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» Search Results » MATTHEW CARTER
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1784-1787 State Census
Name WM21-60 WM-Other WF B21-50 B-Other
Carter, Mathew 1 5 5 4 5
1790 Federal Census
Name FWM16- FWM16+ FWF AOFP Slaves
Carter, Matthew 4 2 3 8
1800 Federal Census
No Results found
1810 Federal Census
No Results found
1820 Federal Census *
Name M00 M10 M1618 M16 M26 M45+ F00 F10 F16 F26 F45+
Carrell, Margarett
* Missing Categories - Free colored persons, slaves, foreigners and employment
1830 Federal Census *
Name M00 M05 M10 M15 M20 M30 M40 M50 M60 M70+
Carroll, Margarette
* Missing Categories - Free white women, free colored persons, slaves, foreigners and blind, deaf & dumb
1840 Federal Census *
Name M00 M05 M10 M15 M20 M30 M40 M50 M60 M70 M80 M90
Carroll, Margaret
* Missing Categories - Free white women, free colored persons, slaves, blind/deaf/dumb, age and education
1860 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Carlton, Mary
55 White Female 105 Boon Hill
Carroll, Madison
9 Mulatto Male 415 Boon Hill
Carroll, Major
1 Black Male 753 Elevation
Carroll, Margaret
7 White Female 433 Leachburg
Carroll, Martha
4 White Female 806 Earpsboro
Carroll, Martha
8 White Female 504 Elevation
Carroll, Martha
25 White Female 786 Sandy Level
Carroll, Mary
8 White Female 786 Sandy Level
Carroll, Mary
27 White Female 436 Leachburg
Carroll, Mary
68 White Female 508 Elevation
Carroll, Mary
28 White Female 406 Leachburg
Carroll, Mary
0 Mulatto Female 184 Boon Hill
Carroll, Mary
0 Mulatto Female 415 Boon Hill
1870 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Caraday, Mariah
65 White Female 21 Meadow
Carrel, M. A.
17 Black Female 121 Beulah
Carrel, M. A. E.
9 Black Female 119 Beulah
Carrel, Margaret
56 Black Female 121 Beulah
Carrel, Mary
20 White Female 228 Beulah
Carrell, Major
10 White Male 48 Ingrams
Carrol, Madison
21 Black Male 12 Beulah
Carroll, Martha
4 White Female 130 Pleasant Grove
Carroll, Mary
40 White Female 9 Pleasant Grove
Carroll, Mary
9 White Female 130 Pleasant Grove
Carroll, Mary A.
29 White Female 52 Wilders
Carter, Matilda
10 White Female 51 Smithfield
1880 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Carol, Mary
5 White Female 258 O'Neals
Carpenter, Mary
3 Black Female 183 Wilders
Carrel, Mathew
49 White Male 70 Beulah
Carrel, Midda
2 White Female 70 Beulah
Carrol, Mary Ann
43 White Female 144 Wilders
Carroll, Major
20 Black Male 74 Wilson's Mills
Carroll, Margaret
69 Black Female 131 Clayton
Carroll, Martha
31 Mulatto Female 4 Ingrams
Carroll, Martha E.
14 White Female 47 Pleasant Grove
Carroll, Mary
8 Black Female 452 Boon Hill
Carroll, Mary
75 White Female 345 Pleasant Grove
Carroll, Mary
8 Black Female 66 Town of Smithfield
Carroll, Mary E.
19 White Female 47 Pleasant Grove
Carroll, Mary H.
47 White Female 37 Pleasant Grove
Carroll, Mary (Polly)
46 White Female 47 Pleasant Grove
Carter, Martha J.
1 White Female 426 Boon Hill
Carter, Mary E.
5 White Female 426 Boon Hill
Crowder, M. C.
21 Black Male 176 Clayton
Crowder, Mary
2 Black Female 167 Pleasant Grove
1900 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Carnegie, Julia M.
2 Black Female 87 Banner
Carnegie, Mary L.
