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» Search Results » SOPHIA LANE
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1784-1787 State Census
No Results found
1790 Federal Census
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1800 Federal Census
Name Pg/Rw M00 M10 M16 M26 M45 F00 F10 F16 F26 F45 FP SL
Langley, Samuel 747 / 22 1 1
1810 Federal Census
No Results found
1820 Federal Census *
No Results found
1830 Federal Census *
No Results found
1840 Federal Census *
No Results found
1860 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Langdon, Sarah
7 White Female 329 Smithfield
Langley, Sally
34 White Female 28 Boon Hill
Langley, Sally
8 White Female 29 Boon Hill
Langley, Sarah
6 White Female 120 Boon Hill
Langley, Sarah
45 White Female 587 Beulah
Langley, Sarah
9 White Female 18 Boon Hill
Langston, Sarah
8 White Female 945 Bentonville
Langston, Serena
15 White Female 944 Bentonville
Lemay, Thomas S.
21 White Male 229 Leachburg
1870 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Lane, Stephen
50 Black Male 306 Boon Hill
Langdon, Sally
22 White Female 11 Elevation
Langdon, Sally
22 White Female 121 Elevation
Langdon, Sally
8 White Female 19 Elevation
Langdon, Sarah
17 White Female 196 Pleasant Grove
Langinia, Salina
4 White Female 104 Smithfield
Langley, Sally
20 White Female 179 Boon Hill
Langley, Sarah
56 White Female 202 Beulah
Langston, Sarah
17 White Female 11 Bentonville
Lawhon, Sarah
13 White Female 119 Bentonville
Lawhon, Spicy
15 White Female 119 Bentonville
1880 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Lane, S. Hubbard
3 Mulatto Male 368 Boon Hill
Lane, Stephen
61 Mulatto Male 368 Boon Hill
Langdon, Sally
32 White Female 164 Elevation
Langdon, Sally A.
18 White Female 91 Elevation
Langdon, Sarah E.
35 White Female 18 Pleasant Grove
Langdon, Sarah F.
33 White Female 200 Pleasant Grove
Langdon, Seth T.
5 White Male 28 Pleasant Grove
Langley, Sallie
58 White Female 328 Boon Hill
Langley, Sarah
67 White Female 247 Beulah
Langly, N. S.
14 White Female 264 South Smithfield
Langston, Sarah J.
24 White Female 1 Bentonville
Langston, Seney
32 Black Female 126 Bentonville
Lemay, Elisor S.
6 White Female 147 Pleasant Grove
Lemay, Lula S.
8 White Female 147 Pleasant Grove
1900 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Lam, Sally A.
53 White Female 41 Smithfield
Lane, S. Hubbard
23 Black Male 53 Boon Hill
Lane, Sintha
35 White Female 42 Smithfield
Lane, Stephen
5 Black Male 358 Boon Hill
Langdon, Sallie
52 White Female 298 Elevation
Langdon, Sally J.
8 White Female 340 Elevation
Langdon, Sarah
53 White Female 234 Pleasant Grove
Langdon, Sarah E.
54 White Female 9 Elevation
Langdon, Sarah E.
32 White Female 221 Pleasant Grove
Langdon, Sarah F.
8 White Female 142 Pleasant Grove
Langdon, Sevananoa S.
17 White Female 57 Elevation
Langdon, Shephard
8 White Male 236 Pleasant Grove
Langdon, Sophronia E.
37 White Female 126 Pleasant Grove
Langdon, Sophronia Z.
6 White Female 126 Pleasant Grove
Langdon, Sufruna E.
37 White Female 335 Elevation
Langley, Dock S.
15 White Male 64 Beulah
Langley, Sarah
50 White Female 355 Boon Hill
Langley, Zeno S.
10 White Male 69 Beulah
Langly, Sallie P.
11 White Female 102 Boon Hill
Langston, David S.
19 White Male 230 Bentonville
Langston, Sarah
45 White Female 235 Bentonville
Langston, Seaney
55 Black Female 113 Bentonville
Langston, Sissie
10 Black Female 34 Banner
Lawhon, James S.
32 White Male 179 Meadow
Lawhon, Susan
15 White Female 65 Boon Hill
1910 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Lain, Suda
1/8/1900 White Female 82 Beulah
Lam, Seale
6 White Male 26 O'Neals
Lamm, Ezekiel S.
41 White Male 530 Selma
Lamm, Louis S.
6 White Male 530 Selma
Lamm, Sarah G.
