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» Search Results » MARIE COATS
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  • Phonetic matches for the first/middle name ("Marie") and last name ("Coats")
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  • 3-Character matches on the last name ("Coa")
1784-1787 State Census
No Results found
1790 Federal Census
No Results found
1800 Federal Census
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1810 Federal Census
No Results found
1820 Federal Census *
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1830 Federal Census *
No Results found
1840 Federal Census *
No Results found
1860 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Coats, Martha
44 White Female 437 Leachburg
Coats, Mary
17 White Female 432 Leachburg
Coats, Mary
7 White Female 364 Elevation
1870 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Coats, Montsed
2 White Male 123 Pleasant Grove
Cuts, Mary
8 White Female 194 Elevation
1880 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Coates, Mary V.
11 White Female 139 Meadow
Coats, D. M.
26 White Male 206 Pleasant Grove
Coats, Martha A. E.
9 White Female 4 Pleasant Grove
Coats, Martha A. R.
9 White Female 223 Pleasant Grove
Coats, Mary
23 White Female 216 Pleasant Grove
Coats, Mary A.
29 White Female 206 Pleasant Grove
Coats, Oaker M. D.
12 White Male 4 Pleasant Grove
1900 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Coates, Daniel M.
45 White Male 224 Pleasant Grove
Coates, Howard M.
9 White Male 103 Elevation
Coates, Maggie M.
0 White Female 84 Boon Hill
Coates, Martha E.
26 White Female 99 Pleasant Grove
Coates, Mary T.
10 White Female 230 Pleasant Grove
Coates, Maud
3 White Female 103 Elevation
Coates, Milton
6 White Male 111 Pleasant Grove
Coats, Cora M.
14 White Female 171 Clayton
Coats, Mary A.
43 White Female 115 Pleasant Grove
Coats, Mary E.
15 White Female 232 Pleasant Grove
Coats, Mary L.
27 White Female 265 Clayton
Coats, Milard R.
1 White Male 261 Pleasant Grove
Coats, Milton
8 White Male 144 Clayton
Coats, Mordeky
34 White Male 261 Pleasant Grove
Coats, Morse
6 White Male 145 Cleveland
Coats, Walter M.
22 White Male 54 Cleveland
1910 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Coates, Mary G.
7 White Female 118 Cleveland
Coats, Eula M.
17 White Female 24 Wilson's Mills
Coats, Fred M.
5 White Male 126 Clayton
Coats, Henry M.
3 White Male 12 Cleveland
Coats, John M.
17 White Male 24 Wilson's Mills
Coats, Levie M.
39 White Female 184 Cleveland
Coats, Lewis M.
23 White Male 182 Cleveland
Coats, Maggie M.
1/11/1900 White Female 182 Boon Hill
Coats, Malcom V.
18 White Male 131 Cleveland
Coats, Malcum
8 White Male 7 Elevation
Coats, Mamie
18 White Female 132 Cleveland
Coats, Martha
24 White Female 133 Pleasant Grove
Coats, Martha E.
54 White Female 131 Cleveland
Coats, Martha L.
27 White Female 92 Pleasant Grove
Coats, Mary
3 White Female 6 Elevation
Coats, Mary A.
51 White Female 169 Pleasant Grove
Coats, Mary E.
24 White Female 12 Cleveland
Coats, Mary J.
White Female 12 Cleveland
Coats, Mary R.
22 White Female 183 Pleasant Grove
Coats, Maud
14 White Female 25 Elevation
Coats, Meto
1/9/1900 White Female 34 Clayton
Coats, Mildred
4 White Female 308 Pleasant Grove
Coats, Millie
17 White Female 84 Pleasant Grove
Coats, Milton
16 White Male 276 Pleasant Grove
Coats, Minnie
20 White Female 266 Ingrams
Coats, Mondeed.
42 White Male 146 Cleveland
Coats, Myllard
11 White Male 146 Cleveland
Coats, Walter M.
32 White Male 126 Clayton
1920 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Cates, Martha
53 White Female 320 Selma
Cates, Myrtle
14 White Female 357 Clayton
Coates, James M.
White Male 350 Pleasant Grove
Coates, Mabel
White Female 52 Pleasant Grove
Coates, Marilla
8 White Female 82 Selma
Coates, Martha L.
37 White Female 50 Pleasant Grove
Coates, Mildred A.
16 White Female 359 Pleasant Grove
Coates, Millie
27 White Female 52 Pleasant Grove
Coates, Milton R.
23 White Male 350 Pleasant Grove
Coates, Mirion
5 White Female 82 Selma
Coats, Albert M.