27 Black Female 87 Banner
Carr, Martha A.
31 White Female 178 Selma
Carroll, Daniel M.
12 Black Male 366 Elevation
Carroll, J. M.
42 Black Male 366 Elevation
Carroll, Lottie M.
4 White Female 160 Wilders
Carroll, Martha
38 White Female 44 O'Neals
Carroll, Mary
37 White Female 117 Clayton
Carroll, Mary
27 Black Female 353 Boon Hill
Carroll, Mary F.
13 White Female 104 Pleasant Grove
Carroll, Mary J.
18 Black Female 366 Elevation
Carroll, Mary L.
5 White Female 37 Wilders
Carroll, Mattie S.
11 White Female 104 Pleasant Grove
Carroll, McParris M.
0 Black Male 307 Boon Hill
Carroll, Millard
4 White Male 167 Wilders
Carter, Mary
50 Black Female 104 Banner
Carter, Mary P
8 Black Female 104 Banner
Crowder, Margolia
4 White Male 161 Wilders
Crowder, Mary
24 Black Female 476 Smithfield
Crowder, Mary
26 White Female 161 Wilders
1910 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Carey, Mary F.
38 White Female 220 Smithfield
Carlile, Mary
55 White Female 358 Selma
Carnegay, Mary
2/3/1900 Black Female 146 Banner
Carpenter, Marenda A.
47 White Female 299 Wilders
Carpenter, Minnie M.
12 White Female 299 Wilders
Carr, Malley R.
21 White Male 241 Wilders
Carr, Mathew W.
1 White Male 241 Wilders
Carr, Mollie
23 White Female 241 Wilders
Carrel, Martha
1/26/1900 Black Female 285 Beulah
Carrol, Millie M.
12-Jan Mulatto Female 103 Ingrams
Carroll, J. Mack
50 White Male 219 Wilders
Carroll, Mack
1/18/1900 White Male 150 O'Neals
Carroll, Malon
18 White Female 8 Pleasant Grove
Carroll, Mary
40 White Female 42 Pleasant Grove
Carroll, Mary B.
2/15/1900 White Female 23 Clayton
Carroll, Mary L.
1/13/1900 White Female 150 O'Neals
Carroll, Matilda
52 Black Female 218 Smithfield
Carroll, Mattie M.
1/14/1900 White Female 207 Clayton
Carroll, Melvin
1/1/1900 White Male 9 O'Neals
Carroll, Millard
14 White Male 196 Wilders
Carroll, Minnie
1/24/1900 White Female 9 O'Neals
Carroll, Myrtle
1/15/1900 White Female 205 Clayton
Carslile, Maggie
12 White Female 344 Selma
Carslile, Minnie
7 White Female 344 Selma
Carter, Edward M.
17 White Male 367 Selma
Carter, Mary
1/30/1900 Black Female 39 Beulah
Carter, Mary
1/6/1900 Black Female 140 Banner
Carter, Mary
2/24/1900 Black Female 144 Banner
Carter, Mary
1/18/1900 Black Female 144 Banner
Carter, Mary H.
18 White Female 54 Clayton
Carver, Lillie Maie
1/4/1900 Black Female 7 Clayton
Carver, Margrett E.
3 White Female 230 Cleveland
Crowder, Markgoldson
1/14/1900 White Male 62 O'Neals
Crowder, Mary
28 Black Female 62 Ingrams
Crowder, Mary P.
2/4/1900 White Female 62 O'Neals
Crowder, Mettie
1/2/1900 White Female 31 O'Neals
1920 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Caralile, Madeline
5 White Female 342 Selma
Caralile, Martha
7 White Female 342 Selma
Caralile, Mary C.
9 White Female 342 Selma
Caralile, Mcgee
White Male 368 Selma
Carberner, Mamie
2 Black Female 214 O'Neals
Carell, J. M.
62 Black Male 348 Ingrams
Carell, Millie
8 Black Female 348 Ingrams
Carlar, Merlar
52 White Female 125 Smithfield
Carlie, Lillie M.
