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» Search Results » THOMAS SNEAD
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1784-1787 State Census
No Results found
1790 Federal Census
No Results found
1800 Federal Census
No Results found
1810 Federal Census
Name Pg/Rw M00 M10 M16 M26 M45 F00 F10 F16 F26 F45 FP SL
Smith, Turner 275 / 19 1 7
1820 Federal Census *
No Results found
1830 Federal Census *
No Results found
1840 Federal Census *
No Results found
1860 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Smith, Temperance
18 White Female 407 Leachburg
Smith, Thena
40 White Female 989 Bentonville
Smith, Thomas
13 White Male 368 Elevation
Snead, T. D.
28 White Male 438 Smithfield
1870 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Smith, J. T.
29 White Male 15 Boon Hill
Smith, Tamer
24 Black Female 260 Clayton
Smith, Tamer
5 Black Female 207 Selma
Smith, Tempa A.
22 Black Female 45 Selma
Smith, Tempy
3 Black Female 63 Smithfield
Smith, Tempy
40 Black Female 135 Wilders
Smith, Thomas
5 Black Male 22 Boon Hill
Smith, Thomas
2 White Male 167 Pleasant Grove
Smith, Thomas
11 Black Male 15 Selma
Smith, Thomson
25 Black Male 260 Clayton
Smith, Tranquilly
28 White Female 166 Pleasant Grove
Snead, Thomas
38 White Male 62 Bentonville
Snead, Thomas
3 White Male 62 Bentonville
1880 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Smith, Ed T.
20 White Male 106 Wilson's Mills
Smith, John T.
10 White Male 52 Boon Hill
Smith, M. T.
51 White Female 230 South Smithfield
Smith, Tama
18 Black Female 314 South Smithfield
Smith, Tempy
14 Black Female 302 South Smithfield
Smith, Tera
6 Black Female 218 South Smithfield
Smith, Thomas
21 Black Male 326 Selma
Smith, Thomas
21 Black Male 390 Selma
Smith, Thomas
14 Black Male 24 Boon Hill
Smith, Thomas E.
12 White Male 231 Pleasant Grove
Smith, Tyler
39 White Male 52 Boon Hill
Snead, Thomas
48 White Male 301 Ingrams
Snead, Thomas D.
13 White Male 301 Ingrams
Snead, Timothy E.
3 Black Male 48 Meadow
1900 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Smith, Charles T.
16 White Male 322 Smithfield
Smith, David T.
48 White Male 205 Smithfield
Smith, H. T.
28 Black Male 8 Wilson's Mills
Smith, Jerry T.
8 Black Male 56 Banner
Smith, Jesse T.
6 White Male 228 Smithfield
Smith, Jesse T.
0 White Male 203 Wilders
Smith, Martha T.
71 White Female 141 Smithfield
Smith, Sisro T.
16 White Male 164 Clayton
Smith, Tempe
31 Black Female 503 Smithfield
Smith, Tena
27 Black Female 405 Smithfield
Smith, Thomas
14 Black Male 104 Selma
Smith, Thomas
19 Black Male 286 Smithfield
Smith, Thomas
17 Black Male 174 Banner
Smith, Thomas
50 White Male 140 Bentonville
Smith, Thomas
11 Black Male 116 Smithfield
Smith, Thomas
29 Black Male 5 Boon Hill
Smith, Thurman
11 White Male 167 Clayton
Smith, Tobed
13 Black Male 308 Clayton
Smith, Tommie
3 Black Male 8 Wilson's Mills
Smith, William T.
1 White Male 105 Wilson's Mills
Snead, Thomas D.
68 White Male 42 Ingrams
Snead, Thomas D.
33 White Male 15 Ingrams
Snead, Thomas R.
3 Black Male 25 Bentonville
1910 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Smith, D. T.
2/26/1900 White Male 107 Clayton
Smith, David T.
1/9/1900 White Male 41 Clayton
Smith, David T.
58 White Male 41 Cleveland
Smith, E. T.
2/26/1900 White Male 219 Clayton
Smith, James T.
1/3/1900 White Male 41 Clayton
Smith, Jesse T.
1/10/1900 White Male 219 Clayton
Smith, Martha T.
