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» Search Results » SALLIE MARSH
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1784-1787 State Census
No Results found
1790 Federal Census
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1800 Federal Census
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1810 Federal Census
No Results found
1820 Federal Census *
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1830 Federal Census *
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1840 Federal Census *
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1860 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Marley, Sally
20 White Female 317 Boon Hill
Marley, Susan
18 White Female 317 Boon Hill
Martyn, Sarah
3 White Female 540 Leachburg
Morris, Samuel
16 White Male 296 Boon Hill
Morris, Silas
11 White Male 296 Boon Hill
Morris, Stephen
21 White Male 975 Bentonville
1870 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Morris, Stephen
28 White Male 26 Bentonville
1880 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Martin, Sarah
22 White Female 112 Elevation
Martin, Smithey
41 White Female 61 Pleasant Grove
Martin, Susan
35 White Female 227 Wilders
Marting, Susan
5 White Female 85 Boon Hill
Morris, Saunders
8 White Male 35 Bentonville
Morris, Stephen
40 White Male 35 Bentonville
Morrisey, Sarah A.
25 White Female 469 Boon Hill
1900 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Martin, Samuel
11 White Male 181 Bentonville
Martin, Sarah
23 Black Female 211 Smithfield
Martin, Smithey
65 White Female 283 Clayton
Morris, Sally A.
44 White Female 137 Boon Hill
Morris, Stephen J.
6 White Male 128 Bentonville
Morris, Stephen W.
59 White Male 128 Bentonville
1910 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Marborough, Sue C.
2/22/1900 White Female 44 Clayton
Marlow, Sallie
1/4/1900 White Female 459 Beulah
Martin, Sam
20 White Male 93 Bentonville
Martin, Sarah
1/4/1900 White Female 144 Boon Hill
Martin, Sudie B.
1/3/1900 White Female 183 Boon Hill
Morris, Sada
1/8/1900 White Female 24 Beulah
Morris, Stephen
16 White Male 55 Bentonville
Morris, Susan
1/23/1900 White Female 103 Banner
Myres, Sallie
4 White Female 88 Bentonville
Myres, Sallie A.
14 White Female 89 Bentonville
Myres, Shelia
27 White Female 88 Bentonville
Myres, Susie
68 White Female 88 Bentonville
1920 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Marable, Sisaroe
19 Black Male 316 Clayton
Marler, Swannie G.
21 White Female 120 Meadow
Marth, Sarah
13 White Female 41 Boon Hill
Martin, Sallie
23 White Female 107 Bentonville
Martin, Sam J.
29 White Male 107 Bentonville
Martin, Silas
7 White Male 107 Bentonville
Martin, Sudie
13 White Female 95 Bentonville
Morris, Mary S.
38 White Female 230 Selma
Morris, Sadie
18 White Female 21 Beulah
Morris, Susan
33 White Female 192 Banner
Myres, Sarah A.
47 White Female 175 Meadow
1930 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Marler, Sallie
3+7/12 White Female 147 Bentonville
Marler, Swanie G.
32 White Female 135 Meadow
Martin, Sallie
48 White Female 253 O'Neals
Martin, Sallie M.
22 White Female 289 Boon Hill
Martin, Selma
11 White Female 086 Cleveland
Meyers, Sarah
51 White Female 101 Meadow
Meyers, Sarah E.
1+11/12 White Female 090 Meadow
Morris, Shelton
8/12 White Male 231 Boon Hill
Myers, Sudie
11 White Female 086 Meadow
Myers, Susan
7 White Female 086 Meadow
1940 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Marler, Sally
13 White Female 266 Beulah
Marler, Shirley
2 White Female 120 Meadow
Marler, Swannie
41 White Female 120 Meadow
Marlow, Shirley
4 White Female 227 Selma
Martin, Rhetta S.
77 White Female 217 Smithfield
Martin, Sallie M.
32 White Female 157 Boon Hill
Martin, Senthia Ann
1 White Female 92 Ingrams
Martin, Silas
29 White Male 365 Beulah
Martin, Stephen
9 White Male 271 Boon Hill
Martin, Susanna
<1 Black Female 46 Smithfield
Morris, Mary S.
58 White Female 111 Selma
Morris, S. V. Jr.
