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» Search Results » MARY HOGGE
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1784-1787 State Census
Name WM21-60 WM-Other WF B21-50 B-Other
Hicks, Mikager 1 2 1
1790 Federal Census
No Results found
1800 Federal Census
No Results found
1810 Federal Census
No Results found
1820 Federal Census *
No Results found
1830 Federal Census *
Name M00 M05 M10 M15 M20 M30 M40 M50 M60 M70+
Hooks, Mary 1 2 1
* Missing Categories - Free white women, free colored persons, slaves, foreigners and blind, deaf & dumb
1840 Federal Census *
No Results found
1860 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Hicks, Mary
16 White Female 790 Sandy Level
Hicks, Mary
18 White Female 783 Sandy Level
Hicks, Michael
24 White Male 539 St. Charles
1870 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Hays, John M.
42 White Male 112 Meadow
Hicks, M. E.
27 White Female 104 Wilders
Hicks, Mary A.
27 White Female 69 Wilders
Hicks, Menervia
35 Black Female 265 Clayton
Hicks, Michal
37 White Female 142 O'Neals
1880 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Hage, Martha
25 White Female 23 Town of Smithfield
Hayes, Mary
21 White Female 272 Ingrams
Hays, Henry M.
23 White Male 189 Meadow
Hays, Mary M.
21 White Female 45 Meadow
Hick, Mary
9 White Female 55 O'Neals
Hicks, Martha
57 Black Female 208 Selma
Hicks, Mary I.
2 White Female 130 Pleasant Grove
Hicks, Micheal
44 White Female 40 O'Neals
Hooks, Annie M.
1 Black Female 126 Boon Hill
Hues ?, Mary
17 White Female 239 North Smithfield
Huise, Marion J.
60 White Female 214 Beulah
Huise ?, Mary
18 White Female 212 Beulah
1900 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Hayes, John M.
70 White Male 135 Meadow
Hayes, Lettie May
3 White Female 80 Ingrams
Hayes, Lucinda May
29 White Female 92 Ingrams
Hayes, Marry E.
18 White Female 112 Meadow
Hayes, Marry J.
32 White Female 114 Meadow
Hayes, Marry M.
42 White Female 112 Meadow
Hayes, Martha
28 White Female 79 Ingrams
Hayes, Mary
24 White Female 288 Meadow
Hayes, Mary A.
41 White Female 80 Ingrams
Hayes, Mattie E.
13 White Female 80 Ingrams
Hayes, Oscar M
16 White Male 80 Ingrams
Hayes, Zola May
5 White Female 94 Ingrams
Hicks, Martha
37 White Female 67 O'Neals
Hicks, Martha
20 Black Female 88 Selma
Hicks, Metchel
64 White Female 101 O'Neals
Hicks, Minnie
24 White Female 47 O'Neals
High, Martha
25 White Female 313 O'Neals
Hogg, Mollie A.
10 White Female 226 Clayton
Hooks, Milton R.
7 White Male 10 Beulah
1910 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Hayes, Bertha M.
3 White Female 97 Meadow
Hayes, Lettie M.
13 White Female 24 Bentonville
Hayes, Lillie M.
4 White Female 56 Ingrams
Hayes, Lula M.
5 White Female 112 Ingrams
Hayes, Mamie
14 White Female 75 Ingrams
Hayes, Martha
23 White Female 77 Ingrams
Hayes, Martha
38 White Female 72 Ingrams
Hayes, Mary E.
28 White Female 103 Meadow
Hayes, Mary E.
33 White Female 84 Meadow
Hayes, Mary E.
36 White Female 24 Bentonville
Hayes, Mary I.
45 White Female 76 Pleasant Grove
Hayes, Mary M.
52 White Female 103 Meadow
Hayes, Minnie M.
24 White Female 97 Meadow
Hayes, Nelson M.
3 White Male 107 Meadow
Hayes, Richard M.
15 White Male 76 Pleasant Grove
Hayes, William M.
