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» Search Results » LIZZIE MITCHELL
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1784-1787 State Census
No Results found
1790 Federal Census
No Results found
1800 Federal Census
No Results found
1810 Federal Census
No Results found
1820 Federal Census *
No Results found
1830 Federal Census *
No Results found
1840 Federal Census *
No Results found
1860 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Mitchell, Leah
45 White Female 289 Boon Hill
Mitchell, Levi
7 White Male 273 Boon Hill
Mitchiner, Lenara C.
15 White Female 188 Smithfield
1870 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Mitchener, Larana
25 White Female 269 Smithfield
Mitchener, Lightfoot
26 Black Male 10 O'Neals
Mitchener, Loucinda
21 Black Female 23 Beulah
Mitchenor, Lassarous
4 Black Male 146 Boon Hill
Mitchenor, Lidia
65 Black Female 343 Smithfield
Mitchenor, Lovard
29 Black Male 282 Boon Hill
Mitchiner, London
22 Black Male 75 Selma
1880 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Mitchel, Luiza J.
23 White Female 171 Pleasant Grove
Mitchell, Leary
16 White Female 432 Boon Hill
Mitchell, Louiza
37 White Female 432 Boon Hill
Mitchener, Hugh L.
3 White Male 292 Selma
Mitchener, Lazarus
12 Black Male 95 Selma
Mitchener, Lottie
53 Black Female 136 Clayton
Mitchener, Lou
15 Black Female 67 Wilson's Mills
Mitchener, Louezer
6 Black Female 95 Selma
Mitchener, Louis
9 Black Male 104 Wilders
Mitchener, Lucy
20 Black Female 54 Clayton
1900 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Mitchell, Fredie L.
0 White Male 330 Boon Hill
Mitchell, Leonard
16 White Male 328 Boon Hill
Mitchell, Lolan V.
3 White Female 154 Boon Hill
Mitchell, Loueser
17 White Female 328 Boon Hill
Mitchell, Louisa
43 White Female 79 Beulah
Mitchell, Lovette E.
1 White Male 342 Boon Hill
Mitchell, Lucinda
24 White Female 331 Boon Hill
Mitchell, Luther T.
5 White Male 133 Beulah
Mitchell, Patrick L.
11 White Male 154 Boon Hill
Mitchell, Sarah L.
28 White Female 133 Beulah
Mitchell, Simon L.
44 White Male 323 Boon Hill
Mitchener, Hugh L.
23 White Male 228 Selma
Mitchener, Loucinda
26 Black Female 263 Smithfield
Mitchener, Lougenia
1 Black Female 250 Smithfield
Mitchener, Rosa Lee
4 White Female 228 Selma
Mitchiner, Lillie
6 Black Female 183 Wilson's Mills
Mitchiner, Loney
13 Black Male 79 Wilders
Mitchiner, Loucretta
14 Black Female 89 Wilson's Mills
1910 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Mitchel, Lilly
1/28/1900 White Female 65 Banner
Mitchel, Luther
17 White Male 125 Beulah
Mitchell, Adelaid L.
1/17/1900 White Female 422 Smithfield
Mitchell, Ida Lee
1/5/1900 White Female 366 Boon Hill
Mitchell, J. L.
3/4/1900 White Male 282 Clayton
Mitchell, Leland
1/12/1900 White Male 361 Beulah
Mitchell, Lementha
43 White Female 322 Selma
Mitchell, Leonard
1/25/1900 White Male 383 Boon Hill
Mitchell, Lester
1/15/1900 White Male 8 Boon Hill
Mitchell, Levin
12 White Male 322 Selma
Mitchell, Lonie
13 White Female 322 Selma
Mitchell, Louisa
2/23/1900 White Female 295 Beulah
Mitchell, Louise
1/27/1900 White Female 384 Boon Hill
Mitchell, Lovett E.
