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» Search Results » JOHN BANKHAM
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1784-1787 State Census
No Results found
1790 Federal Census
Name FWM16- FWM16+ FWF AOFP Slaves
Bankum, James 2 1 3
1800 Federal Census
No Results found
1810 Federal Census
No Results found
1820 Federal Census *
No Results found
1830 Federal Census *
No Results found
1840 Federal Census *
No Results found
1860 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Benson, James
18 White Male 434 Leachburg
Benson, Joanna
9 White Female 1080 Newton Grove
Benson, Josiah
8 White Male 541 Leachburg
Bingham, James
4 White Male 549 Leachburg
1870 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Bands, James
45 White Male 86 Pleasant Grove
Banks, Jeff
24 Black Male 228 Clayton
Banks, Jeff
22 Black Male 207 Clayton
Banks, John
8 White Male 291 Pleasant Grove
Banks, John L.
33 White Male 291 Pleasant Grove
Banks, Joseph
4 White Male 81 Clayton
Benson, James
27 White Male 84 Elevation
Benson, James
9 White Male 180 Elevation
Benson, Joana
18 White Female 44 Ingrams
Benson, John W.
30 White Male 180 Elevation
Benson, Joseph
18 White Male 91 Elevation
Bingham, Ben James
21 White Male 57 Elevation
Bingham, James
14 White Male 92 Elevation
1880 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Bane, J. B.
20 White Male 211 Pleasant Grove
Banks, Bernice J. T.
9 White Male 1 Clayton
Banks, J.L.
45 White Male 1 Clayton
Banks, Jesse
2 Black Male 269 Clayton
Banks, John M.
17 White Male 1 Clayton
Banks, Joseph
0 Black Male 269 Clayton
Banks, Judge
1 Black Male 301 South Smithfield
Benson, Benjamin J.
10 White Male 304 Elevation
Benson, J. Troy
18 White Male 153 Elevation
Benson, James A.
2 White Male 119 Ingrams
Benson, James O.
0 White Male 178 Elevation
Benson, James P.
7 White Male 12 Elevation
Benson, James R.
37 White Male 42 Elevation
Benson, James W.
18 White Male 304 Elevation
Benson, Jenneriad
7 White Female 115 Ingrams
Benson, Jesse
5 White Male 122 Ingrams
Benson, Joanna
27 White Female 115 Ingrams
Benson, John S.
8 White Male 304 Elevation
Benson, John W.
41 White Male 304 Elevation
Benson, Josiah
26 White Male 142 Elevation
Benson, Mary Jane
29 White Female 12 Elevation
Benson, Mary Jane
20 White Female 178 Elevation
Benson, W. James
4 White Male 142 Elevation
Bingham, Casanda J.
25 White Female 14 Elevation
Bingham, James C.
23 White Male 14 Elevation
1900 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Banks, Jessie
22 Black Male 23 Clayton
Benson, J. Uzzell
61 White Male 363 Banner
Benson, James R.
57 White Male 13 Elevation
Benson, James W.
38 White Male 52 Banner
Benson, Jane
20 White Female 271 Boon Hill
Benson, Jepthia
26 White Male 15 Elevation
Benson, John
24 White Male 277 Clayton
Benson, Joseph
56 White Male 480 Smithfield
Benson, Joseph E.
19 White Male 480 Smithfield
Benson, Joseph S.
0 White Male 256 Elevation
Benson, Mary J.
49 White Female 51 Elevation
Benson, Mary Jane
40 White Female 14 Elevation
Benson, Willis J.
17 White Male 13 Elevation
Bingham, James
43 White Male 147 Smithfield
1910 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Bandy, James
4 White Male 56 Ingrams
Bandy, Josephine
6 White Female 56 Ingrams
Banks, Jeronomy
12-Feb Mulatto Male 52 Wilders
Banks, Jessie
1/31/1900 Black Male Clayton
Banks, John
20 Black Male 52 Wilders
Banks, John
1/18/1900 Black Male 503 Smithfield
Benson, B. Julius
2/9/1900 White Male 223 Elevation
Benson, James
1/5/1900 White Male 458 Smithfield
Benson, James A.