4 White Female 530 Selma
Land, Sallie
45 White Female 104 Smithfield
Landers, Sanderl
74 White Female 200 Clayton
Lane, Hubert S.
2/4/1900 Mulatto Male 155 Boon Hill
Lane, Safiris
1/19/1900 Black Female 155 Boon Hill
Lane, Sinda
2/3/1900 Black Female 155 Boon Hill
Lane, Stephen
13 Mulatto Male 98 Selma
Lane, Susay
5 Black Female 27 Boon Hill
Lane, Syntha
47 White Female 146 Smithfield
Lane, Syvestus
Black Male 155 Boon Hill
Langdon, Esther S.
18 White Female 176 Pleasant Grove
Langdon, S. T.
30 White Male 154 Elevation
Langdon, Sallie
63 White Female 200 Elevation
Langdon, Sallie W.
33 White Female 188 Pleasant Grove
Langdon, Sarah
30 White Female 116 Elevation
Langdon, Sarah A.
3/6/1900 White Female 123 Elevation
Langdon, Sarah E.
42 White Female 138 Pleasant Grove
Langdon, Sarah F.
62 White Female 139 Pleasant Grove
Langdon, Sarah F.
19 White Female 114 Pleasant Grove
Langdon, Shepard
18 White Male 184 Pleasant Grove
Langdon, Sophronia
48 White Female 173 Elevation
Langdon, Sophronia E.
48 White Female 176 Pleasant Grove
Langdon, Sophronia Z.
16 White Female 176 Pleasant Grove
Langley, Zeno S.
1/21/1900 White Male 429 Beulah
Langston, David S.
29 White Male 47 Bentonville
Langston, Sena
60 Black Female 93 Bentonville
Lawhon, James S.
2/12/1900 White Male 201 Meadow
1920 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Lamm, Sarah A.
70 White Female 226 Selma
Lancaster, Edd S.
60 White Male 250 Clayton
Lane, Sarah
White Female 387 Beulah
Lane, Sentha
57 White Female 248 Smithfield
Lane, Silas
41 White Male 109 Beulah
Lane, Silvestus
10 Black Male 74 Boon Hill
Lane, Stella
21 White Female 204 Boon Hill
Lane, Stephen
23 Mulatto Male 176 Selma
Lane, Sudie
45 Black Female 74 Boon Hill
Lane, Sudy P.
2 Mulatto Female 176 Selma
Lane, Susan
14 Mulatto Female 136 Wilson's Mills
Langdon, S. E.
57 White Female 123 Elevation
Langdon, S. Thomas
45 White Male 271 Elevation
Langdon, Sallie W.
43 White Female 297 Pleasant Grove
Langdon, Sarah F.
73 White Female 298 Pleasant Grove
Langdon, Sarrah C.
40 White Female 37 Meadow
Langdon, Seth
7 White Male 271 Elevation
Langdon, Shepherd
23 White Male 293 Pleasant Grove
Langdon, Stella
White Female 160 Elevation
Langdon, Thomas S.
18 White Male 345 Pleasant Grove
Langston, Sarah E.
White Female 4 Bentonville
Langston, Sarah J.
64 White Female 4 Bentonville
Langston, Sennie
50 Black Female 83 Bentonville
Lawhon, James S.
53 White Male 1 Banner
Lawhon, Sarah H.
50 White Female 163 Selma
LeMay, Bertha S.
41 White Female 197 Smithfield
1930 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Lancaster, Edwin S.
71 White Male 023 Clayton
Lancaster, Sarah J.
1 White Female 097 Wilson's Mills
Lane, Sadie
54 Black Female 018 Boon Hill
Lane, Sherm
32 Black Male 133 Selma
Lane, Silas
51 White Male 265 Beulah
Lane, Sophia
26 White Female 062 Micro
Lane, Stella M.
31 White Female 195 Boon Hill
Lane, Sudia
11 Black Female 133 Selma
Langdon, Bertha S.
23 White Female 007 Pine Level
Langdon, Rena S.
20 White Female 026 Pleasant Grove
Langdon, Sallie J.
19 White Female 252 Elevation
Langdon, Sallie W.
53 White Female 010 Pleasant Grove
Langdon, Sarah F.
83 White Female 024 Pleasant Grove
Langdon, Seth B.
17 White Male 082 Elevation
Langdon, Seth Q.
53 White Male 082 Elevation
Langdon, Shade A.
