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» Search Results » VESTINA PARTIN
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  • 3-Character matches on the last name ("Par")
1784-1787 State Census
No Results found
1790 Federal Census
No Results found
1800 Federal Census
No Results found
1810 Federal Census
No Results found
1820 Federal Census *
No Results found
1830 Federal Census *
No Results found
1840 Federal Census *
No Results found
1860 Federal Census
No Results found
1870 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Parrish, Vina
19 White Female 273 Boon Hill
1880 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Parker, Hester V.
4 White Female 221 Meadow
Parker, John V.
6 White Male 310 Meadow
Parker, Oswald V.
4 White Male 105 Wilson's Mills
Parrish, Addie V.
3 White Female 15 Pleasant Grove
Parrish, Vanna
5 White Female 246 South Smithfield
Parrish, Velia A.
13 White Female 254 Pleasant Grove
1900 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Parish, Vernon
6 White Male 241 Wilders
Parke, Archie V.
26 White Male 302 Banner
Parker, Allice V.
12 White Female 165 Ingrams
Parker, Horace V.
2 White Male 386 Banner
Parker, Junius V.
18 White Male 285 Ingrams
Parker, Myrtle V.
5 White Female 313 Banner
Parker, Tommy V.
5 White Male 217 Ingrams
Parker, Virg---
28 White Male 154 Smithfield
Parrish, Eula V.
1 White Female 360 Smithfield
Parrish, Varilla
22 White Female 181 Elevation
Parrish, Verie
7 White Female 114 Wilson's Mills
Parrish, Vernon
5 White Male 130 Wilson's Mills
Parrish, Victor H.
1 White Male 362 Smithfield
Partin, Varina
0 White Female 35 Pleasant Grove
1910 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Parish, Eula V.
1/11/1900 White Female 624 Smithfield
Parker, Archie V.
36 White Male 88 Banner
Parker, Ermie V.
2 White Female 76 Meadow
Parker, Flonnie V.
9 White Female 88 Banner
Parker, Jessica V.
22 White Female 205 Selma
Parker, Johnnie V.
7 White Female 88 Banner
Parker, Nola V.
2 White Female 124 Ingrams
Parker, Thomas V.
15 White Male 183 Ingrams
Parker, Velma
White Female 76 Meadow
Parker, Virginia
27 Black Female 243 Smithfield
Parnell, Alvin V.
6 White Male 174 Pleasant Grove
Parrish, Andrew V.
17 White Male 74 Pleasant Grove
Parrish, Effie V.
3 White Female 58 Pleasant Grove
Parrish, Johnnie V.
5 White Male 142 Pleasant Grove
Parrish, Sarah V.
4 White Female 268 Pleasant Grove
Parrish, Velma
White Female 64 Pleasant Grove
Parrish, Velmer
4 White Female 149 Wilson's Mills
Parrish, Velva
1/3/1900 White Female 153 Elevation
Parrish, Vera
17 White Female 125 Wilson's Mills
Parrish, Vernon
14 White Male 177 Wilson's Mills
Parrish, Vernon
5 White Male 111 Wilders
Parrish, Victora
6 White Female 135 Beulah
Partin, Varina P.
10 White Female 6 Pleasant Grove
1920 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Parash, Venia
White Male 224 Smithfield
Parish, Vernon
15 White Male 89 Wilders
Parker, Archa V.
47 White Male 238 Banner
Parker, John V.
17 White Male 238 Banner
Parker, Vada
30 White Female 424 Ingrams
Parker, Vada Mae
5 White Female 70 Meadow
Parker, Velma
10 White Female 67 Meadow
Parker, Velma Irene
3 White Female 21 Meadow
Parker, Vernie M.
White Female 282 Banner
Parker, Vernon B.
White Male 132 Meadow
Parker, Vilola
5 White Female 121 Smithfield
Parker, Viola M.
White Female 68 Pine Level
Parker, Virginia
35 Mulatto Female 377 Smithfield
Parker, Virginia M.
5 White Female 87 Ingrams
Parker, Vonnie Odel
14 White Female 113 Meadow
Parnel, Viola
White Female 287 Selma
Parnell, Viola
5 White Female 29 Beulah
Parrish, Andrew V.
