All search results include:
- Phonetic matches for the first/middle name ("Lucy") and last name ("Barber")
- 1-Character matches on the first and middle name ("L")
- 3-Character matches on the last name ("Bar")
1784-1787 State Census |
No Results found |
1790 Federal Census |
No Results found |
1800 Federal Census |
No Results found |
1810 Federal Census |
No Results found |
1820 Federal Census * |
No Results found |
1830 Federal Census * |
No Results found |
1840 Federal Census * |
No Results found |
1860 Federal Census |
Name |
Age |
Race |
Sex |
Family |
Township |
Barber, Larkin |
Barber, Larkin |
Barber, Lewis |
Barber, Louisa |
Barber, Louiza |
Barber, Louiza |
Barber, Lucetta |
Barber, Lucinda |
Barber, Lucy |
Barber, Lucy |
Barber, Lucy |
Barber, Lydia |
Barber, Lydia |
Barber, Lynn B. |
Barefoot, Littleton |
Barefoot, Louanna |
Barnes, H. L. |
Barnes, Laura |
Barnes, Louisa |
Barnes, Needham L. |
1870 Federal Census |
Name |
Age |
Race |
Sex |
Family |
Township |
Barber, Laney |
Barber, Lany |
Barber, Larken |
Barber, Larkin |
Barber, Larrian |
Barber, Laura |
Barber, Laura |
Barber, Lewis H. |
Barber, Lida |
Barber, Liler |
Barber, Linn |
Barber, Livis |
Barber, Lolia |
Barber, Louis |
Barber, Louiza |
Barber, Louiza |
Barber, Luanza |
Barber, Lucy |
Barber, Lucy |
Barber, Ludeller |
Barber, Lueaser |
Barber, Lydah |
Barefield, Lewis |
Barefield, Lewis |
Barefoot, Lesana |
Barefoot, Levi |
Barefoot, Lidia |
Barefoot, Littleton |
Barefoot, Littleton |
Barefoot, Liza |
Barfield, Moses L. |
Barnes, D. L. |
Barnes, H. L. |
Barnes, Lum |
Barnes, Luvenia |
1880 Federal Census |
Name |
Age |
Race |
Sex |
Family |
Township |
Barber, Alma L. |
Barber, George L. |
Barber, K. L. |
Barber, L. A. |
Barber, L. Civil |
Barber, Laney |
Barber, Lany |
Barber, Lara A. |
Barber, Larkin |
Barber, Larkin E. |
Barber, Laura |
Barber, Laura |
Barber, Laura L. |
Barber, Lecy J. |
Barber, Lewey |
Barber, Lewey |
Barber, Liddy A. |
Barber, Lidey |
Barber, Lidia |
Barber, Lillie |
Barber, Loid M. |
Barber, Lou C. |
Barber, Lou D. |
Barber, Louenza |
Barber, Loueser |
Barber, Louey C. |
Barber, Louis B. |
Barber, Louis R. |
Barber, Louiza |
Barber, Louiza |
Barber, Lucy |
Barber, Lucy |
Barber, Lucy C. |
Barber, Luetta |
Barber, Lugenia |
Barber, Luliar F. |
Barber, Nancy L. |
Barber, Penney L. |
Barber, R. Lucy |
Barber, Renny L. |
Barber, William L. |
Barber, Willis L. |
Barbour, Lewis |
Barefoot, Laura |
Barefoot, Lidia |
Barefoot, Lizzy |
Barefoot, Lorina |
Barefoot, Luther |
Barfield, Louis |
Barnes, C. L. |
Barnes, D. L. |
Barnes, H. L. |
Barnes, James L. |
Barnes, Laura |
Barnes, Laurah |
Barnes, London |
Barnes, N. L. |
Barris, Lorinda |
1900 Federal Census |
Name |
Age |
Race |
Sex |
Family |
Township |
Barber, Albert L. |
Barber, Alma L. |
Barber, Fannie L. |
Barber, John L. |
Barber, Laura |
Barber, Laura |
Barber, Laura |
Barber, Laura A. |
Barber, Lawrence |
Barber, Lela A. |
Barber, Lela E. |
Barber, Lelia |
Barber, Leon |
Barber, Letsy |
Barber, Lillie |
Barber, Linda |
Barber, Lizzie |
Barber, Lonnie |
Barber, Lonnie |
Barber, Lou |
Barber, Louisa |
Barber, Loula |
Barber, Lousella |
Barber, Luanah |
Barber, Lucettie |
Barber, Lueza |
Barber, Lydia |
Barber, Marie L. |
Barber, William L. |
Barbour, Annie L.
Barbour, Annie L. |
Barbour, Carroll L. |
Barbour, Cassie L. |
Barbour, Charles L. |
Barbour, Dall L. |
Barbour, George L. |
Barbour, Larkin |
Barbour, Larkin H. |
Barbour, Larry C. |
Barbour, Laugania |
Barbour, Laura |
Barbour, Lela |
Barbour, Lelia |
Barbour, Lena |
Barbour, Lena A. |
Barbour, Leona B |
Barbour, Lester T. |
Barbour, Lila F. |
Barbour, Lillie |
Barbour, Lillie |
Barbour, Lillie A. |
Barbour, Lilly O. |
Barbour, Lilly R.
Barbour, Linnie |
Barbour, Lissie |
Barbour, Lloyd M. |
Barbour, Lonet E. |
Barbour, Lou Dellas |
Barbour, Louey O. |
Barbour, Louia |
Barbour, Louia F. |
Barbour, Louis |
Barbour, Louisa |
Barbour, Louisa |
Barbour, Louisa A. |
Barbour, Louise |
Barbour, Lucy E. |
Barbour, Lucy J. |
Barbour, Lucy M. |
Barbour, Luis R. |
Barbour, Lula M. |
Barbour, Luthenie |
Barbour, Luther M. |
Barbour, Lydia F. |
Barbour, Lynn C. |
Barbour, Parrot L. |
Barbour, Penny L. |
Barbour, Ruby L. |
Barbour, Thelma L. |
Barbour, Troy L. |
Barbour, Willie L. |
Barbour, Willis L. |
Barefoot, Alace L. |
Barefoot, Allen L |
Barefoot, Keze L. J. |
Barefoot, Lacy A.
Barefoot, Lara |
Barefoot, Larette |
Barefoot, Laurence |
Barefoot, Leathy C. |
Barefoot, Lida |
Barefoot, Lina C. |
Barefoot, Lizzie R. |
Barefoot, Lonnie |
Barefoot, Lonnie |
Barefoot, Lottie E. |
Barefoot, Louanna |
Barefoot, Louis M. |
Barefoot, Lula |
Barefoot, Lydia E. |
Barefoot, Mordie L. |
Barfield, Lattie J. |
Barfield, Lizzie |
Barfield, Lonie M. |
Barfield, Lula F. |
Barham, Lena |
Barham, Lenora |
Barham, Lucy J. |
Barham, Lula |
Barham, Luther R.