1/11/1900 White Male 366 Boon Hill
Mitchell, Lucinda
2/3/1900 White Female 387 Boon Hill
Mitchell, Luthur
16 White Male 204 Pine Level
Mitchell, Rachell L.
1/5/1900 White Female 422 Smithfield
Mitchener, Lou E.
25 Mulatto Female 172 Selma
Mitchener, Loucretta
22 Mulatto Female 72 Wilson's Mills
Mitchener, Lucy
Age not given Black Female 221 Wilders
Mitchener, Lue
2/7/1900 Black Female 405 Smithfield
Mitchener, Lugene
1/11/1900 Black Female 408 Smithfield
Mitchner, Lugene
19 Black Female 578 Selma
1920 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Mitchel, Lanora
22 Black Female 32 Clayton
Mitchel, Lee
34 Black Male 16 Clayton
Mitchel, Lena
13 Black Female 316 Clayton
Mitchel, Lila
Black Female 32 Clayton
Mitchel, Lucinda
54 Black Female 3 Clayton
Mitchell, A. L.
27 White Male 61 Beulah
Mitchell, Earl L.
12 White Male 75 Wilders
Mitchell, Ethel L.
White Female 330 Selma
Mitchell, Eula Lee
3 Black Female 261 O'Neals
Mitchell, Hillard L.
37 White Male 75 Wilders
Mitchell, Lana
23 Black Female 261 O'Neals
Mitchell, Lela
10 White Female 134 Boon Hill
Mitchell, Leland
White Male 61 Beulah
Mitchell, Lenard Jr.
35 White Male 134 Boon Hill
Mitchell, Lester
25 White Male 42 Boon Hill
Mitchell, Levi
2 White Male 225 Boon Hill
Mitchell, Liffie C.
23 White Female 3 Elevation
Mitchell, Lillie
24 White Female 183 Beulah
Mitchell, Liza
4 White Female 225 Boon Hill
Mitchell, Lois
White Female 225 Boon Hill
Mitchell, Lollie
26 Black Female 202 Cleveland
Mitchell, Lovett M.
71 White Male 50 Boon Hill
Mitchell, Luby
6 White Male 264 Micro
Mitchell, Lucendia
44 White Female 132 Boon Hill
Mitchell, Lucie
9 White Female 264 Micro
Mitchell, Lucy
25 White Female 132 Wilders
Mitchell, Lula
6 White Female 213 Micro
Mitchell, Marvin L.
14 White Male 75 Wilders
Mitchell, Simon Lenard
63 White Male 131 Boon Hill
Mitchener, Lela
6 Black Female 301 Selma
Mitchener, Lissur
14 Black Female 146 Smithfield
Mitchener, Lizzie
34 Black Female 306 Smithfield
Mitchener, Lola M.
28 White Female 283 Smithfield
Mitchener, Lugenia
28 Black Female 301 Selma
Mitchiner, Leona
5 Black Female 21 Bentonville
Mitchiner, Lillie
9 Black Female 5 Wilson's Mills
Mitchiner, Lou
23 Mulatto Female 144 Wilson's Mills
Mitchner, Lenear
23 Black Female 381 Smithfield
Mitchner, Lucenda
46 Black Female 148 Smithfield
Mitchner, Lugein
21 Black Female 151 Smithfield
1930 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Mitchel, Lee
9 White Male 261 Selma
Mitchel, Leland
2 Black Male 087 Selma
Mitchel, Lillie
40 Black Female 164 Pine Level
Mitchel, Lillie
40 Black Female 164 Pine Level
Mitchel, Lizzie
25 White Female 168 Banner
Mitchel, Lons A.
21 White Male 257 Beulah
Mitchel, Loucile
6 White Female 273 Beulah
Mitchel, Lue
33 White Female 261 Selma
Mitchel, Lula
18 White Female 077 O'Neals
Mitchel, Willard L.
34 White Male 258 Selma
Mitchell, Jim L.
