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» Search Results » RANSOM STRICKLAND
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1784-1787 State Census
No Results found
1790 Federal Census
No Results found
1800 Federal Census
No Results found
1810 Federal Census
No Results found
1820 Federal Census *
No Results found
1830 Federal Census *
No Results found
1840 Federal Census *
No Results found
1860 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Strickland, Rebecca
4 White Female 575 Bentonville
Strickland, Rebecca
38 White Female 574 Bentonville
Strickland, Robert
12 White Male 602 Smithfield
1870 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Strickland, Julia R.
12 White Female 178 Selma
Strickland, Rebecca
15 White Female 223 Ingrams
Strickland, Right
54 White Male 52 Ingrams
Strickland, Robert
24 White Male 190 Ingrams
Strickland, Ruffin
10 White Male 91 O'Neals
1880 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Straughn, R. E.
47 White Male 158 Wilders
Strickland, H. R.
65 White Male 5 Ingrams
Strickland, Ransom
6 White Male 49 Bentonville
Strickland, Ransom
0 White Male 6 Ingrams
Strickland, Rebeca
7 White Female 160 Bentonville
Strickland, Rebecca
4 Black Female 302 O'Neals
Strickland, Relhica
25 White Female 144 Ingrams
Strickland, Ritha W.
10 White Female 169 Ingrams
Strickland, Robert
32 White Male 159 Bentonville
Strickland, Robert
13 White Male 279 Ingrams
Strickland, Ruffin
17 White Male 316 O'Neals
Strickland, Sarah R.
21 White Female 197 Ingrams
Strickland, W. R.
31 White Male 84 Pleasant Grove
Strickland, William R.
7 White Male 84 Pleasant Grove
Strickland, Young R.
7 White Male 148 Ingrams
Strickling, William R.
9 White Male 331 Elevation
1900 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Straughn, Mennie R.
18 White Female 282 Boon Hill
Straughn, Minnie R.
60 White Female 282 Boon Hill
Strickland, George R.
3 White Male 169 Ingrams
Strickland, Rachel A.
11 White Female 11 Bentonville
Strickland, Raeford
1 White Male 159 Selma
Strickland, Ransom
28 White Male 266 Banner
Strickland, Ransom B.
20 White Male 72 Ingrams
Strickland, Ransom B.
11 White Male 124 Elevation
Strickland, Rebecca
23 Black Female 124 Clayton
Strickland, Reuben R.
0 White Male 124 Elevation
Strickland, Richard D.
11 White Male 190 Elevation
Strickland, Ridley C.
19 White Female 135 Bentonville
Strickland, Robert
53 White Male 35 Bentonville
Strickland, Robert
15 White Male 441 Smithfield
Strickland, Roberta
27 White Female 68 O'Neals
Strickland, Roger W.
0 White Male 230 O'Neals
Strickland, Rosabel
6 White Female 36 Meadow
Strickland, Rosetta
22 White Female 78 O'Neals
Strickland, Sarah R.
40 White Female 251 Ingrams
Strickland, Walter R.
8 White Male 35 Bentonville
Strickland, William R.
9 White Male 47 Ingrams
Strickland, William R.
23 White Male 149 Ingrams
Strickland, William R.
56 White Male 109 Bentonville
Strickland, Willie R.
26 Black Male 167 Selma
Strickland, Willis R.
1 White Male 244 Meadow
Strictlan, Ransom
25 White Male 65 Boon Hill
1910 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Straugh, M. R.
3/9/1900 White Female 40 Boon Hill
Straugh, Minnie R.
1/24/1900 White Female 40 Boon Hill
Straughan, Robert
32 White Male 62 Selma
Strickland, George R.
13 White Male 163 Ingrams
Strickland, Ransom
2/8/1900 White Male 426 Smithfield
Strickland, Ransom
28 White Male 44 Ingrams
Strickland, Ransom B.