80 White Female 33 Smithfield
Smith, Tamer
72 Black Female 140 Boon Hill
Smith, Tempie
2/14/1900 Black Female 485 Smithfield
Smith, Thel U.
1/6/1900 White Male 10 Clayton
Smith, Thelma L.
1 Black Female 108 Clayton
Smith, Thomas
1/23/1900 Black Male 467 Smithfield
Smith, Thomas
63 White Male 138 Bentonville
Smith, Thomas
12 Black Male 170 Wilson's Mills
Smith, Thurman
1/22/1900 White Male 131 Clayton
Smith, Thurman
1/16/1900 White Male 184 Clayton
Smith, Tilithia
8 White Female 211 Pleasant Grove
Smith, Tobie
1/20/1900 Black Male 205 Clayton
Smith, Tom
45 Black Male 103 Boon Hill
Smith, Tony
2 White Male 166 Wilson's Mills
Smith, William T.
10 White Male 163 Wilson's Mills
Smith, William T.
1/12/1900 White Male 41 Clayton
Snead, Thomas D. Sr.
78 White Male 156 Ingrams
Snead, Tom D. Jr.
43 White Male 183 Ingrams
1920 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Smith, G. Thurman
31 White Male 307 Clayton
Smith, Henry T.
38 White Male 176 Elevation
Smith, Joseph T. Jr.
4 White Male 5 Banner
Smith, Martha T.
90 White Female 144 Smithfield
Smith, Tabithia
13 Mulatto Female 214 Boon Hill
Smith, Talmage
5 Mulatto Male 230 Clayton
Smith, Teddie R.
6 Black Male 193 Selma
Smith, Thell
8 White Male 387 Ingrams
Smith, Thell
16 White Male 155 Clayton
Smith, Thelma
11 Black Female 444 Clayton
Smith, Thelma
Black Female 200 Smithfield
Smith, Thelma
6 White Female 140 Meadow
Smith, Thomas
19 Black Male 51 Wilson's Mills
Smith, Thomas
74 White Male 44 Bentonville
Smith, Thomas
55 Black Male 214 Boon Hill
Smith, Thomas D.
7 White Male 291 Pleasant Grove
Smith, Thomas Lee
2 White Male 8 Meadow
Smith, Thurman
26 White Male 173 Clayton
Smith, Thurman Jr.
5 White Male 307 Clayton
Smith, Toby
29 Black Male 94 Clayton
Smith, Tom
33 Black Male 262 O'Neals
Smith, Tom
42 Black Male 57 Smithfield
Smith, Tomey
Black Male 57 Smithfield
Smith, Tomey
Black Male 136 Smithfield
Smith, Tonie
12 White Male 157 Wilson's Mills
Smith, Troy
14 White Male 183 Clayton
1930 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Smith, Cedric T.
11 White Male 150 Meadow
Smith, Delia T.
7 White Female 014 Clayton
Smith, Edwin T.
12 White Male 149 Wilson's Mills
Smith, G. Thurman
42 White Male 114 Clayton
Smith, G. Thurman Jr.
16 White Male 114 Clayton
Smith, Henry T.
49 White Male 012 Elevation
Smith, John T.
9 White Male 150 Meadow
Smith, Joseph T.
14 White Male 313 Banner
Smith, Marvin T.
11 White Male 199 Clayton
Smith, Myrtie T.
42 White Female 014 Clayton
Smith, Raymond T.
23 White Male 029 Clayton
Smith, Telsmie
16 Black Male 298 Clayton
Smith, Terson D.
18 White Male 075 Clayton
Smith, Thell
8 Black Male 298 Clayton
Smith, Thelma
16 White Female 137 Meadow
Smith, Theo
10 Black Male 072 Selma
Smith, Thomas
51 Black Male 384 Smithfield
Smith, Thomas
27 Black Male 002 Wilson's Mills
Smith, Thomas L.
13 White Male 150 Meadow
Smith, Thuman T.
45 White Male 062 Pleasant Grove
Smith, Tifton
12 Black Male 014 Smithfield
Smith, Tincey
4/12 White Female 079 Pine Level
Smith, Tobie
38 Black Male 298 Clayton
Smith, Tom
10 Black Male 384 Smithfield
Smith, Tomis D.
18 White Male 003 Pleasant Grove
Smith, Tony
22 White Male 150 Wilson's Mills
Smith, Troy G.