12 White Male 082 Elevation
Langdon, Shepherd
38 White Male 006 Pleasant Grove
Langdon, Stella B.
14 White Female 278 Elevation
Langdon, Stella C.
22 White Female 260 Elevation
Langdon, Steve
19 White Male 237 Pine Level
Langdon, Sybil S.
10/12 White Female 280 Smithfield
Langdon, Tomis S.
28 White Male 270 Pleasant Grove
Langley, Sallie
6 White Female 232 Wilders
Langley, Stephen E.
42 White Male 306 Beulah
Langley, Zeno S.
41 White Male 033 Beulah
Langston, David S.
49 White Male 189 Bentonville
Langston, Sallie
13 White Female 140 Bentonville
Langston, Sarah
9 White Female 238 Beulah
Langston, Sarah J.
74 White Female 140 Bentonville
Langston, Spivy
44 White Male 068 Selma
Langston, Staton Rupert
16 White Male 028 Smithfield
Langston, Sudia
21 White Female 009 Micro
Lawhon, Sarah
62 White Female 118 Smithfield
Lyon, Swannie M.
15 White Female 314 Pleasant Grove
1940 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Lamm, Sarah
65 White Female 84 Boon Hill
Lancaster, Edward S.
81 White Male 95 Clayton
Lane, Ida S.
57 White Female 9 Beulah
Lane, Leland S.
3 White Male 6 Beulah
Lane, Ralph S.
17 White Male 261 Beulah
Lane, S. Herbert
63 Black Male 81 Boon Hill
Lane, Sallie
8 White Female 16 Boon Hill
Lane, Sally
1 White Female 71 Micro
Lane, Shelby
3 White Female 71 Micro
Lane, Shirley
5 White Female 71 Micro
Lane, Shirley
2 Black Female 186 Selma
Lane, Shurley
3 White Female 16 Boon Hill
Lane, Silas
61 White Male 9 Beulah
Lane, Sophia
37 White Female 253 Micro
Lane, Stella
42 White Female 62 Boon Hill
Lane, Stephen
44 Black Male 260 Selma
Lane, Sudie
65 Black Female 81 Boon Hill
Lane, Sylvestus
29 Black Male 81 Boon Hill
Langdon, Sallie
29 White Female 296 Elevation
Langdon, Sallie
63 White Female 54 Pleasant Grove
Langdon, Shepherd
48 White Male 49 Pleasant Grove
Langdon, Shepherd Jr.
6 White Male 49 Pleasant Grove
Langdon, Shetion T.
9 White Male 222 Pleasant Grove
Langdon, Shirley
6 White Female 91 Elevation
Langdon, Shirley
8 White Female 291 Elevation
Langdon, Shirley Fay
5 White Female 105 Elevation
Langdon, Shirley Faye
3 White Female 127 Pleasant Grove
Langdon, Sybil S.
10 White Female 67 Smithfield
Langdon, Tomsas S.
38 White Male 222 Pleasant Grove
Langley, Sallie
28 White Female 95 Pleasant Grove
Langley, Shirley F.
3 White Female 78 Beulah
Langley, Stephen
49 White Male 126 Boon Hill
Langley, Sylvia
2 White Female 453 Selma
Langston, Sarah E.
19 White Female 207 Beulah
Langston, Sudie
31 White Female 37 Micro
Lawhon, Sarah
73 White Female 26 Smithfield
LeMay, Bertha S.