Barker, Lizzie |
Barnes, Harris L. |
Barnes, James L. |
Barnes, Laura |
Barnes, Laura |
Barnes, Laura P. |
Barnes, Le--- |
Barnes, Leamon |
Barnes, Lee A. |
Barnes, Lenora |
Barnes, Lessie
Barnes, Lessie |
Barnes, Lester D. |
Barnes, Libbie |
Barnes, Lillie |
Barnes, Luby |
Barnes, Lucy |
Barnes, Luther |
Barnes, Walter L. |
1910 Federal Census |
Name |
Age |
Race |
Sex |
Family |
Township |
Barber, Addie L. |
Barber, Annie L. |
Barber, Callie L. |
Barber, Christine L. |
Barber, Fonso L. |
Barber, George L. |
Barber, Herbert L. |
Barber, Lanie |
Barber, Larkin E. |
Barber, Laura |
Barber, Laura |
Barber, Laura A. |
Barber, Laura E. |
Barber, Lawrence C. |
Barber, Ledger |
Barber, Lela |
Barber, Leland C. |
Barber, Lena |
Barber, Leona M. |
Barber, Leone M. |
Barber, Lettie |
Barber, Lila R. |
Barber, Lillie D. |
Barber, Lilly |
Barber, Lilly |
Barber, Lilly A. |
Barber, Lilly M. |
Barber, Linda L. |
Barber, Lindellia |
Barber, Litte. |
Barber, Littie |
Barber, Lois |
Barber, Loma |
Barber, Louisa |
Barber, Louisa |
Barber, Lousetta |
Barber, Lucy J. |
Barber, Lula M. |
Barber, Luzella |
Barber, Lynn B. |
Barber, Milton L. |
Barber, Past L. |
Barber, Rosa L. |
Barber, Sarah L. |
Barber, Victor L. |
Barber, William L. |
Barber, Willie L. |
Barbour, Amie L. |
Barbour, Charlie L. |
Barbour, Clyde L. |
Barbour, D. L. |
Barbour, George L. |
Barbour, James L. |
Barbour, Kinchen L. |
Barbour, Lany |
Barbour, Laura |
Barbour, Laura |
Barbour, Laura A. |
Barbour, Lela |
Barbour, Lelie O. |
Barbour, Lena |
Barbour, Lena E. |
Barbour, Lenard |
Barbour, Lenia |
Barbour, Lessie |
Barbour, Lester T. |
Barbour, Lethie E. |
Barbour, Lettie L. |
Barbour, Lewis |
Barbour, Liddie R. |
Barbour, Lillia C. |
Barbour, Lillia M. |
Barbour, Lillie |
Barbour, Lillie M. |
Barbour, Lillie O. |
Barbour, Linnie F. |
Barbour, Lloyd M. |
Barbour, Lonnie A. |
Barbour, Lorenzo |
Barbour, Lottie M. |
Barbour, Lovet E. |
Barbour, Lucile |
Barbour, Lucile |
Barbour, Lucy |
Barbour, Lucy E. |
Barbour, Lucy J |
Barbour, Lucy L. |
Barbour, Lummie |
Barbour, Luthenia |
Barbour, Lynn C. |
Barbour, Marvin L. |
Barbour, Osker L. |
Barbour, Penny L. |
Barbour, Seth L. |
Barbour, Troy L. |
Barbur, L. R. |
Barbur, Lalon |
Barbur, Lenaria |
Barbur, Lester |
Barbur, Lester |
Barbur, Lillie |
Barbur, Linnie |
Barbur, Loudella |
Barbur, Louie |
Barbur, Louie |
Barbur, Louie |
Barbur, Luther |
Barden, Leo |
Barefield, Lonie M. |
Barefield, Lucy |
Barefoot, Alice L. |
Barefoot, Allen L. |
Barefoot, Etta L. |
Barefoot, Lacy A. |
Barefoot, Langly |
Barefoot, Lassie |
Barefoot, Laura |
Barefoot, Laura E. |
Barefoot, Lee |
Barefoot, Lee R. |
Barefoot, Lessie G. |
Barefoot, Letha C. |
Barefoot, Lethie E |
Barefoot, Lettie C. |
Barefoot, Lettie E. |
Barefoot, Lida |
Barefoot, Lida A. |
Barefoot, Lillie M. |
Barefoot, Lillie M. |
Barefoot, Lina C. |
Barefoot, Liza J. |
Barefoot, Lizer |
Barefoot, Lonie M. |
Barefoot, Lonnie |
Barefoot, Lottie E. |
Barefoot, Mordicia L. |
Barefoot, Nancy L. |
Barefoot, Percy L. |
Barfield, Carol L. |
Barfield, Lettie J. |
Barfield, Liffie |
Barham, Lula |
Barnes, Annie L |
Barnes, C. L. |
Barnes, Chester L. |
Barnes, E. L. P. |
Barnes, Essie L. |
Barnes, H. L. |
Barnes, Lafayette |
Barnes, Laura |
Barnes, Laura |
Barnes, Layfette |
Barnes, Lee |
Barnes, Lela |
Barnes, Lelia |
Barnes, Lemon |
Barnes, Lena |
Barnes, Lenard Z. |
Barnes, Leon |
Barnes, Leone |
Barnes, Leorah |
Barnes, Lessie |
Barnes, Lester |
Barnes, Lewis |
Barnes, Lillian |
Barnes, Lillian |
Barnes, Lillian |
Barnes, Lillie |
Barnes, Lillie |
Barnes, Lina |
Barnes, Lizzie |
Barnes, Lonnie |
Barnes, Lonnie |
Barnes, Lorena |
Barnes, Lossie |
Barnes, Louise |
Barnes, Lourenda |
Barnes, Luby |
Barnes, Lucy |
Barnes, Luke D. H. |
Barnes, Lula |
Barnes, Luther |
Barnes, Mary L. |
Barnes, Nassie L. |
Barnett, Louis |
Barrow, Lula M. |
1920 Federal Census |
Name |
Age |
Race |
Sex |
Family |
Township |
Barbar, Lillie |
Barber, Addie L. |
Barber, Bertha L. |
Barber, Christine L. |
Barber, L. Evelyn |
Barber, Lalon |
Barber, Lana |
Barber, Laura |
Barber, Ledger |
Barber, Lela |
Barber, Lela B. |
Barber, Lelia |
Barber, Lenia |
Barber, Lenora B. |
Barber, Leola |
Barber, Leon |
Barber, Lessie |
Barber, Lessie |
Barber, Lester |
Barber, Lester |
Barber, Lewis Ruffin |
Barber, Lilie |
Barber, Lillian |
Barber, Littie G. |
Barber, Liza |
Barber, Lois |
Barber, Lomie E. |
Barber, Lottie |
Barber, Louallie Y. |
Barber, Louie |
Barber, Louise |
Barber, Louise |
Barber, Louise Abi |
Barber, Lucile |
Barber, Lucy J. |
Barber, Lucy N. |
Barber, Lula E. |
Barber, Luther J. |
Barber, Lyda |
Barber, Mildred L. |
Barber, Part L. |
Barber, Rosa L. |
Barber, Victor L. |
Barber, W. Larkin |
Barber, Willie L. |
Barboar, Frank L. |
Barboar, Lander |
Barboar, Lestor |
Barboar, Lusila |
Barbouar, Lara |
Barbouar, Laro |
Barbouar, Lillie |
Barbouar, Luciel |
Barbouer, Lillie |
Barbouer, Lommie |
Barbouer, Luceil |
Barbouer, William L. |
Barbour, D. Lewis |
Barbour, K. L. |
Barbour, L. E. |
Barbour, L. Virginia |
Barbour, Laura |
Barbour, Laura |
Barbour, Laura A. |
Barbour, Lavis |
Barbour, Layland |
Barbour, Layton |
Barbour, Lehman A. |
Barbour, Lela |
Barbour, Lelia |
Barbour, Lema M. |
Barbour, Lena |
Barbour, Lena |
Barbour, Lennie F. |
Barbour, Leon |
Barbour, Leona |
Barbour, Leonard |
Barbour, Leroce B. |
Barbour, Lessie |
Barbour, Lester |
Barbour, Lester E. |
Barbour, Lewie J. |
Barbour, Lillie |
Barbour, Lillie |
Barbour, Linard |
Barbour, Lissar |
Barbour, Lonnie |
Barbour, Lonnie |
Barbour, Lonnie |
Barbour, Lonnie A. |
Barbour, Lonnie D. |
Barbour, Lonza |
Barbour, Lorenza |
Barbour, Lou Annie Thelma |
