O'Neals
Strickland, Henry
39 White Male 004 Smithfield
Strickland, Henry N.
67 White Male 237 Smithfield
Strickland, Herbert
38 White Male 068 Wilson's Mills
Strickland, Herman
2 White Male 022 Selma
Strickland, Herman
18 White Male 129 Ingrams
Strickland, Hermond A.
23 White Male 082 Bentonville
Strickland, Hilda
8 White Female 136 Ingrams
Strickland, Hilder G.
2+6/12 White Female 028 Smithfield
Strickland, Hilder G.
43 White Female 029 Smithfield
Strickland, Howard
21 White Male 129 O'Neals
Strickland, Howard Bennett
1+4/12 White Male 099 O'Neals
Strickland, Hubert
23 White Male 129 Ingrams
Strickland, Hubert
17 White Male 167 Bentonville
Strickland, Hubert
20 White Male 088 Boon Hill
Strickland, Hubert
28 White Male 066 Pine Level
Strickland, Hubert F.
14 White Male 188 Smithfield
Strickland, Hubert T.
12 White Male 129 Ingrams
Strickland, Hugh
52 Black Male 087 Boon Hill
Strickland, Hunter
29 White Male 056 Smithfield
Strickland, Hunter Jr.
7/12 White Male 183 Boon Hill
Strickland, J. Henry
30 White Male 292 O'Neals
Strickland, J. Hunter
31 White Male 121 Ingrams
Strickland, Joe H.
49 White Male 082 Bentonville
Strickland, Joseph H.
53 White Male 106 Bentonville
Strickland, Lenon H.
6 White Male 028 Smithfield
Strickland, Robert H.
39 White Male 073 Beulah
Strickland, William H.
30 White Male 279 Banner
Strickland, William H.
27 White Male 072 Clayton
Strickland, William H. Jr.
2/12 White Male 279 Banner
1940 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Strickland, Elmer H.
47 White Male 13 Smithfield
Strickland, George H.
62 White Male 14 Boon Hill
Strickland, H. Roy
29 White Male 24 Smithfield
Strickland, Hallie V.
22 White Male 267 Smithfield
Strickland, Hanford
3 White Male 316 O'Neals
Strickland, Harell E.
49 White Female 131 Boon Hill
Strickland, Hazel
24 White Female 27 Smithfield
Strickland, Hazel
25 White Female 11 Micro
Strickland, Hazell
12 White Female 32 Ingrams
Strickland, Hector
58 White Male 32 Ingrams
Strickland, Henreda
46 White Female 178 O'Neals
Strickland, Henry E.
9 White Male 15 Ingrams
Strickland, Herbert B.
49 White Male 219 Smithfield
Strickland, Herman
26 White Male 419 Selma
Strickland, Herman
34 White Male 215 Beulah
Strickland, Hilda
12 White Female 131 Boon Hill
Strickland, Hilda
17 White Female 76 Ingrams
Strickland, Hoover
2 White Male 225 O'Neals
Strickland, Horace
15 White Male 225 O'Neals
Strickland, Howard
26 White Male 316 O'Neals
Strickland, Hubert
39 White Male 303 Pine Level
Strickland, Hubert
22 White Male 3 Ingrams
Strickland, Hubert
33 White Male 176 Ingrams
Strickland, Hunter
49 White Male 223 Boon Hill
Strickland, Hunter
42 White Male 119 Ingrams
Strickland, Hunter Jr.
11 White Male 223 Boon Hill
Strickland, J. Henry
60 White Male 15 Ingrams
Strickland, James H.
2 White Male 49 Pine Level
Strickland, Jasper H.
23 White Male 336 Cleveland
Strickland, Joe H.
59 White Male 216 Beulah
Strickland, Rebecca H.
26 White Female 49 Pine Level
Strickland, Richard H.
30 White Male 12 Boon Hill
Strickland, Robert H.
50 White Male 260 Beulah
Strickland, W. Henry
39 White Male 143 Clayton
Strickland, Wade H.