26 White Female 362 Selma
Carlils, Minnie
16 White Female 63 Selma
Carpenter, Maggie
25 Black Female 27 O'Neals
Carpenter, Minnie
2 Black Female 27 O'Neals
Carpenter, Mosell
6 Black Male 27 O'Neals
Carr, Moab C.
53 White Male 130 Elevation
Carrol, Murtle
26 White Female 22 Selma
Carroll, Annie M.
White Female 280 Pleasant Grove
Carroll, Edna May
White Female 108 Wilders
Carroll, James M.
23 White Male 88 Pleasant Grove
Carroll, Livie May
4 White Female 116 Wilders
Carroll, Mabel
3 White Female 79 Wilders
Carroll, Mallie H.
28 White Male 361 Pleasant Grove
Carroll, Mallie W.
White Male 361 Pleasant Grove
Carroll, Mary
57 White Female 35 Clayton
Carroll, Mary R.
34 White Female 296 Pleasant Grove
Carroll, Matilda
60 Black Female 362 Smithfield
Carroll, Mavis
5 White Male 79 Wilders
Carroll, Max
27 White Male 116 Wilders
Carroll, Melvin
12 White Male 257 O'Neals
Carroll, Mildred
22 White Female 280 Pleasant Grove
Carroll, Millard
24 White Male 139 Wilders
Carroll, Minnie
32 White Female 257 O'Neals
Carroll, Mollie
56 White Female 88 Pleasant Grove
Carroll, Mosell
25 White Female 206 Clayton
Carrow, Minnie
39 White Female 196 Beulah
Carrow, Mollie
Black Female 113 Beulah
Carson, Media
Black Female 94 Clayton
Carter, Mary
60 Black Female 235 Banner
Carter, May
17 Black Female 184 Banner
Carter, Melvin
16 White Male 175 O'Neals
Carter, Mildred
8 White Female 175 O'Neals
Cartur, May
25 White Female 334 Smithfield
Carver, Lilian M.
39 White Female 234 Cleveland
Carver, Margrett E.
13 White Female 234 Cleveland
Crowder, Marene
White Female 69 Clayton
Crowder, Mary
42 Black Female 277 Ingrams
Crowder, Mary
20 Black Female 334 Clayton
Crowder, Meta
12 White Female 77 Wilson's Mills
Crowder, Mollie
14 Black Female 334 Clayton
1930 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Carpenter, Mable
7 White Female 044 Smithfield
Carpenter, Mamie
12 Black Female 048 O'Neals
Carpenter, Myrtle E.
9 White Female 044 Smithfield
Carraway, Monola
19 White Female 143 O'Neals
Carroll, Annie M.
10 White Female 103 Pleasant Grove
Carroll, Edna M.
10 White Female 149 Wilders
Carroll, Ellie M.
21 White Male 068 Cleveland
Carroll, Gertie M.
36 White Male 101 Pleasant Grove
Carroll, Hettie M.
5 White Female 126 Pleasant Grove
Carroll, James M.
74 Black Male 207 Ingrams
Carroll, Lona Mae
14 White Female 267 O'Neals
Carroll, Mallie W.
11 White Male 126 Pleasant Grove
Carroll, Mandie H.
39 White Female 126 Pleasant Grove
Carroll, Mandy C.
3 White Female 126 Pleasant Grove
Carroll, Margaret L.
3 Black Female 177 Beulah
Carroll, Margreta L.
7 White Female 085 Wilders
Carroll, Mary E.
7 White Female 103 Pleasant Grove
Carroll, Mary V.
10 White Female 126 Pleasant Grove
Carroll, Maxine L.
4 White Female 149 Wilders
Carroll, Melvin R.
5 White Male 103 Pine Level
Carroll, Mildred
33 White Male 103 Pleasant Grove
Carroll, Millard
34 White Male 167 Wilders
Carroll, Millard E.
