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» Search Results » LOUIZA WELLONS
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  • Phonetic matches for the first/middle name ("Louiza") and last name ("Wellons")
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  • 3-Character matches on the last name ("Wel")
1784-1787 State Census
No Results found
1790 Federal Census
Name FWM16- FWM16+ FWF AOFP Slaves
Welbern, Lewis 1
1800 Federal Census
No Results found
1810 Federal Census
Name Pg/Rw M00 M10 M16 M26 M45 F00 F10 F16 F26 F45 FP SL
Wellens, Lucretia 278 / 12 2 1 3 1 1 12
1820 Federal Census *
No Results found
1830 Federal Census *
No Results found
1840 Federal Census *
No Results found
1860 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Wellons, Louisa
40 White Female 246 Leachburg
1870 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Welder, Lucata
35 White Female 312 Clayton
Wellons, Latta
35 Black Female 64 Smithfield
Wellons, Lida
15 White Female 60 Smithfield
Wellons, Louzea
12 Black Female 108 Beulah
Williams, Leaner
35 Black Female 49 Pleasant Grove
Williams, Liscey
4 White Female 31 Ingrams
Williams, Louamia
17 White Female 46 Pleasant Grove
Williams, Lugena
26 Black Female 184 Bentonville
1880 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Wellons, Lemon Edgar
1 Black Male 198 Beulah
Wellons, Lottie
50 Black Female 298 South Smithfield
Wellons, Louezer
22 Black Female 198 Beulah
Wellons, Ozilla L.
20 White Female 146 Bentonville
Wells, L. Wilson
10 White Male 423 Boon Hill
Williams, Lawra
10 Black Female 70 Wilders
Williams, Leacy
7 Black Female 122 Clayton
Williams, Leanna J.
43 Black Female 81 Pleasant Grove
Williams, Lee
16 Black Male 56 Bentonville
Williams, Levy A.
0 White Male 44 Elevation
Williams, Lidda
0 Black Female 81 Pleasant Grove
Williams, Lillie
5 Black Female 51 Bentonville
Williams, Lou
27 White Female 42 South Smithfield
1900 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Wellons, Alice L.
7 White Female 55 Bentonville
Wellons, Effie L.
0 White Female 122 Beulah
Wellons, Lemon
20 Black Male 51 Beulah
Wellons, Letie
8 White Female 122 Beulah
Wellons, Lidey
7 White Male 243 Smithfield
Wellons, Lizzie
19 White Female 21 Selma
Wellons, Lula
11 Black Female 245 Smithfield
Wellons, Mattie L.
3 White Female 55 Bentonville
Wellons, Ozella L.
40 White Female 36 Ingrams
Wells, Lewis H.
40 White Male 5 Beulah
Wells, Lonzie
3 White Male 324 Boon Hill
Williams, Annie L.
1 Black Female 9 Bentonville
Williams, Bettie L.
41 White Female 228 Bentonville
Williams, Bronnie L.
5 White Female 228 Bentonville
Williams, Cora L.
15 White Female 228 Bentonville
Williams, Herman L.
6 White Male 302 Elevation
Williams, Lareve
6 White Female 41 Clayton
Williams, Laura
6 White Female 160 Selma
Williams, Laura
11 Black Female 126 Ingrams
Williams, Laura
53 White Female 235 Clayton
Williams, Leigh
16 Black Male 129 Selma
Williams, Leon
1 White Male 35 Beulah
Williams, Leona
0 Black Female 273 Clayton
Williams, Leroyester
8 Black Male 181 Beulah
Williams, Lester
4 White Female 176 Beulah
Williams, Levi T.
12 Black Male 15 Bentonville
Williams, Lillie
16 Black Female 370 Smithfield
Williams, Lina O.
0 Black Female 34 Banner
Williams, Lindsay
25 Black Male 509 Smithfield
Williams, Linston
6 Black Male 77 Meadow
Williams, Livie G.
1 White Female 13 Banner
Williams, Lizzie
24 Black Female 92 Smithfield
Williams, Logan
8 Black Male 16 Bentonville
Williams, Lonie
17 Black Male 80 Meadow
Williams, Lonnie
17 Black Male 120 Smithfield
Williams, Lorena
10 White Female 107 Wilson's Mills
Williams, Lou
6 White Female 35 Beulah
Williams, Lou B.
1 Black Female 15 Bentonville
Williams, Louanna
46 Black Female 370 Smithfield
Williams, Lougenia
59 Black Female 27 Bentonville
Williams, Louia R.
28 White Female 302 Elevation
Williams, Lucinda
40 Black Female 126 Smithfield
Williams, Lucy
15 Black Female 126 Smithfield
Williams, Lucy
13 Black Female 275 O'Neals
Williams, Luda
3 Black Female 86 Smithfield
Williams, Lulu
5 Black Female 16 Bentonville
Williams, Lulu
24 Black Female 9 Bentonville
Williams, Mary L.
6 White Female 228 Bentonville
Williams, Nora L.
33 White Female 227 Selma
Williams, Ora L.
3 White Female 227 Selma
Williams, Viola L.
3 White Female 137 Bentonville
Williamson, Lillian
2 Black Female 262 Clayton
Williamson, Linda
18 Black Female 266 Clayton
Williamson, Lizzie
33 Black Female 134 Selma
Williamson, Lucy
24 Black Female 266 Clayton
1910 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Wellons, Leidy R.
1/17/1900 White Male 653 Smithfield
Wellons, Lettie
16 White Female 84 Beulah
Wellons, Licey H.