Barbour, Loyd M. |
Barbour, Lucettie |
Barbour, Lucile |
Barbour, Lucy |
Barbour, Lucy |
Barbour, Ludia E. |
Barbour, Luie M. |
Barbour, Luisear |
Barbour, Lula M. |
Barbour, Lumie |
Barbour, Luna E. |
Barbour, Luther |
Barbour, Mary L. |
Barbour, Nannie L. |
Barbour, T. L. |
Barbour, Thomas L. |
Barden, Leland |
Barefoot, Alice L. |
Barefoot, Allen L. |
Barefoot, Clio L. |
Barefoot, Ettie L. |
Barefoot, Hobert L. |
Barefoot, Lacy A. |
Barefoot, Laura |
Barefoot, Laura E. |
Barefoot, Lela M. |
Barefoot, Lenoir |
Barefoot, Leroy |
Barefoot, Lessie B. |
Barefoot, Lethia |
Barefoot, Lettie |
Barefoot, Lettie O. |
Barefoot, Lex |
Barefoot, Lexie G. |
Barefoot, Lida |
Barefoot, Lilian Pearl |
Barefoot, Lillie |
Barefoot, Lillie M. |
Barefoot, Lillie M. |
Barefoot, Lina |
Barefoot, Liphira |
Barefoot, Lois E. |
Barefoot, Loveloise |
Barefoot, Mary L. |
Barefoot, Mordecai Lee |
Barefoot, Nellie L. |
Barefoot, Percy L. |
Barefoot, Robert L. |
Barfield, Lillie R. |
Barfield, Lucy |
Barham, Latney |
Barham, Lena |
Barham, Lula Mae |
Barker, Levie C. |
Barker, Lillie |
Barker, Luceil |
Barker, Lucy O. |
Barker, Lulie |
Barneat, Lucy |
Barnes, Bettie L. |
Barnes, Harrise L. |
Barnes, Janey Lee |
Barnes, L. N. |
Barnes, Lafate |
Barnes, Lafayette |
Barnes, Larry |
Barnes, Larry |
Barnes, Lass |
Barnes, Latour |
Barnes, Laura |
Barnes, Laura |
Barnes, Leala |
Barnes, Lee |
Barnes, Lelia |
Barnes, Lenar |
Barnes, Leonard |
Barnes, Leonie |
Barnes, Leora |
Barnes, Lester D. |
Barnes, Libbie |
Barnes, Lilian |
Barnes, Lillian |
Barnes, Lillie |
Barnes, Lillie May |
Barnes, Lina |
Barnes, Linzy G. |
Barnes, Lizzie |
Barnes, Lloyd |
Barnes, Lonnie |
Barnes, Loretta |
Barnes, Louhatta |
Barnes, Louhetta |
Barnes, Louis |
Barnes, Louis |
Barnes, Louis D. |
Barnes, Louise |
Barnes, Louise |
Barnes, Lucile |
Barnes, Lucile |
Barnes, Luther |
Barnes, Lynwood |
Barnes, Nassie L. |
Barnes, Percy L. |
Barnes, W. L. |
Barney, Lizzie |
Barns, Leona |
Barrow, Lucenda |
Barrow, Lucy |
Barrow, Lula M. |
1930 Federal Census |
Name |
Age |
Race |
Sex |
Family |
Township |
Barber, Aden L. |
Barber, Altar L. |
Barber, Benjam L. |
Barber, Dorothy L. |
Barber, Ester L. |
Barber, Foster Leo |
Barber, Graham L. |
Barber, Hazel L. |
Barber, Ida L. |
Barber, James Lloyd |
Barber, Lander |
Barber, Larkin E. |
Barber, Laura E. |
Barber, Lawrence W |
Barber, Lena May |
Barber, Lenora B. |
Barber, Lester G. |
Barber, Lester H. |
Barber, Lester W. |
Barber, Letta P. |
Barber, Lewon H. |
Barber, Lizzie B. |
Barber, Loma E. |
Barber, Lou A. |
Barber, Louise A. |
Barber, Louise H. |
Barber, Lucy M. |
Barber, Lula F. |
Barber, Lula May |
Barber, Lunett |
Barber, Lunette |
Barber, Luther |
Barber, Mary L. |
Barber, Maxine L. |
Barber, Pearl L. |
Barber, Rachel L. |
Barber, Robert Leon |
Barber, Rosa Lee |
Barber, Sarah L. |
Barber, Sexton Leo |
Barber, Ted L. |
Barber, Willie L. |
Barbour, Alfonzo L. |
Barbour, Annee L. |
Barbour, Bettie L. |
Barbour, Blanch L. |
Barbour, Clara L. |
Barbour, D. Lucille |
Barbour, Dallas L. |
Barbour, Edna L. |
Barbour, James L. |
Barbour, L. Victor |
Barbour, Lalon |
Barbour, Lalon F. |
Barbour, Laro |
Barbour, Laura |
Barbour, Laura |
Barbour, Laura |
Barbour, Laura A. |
Barbour, Laurie |
Barbour, Lawrence M. |
Barbour, Lela E. |
Barbour, Lelia |
Barbour, Lena |
Barbour, Lena A. |
Barbour, Lenard |
Barbour, Lenard |
Barbour, Lenward |
Barbour, Leo |
Barbour, Leola |
Barbour, Leon P. |
Barbour, Lesa B. |
Barbour, Leslie |
Barbour, Lessie |
Barbour, Lessie M. |
Barbour, Lester |
Barbour, Letha D. |
Barbour, Libby |
Barbour, Lily |
Barbour, Lily |
Barbour, Linnie F. |
Barbour, Liter |
Barbour, Liza |
Barbour, Liza M. |
Barbour, Lois |
Barbour, Lois |
Barbour, Lois E. |
Barbour, Lola M. |
Barbour, Lorenza |
Barbour, Loretta |
Barbour, Louettie |
Barbour, Louie |
Barbour, Louie M. |
Barbour, Louis R. |
Barbour, Louisa |
Barbour, Louise |
Barbour, Lovet E. |
Barbour, Loyce M. |
Barbour, Loyd M. |
Barbour, Lucile |
Barbour, Lucile |
Barbour, Lucile |
Barbour, Lucile |
Barbour, Lucile |
Barbour, Lucile |
Barbour, Lucy |
Barbour, Lucy E. |
Barbour, Lula |
Barbour, Lummie |
Barbour, Luther |
Barbour, Luther |
Barbour, Lyda |
Barbour, Lyda E. |
Barbour, Mabel L. |
Barbour, Mancy L. |
Barbour, Martha L. |
Barbour, Mary L. |
Barbour, Millard L. |
Barbour, Nannie L. |
Barbour, Ora L. |
Barbour, Rachel L. |
Barbour, Rebecca L. |
Barbour, Rossie L. |
Barbour, Ruby L. |
Barbour, Ruby L. |
Barbour, Ruby L. |
Barbour, Seth L. |
Barbour, Simon L. |
Barbour, Vara L. |
Barbour, Virginia L. |
Barden, Osca L. |
Barden, Robert L. |
Barden, Virginia L. |
Barden, William L. |
Barefield, Rosa L. |
Barefoot, Arah L. |
Barefoot, Charles L. |
Barefoot, John L. |
Barefoot, Kizzie L. |
Barefoot, Lacy A. |
Barefoot, Langley |
Barefoot, Lara |
Barefoot, Lattice P. |
Barefoot, Laura |
Barefoot, Lee |
Barefoot, Lela M. |
Barefoot, Lena P. |
Barefoot, Leola |
Barefoot, Lessie |
Barefoot, Lessie B. |
Barefoot, Lessie M. |
Barefoot, Letha C. |
Barefoot, Lettie |
Barefoot, Lexie G. |
Barefoot, Lillie |
Barefoot, Lilly F. |
Barefoot, Lilly J. |
Barefoot, Lois E. |
Barefoot, Lonie M. |
Barefoot, Lottie |
Barefoot, Louise |
Barefoot, Louise B. |
Barefoot, Luelease |
Barefoot, Mary L. |
Barefoot, Mordecai L. |
Barefoot, Percy L. |
Barefoot, Robert L. |
Barefoot, Robert L. |
Barefoot, Susan L. |
Barefoot, Walter L. |
Barefoot, William L. |
Barefoot, William L. |
Bareham, La Mark |
Barfield, John L. |
Barfield, L. J. |
Barfield, Lizzie |
Barfield, Lonnie |
Barfield, Lucy |
Barnes, Annie L. |
Barnes, Bulah L. |
Barnes, Charlie L. |
Barnes, Chester L. |
Barnes, Clara L.
