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» Search Results » R ADAMS
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  • Phonetic matches for the first/middle name ("R") and last name ("Adams")
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  • 3-Character matches on the last name ("Ada")
1784-1787 State Census
No Results found
1790 Federal Census
No Results found
1800 Federal Census
No Results found
1810 Federal Census
No Results found
1820 Federal Census *
No Results found
1830 Federal Census *
No Results found
1840 Federal Census *
Name M00 M05 M10 M15 M20 M30 M40 M50 M60 M70 M80 M90
Adams, Redic 1 1
Adams, Right A. 1 1
* Missing Categories - Free white women, free colored persons, slaves, blind/deaf/dumb, age and education
1860 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Adams, Rebecca
39 White Female 173 Smithfield
Adams, Reddick
48 White Male 166 Clayton
1870 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Adams, Redeck
55 White Male 167 Clayton
Adams, Right A.
57 White Male 11 Meadow
Adams, Rufus
12 White Male 244 Ingrams
Adams, Rufus
4 White Male 177 Clayton
1880 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Adams, Alice R.
12 White Female 229 Ingrams
Adams, Minnie R.
8 White Female 17 Town of Smithfield
Adams, R. A.
67 White Male 59 Town of Smithfield
Adams, Rebeca
23 White Female 256 Ingrams
Adams, Robert
1 White Male 41 Selma
Adams, Robert L.
42 White Male 41 Selma
Adams, Rosia
0 White Female 133 Selma
Adams, Rufus
22 White Male 305 Ingrams
Adams, S. R.
31 White Female 17 Town of Smithfield
1900 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Adams, Charles R.
32 White Male 5 Ingrams
Adams, David R.
11 White Male 92 Ingrams
Adams, George R.
17 White Male 23 Ingrams
Adams, George R.
0 White Male 183 Ingrams
Adams, Gladys R.
1 White Female 5 Ingrams
Adams, James R.
8 White Male 103 Ingrams
Adams, Kitty R.
42 White Female 123 Bentonville
Adams, Lillie R.
15 White Female 157 Elevation
Adams, Robey W.
8 White Male 5 Ingrams
Adams, Rosana
44 White Female 201 Ingrams
Adams, Rozie
19 Black Female 56 Pleasant Grove
Adams, Rufurt L.
11 White Male 118 Clayton
Adams, Rufus B.
8 White Male 144 Ingrams
Adams, Ruth W.
6 White Female 6 Ingrams
Adams, William R.
11 White Male 271 Ingrams
Adams, Willis R.
8 White Male 40 Pleasant Grove
1910 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Adams, Charles R.
9 White Male 17 Ingrams
Adams, David R.
21 White Male 149 Ingrams
Adams, Katie R.
52 White Female 151 Bentonville
Adams, Rebeca
2/23/1900 White Female 186 Clayton
Adams, Riley E.
46 White Male 545 Selma
Adams, Robert
18 White Male 130 Ingrams
Adams, Roby W.
18 White Male 17 Ingrams
Adams, Romeus
41 White Male 421 Selma
Adams, Rosa
23 White Female 55 Wilson's Mills
Adams, Rosa A.
50 White Female 287 Ingrams
Adams, Roy
2 White Male 153 Bentonville
Adams, Roy L.
White Male 49 Pleasant Grove
Adams, Rubert L.
1/21/1900 White Male 54 Clayton
Adams, Rudolph
White Male 231 Boon Hill
Adams, Rufus
19 White Male 309 Ingrams
Adams, Ruth
12-May White Female 421 Selma
Adams, Ruth W.
15 White Female 57 Ingrams
Adams, W. Robert
9 White Male 46 Bentonville
Adams, William R.
21 White Male 231 Ingrams
1920 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Adames, Alvein R.
9 White Male 201 Smithfield
Adames, Iva R.
14 White Male 201 Smithfield
Adams, C. Reed
19 White Male 123 Ingrams
Adams, George R.
38 White Male 326 Pleasant Grove
Adams, George R.
White Male 326 Pleasant Grove
Adams, Harvey R.
5 White Male 12 Ingrams
Adams, Hattie R.
15 White Female 450 Smithfield
Adams, James R.
32 White Male 114 Pleasant Grove
Adams, John R.
White Male 238 Ingrams
Adams, John R.
36 White Male 159 Banner
Adams, Kattie R.
62 White Female 16 Bentonville
Adams, R. Annie
62 White Female 205 Ingrams
Adams, Raford
1 White Male 26 O'Neals
Adams, Rassie
6 White Male 171 Elevation
Adams, Rebecca
64 White Female 221 Clayton
Adams, Retha Janie
8 White Female 4 Meadow
Adams, Robert
16 White Male 238 Ingrams
Adams, Robert G.
White Male 231 Banner
Adams, Robey
26 White Male 123 Ingrams
Adams, Roflynn
4 White Female 175 Clayton
Adams, Rosa C.