6 White Female 322 Ingrams
Wellons, Lizzie
10 White Female 160 Ingrams
Wellons, Lizzie
1/5/1900 Black Female 449 Smithfield
Wellons, Lula
1/19/1900 Black Female 347 Smithfield
Wells, Lizzie I.
8 White Female 134 Cleveland
Wells, Vella L.
1/8/1900 Black Female 58 Beulah
Williams, An L.
1/14/1900 Black Female 115 Clayton
Williams, Betsey L.
51 White Female 97 Bentonville
Williams, Bronnie L.
15 White Female 97 Bentonville
Williams, Dan L.
1/6/1900 Mulatto Male 95 Meadow
Williams, Effie L.
6 White Female 23 Ingrams
Williams, George L. F.
45 Mulatto Male 65 Bentonville
Williams, Henry L.
11 White Male 23 Ingrams
Williams, Larnius
21 Black Female 14 Bentonville
Williams, LaRue
1/16/1900 White Female 227 Clayton
Williams, Laura
62 White Female 249 Clayton
Williams, Laura
26 Black Female 158 Clayton
Williams, Laura
16 White Female 76 Pine Level
Williams, Laura B.
1/18/1900 Black Female 464 Smithfield
Williams, Lawrence
4 White Male 157 Beulah
Williams, Leander J.
1/21/1900 White Male 21 Clayton
Williams, Learther
4 Black Male 211 Ingrams
Williams, Lee
27 Black Male 654 Selma
Williams, Lee V.
4 Black Male 56 Pine Level
Williams, Leesy
21 Black Female 241 Smithfield
Williams, Lela
1/28/1900 Black Female 155 Beulah
Williams, Lela M.
22 White Female 154 Bentonville
Williams, Lemon
31 Black Male 188 Beulah
Williams, Lena
21 Mulatto Female 219 Smithfield
Williams, Lenora
7 Black Female 64 Smithfield
Williams, Lenzy M.
1/2/1900 Black Female 56 Meadow
Williams, Leo
6 Black Male 56 Pine Level
Williams, Leon M.
1/10/1900 White Male 275 Boon Hill
Williams, Leona
3 Black Female 211 Ingrams
Williams, Leroster
1/16/1900 Black Male 242 Beulah
Williams, Leroy
1/2/1900 Black Male 456 Beulah
Williams, Lessie M.
Black Female 248 Banner
Williams, Levi T.
23 Mulatto Male 14 Bentonville
Williams, Levonia
Mulatto Male 50 Bentonville
Williams, Lewis H. L.
10 White Male 1 Bentonville
Williams, Lilian V.
14 White Female 1 Bentonville
Williams, Lillian
10 White Female 157 Beulah
Williams, Lillie
7 Black Female 15 Cleveland
Williams, Lillie
1/6/1900 Black Female 155 Beulah
Williams, Lillie D.
23 White Female 230 Clayton
Williams, Lillie H.
4 White Female 167 Cleveland
Williams, Lillie J.
11 Black Female 50 Bentonville
Williams, Lillie O.
2 Black Female 42 Bentonville
Williams, Lily G.
1/11/1900 White Female 4 Banner
Williams, Lindsay W.
2/5/1900 Black Male 522 Smithfield
Williams, Lizy
1/1/1900 Black Female 307 Banner
Williams, Lizy
1/22/1900 Black Female 307 Banner
Williams, Lizzie
36 Black Female 98 Smithfield
Williams, Lola P.
5 Black Female 42 Bentonville
Williams, Lonnie A.
Black Male 42 Bentonville
Williams, Lorenia
1/20/1900 White Female 21 Clayton
Williams, Louellen
1/15/1900 White Female 275 Boon Hill
Williams, Louia P.
1/3/1900 Black Female 56 Meadow
Williams, Loyd
1/8/1900 White Male 322 Boon Hill
Williams, Luby
6 White Male 157 Beulah
Williams, Lucile
3 Black Female 88 Smithfield
Williams, Lucy
4 Black Female 158 Clayton
Williams, Lucy
1/30/1900 Black Female 115 Clayton
Williams, Ludie
13 Black Female 79 Smithfield
Williams, Lueannie
2/27/1900 White Female 171 Clayton
Williams, Luetta
1/11/1900 White Female 322 Boon Hill
Williams, Lugenia
68 Black Female 47 Bentonville
Williams, Lula
26 Black Female 69 Bentonville
Williams, Lula
5 White Female 341 Selma
Williams, Lula L.
15 Black Female 33 Bentonville
Williams, Mary L.
16 White Female 97 Bentonville
Williams, Morris L.
Black Male 62 Smithfield
Williams, Pearl L.
9/12/2012 Mulatto Female 75 Elevation
Williams, Robert L.
8 Black Male 654 Selma
Williamson, Ida L.
White Female 268 Beulah
Williamson, Lewis
1/9/1900 Black Male 43 Clayton
Williamson, Lilian
12 Black Female 186 Clayton
Williamson, Lueaser
2/4/1900 Black Female 43 Clayton
1920 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Wellens, Lestor
6 Black Male 415 Smithfield
Wellens, Liady
27 White Male 5 Smithfield
Wellens, Lizzie
14 Black Female 415 Smithfield
Wellons, Lemon
40 Black Male 247 Selma
Wellons, Lina
3 Black Female 108 Cleveland
Wellons, Lizzie
35 Black Female 247 Selma
Wellons, Lizzie
35 White Female 208 Pine Level
Wellons, Lucy
15 White Female 285 Ingrams
Wellons, Ozella L.