25 White Male 7 Smithfield
Coats, Annie May
8 White Female 311 Clayton
Coats, Bonnie May
16 White Female 273 Elevation
Coats, Daniel M.
65 White Male 7 Smithfield
Coats, Edna May
14 White Female 7 Smithfield
Coats, Elizabeth M.
White Female 299 Smithfield
Coats, Ella M.
9 White Female 64 Cleveland
Coats, Ellie M.
White Female 273 Elevation
Coats, Emily M.
5 White Female 209 Pleasant Grove
Coats, James Malcom
18 White Male 198 Elevation
Coats, Laura M.
1 White Female 254 Cleveland
Coats, Lewis M.
35 White Male 64 Cleveland
Coats, Malcom B.
27 White Male 175 Cleveland
Coats, Mamie
29 White Female 254 Cleveland
Coats, Marcelie A.
5 White Female 182 Cleveland
Coats, Margaret B.
8 White Female 299 Smithfield
Coats, Marth E.
63 White Female 176 Cleveland
Coats, Martha
40 White Female 209 Pleasant Grove
Coats, Mary
23 White Female 109 Elevation
Coats, Mary
13 White Female 109 Elevation
Coats, Mary E.
19 White Female 108 Elevation
Coats, Mary E.
34 White Female 189 Cleveland
Coats, Mary J.
10 White Female 189 Cleveland
Coats, Mary L.
48 White Female 133 Cleveland
Coats, Maud
12 White Female 124 Banner
Coats, Maxine
White Female 199 Elevation
Coats, Maynard
5 White Male 195 Elevation
Coats, Mildred L.
8 White Female 64 Cleveland
Coats, Millard H.
13 White Male 189 Cleveland
Coats, Milton
28 White Male 122 Smithfield
Coats, Mime
26 White Female 216 Ingrams
Coats, Moye
4 White Male 133 Cleveland
Coats, Mozell
2 White Female 195 Wilson's Mills
Coats, Ralph M.
21 White Male 258 Cleveland
1930 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Chadwick, Mildred
3+6/12 White Female 232 Selma
Coates, D. M.
75 White Male 163 Smithfield
Coats, Annie M.
8 White Female 076 Pleasant Grove
Coats, Annie M.
18 White Female 238 Clayton
Coats, Clom M.
17 White Male 049 Elevation
Coats, Ella M.
19 White Female 093 Cleveland
Coats, Ellie M.
15 White Female 204 Elevation
Coats, Emily M.
15 White Female 230 Pleasant Grove
Coats, Fannie M.
13 White Female 039 Elevation
Coats, Fred M.
25 White Male 201 Clayton
Coats, Geneva M.
47 White Female 109 Clayton
Coats, Grizzie M.
29 White Female 007 Cleveland
Coats, Herbert M.
16 White Male 114 Pine Level
Coats, J. M.
38 White Male 026 Smithfield
Coats, James M.
12 White Male 056 Elevation
Coats, James M.
29 White Male 048 Elevation
Coats, James Mc.
7 White Male 027 Cleveland
Coats, Jesse M.
14 White Female 045 Elevation
Coats, John M. Jr.
9 White Male 026 Smithfield
Coats, Laura M.
12 White Female 027 Cleveland
Coats, Lewis M.
45 White Male 093 Cleveland
Coats, Mabel
15 White Female 121 Pleasant Grove
Coats, Magalene
9 White Female 232 Banner
Coats, Maggie
24 White Male 414 Smithfield
Coats, Maggie
21 White Female 412 Smithfield
Coats, Mamie
38 White Female 027 Cleveland
Coats, Marjorie A.
3/12 White Female 327 Smithfield
Coats, Martha
49 White Female 230 Pleasant Grove
Coats, Marvin
6 White Male 007 Cleveland
Coats, Mary E.
30 White Female 040 Elevation
Coats, Mary F.
35 White Female 049 Elevation
Coats, Mary H
5 White Female 007 Cleveland
Coats, Mary L.
58 White Female 028 Cleveland
Coats, Mary M.
4 White Female 027 Cleveland
Coats, Maynard
13 White Male 121 Pleasant Grove
Coats, Melba
22 White Female 082 Cleveland
Coats, Melvin B.
5 White Male 076 Pleasant Grove
Coats, Mildred
18 White Female 093 Cleveland
Coats, Millard R.
30 White Male 414 Smithfield
Coats, Milton R.
34 White Male 056 Elevation
Coats, Minnian
15 White Male 097 Smithfield
Coats, Minnie
35 White Female 003 Pleasant Grove
Coats, Minnie I.