50 White Male 029 Clayton
Smith, William T.
4+3/12 Black Male 267 Pine Level
Snead, Booker T.
8 Black Male 030 Bentonville
Snead, Tommie
31 Black Male 057 Bentonville
1940 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Sineath, Troy Cleveland
52 White Male 22 Smithfield
Smith, James Thomas
4 White Male 43 Pleasant Grove
Smith, James Thomas
6 White Male 231 Wilders
Smith, John Thel
18 White Male 144 Meadow
Smith, R. T.
30 White Male 31 Banner
Smith, R. T. Jr.
5 White Male 31 Banner
Smith, Thelma
24 White Female 46 Meadow
Smith, Thomas
22 White Male 144 Meadow
Smith, Thomas
50 Black Male 183 Smithfield
Smith, Thomas
4 White Male 164 Pleasant Grove
Smith, Thomas
5 White Male 123 Wilson's Mills
Smith, Thomas W.
5 White Male 415 Clayton
Smith, Thurman
46 White Male 49 Clayton
Smith, Thurman P.
55 White Male 48 Elevation
Smith, Toba
48 Black Male 190 Banner
Smith, Toby
45 Black Male 357 Clayton
Smith, Tom
80 Black Male 286 Selma
Smith, Tony
32 White Male 86 Smithfield
Smith, William T.
13 Black Male 3 Pine Level
Snead, Talmage
4 White Male 312 Beulah
Bastardy Bonds
No Results found
NC Yearbooks
Name Year Class School
Smith, Thel Eugene 1925 Senior UNC-Chapel Hill
Smith, Theodore Roosevelt 1939 Senior NC Agricultural & Technical State University
No Results found
NC Civil War Soldiers Index *
Name Unit Comp Rank Side
Sanday, Howard T. 5th Regiment, NC Cavalry B Private C
Sent, N. T. 21st Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Shumate, Thomas 26th Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Shumate, Thomas S. 55th Regiment, NC Infantry B Sergeant C
Smith, A. T. 42nd Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Smith, A. T. 13th Regiment, NC Infantry A Private C
Smith, Andrew T. 13th Battalion, NC Light Artillery A Private C
Smith, Andrew Thomas Infantry Regiment, Thomas' NC Legion K Private C
Smith, Arthur T. 7th Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Smith, B. Titus 8th Battalion, NC Cavalry (Partisan Rangers) ADE Private C
Smith, Bazil T. 44th Regiment, NC Infantry E Private C
Smith, Berry T. 44th Regiment, NC Infantry E Private C
Smith, C. T. 1st Regiment, NC Junior Reserves D Private C
Smith, David T. 3rd Regiment, NC Artillery K Sergeant C
Smith, E. T. 6th Regiment, NC Infantry F Private C
Smith, G. T. 22nd Regiment, NC Infantry F Private C
Smith, I. T. 2nd Regiment, NC Infantry B First Lieutenant C
Smith, J. T. 3rd Regiment, NC Infantry G Sergeant C
Smith, J. T. 21st Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Smith, J. T. 23rd Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Smith, J. T. 2nd Regiment, NC Artillery I Private C
Smith, J. T. 35th Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Smith, J. T. 2nd Regiment, NC Junior Reserves H Corporal C
Smith, J. T. 2nd Battalion, NC Home Guards B First Lieutenant C
Smith, J. Thomas 2nd Regiment, NC Junior Reserves H Sergeant C
Smith, James T. 14th Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Smith, James T. 3rd Regiment, NC Artillery H Private C
Smith, James T. 48th Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Smith, James T. 24th Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Smith, James T. 38th Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Smith, James T. 2nd Regiment, NC Infantry A Private C
Smith, James T. 9th Battalion, NC Sharpshooters (1st Battalion) A Corporal C
Smith, Jesse T. 51st Regiment, NC Infantry B Second Lieutenant C
Smith, Jesse Thomas 12th Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Smith, John T. 11th Regiment, NC Infantry (Bethel Regiment) H Private C
Smith, John T. 11th Regiment, NC Infantry (Bethel Regiment) H Sergeant C
Smith, John T. 34th Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Smith, John T. 38th Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Smith, John T. 2nd Battalion, NC Infantry A Private C
Smith, John Thomas 1st Regiment, NC Cavalry B Private C
Smith, John Tyler 12th Regiment, NC Infantry C Corporal C