24 White Male 354 Ingrams
Bastardy Bonds
No Results found
NC Yearbooks
No Results found
No Results found
NC Civil War Soldiers Index *
Name Unit Comp Rank Side
Stark, Rufus H. 44th Regiment, NC Infantry K Sergeant C
Stark, William H. 46th Regiment, NC Infantry C Corporal C
Starris, John H. 29th Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Starsis, John H. 29th Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Strader, H. H. 14th Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Strader, W. H. 14th Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Stradley, Joseph H. 29th Regiment, NC Infantry H Second Lieutenant C
Straghorn, W. H. 2nd Regiment, NC Cavalry K Sergeant C
Strain, William H. H. 27th Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Strange, B. H. 3rd Regiment, NC Cavalry H Private C
Strange, William H. Walker's Battalion, Thomas' NC Legion G Private C
Straughan, H. P. 6th Regiment, NC Senior Reserves E Private C
Straughan, J. H. 61st Regiment, NC Infantry D Corporal C
Straughan, Wiley H. 28th Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Strayhorn, Egbert H. 27th Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Strayhorn, Hillery 14th Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Strayhorn, Hilliard 10th Battalion, NC Heavy Artillery A Private C
Strayhorn, Hilry 10th Battalion, NC Heavy Artillery A Private C
Strayhorn, William H. 6th Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Strayhorn, William H. 2nd Regiment, NC Cavalry K Sergeant C
Streater, Edward H. 31st Regiment, NC Infantry B First Lieutenant C
Stribbs, W. H. McDugald's Company, NC Private C
Stricford, W. H. 3rd Battalion, NC Junior Reserves B Private C
Strickland, H. 20th Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Strickland, Hardy 23rd Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Strickland, Hargett 10th Battalion, NC Heavy Artillery C Private C
Strickland, Hector 24th Regiment, NC Infantry F Private C
Strickland, Henderson 3rd Battalion, NC Senior Reserves Private C
Strickland, Henry 2nd Battalion, NC Local Defense Troops C Private C
Strickland, Henry 23rd Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Strickland, Henry 58th Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Strickland, Henry 31st Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Strickland, Henry H. 31st Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Strickland, Henry J. 50th Regiment, NC Infantry E Sergeant C
Strickland, Henry O. 30th Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Strickland, Hilery 54th Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Strickland, J. H. 1st Regiment, NC Artillery F Private C
Strickland, John H. 20th Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Strickland, John H. 50th Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Strickland, John H. Moseley's Company, NC Artillery (Sampson Artillery) Private C
Strickland, John H. 2nd Regiment, NC Artillery A Private C
Strickland, Josiah H. 47th Regiment, NC Infantry A Private C
Strickland, Richard H. 3rd Regiment, NC Artillery C Private C
Strickland, Stewart H. 43rd Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Strickland, Stewart Hall 43rd Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Strickland, William H. 51st Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Strickland, William H. 50th Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Strickland, William H. 30th Regiment, NC Infantry E Private C
Strickland, William H. E. 2nd Regiment, NC Artillery E Private C
Stricklett, Henry 23rd Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Stricklin, Hardy 23rd Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Stricklin, Henry 23rd Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Stricklin, Henry 58th Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Stricklin, Henry Jr. 2nd Regiment, NC Artillery E Private C
Stricklin, John H. 1st Regiment, NC Artillery F Private C
Stricklin, John H. 2nd Regiment, NC Artillery A Private C
Stricklin, John H. 20th Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Stricklin, John H. Moseley's Company, NC Artillery (Sampson Artillery) Private C
Stricklin, W. H. 6th Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Stricklin, William H. 2nd Regiment, NC Artillery E Private C
Strider, George H. 5th Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Strider, Levi H. 5th Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Stringfield, H. C. 3rd Regiment, NC Cavalry A Private C
Stringfield, J. H. 3rd Regiment, NC Cavalry A Private C
Strode, Charles H. 2nd Regiment, NC Artillery H Private C
Strodes, Charles H. 2nd Regiment, NC Artillery H Private C
Strong, Joseph H. 26th Regiment, NC Infantry E Private C
Strottler, H 18th Regiment, NC Infantry A Private C
Stroub, Thomas H. 4th Regiment, NC Cavalry (59th NC State Troops) E Private C
Stroup, Hosea 52nd Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Stroup, Joseph H. 28th Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Strowghn, J. H. 61st Regiment, NC Infantry D Corporal C
Strum, James H. 46th Regiment, NC Infantry E Sergeant C
Strum, William H. 44th Regiment, NC Infantry A Private C
Styers, W. H. 21st Regiment, NC Infantry L Private C
* All North Carolina soldiers (Union and Confederate) who fought in the Civil War.