Barnes, Dorothy L. |
Barnes, Fancy L. |
Barnes, Janice L. |
Barnes, Jesse L. |
Barnes, Lafayette |
Barnes, Leavan |
Barnes, Leila |
Barnes, Lela |
Barnes, Lena |
Barnes, Lent |
Barnes, Leon |
Barnes, Leonard Z. |
Barnes, Lester |
Barnes, Lester |
Barnes, Lewis |
Barnes, Lilburn E. |
Barnes, Lillian |
Barnes, Lillian B. |
Barnes, Lillie |
Barnes, Lillie |
Barnes, Lillie Mae |
Barnes, Lina |
Barnes, Lina |
Barnes, Lizzie |
Barnes, Lois |
Barnes, Lois E. |
Barnes, Lonie |
Barnes, Lonnie |
Barnes, Loranze |
Barnes, Lotti M. |
Barnes, Loubetta |
Barnes, Louis D. H. |
Barnes, Louise |
Barnes, Louse |
Barnes, Loyd |
Barnes, Loyd M. |
Barnes, Lucil |
Barnes, Lucile |
Barnes, Lucile |
Barnes, Luther |
Barnes, Luther |
Barnes, Luverne |
Barnes, Mary L. |
Barnes, Percy L. |
Barnes, Ransom L. |
Barnes, Rosa L. |
Barnes, Roy L. |
Barnes, Roy Lee |
Barnes, Sarah L. |
Barnes, William Lester |
Barney, Lela M. |
Barns, Annie L. |
Barns, James L. |
Barns, Velma L. |
Barrow, Lula M. |
1940 Federal Census |
Name |
Age |
Race |
Sex |
Family |
Township |
Barbee, Lola |
Barbee, Lola |
Barber, Lander |
Barber, Lawrence |
Barber, Lawrence |
Barber, Leaman |
Barber, Lelan |
Barber, Lena |
Barber, Lenna |
Barber, Lessie |
Barber, Lester |
Barber, Lester |
Barber, Lester |
Barber, Lester W. |
Barber, Lina |
Barber, Lois |
Barber, Lovella |
Barber, Lula M. |
Barbour, Bettie Lee |
Barbour, Bettie Lou |
Barbour, Betty Lou |
Barbour, Clara Lee |
Barbour, Dallas L. |
Barbour, Edna Lee |
Barbour, George Leonard |
Barbour, L. Neta |
Barbour, L. Victor |
Barbour, Lamande D. |
Barbour, Lanie |
Barbour, Larry H. |
Barbour, Laura |
Barbour, Laura |
Barbour, Laura |
Barbour, Laura Lee |
Barbour, Lawrence |
Barbour, Leather |
Barbour, Lee |
Barbour, Lee A. |
Barbour, Lelia |
Barbour, Lella |
Barbour, Len |
Barbour, Lena |
Barbour, Lena A. |
Barbour, Lena Faye |
Barbour, Lena May |
Barbour, Leola |
Barbour, Leola |
Barbour, Leon |
Barbour, Leon |
Barbour, Leon B. |
Barbour, Leonard |
Barbour, Lessie Mae |
Barbour, Lester |
Barbour, Lester |
Barbour, Leta Gray |
Barbour, Lettie |
Barbour, Lettie Wade |
Barbour, Lexie |
Barbour, Liddie |
Barbour, Lide |
Barbour, Lillie |
Barbour, Lillie |
Barbour, Lillie |
Barbour, Lillie |
Barbour, Limwood |
Barbour, Lincoln |
Barbour, Linnie Laverne |
Barbour, Lita |
Barbour, Livvie |
Barbour, Lloyd |
Barbour, Lois |
Barbour, Lois |
Barbour, Lois |
Barbour, Lois |
Barbour, Lola |
Barbour, Lomie |
Barbour, Lonie |
Barbour, Lonnie |
Barbour, Lottie Lynn |
Barbour, Lou Allie |
Barbour, Louetta |
Barbour, Louie |
Barbour, Louie |
Barbour, Louis |
Barbour, Louis |
Barbour, Louis |
Barbour, Louise
Barbour, Louise |
Barbour, Louise |
Barbour, Louise |
Barbour, Louise |
Barbour, Loyd |
Barbour, Luciell |
Barbour, Lucile |
Barbour, Lucile Delia |
Barbour, Lucille |
Barbour, Lucy |
Barbour, Lucy |
Barbour, Lucy |
Barbour, Lula |
Barbour, Lula Mae |
Barbour, Lummie |
Barbour, Luther |
Barbour, Luther L. |
Barbour, Lyda |
Barbour, Lynn |
Barbour, Lynwood |
Barbour, Lystra |
Barbour, Martha Lou |
Barbour, Mary Lou |
Barbour, Mary Louise |
Barbour, Mattie L. |
Barbour, Meggie L. |
Barbour, Nannie Lou |
Barbour, Robert L. |
Barbour, Rose Lee |
Barbour, Ross L. |
Barbour, Sarrah Lee |
Barden, Leland |
Barden, Robert L. |
Barefoot, Allen L. |
Barefoot, Arah Lee |
Barefoot, Betty L. |
Barefoot, Charles L. |
Barefoot, Clair Lee |
Barefoot, Cleo L.