13 White Male 22 Beulah
Morris, Stephen
5 White Male 66 Beulah
Morris, Sylvanders
52 White Male 22 Beulah
Myers, Samuel
14 Black Male 407 Selma
Myers, Shelton
10 White Male 121 Boon Hill
Myers, Sudie
27 White Female 20 Smithfield
Bastardy Bonds
No Results found
NC Yearbooks
No Results found
No Results found
NC Civil War Soldiers Index *
Name Unit Comp Rank Side
Marco, Samuel 2nd Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Marcus, Serug 58th Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Marion, J. S. 22nd Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Marion, Lazarus S. 53rd Regiment, NC Infantry E Sergeant C
Marion, Sidney 28th Regiment, NC Infantry A Private C
Mark, Samuel F. 53rd Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Markan, J. S. 14th Regiment, NC Infantry K Private C
Markham, Sanders L. 27th Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Marks, S. W. 53rd Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Marks, Samuel S. 53rd Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Marks, Stephen H. 13th Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Marks, Thaddeus S. 35th Regiment, NC Infantry D Second Lieutenant C
Marks, W. S. 53rd Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Marks, William S. 13th Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Marler, M. S. 1st Regiment, NC Infantry (6 months, 1861) G Private C
Marler, Martin S. 54th Regiment, NC Infantry B First Lieutenant C
Marley, S. 22nd Regiment, NC Infantry L Private C
Marlin, J. S. 37th Regiment, NC Infantry K Private C
Marlow, M. S. 54th Regiment, NC Infantry B First Lieutenant C
Marly, Sol 5th Regiment, NC Infantry F Private C
Marratt, Shadrach 20th Regiment, NC Infantry F Private C
Marrow, Strangeman 7th Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Marsh, Edward S. 4th Regiment, NC Infantry I Captain C
Marsh, James S. 45th Regiment, NC Infantry K Private C
Marsh, James S. 1st Regiment, NC Detailed Men G Junior Second Lieutenant C
Marsh, John S. 53rd Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Marsh, Joseph S. 45th Regiment, NC Infantry K Private C
Marsh, Samuel 22nd Regiment, NC Infantry L Private C
Marsh, Solomon F. 37th Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Marshall, S. W. 53rd Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Marshall, Samuel 64th Regiment, NC Infantry (Allen's) H Private C
Marshall, Sid 21st Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Marshbourn, Samuel D. 4th Regiment, NC Infantry F Private C
Marshburn, J. S. 50th Regiment, NC Infantry F Private C
Marten, A. S. 1st Regiment, NC Junior Reserves G Private C
Martin, B. S. 22nd Regiment, NC Infantry A Private C
Martin, Benjamin S. 25th Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Martin, Charles S. 34th Regiment, NC Infantry E Private C
Martin, Eugene S. 18th Regiment, NC Infantry I Sergeant C
Martin, Eugene S. 1st Battalion, NC Heavy Artillery A First Lieutenant C
Martin, J. Stanhope 34th Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Martin, John S. 22nd Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Martin, Joseph S. A. 34th Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Martin, Martin S. 1st Regiment, NC Cavalry H Private C
Martin, P. S. McLean's Battalion, NC Light Duty Men B Private C
Martin, S. 1st Regiment, NC Cavalry H Private C
Martin, S. 7th Regiment, NC Infantry M H Private C
Martin, S. 2nd Regiment, NC Mounted Infantry E Private U
Martin, S. 2nd Regiment, NC Mounted Infantry E Private U
Martin, S. J. 4th Regiment, NC Infantry F Lieutenant C
Martin, S. T. 21st Regiment, NC Infantry L Private C
Martin, S. W. 55th Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Martin, Samuel 1st Regiment, NC Artillery I Private C
Martin, Samuel 6th Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Martin, Samuel 3rd Regiment, NC Artillery K Private C
Martin, Samuel Infantry Regiment, Thomas' NC Legion K Private C
Martin, Samuel 45th Regiment, NC Infantry A Private C
Martin, Samuel D. 37th Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Martin, Samuel P.H. 45th Regiment, NC Infantry A Musician C
Martin, Shadrack 22nd Regiment, NC Infantry H First Lieutenant C
Martin, Simeon P. 15th Regiment, NC Infantry A Private C
Martin, Smith 44th Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Martin, Spencer A. 2nd Battalion, NC Infantry B Private C
Martin, Spencer A. Unassigned Conscripts, NC Private C
Martin, Stephen 64th Regiment, NC Infantry (Allen's) M Private C
Martin, William S. 45th Regiment, NC Infantry F Quartermaster Sergeant C
Maurice, S. 3rd Battalion, NC Junior Reserves C Private C
Maurice, Samuel 3rd Regiment, NC Artillery H,J Private C
Meares, Stephen B. 15th Regiment, NC Infantry K Private C
Mears, Samuel M. 16th Regiment, NC Infantry F Second Lieutenant C
Mercey, Smith 56th Regiment, NC Infantry A Private C
Merrick, Shadrack F. 2nd Battalion, NC Local Defense Troops E Sergeant C