22 White Male 199 Ingrams
Strickland, Rebecca
38 White Female 202 Smithfield
Strickland, Robert
25 White Male 202 Smithfield
Strickland, Robert
1/9/1900 White Male 21 Elevation
Strickland, Robert
19 White Male 309 Ingrams
Strickland, Robert
63 White Male 51 Bentonville
Strickland, Roberta
36 White Female 347 Selma
Strickland, Robertie
19 White Female 193 Ingrams
Strickland, Rodgers
1/10/1900 White Male 232 O'Neals
Strickland, Roy W.
4 White Male 48 Bentonville
Strickland, Rubin
8 White Male 349 Ingrams
Strickland, Rula
1/6/1900 White Female 201 O'Neals
Strickland, Sally R.
51 White Female 249 Ingrams
Strickland, Walter R.
17 White Male 51 Bentonville
Strickland, William R.
3/6/1900 White Male 94 Elevation
Strickland, William R.
41 White Male 18 Banner
Strickland, Wriley R.
33 White Male 89 Ingrams
Strickling, Rachel
20 White Female 145 Bentonville
1920 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Straughan, John Robert
41 White Male 119 Selma
Stricklan, Rickie
45 White Female 83 Selma
Stricklan, Robert
35 White Male 83 Selma
Stricklan, Rosell
10 White Female 44 Selma
Strickland, Annie R.
1 White Female 36 O'Neals
Strickland, Geo. R.
23 White Male 300 Ingrams
Strickland, James R.
6 White Male 42 Smithfield
Strickland, Jesse R.
36 White Male 268 Ingrams
Strickland, Pat Roy
11 White Male 180 Ingrams
Strickland, R. Bud
32 White Male 212 Ingrams
Strickland, R. Dank
30 White Male 228 Ingrams
Strickland, R. H.
29 White Male 66 Beulah
Strickland, Rachel
30 White Female 41 Bentonville
Strickland, Ralph
9 White Male 445 O'Neals
Strickland, Randal
White Male 212 Ingrams
Strickland, Randolph
3 White Male 36 O'Neals
Strickland, Ransom
30 White Male 183 Boon Hill
Strickland, Ransom B.
40 White Male 61 Ingrams
Strickland, Rayford
White Male 262 Ingrams
Strickland, Robert
White Male 39 Pine Level
Strickland, Robert A.
White Male 42 Smithfield
Strickland, Robie A.
White Male 141 Ingrams
Strickland, Robt.
73 White Male 34 Bentonville
Strickland, Roger
20 White Male 103 Selma
Strickland, Roscoe
17 White Male 196 Boon Hill
Strickland, Roy
10 White Male 442 O'Neals
Strickland, Ruby
White Female 262 Ingrams
Strickland, Ruth
14 White Female 20 Pine Level
Strickland, Ruth
7 White Female 46 Banner
Strickland, W. R.
30 White Male 154 Ingrams
Strickland, W. R.
42 White Male 179 Ingrams
Strickland, Walter R.
27 White Male 138 Banner
1930 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Straughan, Robert
17 White Male 394 Selma
Street, Gladys R.
1+3/12 White Female 278 Banner
Strickland, George R.
33 White Male 263 Ingrams
Strickland, James R.
16 White Male 028 Smithfield
Strickland, Joseph R.
14 White Male 150 O'Neals
Strickland, Leon R.
1/12 White Male 263 Ingrams
Strickland, Marvin R.
1+9/12 White Male 165 Meadow
Strickland, R. D.
42 White Male 010 Smithfield
Strickland, Rachel L.
5 Black Female 023 Pine Level
Strickland, Ralph C.
6 White Male 143 Ingrams
Strickland, Ralph M.
9 White Male 129 Ingrams
Strickland, Randal
13 White Male 136 Ingrams
Strickland, Ransom
57 White Male 260 Bentonville
Strickland, Ransom
6 White Male 228 Smithfield
Strickland, Ransom B.
50 White Male 067 Ingrams
Strickland, Rantol
2 White Male 127 Smithfield
Strickland, Rather B.
8 White Male 143 Ingrams
Strickland, Rayford
10 White Male 136 Ingrams
Strickland, Reid
4 White Male 136 Ingrams
Strickland, Repsey
9 White Female 144 Ingrams
Strickland, Richard
36 White Male 316 Selma
Strickland, Richard
7 White Male 129 Selma
Strickland, Richard Jr.
