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» Search Results » LUCY BAKER
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  • Phonetic matches for the first/middle name ("Lucy") and last name ("Baker")
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  • 3-Character matches on the last name ("Bak")
1784-1787 State Census
No Results found
1790 Federal Census
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1800 Federal Census
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1810 Federal Census
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1820 Federal Census *
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1830 Federal Census *
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1840 Federal Census *
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1860 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Baker, Louenza
22 White Female 855 Newton Grove
Baker, Louiza
5 White Female 1061 Newton Grove
Baker, Lucinda
27 White Female 605 Smithfield
1870 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Baker, Leacy
3 White Female 17 Ingrams
Baker, Luana
30 White Female 96 Ingrams
Baker, Lucinda
35 White Female 185 Ingrams
Baker, Luisa
13 White Female 93 Ingrams
1880 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Baker, Laucinda
45 White Female 98 Ingrams
Baker, Laura
9 White Female 306 Ingrams
Baker, Leasy
13 White Female 124 Ingrams
Baker, Lena
0 White Female 306 Ingrams
Baker, Lenore
6 White Female 9 Ingrams
Baker, Leora
1 White Female 86 Beulah
Baker, Lida M.
1 White Male 92 Ingrams
Baker, Linda H.
1 White Female 8 Ingrams
Baker, Louanna
40 White Female 31 Ingrams
Baker, Lulia
3 White Female 306 Ingrams
Baker, Lurrida
7 White Female 5 Ingrams
1900 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Baker, Elijah L.
38 White Male 153 Ingrams
Baker, Fanny L.
25 White Female 123 Ingrams
Baker, Harvey L.
1 White Male 85 Ingrams
Baker, Laura
25 Black Female 137 Cleveland
Baker, Laura C.
16 White Female 30 Ingrams
Baker, Laura E.
22 White Female 333 Boon Hill
Baker, Laura N.
19 White Female 54 Ingrams
Baker, Lelia P.
22 White Female 147 Ingrams
Baker, Lena N.
4 White Female 396 Smithfield
Baker, Lender W.
0 White Female 27 Meadow
Baker, Leona
3 White Female 27 Meadow
Baker, Lillie D.
27 White Female 42 Ingrams
Baker, Linda H.
21 White Female 30 Ingrams
Baker, Lona
15 White Female 288 Ingrams
Baker, Lou L.
35 White Female 131 Ingrams
Baker, Louie M.
12 White Female 310 Ingrams
Baker, Louisa
18 White Female 80 Ingrams
Baker, Luana
74 White Female 80 Ingrams
Baker, Lucy J.
21 White Female 69 Ingrams
Baker, Ludie
16 White Female 153 Beulah
Baker, Patsy L.
6 White Female 289 Ingrams
Baker, Patsy L.
1 White Female 30 Ingrams
Baker, William L.
5 White Male 310 Ingrams
Booker, Leona
7 White Female 57 Cleveland
1910 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Baker, Cherry L.
34 White Female 198 Ingrams
Baker, Elija L.
55 White Male 306 Ingrams
Baker, Harvey L.
11 White Male 114 Ingrams
Baker, L. Cicero
2/5/1900 White Male 351 Smithfield
Baker, Laura
25 White Female 351 Ingrams
Baker, Laura
2/2/1900 White Female 339 Boon Hill
Baker, Laura
29 Black Female 97 Cleveland
Baker, Laura A.
29 White Female 41 Ingrams
Baker, Lemmie C.
10 White Female 155 Ingrams
Baker, Lemond J.
1/7/1900 White Male 560 Smithfield
Baker, Lena
13 White Female 13 Clayton
Baker, Leon
1/3/1900 White Male 560 Smithfield
Baker, Letha M.
12-Oct White Female 157 Ingrams
Baker, Lettie
28 White Female 306 Ingrams
Baker, Levi
14 White Male 222 Beulah
Baker, Lilly
1/2/1900 White Female 360 Smithfield
Baker, Lizzie
35 White Female 274 Ingrams
Baker, Lizzie
1/21/1900 White Female 335 Boon Hill
Baker, Lizzie
1/17/1900 White Female 350 Beulah
Baker, Lobett G.
2 White Male 198 Ingrams
Baker, Lola J.
2 White Female 114 Ingrams
Baker, Lou
1/20/1900 White Female 360 Smithfield
Baker, Louisa
27 White Female 157 Ingrams
Baker, Lucy
1 White Female 351 Ingrams
Baker, Lula C.