61 White Female 148 Smithfield
Lyon, Sarrah
32 Black Female 54 Meadow
Bastardy Bonds
Father's Name Mother's Name Date
Whitley, Ben Lannier, Sarah 26 Mar 1872
NC Yearbooks
No Results found
No Results found
NC Civil War Soldiers Index *
Name Unit Comp Rank Side
Lain, Samuel 11th Regiment, NC Infantry (Bethel Regiment) D Private C
Lamm, Simon D. 2nd Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Lamm, Spias 2nd Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Lamm, Stephen 47th Regiment, NC Infantry A Private C
Lancaster, Bedford S. 44th Regiment, NC Infantry K Private C
Lancaster, S. T. 2nd Regiment, NC Junior Reserves G Private C
Lancaster, Stephen 2nd Regiment, NC Infantry F Private C
Lance, Samuel M. 6th Regiment, NC Cavalry D,C Private C
Lance, Samuel M. 7th Battalion, NC Cavalry E,D Corporal C
Land, Isaac S. Walker's Battalion, Thomas' NC Legion H Private C
Land, S. C. 53rd Regiment, NC Infantry K Lieutenant C
Landberry, W. S. 1st Regiment, NC Infantry F Second Lieutenant C
Lander, Samuel 33rd Regiment, NC Infantry A Private C
Lander, Samuel 1st Regiment, NC Infantry (6 months, 1861) K Private C
Lander, Samuel 21st Regiment, NC Infantry L Private C
Landers, Samuel 37th Regiment, NC Infantry K,B Private C
Landers, Stephen 5th Regiment, NC Senior Reserves B Private C
Landing, J. S. 5th Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Landreth, Samuel 37th Regiment, NC Infantry K,B Private C
Lane, James S. 3rd Regiment, NC Artillery D Captain C
Lane, Samuel 1st Regiment, NC Infantry A Private C
Lane, Samuel 11th Regiment, NC Infantry (Bethel Regiment) D Private C
Lane, Samuel 66th Regiment, NC Infantry K Private C
Lane, Samuel 16th Regiment, NC Infantry E Private C
Lane, Samuel J. 18th Regiment, NC Infantry D Sergeant C
Lane, Stephen S. 2nd Regiment, NC Artillery B Private C
Lane, Sydney 28th Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Laney, Ivin S. 26th Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Laney, John S. 52nd Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Laney, Samuel L. 26th Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Langdon, S. J. 30th Regiment, NC Infantry Surgeon C
Langdon, Samuel W. 15th Regiment, NC Infantry F&S Surgeon C
Langley, Franklin S. 13th Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Langley, S. 3rd Regiment, NC Cavalry B Private C
Langley, Samuel 17th Regiment, NC Infantry (1st Organization) C Private C
Langley, Singleton 30th Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Langley, Stephen 3rd Regiment, NC Cavalry B Private C
Langly, Franklin S. 13th Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Lanier, Jacob S. 43rd Regiment, NC Infantry A Private C
Lanier, Joseph S. 18th Regiment, NC Infantry A Private C
Lanier, O. S. 3rd Regiment, NC Cavalry B Private C
Lanier, Samuel T. 1st Regiment, NC Artillery K Private C
Lanier, Stephen 51st Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Lanier, Stephen 2nd Regiment, NC Junior Reserves A Private C
Lanier, Sylvester 61st Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Lanier, William S. 66th Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Lanton, S. 22nd Regiment, NC Infantry L Private C
Lany, John S. 52nd Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Lemay, Thomas S. 14th Regiment, NC Infantry E Brevet Second Lieutenant C
Linn, N. S. 24th Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Linn, S. M. 49th Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Lynn, Nathaniel S. 24th Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Lynn, S. M. 49th Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Lyon, Wesley S. 3rd Battalion, NC Senior Reserves C Private C
* All North Carolina soldiers (Union and Confederate) who fought in the Civil War.
NC Civil War Sailors Index *
No Results found
Southern Claims Commission
No Results found
No Results found
Cemetery Graves
Name Birth Death Cemetery
Lamm, Ezekiel Solomon 1872 1938 Oakland
Lamm, Lewis S 1903 1988 Oakland
Lamm, Lula Stanley 1874 1949 Piney Grove Free Will Baptist Church
Lamm, Sallie 1854 1912 Peedin, James Isaac
Lamm, Sallie Lee Haynes 1905 1928 Haynes II
Lamm, Sarah 1917 Peedin, James Isaac
Lamm, Sarah Pittman Ballance 1856 1943 Ballance, Daniel
Lamm, Viola S 1918 Selma Memorial Gardens
Lancaster, Ed S 1859 1946 Lancaster, Ed. S./Puckett/Smith
Landers, Sarah 1834 1924 Clayton City
Lane, David Stevens 1945 1946 Lane, Millard
Lane, Howard Stephen 1927 1980 Walls
Lane, Ida Susan 1883 1946 Kenly City
Lane, Sadie 1977 Resthaven
Lane, Silas 1878 1943 Kenly City
Lane, Sophia Pittman 1902 1983 Deans, J. R.
Lane, Stella P 1898 1957 Rains Crossroads
Lane, Stephen 1895 1975 Walls
Langdon, Bessie Stewart 1887 1981 Bethsaida Primative Baptist Church
Langdon, Hubert Stewart 1904 1905 Langdon, B. H.
