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» Search Results » VADIE LANGDON
All search results include:
  • Phonetic matches for the first/middle name ("Vadie") and last name ("Langdon")
  • 1-Character matches on the first and middle name ("V")
  • 3-Character matches on the last name ("Lan")
1784-1787 State Census
No Results found
1790 Federal Census
No Results found
1800 Federal Census
No Results found
1810 Federal Census
No Results found
1820 Federal Census *
No Results found
1830 Federal Census *
No Results found
1840 Federal Census *
No Results found
1860 Federal Census
No Results found
1870 Federal Census
No Results found
1880 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Langdon, Lemeal V.
3 White Male 91 Elevation
1900 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Langdon, Bessie V.
11 White Female 293 Clayton
Langdon, Flora V.
13 White Female 246 Pleasant Grove
Langdon, Lemuel V.
22 White Male 322 Elevation
Langdon, Viola
4 White Female 142 Pleasant Grove
Langister, Vangel
3 White Female 191 Clayton
Langley, Lula V.
17 White Female 357 Boon Hill
Langley, Van W.
19 White Male 72 Smithfield
Langston, Jasper V.
17 White Male 230 Bentonville
Langston, Valaria
20 White Female 105 Bentonville
Langston, Virginia M.
53 White Female 230 Bentonville
1910 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Lancaster, Vangie L.
1/13/1900 White Female 3 Clayton
Lane, Victo
White Male 191 Beulah
Langdon, Charlie V.
1/3/1900 White Male 106 Elevation
Langdon, Flora V.
23 White Female 287 Pleasant Grove
Langdon, James V.
1/1/1900 White Male 106 Elevation
Langdon, L. V.
32 White Male 164 Elevation
Langdon, Newton V.
3 White Male 175 Pleasant Grove
Langdon, Vadar
4 White Female 114 Pleasant Grove
Langdon, Vara
4 White Female 164 Elevation
Langdon, Vera F.
9/12/2012 White Female 430 Smithfield
Langdon, Vernon
White Male 154 Elevation
Langdon, Viola
17 White Female 114 Pleasant Grove
Langdon, Violet
White Female 164 Elevation
Langdon, Violia
4 White Female 173 Elevation
Langdon, Willie V.
4 White Male 98 Cleveland
Langley, Veezer
21 White Female 272 Boon Hill
Langston, Ethel V.
28 White Female 20 Bentonville
1920 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Lane, Vicktor
10 White Male 256 Micro
Langdon, L. Vance
43 White Male 160 Elevation
Langdon, Vara
14 White Female 160 Elevation
Langdon, Varina
30 White Female 145 Banner
Langdon, Velma
6 White Female 160 Elevation
Langdon, Vernon
10 White Male 271 Elevation
Langdon, Vernon
11 White Male 208 Elevation
Langdon, Violet
11 White Female 160 Elevation
Langdone, Vada
14 White Female 93 Pleasant Grove
Langdone, Viola
23 White Female 93 Pleasant Grove
Langston, Vivian G.
White Female 6 Bentonville
1930 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Langdon, Charlie V.
23 White Male 147 Elevation
Langdon, James V.
21 White Male 147 Elevation
Langdon, N. V.
23 White Male 023 Pleasant Grove
Langdon, Velma A.
16 White Female 278 Elevation
Langdon, Viola
32 White Female 150 Pleasant Grove
Langdon, Viola I.
22 White Female 009 Pleasant Grove
Langley, Maggie V.
35 White Female 306 Beulah
Langston, Ethel V.
48 White Female 183 Bentonville
Langston, Ethel V.
48 White Female 270 Bentonville
Langston, Velma
8 White Female 187 Bentonville
Langston, Viola
22 Black Female 267 Pleasant Grove
Langston, Vivian G.
14 White Female 142 Bentonville
1940 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Land, Roy V.
<1 White Male 160 Smithfield
Land, Vernon
24 White Male 160 Smithfield
Lane, Vick
31 White Male 291 Boon Hill
Lane, Vitor
29 White Male 252 Micro
Langdon, Charlie V.
33 White Male 114 Cleveland
Langdon, Jean Vay
<1 White Female 54 Pleasant Grove
Langdon, Lloyd V.
<1 White Male 114 Cleveland
Langdon, M. V.