4 White Female 22 Bentonville
Baker, Luna
33 Black Female 119 Wilders
Baker, William L.
14 White Male 197 Ingrams
Booker, Leaston V.
3 White Male 102 Smithfield
Booker, Lena N.
16 White Female 38 Cleveland
Booker, Lilly
27 White Female 102 Smithfield
1920 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Backer, Lenda W.
20 White Female 173 Meadow
Baker, Anna L.
60 White Female 398 Ingrams
Baker, Lala M.
14 White Female 15 Ingrams
Baker, Laland
22 White Female 324 Ingrams
Baker, Laura
32 White Female 105 Ingrams
Baker, Laura
30 Black Female 268 Clayton
Baker, Laura
43 White Female 98 Boon Hill
Baker, Lecie M.
9 White Female 260 Ingrams
Baker, Leman
White Male 346 Ingrams
Baker, Lemon Jr.
17 White Male 328 Clayton
Baker, Lena
24 White Female 165 Elevation
Baker, Lenton
14 White Male 351 Ingrams
Baker, Lenzie
10 White Male 273 Boon Hill
Baker, Leon
13 White Male 327 Clayton
Baker, Leona
White Female 135 Ingrams
Baker, Leona I.
7 White Female 116 Ingrams
Baker, Leora
7 Black Female 173 Wilders
Baker, Lester
White Male 433 Ingrams
Baker, Lettie
36 White Female 135 Ingrams
Baker, Levon
7 White Male 351 Ingrams
Baker, Lillie
21 White Female 346 Ingrams
Baker, Lindsey
9 White Male 147 Selma
Baker, Little Handy
18 Black Male 204 Elevation
Baker, Lizzie
22 White Female 208 Beulah
Baker, Lizzie
45 White Female 336 Ingrams
Baker, Lizzie
31 White Female 147 Selma
Baker, Lizzie
19 White Female 7 Elevation
Baker, Lola
12 White Female 232 Ingrams
Baker, Lonnie
23 White Male 346 Ingrams
Baker, Louis P.
7 White Male 391 Ingrams
Baker, Loula
13 White Female 58 Bentonville
Baker, Lucy
12 White Female 105 Ingrams
Baker, Lucy May
22 White Female 210 Elevation
Baker, Lueza
39 White Female 260 Ingrams
Baker, Luie
31 White Female 433 Ingrams
Baker, Lula F.
White Female 260 Ingrams
Baker, Luna
42 Black Female 173 Wilders
Baker, Lundy
19 White Male 252 Ingrams
Booker, Lena N.
26 White Female 53 Cleveland
Booker, Lester V.
13 White Male 52 Selma
Booker, Lillie M.
37 White Female 52 Selma
1930 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Baker, Alice L.
46 White Female 126 Ingrams
Baker, Annie L.
7 White Female 261 Smithfield
Baker, Arthur L.
4 White Male 012 Ingrams
Baker, Bettie L.
2+5/12 White Female 336 Ingrams
Baker, David L.
50 White Male 009 Ingrams
Baker, Elizabeth L.
22 White Female 314 Ingrams
Baker, Ethel L.
35 White Female 067 Clayton
Baker, Fannie L.
55 White Female 021 Ingrams
Baker, Lalon
32 White Male 100 Ingrams
Baker, Laodice M.
14 Black Female 056 Wilders
Baker, Lauara L.
3+5/12 White Male 049 Pine Level
Baker, Laura
53 White Female 047 Boon Hill
Baker, Laura C.
44 White Female 020 Ingrams
Baker, Leaman
13 White Male 199 Ingrams
Baker, Leana I.
18 White Female 226 Elevation
Baker, Leander D.
3+3/12 White Male 226 Elevation
Baker, Lela
14 Black Female 272 Pleasant Grove
Baker, Leman
29 White Male 390 Smithfield
Baker, Leman
30 White Male 390 Smithfield
Baker, Leon B.
23 White Male 280 Smithfield
Baker, Leona
9 White Female 203 Ingrams
Baker, Leonard
8 White Male 100 Ingrams
Baker, Leone
13 White Female 108 Ingrams
Baker, Lessie
36 White Female 122 Boon Hill
Baker, Lessie A.
24 White Female 280 Smithfield
Baker, Lessie M.
