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» Search Results » LUCINDA GRAHAM
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1784-1787 State Census
No Results found
1790 Federal Census
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1800 Federal Census
No Results found
1810 Federal Census
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1820 Federal Census *
Name M00 M10 M1618 M16 M26 M45+ F00 F10 F16 F26 F45+
Green, Laburn 1 1 2
* Missing Categories - Free colored persons, slaves, foreigners and employment
1830 Federal Census *
No Results found
1840 Federal Census *
No Results found
1860 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Green, Levi
22 White Male 736 Spring Hill
Green, Lucinda H.
23 White Female 184 Smithfield
1870 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Grant, Leda
30 Black Female 3 Boon Hill
Grantham, Lugeana
5 White Female 140 Bentonville
Graves, Leona T.
0 White Female 71 Selma
Graves, Theresa L.
25 White Female 71 Selma
Green, Labon W.
10 White Male 27 Wilders
Green, Lidia A.
16 White Female 27 Wilders
Green, Liza
60 White Female 176 Clayton
Green, Lowrence
18 White Male 27 Wilders
Green, Lucinda N.
30 White Female 122 Smithfield
1880 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Graham, Lewis
23 Black Male 36 Beulah
Grant, Lizza
3 White Female 295 Ingrams
Grant, Marry L.
16 White Female 309 Selma
Grantham, Louisa
6 White Female 16 South Smithfield
Graves, Leonie
10 White Female 176 Selma
Gray, Lennard
8 White Male 235 North Smithfield
Green, L. H.
43 White Female 32 Town of Smithfield
Green, Laban W.
19 White Male 221 Wilders
Green, Laura
9 White Female 49 Clayton
Green, Lettie
18 White Female 32 Town of Smithfield
Green, Lydia
25 White Female 221 Wilders
1900 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Garney, Louis M.
26 White Male 109 Bentonville
Graffenreed, Lou
7 Black Female 90 Wilson's Mills
Graham, Lettie
29 Black Female 183 Smithfield
Graham, Lizzie
2 Black Female 96 Smithfield
Graham, Lourinda
6 Black Female 183 Smithfield
Grandy, Laura
34 Black Female 166 Wilson's Mills
Grant, C. Lafayette
31 White Male 75 Banner
Grant, Laura
23 White Female 143 Bentonville
Grant, Lizzie
24 White Female 31 Ingrams
Grant, Lola M.
3 White Female 92 Selma
Grant, Lonnie
2 White Male 143 Bentonville
Grant, Louaza
51 Black Female 63 Boon Hill
Grant, Lucretia
36 White Female 153 Bentonville
Grant, Mamie L.
1 White Female 75 Banner
Grant, Mary L.
0 White Female 92 Selma
Grantham, Lee W.
25 White Male 305 Smithfield
Grantham, Louis I.
16 White Male 305 Smithfield
Grantham, Luther D.
24 White Male 272 Boon Hill
Graves, Henry L.
52 White Male 55 Smithfield
Gray, Lissie
2 Black Female 178 Wilson's Mills
Green, Julius L.
23 White Male 24 Selma
Green, Laura
7 White Female 195 Wilders
Green, Lessie
2 Black Female 150 Smithfield
Green, Lillie
9 White Female 293 Wilders
Green, Lizzie
20 Black Female 150 Smithfield
Green, Lula M.
13 White Female 111 Wilders
Green, Luther
30 Black Male 222 Smithfield
Greene, Lessie
27 White Female 50 Cleveland
Greene, Letha
3 White Female 50 Cleveland
1910 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Grady, Daniel L.
3 Black Male 159 Smithfield
Grady, Laura
29 White Female 194 Beulah
Grady, Lelia P.
29 White Female 60 Ingrams
Grady, Libbie L.
7 White Female 60 Ingrams
Grady, Lillie
25 White Female 284 Ingrams
Grady, Lucy A.
6 Black Female 159 Smithfield
Grafenried, Lou
15 Black Female 115 Wilson's Mills
Graham, Lizzie
12 Black Female 109 Smithfield
Graham, Lucinda
52 White Female 129 Ingrams
Grandy, Laneara
44 Black Female 74 Wilson's Mills
Grant, Leona
9 White Female 592 Selma
Grant, Lettie
7 White Female 218 O'Neals
Grant, Lizie
33 White Female 154 Ingrams
Grant, Lola
13 White Female 592 Selma
Grant, Mammie L.
1/11/1900 White Female 24 Banner
Grantham, Charlie L.
10/12/2012 Mulatto Male 87 Beulah
Grantham, Laura
1/26/1900 White Female 13 Boon Hill
Grantham, Laurance R.