45 White Male 159 Beulah
Mitchell, L. Annie
47 White Female 166 Boon Hill
Mitchell, Larry C.
12 White Male 159 Beulah
Mitchell, Lee
44 Black Male 166 Clayton
Mitchell, Lee M.
1+11/12 Black Male 166 Clayton
Mitchell, Lester
7 White Male 080 Boon Hill
Mitchell, Leycester
9 White Female 134 Wilders
Mitchell, Liffie
32 White Female 138 Ingrams
Mitchell, Lila
7 White Female 102 Micro
Mitchell, Lillie B.
49 White Female 092 Smithfield
Mitchell, Lois
3 White Female 078 Beulah
Mitchell, Lola
7 Black Female 219 Wilders
Mitchell, Lola May
35 Black Female 065 Clayton
Mitchell, Lou E.
9 White Female 070 Wilson's Mills
Mitchell, Loueta
30 Black Female 219 Wilders
Mitchell, Lovett
25 White Male 002 Micro
Mitchell, Luby
16 White Male 166 Boon Hill
Mitchell, Lucile
19 White Female 166 Boon Hill
Mitchell, Lucile
5 White Female 134 Wilders
Mitchell, Lucinda
54 White Female 089 Boon Hill
Mitchell, Lucy
21 Black Female 205 Clayton
Mitchell, Lucy
35 White Female 134 Wilders
Mitchell, Luky D.
44 White Male 020 Boon Hill
Mitchell, Sidney L.
37 White Male 036 Clayton
Mitchell, Thomas L.
4/12 Black Male 219 Wilders
Mitchener, Clifton L.
7/12 Black Male 427 Smithfield
Mitchener, Lela
17 Black Female 144 Selma
Mitchener, Louise T.
12 White Male 427 Smithfield
Mitchener, Lugenia
40 Black Female 144 Selma
Mitchener, Wiley L.
13 Black Male 427 Smithfield
Mitchiner, Cora L.
7 Black Female 050 Wilson's Mills
Mitchiner, Leona
13 Black Female 050 Bentonville
Mitchiner, Lillie
6 Black Female 050 Bentonville
Mitchiner, Lola M.
37 White Female 001 Wilson's Mills
Mitchiner, Lou E.
8 Black Female 026 Wilson's Mills
Mitchiner, Lucy F.
7 White Female 074 Wilson's Mills
Mitchiner, Ora L.
7 Black Female 050 Wilson's Mills
Mitchner, Lucy C.
51 Black Female 007 Smithfield
1940 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Mitchel, Letha
22 White Female 120 Wilders
Mitchel, Liffie
43 White Female 15 Ingrams
Mitchel, Lois
20 White Female 10 Wilders
Mitchel, Luby
26 White Male 120 Wilders
Mitchell, Annie L.
57 White Female 25 Boon Hill
Mitchell, Bobby L.
2 White Male 10 Boon Hill
Mitchell, Charles L.
13 White Male 10 Boon Hill
Mitchell, Fred L.
39 White Male 10 Boon Hill
Mitchell, Larry C.
22 White Male 265 Smithfield
Mitchell, Lasker
5 White Male 376 O'Neals
Mitchell, Lee
22 White Male 161 Boon Hill
Mitchell, Lee
54 Black Male 217 Clayton
Mitchell, Lee Jr.
12 Black Male 217 Clayton
Mitchell, Leland
16 White Male 213 Boon Hill
Mitchell, Lelon
11 White Male 137 Selma
Mitchell, Lester
47 White Male 213 Boon Hill
Mitchell, Lester
17 White Male 238 Beulah
Mitchell, Lila Mae
17 White Female 203 Beulah
Mitchell, Lillie
37 White Female 183 Clayton
Mitchell, Lillie
59 White Female 153 Smithfield
Mitchell, Lizzie
18 White Female 165 Beulah
Mitchell, Lizzie
45 White Female 162 Boon Hill
Mitchell, Lizzie
35 White Female 151 Clayton
Mitchell, Lizzie
50 White Female 265 Smithfield
Mitchell, Lois M.