Langdon, Louchester Stewart 1866 1941 Bethsaida Primative Baptist Church
Langdon, Lunette S 1919 White Memorial Presbyterian Church
Langdon, Mildred S. Stanley 1917 1963 Clement Primitive Baptist Church
Langdon, S Tommie 1875 1955 Rehobeth Primitive Baptist Church
Langdon, Sarah 1919 1919 Stephenson, Nimrod
Langdon, Sarah Byrd (Salley) 1847 1910 Langdon, Jacob M.
Langdon, Sarah Eveline Benson 1846 1912 Langdon, Rufus
Langdon, Seth Brosia 1912 1937 St. Mary's Grove Original Free Will Baptist Church
Langdon, Shepard 1891 1965 Fellowship Primitive Baptist Church
Langdon, Sophronia E Stancil 1862 1945 Langdon, Carroll
Langdon, Sophronia Elizabeth Honeycutt (Fronie) 1861 1911 Langdon, Caswell
Langdon, Thomas Shelton Jr 1930 1974 Sunset Memorial Park
Langdon, Thomas Shelton Sr 1901 1972 Sunset Memorial Park
Langley, S E 1887 1938 Langley/Rains
Langley, Sarah Evelyne L Daughtry 1889 1963 Langley, C. O.
Langley, Stephen Eddie 1890 1955 Langley, Zeno H.
Langley, Steve 1911 1974 Brown & Garner
Langston, David S 1880 1931 Mill Creek Christian Church
Langston, Sally W 1917 2005 Princeton
Langston, Sarah Williams 1855 1936 Mill Creek Christian Church
Lawhon, Caroline Strickland 1848 1899 Lawhon, Lawrence
Lawhon, Edith Strickland 1845 1891 Lawhon, Lawrence
Lawhon, Ira S 1921 1994 Faith Free Will Baptist Church
Lawhon, J S 1866 1927 Eldridge, Troy
Lawhon, S Booker 1900 1971 Benson City
Lawhon, Sarah Whitley, William H.
Lawhon, Sarah R 1860 1949 Creech, John R.
Lemay, Bertha Sanders 1887 1950 Riverside
NC Confederate Soldiers Burial Database*
Name Death County Cemetery
Lance, Samuel DeBarris 1929 Clay Hayesville First United Methodist Church Cemetery
Lane, A. S. 1862 Wayne Willow Dale Cemetery
Lane, Samuel Burke Silver Creek Baptist Church Cemetery
Langley, Stephen 1874 Onslow Burton Cemetery
Lanier, Jacob S. 1872 Duplin Lanier Cemetery
Lanier, Owen S. 1912 Onslow Horne Cemetery
Lanier, Stephen Lafayette 1889 Duplin Amos Lanier Cemetery
* Records are still being added.
Wills Index *
No Results found
Other Resources
Surname Resource Title
Langley Bibles Isaac Langley Family Bible Records
LeMay Bibles LeMay Family Bible Records
Langdon Cemeteries Langdon Family Cemetery
Langdon Deaths & Obituaries Alton Clingman Langdon, 2001
Langdon Deaths & Obituaries David Bruce Langdon, 2006
Langston Deaths & Obituaries Jane Langston, 1935
Langston-Rose Deeds Joseph Langston, Sr. to Benjamin Rose, 1803
Lawhon-Rhodes Deeds John Lawhon to William Rhodes, 1767
Langston-Baker Marriages Joseph Langston to Sukey Baker, 1802
Langston-Britt Marriages Westbrook Langston to Patience Britt, 1844
Langston-Jordan Marriages Joseph Langston to Basheba Jordan, 1804
Langston-Lewis Marriages Elias Langston to Jane Lewis, 1836
Langston-Randall Marriages John Langston to Mary Randall, 1794
Langston-Toal Marriages Joseph Langston to Rachel Toal, 1839
Rose-Langston Marriages William N. Rose Jr to Sarah Langston, 1872
Lane Military Charles Lane Pension, 1847
Langdon Military James Langdon Pension, 1855
Langston Military J.W. Langston, 1918
Langston Photographs Furney Langston, Barefoot Road, Johnston County
Langdon Wills & Estates Britton Langdon - 1874
Langdon Wills & Estates Elizabeth Langdon - 1888
Langley Wills & Estates James Langley - 1823
Surname Researchers
Surname Counties Date Range Researcher
Langdon Charles Langdon
LangleyJohnston1700's - 1900's Tammy Gurley Tyner
LangstonJohnston1700's - present Andy Langston
Lankford/LangfordJohnston1700 -1800 Ronald Wade
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Connie Ellen Adams
Passed away on 15 July 2015

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