1/4/1900 White Male 13 Boon Hill
Grantham, Lena R.
31 White Female 109 Smithfield
Grantham, Lizzie
2/7/1900 Black Female 176 O'Neals
Grantham, Luther
2/4/1900 White Male 13 Boon Hill
Graves, Henry L.
62 White Male 12 Smithfield
Graves, Henry L.
24 White Male 12 Smithfield
Green, Laban W.
50 White Male 271 Wilders
Green, Laura
17 White Female 271 Wilders
Green, Lennie
1/25/1900 White Female 79 Clayton
Green, Lether
12 White Female 133 Cleveland
Green, Lillie
19 White Female 281 Wilders
Green, Lizzie
57 White Female 187 Wilders
Green, Lona
9 White Female 271 Wilders
Green, Lonnie
34 White Male 256 Wilders
1920 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Grady, Laura
39 White Female 60 Selma
Grady, Lelia
29 White Female 176 Beulah
Grady, Lelia P.
42 White Female 18 Ingrams
Grady, Libbie
16 White Female 18 Ingrams
Grady, Lillie
35 White Female 285 Ingrams
Grady, Luther
White Male 134 Selma
Graham, Lela F.
White Female 129 Ingrams
Graham, Lettie
18 White Female 103 Bentonville
Graham, Lizze
23 Black Female 63 Smithfield
Graham, Lola
29 Black Female 38 Selma
Graham, Luecendy
61 White Female 37 Smithfield
Grandy, Laura
52 Black Female 2 Wilson's Mills
Grant, Leonard
9 White Male 161 Boon Hill
Grant, Lonnie
22 White Male 60 Selma
Grantham, Larence
14 White Male 22 Boon Hill
Grantham, Laura
35 White Female 22 Boon Hill
Grantham, Laurane
7 White Female 22 Boon Hill
Grantham, Lawrence
10 White Male 4 Banner
Grantham, Lena R.
40 White Female 173 Smithfield
Grantham, Luther
45 White Male 22 Boon Hill
Grantham, Luther Jr.
3 White Male 22 Boon Hill
Graves, Lottie
6 Black Female 139 Wilson's Mills
Green, Jules L.
41 White Male 36 Smithfield
Green, Julis L.
5 White Male 36 Smithfield
Green, Laban
7 White Male 39 Wilders
Green, Lara
18 White Female 40 Wilders
Green, Laura
19 White Female 107 Boon Hill
Green, Lessie M.
2 White Female 39 Wilders
Green, Lillie
28 White Female 52 Wilders
Green, Lilly
1 White Female 196 Wilders
Green, Linnie
36 White Female 218 Smithfield
Green, Lonnie
36 White Male 235 Clayton
Green, Louise
White Female 103 Boon Hill
Green, Lura
30 White Female 39 Wilders
Greene, Jas. L.
35 Mulatto Male 1 Smithfield
Greene, Lenore
31 Black Female 1 Smithfield
1930 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Graddy, Lizzie
39 White Female 032 Wilson's Mills
Graddy, Lovetta
16 Black Female 057 Wilson's Mills
Grady, James L.
10 White Male 093 Beulah
Grady, Lelia P.
45 White Female 157 Ingrams
Grady, Lelia S.
39 White Female 093 Beulah
Grady, Lelia S.
5 White Female 093 Beulah
Grady, Libbie L.
27 White Female 157 Ingrams
Grady, Lillian M.
8 White Female 042 Ingrams
Grady, Lillie
45 White Female 042 Ingrams
Grady, Lizzie
50 Black Female 219 Selma
Graham, Lila F.
10 White Female 129 Bentonville
Graham, Lily M.
7 White Female 017 Ingrams
Graham, Lizzie
38 Black Female 066 Smithfield
Graham, Lizzie
29 White Female 245 Selma
Grand, Sarah L.
50 Black Female 065 Wilson's Mills
Grant, Lonnie
33 White Male 270 Selma
Grant, Lonnie O.
1+1/12 White Male 270 Selma
Grant, Mary L.
65 White Female 015 Ingrams
Grantham, Gaston L.
15 Black Male 121 Bentonville
Grantham, Lawrence
20 White Male 009 Banner
Grantham, Lena R.
50 White Female 025 Smithfield
Grantham, Lou A.
14 Black Female 147 Wilson's Mills
Grantham, Ruth L.
22 White Female 070 Beulah
Graves, Lula R.
45 White Female 012 Wilders
Gray, Lula
41 Black Female 088 Selma
Graye, Lottie L.