8 White Female 406 Smithfield
Baker, Lester
13 White Male 311 Ingrams
Baker, Letha
20 White Female 336 Ingrams
Baker, Lettie
38 White Female 108 Ingrams
Baker, Levonidas
15 White Male 021 Ingrams
Baker, Lillian
30 Black Female 272 Pleasant Grove
Baker, Lillian
7 White Female 080 Selma
Baker, Lily
25 White Female 199 Ingrams
Baker, Lizzie
55 White Female 257 Ingrams
Baker, Lizzie
28 White Female 169 Elevation
Baker, Lizzie M.
9 White Female 193 Ingrams
Baker, Lonnie
39 White Male 010 Ingrams
Baker, Louie
40 Black Female 261 Smithfield
Baker, Louie
42 White Female 311 Ingrams
Baker, Louisa
47 White Female 336 Ingrams
Baker, Loula
13 White Female 336 Ingrams
Baker, Lucile
18 Black Female 261 Smithfield
Baker, Lucy
19 White Female 064 Smithfield
Baker, Lucy M.
36 White Female 160 Ingrams
Baker, Lula M.
5 White Female 390 Smithfield
Baker, Luna B.
54 Black Female 056 Wilders
Baker, Luvnia
7 Black Female 056 Wilders
Baker, Lyda
27 White Female 192 Beulah
Baker, Rebecca L.
2 White Female 009 Meadow
Booker, Lilie
48 White Female 170 Selma
Booker, Lucile
3/12 Black Female 135 Selma
1940 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Baker, Bettie L.
6 White Female 176 Boon Hill
Baker, David L.
64 White Male 220 Ingrams
Baker, Dora Lee
1 White Female 88 Smithfield
Baker, Dorthy Lee
8 White Female 205 Cleveland
Baker, Gladys L.
1 White Female 150 Beulah
Baker, H. L.
55 White Male 6 Wilson's Mills
Baker, James L.
7 White Male 150 Beulah
Baker, Lalan
42 White Female 109 Ingrams
Baker, Lamie
54 White Female 40 Smithfield
Baker, Landis
13 White Male 252 Elevation
Baker, Lanie
54 White Female 316 Ingrams
Baker, Lannie
30 White Female 379 Ingrams
Baker, Lannie
4 White Female 379 Ingrams
Baker, Larance
5 Black Male 99 Wilders
Baker, Laura L.
13 White Female 143 Pine Level
Baker, Lawrence
3 White Male 34 Ingrams
Baker, Leamon
22 White Male 235 Ingrams
Baker, Leamon
38 White Male 176 Smithfield
Baker, Leane
23 White Female 29 Ingrams
Baker, Lenard
19 White Male 109 Ingrams
Baker, Lenard
36 White Male 199 Banner
Baker, Lendora
14 Black Female 21 Banner
Baker, Leonard Jr.
4 White Male 199 Banner
Baker, Lessie
42 Black Female 233 Selma
Baker, Lessie May
17 White Female 61 Smithfield
Baker, Lester
22 White Male 229 Ingrams
Baker, Lettie
29 White Female 34 Ingrams
Baker, Lettie
57 White Female 29 Ingrams
Baker, Lewis P.
26 White Male 176 Boon Hill
Baker, Lillie
30 White Female 216 Ingrams
Baker, Lissie
17 White Female 235 Ingrams
Baker, Lizzie
40 White Female 230 Cleveland
Baker, Lizzie
65 White Female 237 Ingrams
Baker, Lodie
6 White Male 2 Beulah
Baker, Lola Louise
3 White Female 274 Smithfield
Baker, Loretta
17 Black Female 21 Banner
Baker, Lossie
9 White Female 74 Ingrams
Baker, Lossie P.
8 White Female 164b Ingrams
Baker, Louis
45 White Male 216 Ingrams
Baker, Louisa
57 White Female 361 Ingrams
Baker, Louta
28 White Female 341b Beulah
Baker, Loyd C.
33 White Male 150 Beulah
Baker, Lucy
47 White Female 74 Ingrams
Baker, Lucy Lee
30 White Female 274 Smithfield
Baker, Lula
36 White Female 294 Meadow
Baker, Lula Mae
16 White Female 176 Smithfield
Baker, Luretha
5 White Female 294 Meadow
Baker, Lydia
22 Black Female 60 Pleasant Grove
Baker, Mirtle L.
6 White Female 219 Ingrams
Baker, Thomas L.
22 Black Male 102 Beulah
Booker, Lillie M.