White Male 118 Ingrams
Hays, Bertha M.
1/1/1900 White Female 210 Meadow
Hays, Marley
1/3/1900 White Male 63 Meadow
Hays, Mary F.
1/28/1900 White Female 210 Meadow
Heigh, Maggie
8 Black Female 43 Beulah
Heigh, Maud
6 Black Female 43 Beulah
Heigh, Minie
10 Black Female 43 Beulah
Hicks, Mabel
5 Black Female 119 Smithfield
Hicks, Maggie
14 White Female 474 Selma
Hicks, Mittie
6 White Female 474 Selma
Hicks, Mittie
1/24/1900 Mulatto Female 78 Elevation
Hicks, Mollie
11 White Female 474 Selma
Hicks, Myrtie
17 White Female 474 Selma
High, Maud
29 White Female 354 Wilders
High, Mozele
1/5/1900 White Female 79 O'Neals
High, Roney M.
1/11/1900 White Male 140 Beulah
Hix, Martha
25 White Female 203 O'Neals
Hix, Mary B.
3 White Female 76 O'Neals
Hix, Minnie
35 White Female 76 O'Neals
Hogg, Annie M.
1/3/1900 White Female 337 O'Neals
Hogg, Mary J.
2/1/1900 White Female 337 O'Neals
Hogg, Mertie E.
1/5/1900 White Female 81 Clayton
Hooks, Malissie
6 White Female 13 Wilson's Mills
Hooks, Matthew R.
30 White Male 13 Wilson's Mills
Hooks, Milton R.
1/17/1900 White Male 27 Beulah
House, Mollie
27 White Female 21 Pine Level
1920 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Hayes, Dora M.
11 White Female 218 Meadow
Hayes, Esther M.
23 White Female 147 Meadow
Hayes, Mallie Jane
7 White Female 163 Meadow
Hayes, Marlie
13 White Male 218 Meadow
Hayes, Martha
33 White Female 123 Bentonville
Hayes, Mary
35 White Female 76 Meadow
Hayes, Mary E.
49 White Female 57 Bentonville
Hayes, Mary I.
57 White Female 60 Pleasant Grove
Hayes, Minnie Mae
36 White Female 66 Meadow
Hays, Mardecue
10 White Male 212 Ingrams
Hays, Martha
46 White Female 270 Ingrams
Hays, Mary
16 Mulatto Female 179 Boon Hill
Hicks, Mabile
15 Black Female 299 Smithfield
Hicks, Martha E.
6 White Female 377 Selma
Hicks, Mine Bell
26 Mulatto Female 36 Wilders
Hicks, Mollie
17 White Female 376 Selma
Hicks, Myrtle M.
White Female 377 Selma
Hicks, Pollie M.
White Female 377 Selma
High, Maud
39 White Female 142 Wilders
High, Mazel
5 Black Female 169 Micro
High, R. M.
27 White Male 27 Beulah
Hix, Marry
14 White Female 170 O'Neals
Hix, Minnie
45 White Female 170 O'Neals
Hog, Mozell
7 White Female 371 Clayton
Hog, Myrtie
15 White Female 53 Clayton
Hogg, Marry J.
36 White Female 405 O'Neals
Hogg, Melvine
6 White Female 405 O'Neals
Hoggard, Marshal
18 White Male 194 Clayton
Hoggard, Martha
43 White Female 194 Clayton
Hooks, Fannie May
Black Female 179 Beulah
Hooks, Maggie
36 White Female 70 Beulah
Hooks, Marcellas C.
32 White Male 256 Clayton
Hooks, Margaret
13 White Female 38 Beulah
Hooks, Mary Francis
Black Female 179 Beulah
Hooks, Mary Lee
11 White Female 45 Beulah
Hooks, Mide
White Male 199 Beulah
Hooks, Mildred
6 White Female 70 Beulah
House, George M.
29 White Male 219 Meadow
House, Lula M.