58 White Female 95 Smithfield
Wellons, Walton L.
10 White Male 95 Smithfield
Wells, Leroy
3 White Male 152 Boon Hill
Wells, Levester
6 Black Male 162 Beulah
Wells, Liddie
10 White Female 76 Banner
Wells, Lillie
31 White Female 9 Clayton
Wells, Lizzie I.
17 White Female 130 Cleveland
Wells, Loice
5 White Female 9 Clayton
Wells, Lola
5 White Female 9 Clayton
Williams, Annie L.
2 Black Female 51 Banner
Williams, Annie Liza
24 Black Female 84 Clayton
Williams, Beatrice L.
4 White Female 235 Cleveland
Williams, Bertha L.
12 White Female 388 Selma
Williams, Ella L.
39 White Female 208 Meadow
Williams, Emaner L.
14 Black Female 104 Smithfield
Williams, Herman L.
Black Male 235 Selma
Williams, James L.
Black Male 161 Meadow
Williams, Lafayett
8 Black Male 91 Smithfield
Williams, Lamma
26 White Female 299 Smithfield
Williams, Lanora
31 Black Female 125 Bentonville
Williams, Larro
White Female 241 Smithfield
Williams, Laura
38 White Female 170 Beulah
Williams, Laura
27 White Female 283 Clayton
Williams, Lea Arthur
15 Black Male 192 Ingrams
Williams, Leander J.
31 White Male 257 Clayton
Williams, Leather
5 White Male 299 Smithfield
Williams, Ledia
Black Female 235 Selma
Williams, Lee
39 Black Male 303 Smithfield
Williams, Lee
48 Black Male 124 Selma
Williams, Leecurtis
White Male 209 Clayton
Williams, Lela
24 Black Female 65 Meadow
Williams, Lella
10 Black Female 327 O'Neals
Williams, Lennie
29 White Female 45 Elevation
Williams, Lenzy
12 Black Female 112 Meadow
Williams, Leo
16 Black Male 73 Pine Level
Williams, Leola
5 Mulatto Female 42 Bentonville
Williams, Leon
5 White Male 257 Clayton
Williams, Leon
14 Black Female 192 Ingrams
Williams, Leon
8 White Male 170 Beulah
Williams, Leon M.
20 White Male 195 Pine Level
Williams, Lester
8 Mulatto Male 98 Cleveland
Williams, Lester
20 White Male 231 Ingrams
Williams, Lettie
27 White Female 274 Micro
Williams, Levar
14 White Female 85 Ingrams
Williams, Levernon
6 Black Female 51 Banner
Williams, Levestus
14 Black Male 73 Pine Level
Williams, Levonny
11 Black Male 14 Bentonville
Williams, Lianter
26 Black Male 2 Bentonville
Williams, Liller
10 Black Female 207 O'Neals
Williams, Lillie
17 Black Female 289 Cleveland
Williams, Lillie
4 White Female 85 Ingrams
Williams, Lillie
Black Female 235 Selma
Williams, Lillie
11 Black Female 64 Bentonville
Williams, Lillie
21 Black Female 18 Banner
Williams, Lillie
14 White Female 235 Cleveland
Williams, Lillie E.
Black Female 112 Meadow
Williams, Lillie M.
10 White Female 388 Selma
Williams, Lillike
8 Black Female 223 O'Neals
Williams, Lilly M.
25 White Female 7 Bentonville
Williams, Lilly M.
6 White Female 7 Bentonville
Williams, Lindsey
46 Black Male 228 Wilson's Mills
Williams, Lindy
22 Black Female 28 O'Neals
Williams, Lizzie
20 White Female 53 Wilders
Williams, Lizzie
6 White Female 199 Cleveland
Williams, Loedanglen
5 White Male 27 Micro
Williams, Lola
15 Black Female 64 Bentonville
Williams, Lonnie
9 Black Male 64 Bentonville
Williams, Lonzo
11 Black Male 263 Smithfield
Williams, Lossie
9 White Female 257 Clayton
Williams, Lottie
White Female 257 Clayton
Williams, Lougenia
75 Black Female 6 Bentonville
Williams, Louis H.
18 White Male 8 Bentonville
Williams, Loula
22 Black Female 14 Bentonville
Williams, Loula
23 Black Female 17 Bentonville
Williams, Lovie
51 White Female 199 Cleveland
Williams, Luanna
68 White Female 212 Clayton
Williams, Luceil
11 Black Female 94 Smithfield
Williams, Lucenda
40 Black Female 120 Smithfield
Williams, Lucy
Black Female 125 Bentonville
Williams, Lucy
39 Black Female 84 Clayton
Williams, Luda
21 Black Female 90 Smithfield
Williams, Luda R.
Black Female 111 Smithfield
Williams, Luella
14 Black Female 13 Beulah
Williams, Luke
50 Black Male 309 Clayton
Williams, Lula
21 Black Female 14 Bentonville
Williams, Lula
5 White Female 241 Smithfield
Williams, Lula
27 Black Female 50 Cleveland
Williams, Lula M.
15 White Female 388 Selma
Williams, Luvacy
17 Black Female 111 Smithfield
Williams, Lytie E.
33 White Female 235 Cleveland
Williams, Marget L.
7 Black Female 303 Smithfield
Williams, Offie L.
20 Black Male 80 Smithfield
Williams, Roager Lear
Black Female 303 Smithfield
Williams, W. Loyd
White Male 174 Beulah
Williamson, E. Lizzie
36 Black Female 176 Ingrams
Williamson, Eliza L.