6 White Female 10 Boon Hill
Mitchell, Lollie
46 Black Female 157 Clayton
Mitchell, Louise
6 Black Female 157 Clayton
Mitchell, Louise
10 White Female 270 Beulah
Mitchell, Lovit E.
34 White Male 270 Beulah
Mitchell, Luby D.
54 White Male 105 Boon Hill
Mitchell, Lucienda
65 White Female 239 Beulah
Mitchell, Lucille
12 White Female 165 Beulah
Mitchell, Lucy
56 Black Female 323 Clayton
Mitchell, Lueddis
19 White Female 277 Beulah
Mitchell, Sarah Lee
10 White Female 201 Selma
Mitchener, Cora Lee
17 Black Female 42 Wilson's Mills
Mitchener, Lenora
40 Black Female 219 Clayton
Mitchener, Lewis
4 Black Male 203 O'Neals
Mitchener, Lois
19 Black Female 219 Clayton
Mitchener, Lola
42 White Female 086b Clayton
Mitchener, Loueva
17 Black Female 94 Wilson's Mills
Mitchener, Louise
4 Black Female 203 O'Neals
Mitchener, Lucinda
67 Black Female 22 Smithfield
Mitchener, Lucy
17 White Female 72 Wilson's Mills
Mitchener, Lugenia
41 Black Female 24 Smithfield
Mitchener, Nina L.
3 Black Female 219 Clayton
Mitchener, Ora Lee
17 Black Female 42 Wilson's Mills
Mitchiner, Louise
21 Black Female 171 Smithfield
Mitchner, Dorthy Lee
11 White Female 129 O'Neals
Mitchner, Lou
40 Black Female 119 Selma
Mitchner, Thomas L.
10 Black Male 119 Selma
Bastardy Bonds
No Results found
NC Yearbooks
No Results found
No Results found
NC Civil War Soldiers Index *
Name Unit Comp Rank Side
Metcalf, L. A. 54th Regiment, NC Infantry I Corporal C
Midcalf, Levi B. 64th Regiment, NC Infantry (Allen's) A Private C
Mitchel, Lucas 5th Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Mitchell, A. L. 6th Regiment, NC Infantry K Private C
Mitchell, Anderton L. 6th Regiment, NC Infantry K Private C
Mitchell, D. L. 12th Regiment, NC Infantry A Private C
Mitchell, Goodman L. 2nd Battalion, NC Infantry D Private C
Mitchell, Joseph L. 14th Regiment, NC Infantry E Second Lieutenant C
Mitchell, L. 46th Regiment, NC Infantry F&S Adjutant C
Mitchell, L. E. 5th Regiment, NC Infantry Private C
Mitchell, Lorenzo D. 22nd Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Mitchell, Luico 1st Regiment, NC Artillery D First Lieutenant C
Mitchell, Oscar L. 1st Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Mitchell, William L. 4th Regiment, NC Cavalry (59th NC State Troops) F Private C
Mitchell, William L. 22nd Regiment, NC Infantry F Lieutenant Colonel C
* All North Carolina soldiers (Union and Confederate) who fought in the Civil War.
NC Civil War Sailors Index *
No Results found
Southern Claims Commission
No Results found
No Results found
Cemetery Graves
Name Birth Death Cemetery
Mitcel, Luther T 1907 1909 Mitchell, George
Mitchell, Bobby Lee 1937 1962 Oliver, Robert E.
Mitchell, C L 1897 1907 Aycock, Needham
Mitchell, Didy Littleton 1914 1963 Mitchell, Albert
Mitchell, Fred L 1899 1973 Oliver, Robert E.