Barefoot, Hazel Lee |
Barefoot, Herbert L. |
Barefoot, John L. |
Barefoot, John L. |
Barefoot, Labelle |
Barefoot, Lacy |
Barefoot, Langley |
Barefoot, Lary |
Barefoot, Lasen Jr. |
Barefoot, Laura |
Barefoot, Laurie |
Barefoot, Lawrence G. |
Barefoot, Leefay |
Barefoot, Lela P. |
Barefoot, Lellan |
Barefoot, Lena P. |
Barefoot, Lenon |
Barefoot, Leo Alonzo |
Barefoot, Leola |
Barefoot, Leona |
Barefoot, Lessie |
Barefoot, Lessie Belle |
Barefoot, Lettie |
Barefoot, Lida E. |
Barefoot, Lillie |
Barefoot, Lilly |
Barefoot, Lina |
Barefoot, Linwood |
Barefoot, Lois E. |
Barefoot, Lonnie M. |
Barefoot, Lorone |
Barefoot, Lottie |
Barefoot, Louise |
Barefoot, Louise |
Barefoot, Louisher |
Barefoot, Low E. |
Barefoot, Loyd |
Barefoot, Loyd |
Barefoot, Luby |
Barefoot, Lucile |
Barefoot, Lula |
Barefoot, Margie L. |
Barefoot, Martha Lee |
Barefoot, Ova Lee |
Barefoot, Percy L. |
Barefoot, R. Lasen |
Barefoot, Sarah L. |
Barfield, John L. |
Barfield, L. J. |
Barfield, Lina Pearl |
Barfield, Linnia |
Barfield, Lonnie |
Barfield, Lucy |
Barham, LaMark |
Barham, Larry |
Barham, Leon |
Barnes, Anne L. |
Barnes, Annie L. |
Barnes, Bertie L. |
Barnes, Bessie L. |
Barnes, Chester L. |
Barnes, Emey Lou |
Barnes, Hildreth L. |
Barnes, Ira L. |
Barnes, J. L. |
Barnes, James L. |
Barnes, L. Zell |
Barnes, LaFatte |
Barnes, LaFayette |
Barnes, Larry |
Barnes, Lassie E. |
Barnes, Laura |
Barnes, Laura |
Barnes, Leahman |
Barnes, Lee |
Barnes, Lee |
Barnes, Lee Pearce |
Barnes, Leghman W. |
Barnes, Lela |
Barnes, Lena |
Barnes, Lena |
Barnes, Lenoard |
Barnes, Lenora |
Barnes, Leonard |
Barnes, Lessie |
Barnes, Lessie Jr. |
Barnes, Lester |
Barnes, Lewis |
Barnes, Liddie |
Barnes, Lilburn |
Barnes, Lillian |
Barnes, Lillian |
Barnes, Lillie B. |
Barnes, Lina |
Barnes, Linton S. |
Barnes, Linwood |
Barnes, Lizze M. |
Barnes, Lizzie |
Barnes, Lizzie |
Barnes, Lizzie |
Barnes, Lloyd |
Barnes, Lois Ann |
Barnes, Lonnie |
Barnes, Lonnie |
Barnes, Lorenza |
Barnes, Lossie |
Barnes, Lou H. |
Barnes, Lougenie |
Barnes, Louie |
Barnes, Louis Earl |
Barnes, Louise |
Barnes, Louise |
Barnes, Louissa |
Barnes, Loyd M. |
Barnes, Luby |
Barnes, Luby Jr. |
Barnes, Lucenda O. |
Barnes, Lucile |
Barnes, Lucile |
Barnes, Lucile |
Barnes, Lula |
Barnes, Lula Bell |
Barnes, Lura |
Barnes, Luther M. |
Barnes, Luther R. |
Barnes, Lynwood |
Barnes, Martha Lee |
Barnes, Mary L. |
Barnes, Mary Lavine |
Barnes, Nassie L. |
Barnes, Ola Lee |
Barnes, Ora L. |
Barnes, Penny L. |
Barnes, Percy L. |
Barnes, Percy Lee |
Barnes, Robert L. |
Barnes, Rosa L. |
Barnes, Roxie L. |
Barnes, S. L. |
Barron, Lula |
Bastardy Bonds |
Father's Name |
Mother's Name |
Date |
Barefoot, Londy L. |
Barefoot, Meadith E. |
28 Nov 1859 |
NC Yearbooks |
Name |
Year |
Class |
School |
Barefoot, Lexie Glenn |
1931 |
Senior |
UNC-Chapel Hill |
Freemasons |
No Results found |
NC Civil War Soldiers Index * |
Name |
Unit |
Comp |
Rank |
Side |
Barbee, G. L.
1st Regiment, NC Infantry
G |
Private |
Barber, Lewis H.
24th Regiment, NC Infantry
I |
Private |
Barber, William L.
1st Regiment, NC Infantry
K |
Private |
Barbour, S. L.
3rd Regiment, NC Infantry
G |
Private |
Barchett, John L.
1st Regiment, NC Cavalry
E |
Private |
Barden, John L.
17th Regiment, NC Infantry (1st Organization)
G |
Private |
Barden, John L.
12th Regiment, NC Infantry
C |
Private |
Barden, John L.
3rd Regiment, NC Cavalry
H |
Private |
Barden, John L.
3rd Regiment, NC Cavalry
K |
Private |
Bare, Lee
26th Regiment, NC Infantry
A |
Private |
Barefoot, Littleton
56th Regiment, NC Infantry
B |
Private |
Barefoot, Londy L.
10th Battalion, NC Heavy Artillery
B |
Private |
Barfell, Lytleton
56th Regiment, NC Infantry
B |
Private |
Barfield, Levi A.
66th Regiment, NC Infantry
F |
Private |
Barfield, Lewis A.
66th Regiment, NC Infantry
F |
Private |
Barfield, Lewis A.
8th Battalion, NC Cavalry (Partisan Rangers)
A |
Private |
Barfield, Louis L.
20th Regiment, NC Infantry
E |
Private |
Barfield, Louis L.
61st Regiment, NC Infantry
E |
Corporal |
Bargin, L.
43rd Regiment, NC Infantry
C |
Private |
Barham, Alfred L.
21st Regiment, NC Infantry
L |
Private |
Barham, George L.
1st Regiment, NC Cavalry
E |
Private |
Barham, L. M. Mc
45th Regiment, NC Infantry
C |
Corporal |
Barhardt, Lawson
20th Regiment, NC Infantry
B |
Private |
Bark, L. J.
28th Regiment, NC Infantry
I |
Hospital Steward |
Barker, D. L.
27th Regiment, NC Infantry
F |
Private |
Barker, J. L.
4th Regiment, NC Infantry
A |
Private |
Barker, L. G.
1st Regiment, NC Infantry
G |
Private |
Barker, L. Jones
28th Regiment, NC Infantry
I |
Hospital Steward |
Barker, Larkin J.
28th Regiment, NC Infantry
I |
Hospital Steward |
Barker, Levi
6th Regiment, NC Infantry
K |
Private |
Barker, Lewis
2nd Battalion, NC Infantry
F |
Private |
Barker, Lewis J.
5th Regiment, NC Cavalry
E |
Private |
Barker, Lewis S.
5th Regiment, NC Cavalry
E |
Private |
Barker, Loyd
2nd Regiment, NC Artillery
B |
Private |
Barker, Marcus L.
15th Regiment, NC Infantry
A |
Private |
Barlow, L. C.
37th Regiment, NC Infantry
F |
Private |
Barlow, Larkin
37th Regiment, NC Infantry
F |
Private |
Barlow, Larkin
5th Regiment, NC Senior Reserves
F |
Private |
Barlow, Larkin
53rd Regiment, NC Infantry
K |
Private |
Barlow, Thomas L.
26th Regiment, NC Infantry
C |
Private |
Barlow, William L.
26th Regiment, NC Infantry
Private |
Barnard, E. L.
5th Regiment, NC Infantry
I |
Private |
Barnard, Leander
4th Regiment, NC Infantry
H |
Private |
Barnard, William L.
5th Regiment, NC Cavalry
Private |
Barne, Levi
5th Regiment, NC Infantry
E |
Lieutenant |
Barnes, A. L.
35th Regiment, NC Infantry
I |
Private |
Barnes, Alexander L.B.
12th Regiment, NC Infantry
H |
Corporal |
Barnes, Doctor L.
1st Regiment, NC Infantry
C |
Private |
Barnes, Elias L.
24th Regiment, NC Infantry
C |
Private |
Barnes, G. L.
12th Regiment, NC Infantry
G |
Private |
Barnes, H. L.
1st Regiment, NC Cavalry
B |
Private |
Barnes, H. L.
66th Regiment, NC Infantry
B |
Private |
Barnes, Haynes L.
Galloway's Company, NC Coast Guards
Private |
Barnes, Hiram L.
54th Regiment, NC Infantry
A |
Private |
Barnes, J. L.
35th Regiment, NC Infantry
B |
Private |
Barnes, Joshua L.
12th Regiment, NC Infantry
L |
Private |
Barnes, Joshua L.
32nd Regiment, NC Infantry (Lenoir Braves)
F,A |
Private |
Barnes, L.
2nd Regiment, NC Infantry
D |
Sergeant |
Barnes, Lafayette
4th Regiment, NC Infantry
F |
First Sergeant |
Barnes, Lanson
35th Regiment, NC Infantry
I |
Private |
Barnes, Larry
55th Regiment, NC Infantry
A |
Private |
Barnes, Leonard
1st Regiment, NC Infantry
G |
Private |
Barnes, Levi
5th Regiment, NC Cavalry
D |
Private |
Barnes, Lewis D.W.
47th Regiment, NC Infantry
D |
Private |
Barnes, Peter L.
4th Regiment, NC Cavalry (59th NC State Troops)
H |
Private |
Barnes, W. L.
1st Regiment, NC Artillery
F |
Private |
Barnes, Washington L.