44 White Female 127 Smithfield
Williamson, Elsie Lee
9 White Female 17 Wilders
Williamson, Virginia L.
11 White Female 127 Smithfield
1930 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Wellons, Leamons
49 Black Male 107 Pleasant Grove
Wellons, Lester
17 Black Male 396 Smithfield
Wellons, Lizzie
23 Black Female 396 Smithfield
Wellons, Lizzie
40 Black Female 107 Pleasant Grove
Wellons, Loid
32 White Male 444 Smithfield
Wellons, Lucille
4 Black Female 172 Smithfield
Wells, Agnes L.
24 White Male 045 Cleveland
Wells, Chassie L.
11 White Female 084 Beulah
Wells, Leon
6 White Male 068 Boon Hill
Wells, Leroy
13 White Male 106 Boon Hill
Wells, Lonnie
12 White Male 043 Beulah
Wells, Lonnie
17 White Male 188 Beulah
Williams, Albert L.
16 Black Male 059 Clayton
Williams, Alder Lee
27 White Female 020 Pleasant Grove
Williams, Amy L.
11 White Female 185 Pleasant Grove
Williams, Bettie L.
71 White Female 003 Bentonville
Williams, Clara L.
2 Black Female 170 Cleveland
Williams, Emerson L.
11 White Male 117 Bentonville
Williams, Henry L.
30 White Male 022 Ingrams
Williams, Henry L. Jr.
9 White Male 022 Ingrams
Williams, Laura
13 White Female 034 Cleveland
Williams, Lavee
5 White Female 130 Boon Hill
Williams, Lawrence
7 White Male 010 Cleveland
Williams, Lawrence
19 Black Male 185 Banner
Williams, Lawrence
18 Black Male 038 Ingrams
Williams, Leander
38 Black Male 231 Boon Hill
Williams, Leander J.
41 White Male 028 Clayton
Williams, Lee
39 Black Male 333 Smithfield
Williams, Lee A.
21 Black Female 138 Ingrams
Williams, Lee Curtis
12 White Male 028 Clayton
Williams, Lee R.
6 White Male 236 Pleasant Grove
Williams, Leedanlen
15 White Male 043 Micro
Williams, Leekinby
15 Black Male 329 Smithfield
Williams, Lela
42 Black Female 206 Meadow
Williams, Lela A.
5 Black Female 184 Cleveland
Williams, Lela M.
4+6/12 Black Female 186 Banner
Williams, Lena M.
13 Black Female 068 Banner
Williams, Leo
10 Black Male 143 Bentonville
Williams, Leon
16 White Male 028 Clayton
Williams, Leon M.
28 White Male 044 Pine Level
Williams, Leone
4+6/12 Black Female 028 Selma
Williams, Leonia
24 Black Female 021 Beulah
Williams, Leroy
25 Black Male 130 Beulah
Williams, Leroy
6 White Male 296 Smithfield
Williams, Leroy
7 Black Male 185 Banner
Williams, Lessie
21 White Female 030 Wilders
Williams, Lessine
4 Black Female 016 Smithfield
Williams, Lesslie W.
8 White Female 251 Meadow
Williams, Lester T.
5 Black Male 421 Ingrams
Williams, Letha
15 White Male 020 Bentonville
Williams, Lettie
36 White Female 174 Micro
Williams, Lettie
14 Black Female 028 Selma
Williams, Lettie M.
8 Black Female 016 Smithfield
Williams, Levi T.
42 Black Male 190 Bentonville
Williams, Levous
21 Black Female 109 Smithfield
Williams, Liffie
14 Black Female 028 Selma
Williams, Lillian C.
1+4/12 Black Female 361 Ingrams
Williams, Lillie
36 Black Female 177 Banner
Williams, Lillie
15 Black Female 072 Meadow
Williams, Lillie E.
13 Black Female 061 Banner
Williams, Lillie L.
15 White Female 061 Ingrams
Williams, Lillie M.
5 Black Female 244 Meadow
Williams, Lillie M.
1+1/12 Black Female 196 Wilders
Williams, Lillie M.
6 Black Female 440 Ingrams
Williams, Lina M.
9 Black Female 015 Bentonville
Williams, Linda
33 Black Female 139 O'Neals
Williams, Linda M.
8 White Female 026 Cleveland
Williams, Lindsy
56 Black Male 157 Wilson's Mills
Williams, Linza M.
22 Black Female 061 Banner
Williams, Lizzie
50 Black Female 210 Clayton
Williams, Lolly
25 White Female 313 Wilders
Williams, Lomie M.
30 White Female 119 Bentonville
Williams, Lonnie
24 Black Female 035 Bentonville
Williams, Lonnie W.
20 Black Male 068 Banner
Williams, Lorenzo
21 Black Male 104 Meadow
Williams, Lottie
14 White Female 028 Clayton
Williams, Louie
32 White Female 020 Bentonville
Williams, Louvenia
3+2/12 Black Female 081 Bentonville
Williams, Luby R.
4+6/12 White Male 117 Bentonville
Williams, Ludie
8 Black Female 196 Smithfield
Williams, Ludy
4 Black Female 056 Bentonville
Williams, Luisa
28 Black Female 196 Wilders
Williams, Lula
34 Black Female 077 Bentonville
Williams, Lula
32 Black Male 249 Wilders
Williams, Lula
15 White Female 034 Cleveland
Williams, Lula
31 Black Female 094 Bentonville
Williams, Luna E.
9 White Female 117 Bentonville
Williams, Luther
9 Black Male 331 Smithfield
Williams, Lydia E.