20 White Female 406 Selma
House, Mamie E.
White Female 113 Meadow
Hueas, Lola M.
White Female 281 Smithfield
Hueas, Minnie
30 White Female 281 Smithfield
1930 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Hayes, Daniel M.
38 White Male 403 Selma
Hayes, Daniel M.
2 White Male 403 Selma
Hayes, Eliza M.
7 White Female 039 Bentonville
Hayes, Gladys M.
3+2/12 White Female 047 Meadow
Hayes, Mandy
54 Black Female 145 Banner
Hayes, Martha
57 White Female 173 Ingrams
Hayes, Mary E.
7 White Female 297 Ingrams
Hayes, Mary E.
12 White Female 039 Bentonville
Hayes, Mary E.
56 White Female 095 Bentonville
Hayes, Mary I.
67 White Female 130 Pleasant Grove
Hayes, Maud G.
31 White Female 174 Ingrams
Hayes, Mazie L.
6 White Female 036 Bentonville
Hayes, Mealey
40 White Female 140 Meadow
Hayes, Mildred M.
15 White Female 403 Selma
Hayes, Minnie
35 Black Female 279 Smithfield
Hayes, Raymond M.
10 White Male 039 Bentonville
Hayes, Ruba M.
7 White Female 174 Ingrams
Hays, Bertha M.
23 White Female 044 Meadow
Hays, Millie M.
45 White Female 044 Meadow
Hays, Mordecai
20 White Male 195 Boon Hill
Hicks, Carrie M.
44 White Female 207 Beulah
Hicks, Charlie M.
20 White Male 009 O'Neals
Hicks, Hattie M.
53 White Female 009 O'Neals
Hicks, Lillie M.
8 White Female 121 O'Neals
Hicks, Mable
1+11/12 White Female 016 O'Neals
Hicks, Margret L.
3/12 White Female 374 Selma
Hicks, Marjie
6 White Female 281 Pine Level
Hicks, Martha
15 White Female 374 Selma
Hicks, Mary L.
7 White Female 374 Wilson's Mills
Hicks, Mary Lee
21 White Female 051 Micro
Hicks, Mattie
46 White Female 026 O'Neals
Hicks, Mattie
46 White Female 026 O'Neals
Hicks, Mattie N.
21 White Female 121 O'Neals
Hicks, Mavis
7 White Female 026 O'Neals
Hicks, Minnie
55 White Female 121 O'Neals
Hicks, Myrtie
18 White Female 282 Pine Level
Hicks, Myrtle M.
13 White Female 374 Selma
High, Maud
25 Black Female 039 Beulah
High, Mazell
15 Black Female 104 Micro
Hogg, Mozelle
17 White Female 289 Clayton
Hoggard, Lether M.
3/12 White Female 125 Clayton
Hoggard, Marie
6/12 White Female 134 Wilson's Mills
Hoggard, Marshall C.
28 White Male 125 Clayton
Hoggard, Martha W.
54 White Female 192 Clayton
Hogge, Mary J.
46 White Female 015 O'Neals
Hogge, Melvie V.
15 White Female 015 O'Neals
Hogge, Mildred V.
7 White Female 015 O'Neals
Hooks, Clara M.
14 White Female 026 Beulah
Hooks, Henry M.
6 White Male 104 Beulah
Hooks, Katie McR.
49 White Female 026 Beulah
Hooks, Lillie M.
9 Black Female 011 Ingrams
Hooks, Marcellus C.
41 Black Male 019 Clayton
Hooks, Margaret
23 White Female 026 Beulah
Hooks, Mary L.
22 White Female 137 Beulah
Hooks, Mide
12 White Female 104 Beulah
Hooks, Myde L.
20 White Female 241 Beulah
House, Mollie
41 White Female 050 Pine Level
1940 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Hawks, M. L.