NC Civil War Sailors Index *
Name Birthplace Occupation Age
Strickland, Henry Northampton County None 23
* African-American sailors who were born in North Carolina and fought for the Union.
Southern Claims Commission
No Results found
No Results found
Cemetery Graves
Name Birth Death Cemetery
Strickland, B H 1880 1939 Banner Chapel Church
Strickland, Elmer H 1894 1944 Barbour's Chapel Advent Christian Church
Strickland, Emma H 1867 1962 Antioch Baptist Church
Strickland, Frances Helen 1870 1950 Sardis Baptist Church
Strickland, G Hugh 1878 1940 Thompson, D. D.
Strickland, Harriett B 1888 1889 Strickland, Calvin
Strickland, Harriett P 1891 1971 Overbee, D. A.
Strickland, Hector 1881 1964 Four Oaks Town
Strickland, Helen H 1932 2000 Pauline Primitive Baptist Church
Strickland, Hellen 1861 1937 Strickland, Calvin
Strickland, Henrietta Godwin 1893 1958 Friendship Free Will Baptist Church
Strickland, Henry 1899 1963 Hales Chapel Baptist Church
Strickland, Henry Carson 1912 1974 Lee's Chapel Baptist Church
Strickland, Henry Roy 1910 1970 Knollwood
Strickland, Henry Wright 1815 1898 Strickland, Henry Wright
Strickland, Herbert B 1891 Piney Grove Free Will Baptist Church
Strickland, Hersie K 1891 1978 Clyde's Chapel Baptist Church
Strickland, Hilliard 1805 1869 Barham, W. H.
Strickland, Hubert T 1915 1979 Barbour's Chapel Advent Christian Church
Strickland, Hubert Y 1905 1920 Sardis Baptist Church
Strickland, James Hunter 1898 1954 Sunset Memorial Park
Strickland, Joseph H 1880 1951 Pauline Primitive Baptist Church
Strickland, Joseph Haywood 1877 1945 Piney Grove Free Will Baptist Church
Strickland, Katheline H 1903 1967 Roselawn
Strickland, Martha H 1855 1929 Hodges Chapel Free Will Baptist Church
Strickland, Maude Helen 1903 1911 Strickland, Calvin
Strickland, Naoma H 1913 1916 Clyde's Chapel Baptist Church
Strickland, Richard Hubert 1909 1966 Thompson, D. D.
Strickland, Salina H Johnson 1849 1934 Strickland, B. E.
Strickland, Willard Henry 1935 1935 Princeton
Strickland, William Henry 1900 1963 Carter's Chapel Church
Stroman, Lula Hinton 1928 1990 Forest Hills
NC Confederate Soldiers Burial Database*
Name Death County Cemetery
Straughan, Isaac Henderson 1922 Chatham PLEASANT HILL UNITED METHODIST CHURCH
Straughn, Elisha H. 1878 Chatham Straughn
Strickland, Haywood W. 1898 Wake Oakwood Cemetery
Strickland, Hector 1921 Cumberland Bethany United Methodist Church Cemetery
Strickland, William H. Cumberland Cross Creek Cemetery
* Records are still being added.
Wills Index *
Name Year
Strickland, H. R. 1896
* Wills from 1760-1922 which are physically located at the North Carolina Archives [C.R. 050.801.1-11]
Other Resources
Surname Resource Title
Strickland Deaths & Obituaries N.B. Strickland, 1949
Strickland Deaths & Obituaries E. M. Strickland, 1957
Stringer Deeds Francis Stringer, 1747
Strickland-Ingram Marriages James W. Strickland to Hester Ann Ingram, 1856
Strickland Wills & Estates Davis Strickland - 1806
Strickland Wills & Estates Samuel Strickland - 1784
Strickland Wills & Estates Uriah Strickland - 1812
Surname Researchers
Surname Counties Date Range Researcher
Street Geraldine Stewart
StricklandJohnston Christie Moore
StricklandJohnston1700's - mid 1800's James Harmon
Strickland Donna Sherron
StricklandNash1700's - present Rocky Strickland
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County Coordinator
Michael W. Kay
County Volunteers
Ross Sippel
Connie Ellen Adams
Passed away on 15 July 2015

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