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» Search Results » NIMPIE STANCIL
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1784-1787 State Census
No Results found
1790 Federal Census
No Results found
1800 Federal Census
Name Pg/Rw M00 M10 M16 M26 M45 F00 F10 F16 F26 F45 FP SL
Stansel, Nathan 757 / 22 1 1 1 1 1
1810 Federal Census
Name Pg/Rw M00 M10 M16 M26 M45 F00 F10 F16 F26 F45 FP SL
Stansill, Nathan 285 / 1 4 1 1 1 1 2
1820 Federal Census *
No Results found
1830 Federal Census *
Name M00 M05 M10 M15 M20 M30 M40 M50 M60 M70+
Starling, Nazery 1 1
* Missing Categories - Free white women, free colored persons, slaves, foreigners and blind, deaf & dumb
1840 Federal Census *
Name M00 M05 M10 M15 M20 M30 M40 M50 M60 M70 M80 M90
Starling, Nazra 1 1
* Missing Categories - Free white women, free colored persons, slaves, blind/deaf/dumb, age and education
1860 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Stallings, Nanny
20 White Female 222 Boon Hill
Stanley, Nancy
9 White Female 713 Elevation
Stanly, Nancy
9 White Female 853 Newton Grove
Stanly, Nancy
4 White Female 1087 Newton Grove
Stanly, Nancy
10 White Female 744 Elevation
Stanly, Nancy
63 White Female 742 Elevation
Stanly, Nancy
43 White Female 593 Bentonville
Stanly, Nancy
58 White Female 750 Elevation
Stanly, Nancy
10 White Female 850 Newton Grove
Stanly, Nannie
17 White Female 594 Bentonville
Stansel, Nancy
24 White Female 491 Beulah
Stansel, William N.
8 White Male 476 Beulah
Stansil, Nathan
6 White Male 471 Beulah
Starling, Nancy
35 White Female 116 Boon Hill
Starling, Nancy
9 White Female 653 Beulah
1870 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Stallings, Nannie E.
23 White Female 198 Selma
Stallious, Nancy
35 Black Female 8 Clayton
Stallons, Nicy
50 Black Female 310 Clayton
Stanley, Nancy
67 White Female 182 Ingrams
Stanley, Nancy
26 White Female 181 Ingrams
Stanly, Nancy
74 White Female 35 Ingrams
Stanly, Nancy
54 White Female 4 Ingrams
Stanly, Nancy
19 White Female 35 Ingrams
Stanly, Nancy
18 White Female 4 Ingrams
Stanly, Nancy
14 White Female 226 Ingrams
Stanly, Nancy
12 White Female 157 Smithfield
Stanly, Nathan
8 White Male 113 Ingrams
Stanly, Necy
50 White Female 71 Ingrams
Stanly, Nicholes
66 White Male 157 Smithfield
Stanly, Nichols
4 White Male 157 Smithfield
Stansell, Nancy
1 White Female 142 Beulah
Stansell, Needham
18 Black Male 5 O'Neals
Stanstill, Nancy
22 White Female 215 Pleasant Grove
Stanstill, Nathan
17 White Male 21 O'Neals
Starling, Nancy
22 White Female 32 Beulah
1880 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Stallings, Nancy E.
4 White Female 89 Boon Hill
Stallings, Nancy J.
24 White Female 312 Boon Hill
Stallings, Nellie
10 White Female 8 Selma
Stallins, Nancy
22 White Female 297 O'Neals
Stancil, Nancy
34 White Female 278 Pleasant Grove
Stanley, Nancy
78 White Female 24 Meadow
Stanley, Nancy E.
23 White Female 127 Elevation
Stanley, Nickless
11 White Male 127 Elevation
Stanley, Nickless
54 White Male 127 Elevation
Stanly, Nancy
4 White Female 204 Ingrams
Stanly, Nancy
78 White Female 206 Ingrams
Stanly, Nancy
26 White Female 129 Ingrams
Stanly, Nancy
24 White Female 192 Ingrams
Stanly, Nancy
63 White Female 129 Ingrams
Stanly, Nancy
6 White Female 96 Ingrams
Stanly, Nancy A.
2 White Female 100 Ingrams
Stanly, Nannie
38 White Female 204 Ingrams
Stanly, Nathan A.