13 White Male 316 Selma
Strickland, Robert
83 White Male 044 Bentonville
Strickland, Robert A.
29 White Male 175 Elevation
Strickland, Robert A.
14 White Male 028 Smithfield
Strickland, Robert H.
39 White Male 073 Beulah
Strickland, Robert L.
5 White Male 113 Elevation
Strickland, Robert L.
45 White Male 208 Ingrams
Strickland, Robert N.
10/12 White Male 306 Ingrams
Strickland, Robert O.
13 White Male 159 Pine Level
Strickland, Robert S.
13 White Male 010 Wilders
Strickland, Robert W.
3 White Male 143 Ingrams
Strickland, Robie A.
11 White Male 143 Ingrams
Strickland, Rodger
28 White Male 281 Selma
Strickland, Roland
3 White Male 119 Ingrams
Strickland, Roy T.
6 White Male 164 Selma
Strickland, Ruby C.
13 White Female 108 Ingrams
Strickland, Rudolph
6 White Male 359 Smithfield
Strickland, Rupert
5 White Male 127 Smithfield
Strickland, William R.
57 White Male 102 Banner
Strickland, William R.
2 White Male 143 Ingrams
Strickland, Willis R.
31 White Male 307 Banner
1940 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Stricklan, Billy Ray
1 White Male 59 Meadow
Strickland, A. Ray
4 White Male 136 Smithfield
Strickland, Annie Ruth
6 White Female 115 Ingrams
Strickland, Donald Ray
6 White Male 241 O'Neals
Strickland, G. Robert
44 White Male 205 Ingrams
Strickland, H. Roy
29 White Male 24 Smithfield
Strickland, J. Ralph
28 White Male 261 O'Neals
Strickland, James Raynor
6 White Male 178 Wilders
Strickland, Joseph R.
24 White Male 84 O'Neals
Strickland, Pat Royal
31 White Male 97 Smithfield
Strickland, R. Bud
52 White Male 76 Ingrams
Strickland, R. T.
6 White Male 52 Ingrams
Strickland, Rachel L.
15 White Female 124 Pine Level
Strickland, Raeford
20 White Male 76 Ingrams
Strickland, Raford
<1 White Male 316 O'Neals
Strickland, Ralph
16 White Male 115 Ingrams
Strickland, Ralph
19 White Male 32 Ingrams
Strickland, Ransom
55 White Male 155 Ingrams
Strickland, Ransom
67 White Male 373 Beulah
Strickland, Ransom
70 White Male 186 Banner
Strickland, Ray
2 White Male 205 Ingrams
Strickland, Rayman
12 White Male 115 Ingrams
Strickland, Rebeca
10 White Female 65 Meadow
Strickland, Rebecca H.
26 White Female 49 Pine Level
Strickland, Reed
13 White Male 76 Ingrams
Strickland, Richard C.
22 White Male 246b Selma
Strickland, Richard C.
1 White Male 246b Selma
Strickland, Richard D.
52 White Male 6 Smithfield
Strickland, Richard H.
30 White Male 12 Boon Hill
Strickland, Robert
14 White Male 140 Ingrams
Strickland, Robert
14 White Male 115 Ingrams
Strickland, Robert
25 White Male 130 Boon Hill
Strickland, Robert
10 White Male 188 Selma
Strickland, Robert
2 White Male 65 Meadow
Strickland, Robert A.
23 White Male 298 Pine Level
Strickland, Robert H.
50 White Male 260 Beulah
Strickland, Robert L.
55 White Male 48 Banner
Strickland, Robert W.
3 White Male 130 Boon Hill
Strickland, Robin
26 White Male 85 Smithfield
Strickland, Roby
21 White Male 115 Ingrams
Strickland, Roger
41 White Male 299 Selma
Strickland, Roger Jr.
10 White Male 299 Selma
Strickland, Roscoe
18 White Male 6 Wilson's Mills
Strickland, Roy
16 White Male 9 Wilson's Mills
Strickland, Roy Ted
1 White Male 24 O'Neals
Strickland, Ruby
8 White Female 48 Ingrams
Strickland, Ruby
8 White Female 115 Ingrams
Strickland, Rudolph
16 White Male 133 Pleasant Grove
Strickland, Rudolph
8 White Male 223 Boon Hill
Strickland, Walter R.