41 White Female 69 Banner
Adams, Rosie A.
4 White Female 10 Ingrams
Adams, Roy
12 White Male 19 Bentonville
Adams, Ruby
6 White Female 215 Boon Hill
Adams, Ruby
4 White Female 108 Meadow
Adams, Rufas
28 White Male 89 Ingrams
Adams, Ruffes
5 White Male 120 Smithfield
Adams, Rufus
10 Black Male 5 Banner
Adams, Rufus L.
31 White Male 35 Selma
Adams, Ruth B.
White Female 102 Banner
Adams, W. Robert
33 White Male 14 Ingrams
Adams, William R.
19 White Male 450 Smithfield
1930 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Adams, A. Ruth
2+5/12 White Female 113 Boon Hill
Adams, G. R.
48 White Male 057 Smithfield
Adams, Harvey R.
15 White Male 133 Ingrams
Adams, Hattie R.
25 White Female 360 Smithfield
Adams, Jeff R.
24 White Male 096 Ingrams
Adams, Katie R.
73 White Female 146 Bentonville
Adams, Nathan R.
4 White Male 137 Ingrams
Adams, Rachal
9 White Female 230 Elevation
Adams, Rassie
16 White Male 243 Elevation
Adams, Rean
2+8/12 White Female 052 Pine Level
Adams, Reuben
9 Black Male 148 Cleveland
Adams, Rheba
73 White Female 283 Banner
Adams, Robert
29 White Male 189 Banner
Adams, Robert
1+11/12 White Male 054 Bentonville
Adams, Robert G.
13 White Male 356 Banner
Adams, Robie
29 White Male 244 Elevation
Adams, Rosa
43 White Female 212 Smithfield
Adams, Rosa A.
76 White Female 033 Ingrams
Adams, Rosa C.
50 White Female 001 Banner
Adams, Rosa E.
12 White Female 014 Ingrams
Adams, Roy
23 White Male 108 Bentonville
Adams, Roy O.
6 White Male 046 Elevation
Adams, Ruby
9 White Female 067 Clayton
Adams, Ruby E.
14 White Female 333 Meadow
Adams, Rudolph
3 White Male 067 Clayton
Adams, Rufus B.
38 White Male 102 Ingrams
Adams, Ruth
8 White Female 036 Ingrams
Adams, Ruth
20 White Female 106 Ingrams
Adams, Ruth
10/12 White Female 057 Smithfield
Adams, Ruth B.
12 White Female 095 Banner
Adams, William R.
29 White Male 291 Smithfield
1940 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Adams, Annie Ruth
12 White Female 150 Wilson's Mills
Adams, David R.
1 White Male 23 Banner
Adams, Harvey R.
26 White Male 50 Banner
Adams, Ida R.
12 White Female 64 Pine Level
Adams, James R.
4 White Male 214 Ingrams
Adams, John R.
22 White Male 241 Elevation
Adams, Lois R.
26 White Female 244 Ingrams
Adams, Raeford
22 White Male 250 Elevation
Adams, Raford Lee
5 White Male 221 Banner
Adams, Ralph
3 White Male 183 Beulah
Adams, Ray
16 White Male 157 Ingrams
Adams, Rebecca
<1 White Female 369 Banner
Adams, Rena
35 White Female 2 Pleasant Grove
Adams, Robert
22 White Male 209 Banner
Adams, Robert
12 White Male 80 Ingrams
Adams, Robert
3 White Male 21 Ingrams
Adams, Robert
<1 White Male 32 Clayton
Adams, Robert
9 White Male 22 Ingrams
Adams, Robert E.
38 White Male 19 Elevation
Adams, Roma G.
2 White Female 36 Meadow
Adams, Rosa
53 White Female 148 Smithfield
Adams, Rosey
58 White Female 49 Banner
Adams, Roy
32 White Male 132b Beulah
Adams, Roy
1 White Male 311 Elevation
Adams, Rubin
18 Black Male 214 Cleveland
Adams, Ruby
7 White Female 189 Pleasant Grove
Adams, Ruby Ellen
24 White Female 260 Meadow
Adams, Rudolph
13 White Male 151 Clayton
Adams, Rufus
49 White Male 4 Ingrams
Adams, Rupert
51 White Male 325 Selma
Adams, Russell
14 White Male 160 Clayton
Adams, Ruth
22 White Female 12 Banner
Adams, Ruth
30 White Female 147 Banner
Adams, Ruth
11 White Female 189 Pleasant Grove
Adams, Ruth
11 White Female 160 Smithfield
Adams, Ruth
18 White Female 116 Ingrams
Adams, Ruth M.
2 Black Female 285 Smithfield
Adams, W. Robert
39 White Male 128 Smithfield
Adams, Wallace R.
5 White Male 188 Banner
Adams, William R.