16 White Male 71 Ingrams
Stanly, Nicca
66 White Female 81 Ingrams
Stansell, N. A.
11 White Female 36 Beulah
Stansell, Nancy
2 White Female 6 Beulah
Stansell, Napoleon
25 White Male 45 O'Neals
Stansell, Nathan
26 White Male 317 O'Neals
Stansell, Needham
29 Black Male 220 O'Neals
Stansell, Without name
0 White Male 25 Beulah
Starling, Nancy
45 White Female 130 Selma
Starling, Nancy E.
35 White Female 123 Selma
Starling, Nettie
44 White Female 66 Selma
1900 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Stafford, Needham M.
10 White Male 76 Boon Hill
Stafford, Nelia
9 White Female 248 Smithfield
Stafford, Nellie P.
0 White Female 8 Boon Hill
Stafford, Nettie
2 White Female 248 Smithfield
Stallings, Nancy J.
45 White Female 41 Boon Hill
Stallings, Noah
7 White Male 94 O'Neals
Stancell, Needham
50 Black Male 214 O'Neals
Stancil, John N.
45 White Male 80 O'Neals
Stancil, Mary N.
32 White Female 80 O'Neals
Stancil, Nancy
38 White Female 73 O'Neals
Stancil, Nancy J.
2 White Female 73 O'Neals
Stancil, Naoma
2 White Female 80 O'Neals
Stancil, Neppie
17 White Female 3 Beulah
Stancill, Nancy A.
35 White Female 262 Beulah
Stancill, Nettie
25 White Female 259 Beulah
Stanley, Nancy
90 White Female 307 Ingrams
Stanley, Nancy E.
50 White Female 307 Ingrams
Stanly, Delia N.
44 White Female 130 Ingrams
Stanly, Nancy
50 White Female 269 Ingrams
Stanly, Nancy A.
21 White Female 195 Ingrams
Stanly, Nancy A.
26 White Female 236 Ingrams
Stanly, Nancy J.
53 White Female 245 Ingrams
Stanly, Nancy R.
45 White Female 204 Ingrams
Stanly, Nathan A.
38 White Male 168 Ingrams
Stanly, Needham F.
51 White Male 237 Ingrams
Stanly, Needham M.
11 White Male 224 Ingrams
Stanly, Nicholas
33 White Male 234 Ingrams
Stansell, Nancy J.
52 White Female 155 Clayton
Starling, Nancy
63 White Female 128 Selma
Starling, Nancy E.
58 White Female 40 Selma
Starling, Nettie
63 White Female 36 Selma
1910 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Stafford, Needham
1/20/1900 White Male 188 Boon Hill
Stafford, Nelia
19 White Female 203 Smithfield
Stafford, Nettie
12 White Female 203 Smithfield
Stallings, Nettie
1/25/1900 White Female 257 Boon Hill
Stancil, May N.
42 White Female 117 O'Neals
Stancil, Nancy
12 White Female 66 O'Neals
Stancil, Nancy A.
49 White Female 66 O'Neals
Stancil, Nancy A. F.
2/13/1900 White Female 177 Beulah
Stancil, Nancy E.
7 White Female 117 O'Neals
Stancil, Nannie
17 Black Female 215 O'Neals
Stancil, Navel
8 White Male 84 O'Neals
Stancil, Needham H.
2/28/1900 Black Male 98 O'Neals
Stancil, Neomie
12 White Female 117 O'Neals
Stancil, Neppie L.
1/25/1900 White Female 25 Beulah
Stancil, Nettie
2/2/1900 White Female 172 Beulah
Stancil, Robert N.
White Male 98 Smithfield
Stanley, Dalice N.
4 White Male 211 Cleveland
Stanley, John N.
36 White Male 29 Ingrams
Stanley, Needham E.
57 White Male 181 Ingrams
Stanly, Nancy
31 White Female 265 Ingrams
Stanly, Nancy
68 White Female 312 Ingrams
Stanly, Nancy A.
37 White Female 176 Ingrams
Stanly, Nancy E.
50 White Female 232 Ingrams
Stanly, Nancy R.
55 White Female 266 Ingrams
Stanly, Nanny P.
12-Oct White Female 176 Ingrams
Stanly, Nathan A.
