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» Search Results » LUCY DAVIS
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1784-1787 State Census
No Results found
1790 Federal Census
No Results found
1800 Federal Census
No Results found
1810 Federal Census
No Results found
1820 Federal Census *
No Results found
1830 Federal Census *
No Results found
1840 Federal Census *
No Results found
1860 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Davis, Laura
35 White Female 176 Boon Hill
Davis, Laura
0 Mulatto Female 193 Smithfield
Davis, Lucinda
45 White Female 315 Smithfield
1870 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Davis, Laura
8 White Female 46 Selma
Davis, Laura E.
50 White Female 46 Selma
Davis, Lida
39 Black Female 99 Clayton
Davis, Louiza
30 White Female 111 Boon Hill
Davis, Lucy
27 White Female 45 Smithfield
Davis, Lucy
12 White Female 59 Elevation
1880 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Davis, J. L.
37 White Male 259 North Smithfield
Davis, Laura
6 White Female 127 Clayton
Davis, Lucinda
6 Black Female 232 Wilders
Davis, Lucy N.
37 White Female 110 Wilson's Mills
Davis, Luther
0 White Male 127 Clayton
Davis, Lydia
40 Black Female 232 Wilders
1900 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Davis, Jesse L.
7 White Male 25 Smithfield
Davis, Laura
24 White Female 148 Selma
Davis, Lena A. E.
49 White Female 169 Beulah
Davis, Lenda
12 White Female 73 Beulah
Davis, Lester
13 White Male 148 Selma
Davis, Lillie
13 Black Female 126 Selma
Davis, Lillie
7 White Female 35 O'Neals
Davis, Lillie
3 White Female 148 Selma
Davis, Lilly
1 White Female 141 Beulah
Davis, Linnie
46 White Female 50 Smithfield
Davis, Lula
7 Black Female 177 Wilders
Davis, Luler A.
17 White Female 25 Smithfield
Davis, Lulu O.
2 White Female 299 Ingrams
Davis, Luther
21 White Male 9 Smithfield
Davis, Luther
19 White Male 148 Selma
Davis, M. L.
48 White Male 50 Smithfield
Davis, Pherebe L.
21 White Female 299 Ingrams
1910 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Davis, Addie L.
1/1/1900 White Female 21 Beulah
Davis, Annie L.
1/5/1900 Black Female 201 Clayton
Davis, Hannah L.
14 White Female 97 Wilson's Mills
Davis, James L.
2/9/1900 White Male 271 O'Neals
Davis, Lavoya
1/31/1900 White Female 488 Smithfield
Davis, Lena
29 White Female 268 Smithfield
Davis, Lenard
1/6/1900 White Male 488 Smithfield
Davis, Leomi
1/4/1900 White Female 302 O'Neals
Davis, Lessie M.
6 Mulatto Female 106 Pine Level
Davis, Liddie
1/26/1900 Black Female 201 Clayton
Davis, Lilar
White Female 141 Boon Hill
Davis, Lillian
1+1/12 White Female 337 Selma
Davis, Lillie
12 White Female 55 Beulah
Davis, Lillie
14 White Female 38 Selma
Davis, Lillie
1/16/1900 White Female 362 Beulah
Davis, Lillie
23 Mulatto Female 100 Pine Level
Davis, Lillie
8 White Female 110 Pine Level
Davis, Lillie M.
7 White Female 90 Pine Level
Davis, Loyd
16 White Male 110 Pine Level
Davis, Lucy E.
8 White Female 97 Wilson's Mills
Davis, Lula
1/20/1900 Black Female 306 Clayton
Davis, Lula
1/6/1900 White Female 302 O'Neals
Davis, Lula
1/12/1900 White Female 488 Smithfield
Davis, Luloria
1/20/1900 White Female 4 Beulah
Davis, Luther
30 White Male 38 Selma
Davis, Luthur
15 White Male 15 Beulah
1920 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Daves, James L.
5 White Male 209 Smithfield
Davies, Dock L.
17 White Male 99 Smithfield
Davies, Farbeth L.
41 White Female 282 Smithfield
Davies, Lissie
22 Black Female 191 Smithfield
Davies, Loiad J.
27 White Male 210 Smithfield
Davies, Loula O.
21 White Female 282 Smithfield
Davis, J. L.
50 White Male 40 O'Neals
Davis, Jesse L.
33 White Male 82 Bentonville
Davis, Joseph L.
Black Male 9 Pine Level
Davis, L. T.