30 White Male 127 Pleasant Grove
Langdon, V. Edsel
9 White Male 127 Pleasant Grove
Langdon, Vade B.
22 White Female 416 Ingrams
Langdon, Velma
30 White Female 105 Elevation
Langdon, Vernell
10 White Female 86 Pleasant Grove
Langdon, Vernon
32 White Male 30 Elevation
Langdon, Vonza
16 White Male 86 Pleasant Grove
Langdon, Willard V.
28 White Male 416 Ingrams
Langley, Verlie I.
4 White Female 78 Beulah
Langston, Velma
18 White Female 32 Beulah
Langston, Vida Mae
8 Black Female 241 Pleasant Grove
Langston, Viola
20 Black Female 241 Pleasant Grove
Langston, Violet
2 White Female 43 Beulah
Langston, Vivian
23 White Female 133 Beulah
Bastardy Bonds
No Results found
NC Yearbooks
No Results found
No Results found
NC Civil War Soldiers Index *
Name Unit Comp Rank Side
Lance, James V. 25th Regiment, NC Infantry E Private C
Langley, Van B.W. 4th Regiment, NC Infantry F Private C
Lankford, M. V. 60th Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Lankford, Martin V. 16th Regiment, NC Infantry K Corporal C
* All North Carolina soldiers (Union and Confederate) who fought in the Civil War.
NC Civil War Sailors Index *
No Results found
Southern Claims Commission
No Results found
No Results found
Cemetery Graves
Name Birth Death Cemetery
Lancaster, Virgil 1918 1919 Johnston Union Primitive Baptist Church
Lane, Damon Vick 1909 1975 Deans, J. R.
Langdon, Addie Vinson 1882 1965 Sunset Memorial Park
Langdon, J Vernon Boss 1908 1971 Roselawn
Langdon, L Vance 1877 1926 Langdon
Langdon, N Vilas 1906 1949 Fellowship Primitive Baptist Church
Langdon, Nellie Vida Coats 1902 1943 Sunset Memorial Park
Langdon, Vadie A 1915 1990 Oakland Presbyterian Church
Langdon, Valise Ann 1962 1962 Sunset Memorial Park
Langdon, Virginia Uldine 1922 1978 Benson Grove Baptist Church
Langdon, Willard V 1911 1998 Oakland Presbyterian Church
Langston, Jasper V 1882 1949 Mill Creek Christian Church
NC Confederate Soldiers Burial Database*
No Results found
Wills Index *
No Results found
Other Resources
Surname Resource Title
Langley Bibles Isaac Langley Family Bible Records
Langdon Cemeteries Langdon Family Cemetery
Langdon Deaths & Obituaries Alton Clingman Langdon, 2001
Langdon Deaths & Obituaries David Bruce Langdon, 2006
Langston Deaths & Obituaries Jane Langston, 1935
Langston-Rose Deeds Joseph Langston, Sr. to Benjamin Rose, 1803
Langston-Baker Marriages Joseph Langston to Sukey Baker, 1802
Langston-Britt Marriages Westbrook Langston to Patience Britt, 1844
Langston-Jordan Marriages Joseph Langston to Basheba Jordan, 1804
Langston-Lewis Marriages Elias Langston to Jane Lewis, 1836
Langston-Randall Marriages John Langston to Mary Randall, 1794
Langston-Toal Marriages Joseph Langston to Rachel Toal, 1839
Rose-Langston Marriages William N. Rose Jr to Sarah Langston, 1872
Lane Military Charles Lane Pension, 1847
Langdon Military James Langdon Pension, 1855
Langston Military J.W. Langston, 1918
Langston Photographs Furney Langston, Barefoot Road, Johnston County
Langdon Wills & Estates Britton Langdon - 1874
Langdon Wills & Estates Elizabeth Langdon - 1888
Langley Wills & Estates James Langley - 1823
Surname Researchers
Surname Counties Date Range Researcher
Langdon Charles Langdon
LangleyJohnston1700's - 1900's Tammy Gurley Tyner
LangstonJohnston1700's - present Andy Langston
Lankford/LangfordJohnston1700 -1800 Ronald Wade
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County Coordinator
Michael W. Kay
County Volunteers
Ross Sippel
Connie Ellen Adams
Passed away on 15 July 2015

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