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» Search Results » TROY STARLING
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1784-1787 State Census
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1790 Federal Census
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1800 Federal Census
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1810 Federal Census
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1820 Federal Census *
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1830 Federal Census *
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1840 Federal Census *
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1860 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Stallings, Thadeus
11 White Male 32 Clayton
Stanly, Thena
15 White Female 594 Bentonville
Stansel, Thomas
20 White Male 461 Beulah
Starling, Troy
4 White Male 653 Beulah
1870 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Stallings, John T.
21 White Male 198 Selma
Stancil, Q. T.
28 White Male 41 Beulah
Stancil, Tempy A.
2 White Female 41 Beulah
Stanly, Elijah T.
30 White Male 122 Ingrams
Stanly, Theny
2 White Female 34 Ingrams
1880 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Stallings, John T.
1 White Male 314 Selma
Stallings, Tempy
7 Black Female 238 South Smithfield
Stallings, W. T.
32 White Male 270 Clayton
Stansell, John T.
38 White Male 25 Beulah
Stansell, Tempa A.
11 White Female 25 Beulah
Starling, Trecindia
28 White Female 247 Selma
1900 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Stafford, Tempie
62 White Female 315 Smithfield
Stallings, William T.
51 White Male 174 Clayton
Stancil, Trecinda
54 White Female 3 Beulah
Stancill, Thomas R.
16 White Male 259 Beulah
Stanley, Robie T.
5 White Male 344 Elevation
Stanly, Talitha
13 White Female 287 Ingrams
Stanly, Tallons D.
3 White Male 234 Ingrams
Stanly, Thaney E.
30 White Female 234 Ingrams
Starling, James T.
19 White Male 76 Selma
Starling, Trecinda
48 White Female 76 Selma
Starling, Troy J.
18 White Male 70 Smithfield
1910 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Southerland, Thelma
1/4/1900 White Female 614 Smithfield
Stallings, John T.
31 White Male 210 Pine Level
Stallings, Thomas Franklin
8 White Male 81 Smithfield
Stallings, William T.
61 White Male 151 Clayton
Stancil, James T.
7 White Male 98 Smithfield
Stancil, John T.
3/7/1900 White Male 181 Beulah
Stancil, Leafy T.
White Female 1 O'Neals
Stancil, Trecendia
37 White Female 81 O'Neals
Stancil, Trecinda
3/6/1900 White Female 25 Beulah
Stancil, Tyfonia
2/17/1900 White Female 210 Clayton
Standley, Robie T.
1/15/1900 White Male 592 Smithfield
Stanly, Thiny L.
41 White Female 262 Ingrams
Stanly, Tommy J.
9 White Male 102 Ingrams
Stanly, Troy
13 White Male 286 Ingrams
Stanly, William T.
22 White Male 127 Ingrams
Starling, Jacob T.
6 White Male 109 Pine Level
Starling, James T.
29 White Male 618 Selma
Starling, Tempa A.
26 White Female 37 Pine Level
Starling, Thelma
White Female 168 Pine Level
Starling, Theodore
8 White Male 37 Pine Level
Starling, Troy
29 White Male 247 Smithfield
Starling, Troy L.
8 White Male 619 Selma
1920 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Southerland, Willie Thelma
13 White Female 146 Wilson's Mills
Stafford, Theal
White Male 224 Smithfield
Stafford, Thomas
58 White Male 195 Boon Hill
Stalings, Thomes F.
17 White Male 81 Smithfield
Stallings, Booker T.
Black Male 50 Clayton
Stallings, Thad
71 White Male 339 Clayton
Stallins, James T.
11 White Male 207 Selma
Stancil, J. T.
76 White Male 346 Beulah
Stancil, Silas T.
20 Black Male 309 Selma
Stancil, T. Emmett
16 White Male 346 Beulah
Stancil, Thelma
11 Black Male 330 O'Neals
Stancil, Therman
2 White Male 196 O'Neals
Stancil, Thurman
8 White Male 83 Micro
Stancil, Tommy
White Male 349 Beulah
Stancil, Tyhonia
57 White Female 167 Clayton
Stancil, W. T.
31 White Male 104 Beulah
Stanley, Roby T.
24 White Male 245 Smithfield
Stanley, Thelma E.
6 White Female 126 Ingrams
Stanley, Thenie
52 White Female 339 Ingrams
Stanley, Thomas J.
19 White Male 48 Ingrams
Stanley, Troy
25 White Male 364 Ingrams
Starlin, Thelma
8 White Female 199 Selma
Starling, James T.
43 White Male 1 Smithfield
Starling, Jasper T.
8 White Male 68 Pine Level
Starling, Thelma
13 White Female 128 Pine Level
Starling, Thelma
7 White Female 367 Beulah
Starling, Thurmon E.