Mitchell, G L 1926 Aycock, Needham
Mitchell, Gratie L 1900 1908 Greenwood
Mitchell, Jesse L 1847 1925 Clayton City
Mitchell, Josiah L 1881 1957 Aycock, Needham
Mitchell, Larry C 1918 1970 Selma Memorial Gardens
Mitchell, Larry Rae 1943 1947 Princeton
Mitchell, Leeander 1897 1900 Mitchell, George
Mitchell, Lemuel Elder 1849 1929 Mitchell/Sasser
Mitchell, Lemuel Ray 1946 1975 Selma Memorial Gardens
Mitchell, Leonard 1884 1936 Rains Crossroads
Mitchell, Letha Pearce 1917 1993 Princeton
Mitchell, Liffie Ingram 1896 1964 Oliver's Grove
Mitchell, Lillian 1915 1915 Stalling, Isaac
Mitchell, Lillian Edwards 1921 2014 Grace Baptist Church
Mitchell, Lizzie S 1855 1960 Stalling, Isaac
Mitchell, Lovett E 1903 1984 Mitchell, Albert
Mitchell, Luby D 1885 1955 Princeton
Mitchell, Luby Lee 1913 1997 Princeton
Mitchell, Lucinda R 1875 1956 Mitchell, George
Mitchell, Lugenia Holland 1922 1975 Piney Grove Church
Mitchell, Luther Thurman 1941 1941 Mitchell, George
Mitchell, Malcolm Lee 1925 1927 Aycock, Needham
Mitchell, Molly L 1896 1917 Mitchell, Molly L./Oliver
Mitchell, Noah Lee 1885 1983 Forest Hills
Mitchell, Robert Lee 1917 1987 Stalling, Isaac
Mitchell, Simon L 1857 1935 Mitchell, George
Mitchell, Walter Leland 1896 1917 Mitchell, George
Mitchell, William L 1949 1975 Forest Hills
Mitchiner, Hugh Lacy Sr 1877 1956 Oakland
Mitchiner, Lola T 1892 1972 Oakland
Mitchiner, Patsey Lockhart Oakland
Mitchner, Liby V 1887 1887 Mitchner, Jim M.
Mitchner, Louis 1936 1988 Sunrise (Graytown)
Mitchner, Lucinda S 1872 1952 Sunrise (Graytown)
NC Confederate Soldiers Burial Database*
Name Death County Cemetery
Mitchell, Anderson L. 1900 Alamance Union Ridge Church Cemetery
Mitchell, C. L. Bertie Cashie Baptist Church Cemetery
Mitchell, David L. Alexander Friendship Lutheran Church Cemetery
* Records are still being added.
Wills Index *
No Results found
Other Resources
Surname Resource Title
Mitchener Bibles Agrippa Mitchener Family Bible Records
Mitchell Court Records Alexander Mitchell, November 1766
Mitchell Court Records George Mitchell Court Claim, 1850
Mitchell Deaths & Obituaries L.W. Mitchell, 1924
Mitchell Deaths & Obituaries Matthew G. Mitchell, 1945
Mitchell Deaths & Obituaries Smithie Mitchell, 1930
Mitchell Deaths & Obituaries Stephen Mitchell, 1907
Mitchell Deaths & Obituaries Levi Wright Mitchell, 1924
Mitchell Deaths & Obituaries Matthew G. Mitchell, 1945
Mitchell Deaths & Obituaries Smithie Mitchell, 1930
Mitchell-Avera Deeds Henry Mitchell to John Avera, 1811
Mitchell-Robbins Marriages Levi Wright Mitchell to Smithy Robbins, 1876
Mitchell Military Penny Mitchell Pension Application, 1845
Mitchell Wills & Estates George Mitchell - 1838
Surname Researchers
Surname Counties Date Range Researcher
Mitchell Sylvia Stephens
MitchellNash1700's Warren Bagley
MitchellJohnston, Wayne1700's - present K. Mitchell
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County Coordinator
Michael W. Kay
County Volunteers
Ross Sippel
Connie Ellen Adams
Passed away on 15 July 2015

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