33 White Male 73 Pleasant Grove
Hawks, Myrtle
22 White Female 73 Pleasant Grove
Hayes, Marshall
3 White Male 98 Meadow
Hayes, Martha
57 White Female 200 Beulah
Hayes, Marvin
15 White Male 204 Beulah
Hayes, Mary
5 White Female 177 Meadow
Hayes, Maud
33 White Female 295 Pleasant Grove
Hayes, Mazie
14 White Female 293 Beulah
Hayes, Melia
55 White Female 174 Meadow
Hayes, Melvin
18 White Male 200 Beulah
Hayes, Minnie
56 White Female 239 Meadow
Hayes, Mlldred
9 White Female 273 Ingrams
Hayes, Munga
30 White Female 136 Selma
Hayes, William M.
30 White Male 211 Boon Hill
Hays, Martha
68 White Female 236a Ingrams
Hays, Maude
42 White Female 236a Ingrams
Hays, Rubrey M.
17 White Female 236a Ingrams
Hays, Willie M.
6 White Female 236a Ingrams
Hicks, Hassie May
63 White Female 10 O'Neals
Hicks, John M.
55 White Male 133 Cleveland
Hicks, Lillie Mae
18 White Female 79 O'Neals
Hicks, Mabel
11 White Female 94 O'Neals
Hicks, Margie
16 White Female 14 Selma
Hicks, Mary E.
45 White Female 133 Cleveland
Hicks, Mattie
31 White Female 18 O'Neals
Hicks, Mattie
57 White Female 77 O'Neals
Hicks, Mavis
17 White Female 77 O'Neals
Hicks, Myrtle
25 White Female 89 Selma
Hicks, Retha Mae
6 White Female 18 O'Neals
Hicks, Ruby Mae
16 Black Female 224 Smithfield
High, Margaret
32 White Female 310 Selma
High, Marshall
9 White Male 81 Wilders
High, Maude
29 Black Female 134 Micro
Hoge, Manin
44 White Female 3 Selma
Hoge, Mary Alice
18 White Female 3 Selma
Hogg, Mozell
24 White Female 147 Clayton
Hoggard, Madeline
11 White Female 53 Clayton
Hoggard, Marshall
37 White Male 53 Clayton
Hoggard, Martha
64 White Female 392 Clayton
Hoggard, Minnie G.
16 White Female 71 Smithfield
Hoggs, M. J.
52 White Female 44 O'Neals
Hoggs, Mildred
17 White Female 44 O'Neals
Hook, Eva Mae
<1 Black Female 92 Smithfield
Hook, Lila M.
18 Black Female 92 Smithfield
Hooks, M. Cellie
51 White Male 203 Clayton
Hooks, Mamie M.
3 White Female 68 Beulah
Hooks, Marie
27 White Female 83 Beulah
Hooks, Martha
4 Black Female 165 Boon Hill
Hooks, May
27 White Female 68 Beulah
Hooks, Mildred F.
<1 White Female 68 Beulah
House, Marjorie
8 White Female 213 Micro
House, Martha
38 White Female 216 Micro
House, Mary E.