2 White Male 149 Wilders
Carroll, Millie
18 Black Female 207 Ingrams
Carter, Ethel M.
13 White Female 190 Clayton
Carter, Feby M.
36 White Female 346 Selma
Carter, J. M.
3/12 White Male 365 Boon Hill
Carter, Margret
11 White Female 164 Wilders
Carter, Marty B.
46 White Male 346 Selma
Carter, Mary
45 White Female 117 Smithfield
Carter, Melvin
26 White Male 365 Boon Hill
Carter, Milard
8 White Male 164 Wilders
Carter, Mildred
18 White Female 057 O'Neals
Carter, Mildred
20 White Female 112 Smithfield
Carter, William M.
34 White Male 226 Clayton
Carver, Margaret
23 White Female 008 Cleveland
Carver, Mattie Lue
35 Black Female 040 Smithfield
Crowder, Alice M.
3 Black Female 106 Cleveland
Crowder, Mary
10 Black Female 106 Cleveland
Crowder, Mary
53 White Male 244 O'Neals
Crowder, Mary
48 Black Female 103 Ingrams
Crowder, Mary Lee
53 White Female 244 O'Neals
Crowder, Mary Rains
13 White Female 253 Clayton
Crowder, Maud
30 Black Female 045 Clayton
Crowder, Minnie
40 White Female 253 Clayton
Crowder, Myrtie
25 Black Female 244 O'Neals
Crowder, Rosa M.
6 Black Female 045 Clayton
1940 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Caraway, Madelene
7 White Female 97 Ingrams
Card, Mildred
16 White Female 93 Boon Hill
Card, Montraville
19 White Male 360 Clayton
Carlton, Mavis
16 White Female 234 Ingrams
Carlyle, Magie
23 White Male 261b Selma
Carlyle, Myrtle
24 White Female 261b Selma
Carmichal, Mildred
35 White Female 275 Beulah
Carmicle, Quince Mae
12 Black Female 151 Smithfield
Carol, Martha
51 Black Female 155 Beulah
Carpenter, Mable
17 White Female 138 Smithfield
Carpenter, Magnora
9 Black Female 267 O'Neals
Carpenter, Mazie
20 Black Female 207 O'Neals
Carpenter, Mozell
18 Black Female 354 O'Neals
Carpenter, Myrtle
10 White Female 138 Smithfield
Carraway, Manolia
30 White Female 289 Micro
Carraway, Margaret
19 White Female 198 Micro
Carraway, Marjorie
10 White Female 289 Micro
Carraway, Marvin
13 White Male 289 Micro
Carrol, Katie Mae
5 White Female 340b Selma
Carrol, Mavis Jean
5 White Female 148 Wilders
Carrol, Mozella
27 White Female 28 Wilders
Carroll, Alice Marie
1 White Female 176 Pleasant Grove
Carroll, Bettie Mae
4 White Female 177 Pleasant Grove
Carroll, Gertie Mae
18 White Female 179 Pleasant Grove
Carroll, James M.
45 White Male 95 Wilders
Carroll, M. H.
49 White Male 145 Pleasant Grove
Carroll, Mack
53 White Male 182 Wilders
Carroll, Macy
34 White Female 95 Wilders
Carroll, Madie
12 White Female 11 Wilders
Carroll, Margarett
11 White Female 52 Wilders
Carroll, Margret
15 White Female 36 Wilders
Carroll, Margrett
13 Black Female 159 Beulah
Carroll, Mary E.
31 White Female 1 Cleveland
Carroll, Mary F.
23 White Female 64 Micro
Carroll, Mary Josephine
11 White Female 6 Smithfield
Carroll, Mary M.
13 White Female 182 Wilders
Carroll, Mattie
74 White Female 300 Smithfield
Carroll, May Belle
15 White Female 145 Pleasant Grove
Carroll, Maybelle
2 White Female 182 Wilders
Carroll, Melvin
15 White Male 176 Pleasant Grove
Carroll, Melvin G.