Smith, Joseph T. 12th Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Smith, Joseph T. 46th Regiment, NC Infantry A Corporal C
Smith, M. T. 12th Regiment, NC Infantry D Senior Second Lieutenant C
Smith, Maurice T. 55th Regiment, NC Infantry K Captain C
Smith, Neill T. 26th Regiment, NC Infantry H Musician C
Smith, P. T. 4th Battalion, NC Junior Reserves D Private C
Smith, Peter T. 18th Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Smith, Peter T. 2nd Regiment, NC Artillery H Private C
Smith, R. T. 45th Regiment, NC Infantry A Private C
Smith, Robert T. 5th Regiment, NC Cavalry D Private C
Smith, Robert T. 5th Regiment, NC Cavalry F Private C
Smith, T. A. 42nd Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Smith, T. A. 37th Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Smith, T. C. 1st Regiment, NC Junior Reserves D Private C
Smith, T. C. 34th Regiment, NC Infantry I Sergeant C
Smith, T. E. 35th Regiment, NC Infantry F,C Private C
Smith, T. E. W. 21st Regiment, NC Infantry A Sergeant C
Smith, T. J. 38th Regiment, NC Infantry A Private C
Smith, T. Jeff 18th Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Smith, T. K. 42nd Regiment, NC Infantry A Private C
Smith, T. M. 3rd Regiment, NC Infantry F Private C
Smith, T. McG. 1st Regiment, NC Infantry (6 months, 1861) B Private C
Smith, T. Z. 3rd Battalion, NC Junior Reserves C Private C
Smith, Tandy 2nd Battalion, NC Infantry A Private C
Smith, Tapley A. 28th Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Smith, Taylor 1st Regiment, NC Infantry E Private C
Smith, Thaddeus 27th Regiment, NC Infantry K Private C
Smith, Thomas 12th Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Smith, Thomas 66th Regiment, NC Infantry Private C
Smith, Thomas 3rd Regiment, NC Infantry F Private C
Smith, Thomas 1st Regiment, NC Infantry (6 months, 1861) E Private C
Smith, Thomas 1st Regiment, NC Infantry (6 months, 1861) I Private C
Smith, Thomas 4th Regiment, NC Senior Reserves H Private C
Smith, Thomas 11th Regiment, NC Infantry (Bethel Regiment) B Private C
Smith, Thomas 11th Regiment, NC Infantry (Bethel Regiment) K Private C
Smith, Thomas 23rd Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Smith, Thomas 48th Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Smith, Thomas 58th Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Smith, Thomas 3rd Battalion, NC Senior Reserves Private C
Smith, Thomas 45th Regiment, NC Infantry A Private C
Smith, Thomas 45th Regiment, NC Infantry K Private C
Smith, Thomas Hoskins' Company, NC Local Defense Private C
Smith, Thomas 42nd Regiment, NC Infantry A Private C
Smith, Thomas 1st Regiment, NC Cavalry B Private C
Smith, Thomas 56th Regiment, NC Infantry A Private C
Smith, Thomas 64th Regiment, NC Infantry (Allen's) K Private C
Smith, Thomas NC Ordnance Department Private C
Smith, Thomas 4th Regiment, NC Cavalry (59th NC State Troops) B Private C
Smith, Thomas 4th Regiment, NC Cavalry (59th NC State Troops) C Private C
Smith, Thomas 8th Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Smith, Thomas 29th Regiment, NC Infantry E Private C
Smith, Thomas 29th Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Smith, Thomas 14th Regiment, NC Infantry C Quartermaster Sergeant C
Smith, Thomas 1st Regiment, NC Cavalry A Captain C
Smith, Thomas 50th Regiment, NC Infantry E Private C
Smith, Thomas A. 55th Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Smith, Thomas A. Infantry Regiment, Thomas' NC Legion K Private C
Smith, Thomas B. Infantry Regiment, Thomas' NC Legion E Private C
Smith, Thomas C. 17th Regiment, NC Infantry (1st Organization) E Private C
Smith, Thomas C. 13th Battalion, NC Light Artillery A Private C
Smith, Thomas C. 50th Regiment, NC Infantry I Hospital Steward C
Smith, Thomas D. 38th Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Smith, Thomas D. 43rd Regiment, NC Infantry H Sergeant C
Smith, Thomas G. 30th Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Smith, Thomas G. 2nd Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Smith, Thomas G. 3rd Regiment, NC Artillery E Private C