22 Black Female 067 Smithfield
Green, Bernice L.
7 White Male 104 Wilders
Green, Edward L.
28 White Male 266 Clayton
Green, Laban W.
17 White Male 103 Wilders
Green, Laurio
23 Black Female 050 Micro
Green, Lejunia
7 Black Male 037 Cleveland
Green, Lemay
10 Black Female 070 Cleveland
Green, Lena F.
5 White Female 104 Wilders
Green, Leoma
9 Black Female 070 Cleveland
Green, Lessie
12 Black Female 070 Cleveland
Green, Lessie M.
13 White Female 103 Wilders
Green, Lettie
7 Black Female 177 Cleveland
Green, Lillie
13 White Female 234 Pine Level
Green, Lillie M.
10 Black Female 159 Beulah
Green, Lola
11 White Female 234 Pine Level
Green, Louisa
3+2/12 Black Female 040 Bentonville
Green, Louise
14 White Female 370 Boon Hill
Green, Lucile
4 White Female 103 Wilders
Green, Lucy
20 White Male 239 Selma
Green, Lula B.
24 Black Female 059 Clayton
Green, Lura
40 White Female 103 Wilders
Green, Robert L.
1+10/12 Black Male 127 Selma
Green, T. L.
3+1/12 Black Male 038 Cleveland
Greene, Lonnie J.
55 White Male 198 Selma
1940 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Grady, Lelia
63 White Female 30 Ingrams
Grady, Lelia S.
15 White Female 35 Beulah
Grady, Lelia S.
49 White Female 35 Beulah
Grady, Lillie
55 White Female 78 Ingrams
Grady, Lucinda
29 White Female 109 Ingrams
Grady, Lucinda
4 White Female 109 Ingrams
Grady, Selma L.
26 White Female 71 Ingrams
Graham, Lillie
17 White Female 292 Beulah
Graham, Lizzie
45 Black Female 78 Smithfield
Graham, Lucinda
86 White Female 292 Beulah
Graham, Lue Bertha
21 Black Female 208 Meadow
Graham, Mary Lue
33 Black Female 77 Meadow
Graham, Velma Lee
9 Black Female 268 Smithfield
Grandy, Laurine
5 Black Female 187 Boon Hill
Grandy, Leary
4 Black Female 109 Boon Hill
Grant, Doris L.
18 White Female 4 Selma
Grant, Lenard
30 White Male 289 Beulah
Grant, Lonnie
41 White Male 4 Selma
Grant, Lonnie A.
11 White Male 4 Selma
Grant, Nannie L.
38 White Female 4 Selma
Grantham, Lawrence
30 White Male 208 Banner
Grantham, Lena R.
61 White Female 38 Smithfield
Grantham, Lidmon
23 Black Male 176 Beulah
Grantham, Lillie
24 Black Female 186 Beulah
Grantham, Lucile
23 Black Female 176 Beulah
Grantham, Lucile G.
22 White Female 7 Boon Hill
Grantham, Luther
65 White Male 32 Boon Hill
Grantham, Luther D. Jr.
24 White Male 7 Boon Hill
Grantham, Romie L.
12 Black Male 204 Smithfield
Graves, Lula
55 White Female 116 Wilders
Green, Emma Lee
<1 Black Female 262 Wilders
Green, Janie L.
26 White Female 71 Wilders
Green, Julius L.
64 White Male 296 Smithfield
Green, Lahon
27 White Male 71 Wilders
Green, Lee
15 Black Male 44 Cleveland
Green, Leo
32 White Male 452 Selma
Green, Lettie
18 White Female 57 Smithfield
Green, Lida
33 White Female 452 Selma
Green, Lilly
21 White Female 233 Wilders
Green, Lina J.