58 White Female 277 Selma
Bastardy Bonds
No Results found
NC Yearbooks
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No Results found
NC Civil War Soldiers Index *
Name Unit Comp Rank Side
Baker, Amos L. 2nd Regiment, NC Artillery I Private C
Baker, H. L. 22nd Regiment, NC Infantry K Private C
Baker, H. L. 37th Regiment, NC Infantry E Private C
Baker, Henry L. 7th Regiment, NC Infantry K Private C
Baker, John L. 3rd Regiment, NC Cavalry G First Sergeant C
Baker, Joseph L. 7th Regiment, NC Infantry K Private C
Baker, Lawrence S. 1st Regiment, NC Cavalry F&S Colonel C
Baker, Leander 6th Regiment, NC Cavalry D,B Sergeant C
Baker, Leander 5th Battalion, NC Cavalry D Sergeant C
Baker, Levin 24th Regiment, NC Infantry K Private C
Baker, Lewis 48th Regiment, NC Infantry F Private C
Baker, Lewis B. 33rd Regiment, NC Infantry E,C Private C
Baker, Lucius 11th Regiment, NC Infantry (Bethel Regiment) D Private C
Baker, Richard L. 24th Regiment, NC Infantry K Second Lieutenant C
* All North Carolina soldiers (Union and Confederate) who fought in the Civil War.
NC Civil War Sailors Index *
Name Birthplace Occupation Age
Baker, Lawrence Edgecombe County None 15
* African-American sailors who were born in North Carolina and fought for the Union.
Southern Claims Commission
No Results found
No Results found
Cemetery Graves
Name Birth Death Cemetery
Baker, Annie Lizer 1853 1923 Barbour's Chapel Advent Christian Church
Baker, Bessie Lee 1901 1973 Pisgah Baptist Church
Baker, Buster L 1914 1968 Piney Grove Free Will Baptist Church
Baker, C Lottie 1876 1915 Dunn, Dicey
Baker, Elijah L 1857 1914 Piney Grove Free Will Baptist Church
Baker, Joseph L 1963 1999 Baker/Toler
Baker, L B Piney Grove Free Will Baptist Church
Baker, L C 1874 1959 Riverside
Baker, L V Piney Grove Free Will Baptist Church
Baker, Lalon J 1897 Hills of the Neuse Memorial Gardens
Baker, Lannie A 1908 1982 Dunn, Sampson
Baker, Laura 1880 1919 Barbour's Chapel Advent Christian Church
Baker, Laura C 1934 Barbour's Chapel Advent Christian Church
Baker, Leamond J 1902 1974 Barbour's Chapel Advent Christian Church
Baker, Lena Leno T I Susan Bethania 1897 1897 Four Oaks Town
Baker, Leon Brooks 1907 1976 Knollwood
Baker, Lessie Ava 1906 1963 Knollwood
Baker, Lessie M 1922 1953 Piney Grove Free Will Baptist Church
Baker, Letha Bailey 1928 1993 Pittman, W. G.
Baker, Lettie Wallace 1882 1973 Piney Grove Free Will Baptist Church
Baker, Linda Fay 1953 1957 Barbour's Chapel Advent Christian Church
Baker, Linzie Alton 1897 Barbour's Chapel Advent Christian Church
Baker, Lizzie Byrd 1874 1943 Lee's Chapel Advent Christian Church
Baker, Lonnie 1805 1956 Dunn, Dicey
Baker, Lossie M 1931 1933 Bethel Freewill Baptist Church
Baker, Louie 1882 1960 Pisgah Baptist Church
Baker, Louie 1887 1969 Barbour's Chapel Advent Christian Church
Baker, Louisa 1882 1954 Barbour's Chapel Advent Christian Church
Baker, Lucy Lee 1907 1971 Baker/Toler
Baker, Lucy M 1891 1978 Barbour's Chapel Advent Christian Church
Baker, Lyda H 1900 Crocker
Booker, Lillian Deans 1882 1967 Sunset Memorial Park
NC Confederate Soldiers Burial Database*
Name Death County Cemetery
Baker, Joseph L. Alexander Old Hopewell Methodist Church Cemetery
* Records are still being added.
Wills Index *
No Results found
Other Resources
Surname Resource Title
Langston-Baker Marriages Joseph Langston to Sukey Baker, 1802
Surname Researchers
Surname Counties Date Range Researcher
BakerJohnston1770 - 1900 Ruth Creech
BakerJohnston1780 - 1950's Alix Ambler
BakerJohnston Mary Grether
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Michael W. Kay
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Ross Sippel
Connie Ellen Adams
Passed away on 15 July 2015

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