5 White Male 113 Smithfield
Starling, Troay A.
White Male 1 Smithfield
1930 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Stafford, Thel W.
16 White Male 204 Clayton
Stallings, Barber T.
1+5/12 White Male 262 Smithfield
Stallings, Booker T.
10 Black Male 252 Clayton
Stallings, Thanie
12 White Female 025 O'Neals
Stallings, Thomas
12 White Male 328 Selma
Stallings, William T.
81 White Male 236 Clayton
Stallings, William T.
22 White Male 143 Smithfield
Stancil, T. Emmitt
26 White Male 056 Beulah
Stancil, Thelma
22 Black Female 055 O'Neals
Stancil, Thomas
14 White Male 070 Wilson's Mills
Stancil, Thomas E. Jr.
5 White Male 056 Beulah
Stancil, Thurman
22 White Male 011 O'Neals
Stancil, Tiphonie
68 White Female 194 Clayton
Stancil, Tomas
4+8/12 White Male 068 Pleasant Grove
Stancil, Tomas L.
14 White Male 067 Pleasant Grove
Stanley, Joseph T.
24 White Male 305 Ingrams
Stanley, Leslie T.
30 White Male 411 Smithfield
Stanley, Robey T.
36 White Male 250 Smithfield
Stanley, Robey T. Jr.
11 White Male 250 Smithfield
Stanley, Thomas
3/12 White Male 039 Micro
Stanley, Tommy J.
28 White Male 070 Ingrams
Stanley, Troy
45 White Male 043 Ingrams
Stanly, Eugene T.
3 White Male 096 Ingrams
Starling, James T.
44 White Female 005 Smithfield
Starling, Thelma
15 White Female 154 Beulah
Starling, Thurman E.
15 White Male 025 Smithfield
Starling, Turner
14 White Male 051 O'Neals
Sutherlin, Elijah T.
34 White Male 016 Wilson's Mills
1940 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Stafford, Thelma
29 White Female 326b Selma
Stafford, Walter T.
1 White Male 79 Boon Hill
Stallings, Thomas
38 White Male 377 Smithfield
Stallings, Thomas F.
11 White Male 377 Smithfield
Stancil, C. T.
29 Black Male 262 O'Neals
Stancil, J. T.
10 Black Male 194 O'Neals
Stancil, J. T.
9 White Male 223 O'Neals
Stancil, T. Emmett
36 White Male 156 Beulah
Stancil, T. Emmett Jr.
15 White Male 156 Beulah
Stancil, Telsie
4 White Male 34 Boon Hill
Stancil, Tempy
4 Black Male 109 O'Neals
Stancil, Thelma
25 White Female 262 Pine Level
Stancil, Thomas J.
14 White Male 22 Pleasant Grove
Stancil, Thurman
22 White Male 42 O'Neals
Stancil, William T.
22 White Male 78 Smithfield
Stanley, Roby T.
45 White Male 164 Smithfield
Stanley, Thelma G.
1 White Female 151 Ingrams
Stanley, Thena Mae
26 White Female 266 Ingrams
Stanley, Thomas M.
10 White Male 347 Smithfield
Stanley, Thomas R.
<1 White Male 394 Ingrams
Stanley, Tommie J.
39 White Male 276 Ingrams
Stanley, Troy
49 White Male 113 Ingrams
Starling, Thomas
22 White Male 263 Selma
Starling, Thurman
17 White Male 210 Selma
Starling, Turner
25 White Male 86 Selma
Bastardy Bonds
Father's Name Mother's Name Date
Stallings, J. T. Rauson, Martha 21 Sep 1874
NC Yearbooks
No Results found
No Results found
NC Civil War Soldiers Index *
Name Unit Comp Rank Side
Southerland, Thomas 6th Regiment, NC Cavalry A Private C
Southerland, Thomas J. 51st Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Southerland, Thomas J. 25th Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Southerland, Thomas J. 1st Regiment, NC Artillery I Captain C
Southerland, Thomas J. 2nd Regiment, NC Artillery A Captain C
Southerland, Wiley T. 2nd Regiment, NC Infantry A Private C
Southerland, Wiley T. 3rd Regiment, NC Artillery H Private C
Stacey, Thomas F. 16th Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Stack, D. T. Snead's Company, NC Local Defense Private C
Stack, L. T. 38th Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Stack, T. 2nd Regiment, NC Infantry E Private C
Stackhouse, T. F. Cumberland County Battalion, NC Detailed Men B Private C
Stacy, Joshua T. Hoskins' Company, NC Local Defense Private C
Stacy, T. F. 16th Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Stadler, J. T. 7th Regiment, NC Senior Reserves Private C
Stafford, Thomas 3rd Battalion, NC Light Artillery B Private C
Stafford, Thomas 16th Battalion, NC Cavalry H Private C
Stainbach, B. T. 8th Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Stainback, Thomas 8th Regiment, NC Infantry F Private C
Stainback, Thomas E. 12th Regiment, NC Infantry E Private C