14 White Female 61 Wilders
Green, Lola
19 White Female 233 Wilders
Green, Louise
13 Black Female 31 Smithfield
Green, Lucille
14 White Female 64 Wilders
Green, Luke
23 Black Male 266 Wilders
Green, Lura
50 White Female 64 Wilders
Green, Sara Lee
2 White Female 248 Wilders
Greene, Lester
16 Black Male 56 Micro
Bastardy Bonds
No Results found
NC Yearbooks
No Results found
No Results found
NC Civil War Soldiers Index *
Name Unit Comp Rank Side
Garran, Lambert L. 2nd Regiment, NC Cavalry K Private C
Garren, Leander 56th Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Garren, Lewis 39th Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Grabbs, Lewis E. 28th Regiment, NC Infantry F Private C
Gradeley, L. 3rd Regiment, NC Artillery G Private C
Grady, L. C. 1st Regiment, NC Cavalry I Private C
Grady, Leonidas C. 3rd Regiment, NC Artillery G Private C
Grady, Leonidas C. 43rd Regiment, NC Infantry A Private C
Grady, Leonidas C. 2nd Regiment, NC Artillery I Private C
Grady, Lewis 1st Regiment, NC Cavalry I Private C
Grady, Lewis 2nd Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Grady, Lewis 27th Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Grady, Lewis D. H. 12th Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Grady, Lewis D. H. 3rd Regiment, NC Artillery G Private C
Grady, Lewis D. H. 43rd Regiment, NC Infantry A Corporal C
Grady, Lewis G. 43rd Regiment, NC Infantry A Private C
Grady, Lewis H. 3rd Regiment, NC Artillery G Private C
Grady, Louis D. H. 2nd Regiment, NC Artillery I Private C
Grady, Louis H. 2nd Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Graeber, J. L. 76th Regiment, NC Infantry D Captain C
Gragaimes, Lewis 55th Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Graham, L. S. Walker's Battalion, Thomas' NC Legion E Private C
Graham, Levi S. Walker's Battalion, Thomas' NC Legion E Private C
Graham, Richard L. 4th Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Grahl, John L. 25th Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Grahl, John L. 29th Regiment, NC Infantry E Private C
Grainger, M. L. 5th Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Gramley, C. L. 56th Regiment, NC Infantry A Second Lieutenant C
Grand, N. L. 2nd Regiment, NC Artillery I First Lieutenant C
Grandy, Caleb L. 56th Regiment, NC Infantry A Second Lieutenant C
Grandy, Caleb L. 32nd Regiment, NC Infantry (Lenoir Braves) I Corporal C
Graner, H. L. 20th Regiment, NC Infantry A Private C
Granger, J. L. 2nd Battalion, NC Infantry E Private C
Granger, M. L. 5th Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Grant, Benjamin L. 3rd Regiment, NC Infantry E Private C
Grant, D. L. 3rd Regiment, NC Cavalry A Private C
Grant, H. L. 20th Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Grant, John L. 1st Regiment, NC Cavalry I Private C
Grant, L. B. 62nd Regiment, NC Infantry F Corporal C
Grant, Leander H. 25th Regiment, NC Infantry E Private C
Grant, Lewis 67th Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Grant, William L. 25th Regiment, NC Infantry E Private C
Grantham, Josiah L. 3rd Regiment, NC Artillery E Private C
Grantham, Lovet B. 24th Regiment, NC Infantry E Private C
Graritt, L. G. 35th Regiment, NC Infantry E Private C
Grattis, Charles L. 23rd Regiment, NC Infantry K Private C
Gravelly, John L. 21st Regiment, NC Infantry I Corporal C
Gravelly, Lewis C. 7th Battalion, NC Cavalry D Private C
Gravely, John L. 21st Regiment, NC Infantry I Corporal C
Gravely, L. 3rd Regiment, NC Artillery G Private C
Graves, Calvin L. 22nd Regiment, NC Infantry H Second Lieutenant C
Graves, J. L. 7th Regiment, NC Senior Reserves Private C
Graves, John L. 6th Regiment, NC Cavalry B Private C
Graves, John L. 7th Battalion, NC Cavalry B Private C
Graves, Simeon L. 3rd Regiment, NC Artillery K Private C
Graves, Thomas L. 20th Regiment, NC Infantry Private C
Graves, Thomas L. 61st Regiment, NC Infantry A Sergeant C
Gravley, John Lee 21st Regiment, NC Infantry I Corporal C
Gray, C. L. 1st Battalion, NC Junior Reserves E Private C
Gray, James L. 22nd Regiment, NC Infantry K Private C
Gray, James L. 34th Regiment, NC Infantry C Assistant Hospital Steward C
Gray, Leander S. 1st Regiment, NC Junior Reserves F Private C
Gray, Lemuel B. 8th Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Gray, Lewis G. 1st Regiment, NC Cavalry I Private C
Gray, William L. 1st Regiment, NC Infantry (6 months, 1861) L Private C
Gray, William Lee 2nd Regiment, NC Cavalry C Private C
Grayham, Levi S. Walker's Battalion, Thomas' NC Legion E Private C
Graywod, L. B. 42nd Regiment, NC Infantry E Private C
Green, D. L. 4th Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Green, E. L. 1st Battalion, NC Junior Reserves B Private C
Green, Henry L. 25th Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Green, J. L. 30th Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Green, John L. 28th Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Green, Joseph L. 39th Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Green, L. 3rd Regiment, NC Militia K Private C
Green, L. D. 50th Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Green, L. E. 1st Regiment, NC Cavalry A Private C
Green, L. M. 47th Regiment, NC Infantry C Sergeant C
Green, Larken M. 56th Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Green, Larkin 58th Regiment, NC Infantry E D Private C
Green, Leander 1st Regiment, NC Cavalry D Private C
Green, Leander 62nd Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Green, Lemuel 6th Regiment, NC Cavalry A Private C
Green, Levi 24th Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Green, Levi 37th Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Green, Levi 51st Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Green, Lewis 2nd Regiment, NC Cavalry C Private C
Green, Lewis 18th Regiment, NC Infantry H Sergeant C
Green, Lott 1st Regiment, NC Cavalry D Private C
Green, Lott W. 1st Regiment, NC Cavalry D Sergeant C
Green, Luke 5th Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Green, Mills L. 5th Regiment, NC Infantry H Sergeant C
Green, R. L. 47th Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Green, Thomas L. 25th Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Greenway, L. E. 50th Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Greenway, L. W. 50th Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Greenway, Louis E. 54th Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Groom, L. 6th Regiment, NC Home Guards D Private C
* All North Carolina soldiers (Union and Confederate) who fought in the Civil War.