27 White Male 65 Pleasant Grove
Parrish, Minnie V.
39 White Female 120 Clayton
Parrish, Valmore
8 White Male 313 Pleasant Grove
Parrish, Velma
13 White Female 95 Wilson's Mills
Parrish, Velma
13 White Female 177 Elevation
Parrish, Velma
10 White Female 104 Pleasant Grove
Parrish, Vera
26 White Female 33 Wilson's Mills
Parrish, Vernon
24 White Male 81 Wilson's Mills
Parrish, Vernon
27 White Male 63 Clayton
Parrish, Vernon
White Male 65 Pleasant Grove
Parrish, Verser
8 White Female 64 Pleasant Grove
Parrish, Vialla
7 White Female 149 Clayton
Parrish, Victor
14 White Male 25 Banner
Parrish, Victora
5 White Female 140 Micro
Parrish, Victora
25 White Female 270 Clayton
Parrish, Viola
13 White Female 97 Pleasant Grove
Parrish, Viola L.
18 White Female 21 Elevation
Parrish, Violet
5 White Female 104 Pleasant Grove
Parrish, Violet
White Female 313 Pleasant Grove
Parrish, Virgia
13 White Female 267 Clayton
Partin, Varina P.
19 White Female 154 Pleasant Grove
Partin, Velma A.
White Female 106 Pleasant Grove
Partin, Viola
5 White Female 106 Pleasant Grove
1930 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Parity, Virginia A.
1 White Female 003 Wilders
Parker, Archie V.
56 White Male 184 Banner
Parker, Erma V.
22 White Female 021 Meadow
Parker, Vada M.
14 White Female 099 Meadow
Parker, Velma I.
13 White Female 079 Ingrams
Parker, Vernie M.
11 White Female 324 Banner
Parker, Vernon
4/12 White Male 358 Smithfield
Parker, Vernon
10 White Male 005 Meadow
Parker, Viola
15 White Female 059 Smithfield
Parker, Virginia
57 Black Female 162 Smithfield
Parker, Virginia M.
15 White Female 202 Ingrams
Parker, Volise
35 Black Female 134 Selma
Parnell, Martha V.
39 White Female 173 Beulah
Parnell, Viola
11 White Female 117 Boon Hill
Parnell, Virgina
8 White Female 176 Beulah
Parrish, Alton V.
19 White Male 061 Pleasant Grove
Parrish, Andrew V.
36 White Male 108 Pleasant Grove
Parrish, Bettie V.
5 White Female 275 Smithfield
Parrish, Lori V.
13 White Female 061 Pleasant Grove
Parrish, Velma
24 White Female 089 Smithfield
Parrish, Vernon
14 White Female 288 Beulah
Parrish, Vernon
14 White Male 109 Pleasant Grove
Parrish, Vernon C.
32 White Male 010 Wilson's Mills
Parrish, Victoria
35 Black Female 091 Clayton
Parrish, Viles
4+6/12 White Female 288 Beulah
Parrish, Viola
33 White Female 288 Beulah
Parrish, Viola
28 White Female 088 Clayton
Parrish, Viola
11 White Female 024 O'Neals
Parrish, Viola
17 White Female 015 Clayton
Parrish, Virgie
23 White Female 162 Elevation
Partin, Varina
30 White Female 090 Pleasant Grove
1940 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Parker, Bettie Virginia
24 White Female 61 Ingrams
Parker, Chapil V.
2 White Male 21 Pine Level
Parker, Naomi V.
48 White Female 87 Clayton
Parker, Velma
8 White Female 337 Elevation
Parker, Vernon
10 White Male 53 Clayton
Parker, Vida
23 White Female 147 Meadow
Parker, Vida P.
27 White Female 389 Ingrams
Parker, Virginia L.
13 White Female 11 Banner
Parker, Virginia P.
19 White Female 37 Banner
Parnell, Martha V.
49 White Female 312 Beulah
Parnell, Vernie L.
6 White Male 288 Beulah
Parnell, Virginia
19 White Female 342 Beulah
Parrish, A. V.