43 White Female 154 Pleasant Grove
Williams, Margret L.
18 Black Female 333 Smithfield
Williams, Martin L.
45 Black Male 331 Smithfield
Williams, Mary L.
6 White Female 157 Meadow
Williams, Mary L.
19 White Female 263 Beulah
Williams, Mary L.
35 Black Female 081 Bentonville
Williams, Mathew L.
15 Black Male 192 Smithfield
Williams, Mildred L.
11 Black Female 064 Banner
Williams, Odie Lee
17 Black Female 086 Smithfield
Williams, Oscar L.
1+8/12 White Male 029 Pine Level
Williams, Patsy L.
45 White Female 236 Pleasant Grove
Williams, Raymon L.
8 White Male 022 Ingrams
Williams, Robert L.
4 Black Male 068 Banner
Williams, Robert L.
3+1/12 Black Male 333 Smithfield
Williams, Savanna L.
43 White Female 124 Smithfield
Williams, Vara Lee
18 Black Female 085 Smithfield
Williams, William L.
14 White Male 236 Pleasant Grove
Williamson, Ethel L.
20 Black Female 202 Smithfield
Williamson, Eva L.
36 White Female 027 Boon Hill
Williamson, Frances L.
10 White Female 017 Clayton
Williamson, L. A.
3 White Male 214 O'Neals
Williamson, Lester
3/12 Black Male 134 O'Neals
Williamson, Lizzie
46 Black Female 121 Ingrams
Williamson, Louise
21 White Female 129 Wilders
Williamson, Lucindia
44 White Female 214 O'Neals
Williamson, Lugene
8 Black Female 134 O'Neals
Willons, Annie L.
33 White Female 031 Beulah
1940 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Welch, Lizzie
21 White Female 195 Beulah
Welford, Lena
59 White Female 375 Beulah
Wellons, Annie L.
43 White Female 64 Beulah
Wellons, Emily Lou
23 White Female 117 Smithfield
Wellons, Leemon
52 Black Male 374 Selma
Wellons, Leta
2 White Female 14 Micro
Wellons, Lidey
47 White Male 5 Smithfield
Wellons, Lizzie
48 Black Female 374 Selma
Wellons, Lizzie
38 Black Female 35 Smithfield
Wellons, Walton L.
29 White Male 346 Smithfield
Wellons, Walton L. Jr.
11 White Male 346 Smithfield
Wells, Chassie Lee
21 White Female 242 Beulah
Wells, Horace Lee
6 White Male 152 Boon Hill
Wells, Lela
32 White Female 152 Boon Hill
Wells, Leon
18 White Male 51 Boon Hill
Wells, Lonnie
22 White Male 148 Micro
Wells, Robert Lee
73 White Male 218 Beulah
Williams, Albert L.
5 Black Male 102 Clayton
Williams, Betty Lou
1 Black Female 184 Smithfield
Williams, Betty Lou
4 White Female 234 Wilders
Williams, Bobbie Lee
6 Black Female 24 Cleveland
Williams, Clara L.
12 Black Female 195 Cleveland
Williams, Clara Lee
14 Black Female 106 Beulah
Williams, David L.
<1 Black Male 32 Beulah
Williams, Edna L.
7 Black Female 170 Banner
Williams, Ella L.
3 Black Female 169 Meadow
Williams, Frances Lee
6 Black Female 184 Smithfield
Williams, Herman L.
51 White Male 88 Cleveland
Williams, Ivery L.
10 Black Male 130 Meadow
Williams, John L.
54 Black Male 261 Selma
Williams, Kathrine Lee
19 White Female 219 Wilders
Williams, L. F.
27 Black Male 216 Banner
Williams, Ladie
23 Black Female 24 Selma
Williams, Landon E.
3 Black Male 12 Wilders
Williams, Lary
<1 White Male 290 Meadow
Williams, Lassie
24 White Female 115 Ingrams
Williams, Laurence
8 White Male 234 Clayton
Williams, Lawrence
29 Black Male 45 Ingrams
Williams, Lawrence
17 White Male 82 Clayton
Williams, Lawrence
33 White Male 91 Wilders
Williams, Lawrence
12 Black Male 219 Smithfield
Williams, Lawrence A.
23 Black Male 143 Smithfield
Williams, Leanda
49 Black Male 278 Boon Hill
Williams, Leather V.
28 White Male 88 Cleveland
Williams, Lee
20 White Male 27 Beulah
Williams, Lee
50 Black Male 229 Smithfield
Williams, Lee
59 Black Male 61 Selma
Williams, Lee
21 Black Male 277 Smithfield
Williams, Leeander
51 White Male 76 Clayton
Williams, Leila
20 White Female 248 Pleasant Grove
Williams, Lelia
15 Black Female 239 Cleveland
Williams, Lemira?
22 Black Female 194 Banner
Williams, Lena
40 Black Female 12 Wilders
Williams, Lenard
7 White Male 48 Clayton
Williams, Leon
39 White Male 29 Pine Level
Williams, Leon
26 White Male 28 Wilson's Mills
Williams, Leonie
14 Black Female 139 Smithfield
Williams, Leroy
33 Black Male 106 Beulah
Williams, Leroy
6 Black Male 139 Smithfield
Williams, Leroy
15 White Male 97 Smithfield
Williams, Leslie
18 White Male 179 Meadow
Williams, Leslie
15 Black Male 546 Selma
Williams, Lessie
10 Black Female 167 Beulah
Williams, Lester
14 Black Male 50 Ingrams
Williams, Lettie M.