Smith, Thomas G. 15th Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Smith, Thomas H. Howard's Cavalry Company, NC Local Defense Private C
Smith, Thomas H. 42nd Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Smith, Thomas H. 26th Regiment, NC Infantry E Private C
Smith, Thomas H. 6th Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Smith, Thomas H. 3rd Regiment, NC Cavalry E Private C
Smith, Thomas J. 21st Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Smith, Thomas J. 38th Regiment, NC Infantry A Private C
Smith, Thomas J. 51st Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Smith, Thomas J. 11th Regiment, NC Infantry (Bethel Regiment) H Private C
Smith, Thomas J. 18th Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Smith, Thomas J. 23rd Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Smith, Thomas J. 47th Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Smith, Thomas J. 3rd Regiment, NC Infantry F Private C
Smith, Thomas J. 14th Regiment, NC Infantry E Ordnance Sergeant C
Smith, Thomas M. 2nd Regiment, NC Artillery I Private C
Smith, Thomas M. 12th Regiment, NC Infantry D Sergeant C
Smith, Thomas Mc. 1st Regiment, NC Infantry (6 months, 1861) B Private C
Smith, Thomas McGehee 45th Regiment, NC Infantry I Major C
Smith, Thomas P. 45th Regiment, NC Infantry A Private C
Smith, Thomas R. 28th Regiment, NC Infantry E Private C
Smith, Thomas R. 54th Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Smith, Thomas R. 12th Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Smith, Thomas R. 12th Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Smith, Thomas R. 46th Regiment, NC Infantry A Private C
Smith, Thomas S. 2nd Regiment, NC Artillery H Private C
Smith, Thomas T. 28th Regiment, NC Infantry B Captain C
Smith, Thomas W. 37th Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Smith, Thomas W. 18th Regiment, NC Infantry E Private C
Smith, Thomas W. 61st Regiment, NC Infantry E,K Private C
Smith, Thomas W. 29th Regiment, NC Infantry E Private C
Smith, Thompson 6th Regiment, NC Senior Reserves I Private C
Smith, Titus B. 8th Battalion, NC Cavalry (Partisan Rangers) ADE Private C
Smith, Toliver L. 54th Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Smith, Troy 3rd Regiment, NC Artillery H Private C
Smith, Troy 13th Battalion, NC Light Artillery F Private C
Smith, Tyler 2nd Battalion, NC Infantry A Private C
Smith, W. T. 22nd Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Smith, W. T. 54th Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Smith, W. T. 4th Regiment, NC Cavalry (59th NC State Troops) A Private C
Smith, William T. 43rd Regiment, NC Infantry H Sergeant Major C
Smith, William T. 50th Regiment, NC Infantry C Corporal C
Smith, William T. 56th Regiment, NC Infantry K Private C
Smith, William T. 1st Regiment, NC Infantry K Private C
Smith, William T. 2nd Regiment, NC Artillery I Private C
Smith, William T. 33rd Regiment, NC Infantry E Private C
Smith, William T. 31st Regiment, NC Infantry C Sergeant C
Smith, Willis T. Infantry Regiment, Thomas' NC Legion G Private C
Smith, Z. T. 3rd Battalion, NC Junior Reserves C Private C
Smith, Z. T. 4th Battalion, NC Junior Reserves C Private C
Smith, Zachariah Taylor 13th Battalion, NC Light Artillery A Private C
Smith, Zachary T. 3rd Battalion, NC Junior Reserves C Private C
Smithey, Thomas G. 2nd Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Smithy, Thomas G. 2nd Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Smyth, Thomas M. 12th Regiment, NC Infantry D Sergeant C
Snead, Taylor 6th Regiment, NC Senior Reserves K Private C
Sneed, John T. Walker's Battalion, Thomas' NC Legion C Private C
Sneed, Thomas 43rd Regiment, NC Infantry K Private C
Snell, T. 24th Regiment, NC Infantry Private C
* All North Carolina soldiers (Union and Confederate) who fought in the Civil War.
NC Civil War Sailors Index *
Name Birthplace Occupation Age
Smith, Tom NC 38
* African-American sailors who were born in North Carolina and fought for the Union.