2nd Regiment, NC Infantry
D |
Sergeant |
Barnes, William L.
1st Regiment, NC Artillery
F |
Private |
Barnett, Americus L.
56th Regiment, NC Infantry
G |
Corporal |
Barnett, Daniel L.
13th Regiment, NC Infantry
E |
Private |
Barnett, E. L.S.
53rd Regiment, NC Infantry
B |
Private |
Barnett, E. L.S.
11th Regiment, NC Infantry (Bethel Regiment)
A |
Private |
Barnett, Elam Leroy S.
53rd Regiment, NC Infantry
B |
Private |
Barnett, J. L.
11th Regiment, NC Infantry (Bethel Regiment)
A |
Private |
Barnett, James L.
3rd Regiment, NC Artillery
B |
Private |
Barnett, L. B.
26th Regiment, NC Infantry
I |
Private |
Barnett, L. F.
Wallace's Company, Wilmington NC Railroad Guards
Private |
Barnett, Levi W.
64th Regiment, NC Infantry (Allen's)
D |
Private |
Barnett, Lewis
3rd Regiment, NC Artillery
H |
Private |
Barnett, Lewis E.
13th Battalion, NC Light Artillery
F |
Private |
Barnette, John L.
11th Regiment, NC Infantry (Bethel Regiment)
A |
Private |
Barneycassel, H. L.
9th Battalion, NC Sharpshooters (1st Battalion)
B |
Private |
Barnhardt, Lawson
20th Regiment, NC Infantry
B |
Private |
Barnhardt, Loche
7th Regiment, NC Infantry
H |
Private |
Barnhardt, Lock
7th Regiment, NC Infantry
H |
Private |
Barnhardt, Marshal L.
8th Regiment, NC Infantry
H |
Second Lieutenant |
Barnhart, Lawson
20th Regiment, NC Infantry
B |
Private |
Barnhill, Bymun L.T.
3rd Regiment, NC Cavalry
K |
Private |
Barnhill, John L.
61st Regiment, NC Infantry
C |
Private |
Barnhill, Lemuel E.
43rd Regiment, NC Infantry
D |
Private |
Barns, L. J.
2nd Regiment, NC Infantry
D |
Private |
Barr, L. M.
48th Regiment, NC Infantry
D |
Private |
Barr, L. W.
48th Regiment, NC Infantry
D |
Private |
Barr, Robert L.
2nd Regiment, NC Artillery
G |
Private |
Barrem, L. M.
45th Regiment, NC Infantry
C |
Corporal |
Barrett, L.
15th Regiment, NC Infantry
C |
Private |
Barrett, Levi
15th Regiment, NC Infantry
C |
Private |
Barrett, Lycurgus J.
27th Regiment, NC Infantry
E |
Second Lieutenant |
Barrett, William L.
24th Regiment, NC Infantry
H |
Private |
Barrien, J. L.
20th Regiment, NC Infantry
A |
Private |
Barrier, John L.
20th Regiment, NC Infantry
A |
Private |
Barrier, L. C.
8th Regiment, NC Infantry
H |
Private |
Barrier, Levi C.
8th Regiment, NC Infantry
H |
Private |
Barrier, William L.
1st Regiment, NC Cavalry
F |
Private |
Barrier, William L.
8th Regiment, NC Infantry
H |
Sergeant |
Barrigner, A. L.
5th Regiment, NC Infantry
F |
Private |
Barringer, A. L.
3rd Battalion, NC Junior Reserves
F |
Private |
Barringer, A. L.
5th Regiment, NC Infantry
F |
Private |
Barringer, Andrew L.
8th Battalion, NC Junior Reserves
A |
Private |
Barringer, D. L.
2nd Regiment, NC Junior Reserves
E |
Private |
Barringer, Edward L.
20th Regiment, NC Infantry
A |
Private |
Barringer, James L.
57th Regiment, NC Infantry
C |
Private |
Barrington, E. L.
20th Regiment, NC Infantry
A |
Private |
Barrow, F. L.
57th Regiment, NC Infantry
D |
Third Lieutenant |
Barrow, J. L.
57th Regiment, NC Infantry
D |
Third Lieutenant |
Barrow, Luelin
44th Regiment, NC Infantry
C |
Private |
Barrow, Nathaniel L.
43rd Regiment, NC Infantry
G |
Sergeant |
Barrows, T. L.
17th Regiment, NC Infantry (1st Organization)
F |
Private |
Barry, Alonzo L.
3rd Battalion, NC Light Artillery
B |
Bugler |
Barry, Alonzo L.
1st Battalion, NC Heavy Artillery
A-D |
Private |
Bartholomew, L. E.
12th Regiment, NC Infantry
K |
Private |
Bartholomew, L. E.
15th Regiment, NC Infantry
G |
Private |
Bartholomew, Lewis
12th Regiment, NC Infantry
K |
Private |
Bartholomew, Lewis E.
15th Regiment, NC Infantry
G |
Private |
Bartlett, Leonidas J.
12th Regiment, NC Infantry
F |
Private |
Bartlett, Leroy L.
46th Regiment, NC Infantry
C |
Private |
Bartlett, Levi
1st Regiment, NC Artillery
F |
Private |
Barton, H. L.
3rd Regiment, NC Artillery
G |
Private |
Barton, H. L.
13th Battalion, NC Light Artillery
E |
Private |
Barton, John L.
17th Regiment, NC Infantry (1st Organization)
G |
Private |
Barton, L.
2nd Regiment, NC Infantry
L |
Private |
Brevard, David L.
60th Regiment, NC Infantry
C |
Second Lieutenant |
NC Civil War Sailors Index * |
No Results found |
Southern Claims Commission |
No Results found |
Executions |
No Results found |
Cemetery Graves |
Name |
Birth |
Death |
Cemetery |
Barbee, Woodrow L |
1944 |
1994 |
Peacock |
Barber, Leon Paul |
1932 |
2014 |
Pearce, Ransom |
Barber, Liddie F |
1890 |
1903 |
Four Oaks Town |
Barber, Lucy L |
1902 |
1973 |
Hills of the Neuse Memorial Gardens |
Barber, Mary L |
1891 |
1915 |
Oakland |
Barbour, Annie L |
1899 |
1904 |
Rehobeth Primitive Baptist Church |
Barbour, Annie Lee |
1920 |
1920 |
St. Mary's Grove Original Free Will Baptist Church |
Barbour, Ayden L |
1921 |
1938 |
Rehobeth Primitive Baptist Church |
Barbour, Bessie Langdon |
1879 |
1954 |
Rehobeth Primitive Baptist Church |
Barbour, Beulah Lee |
1910 |
1987 |
Mt. Moriah Baptist Church |
Barbour, Callie Louise |
1928 |
1957 |
Sunset Memorial Park |
Barbour, Cheryl Lynn |
1948 |
Maplewood |
Barbour, Christopher Lee |
1955 |
1956 |
Oliver's Grove |
Barbour, Colon Leon |
1910 |
1965 |
Benson Grove Baptist Church |
Barbour, Crystal Lynn |
1974 |
1974 |
St. Mary's Grove Original Free Will Baptist Church |
Barbour, Dallas L |
1861 |
1943 |
Maplewood |
Barbour, Everett Lee |
1915 |
Clayton City |
Barbour, Foster L |
1904 |
1963 |
Benson Grove Baptist Church |
Barbour, Gary Lamar |
1953 |
1954 |
Rehobeth Primitive Baptist Church |
Barbour, Geneva Lalon Dixon |
1880 |
1950 |
Langdon, Carroll |
Barbour, George L |
1872 |
1952 |
Lee's Chapel Advent Christian Church |
Barbour, George Larkin |