31 White Male 312 Beulah
Carroll, Mildred
19 White Female 176 Pleasant Grove
Carroll, Millard
44 White Male 182 Wilders
Carroll, Millard
10 White Male 11 Wilders
Carroll, Millard Jr.
4 White Male 182 Wilders
Carroll, Milton
6 White Male 312 Beulah
Carroll, Minnie
57 White Female 79 Smithfield
Carter, Annie M.
12 White Female 278 Beulah
Carter, John M.
11 White Male 278 Beulah
Carter, Lillie M.
48 White Female 231 Selma
Carter, Loise Maie
<1 White Female 178 Selma
Carter, Marjorie
1 White Female 293 Micro
Carter, Marla Mae
19 White Female 231 Selma
Carter, Martha
18 Black Female 330 Smithfield
Carter, Mary Ida
21 White Female 230 Selma
Carter, Mary Jo
<1 White Female 48 Beulah
Carter, Mary L.
18 Black Female 89 Ingrams
Carter, Mary L.
5 White Female 230 Selma
Carter, Melvin J.
1 White Male 278 Beulah
Carter, Milford
18 White Male 335 Beulah
Carter, Myrtle
29 White Female 178 Selma
Carter, William M.
44 White Male 313 Clayton
Carver, Margret
30 White Female 28 Cleveland
Crowder, M. G.
44 White Male 61 O'Neals
Crowder, Malenda
20 Black Female 316 Cleveland
Crowder, Mary
67 Black Female 132 Ingrams
Crowder, Mary E.
5 White Female 18 Wilders
Crowder, Mary Lee
13 White Female 61 O'Neals
Crowder, Maude
34 Black Female 315 Cleveland
Crowder, Maurgret
7 White Female 126 Wilders
Crowder, Mayritie
35 White Female 61 O'Neals
Crowder, McCarathy
3 White Male 126 Wilders
Crowder, Minnie
50 White Female 133 Wilders
Crowder, Rosa Mae
<1 Black Female 316 Cleveland
Crowder, Rosa Mae
16 Black Female 315 Cleveland
Crowder, Willie May
13 Black Female 132 Ingrams
Bastardy Bonds
Father's Name Mother's Name Date
Corbett, John Carol, Martha 29 May 1859
NC Yearbooks
No Results found
No Results found
NC Civil War Soldiers Index *
Name Unit Comp Rank Side
Carawan, William M. 17th Regiment, NC Infantry (2nd Organization) B Private C
Caraway, Daniel M. 49th Regiment, NC Infantry A Private C
Caraway, William M. 61st Regiment, NC Infantry F Private C
Carbit, William M. 50th Regiment, NC Infantry I First Lieutenant C
Carble, Michael 42nd Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Carboy, Martin 2nd Regiment, NC Infantry A Private C
Carboy, Martin 3rd Regiment, NC Artillery H Private C
Carboy, Martin 8th Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Card, Drewy M. 15th Regiment, NC Infantry E Private C
Cardel, J. M. 54th Regiment, NC Infantry K Corporal C
Cardell, J. M. 11th Regiment, NC Infantry (Bethel Regiment) Private C
Carden, W. M. 17th Regiment, NC Infantry (2nd Organization) L Private C
Cardwell, S. M. 54th Regiment, NC Infantry I Corporal C
Care, Malcom 51st Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Cariker, D. M. 57th Regiment, NC Infantry F Private C
Cariker, Martin H. 7th Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Caringer, Francis Marion Walker's Battalion, Thomas' NC Legion F Private C
Carl, John M. 8th Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Carland, James M. 25th Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Carland, John M. 39th Regiment, NC Infantry D Second Lieutenant C
Carlanda, J. M. 39th Regiment, NC Infantry D Second Lieutenant C
Carleton, Sidney M. 7th Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Carlille, F. M. 21st Regiment, NC Infantry F Private C
Carlton, C. M. 37th Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Carlton, Cornelius M. 58th Regiment, NC Infantry I Musician C
Carlton, Daniel M. 1st Regiment, NC Infantry B Sergeant C
Carlton, G. M. 18th Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Carlton, Mordecai 1st Regiment, NC Cavalry I Private C
Carlton, R. M. 6th Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Carlton, Sidney M. 7th Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Carmada, James M. 1st Regiment, NC Artillery I Private C
Carmaday, James M. 1st Regiment, NC Artillery I Private C
Carmichael, J. M. 52nd Regiment, NC Infantry E Private C
Carnes, J. M. 22nd Regiment, NC Infantry L Private C
Carnipe, M. 6th Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Caroon, James M. 3rd Regiment, NC Artillery D Private C