24 White Male 132 Wilders
Davis, Laylon
16 Black Female 75 Pleasant Grove
Davis, Lenmon
9 White Male 184 Boon Hill
Davis, Leona
20 White Female 36 Beulah
Davis, Lethar
Black Female 9 Pine Level
Davis, Lidia
White Female 82 Bentonville
Davis, Lila
12 White Female 184 Boon Hill
Davis, Lillie M.
17 White Female 369 Selma
Davis, Lillie Mae
2 White Female 82 Bentonville
Davis, Lizzie
30 White Female 156 Beulah
Davis, Lois K.
9 White Female 370 Smithfield
Davis, Looba
16 White Female 103 O'Neals
Davis, Lorina
10 Black Female 278 Selma
Davis, Louie
21 White Female 48 Banner
Davis, Lu
4 White Female 43 O'Neals
Davis, Lucy
17 White Female 118 Wilson's Mills
Davis, Lutaria
29 White Female 263 O'Neals
Davis, Luther
26 White Male 1 Micro
1930 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Davis, Dorothy L.
5 White Female 046 Beulah
Davis, Dorothy Lee
13 White Female 066 O'Neals
Davis, Ferby L.
52 White Female 372 Smithfield
Davis, Hettie L.
47 White Female 169 Boon Hill
Davis, Ida L.
6 Black Female 162 Pine Level
Davis, James L.
59 White Male 073 O'Neals
Davis, Lava M.
2+6/12 Black Female 182 Smithfield
Davis, Lawrence
9 White Male 173 Smithfield
Davis, Lectora
4 White Female 200 Beulah
Davis, Lee O.
30 White Male 406 Selma
Davis, Lela I.
10 White Female 170 Beulah
Davis, Lelia B.
28 White Female 027 Beulah
Davis, Leon
3+9/12 White Male 148 Micro
Davis, Lessie
25 Black Female 106 Pine Level
Davis, Letha
11 Black Female 162 Pine Level
Davis, Letha
15 Black Male 145 Clayton
Davis, Letia
41 Black Female 129 Wilders
Davis, Lewis
17 Black Male 259 Selma
Davis, Lida J.
9 White Female 092 Bentonville
Davis, Lilian
4+1/12 White Female 237 Selma
Davis, Lillie
6 White Female 004 Beulah
Davis, Lillie M.
13 White Female 092 Bentonville
Davis, Linman
19 White Male 169 Boon Hill
Davis, Lissie
Black Female 182 Smithfield
Davis, Lomie
28 White Male 046 Beulah
Davis, Lonie F.
2+7/12 White Female 092 Bentonville
Davis, Louise
7 White Female 325 Selma
Davis, Loyd Jr.
37 White Male 057 Smithfield
Davis, Lucile
12 White Female 325 Selma
Davis, Lucile
6 White Female 237 Selma
Davis, Lucille
5 White Female 242 Smithfield
Davis, Lucy
41 White Female 032 Elevation
Davis, Lucy G.
2+0/12 White Female 187 Smithfield
Davis, Luis
17 White Male 162 Pine Level
Davis, Luther Jr.
7 White Male 011 Micro
Davis, Luther C.
35 White Male 011 Micro
Davis, Luther T.
34 White Male 083 Wilders
Davis, Lutoria
34 White Female 242 Smithfield
Davis, Lyda
40 White Female 295 Beulah
Davis, Mary Lee
3 White Female 279 O'Neals
Davis, Middie L.
5 Black Female 167 Pine Level
1940 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Davis, Carry Lee
9 Black Female 127 Wilson's Mills
Davis, Clidy Lucille
12 White Female 8 Smithfield
Davis, Dayton L.
35 White Male 298 Pleasant Grove
Davis, Emma L--?
39 Black Female 75 Meadow
Davis, Georgia L.
13 White Female 139 Beulah
Davis, Howard L.
6 Black Male 393 Ingrams
Davis, Ida L.
16 Black Female 93 Pine Level
Davis, J. L.
69 White Male 266 O'Neals
Davis, Jasper Lee
4 White Male 162 Smithfield
Davis, Jesse L.
48 White Male 230 Micro
Davis, Joe L.
1 Black Male 138 Clayton
Davis, John L.
20 White Male 111 Banner
Davis, L. C.
45 White Male 18 Micro
Davis, L. C. Jr.