32 White Male 344 Ingrams
Benson, James R.
3/7/1900 White Male 98 Elevation
Benson, James W.
1/27/1900 White Male 111 Elevation
Benson, Jepthah
1/30/1900 White Male 176 Elevation
Benson, Jessee R.
30 White Male 200 Ingrams
Benson, John S.
1/8/1900 White Male 224 Elevation
Benson, John S.
2/6/1900 White Male 221 Clayton
Benson, John U.
71 White Male 180 Banner
Benson, Johnney
6 White Male 77 Pine Level
Benson, Johnnie H.
5 White Male 344 Ingrams
Benson, Joseph E.
29 White Male 201 Ingrams
Benson, Lucy J.
5 White Female 142 Wilson's Mills
Benson, Mary J.
2/19/1900 White Female 112 Elevation
Benson, Mary J.
2/28/1900 White Female 114 Elevation
Benson, Willis J.
2/4/1900 White Male 224 Elevation
1920 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Bandy, James M.
13 White Male 114 Ingrams
Bandy, John Glinn
7 White Male 114 Ingrams
Bandy, Josephine M.
15 White Female 114 Ingrams
Bandy, Maud J.
38 White Female 114 Ingrams
Banes, James
Black Male 167 Cleveland
Banes, Julia
6 Black Female 167 Cleveland
Banks, Jessie
41 Black Male 48 Clayton
Banks, Jessie
12 Black Male 48 Clayton
Banks, John
31 Black Male 290 Clayton
Banks, John
27 Black Male 92 Cleveland
Benjamin, Jeneva
11 Black Female 201 Selma
Benjamin, Willie J.
14 Black Male 201 Selma
Benson, J. A.
43 White Male 441 Ingrams
Benson, J. Daniel
White Male 169 Elevation
Benson, J. E.
39 White Male 63 Ingrams
Benson, J. E.
White Male 63 Ingrams
Benson, J. R.
42 White Male 365 Ingrams
Benson, J. Rich
77 White Male 172 Elevation
Benson, J. Will
37 White Male 223 Elevation
Benson, James L.
White Male 216 Selma
Benson, James O.
39 White Male 30 Elevation
Benson, Jennie
9 White Female 311 Boon Hill
Benson, Jennie
20 White Female 211 Clayton
Benson, Jeptha
40 White Male 167 Elevation
Benson, Jessie
9 White Male 365 Ingrams
Benson, Jime W.
16 White Male 51 Smithfield
Benson, John
18 White Male 441 Smithfield
Benson, John B.
7 White Male 317 Smithfield
Benson, John L.
White Male 216 Selma
Benson, John S.
47 White Male 317 Smithfield
Benson, Johnie
14 White Male 441 Ingrams
Benson, Jonnie
7 White Female 216 Clayton
Benson, Judson
6 White Male 30 Elevation
Benson, Julian
White Male 211 Clayton
Benson, Julius
49 White Male 145 Elevation
Benson, Mary J.
59 White Female 168 Elevation
Benson, Willis J.
48 White Male 441 Smithfield
1930 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Bandy, John G.
16 White Male 128 Ingrams
Banks, Jahrona
20 Black Male 005 Clayton
Banks, James
4+8/12 White Male 185 Selma
Banks, Jeraldine
1 Black Female 128 Cleveland
Benson, B. Julious
60 White Male 035 Elevation
Benson, J. Ralph
15 White Male 035 Elevation
Benson, James
12 White Male 153 Elevation
Benson, James
10 White Male 173 Ingrams
Benson, James K.
87 White Male 149 Elevation
Benson, James O.
13 White Male 092 Elevation
Benson, James W.
47 White Male 092 Elevation
Benson, Jeniel
1+4/12 White Male 063 Elevation
Benson, Jenny
30 White Female 111 Clayton
Benson, Jeptha
50 White Male 063 Elevation
Benson, Jimmie W.
23 White Male 167 Ingrams
Benson, John
27 White Male 001 Selma
Benson, John Claude
3 White Male 111 Clayton
Benson, John D.