47 White Male 179 Banner
Strickland, Willie R.
67 White Male 356 Banner
Stroud, Millen R
26 White Male 91 Smithfield
Bastardy Bonds
No Results found
NC Yearbooks
Name Year Class School
Sauders, Ruth McKelisay 1910 Senior Peace College
No Results found
NC Civil War Soldiers Index *
Name Unit Comp Rank Side
Stark, Richard 12th Regiment, NC Infantry E Private C
Stark, Rufus C. 44th Regiment, NC Infantry K Sergeant C
Stark, Rufus H. 44th Regiment, NC Infantry K Sergeant C
Starrs, Rufus P. 49th Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Stranghan, Julian R. 28th Regiment, NC Infantry G Corporal C
Strap, Rufus 38th Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Stratford, Robert A. 21st Regiment, NC Infantry M Corporal C
Straub, Rufus 38th Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Straughan, Julian R. 28th Regiment, NC Infantry G Corporal C
Straughan, Nathan R. 28th Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Stray, R. 27th Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Strayhorn, Isaac R. 3rd Regiment, NC Artillery H Sergeant C
Strayhorn, R. P. 3rd Regiment, NC Artillery G Sergeant C
Strayhorn, R. P. 13th Battalion, NC Light Artillery E Sergeant C
Strayhorn, Robert B. 3rd Regiment, NC Artillery G Sergeant C
Street, Richard 26th Regiment, NC Infantry H Quartermaster Sergeant C
Street, Samuel R. 2nd Regiment, NC Infantry K Private C
Strickland, D. R. 30th Regiment, NC Infantry E Private C
Strickland, J. R. 5th Regiment, NC Cavalry C Private C
Strickland, James R. 47th Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Strickland, James R. 13th Battalion, NC Infantry D Private C
Strickland, John R. 20th Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Strickland, John R. 50th Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Strickland, John R. 47th Regiment, NC Infantry A Private C
Strickland, R. 3rd Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Strickland, R. 47th Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Strickland, Rasford Cumberland County Battalion, NC Detailed Men A Private C
Strickland, Reuben S. 56th Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Strickland, Reuben S. 2nd Regiment, NC Artillery C Private C
Strickland, Richard F. 24th Regiment, NC Infantry F Private C
Strickland, Richard H. 3rd Regiment, NC Artillery C Private C
Strickland, Richard J. 1st Battalion, NC Heavy Artillery B Private C
Strickland, Robert M. 51st Regiment, NC Infantry K Private C
Strickland, Rufus G. 38th Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Strickland, William R. 33rd Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Strickland, William R. 5th Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Stricklin, J. R. 47th Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Stricklin, John R. 20th Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Stricklin, R. 2nd Regiment, NC Junior Reserves H Private C
Stricklin, Rufus G. 38th Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Stricklin, William R. 33rd Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Stricklin, William R. 5th Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Strickling, R. 2nd Regiment, NC Junior Reserves H Private C
Strickling, W. R. 33rd Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Stroud, R. S. 23rd Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Stroud, Richard 8th Battalion, NC Cavalry (Partisan Rangers) B Private C
Stroud, Richard 43rd Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Stroud, Richard 61st Regiment, NC Infantry E Private C
Stroud, Richard 66th Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Stroughan, Nathan R. 28th Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Stroup, J. R. 57th Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Stroup, James R. 60th Regiment, NC Infantry F Private C
Stroup, Robert 1st Regiment, NC Infantry (6 months, 1861) K Private C
Stroup, Robert 52nd Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Stroup, Robert B. 52nd Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Stroup, Robert M. 52nd Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Stroup, Rufus 38th Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Stroupe, James R. 57th Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Stroupe, Rufus L. 29th Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Strum, James R. 44th Regiment, NC Infantry A Private C
Stryon, John R. 1st Regiment, NC Artillery B Private C
Styers, N. R. 21st Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
* All North Carolina soldiers (Union and Confederate) who fought in the Civil War.