46 White Male 127 Ingrams
Stanly, Neckie A.
44 White Male 262 Ingrams
Stanly, Needham M.
21 White Male 184 Ingrams
Stanly, Walter N.
8 White Male 176 Ingrams
Starling, Nannie
72 White Female 39 Pine Level
Starling, Nestus F.
56 White Male 115 Pine Level
Starling, Nina
4 White Female 78 Selma
Starling, Nonie E.
66 White Female 215 Pine Level
Starling, Patsey N.
76 White Female 167 Pine Level
1920 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Stafford, Nealey
28 White Female 195 Boon Hill
Stafford, Nettie
22 White Female 195 Boon Hill
Stafford, Nora
22 White Female 113 Bentonville
Stallings, Nervey
62 White Female 46 O'Neals
Stallins, Nancy
42 White Female 215 Selma
Stancil, Isariah N.
Black Male 280 Selma
Stancil, N. H.
69 Black Male 329 O'Neals
Stancil, Nancy
58 White Female 137 Clayton
Stancil, Nannie
30 White Female 253 O'Neals
Stancil, Naomi
21 White Female 414 O'Neals
Stancil, Neissie
5 Black Female 330 O'Neals
Stancil, Nevel
18 White Male 165 O'Neals
Stancill, Robert N.
11 White Male 269 Smithfield
Stanley, Dallas N.
14 White Male 161 Cleveland
Stanley, N. A.
58 White Male 354 Ingrams
Stanley, N. Cleo
15 White Female 21 Ingrams
Stanley, N. Elbert
63 White Male 47 Ingrams
Stanley, Nancy
63 White Female 344 Ingrams
Stanley, Nancy
55 White Female 342 Ingrams
Stanley, Nathan A.
6 White Male 354 Ingrams
Stanley, Needham N.
31 White Male 19 Ingrams
Stanley, Nellie
28 White Female 343 Ingrams
Stanley, Neva
21 White Female 437 Ingrams
Stanley, Nickie A.
52 White Male 339 Ingrams
Starling, Nettie
71 White Female 68 Pine Level
Starling, Noble F.
72 White Male 86 Pine Level
Starling, Nonar
7 White Female 17 Pine Level
Starling, Norman
7 White Male 227 Pleasant Grove
1930 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Stackhouse, Novila
23 Black Female 003 Smithfield
Stafford, Needham M.
40 White Male 040 Pine Level
Stafford, Nora A.
35 White Female 247 Bentonville
Stafford, Rudolph N.
8/12 White Male 040 Pine Level
Stalling, Henry N.
8 White Male 077 Smithfield
Stallings, Nadie
13 White Female 053 Selma
Stallings, Nervia
8 White Female 025 O'Neals
Stancil, Julius N.
28 White Male 136 Beulah
Stancil, Lee Nathan
9/12 Black Male 106 O'Neals
Stancil, Marie N.
3 White Female 011 O'Neals
Stancil, Nallie M.
26 White Female 187 Clayton
Stancil, Nannie
34 Black Female 109 O'Neals
Stancil, Nina
24 White Female 023 Micro
Stancil, Noma
19 Black Female 200 Micro
Stancil, Norma
8 White Female 136 Beulah
Stanley, Julius N.
26 White Male 150 Ingrams
Stanley, Nancy
53 White Male 210 Micro
Stanley, Nancy A.
55 White Female 007 Ingrams
Stanley, Nathan A.
67 White Male 277 Ingrams
Stanley, Nathan A. Jr.
16 White Male 277 Ingrams
Stanley, Nellie
42 White Female 288 Ingrams
Stanley, Noreva
6 White Female 049 Elevation
Stanley, Norwood
7 White Male 289 Ingrams
Stanley, Walter N.
28 White Male 056 Banner
Starling, Norwood B.
9 White Male 149 Beulah
Starling, William N.
1+5/12 White Male 046 Pine Level
Stones, Naoma
11 White Female 252 Banner
Stones, Nina N.
15 White Female 252 Banner
1940 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Stafford, Needam
50 White Male 118 Pine Level
Staford, Nora
45 White Female 376 Beulah
Stallings, Henry N.