17 White Male 156 Selma
Benson, John J.
7 White Male 119 Clayton
Benson, John L.
10 White Male 153 Elevation
Benson, John R.
7 White Male 279 Banner
Benson, John S.
57 White Male 156 Selma
Benson, Johnnie
26 White Male 122 Ingrams
Benson, Joise E.
2+9/12 White Female 132 Elevation
Benson, Joselph
2 White Male 119 Clayton
Benson, Jounious
4 White Male 102 Ingrams
Benson, Juanita L.
5 White Female 111 Elevation
Benson, Julia
11 White Female 111 Clayton
Benson, Juning
30 White Female 235 Selma
Benson, Juning
7 White Female 235 Selma
1940 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Bandy, John G.
28 White Male 106 Smithfield
Banks, J. R. Jr.
9 Black Male 230 Clayton
Banks, Jessie
33 Black Female 20 Beulah
Banks, Johnnie
30 Black Male 230 Clayton
Banks, Josephine
6 Black Female 113 Beulah
Benson, Bobbie J.
3 White Female 55 Ingrams
Benson, Cora J.
53 White Female 9 Ingrams
Benson, J. Ashley
63 White Male 55 Ingrams
Benson, J. Will
57 White Male 48 Elevation
Benson, James
22 White Male 27 Elevation
Benson, Jeneil[?]
11 White Female 80 Elevation
Benson, Jeptha
60 White Male 80 Elevation
Benson, Jessie
4 White Male 358 Beulah
Benson, Jessie Vernon
8 White Male 125 Banner
Benson, Jim
34 White Male 216 Boon Hill
Benson, Jimmie Fay
3 White Female 216 Boon Hill
Benson, John C.
13 White Male 224 Clayton
Benson, John L.
2 White Male 197 Clayton
Benson, Johnie
36 White Male 54 Ingrams
Benson, Johnnie
37 White Male 351 Selma
Benson, Joyce May
3 White Female 20 Elevation
Benson, Julius B.
70 White Male 111 Elevation
Benson, Junie
39 White Female 90 Selma
Benson, Neoma Jean
<1 White Female 111 Elevation
Benson, Walter J.
14 White Male 29 Ingrams
Bingham, James C.
27 White Male 132 Smithfield
Bastardy Bonds
Father's Name Mother's Name Date
Benson, Josiah Harper, Beady 23 Sep 1873
NC Yearbooks
No Results found
No Results found
NC Civil War Soldiers Index *
Name Unit Comp Rank Side
Banard, John 34th Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Bancome, Josiah 48th Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Bancum, Josiah 48th Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Bandy, J. A. 8th Regiment, NC Infantry A Private C
Bandy, J. M. 3rd Battalion, NC Junior Reserves E Second Lieutenant C
Bandy, Jacob W. 46th Regiment, NC Infantry K Private C
Bandy, James M. 8th Battalion, NC Junior Reserves B Junior Second Lieutenant C
Bane, Andrew J. 35th Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Bane, J. A. 7th Battalion, NC Junior Reserves A Private C
Bane, J. C. 5th Regiment, NC Cavalry F Private C
Bane, J. E. 7th Battalion, NC Junior Reserves A Private C
Bane, James 2nd Battalion, NC Infantry B Private C
Bane, James D. 62nd Regiment, NC Infantry E Private C
Bane, Johnson 56th Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Baner, John L. B. 32nd Regiment, NC Infantry (Lenoir Braves) A Private C
Baner, John N. C. 14th Regiment, NC Infantry K Private C
Banes, James 13th Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Banfield, Joseph 55th Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Bangus, J. K. 5th Regiment, NC Senior Reserves K Private C
Banhart, J. N. 33rd Regiment, NC Infantry E,C Private C
Banister, James 2nd Battalion, NC Infantry D Private C
Banister, John B. 3rd Regiment, NC Artillery H Musician C
Banker, David J. 20th Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Banker, J. L. 4th Regiment, NC Senior Reserves G Private C
Banker, James L. 5th Regiment, NC Senior Reserves E Private C
Banker, L. J. 28th Regiment, NC Infantry I Hospital Steward C
Bankes, J. W. 60th Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Banks, E. J. 31st Regiment, NC Infantry K Corporal C
Banks, G. J. 26th Regiment, NC Infantry D Sergeant C
Banks, J. B. 66th Regiment, NC Infantry F Private C
Banks, J. M. 60th Regiment, NC Infantry F,I Private C
Banks, J. W. 60th Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Banks, James 2nd Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Banks, James 3rd Battalion, NC Light Artillery C Private C