NC Civil War Sailors Index *
No Results found
Southern Claims Commission
No Results found
No Results found
Cemetery Graves
Name Birth Death Cemetery
Grady, Laura 1877 1933 Yelverton Grove Free Will Baptist Church
Grady, Leo P 1909 1926 Wiggs, G. W.
Grady, Lillie Rich 1885 1974 Four Oaks Town
Grady, Selma Lee Creech 1913 Hills of the Neuse Memorial Gardens
Graham, Lizzie 1898 1992 Green Chapel Baptist Church
Graham, Lucille J 1913 Maplewood
Graham, Lucinda Lee 1857 1943 Antioch Methodist Church
Grant, Appie Lee 1842 1907 Antioch Methodist Church
Grant, Caleb Lafayette 1869 1914 Benson City
Grant, Fannie L Tiner, J. J.
Grant, Lela Hazel 1906 Benson City
Grant, Lonnie 1897 1960 Selma Memorial Gardens
Grantham, L D 1874 1941 Riverside
Grantham, Laura Barnes 1884 1926 Riverside
Grantham, Laura O 1914 1915 Riverside
Grantham, Lena Rose 1879 1973 Riverside
Grantham, Leola V 1925 Grantham
Graves, Henry Lewis 1847 1920 Riverside
Graves, Henry Lewis Jr 1885 1920 Riverside
Graves, Theresa Louise Coake 1845 1894 Greenwood
Gray, Walter Lee 1937 1973 Forest Hills
Green, Ada L 1877 1964 Johnston Union Primitive Baptist Church
Green, Hazeltine Lucinda Talton 1836 1899 Sanders, H. Jordan
Green, Labon W 1912 1963 White Oak Baptist Church
Green, Leah Bryan, Loverd
Green, Lennie E 1883 1924 Sanders, H. Jordan
Green, Lessie Mae 1917 1939 White Oak Baptist Church
Green, Letty Hodges 1901 1957 Pleasant Grove Free Will Baptist Church
Green, Lillie 1875 1943 Lee's Chapel Baptist Church
Green, Lillie Mae 1889 1965 White Oak Baptist Church
Green, Lonnie 1874 Crocker
Green, Lucinda 1836 1899 Sanders, H. Jordan
Green, Lura Oarham 1890 1972 White Oak Baptist Church
Green, Nancy Lee 1875 1922 Crocker
NC Confederate Soldiers Burial Database*
Name Death County Cemetery
Graddy, Lewis 1905 Lenoir Maplewood Cemetery
Grady, Leonidas C. 1863 Duplin Grady Cemetery
Grandy, Caleb Lee 1919 Currituck Grandy Cemetery
Grant, Benjamin L. 1924 New Hanover Bellevue Cemetery
Green, Larken M. Vance Kittrell Confederate Cemetery
* Records are still being added.
Wills Index *
Name Year
Graves, Theresa L. 1894
* Wills from 1760-1922 which are physically located at the North Carolina Archives [C.R. 050.801.1-11]
Other Resources
Surname Resource Title
Green Articles & Publications Green's Path
Green Bibles William Oscar Green Family Bible Records
Pearce-Gray Court Records John Pearce v. Thomas Gray, 1815
Green Military Jesse Green Pension, 1832
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Michael W. Kay
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Connie Ellen Adams
Passed away on 15 July 2015

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