18 White Male 123 Smithfield
Stallings, Nettie
7 White Female 33 O'Neals
Stallings, Norwood
21 White Male 182 Boon Hill
Stancil, Nanie
44 Black Female 143 O'Neals
Stancil, Nazrie
6 Black Female 127 O'Neals
Stancil, Nellie
65 White Female 56 Wilders
Stancill, Needham
19 Black Male 136 Selma
Stanley, Nancy
63 White Female 235 Meadow
Stanley, Nancy B.
68 White Female 146 Ingrams
Stanley, Nathan J.
3 White Male 394 Ingrams
Stanley, Nellie Grey
<1 White Female 108 Ingrams
Stanley, Noah W.
39 White Male 5 Elevation
Stanley, Norwood
17 White Male 326 Ingrams
Starling, Norman
26 White Male 124 Clayton
Starling, William N.
11 White Male 147 Pine Level
Bastardy Bonds
Father's Name Mother's Name Date
Baker, Gideon Stanley, Nancy 27 Mar 1876
Stancell, Needham Woodard, Dorcas 20 Sep'1870
NC Yearbooks
No Results found
No Results found
NC Civil War Soldiers Index *
Name Unit Comp Rank Side
Stafford, Nathan 49th Regiment, NC Infantry A Private C
Stafford, Nathaniel 49th Regiment, NC Infantry A Private C
Stafford, Z. N. 17th Regiment, NC Infantry (2nd Organization) K Private C
Stainback, N. H. 8th Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Stalker, Noah 34th Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Stallings, N. T. 1st Regiment, NC Junior Reserves K Private C
Stallings, Nelson 58th Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Stallings, Noah S. 1st Regiment, NC Junior Reserves K Private C
Stallions, Nelson 58th Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Stamper, C. N. 33rd Regiment, NC Infantry A Private C
Stamper, Gilbert N. 33rd Regiment, NC Infantry A Private C
Stamper, J. N. 33rd Regiment, NC Infantry A Private C
Stamper, Nathaniel 37th Regiment, NC Infantry K Private C
Stanback, N. H. 8th Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Stanbary, N. W. 58th Regiment, NC Infantry MGD Private C
Stanberry, Nathan W. 58th Regiment, NC Infantry MGD Private C
Stanbery, Nathan N. 58th Regiment, NC Infantry MGD Private C
Stanburry, Nathan N. 58th Regiment, NC Infantry MGD Private C
Stanley, I. N. 4th Battalion, NC Junior Reserves A Private C
Stanley, N. B. 42nd Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Stanley, N. H. 2nd Regiment, NC Infantry E Corporal C
Stanley, N. W. 42nd Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Stanley, Nicholas 50th Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Stanly, J. N. 3rd Battalion, NC Junior Reserves A Private C
Stanly, Joseph N. 28th Regiment, NC Infantry A Private C
Stanly, Nathan H. 2nd Regiment, NC Infantry E Corporal C
Stanly, Nathan W. 42nd Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Stanly, Nicholas 31st Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Stanly, Nicholas 50th Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Stansbury, Nathan W. 58th Regiment, NC Infantry MGD Private C
Staples, J. N. 13th Battalion, NC Light Artillery C Private C
Staples, John N. 13th Battalion, NC Light Artillery C Private C
Starlin, Nathan Giddin's Company, NC Detailed and Petitioned Men Private C
Starnes, Nathaniel 26th Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Staten, Nevel B. 26th Regiment, NC Infantry B Corporal C
Staton, N. B. 26th Regiment, NC Infantry B Corporal C
Stauburg, Nathaniel N. 58th Regiment, NC Infantry MGD Private C
Stauffer, N. B. 42nd Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Stines, George N. 64th Regiment, NC Infantry (Allen's) C Private C
Stonestreet, Noah A. 42nd Regiment, NC Infantry F Sergeant C
* All North Carolina soldiers (Union and Confederate) who fought in the Civil War.
NC Civil War Sailors Index *
Name Birthplace Occupation Age
Starkey, Nereus NC
* African-American sailors who were born in North Carolina and fought for the Union.