Banks, James A. 42nd Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Banks, James H. 5th Regiment, NC Cavalry K Private C
Banks, James H. 26th Regiment, NC Infantry K Private C
Banks, James M. 8th Regiment, NC Infantry A Private C
Banks, James P. 66th Regiment, NC Infantry F Private C
Banks, Jeary G. 26th Regiment, NC Infantry D Sergeant C
Banks, John 1st Regiment, NC Artillery I Private C
Banks, John A. 17th Regiment, NC Infantry (1st Organization) L Corporal C
Banks, John A. 8th Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Banks, John D. 3rd Regiment, NC Artillery D Private C
Banks, Jonathan 16th Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Banks, Joseph 56th Regiment, NC Infantry E Private C
Banks, Joseph B. 8th Battalion, NC Cavalry (Partisan Rangers) A Private C
Banks, Joseph B. 66th Regiment, NC Infantry F Private C
Banks, Joseph M. 58th Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Bannard, John 34th Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Banner, C. J. 21st Regiment, NC Infantry D Corporal C
Banner, Edward J. 21st Regiment, NC Infantry D Corporal C
Banner, J. D. 3rd Battalion, NC Junior Reserves B Private C
Banner, J. D. 4th Battalion, NC Junior Reserves B Private C
Banner, J. M. 57th Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Banner, John 57th Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Banner, John E. 2nd Regiment, NC Infantry A Sergeant C
Banner, W. J. 52nd Regiment, NC Infantry E Private C
Bannister, John 3rd Regiment, NC Artillery H Musician C
Bannister, John B. 2nd Regiment, NC Infantry A Musician C
Banoist, John J. 38th Regiment, NC Infantry E Private C
Bansold, John 18th Regiment, NC Infantry A Private C
Banter, J. J. 51st Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Banter, Joel F. 50th Regiment, NC Infantry K Private C
Banton, J. L. 20th Regiment, NC Infantry F Corporal C
Benjamin, J. 1st Regiment, NC Infantry I Private U
Benjamin, J. 2nd Regiment, NC Infantry F,A Private U
Benjin, B. J. 11th Regiment, NC Infantry (Bethel Regiment) K Corporal C
Benken, Jackson 26th Regiment, NC Infantry A Private C
Benken, James 26th Regiment, NC Infantry A Private C
Benson, Andrew J. 3rd Regiment, NC Artillery K Private C
Benson, Daniel J. 2nd Regiment, NC Artillery G Private C
Benson, J. B. 57th Regiment, NC Infantry K Private C
Benson, J. C. 120th Regiment, NC Militia K Captain C
Benson, J. G. 20th Regiment, NC Infantry A Corporal C
Benson, J. H. 2nd Regiment, NC Artillery H Private C
Benson, J. R. 5th Regiment, NC Infantry D Corporal C
Benson, J. S. 4th Regiment, NC Senior Reserves F Private C
Benson, J. W. 33rd Regiment, NC Infantry I,H Private C
Benson, James 8th Regiment, NC Infantry A Private C
Benson, James C. 2nd Regiment, NC Cavalry B Private C
Benson, James C. 20th Regiment, NC Infantry A Musician C
Benson, James M. 20th Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Benson, James R. 5th Regiment, NC Infantry D Corporal C
Benson, Jesse J. 2nd Regiment, NC Artillery B,H Private C
Benson, Jesse W. 45th Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Benson, John 57th Regiment, NC Infantry K Private C
Benson, John M. 2nd Regiment, NC Artillery B First Sergeant C
Benson, John U. 50th Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Benson, John W. 28th Regiment, NC Infantry A Private C
Bingham, J. 11th Regiment, NC Infantry (Bethel Regiment) A Corporal C
Bingham, J. Franklin 39th Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Bingham, J. N. 11th Regiment, NC Infantry (Bethel Regiment) A Private C
Bingham, Jeptha K. 37th Regiment, NC Infantry K Private C
Bingham, John M. 56th Regiment, NC Infantry K Private C
Bingham, John R. 25th Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Binghan, J. A. 2nd Regiment, NC Junior Reserves N Private C
Binson, John 26th Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Bumcannon, J. F. 44th Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
* All North Carolina soldiers (Union and Confederate) who fought in the Civil War.