Southern Claims Commission
No Results found
No Results found
Cemetery Graves
Name Birth Death Cemetery
Smith, Charlie T 1882 1946 Princeton
Smith, Dwight T 1852 1975 Pauline Primitive Baptist Church
Smith, E T 1872 1932 Oakland
Smith, Edwin Thomas 1860 1918 Smith, Edwin T.
Smith, Elizabeth Tomlinson (Lizzie) 1873 1942 Oakland Presbyterian Church
Smith, Eugenia Tyner 1920 1996 Tiner, J. J.
Smith, Henry T 1881 1962 Oakland Presbyterian Church
Smith, Henry Turner 1891 1961 Smith, Joseph A.
Smith, J Thurman 1893 1961 Maplewood
Smith, Jesse T 1899 1962 Maplewood
Smith, Major Talmage 1904 1905 Riverside
Smith, Martha Temperance 1829 1921 Riverside
Smith, Mittie Thompson 1903 1975 Sunset Memorial Park
Smith, Reitha Taylor 1898 1975 Kenly City
Smith, Ronnie T 1954 1962 Hodges Chapel Free Will Baptist Church
Smith, Thurman 1924 1976 Grace Baptist Church
Smith, Thurston 1884 1963 Four Oaks Town
Smith, Tobie 1892 1958 Piney Grove Church
Smith, Tommie D 1912 1970 Pleasant Grove Missionary Baptist Church
Smith, Toni Jeanette 1961 1968 Knollwood
Smith, Tony S 1907 1960 Knollwood
Smith, Troy Gaston 1878 1953 Mt. Moriah Baptist Church
Smith, William Thomas 1926 1980 Resthaven
Smith, William Turner 1855 Smith Ferry
Snead, Thomas D Jr 1866 1953 Antioch Methodist Church
Snead, Thomas D Sr 1832 1911 Antioch Methodist Church
NC Confederate Soldiers Burial Database*
Name Death County Cemetery
Smith, Basil T. 1864 Wake Oakwood Cemetery
Smith, Jesse Thomas Sampson Smith Cemetery
Smith, Louis Turner 1895 Durham Maplewood Cemetery
Smith, Thomas E. 1915 Wayne Smith Cemetery
Smith, Thomas H. 1887 New Hanover Bellevue Cemetery
Smith, Thomas Jeff 1923 New Hanover Oakdale Cemetery
Smith, Thomas M. 1865 Wake Oakwood Cemetery
Smith, Thomas McG. 1864 Caswell Cedars Cemetery
Sneed, Thomas 1862 Wake Oakwood Cemetery
* Records are still being added.
Wills Index *
No Results found
Other Resources
Surname Resource Title
Smith Bibles Samuel Smith Bible
Smith Bibles W.H. Smith Family Bible
Smith Bibles Col. David Smith Bible
Snead Bibles Robert Snead Family Bible Records
Smith Biographies Michael Smith, 1698-1771
Smith Court Records John Smith - Deceased, 1809
Smith Court Records Col. Samuel Smith - Deceased, 1809
Smith Deaths & Obituaries Beatrice Green Smith
Snead Deaths & Obituaries Nathan Snead, 1863
Smith-Ingram Marriages Daniel Smith to Sally Ingram, 1808
Smith-Ingram Marriages Henry Smith to Nancy Ingram, 1841
Smith-Thompson Marriages Hardy Smith to Rebecca Thompson, 1796
Smith Military Hardy Smith Pension, 1833
Smith Wills & Estates Etheldred Smith - 1805
Smith Wills & Estates John Smith Sr - 1813
Smith Wills & Estates Samuel Smith - 1779
Smith Wills & Estates Samuel Smith - 1795
Smith Wills & Estates Samuel Smith - 1783
Smith Wills & Estates Britain Smith - 1793
Surname Researchers
Surname Counties Date Range Researcher
Smith Harold Boyette Wallace
Smith Alice Holmes
SmithJohnston, Sampson, Wayne1700's - present Auburn Hall
Sneed Roberta Butler
Sneed Freda Robertson Noble
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Michael W. Kay
County Volunteers
Ross Sippel
Connie Ellen Adams
Passed away on 15 July 2015

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