1901 |
1901 |
Keen, George |
Barbour, Herbert Larken |
1893 |
1954 |
Rehobeth Primitive Baptist Church |
Barbour, K L |
1849 |
1920 |
Keen, George |
Barbour, L Elgie Casey |
1912 |
1992 |
Casey, Matthew |
Barbour, L Gardner |
1927 |
1960 |
Barbour's Chapel Advent Christian Church |
Barbour, L Milton |
1876 |
1936 |
Sandy Grove Primitive Baptist Church |
Barbour, Lander |
1915 |
Hills of the Neuse Memorial Gardens |
Barbour, Larkin E |
1874 |
1966 |
Benson Grove Baptist Church |
Barbour, Laura Ann |
1866 |
1939 |
Rehobeth Primitive Baptist Church |
Barbour, Laura Blackmon |
1879 |
1954 |
Barbour's Chapel Advent Christian Church |
Barbour, Lawrence C |
1885 |
1919 |
Baptist Center Church |
Barbour, Lawrence M |
1921 |
1959 |
Maplewood |
Barbour, Leah Inez |
1916 |
1917 |
Four Oaks Town |
Barbour, Lela M |
1883 |
1972 |
Hodges Chapel Free Will Baptist Church |
Barbour, Lelia Parker |
1882 |
1966 |
Sunset Memorial Park |
Barbour, Lena A |
1868 |
1944 |
Clayton City |
Barbour, Lenora L |
1879 |
1961 |
Barbour, Easom |
Barbour, Lester H |
1906 |
1957 |
Barbour's Chapel Advent Christian Church |
Barbour, Lester T |
1890 |
1978 |
Knollwood |
Barbour, Lexie L |
1908 |
Hills of the Neuse Memorial Gardens |
Barbour, Lida Ann |
1954 |
White Memorial Presbyterian Church |
Barbour, Lillie |
1893 |
1915 |
Riverside |
Barbour, Lillie A |
1895 |
1971 |
Oakland |
Barbour, Lillie N |
1900 |
1961 |
Oakland |
Barbour, Lillie Ruth |
1900 |
1900 |
Keen, George |
Barbour, Linda Fay |
1946 |
1948 |
Oakland |
Barbour, Linwood |
1924 |
1984 |
Roselawn |
Barbour, Lisa Anny |
1968 |
Pinecrest Memorial Gardens |
Barbour, Livie S |
1902 |
1979 |
Barbour's Chapel Advent Christian Church |
Barbour, Lizzie Stephenson |
1875 |
1951 |
Sandy Grove Primitive Baptist Church |
Barbour, Lois Langdon |
1935 |
2009 |
Oakland Presbyterian Church |
Barbour, Loma |
1879 |
1965 |
Rehobeth Primitive Baptist Church |
Barbour, Lona A |
1904 |
1934 |
Benson Grove Baptist Church |
Barbour, Lonnie |
1908 |
1964 |
Barbour's Chapel Advent Christian Church |
Barbour, Lonnie R |
1908 |
1975 |
Selma Memorial Gardens |
Barbour, Lou Della Barber- |
1862 |
1912 |
Rehobeth Primitive Baptist Church |
Barbour, Louenza P |
1847 |
1900 |
Barbour, Robert C. |
Barbour, Louetta P |
1894 |
1970 |
Riverside |
Barbour, Louie J |
1877 |
1964 |
Barbour's Chapel Advent Christian Church |
Barbour, Louisa |
1874 |
1947 |
Barbour's Chapel Advent Christian Church |
Barbour, Louisa A |
1875 |
1936 |
Rehobeth Primitive Baptist Church |
Barbour, Louisa A |
1873 |
1912 |
Barbour, Robert C. |
Barbour, Louise |
Green Hill |
Barbour, Louise Lee |
1927 |
1957 |
Sunset Memorial Park |
Barbour, Lovett Elbert |
1939 |
Barbour's Chapel Advent Christian Church |
Barbour, Lovie P |
1915 |
1983 |
Parker, Cicero |
Barbour, Lucy Cathon |
1905 |
1906 |
Keen, George |
Barbour, Lucy Jane |
1855 |
1921 |
Rehobeth Primitive Baptist Church |
Barbour, Luenza |
1873 |
1885 |
Lassiter, Joseph E. |
Barbour, Lula M |
1909 |
Pisgah Baptist Church |
Barbour, Lula W |
1911 |
Barbour's Chapel Advent Christian Church |
Barbour, Lummie Strickland |
1886 |
1966 |
Barbour's Chapel Advent Christian Church |
Barbour, Lusettie |
Lee's Chapel Advent Christian Church |
Barbour, Luther |
1881 |
1958 |
Rehobeth Primitive Baptist Church |
Barbour, Luther Earl |
1911 |
1990 |
Casey, Matthew |
Barbour, Rev Luther U |
1923 |
Sunset Memorial Park |
Barbour, Lyda |
1900 |
1946 |
Barbour's Chapel Advent Christian Church |
Barbour, Lynn B |
1852 |
1918 |
Barbour, Lynn |
Barbour, Lystra Pearl |
1910 |
1951 |
Plainview Presbyterian Church |
Barbour, Mary L Moody |
1931 |
Casey, Matthew |
Barbour, Mary Lee |
1918 |
1919 |
Benson Grove Baptist Church |
Barbour, Nancy Lassiter Creech |
1872 |
1959 |
Sunset Memorial Park |
Barbour, Nannie Lou Poole |
1975 |
Maplewood |
Barbour, Neta Lorene |
1934 |
1934 |
Roselawn |
Barbour, Nora L |
1893 |
1972 |
Barbour's Chapel Advent Christian Church |
Barbour, P Laura |
1864 |
Hodges Chapel Free Will Baptist Church |
Barbour, Part L |
1891 |
1932 |
Johnston Union Primitive Baptist Church |
Barbour, Pauline L |
1914 |
Hills of the Neuse Memorial Gardens |
Barbour, Robert L |
1933 |
2000 |
Oakland |
Barbour, Robert Leon |
1920 |
1977 |
Barbour, Robert C. |
Barbour, Ruth L |
Rehobeth Primitive Baptist Church |
Barbour, S Lon |
1882 |
1936 |
Wilson's Mills |
Barbour, Sherwood Lee |
1937 |
1938 |
Oakland |
Barbour, Swanannon L |
1882 |
1965 |
Rehobeth Primitive Baptist Church |
Barbour, Troy L |
1931 |
Barbour's Chapel Advent Christian Church |
Barbour, Victor L |
1892 |
1957 |
Oakland Presbyterian Church |
Barbour, William L |
1853 |
1916 |
Hodges Chapel Free Will Baptist Church |
Barbour, Willie L |
1893 |
1974 |
Rehobeth Primitive Baptist Church |
Barden, Lelon Gould |
1905 |
1955 |
Selma Memorial Gardens |
Barden, R L (Bob) |
1893 |
1950 |
Princeton |
Barefoot, Clia L |
1906 |
1956 |
Unity Presbyterian Church |
Barefoot, Ettie Lee |
1895 |
Johnson/Lee |
Barefoot, Hugh L Twin |
1908 |
1908 |
Lee |
Barefoot, John Lloyd |
1911 |
1981 |
Roselawn |
Barefoot, L S |
Hodges Chapel Free Will Baptist Church |
Barefoot, Labell V |
1921 |
1978 |
Hodges Chapel Free Will Baptist Church |
Barefoot, Labon Cecil |
1922 |
1928 |
Banner Chapel Church |
Barefoot, Laura |
1875 |
1957 |
Barefoo |
Barefoot, Laura E |
1882 |
1956 |
Barefoot, Pink |
Barefoot, Lawrence Alton |
1902 |
1904 |
Johnson/Lee |
Barefoot, Leon |
1911 |
1912 |
Barefoot, Ed |
Barefoot, Leon Smith |
1916 |
1916 |
Smith, J. B. |
Barefoot, Lessie Mae |
1902 |
1951 |
Barefoot, Pink |
Barefoot, Letha |