NC Civil War Sailors Index *
Name Birthplace Occupation Age
Banks, Jeremiah Pasquotank Farmer 16
* African-American sailors who were born in North Carolina and fought for the Union.
Southern Claims Commission
No Results found
No Results found
Cemetery Graves
Name Birth Death Cemetery
Bandy, John Glen 1912 1960 Four Oaks Town
Banks, John L 1836 1909 Oakland Presbyterian Church
Benson, Billie Jean 1959 1959 Maplewood
Benson, Doc Julian Jr 1919 1970 Maplewood
Benson, Esther J 1919 1965 Sanders, William Henry
Benson, J E 1880 1927 Four Oaks Town
Benson, J W 1861 1912 Benson City
Benson, James Ashley 1877 1955 Piney Grove Free Will Baptist Church
Benson, James Edward 1926 1926 Piney Grove Free Will Baptist Church
Benson, James Judson 1913 1956 Rehobeth Primitive Baptist Church
Benson, James Lloyd 1917 1964 Benson Grove Baptist Church
Benson, James O 1880 1966 Benson Grove Baptist Church
Benson, James R 1841 1932 Benson Grove Baptist Church
Benson, James T 1913 1915 Phillips/Benson/McLamb
Benson, James Walton 1931 1932 Piney Grove Free Will Baptist Church
Benson, James Willis 1882 1940 Roselawn
Benson, Joanne 1948 1954 Fellowship Primitive Baptist Church
Benson, John Louis 1919 1981 Benson Grove Baptist Church
Benson, John Ralon 1923 1980 Roselawn
Benson, John S 1871 1939 Little Creek Primitive Baptist Church
Benson, John U 1838 1917 Phillips/Benson/McLamb
Benson, Jonathan R 1972 1972 Benson Grove Baptist Church
Benson, Judson Battle 1935 1947 Maplewood
Benson, Julius 1870 1950 Bethel Primitive Baptist Church
Benson, Mary J 1858 1932 Benson Grove Baptist Church
Benson, Mary J 1849 1911 Benson, C. H.
Benson, Stella J 1882 1949 Benson Grove Baptist Church
Benson, Swade J 1925 1926 Benson Grove Baptist Church
Benson, Telza J 1901 1963 Maplewood
Benson, Walter J 1912 Sanders, William Henry
Benson, William Joseph 1916 1917 Piney Grove Free Will Baptist Church
Bingham, James Carroll 1856 1902 Riverside
NC Confederate Soldiers Burial Database*
Name Death County Cemetery
Bankston, James H. 1862 Wayne Willow Dale Cemetery
Benson, James R. 1932 Johnston Benson Grove Baptist Church Cemetery
Benson, John M. 1927 Bladen Wesley Chapel United Methodist Church Cemetery
* Records are still being added.
Wills Index *
Name Year
Bankham, John R. 1881
* Wills from 1760-1922 which are physically located at the North Carolina Archives [C.R. 050.801.1-11]
Other Resources
Surname Resource Title
Benson-Wallace-Wilkins Deaths & Obituaries Benson, Wallace & Wilkins Deaths
Banks-Leach Marriages Adam Banks to Susan Leach, 1829
Benson-Wallace-Wilkins Marriages Benson, Wallace & Wilkins Marriages
Benson Military Charles H. Benson Record
Surname Researchers
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Benson Iris Hill Brown
BensonJohnston1800's - 1950 Alix Ambler
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County Coordinator
Michael W. Kay
County Volunteers
Ross Sippel
Connie Ellen Adams
Passed away on 15 July 2015

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