Carothers, Thomas M. 49th Regiment, NC Infantry F Private C
Carowan, W. M. 17th Regiment, NC Infantry (2nd Organization) B Private C
Carpenter, Adam M. 16th Regiment, NC Infantry M Private C
Carpenter, Andrew M. 47th Regiment, NC Infantry A Private C
Carpenter, J. M. 12th Regiment, NC Infantry B,D Private C
Carpenter, Jacob M. 12th Regiment, NC Infantry B,D Private C
Carpenter, Marcus 28th Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Carpenter, Marcus 37th Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Carpenter, Michael 28th Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Carpenter, Michael 34th Regiment, NC Infantry F Private C
Carpenter, Michael 53rd Regiment, NC Infantry K Private C
Carpenter, Michael 11th Regiment, NC Infantry (Bethel Regiment) I Private C
Carpenter, Michael R. 11th Regiment, NC Infantry (Bethel Regiment) I Private C
Carpenter, Monroe 1st Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Carpenter, Myler M. 3rd Battalion, NC Light Artillery C Private C
Carpenter, S. M. 47th Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Carpenter, S. M. 37th Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Carpenter, W. M. 47th Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Carr, Alexander M. 1st Regiment, NC Cavalry H Private C
Carr, C. M. 4th Regiment, NC Senior Reserves G Private C
Carr, Marshal D. 43rd Regiment, NC Infantry A Private C
Carr, Michael 3rd Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Carr, Michael E. 1st Battalion, NC Heavy Artillery B Private C
Carr, Samuel M. 47th Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Carr, Thomas M. 2nd Regiment, NC Junior Reserves B Private C
Carraker, Martin A. 7th Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Carrell, James M. 58th Regiment, NC Infantry E Corporal C
Carrell, Monroe 2nd Regiment, NC Cavalry I Private C
Carricker, D. M. 57th Regiment, NC Infantry F Private C
Carriker, D. M. 57th Regiment, NC Infantry F Private C
Carriker, M. W. 31st Regiment, NC Infantry K Private C
Carriker, Martin A. 7th Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Carriker, Martin H. 7th Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Carriker, Martin M. 7th Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Carringer, Maryon Walker's Battalion, Thomas' NC Legion F Private C
Carritell, M. A. 7th Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Carroll, Francis M. 20th Regiment, NC Infantry Private C
Carroll, Francis M. 61st Regiment, NC Infantry A Second Lieutenant C
Carroll, Franklin M. McDugald's Company, NC Private C
Carroll, Franklin M. 61st Regiment, NC Infantry A Second Lieutenant C
Carroll, J. M. 6th Regiment, NC Infantry F Private C
Carroll, Marcus L. 55th Regiment, NC Infantry D Sergeant C
Carroll, Martin 3rd Regiment, NC Artillery H Private C
Carroll, Martin 2nd Regiment, NC Infantry A Private C
Carroll, Martin 8th Regiment, NC Infantry F Private C
Carroll, Moses 1st Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Carrup, T. M. 8th Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Carson, Andrew M. 1st Regiment, NC Cavalry K Private C
Carson, Andrew M. 6th Regiment, NC Cavalry B Private C
Carson, John M. 25th Regiment, NC Infantry K Private C
Carson, Michael 28th Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Carson, S. M. 22nd Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Carson, T. M. 17th Regiment, NC Infantry (1st Organization) C Private C
Carson, Thomas M. 17th Regiment, NC Infantry (1st Organization) C Private C
Carswell, M. H. 6th Regiment, NC Infantry F Private C
Carswell, Michael 6th Regiment, NC Infantry F Private C
Cartar, Thomas M. 4th Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Carter, Alfred M. 52nd Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Carter, Clarence M. 37th Regiment, NC Infantry A Private C
Carter, Daniel M. 26th Regiment, NC Infantry E Private C
Carter, David M. 4th Regiment, NC Infantry E Lieutenant Colonel C