17 White Male 18 Micro
Davis, Lavey
43 White Female 110 Banner
Davis, Lawrence
19 White Male 88 Smithfield
Davis, Leamon
21 White Male 139 Beulah
Davis, Lela
37 White Female 47 Beulah
Davis, Lenmon
29 White Male 72 Boon Hill
Davis, Leon
2 Black Male 189 Smithfield
Davis, Leon
13 White Male 180 Micro
Davis, Leona
39 White Female 202 Micro
Davis, Leroy
<1 Black Male 182 Boon Hill
Davis, Lessie
24 White Female 180 Selma
Davis, Lewis
10 White Male 145 Smithfield
Davis, Lida
20 White Female 257 Ingrams
Davis, Lidia
20 White Female 56 Smithfield
Davis, Lilly M.
16 White Female 319 Beulah
Davis, Liza
50 White Female 219 Beulah
Davis, Lizzie
27 White Female 202 O'Neals
Davis, Lois
21 Black Female 80 Boon Hill
Davis, Lola
32 White Female 282 O'Neals
Davis, Lonnie
73 Black Male 177 Smithfield
Davis, Loubell
34 White Female 377 O'Neals
Davis, Louis
27 Black Male 71 Pine Level
Davis, Louise
18 White Female 70 Micro
Davis, Louise
17 White Female 262 Selma
Davis, Louise
11 White Female 271 Smithfield
Davis, Louise
2 White Female 56 Smithfield
Davis, Louise
9 White Female 180 Micro
Davis, Love May
12 Black Female 91 Wilson's Mills
Davis, Lubby
50 Black Male 24 Selma
Davis, Luby Herman
1 Black Male 24 Selma
Davis, Lucile
15 White Female 76 Ingrams
Davis, Lucile
6 Black Female 73 Meadow
Davis, Lucille
14 Black Female 138 Beulah
Davis, Ludie
3 White Female 329 O'Neals
Davis, Luella
23 Black Female 71 Pine Level
Davis, Lugean
7 White Female 48 Boon Hill
Davis, Lula M.
3 Black Female 139 Clayton
Davis, Lurelia
27 Black Female 73 Meadow
Davis, Luther L.
<1 White Male 220 Beulah
Davis, Luther S.
30 White Male 57 Smithfield
Davis, Luther T.
44 White Male 80 Wilders
Davis, Lutoria
14 White Female 220 Beulah
Davis, Lyda
50 White Female 99 Micro
Davis, Margarett L.
12 Black Female 70 Pine Level
Davis, Marjorie Lee
4 White Female 189 O'Neals
Davis, Martha L.
43 White Female 299 Beulah
Davis, Molly Leather
35 White Female 8 Smithfield
Davis, Ora Lee
4 Black Female 182 Boon Hill
Davis, Patricia Louise
1 White Female 298 Pleasant Grove
Davis, Ramon Lee
19 Black Male 24 Selma
Davis, Rosa Lee
26 Black Female 182 Boon Hill
Davis, Roy Lee
10 White Male 12 Smithfield
Davis, Ruby L.
5 White Female 12 Pine Level
Davis, Ruby L.
8 White Female 168 Smithfield
Davis, Vera Lee
13 White Female 294 Cleveland
Bastardy Bonds
No Results found
NC Yearbooks
No Results found
No Results found
NC Civil War Soldiers Index *
Name Unit Comp Rank Side
Dabbs, Lemuel J. 3rd Regiment, NC Cavalry C Private C
Davenport, L. 27th Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Davenport, Levi B. 61st Regiment, NC Infantry K Private C
Daves, Decature L. 1st Battalion, NC Junior Reserves A Private C
Daves, Lorenzo A. 34th Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Davice, W. L. 18th Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Davidson, B. L. 37th Regiment, NC Infantry F Private C
Davidson, George L. 2nd Regiment, NC Cavalry B Private C
Davidson, John L. 1st Regiment, NC Infantry E Private C
Davidson, Louis 11th Regiment, NC Infantry (Bethel Regiment) F Private C
Davidson, William L. 37th Regiment, NC Infantry K Second Lieutenant C
Davidson, William Lee 4th Regiment, NC Infantry A Captain C
Davidson, William Lee 7th Regiment, NC Infantry D Colonel C
Davies, Lawson E. 60th Regiment, NC Infantry G Lieutenant C
Davis, A. L. 2nd Regiment, NC Artillery I Private C
Davis, Alexander L. 30th Regiment, NC Infantry D Commissary Sergeant C
Davis, Alpheus L. 2nd Battalion, NC Infantry G Private C
Davis, Amos L. 2nd Regiment, NC Artillery I Private C
Davis, Andrew L. 49th Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Davis, B. L. 11th Regiment, NC Infantry (Bethel Regiment) B Private C
Davis, Benjamin L. 11th Regiment, NC Infantry (Bethel Regiment) B Private C
Davis, Christopher L. Croom's Company, NC Local Defense (Kingston Guards)(Kingston Provost Guard) Second Lieutenant C
Davis, David L. 67th Regiment, NC Infantry - Private C
Davis, E. L. 1st Regiment, NC Junior Reserves C Private C
Davis, Edward L. 3rd Regiment, NC Cavalry G Private C
Davis, Gabriel L. 2nd Battalion, NC Infantry B Private C
Davis, H. L. 34th Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Davis, H. L. 43rd Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Davis, Harry L. 5th Battalion, NC Cavalry A Private C