NC Civil War Sailors Index *
No Results found
Southern Claims Commission
No Results found
No Results found
Cemetery Graves
Name Birth Death Cemetery
Street, Joel R 1904 1975 Roselawn
Strickland, Bobby Ray 1942 1993 Faith Free Will Baptist Church
Strickland, Cornelia Royal 1875 1957 Banner Chapel Church
Strickland, Daniel Rose 1886 1899 Piney Grove Free Will Baptist Church
Strickland, Henry Roy 1910 1970 Knollwood
Strickland, John R 1861 1937 Hodges Chapel Free Will Baptist Church
Strickland, Joseph R Jr 1941 1978 Corinth Baptist Church
Strickland, Leon Robert 1930 1971 Bethel Freewill Baptist Church
Strickland, Minnie R 1859 1937 Clyde's Chapel Baptist Church
Strickland, R S 1916 1934 Stewart
Strickland, R T 1933 1952 Barbour's Chapel Advent Christian Church
Strickland, Rachel A 1889 1951 Piney Grove Free Will Baptist Church
Strickland, Ralph 1921 Corinth Baptist Church
Strickland, Ransom 1871 1952 Banner Chapel Church
Strickland, Ransom Bud 1888 1969 Four Oaks Town
Strickland, Rebecca 1860 1925 Johnston Union Primitive Baptist Church
Strickland, Rebecca L 1914 1995 Selma Memorial Gardens
Strickland, Richard 1865 1950 Crocker
Strickland, Richard Freeman 1893 1957 Selma Memorial Gardens
Strickland, Richard Hubert 1909 1966 Thompson, D. D.
Strickland, Rev Robert 1846 1933 Antioch Methodist Church
Strickland, Robert A 1915 1970 Oakland
Strickland, Robert Austin 1917 1958 Watson, Robert
Strickland, Roby Arthur 1916 Barbour's Chapel Advent Christian Church
Strickland, Rodella Creech 1883 1966 Creech, John R.
Strickland, Roland A 1926 1931 Barbour's Chapel Advent Christian Church
Strickland, Ronnie Lee 1957 2008 Pineville Disciple Church
Strickland, Roy 1921 Corinth Baptist Church
Strickland, Rubel 1935 1935 Bethel Freewill Baptist Church
Strickland, Ruby B 1919 1975 Clyde's Chapel Baptist Church
Strickland, Rudolph 1915 1917 Elevation United Methodist Church
Strickland, Ruth 1923 Knollwood
Strickland, W R 1840 1914 Hodges Chapel Free Will Baptist Church
Strickland, W Riley 1877 1925 Four Oaks Town
Strickland, Walter R 1892 1977 Roselawn
Strickland, William R 1872 1956 Elevation United Methodist Church
Strickland, William R Billy 1852 1936 Strickland, William "Billy" R.
Strickland, Willis Raymon 1898 1934 Banner Chapel Church
NC Confederate Soldiers Burial Database*
Name Death County Cemetery
Strange, Robert 1877 New Hanover Oakdale Cemetery
Strickland, Noah R. Nash Strickland Crossroads Cemetery
* Records are still being added.
Wills Index *
Name Year
Strickland, H. R. 1896
* Wills from 1760-1922 which are physically located at the North Carolina Archives [C.R. 050.801.1-11]
Other Resources
Surname Resource Title
Strickland Deaths & Obituaries N.B. Strickland, 1949
Strickland Deaths & Obituaries E. M. Strickland, 1957
Stringer Deeds Francis Stringer, 1747
Strickland-Ingram Marriages James W. Strickland to Hester Ann Ingram, 1856
Strickland Wills & Estates Davis Strickland - 1806
Strickland Wills & Estates Samuel Strickland - 1784
Strickland Wills & Estates Uriah Strickland - 1812
Surname Researchers
Surname Counties Date Range Researcher
Street Geraldine Stewart
StricklandJohnston Christie Moore
StricklandJohnston1700's - mid 1800's James Harmon
Strickland Donna Sherron
StricklandNash1700's - present Rocky Strickland
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Michael W. Kay
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Connie Ellen Adams
Passed away on 15 July 2015

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