40 White Female 030 Ingrams
Coats, Moy Y.
14 White Male 028 Cleveland
Coats, Mozel
11 White Female 127 Wilson's Mills
Coats, Myatt B.
40 White Male 232 Banner
Coats, Ola M.
42 White Female 238 Clayton
Coats, Rubie M.
3 White Female 409 Ingrams
Coats, Ruby M.
17 White Female 026 Elevation
Coats, Sallie M.
21 White Female 232 Banner
Coats, Walter M.
52 White Male 109 Clayton
1940 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Coates, Daniel M.
85 White Male 55 Smithfield
Coates, Lottie M.
25 White Female 85 Smithfield
Coats, Annie Mae
23 White Female 268 Clayton
Coats, Annie May
21 White Female 15 Meadow
Coats, Archie M.
16 White Male 164 Cleveland
Coats, Clea M.
4 White Male 143 Cleveland
Coats, Dorthy Mae
7 White Female 188 Elevation
Coats, Ester May
8 White Female 137 Cleveland
Coats, Fred M.
36 White Male 421 Ingrams
Coats, Herbert M.
26 White Male 250 Smithfield
Coats, J. M.
28 White Male 304 Pleasant Grove
Coats, J. Malcolm
37 White Male 194 Smithfield
Coats, J. Milton
49 White Male 172 Cleveland
Coats, L. Murry
6 White Male 100 Clayton
Coats, Laura May
21 White Female 136 Cleveland
Coats, Louis M.
55 White Male 86 Cleveland
Coats, M. A.
48 White Male 307 Pleasant Grove
Coats, Magaline
12 White Female 136 Cleveland
Coats, Maggie
31 White Female 111 Cleveland
Coats, Maggie
19 White Female 320 Banner
Coats, Mammie
50 White Female 136 Cleveland
Coats, Margret
9 White Female 349 Ingrams
Coats, Marie
9 White Female 304 Pleasant Grove
Coats, Marita
1 White Female 23 Meadow
Coats, Martha
29 White Female 112 Pleasant Grove
Coats, Martha
45 White Female 143b Smithfield
Coats, Martha L.
59 White Female 87 Banner
Coats, Mary
40 White Female 178 Elevation
Coats, Mary
44 White Female 174 Elevation
Coats, Mary F.
2 White Female 280 Clayton
Coats, Mary H.
15 White Female 164 Cleveland
Coats, Maxine
8 White Female 136 Cleveland
Coats, Maynard
23 White Male 306 Pleasant Grove
Coats, Maynard M.
3 White Male 250 Smithfield
Coats, Melvin
15 White Male 221 Pleasant Grove
Coats, Melvin
11 White Male 400 Ingrams
Coats, Milton G.
17 White Male 132 Cleveland
Coats, Milton R.
44 White Male 188 Elevation
Coats, Minnie
29 White Female 304 Pleasant Grove
Coats, Minnie
50 White Female 219 Ingrams
Coats, Mozelle
6 White Female 188 Elevation
Coats, Myrll
4 White Male 174 Elevation
Coats, Myrtle
17 White Female 186 Banner
Coats, V. Malcom
48 White Male 138 Cleveland
Coats, Walter M.
62 White Male 224 Clayton
Bastardy Bonds
Father's Name Mother's Name Date
Coats, John R. Coats, Mary 2 Mar 1853
NC Yearbooks
Name Year Class School
Coates, Albert McKinley 1918 Senior UNC-Chapel Hill
Coats, Mary Gladys 1920 Senior Cary High School
No Results found
NC Civil War Soldiers Index *
Name Unit Comp Rank Side
Cates, Dennis M. 28th Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Cates, H. McN. 44th Regiment, NC Infantry G Musician C
Cates, Henry M. 44th Regiment, NC Infantry G Musician C
Cates, John M. 24th Regiment, NC Infantry A Private C
Cates, John M. 28th Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Cates, John M. 13th Battalion, NC Infantry A Private C
Cates, John M. 66th Regiment, NC Infantry A Private C
Cates, Judson M. 38th Regiment, NC Infantry A Private C
Cates, M. 7th Regiment, NC Senior Reserves Private C
Cates, Mangum 3rd Battalion, NC Senior Reserves Private C
Cates, Thomas M. 6th Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Cates, W. M. 6th Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Chadwick, Alexander M. 18th Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Chadwick, Enoch M. 18th Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Chadwick, H. M. 2nd Regiment, NC Infantry F Captain C
Chadwick, James M. 1st Regiment, NC Artillery I Private C
Chadwick, James M. 2nd Regiment, NC Artillery A Private C
Chadwick, M. G. 13th Battalion, NC Light Artillery D Private C
Chadwick, Melzer G. 18th Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Chadwick, N. Macon 2nd Regiment, NC Infantry F Captain C
Chadwick, Nathaniel M. 2nd Regiment, NC Infantry F Captain C
Coal, Malcum 27th Regiment, NC Infantry A Private C
Coaltrain, Alfred M. 17th Regiment, NC Infantry (2nd Organization) E Private C
Coats, Marwell 10th Battalion, NC Heavy Artillery B Private C
Cootts, W. M. 34th Regiment, NC Infantry F Private C
Coutes, M. S.W. 21st Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
* All North Carolina soldiers (Union and Confederate) who fought in the Civil War.