Davis, Harvy L. 6th Regiment, NC Cavalry I,A Private C
Davis, Henry L. 3rd Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Davis, Henry L. 2nd Regiment, NC Artillery G Private C
Davis, Ira L. 5th Regiment, NC Infantry A Private C
Davis, J. L. 62nd Regiment, NC Infantry F Private C
Davis, J. L. 6th Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Davis, Jacob L. 50th Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Davis, James L. 4th Regiment, NC Senior Reserves C Private C
Davis, John L. Infantry Regiment, Thomas' NC Legion A Private C
Davis, John L. 44th Regiment, NC Infantry K Private C
Davis, John L. 39th Regiment, NC Infantry K Private C
Davis, John L. 51st Regiment, NC Infantry E Private C
Davis, John L. 16th Regiment, NC Infantry A,G Corporal C
Davis, John L. 46th Regiment, NC Infantry G Sergeant C
Davis, John Landrum 56th Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Davis, Joseph L. 58th Regiment, NC Infantry E Private C
Davis, Joseph L. 2nd Regiment, NC Infantry F Private C
Davis, L. 3rd Battalion, NC Junior Reserves H Private C
Davis, L. A. 14th Regiment, NC Infantry K Private C
Davis, L. A. 44th Regiment, NC Infantry A Private C
Davis, L. A. 34th Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Davis, L. D. 14th Regiment, NC Infantry E Private C
Davis, L. H. 34th Regiment, NC Infantry D Second Lieutenant C
Davis, L. J. 5th Regiment, NC Senior Reserves H Private C
Davis, L. M. Mallett's Battalion, NC Camp Guards (Camp Holmes) D Private C
Davis, Lauchlin 3rd Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Davis, Lawrence D. 52nd Regiment, NC Infantry D Ordnance Sergeant C
Davis, Lawson B. 16th Regiment, NC Infantry K Private C
Davis, Lawson B. 60th Regiment, NC Infantry G First Lieutenant C
Davis, Lemuel 38th Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Davis, Levi 26th Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Davis, Levi C. 64th Regiment, NC Infantry (Allen's) H Private C
Davis, Levi S. 17th Regiment, NC Infantry (2nd Organization) D Private C
Davis, Lewis 2nd Regiment, NC Artillery G Private C
Davis, Lewis 58th Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Davis, Lewis 55th Regiment, NC Infantry H First Lieutenant C
Davis, Lewis B. 14th Regiment, NC Infantry E Private C
Davis, Lindsey 42nd Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Davis, Littleberry 32nd Regiment, NC Infantry (Lenoir Braves) C,I Private C
Davis, Lloyd 2nd Regiment, NC Artillery I Private C
Davis, Logan C. 49th Regiment, NC Infantry A Private C
Davis, Lorenzo D. 2nd Battalion, NC Infantry H Private C
Davis, Lorenzo D. 44th Regiment, NC Infantry A Private C
Davis, Lougan 2nd Battalion, NC Infantry F Private C
Davis, Luckett C. 38th Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Davis, Luke 2nd Regiment, NC Artillery H Private C
Davis, Luke 8th Regiment, NC Infantry F Private C
Davis, Luther Martin 5th Regiment, NC Infantry K Captain C
Davis, M. L. 1st Regiment, NC Cavalry C Corporal C
Davis, Madison L. 5th Regiment, NC Cavalry G Corporal C
Davis, Matthew L. Jr. 2nd Regiment, NC Cavalry Colonel C
Davis, Merrit L. 35th Regiment, NC Infantry F Private C
Davis, Riley L. 48th Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Davis, Samuel L. 28th Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Davis, T. L. 49th Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Davis, Thomas L. 6th Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Davis, Thomas L. 21st Regiment, NC Infantry A Private C
Davis, Thomas L. 5th Regiment, NC Infantry E Private C
Davis, Thomas L. A. 35th Regiment, NC Infantry F Sergeant C
Davis, W. L. 21st Regiment, NC Infantry A Private C
Davis, W. L. 18th Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Davis, W. L. 47th Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Davis, William L. 48th Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Davis, William L. 3rd Regiment, NC Artillery H Private C
Davis, William L. 2nd Regiment, NC Infantry A Private C
Davis, William L. 29th Regiment, NC Infantry A Corporal C
Davison, Bennet L. 37th Regiment, NC Infantry F Private C
* All North Carolina soldiers (Union and Confederate) who fought in the Civil War.