<1 White Female 39 Ingrams
Williams, Levie
14 White Female 122 Boon Hill
Williams, Levolia
30 Black Female 205 Smithfield
Williams, Lillian
25 White Female 121 Ingrams
Williams, Lillian C.
11 Black Female 290 Ingrams
Williams, Lillie
40 Black Female 146 Banner
Williams, Lillie M.
16 Black Female 41 Ingrams
Williams, Lillie M.
5 Black Female 151 Ingrams
Williams, Lilly
21 Black Female 546 Selma
Williams, Lina
26 Black Female 293 Smithfield
Williams, Lindia
43 Black Female 282 O'Neals
Williams, Lindon
10 Black Male 174 Meadow
Williams, Lindy
32 Black Female 210 Banner
Williams, Linzy
67 Black Male 98 Wilson's Mills
Williams, Linzy C.
8 Black Male 97 Wilson's Mills
Williams, Liza May
19 Black Female 239 Cleveland
Williams, Lizzie
30 Black Female 72 Ingrams
Williams, Lloyd
5 White Male 129 Beulah
Williams, Lois
5 Black Female 167 Beulah
Williams, Lois
16 White Female 292 Meadow
Williams, Lommie
34 Black Female 167 Beulah
Williams, Lonia
44 White Female 88 Cleveland
Williams, Lottie M.
19 Black Female 139 Smithfield
Williams, Louise
6 Black Female 50 Ingrams
Williams, Loula
40 Black Female 309 Beulah
Williams, Lovena
14 Black Female 313 Beulah
Williams, Loyd
7 White Male 292 Meadow
Williams, Lu
19 Black Female 148 Banner
Williams, Lucy
60 Black Female 103 Clayton
Williams, Lucy
8 Black Female 167 Beulah
Williams, Ludie
19 Black Female 310 Smithfield
Williams, Lula
40 Black Female 111 Ingrams
Williams, Lula
35 Black Female 218 Smithfield
Williams, Luther
19 Black Male 39 Ingrams
Williams, Luther
3 Black Male 32 Beulah
Williams, Lynden
17 White Female 98 Cleveland
Williams, Marvin L. G.
4 Black Male 205 Smithfield
Williams, Minnie Lee
4 White Female 39 Ingrams
Williams, Mittie L.
15 Black Female 9 Pine Level
Williams, Richard L.
6 Black Male 205 Smithfield
Williams, Robert L.
12 Black Male 229 Smithfield
Williams, Rosa Lee
27 White Female 28 Wilson's Mills
Williams, Rossie Lee
1 White Male 150 Pleasant Grove
Williams, Troy L.
10 White Male 76 Clayton
Williams, W. Lawrence
25 White Male 300 Pleasant Grove
Williamson, Lizzie
55 Black Female 11 Ingrams
Williamson, Louise
5 Black Female 125 Clayton
Williamson, Raford L.
24 Black Male 15 O'Neals
Williamson, Robert L.
<1 Black Male 124 Clayton
Bastardy Bonds
No Results found
NC Yearbooks
Name Year Class School
Wellons, Lucy 1927 Senior UNC-Greensboro
No Results found
NC Civil War Soldiers Index *
Name Unit Comp Rank Side
Welbon, William L. 38th Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Welborn, Lamma 14th Regiment, NC Infantry B First Lieutenant C
Welborn, Lindsey 10th Battalion, NC Heavy Artillery A Private C
Welborn, Lyndon M. 1st Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Welborn, W. L. 38th Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Welborne, L. J. 18th Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Welch, A. L. 9th Battalion, NC Sharpshooters (1st Battalion) B Private C
Welch, A. L. Walker's Battalion, Thomas' NC Legion A Private C
Welch, Alphius L. 21st Regiment, NC Infantry E Private C
Welch, J. L. Infantry Regiment, Thomas' NC Legion F Private C
Welch, James L. Infantry Regiment, Thomas' NC Legion E Private C
Welch, James L. 16th Regiment, NC Infantry L Drum Major C
Welch, Larkin 55th Regiment, NC Infantry B Sergeant C
Welch, Levi 7th Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Welch, Levi B. 26th Regiment, NC Infantry E Private C
Welch, Lucius M. Infantry Regiment, Thomas' NC Legion E Private C
Welch, William L. Infantry Regiment, Thomas' NC Legion H Private C
Wellborn, L. I. 66th Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Wellborn, Lyndon M. 1st Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Wellburn, L. J. 66th Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Wells, James L. 3rd Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Wells, Jesse L. 2nd Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Wells, L. M. 44th Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Wells, L. R. 30th Regiment, NC Infantry F Private C
Wells, Latimus L. 2nd Battalion, NC Infantry C Private C
Wells, Lawson J. 38th Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Wells, Leonidas Walker's Battalion, Thomas' NC Legion C Private C
Wells, Lewis M. 12th Regiment, NC Infantry E Sergeant C
Wells, M. Lafayett 16th Regiment, NC Infantry D First Lieutenant C
Wells, Marcus L. 16th Regiment, NC Infantry D First Lieutenant C
Wells, Moses L. 16th Regiment, NC Infantry D First Lieutenant C
Welsh, Levi 7th Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Williams, A. L. 26th Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Williams, A. L. 13th Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Williams, Abel L. 2nd Battalion, NC Home Guards B Private C
Williams, C. L. 6th Regiment, NC Infantry I Sergeant C
Williams, D. L. Unidentified NC Private C
Williams, D. L. 42nd Regiment, NC Infantry E Private C
Williams, D. L. 17th Regiment, NC Infantry (2nd Organization) G First Lieutenant C
Williams, David L. 17th Regiment, NC Infantry (2nd Organization) A Private C
Williams, David L. 17th Regiment, NC Infantry (1st Organization) F Private C
Williams, David L. 5th Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Williams, David L. 17th Regiment, NC Infantry (2nd Organization) I First Sergeant C
Williams, George L. 3rd Regiment, NC Artillery E Private C
Williams, Henry L. 11th Regiment, NC Infantry (Bethel Regiment) K Private C
Williams, Hugh L. 58th Regiment, NC Infantry L Private C
Williams, J. L. 62nd Regiment, NC Infantry F Private C