NC Civil War Sailors Index *
No Results found
Southern Claims Commission
No Results found
No Results found
Cemetery Graves
Name Birth Death Cemetery
Coates, Mary E Betty 1891 1954 Bethesda Baptist Church
Coates, Mary J 1872 1945 Shiloh Baptist Church
Coates, Susan Murphy Sutton 1835 1915 Massey, Charles
Coats, Andrew M 1910 1972 Hinson Family
Coats, Annie Mae Stephenson 1918 Rehobeth Primitive Baptist Church
Coats, Daniel Miller 1854 1940 Sunset Memorial Park
Coats, Fred Moore 1904 1961 Maplewood
Coats, Howard McCarther 1890 1917 St. Mary's Grove Original Free Will Baptist Church
Coats, J M 1923 1959 Shiloh Baptist Church
Coats, James Malcolm 1901 Sunset Memorial Park
Coats, John M 1882 1941 Hodges Chapel Free Will Baptist Church
Coats, Lewis M 1885 1962 Shiloh Baptist Church
Coats, Lewis M Jr 1916 1946 Shiloh Baptist Church
Coats, Lucinda M 1940 2014 Dixon, Richard S.
Coats, Ludella Morgan 1890 1927 Benson City
Coats, Mamie Williams 1889 1967 Shiloh Baptist Church
Coats, Margaret L Smith 1922 Barbour's Chapel Advent Christian Church
Coats, Marie Austin 1930 2002 Oakland Presbyterian Church
Coats, Martha Ann Lee 1850 1947 Hodges Chapel Free Will Baptist Church
Coats, Martha Ann Smith 1880 1954 Fellowship Primitive Baptist Church
Coats, Martha H 1929 St. Mary's Grove Original Free Will Baptist Church
Coats, Martha Lane 1942 1943 Plainview Presbyterian Church
Coats, Martha Laylon Hardee 1883 1944 Roselawn
Coats, Mary Ann Messer 1858 1915 Fellowship Primitive Baptist Church
Coats, Mary Frances Johnson Jones 1895 1966 Berea Presbyterian Church
Coats, Mary L 1913 1916 Benson City
Coats, Mary Obeda Stevens Shiloh Baptist Church
Coats, Maude B 1897 1953 St. Mary's Grove Original Free Will Baptist Church
Coats, Melvin 1924 1984 Hodges Chapel Free Will Baptist Church
Coats, Michael 1950 Bethesda Baptist Church
Coats, Mildred M 1930 1972 Faith Free Will Baptist Church
Coats, Minnie 1890 1972 Piney Grove Free Will Baptist Church
Coats, V Malcolm 1892 1975 Shiloh Baptist Church
Coats, Walter Moore 1881 1946 Maplewood
NC Confederate Soldiers Burial Database*
Name Death County Cemetery
* Records are still being added.
Wills Index *
No Results found
Other Resources
Surname Resource Title
Coats Cemeteries Coats Family Cemetery
Coats Cemeteries Coats Cemetery
Coates Photographs Mary O. Coates, Shiloh Baptist Church, Johnston County
Coates Photographs Charles J. Coates, Shiloh Baptist Church, Johnston County
Coates Photographs Mary J. Coates, Shiloh Baptist Church, Johnston County
Coates Photographs Charles J. Coates, Shiloh Baptist Church, Johnston County
Coats Photographs Thomas Coats, Shiloh Baptist Church, Johnston County
Coates Wills & Estates Josiah Coates - 1871
Coates Wills & Estates Alvin Coates - 1875
Coats Wills & Estates William Coats - 1856
Surname Researchers
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Coats Sylvia Stephens
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Connie Ellen Adams
Passed away on 15 July 2015

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