59 White Female 69 Pine Level
House, Mary Rose
6 White Female 245 Selma
House, Myrna
<1 White Female 23 Boon Hill
Bastardy Bonds
No Results found
NC Yearbooks
Name Year Class School
Hooks, Margaret 1929 Senior Flora McDonald
No Results found
NC Civil War Soldiers Index *
Name Unit Comp Rank Side
Haas, H. M. 4th Regiment, NC Infantry A Private C
Haas, H. M. 4th Regiment, NC Infantry A Private C
Hague, Monso P. 2nd Regiment, NC Junior Reserves C Private C
Hake, G. M. 7th Regiment, NC Infantry K Private C
Hase, J. M. 60th Regiment, NC Infantry E Private C
Hase, W. M. 2nd Regiment, NC Junior Reserves F Private C
Hass, C. M. 23rd Regiment, NC Infantry A Private C
Hass, John Martin 46th Regiment, NC Infantry K Private C
Hass, R. M. 23rd Regiment, NC Infantry A Private C
Hassey, J. M. 30th Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Hauk, John M. 26th Regiment, NC Infantry I Sergeant C
Hawes, McK. 13th Battalion, NC Light Artillery D Private C
Hawes, McKinnon 2nd Regiment, NC Artillery G Private C
Hayes, Francis M. 64th Regiment, NC Infantry (Allen's) K Private C
Hayes, J. M. 3rd Battalion, NC Junior Reserves G Private C
Hayes, J. M. 22nd Regiment, NC Infantry M Private C
Hayes, J. M. S. 23rd Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Hayes, James M. 37th Regiment, NC Infantry B,H Private C
Hayes, James M. 1st Regiment, NC Infantry (6 months, 1861) E Private C
Hayes, James M. 29th Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Hayes, James M. 60th Regiment, NC Infantry E Private C
Hayes, Jefferson M. 58th Regiment, NC Infantry E Private C
Hayes, Levi M. 4th Regiment, NC Cavalry (59th NC State Troops) H Private C
Hayes, M. L. 60th Regiment, NC Infantry E Private C
Hays, Caleb M. 52nd Regiment, NC Infantry C Sergeant C
Hays, E. M. 22nd Regiment, NC Infantry M Private C
Hays, F. M. 64th Regiment, NC Infantry (Allen's) K Private C
Hays, Francis M. 64th Regiment, NC Infantry (Allen's) K Private C
Hays, G. M. 3rd Battalion, NC Junior Reserves G Private C
Hays, George M. 8th Battalion, NC Junior Reserves C Private C
Hays, J. M. 4th Regiment, NC Cavalry (59th NC State Troops) K Private C
Hays, J. M. 66th Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Hays, J. M. 12th Battalion, NC Cavalry A Private C
Hays, J. M. 1st Regiment, NC Infantry (6 months, 1861) E Private C
Hays, J. M. S. 23rd Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Hays, James M. 22nd Regiment, NC Infantry M Private C
Hays, James M. 8th Battalion, NC Cavalry (Partisan Rangers) C Private C
Hays, James M. 37th Regiment, NC Infantry B,H Private C
Hays, M. J. 60th Regiment, NC Infantry E Private C
Hays, M. L. 60th Regiment, NC Infantry E Private C
Hays, Madson 37th Regiment, NC Infantry B,H Private C
Hays, Michael 64th Regiment, NC Infantry (Allen's) F Private C
Hayse, F. M. 64th Regiment, NC Infantry (Allen's) K Private C
Hayse, J. M. 23rd Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Hayse, J. M. 60th Regiment, NC Infantry E Private C
Haze, Caleb M. 52nd Regiment, NC Infantry C Sergeant C
Hege, M. 6th Regiment, NC Senior Reserves C Private C
Hesse, Marian A. 6th Regiment, NC Infantry K Sergeant C
Hessee, M. A. 6th Regiment, NC Infantry K Sergeant C
Hessey, J. M. 30th Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Hessie, Marion 6th Regiment, NC Infantry K Sergeant C
Heuss, P. M. 34th Regiment, NC Infantry E Private C
Hicks, D. M. Mallett's Company, NC Private C
Hicks, D. M. 66th Regiment, NC Infantry G Musician C
Hicks, Daniel M. 1st Regiment, NC Infantry (6 months, 1861) G Private C
Hicks, Daniel M. 54th Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Hicks, George M. 47th Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Hicks, James M. 8th Battalion, NC Junior Reserves A Private C
Hicks, James M. 7th Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Hicks, James M. 8th Regiment, NC Senior Reserves Private C