Stainback, Turner 12th Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Stair, Tison 22nd Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Stalcup, John Thaddus 1st Regiment, NC Cavalry K Private C
Stalker, Thomas 34th Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Stallcup, Charles T. Infantry Regiment, Thomas' NC Legion H Private C
Stallcup, John T. 1st Regiment, NC Cavalry K Private C
Stallcup, Thomas Infantry Regiment, Thomas' NC Legion G Private C
Stallings, J. T. 66th Regiment, NC Infantry K Private C
Stallings, Joseph T. 47th Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Stallings, N. T. 1st Regiment, NC Junior Reserves K Private C
Stallings, Theophilus 30th Regiment, NC Infantry B Quartermaster Sergeant C
Stallings, William T. 2nd Regiment, NC Artillery K Private C
Stalls, Samuel T. 17th Regiment, NC Infantry (2nd Organization) E Private C
Staly, Thomas 7th Regiment, NC Infantry K Private C
Stamey, John T. 34th Regiment, NC Infantry E First Sergeant C
Stamper, Hiram T. 34th Regiment, NC Infantry A First Sergeant C
Stamper, R. T. 12th Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Stamy, John T. 34th Regiment, NC Infantry E First Sergeant C
Stancell, Samuel T. 15th Regiment, NC Infantry A Captain C
Stancil, John T. 5th Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Stancill, Samuel T. 15th Regiment, NC Infantry A Captain C
Standford, T. H. 55th Regiment, NC Infantry K Private C
Standifor, J. T. 57th Regiment, NC Infantry D Second Lieutenant C
Standlan, Thaddeus W. 1st Battalion, NC Heavy Artillery C Private C
Standland, Thaddeus W. 2nd Regiment, NC Artillery A Private C
Standlin, Thad W. 1st Battalion, NC Heavy Artillery C Private C
Stanfield, Thomas L. 16th Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Stanford, Charles T. 49th Regiment, NC Infantry F Private C
Stanford, Moses T. 30th Regiment, NC Infantry K Private C
Stanland, Thaddeus W. 2nd Regiment, NC Artillery A Private C
Stanley, T. B. 7th Battalion, NC Junior Reserves B Private C
Stanley, Theodore H. 1st Regiment, NC Artillery K Private C
Stanley, W. T. 3rd Regiment, NC Artillery G Second Lieutenant C
Stanly, T. B. 3rd Battalion, NC Junior Reserves D Private C
Stansill, T. H. 16th Battalion, NC Cavalry I Sergeant C
Stanton, R. T. 23rd Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Stanton, T. 3rd Battalion, NC Junior Reserves G Private C
Stanton, Thomas 8th Battalion, NC Junior Reserves C Private C
Stark, James T. 46th Regiment, NC Infantry E Private C
Starks, Tilman 44th Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Starling, Thomas 2nd Regiment, NC Artillery D,C Private C
Starnes, T. W. 7th Regiment, NC Infantry K Private C
Starnes, Thomas 26th Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Starnes, Thomas 30th Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Starnes, Thomas H. 43rd Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Starns, Thomas H. 43rd Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Starr, James T. 23rd Regiment, NC Infantry Corporal C
Starr, Teison 22nd Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Staten, Henry T. 10th Battalion, NC Heavy Artillery C Private C
Staton, Arch T. 17th Regiment, NC Infantry (2nd Organization) A Second Lieutenant C
Staton, Archibald T. 17th Regiment, NC Infantry (1st Organization) G First Sergeant C
Staton, Henry T. 10th Battalion, NC Heavy Artillery C Private C
Staton, J. T. 10th Battalion, NC Heavy Artillery C Private C
Sterling, T. 2nd Regiment, NC Artillery C,D Private C
Sterling, Thomas 2nd Regiment, NC Artillery C,D Private C
Sutherland, Thomas 6th Regiment, NC Cavalry A Private C
Sutherland, Thomas 64th Regiment, NC Infantry (Allen's) A Private C
Sutherland, Wiley T. 3rd Regiment, NC Artillery H Private C
* All North Carolina soldiers (Union and Confederate) who fought in the Civil War.
NC Civil War Sailors Index *
No Results found
Southern Claims Commission
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Cemetery Graves
Name Birth Death Cemetery
Stallings, J Troy 1873 1962 Mt. Moriah Baptist Church
Stallings, Mathew T 1908 1958 Batten, Robert
Stallings, Thurman Elbert 1922 1924 Batten, Robert
Stallings, Timothy Wayne 1976 1976 Oliver, Robert E.