Carter, Elias M. 20th Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Carter, Emsley M. 44th Regiment, NC Infantry H Musician C
Carter, Francis M. 2nd Battalion, NC Infantry G,C Private C
Carter, G. M. 20th Regiment, NC Infantry A Private C
Carter, George M. 2nd Regiment, NC Artillery E Private C
Carter, H. M. 44th Regiment, NC Infantry H First Lieutenant C
Carter, Isaac M. 26th Regiment, NC Infantry A Private C
Carter, Isaac M. 26th Regiment, NC Infantry A Sergeant C
Carter, J. M. 26th Regiment, NC Infantry A Sergeant C
Carter, J. M. 3rd Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Carter, J. M. 4th Regiment, NC Infantry A Private C
Carter, James M. 7th Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Carter, John M. 1st Regiment, NC Junior Reserves G Private C
Carter, John M. 20th Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Carter, John M. 45th Regiment, NC Infantry F Private C
Carter, Joshua M. 20th Regiment, NC Infantry A Private C
Carter, M. G. 2nd Regiment, NC Artillery E Private C
Carter, Marcus 20th Regiment, NC Infantry F Private C
Carter, Mathew 64th Regiment, NC Infantry (Allen's) F Private C
Carter, Maxwell 10th Battalion, NC Heavy Artillery B Private C
Carter, McElvany C. 46th Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Carter, Melvin E. 64th Regiment, NC Infantry (Allen's) A Captain C
Carter, Michael 2nd Regiment, NC Artillery A Private C
Carter, Miles 28th Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Carter, Moses 50th Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Carter, Munroe 20th Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Carter, Robert M. 30th Regiment, NC Infantry F&S Adjutant C
Carter, S. M. 26th Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Carter, Solomon M. 64th Regiment, NC Infantry (Allen's) A Private C
Carter, Thomas M. 1st Regiment, NC Infantry (6 months, 1861) H Private C
Carter, Thomas M. 44th Regiment, NC Infantry B First Lieutenant C
Carter, W. M. 31st Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Carter, William M. 28th Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Carter, William M. 38th Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Carter, William M. 3rd Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Carter, William M. 44th Regiment, NC Infantry H First Lieutenant C
Carter, Wilson M. 42nd Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Carthey, James M. 25th Regiment, NC Infantry F Captain C
Cartrett, Matthew 51st Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Cartright, Robert M. 32nd Regiment, NC Infantry (Lenoir Braves) B Private C
Cartwright, Jerry M. 32nd Regiment, NC Infantry (Lenoir Braves) I Private C
Cartwright, John M. 66th Regiment, NC Infantry E Private C
Cartwright, Matthew 51st Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Cartwright, Robert M. 32nd Regiment, NC Infantry (Lenoir Braves) B Private C
Carver, George M. 62nd Regiment, NC Infantry A Private C
Carver, J. M. 5th Regiment, NC Infantry K Private C
Carver, James M. 2nd Battalion, NC Infantry H First Sergeant C
Carver, John M. 8th Regiment, NC Senior Reserves Private C
Carver, John M. 33rd Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Carver, John M. 16th Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Carver, Malcom R. 38th Regiment, NC Infantry K Private C
Carver, Malcom R. 2nd Regiment, NC Cavalry D Private C
Carver, William M. 2nd Regiment, NC Cavalry A Private C
Crowder, J. M. 3rd Battalion, NC Junior Reserves K Private C
Crowder, J. M. 4th Battalion, NC Junior Reserves D Private C
Crowder, J. M. 7th Regiment, NC Senior Reserves F Private C
Crowder, Levi M. 64th Regiment, NC Infantry (Allen's) D Private C
Crowder, Marcus C. 38th Regiment, NC Infantry I Corporal C
Crowder, Matthew 34th Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Crowder, Michael 56th Regiment, NC Infantry F Private C
Crowder, Michael W. 56th Regiment, NC Infantry F Private C
* All North Carolina soldiers (Union and Confederate) who fought in the Civil War.