1887 |
1938 |
Godwin/Barefoot |
Barefoot, Lettie J |
1897 |
1897 |
Barefoo |
Barefoot, Lettie J |
1889 |
1897 |
Barefoot, John Hardy |
Barefoot, Lillian Viola Williams |
1896 |
1973 |
Unity Presbyterian Church |
Barefoot, Lillie |
1885 |
1886 |
Blackman, Jerimiah |
Barefoot, Lillie Upchurch |
1888 |
1961 |
Roselawn |
Barefoot, Lillie Wood |
1910 |
1996 |
Roselawn |
Barefoot, Lina C |
1874 |
1925 |
Barefoot, T. Mann |
Barefoot, Lola Jane Pipkin |
1878 |
1911 |
Barefoot, Ed |
Barefoot, Lola May |
1886 |
1887 |
Johnson/Lee |
Barefoot, Lonnie |
1877 |
1915 |
Barefoot, Isaac |
Barefoot, Lonnie A |
1897 |
1960 |
Hodges Chapel Free Will Baptist Church |
Barefoot, Lonnie M |
1893 |
1956 |
Barefoot, Pink |
Barefoot, Louise |
1938 |
Antioch Methodist Church |
Barefoot, Luannie |
1827 |
1909 |
Barefoot, Pink |
Barefoot, Lucille Tart |
1917 |
1976 |
Beulah Church |
Barefoot, Luna May |
1897 |
1898 |
Eldridge, John C. |
Barefoot, Luther G |
1903 |
1966 |
Hodges Chapel Free Will Baptist Church |
Barefoot, Luther M |
1887 |
1921 |
Hinson Family |
Barefoot, Mordecia Lee MD |
1883 |
1946 |
Johnson/Lee |
Barefoot, Ninnie L |
1894 |
1925 |
Barbour's Chapel Advent Christian Church |
Barefoot, Percy L |
1901 |
1940 |
Barefoot, Pink |
Barefoot, Ruby Louise |
1917 |
1918 |
Hinson Family |
Barefoot, Steven Leon |
1958 |
1980 |
Antioch Methodist Church |
Barefoot, Theda Lee |
1859 |
Johnson/Lee |
Barefoot, Walter Louis |
Massengill, Bud |
Barfield, Lela B |
1898 |
1983 |
Mt. Moriah Baptist Church |
Barfield, Lewis |
1888 |
Thomas, John D. |
Barfield, Lonie Mack |
1900 |
1958 |
Long Branch Church |
Barfield, Lonnie Jr |
Long Branch Church |
Barfield, Lucy |
1885 |
1963 |
Sunrise (Graytown) |
Barham, Lillian G |
1903 |
1905 |
Creech, Bennett |
Barnes, Annie Laura |
1907 |
1970 |
White Oak Baptist Church |
Barnes, Charles L |
1862 |
1938 |
Maplewood |
Barnes, Chester L |
1880 |
1952 |
White Oak Baptist Church |
Barnes, D L |
1845 |
1904 |
Clayton City |
Barnes, E L P |
1872 |
1916 |
Clayton City |
Barnes, George Larry |
1966 |
Pinecrest Memorial Gardens |
Barnes, Ida Liles |
1886 |
1970 |
White Oak Baptist Church |
Barnes, Jacqueline Lemay |
1975 |
Riverside |
Barnes, L D |
1885 |
1920 |
Barnes, D. S. |
Barnes, L D H |
1854 |
1936 |
Oakland |
Barnes, L Zell |
1891 |
1970 |
Knollwood |
Barnes, Larry Hocutt |
1938 |
1973 |
Pinecrest Memorial Gardens |
Barnes, Laura Kitchen |
1853 |
1928 |
White Oak Baptist Church |
Barnes, Laura Lee |
1936 |
1947 |
White Oak Baptist Church |
Barnes, Lehman W |
1876 |
1955 |
Sunset Memorial Park |
Barnes, Lela Horton |
1882 |
1963 |
Maplewood |
Barnes, Lena W |
1881 |
1921 |
White Oak Baptist Church |
Barnes, Lidia |
1880 |
1910 |
Williamson, Hardy #1 & #2 |
Barnes, Lilburn Elizabeth |
1925 |
1941 |
Maplewood |
Barnes, Lilly |
1918 |
1920 |
Piney Grove Church |
Barnes, Lizzie Johnson |
1902 |
1988 |
Barnes/Price |
Barnes, Lucille M |
1922 |
1969 |
Selma Memorial Gardens |
Barnes, Lula |
1891 |
1902 |
Williamson, Hardy #1 & #2 |
Barnes, Lumie A |
1883 |
1935 |
Amelia Christian Church |
Barnes, Luther E |
1909 |
1991 |
Piney Grove Church |
Barnes, Luther M |
1887 |
1930 |
Maplewood |
Barnes, Needham L |
1889 |
Barnes, Zell |
Barnes, Percy L |
1898 |
1966 |
Sanders Chapel |
Barnes, R L |
1878 |
1918 |
Thompson, D. D. |
Barnes, Robert L |
1911 |
1913 |
Thompson, D. D. |
Barnes, Sandra L |
1946 |
1958 |
St. Mary's Grove Original Free Will Baptist Church |
Barreau, Leo J |
1895 |
1969 |
Antioch Methodist Church |
Barrow, Lessie P |
1904 |
1985 |
Mt. Moriah Baptist Church |
Barrow, Lula I |
1885 |
1970 |
Crumpler, Garry |
NC Confederate Soldiers Burial Database* |
Name |
Death |
County |
Cemetery |
Barfield, Lewis L. |
1913 |
Lenoir |
Maplewood Cemetery |
Barkley, Britton L. |
1890 |
Wake |
Oakwood Cemetery |
Barlow, Larkin |
1863 |
Wayne |
Willow Dale Cemetery |
Barnes, Lafayette |
1861 |
Wilson |
Maplewood Cemetery |
Barnett, Daniel L. |
1863 |
Alamance |
Wills Index * |
Name |
Year |
Barnes, D. L.
Barnes, Henry L.
Other Resources |
Surname |
Resource |
Title |
Ballard-Barham |
Bibles |
Ballard - Barham Family Bible Records |
Barber |
Bibles |
Joseph W. and Emma Cousins Barber Family Bible Records |
Barber |
Bibles |
N. B. and Laney Dixon Barber Family Bible Records |
Barber |
Cemeteries |
Barber Family Cemetery |
Barnes |
Court Records |
Jacob Barnes - Slave and Land Division, 1844 |
Barbour |
Deaths & Obituaries |
Smithy A. Godwin Barbour, 1919 |
Barbour |
Deaths & Obituaries |
Jackson S. Barbour, 1910 |
Barnes |
Deaths & Obituaries |
John M. Barnes, 1814 |
Barefoot-Rhodes |
Deeds |
Noah Barefoot to William Rhodes, 1777 |
Barber |
Wills & Estates |
Wilsey Barber - 1846 |
Surname Researchers |
NCGenWeb Project USGenWeb® Project USGenWeb® Archives USGenWeb® Archives Srch Tombstone Transcript Proj The Heritage Center JC GIS MapClick JC Register of Deeds NC Yearbook Index ArchiveGrid NC State Archives NCGH Library NCGH Pinterest NCGH Flickr Transcript Proj FamilySearch ACPL Genealogy Center The Family History Guide FamilySearch Learning Center US African American Griots Family Group Sheet Project USGenWeb Kidz |
Harnett County
Nash County
Sampson County
Wake County
Wayne County
Wilson County
Johnston County, Oklahoma
Johnson County, Arkansas
Johnson County, Georgia
Johnson County, Illinois
Johnson County, Indiana
Johnson County, Iowa
Johnson County, Kansas
Johnson County, Kentucky
Johnson County, Missouri
Johnson County, Nebraska
Johnson County, Tennessee
Johnson County, Texas
Johnson County, Wyoming
County Coordinator |
W. Kay |
County Volunteers |
Ross Sippel |