7 White Male 128 Smithfield
Bastardy Bonds
No Results found
NC Yearbooks
Name Year Class School
Adams, Robey Washington 1916 Senior Duke University
No Results found
NC Civil War Soldiers Index *
Name Unit Comp Rank Side
Adams, John R. 13th Regiment, NC Infantry E Sergeant C
Adams, Johnson R. Infantry Regiment, Thomas' NC Legion H Corporal C
Adams, R. L. Unidentified NC Private C
Adams, Reuben 12th Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Adams, Reuben 6th Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Adams, Reuben 24th Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Adams, Richard 49th Regiment, NC Infantry A Private C
Adams, Richard W. Infantry Regiment, Thomas' NC Legion I Private C
Adams, Ridley 47th Regiment, NC Infantry E Private C
Adams, Robert B. 6th Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Adams, Robert L. 12th Regiment, NC Infantry E Private C
Adams, Robert Q. 42nd Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
* All North Carolina soldiers (Union and Confederate) who fought in the Civil War.
NC Civil War Sailors Index *
No Results found
Southern Claims Commission
No Results found
No Results found
Cemetery Graves
Name Birth Death Cemetery
Adams, Broady Ray 1917 1959 Bethsaida Primative Baptist Church
Adams, Charles Robey 1867 1901 Four Oaks Town
Adams, Clyde R 1907 1909 Oliver, A. W.
Adams, Frances R 1935 Banner Chapel Church
Adams, George Rollon 1925 1925 Yelverton Grove Free Will Baptist Church
Adams, George Rufus 1888 1951 Knollwood
Adams, Gladys R 1901 1947 Four Oaks Town
Adams, Harvey R 1914 1962 Lee's Chapel Advent Christian Church
Adams, James R (Cub) 1935 2004 Oakland
Adams, James Robert 1923 1985 Bethel Primitive Baptist Church
Adams, James Rufus 1935 2011 Piney Grove Free Will Baptist Church
Adams, Jerry Ray 1952 1978 Holloman, George B.
Adams, John R 1917 Barbour's Chapel Advent Christian Church
Adams, Larry Rufus 1939 1959 Adams, Elder (Massengill/Lee/Blackmon)
Adams, Leemon R 1917 1984 Adams, Elder (Massengill/Lee/Blackmon)
Adams, Lonzo R Jr 1977 1995 Piney Grove Free Will Baptist Church
Adams, Myrtle R 1909 1985 Banner Chapel Church
Adams, Otis R 1941 1956 Banner Chapel Church
Adams, Purvis R 1876 1975 Sandy Grove Primitive Baptist Church
Adams, R Lunzy 1889 1959 Maplewood
Adams, Raymond J 1955 Four Oaks Town
Adams, Rebecca 1853 1929 Durham, Samuel
Adams, Rena P 1899 Sandy Grove Primitive Baptist Church
Adams, Robert G 1919 1919 Oliver, A. W.
Adams, Robert Garlon 1925 1925 Yelverton Grove Free Will Baptist Church
Adams, Robert Glenn 1917 1991 Banner Chapel Church
Adams, Rosa C 1878 1940 Roselawn
Adams, Rosa F 1884 1956 Oakland Presbyterian Church
Adams, Rosalee R 1938 2003 Banner Chapel Church
Adams, Rothalene P 1922 1979 Barbour's Chapel Advent Christian Church
Adams, Roy 1907 1982 Pauline Primitive Baptist Church
Adams, Rudolph 1909 1910 Oliver, A. W.
Adams, Rufus Adams, Rufus
Adams, Ruth D 1909 2001 Allen, James G
Adams, Shelton Ray 1965 2010 Bethel Freewill Baptist Church
Adams, Stuart R 1959 1978 Elizabeth United Methodist Church
Adams, Vida R 1915 Hills of the Neuse Memorial Gardens
Adams, W Robert 1900 1979 Sunset Memorial Park
Adams, W Roy 1948 1985 Bethel Freewill Baptist Church
Adams, Wallace Ray 1934 1962 Roselawn
Adams, William R 1923 1924 Yelverton Grove Free Will Baptist Church
NC Confederate Soldiers Burial Database*
No Results found
Wills Index *
Name Year
Adams, Reddic 1878
* Wills from 1760-1922 which are physically located at the North Carolina Archives [C.R. 050.801.1-11]
Other Resources
Surname Resource Title
Adams-Ingram Marriages Right A. Adams to Theny Ingram, 1834
Hines-Adams Marriages Benjamin Hines to Altona Adams, 1859
Ingram-Adams Marriages Nathan Ingram to Catharine A. Adams, 1866
Rose-Adams Marriages Isaac C. Rose to Susan Adams, 1883
Adams Wills & Estates Howell Adams - 1800
Surname Researchers
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AdamsJohnston Larraine Mandeville
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County Coordinator
Michael W. Kay
County Volunteers
Ross Sippel
Connie Ellen Adams
Passed away on 15 July 2015

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