Williams, J. L. 11th Regiment, NC Infantry (Bethel Regiment) D Private C
Williams, J. L. 23rd Regiment, NC Infantry K Private C
Williams, J. L. H. 4th Regiment, NC Cavalry (59th NC State Troops) H Private C
Williams, Jackson L. 6th Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Williams, James L. 3rd Battalion, NC Light Artillery B Private C
Williams, Jesse L. 2nd Regiment, NC Cavalry I Private C
Williams, Jesse L. 34th Regiment, NC Infantry K Private C
Williams, John L. 53rd Regiment, NC Infantry F Private C
Williams, John L. 66th Regiment, NC Infantry E Private C
Williams, John L. 13th Battalion, NC Infantry C Private C
Williams, John L. 16th Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Williams, John L. 28th Regiment, NC Infantry F Private C
Williams, John L. 34th Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Williams, L. 1st Battalion, NC Junior Reserves B Private C
Williams, L. 55th Regiment, NC Infantry A Private C
Williams, L. A. 1st Regiment, NC Artillery A Private C
Williams, L. E. 15th Battalion, NC Cavalry (State Service) A Private C
Williams, L. H. 1st Regiment, NC Junior Reserves C Private C
Williams, L. M. 3rd Battalion, NC Junior Reserves G Private C
Williams, L. P. 38th Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Williams, L. S. 18th Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Williams, Lawson M. 34th Regiment, NC Infantry F E Private C
Williams, Lee 10th Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Williams, Lemuel H. 1st Regiment, NC Infantry E Private C
Williams, Lemuel H. 24th Regiment, NC Infantry B Corporal C
Williams, Leon A. 3rd Regiment, NC Artillery G Private C
Williams, Leonidas 67th Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Williams, Levi 38th Regiment, NC Infantry K Private C
Williams, Levi B. 5th Regiment, NC Cavalry E Second Lieutenant C
Williams, Levi W. 56th Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Williams, Lewis 2nd Battalion, NC Infantry E Private C
Williams, Lewis 1st Regiment, NC Junior Reserves C Private C
Williams, Lewis A. 28th Regiment, NC Infantry I Corporal C
Williams, Lewis D. 25th Regiment, NC Infantry K Private C
Williams, Lewis D. H. 48th Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Williams, Lewis H. 2nd Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Williams, Lewis S. 1st Regiment, NC Infantry (6 months, 1861) B Captain C
Williams, Lindsey 22nd Regiment, NC Infantry M Private C
Williams, Lorenzo D. 45th Regiment, NC Infantry F Private C
Williams, Loring 3rd Regiment, NC Artillery E Private C
Williams, Lott 8th Battalion, NC Cavalry (Partisan Rangers) B Private C
Williams, Lott 66th Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Williams, Louis A. 61st Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Williams, Louis H. 61st Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Williams, Lucian H. 18th Regiment, NC Infantry K Private C
Williams, Lucien H. 2nd Regiment, NC Artillery B Private C
Williams, Lutan 47th Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Williams, Luther J. 13th Regiment, NC Infantry E Private C
Williams, M. L. 8th Battalion, NC Junior Reserves C Private C
Williams, M. L. 3rd Battalion, NC Junior Reserves G Private C
Williams, Marcus L. 25th Regiment, NC Infantry A Private C
Williams, N. L. 11th Regiment, NC Infantry (Bethel Regiment) G Private C
Williams, Nathan L. 16th Regiment, NC Infantry K Private C
Williams, Nathan L. 60th Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Williams, Nickolas L. 3rd Regiment, NC Cavalry E Private C
Williams, Robert L. 12th Regiment, NC Infantry C Captain C
Williams, S. L. 33rd Regiment, NC Infantry E Private C
Williams, S. Levi T. 3rd Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Williams, Samuel L. 33rd Regiment, NC Infantry F Private C
Williams, Samuel L. 45th Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Williams, Stephen L. T. 3rd Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Williams, Thomas L. 16th Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Williams, Wesley L. 24th Regiment, NC Infantry K Private C
Williams, William L. 5th Regiment, NC Cavalry A Private C
Williams, William L. 55th Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Williamson, A. L. 53rd Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Williamson, A. L. 20th Regiment, NC Infantry K Corporal C
Williamson, Cyrus L. 35th Regiment, NC Infantry F Private C
Williamson, Haynes L. 2nd Regiment, NC Artillery E A Private C
Williamson, Hugh L. 2nd Battalion, NC Infantry C Private C
Williamson, L. Unidentified NC B Private C
Williamson, L. N. H. 20th Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Williamson, Lenard 2nd Regiment, NC Artillery A E Private C
Williamson, Lenern 20th Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Williamson, Lenox 20th Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Williamson, Leonidas 2nd Regiment, NC Artillery A E Private C
Williamson, Levi 55th Regiment, NC Infantry A Private C
Williamson, Levi T. 2nd Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Williamson, Loveard B. 18th Regiment, NC Infantry C Sergeant C
Williamson, Milton L. 38th Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Williamson, Nathan L. 2nd Regiment, NC Artillery E Captain C
Williamson, Nathan L. H. 20th Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Williamson, S. L. 2nd Regiment, NC Infantry C Brevet Second Lieutenant C
Williamston, C. L. 12th Regiment, NC Infantry K Private C
* All North Carolina soldiers (Union and Confederate) who fought in the Civil War.