NC Civil War Sailors Index *
Name Birthplace Occupation Age
Cartright, Mark Pasquotank County Laborer 27
* African-American sailors who were born in North Carolina and fought for the Union.
Southern Claims Commission
No Results found
No Results found
Cemetery Graves
Name Birth Death Cemetery
Carde, Montraville 1921 1971 Maplewood
Carroll, Della May 1920 1922 Carroll, William
Carroll, J M 1857 Four Oaks Town
Carroll, Mack R 1866 1912 Clayton City
Carroll, Mardecia 1891 1909 Corinth Baptist Church
Carroll, Marie 1892 1893 Batten, Henry J.
Carroll, Marie B 1931 Maplewood
Carroll, Marjorie E 1915 1916 Mt. Moriah Baptist Church
Carroll, Mary B Harper 1862 1929 Maplewood
Carroll, Maybelle 1916 1917 Carroll, Joseph
Carroll, Mildred B 1896 Mt. Zion United Methodist Church
Carroll, Millard 1895 1971 Maplewood
Carroll, Minnie B 1886 1962 Corinth Baptist Church
Carter, B M 1892 1986 Cockrell
Carter, Cora Morris 1901 1958 Maplewood
Carter, James Milford Jr 1944 1944 Evans-McKeel
Carter, Lillie M 1892 1970 Crocker
Carter, Mary 1928 Dixon
Carter, Melvin Jr 1939 1981 Benson Grove Baptist Church
Carter, Melvin W 1904 1938 Crocker
Carver, Gracye Mildred T 1912 1998 Brown McCall
Crowder, Mary P 1876 1958 Corinth Baptist Church
NC Confederate Soldiers Burial Database*
Name Death County Cemetery
Carroll, Francis Marion 1926 Sampson Clinton City Cemetery
Carroll, James M. Avery Pisgah Cemetery
Carson, James M. 1906 Wake Oakwood Cemetery
Carson, Marshall Henderson Hense 1894 Buncombe Antioch Cemetery
Carter, Alfred M. 1862 Wayne Willow Dale Cemetery
Carter, Francis M. 1905 Wake Oakwood Cemetery
Carver, John M. 1884 Cumberland Mount Calvary Baptist Church Cemetery
Carver, John M. 1884 Cumberland Mount Calvary Baptist Church Cemetery
Crowder, M. W. 1905 Cleveland Oak Grove United Methodist Church Cemetery
Crowder, Matthew 1897 Cleveland Lattimore Baptist Church Cemetery
* Records are still being added.
Wills Index *
Name Year
Carter, Matthew 1793
* Wills from 1760-1922 which are physically located at the North Carolina Archives [C.R. 050.801.1-11]
Other Resources
Surname Resource Title
Carrell Articles & Publications 1815 - John Carrell - Lost Bank Note
Cary-Fountain Bibles Cary Fountain Family Bible Records
Carraway Deaths & Obituaries William Thomas Carraway, 1945
Carr Wills & Estates Samuel Carr - 1822
Carrell Wills & Estates John Carrell - 1814
Carrell Wills & Estates Sarah Carrell - 1812
Carrell Wills & Estates William Carrell - 1809
Carter Wills & Estates Matthew Carter - 1793
Surname Researchers
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CarrollJohnston, BladenEarly 1700's Cora Carroll
Carter Warren Bagley
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Connie Ellen Adams
Passed away on 15 July 2015

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