Hicks, James M. 13th Regiment, NC Infantry E Corporal C
Hicks, James M. 48th Regiment, NC Infantry B Second Lieutenant C
Hicks, Jason M. 39th Regiment, NC Infantry E Private C
Hicks, John Miller 20th Regiment, NC Infantry E Private C
Hicks, M. A. 47th Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Hicks, M. E. 21st Regiment, NC Infantry M Private C
Hicks, M. J. 22nd Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Hicks, Mathias 58th Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Hicks, Milton 22nd Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Hicks, Milus E. 33rd Regiment, NC Infantry A Sergeant C
Hicks, Morris 17th Regiment, NC Infantry (2nd Organization) F Private C
Hicks, Morris 24th Regiment, NC Infantry A Private C
Hicks, S. M. 8th Regiment, NC Infantry F,H Private C
Hicks, W. M. 29th Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Hicks, W. M. W. 3rd Regiment, NC Artillery H Private C
High, John M. McDugald's Company, NC Private C
High, Manly 47th Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Hik, M. E. 33rd Regiment, NC Infantry A Sergeant C
Hix, D. M. 66th Regiment, NC Infantry G Musician C
Hix, James M. 48th Regiment, NC Infantry B Second Lieutenant C
Hix, Milton 22nd Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Hix, Moses Walker's Battalion, Thomas' NC Legion E Private C
Hix, W. M. 29th Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Hoake, P. M. 8th Battalion, NC Junior Reserves B First Sergeant C
Hockey, M. L. 52nd Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Hogan, Martin 1st Regiment, NC Infantry E Private C
Hogans, Martin D. 7th Battalion, NC Cavalry C Private C
Hogg, James M. 2nd Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Hoggard, William M. 11th Regiment, NC Infantry (Bethel Regiment) C Sergeant C
Hoggett, F. M. 32nd Regiment, NC Infantry (Lenoir Braves) G Private C
Hoggette, Thomas M. 32nd Regiment, NC Infantry (Lenoir Braves) G Private C
Hoke, G. M. 21st Regiment, NC Infantry F&S Adjutant C
Hoke, George M. 1st Regiment, NC Infantry (6 months, 1861) K Private C
Hoke, George M. 7th Regiment, NC Infantry K Private C
Hoke, George M. 53rd Regiment, NC Infantry F&S Adjutant C
Hoke, George M. 9th Battalion, NC Sharpshooters (1st Battalion) F&S Assistant Surgeon C
Hoke, M. M. 48th Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Hoke, Martin L. 38th Regiment, NC Infantry F Private C
Hoke, Michael 23rd Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Hoke, Polycarp Mc. 8th Battalion, NC Junior Reserves B First Sergeant C
Hoke, W. M. 23rd Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Hooks, James M. 2nd Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Houk, John M. 26th Regiment, NC Infantry I Sergeant C
House, Andrew M. 35th Regiment, NC Infantry F Private C
House, M. C. 8th Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
House, M. J. 27th Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
House, Marion J. 17th Regiment, NC Infantry (2nd Organization) E Corporal C
House, Miner Infantry Regiment, Thomas' NC Legion F Private C
Hucks, F. M. 2nd Regiment, NC Artillery F Private C
Hucks, Morris 56th Regiment, NC Infantry K Private C
Hughey, William M. 60th Regiment, NC Infantry A Private C
Huik, A. M. 32nd Regiment, NC Infantry (Lenoir Braves) E Private C
Huss, Pinkney M. 34th Regiment, NC Infantry E Private C
Hussey, Marcellus L. 15th Regiment, NC Infantry I Corporal C
Hussey, William M. 13th Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Hux, Francis M. 2nd Regiment, NC Artillery F Private C
Hux, John M. 2nd Regiment, NC Artillery F Private C
Hux, Morris 56th Regiment, NC Infantry K Private C
Hux, William Morris 56th Regiment, NC Infantry K Private C
* All North Carolina soldiers (Union and Confederate) who fought in the Civil War.