NC Civil War Sailors Index *
Name Birthplace Occupation Age
Williams, Lewis New Bern Servant 24
* African-American sailors who were born in North Carolina and fought for the Union.
Southern Claims Commission
No Results found
No Results found
Cemetery Graves
Name Birth Death Cemetery
Welbaum, Rome L 1898 1970 Sunset Memorial Park
Wellons, Delia Lamar Ellington 1912 1973 Riverside
Wellons, Emma L 1909 1984 Princeton
Wellons, Liedy Rand 1892 1942 Riverside
Wellons, Lottie 1892 Sanders/Smith
Wells, Erika Lynn 1996 2015 Pittman, W. G.
Wells, Ida Lee 1908 1979 Watson, T. R.
Wells, Lela R 1909 Rains Crossroads
Wells, Lou Ann 1947 1948 Princeton
Wells, W Luther 1895 1965 Kenly City
Wells, Wilma Lee H 1916 1947 Princeton
Williams, Beryl L 1921 1952 Antioch Baptist Church
Williams, Bettie L 1859 1944 Flowers, Green
Williams, Bobbie L 1943 1987 Dixon
Williams, Carson L 1907 1975 Powhatan Church
Williams, Christiana L 1967 Pinecrest Memorial Gardens
Williams, Clarence Lee 1936 1957 Banner Chapel Church
Williams, Dartha L 1890 1972 Little Memorial
Williams, Dorothy L 1926 Forest Hills
Williams, Eardius L 1903 1967 Resthaven
Williams, Ezera L 1915 1977 Selma Memorial Gardens
Williams, Frances L 1919 1954 Maplewood
Williams, Rev G L 1868 1940 Bunker Hill Negro
Williams, Hardy Lack 1904 1971 Maplewood
Williams, Herbert L 1888 1954 Bethel Primitive Baptist Church
Williams, Laddie 1910 1910 Hood/Sanders
Williams, Laura D 1917 1937 Johnston Union Primitive Baptist Church
Williams, Leander J 1888 1964 Powhatan Church
Williams, Leila R 1917 1986 Bethel Primitive Baptist Church
Williams, Lela B 1913 1971 Roselawn
Williams, Lenora Hinton 1965 Bunker Hill Negro
Williams, Leola S 1920 1974 Selma Memorial Gardens
Williams, Leslie 1934 2006 Dixon
Williams, Leslie W 1921 1979 Roselawn
Williams, Leura Hortense 1912 1918 Powhatan Church
Williams, Lidia L 1902 1903 Lassiter, Henry S.
Williams, Lillie H 1892 1971 Bethel Primitive Baptist Church
Williams, Lois Stanley 1894 1980 Barbour's Chapel Advent Christian Church
Williams, Loma 1898 1961 Mill Creek Christian Church
Williams, Lorena 1889 1918 Atkinson, Josiah
Williams, Lougenia L 1899 1969 Selma Memorial Gardens
Williams, Louis Henry 1901 1970 Mill Creek Christian Church
Williams, Lucy Lee 1880 1972 Forest Hills
Williams, Lula 1977 Resthaven
Williams, Rancy Layuria 1932 1997 Atkinson, Wesley
Williams, Robert L 1925 1987 Dixon
Williams, Ruby Lee 1914 1966 Hodges Chapel Free Will Baptist Church
Williams, Ruth Lee 1891 1965 Sunset Memorial Park
Williams, Troy Lee 1929 1989 Powhatan Church
Williams, Vera L 1911 2002 Green Chapel Baptist Church
Williams, Rev W L 1886 1962 Green Chapel Baptist Church
Williamson, Herbert Lee 1920 1920 Corinth Baptist Church
Williamson, Lafayette 1897 1952 Princeton
Williamson, Lieulor 1881 1882 Williamson, Hardy #1 & #2
Williamson, Lottie Pearce Williamson, Raeford
NC Confederate Soldiers Burial Database*
Name Death County Cemetery
Welborn, W. L. Alexander Mt. Olive Baptist Church Cemetery
Wells, Lewis M. 1863 Cleveland Mount Harmony United Methodist Church Cemetery
Williams, Lemuel Hardison 1899 Onslow Shepard Cemetery
Williamson, Nathan L. 1886 Columbus Williamson Cemetery
* Records are still being added.
Wills Index *
Name Year
Wellons, Louiza 1861
Wellons, Lucreta 1813
* Wills from 1760-1922 which are physically located at the North Carolina Archives [C.R. 050.801.1-11]
Other Resources
Surname Resource Title
Williams Bibles William Gramond Williams Family Bible Records
Williamson Bibles N. G. Williamson Family Bible Records
Williams Deaths & Obituaries Bessie Langdon Williams, 1995
Williams Deaths & Obituaries Adam Williams, 1892
Williams-Allen Marriages Col. John Williams to Polly Allen, 1804
Williams Wills & Estates Martha Williams - 1760
Surname Researchers
Surname Counties Date Range Researcher
Wellons Gina Clingan
Williamson Freda Robertson Noble
WilliamsonJohnston1700 - 1850 Cathy Abrams
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