Southern Claims Commission
No Results found
No Results found
Cemetery Graves
Name Birth Death Cemetery
Stafford, Nora K 1894 1976 Selah Christian Church
Stafford, Rudolph Norwood 1929 1951 Knollwood
Stalling, Nancy Ellen Wilkins, James Henry
Stancil, Estlla N 1873 1953 Stancil/Creech
Stancil, James Needham 1931 1974 Selma Memorial Gardens
Stancil, John N 1854 1917 Creech's Primative Baptist Church
Stancil, Nancie 1901 1906 Hodges Chapel Free Will Baptist Church
Stancil, Nancy 1877 1960 Hodges Chapel Free Will Baptist Church
Stancil, Nancy A 1860 1922 Creech's Primative Baptist Church
Stancil, Nancy Irene 1901 1903 Hodges Chapel Free Will Baptist Church
Stancil, Nancy M Creech 1868 1911 Creech's Primative Baptist Church
Stancil, Nancy S Riverside
Stancil, Nannie Montgomery Methodist Church
Stancil, Naomi 1898 1920 Creech's Primative Baptist Church
Stancil, Nellie Pleasant 1882 1965 Pisgah Baptist Church
Stancil, Nimpie 1882 1882 Hales, Gillis
Stanley, Dallas N 1963 St. Mary's Grove Original Free Will Baptist Church
Stanley, N E 1922 Webb, Silas
Stanley, Nancy 1918 Webb, Silas
Stanley, Nancy A 1877 1962 Piney Grove Free Will Baptist Church
Stanley, Nancy Rose 1856 1929 Piney Grove Free Will Baptist Church
Stanley, Nannie 1842 1896 Bethel Freewill Baptist Church
Stanley, Needham M 1888 1930 Stanley, Needham
Stanley, Nellie Williford 1920 1922 Webb, Silas
Stanley, Nickie Adason 1865 1929 Bethel Freewill Baptist Church
Stanley, Walter Noah 1901 1969 Faith Free Will Baptist Church
Starling, Nannie 1928 Branch Chapel Free Will Baptist Church
Starling, Norman Edward 1926 1926 Branch Chapel Free Will Baptist Church
Starling, William N 1928 1974 Oliver, Doc Berry
Starlings, Patsy N 1828 Starlings, Elisha
NC Confederate Soldiers Burial Database*
No Results found
Wills Index *
Name Year
Stallings, Nancy 1878
* Wills from 1760-1922 which are physically located at the North Carolina Archives [C.R. 050.801.1-11]
Other Resources
Surname Resource Title
Creech-Batten-Stallings Cemeteries Creech-Batten-Stallings Cemetery
Stancil Deaths & Obituaries George Robert Stancil, 1966
Stancil Deaths & Obituaries William Stancil, 1916
Stancil Deaths & Obituaries Joseph Henry Stancil, 1929
Starling Deaths & Obituaries Walter Starling
Stanly-Atkinson Deeds Stanly & Mordecai to John Atkinson, 1829
Ingram-Stallings Marriages Thomas Ingram and Jane E. Stallings, 1854
Johnson-Stallings Marriages Richard Johnson to Mary Stallings, 1810
Rose-Stafford Marriages Joel Rose to Mollie Stafford, 1887
Rose-Starling Marriages William Rose to Edney Starling, 1878
Rose-Starling Marriages Barna Rose to Winnie Starling, 1878
Rose-Starling Marriages Jno. B. Rose to S. Starling, 1889
Rose-Starling Marriages Larry Rose to Susan Starling, 1863
Starling-Daughtry Marriages Larry Starling to Inez Daughtry, 1948
Stancil Photographs Lou Ada Johnson
Stancil Photographs Jesse Bernard Stancil
Stancil Photographs Harold Lloyd Stancil
Stancil Photographs Harold Lloyd Stancil with brother
Stallings Wills & Estates James Stallings - 1786
Stancill Wills & Estates John Stancill - 1795
Stansell Wills & Estates John Stansell Sr - 1795
Surname Researchers
Surname Counties Date Range Researcher
Stafford Dana Hinson
Stancil Sylvia Stephens
StancilJohnston, Wake1700 - 1920 Carla Stancil
StansellJohnston Jann Woodard
StarlingJohnston, Wayne1800 - present Charlene Nix
StarlingJohnston, Wayne1800 - present Kristi Stanfield
StarlingJohnston Barbara Batton Pierce
StarlingsJohnston1700 - present Jim Montgomery
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Michael W. Kay
County Volunteers
Ross Sippel
Connie Ellen Adams
Passed away on 15 July 2015

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