Stallings, Tom F 1902 1955 Riverside
Stallings, William Thadeus 1848 1934 Clayton City
Stancil, Beulah T 1902 1969 Hodges Chapel Free Will Baptist Church
Stancil, Davis Terry 1946 1975 Bethany Baptist Church
Stancil, Dollie Tanner 1914 1976 Hodges Chapel Free Will Baptist Church
Stancil, J Thurman 1918 1961 Creech's Primative Baptist Church
Stancil, James Thomas 1942 2012 Stancil, John
Stancil, John Thomas 1841 1922 Stancil, J. T.
Stancil, Thelma Mae 1923 1924 Boykin, J. B.
Stancil, Thomas 1884 1907 Stancil, J. T.
Stancil, Tyfronia L 1862 1938 Maplewood
Stancil, William T Bill 1907 1964 Plainview Presbyterian Church
Stanley, Annie Tart 1909 1972 Piney Grove Free Will Baptist Church
Stanley, Ila T 1884 1957 Bethel Freewill Baptist Church
Stanley, Lesaley T 1900 1970 Piney Grove Free Will Baptist Church
Stanley, Pherlicia Thomas 1864 1919 Bethel Freewill Baptist Church
Stanley, Roby T 1894 1967 Sunset Memorial Park
Stanley, Ruby T 1921 1993 Faith Free Will Baptist Church
Stanley, Tammy Lynn 1969 Banner Chapel Church
Stanley, Thenie Lizer 1925 Bethel Freewill Baptist Church
Stanley, Tommie J 1901 1958 Johnson, T. R.
Stanley, Tonya Renee 1969 1980 Oakland
Stanley, Troy Dunn, Dicey
Starling, Edward Theodore 1902 1918 Oliver, Doc Berry
Starling, J Troy 1879 1922 Creech, John R.
Starling, Jacob T 1903 1988 Starling, W. W.
Starling, Jasper T 1909 1983 Starlings, Elisha
Starling, Thomas C 1917 1945 Branch Chapel Free Will Baptist Church
Starling, Troy Andrew 1919 1951 Sardis Baptist Church
NC Confederate Soldiers Burial Database*
Name Death County Cemetery
Southerland, Thomas J. 1888 Duplin Brock Cemetery
Southerland, Thomas J. 1891 New Hanover Oakdale Cemetery
Stack, L. T. 1888 Guilford Hickory Grove Methodist Church Cemetery
Stafford, Thomas 1885 Alamance Bethel United Methodist Church
Stallings, William Thomas 1901 Brunswick Galloway Memorial Cemetery West
Stanback, Thomas Francis 1914 Anson Eastview Cemetery
Starling, Thomas E. Cumberland Cross Creek Cemetery
Staton, Henry Thomas 1905 Anson Red Hill Baptist Church Cemetery
* Records are still being added.
Wills Index *
No Results found
Other Resources
Surname Resource Title
Creech-Batten-Stallings Cemeteries Creech-Batten-Stallings Cemetery
Stancil Deaths & Obituaries George Robert Stancil, 1966
Stancil Deaths & Obituaries William Stancil, 1916
Stancil Deaths & Obituaries Joseph Henry Stancil, 1929
Starling Deaths & Obituaries Walter Starling
Stanly-Atkinson Deeds Stanly & Mordecai to John Atkinson, 1829
Ingram-Stallings Marriages Thomas Ingram and Jane E. Stallings, 1854
Johnson-Stallings Marriages Richard Johnson to Mary Stallings, 1810
Rose-Stafford Marriages Joel Rose to Mollie Stafford, 1887
Rose-Starling Marriages William Rose to Edney Starling, 1878
Rose-Starling Marriages Barna Rose to Winnie Starling, 1878
Rose-Starling Marriages Jno. B. Rose to S. Starling, 1889
Rose-Starling Marriages Larry Rose to Susan Starling, 1863
Starling-Daughtry Marriages Larry Starling to Inez Daughtry, 1948
Sterling Military Robert Sterling Pension, 1832
Stancil Photographs Lou Ada Johnson
Stancil Photographs Jesse Bernard Stancil
Stancil Photographs Harold Lloyd Stancil
Stancil Photographs Harold Lloyd Stancil with brother
Stallings Wills & Estates James Stallings - 1786
Stancill Wills & Estates John Stancill - 1795
Stansell Wills & Estates John Stansell Sr - 1795
Surname Researchers
Surname Counties Date Range Researcher
Stafford Dana Hinson
Stancil Sylvia Stephens
StancilJohnston, Wake1700 - 1920 Carla Stancil
StansellJohnston Jann Woodard
StarlingJohnston, Wayne1800 - present Charlene Nix
StarlingJohnston, Wayne1800 - present Kristi Stanfield
StarlingJohnston Barbara Batton Pierce
StarlingsJohnston1700 - present Jim Montgomery
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Connie Ellen Adams
Passed away on 15 July 2015

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