NC Civil War Sailors Index *
Name Birthplace Occupation Age
Davis, Laurence New Bern Brickmaker 27
* African-American sailors who were born in North Carolina and fought for the Union.
Southern Claims Commission
No Results found
No Results found
Cemetery Graves
Name Birth Death Cemetery
Davenport, Deborah L 1951 Yelverton Grove Free Will Baptist Church
Davis, Clarence Lee 1910 1999 Batten, James W.
Davis, Gleen L 1936 1937 Langley, Zeno H.
Davis, Ida L 1913 1999 Davis, Robert S.
Davis, J Loyd 1892 1950 Davis, Robert S.
Davis, James Leaston 1914 1988 Davis, Robert S.
Davis, James Lee 1871 1957 Watkins Chapel Baptist Church
Davis, Joseph L 1903 1910 Johnston Union Primitive Baptist Church
Davis, Juile L 1966 1980 Lee, Aaron
Davis, L Carroll 1927 1942 Hodges Chapel Free Will Baptist Church
Davis, Lannie 1925 1925 Pittman, W. G.
Davis, Lauria V Long Branch Church
Davis, Lee Otha 1900 1958 Greenwood
Davis, Lela Radford 1913 1982 Batten, James W.
Davis, Lillie P 1891 Crocker
Davis, Lillie Ray 1972 Davis, Robert S.
Davis, Lizzie 1916 1918 Pittman, W. G.
Davis, Lizzie Hines 1903 1963 Oakey Grove Baptist Church
Davis, Lola Mae 1910 1911 Lee's Chapel Baptist Church
Davis, Loma Green 1921 1922 Corinth Primitive Baptist Church
Davis, Lovie 1896 1945 Ennis, John
Davis, Lucy ... 1932 Wilson's Mills
Davis, Lula N 1907 1940 Mizpah Presbyterian Church
Davis, Lula S 1877 1973 Lee's Chapel Baptist Church
Davis, Luther A 1906 1973 Jones, C. R.
Davis, Luther C 1963 Sunset Memorial Park
Davis, Luther S 1910 1974 Oakland
Davis, Luther T 1895 1965 Corinth Baptist Church
Davis, Lutoria Renfrow 1890 1933 Boyette, John
Davis, Lyda Smith 1890 1971 Smith
Davis, Lydia E 1920 Selma Memorial Gardens
Davis, Mildred Lois Sanders 1982 Resthaven
Davis, Pherby L 1878 1947 Johnston Union Primitive Baptist Church
Davis, Ruby Lee 1910 1938 Friendship Free Will Baptist Church
NC Confederate Soldiers Burial Database*
Name Death County Cemetery
Davenport, Levi B. 1864 Wayne Willow Dale Cemetery
Davis, Logan C. 1862 Wake Oakwood Cemetery
Davis, Martin L. 1889 Carteret Bayview Cemetery
Davis, Matthew l. Jr. 1862 Wayne Willow Dale Cemetery
Davis, Matthew L. 1862 Wayne Willow Dale Cemetery
Davis, Samuel L. Yadkin Center United Methodist Church Cemetery
* Records are still being added.
Wills Index *
No Results found
Other Resources
Surname Resource Title
Davis Bibles George Washington Davis Family Bible
Davis Deaths & Obituaries Harriet Davis, 1957
Davis-Norris Marriages Needham Davis to Betsy Norris, 1804
Rose-Davis Marriages Henry Rose to Martha A. Davis, 1872
Rose-Davis Marriages Bardin Rose to Polly Davis, 1844
Rose-Davis Marriages Demsey Rose to Nancy Davis, 1851
Wilson-Davis Marriages John Wilson to Patty Davis, 1785
Davis Wills & Estates John Davis - 1880
Davis Wills & Estates Arthur Davis - 1794
Surname Researchers
Surname Counties Date Range Researcher
DavisJohnston1770 - 1800 Kevin Kelly
DavisJohnston1700's - present Patricia Godwin
Davis Jimmy Montgomery
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County Coordinator
Michael W. Kay
County Volunteers
Ross Sippel
Connie Ellen Adams
Passed away on 15 July 2015

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