Mires, J. S. 38th Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Moras, S. 1st Regiment, NC Junior Reserves C Private C
Moris, Z. S. 1st Regiment, NC Cavalry C Private C
Morris, A. S. 1st Regiment, NC Junior Reserves C Private C
Morris, C. S. 64th Regiment, NC Infantry (Allen's) B Sergeant C
Morris, James S. 1st Regiment, NC Artillery C Private C
Morris, S. 4th Battalion, NC Junior Reserves C Private C
Morris, S. A. 1st Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Morris, S. D. 1st Regiment, NC Artillery I Private C
Morris, S. L. M. 25th Regiment, NC Infantry I Lieutenant C
Morris, Sampson 28th Regiment, NC Infantry E Private C
Morris, Samuel 3rd Regiment, NC Artillery H Private C
Morris, Samuel 67th Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Morris, Samuel A. 1st Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Morris, Soloman C. 53rd Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Morris, Stephen E. 1st Regiment, NC Artillery B Private C
Morris, Stephen W. 55th Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Morris, William S. Walker's Battalion, Thomas' NC Legion H Private C
Morris, William S. 4th Regiment, NC Cavalry (59th NC State Troops) F Private C
Morris, William S. 64th Regiment, NC Infantry (Allen's) E Third Lieutenant C
Morrisey, Samuel B. 51st Regiment, NC Infantry F,S Surgeon C
Morse, Sanford 21st Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Murough, S. 22nd Regiment, NC Infantry L Private C
Myers, S. 1st Regiment, NC Junior Reserves C Private C
Myers, S. H. 23rd Regiment, NC Infantry A Private C
Myers, S. H. 4th Regiment, NC Cavalry (59th NC State Troops) A Private C
Myers, Samuel L. 4th Regiment, NC Cavalry (59th NC State Troops) F Private C
Myers, Samuel L. 1st Regiment, NC Infantry (6 months, 1861) L Private C
Myers, Sandy L. 33rd Regiment, NC Infantry C Sergeant C
Myers, Silas F. 48th Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Myers, Solomon W. 42nd Regiment, NC Infantry E Private C
Myers, Stephen H. 23rd Regiment, NC Infantry A Private C
Myers, Thomas S. 3rd Regiment, NC Artillery G Private C
Myers, William S. 27th Regiment, NC Infantry F Corporal C
Myers, Z. S. 5th Regiment, NC Cavalry D Private C
Myres, Samuel L. 1st Regiment, NC Infantry (6 months, 1861) L Private C
Myrick, John S. 14th Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
* All North Carolina soldiers (Union and Confederate) who fought in the Civil War.
NC Civil War Sailors Index *
Name Birthplace Occupation Age
Marshall, Silas Onslow County Fieldhand 51
Martindale, Samuel Wilmington Farmhand 21
* African-American sailors who were born in North Carolina and fought for the Union.
Southern Claims Commission
No Results found
No Results found
Cemetery Graves
Name Birth Death Cemetery
Marbly, James Randolph (Sonny) 1980 Resthaven
Marler, Sam Ervin 1910 Hood's Grove Baptist Church
Marlow, Nedglena S 1912 Hills of the Neuse Memorial Gardens
Marsh, Sallie E 1800 1872 Oakland Presbyterian Church
Marshburn, Susan Parker 1852 1933 Greenwood
Martin, Donald E (Sarge) 1927 2011 Princeton
Martin, Sallie H 1907 1992 Princeton
Martin, Sallie Myers 1895 1935 Bethany Baptist Church
Martin, Sam Jenkins 1886 1960 Bethany Baptist Church
Martin, Shirley 1919 Benson City
Martin, Shirley Gray 1926 1948 Knollwood
Martin, Stephen 1930 2012 Princeton
Morris, Mary S 1888 1949 Penny/Owens
Morris, Sandraes Morris, Steve
Morris, Steve Morris, Steve
Morris, Susan B 1886 1927 Benson City
Morris, Sylvanders 1887 1952 Kenly City
Myers, Sandy B 1909 1962 Mt. Zion United Methodist Church
Myers, Stephen Henry 1885 1966 Selah Christian Church
Myers, Sterling F 1905 1978 Barbour's Chapel Advent Christian Church
Myers, Sudie 1881 1920 Selah Christian Church
Myers, Susan 1855 1920 Selah Christian Church
NC Confederate Soldiers Burial Database*
Name Death County Cemetery
Martin, Eugene Stuart 1919 New Hanover Oakdale Cemetery
Morisey, Samuel B. 1883 Sampson Clinton City Cemetery
* Records are still being added.
Wills Index *
Name Year
Morris, Steven W. 1919
* Wills from 1760-1922 which are physically located at the North Carolina Archives [C.R. 050.801.1-11]
Other Resources
Surname Resource Title
Marshman Deaths & Obituaries Mr. Marshman, 1859
Martin Deaths & Obituaries George Bowden Martin, 2001
Martin Deaths & Obituaries James Isaac Martin, 2006
Martin Deaths & Obituaries Thelma Inez Martin, 1953
Martin Deaths & Obituaries Walter Anthony Martin, 1993
Martin Marriages Martin Family Marriages
Surname Researchers
Surname Counties Date Range Researcher
MarshallJohnston, Wake1760 - 1780 JC, 1760 - present Wake Robert Pitcher
MartinJohnston, Harnett1800 - present Gwen O?Daniels
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County Coordinator
Michael W. Kay
County Volunteers
Ross Sippel
Connie Ellen Adams
Passed away on 15 July 2015

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