NC Civil War Sailors Index *
No Results found
Southern Claims Commission
No Results found
No Results found
Cemetery Graves
Name Birth Death Cemetery
Hayes, Jennifer Marie Capps 1982 2009 Baker/Toler
Hayes, Lucy M 1886 1952 Banner Chapel Church
Hayes, Manza Jane 1976 Sunset Memorial Park
Hayes, Martha Joyner 1886 1949 Pauline Primitive Baptist Church
Hayes, Mary 1858 1906 Hayes, Dempsey
Hayes, Mary E 1873 1935 Corinth Primitive Baptist Church
Hayes, Mary Elizabeth Barefoot 1876 1944 Barefoot, T. Mann
Hayes, Mary F 1882 1913 Smith, Henry
Hayes, Mary F 1882 1913 Barefoot, John Hardy
Hayes, Mary Lee 1917 1918 Hayes, John A.
Hayes, Mattie A 1912 1912 Pauline Primitive Baptist Church
Hayes, Mattie H 1887 1908 Hayes, Dempsey
Hayes, Maude S 1896 1951 Rehobeth Primitive Baptist Church
Hayes, Mavis Langdon 1920 1983 Bethel Primitive Baptist Church
Hayes, Melvin B 1923 1925 Hayes, John A.
Hayes, Minnie 1882 1965 Hayes, John A.
Hayes, Oscar M 1883 1960 Pauline Primitive Baptist Church
Hayes, Raymond M 1920 1955 Pauline Primitive Baptist Church
Hayes, Sinda M 1871 1924 Massengill, Bud
Hayes, Sudie Myers 1901 1980 Pauline Primitive Baptist Church
Hicks, Hattie M 1876 1958 Bethany Baptist Church
Hicks, Joseph Michael 1956 1957 Snipes/Pearce
Hicks, Martha 1867 1909 Greenwood
Hicks, Mattie B 1908 1958 Creech's Primative Baptist Church
Hicks, Minnie Florence 1875 1945 Hicks, Addie
Hicks, Minnie Florence 1875 1945 Hicks/Boykin
Hicks, Mozell 1928 1928 Starling, Andrew
Hogg, Lessie May 1928 1929 Maplewood
Hogg, Mary Etta Deans 1877 1953 Lee's Chapel Baptist Church
Hogg, Mary Lessie 1946 Maplewood
Hoggard, Marshall C 1901 1962 Clayton City
Hoggard, Martha E 1875 1954 Maplewood
Hogge, Annie May 1907 1920 Antioch Baptist Church
Hogge, Mary Jane 1886 1961 Antioch Baptist Church
Hooks, Bettie Mae Artis 1905 2004 Wesley Chapel A.M.E. Church
Hooks, Katie M 1878 1940 Kenly City
Hooks, Mae B 1912 Kenly City
Hooks, Marcellus Cullen 1887 1965 Sunset Memorial Park
Hooks, Marie Cobb 1913 1967 Kenly City
Hooks, Milford Woodrow 1917 1937 Kenly City
Hooks, Milton 1892 1918 Kenly City
Hooks, Minnie Louise 1902 1903 Kenly City
Hooks, Minnie S 1899 1964 Sunset Memorial Park
Hooks, Thell MD 1876 1935 Riverside
House, Beckie M 1899 1987 Pearce, Ransom
House, Elizabeth M 1913 1992 Little Memorial
House, Eula Mae 1927 1988 Selma Memorial Gardens
House, Hilda M 1925 2006 Selma Memorial Gardens
House, Marie H 1936 Pearce, Ransom
House, Martha E 1880 1934 Hodges Chapel Free Will Baptist Church
House, Michael James Sr 1961 2013 Pearce, Ransom
House, Mollie P 1882 1972 Crocker
Howes, M Ophelia Batten 1901 1968 Parrish Memorial Baptist Church
NC Confederate Soldiers Burial Database*
Name Death County Cemetery
Hicks, James M. Duplin Faison Cemetery
Hicks, John Miller 1868 Duplin Faison Cemetery
Hicks, William M. 1906 Wake Oakwood Cemetery
Hogler, D. M. 1864 Wake Oakwood Cemetery
* Records are still being added.
Wills Index *
No Results found
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Michael W. Kay
County Volunteers
Ross Sippel
Connie Ellen Adams
Passed away on 15 July 2015

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