48 White Male 291 Pleasant Grove
Parrish, Lois V.
11 White Female 121 Wilson's Mills
Parrish, Velma
3 White Female 224 Beulah
Parrish, Vera May
22 White Female 8 Wilson's Mills
Parrish, Vernon
25 White Male 292 Pleasant Grove
Parrish, Vernon
43 White Male 78 Wilson's Mills
Parrish, Vernon
10 White Male 96 Boon Hill
Parrish, Vernon
11 White Male 120 O'Neals
Parrish, Vertie
26 White Female 140 Ingrams
Parrish, Victor
17 White Male 223 Clayton
Parrish, Victoria
47 White Female 121 Wilson's Mills
Parrish, Viola
43 White Female 224 Beulah
Parrish, Viola
27 White Female 180 Clayton
Parrish, Vira L.
14 White Female 224 Beulah
Parrish, Virginia
14 White Female 70 O'Neals
Parrish, Virginia Person
13 White Female 238 Selma
Bastardy Bonds
No Results found
NC Yearbooks
No Results found
No Results found
NC Civil War Soldiers Index *
Name Unit Comp Rank Side
Parham, James V. 46th Regiment, NC Infantry E Private C
Parish, N. V. 1st Regiment, NC Junior Reserves I Private C
Parker, Alfred V. 6th Regiment, NC Cavalry B,K Private C
Parker, H. V. T. 1st Regiment, NC Infantry F Private C
Parnell, V. D. 20th Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Parr, Martin V. 14th Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
* All North Carolina soldiers (Union and Confederate) who fought in the Civil War.
NC Civil War Sailors Index *
No Results found
Southern Claims Commission
No Results found
No Results found
Cemetery Graves
Name Birth Death Cemetery
Parker, Helen Vann 1899 1950 Banner Chapel Church
Parker, Naomi Vinson 1888 1963 Maplewood
Parker, Tommy Vinson 1894 1985 Juniper Primitive Baptist Church
Parker, Vada Ellen 1905 1906 Parker, W. F.
Parker, Virginia P 1927 1928 Parker, W. F.
Parker, Vonnie Mae 1902 1970 Banner Chapel Church
Parrish, Alton V 1911 1967 Denning, George
Parrish, Andrew V 1893 1959 Bethel Primitive Baptist Church
Parrish, Florence V 1873 1926 Little Creek Primitive Baptist Church
Parrish, Minnie V 1882 1959 Bethesda Baptist Church
Parrish, Verla Piney Grove Free Will Baptist Church
Parrish, Vernon 1893 1923 Maplewood
Parrish, Vernon C 1896 1963 Wilson's Mills
Parrish, Vernon E 1915 1977 Bethel Primitive Baptist Church
Parrish, Verona Voce 1906 1907 Bethesda Baptist Church
Parrish, Victor 1898 1901 Wallace, Calvin
Parrish, Victory J 1893 1953 Maplewood
Parrish, Viola Sasser 1896 Rains Crossroads
Partin, Vestina Durham, Samuel
NC Confederate Soldiers Burial Database*
No Results found
Wills Index *
No Results found
Other Resources
Surname Resource Title
Partin Cemeteries Partin Family Cemetery
Parker-Rose Court Records Annie Moore Parker vs. William N. Rose & Sarah Rose, John w. Rose & Susan A. Rose, and D. W. Fuller, 1896
Parker Deaths & Obituaries Fannie Georgianna Parker, 1992
Howard-Parish Marriages Edward Howard to M. A. Parish
Rose-Parish Marriages Tobias Rose to Sally Parish, 1849
Parker Photographs Judy Kay Parker of Johnston County, North Carolina, a member of the 4-H clothing program
Parish Wills & Estates John Parish - 1822
Surname Researchers
Surname Counties Date Range Researcher
ParishJohnston1700's - present Shelly Mendenhall
Parker Sandra Shaffner
Parrish Sylvia Stephens
Parrish Diane Pollard Keiser
ParrishJohnston1800 - 1900 Carla Stancil
ParrishJohnston Mary Grether
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County Coordinator
Michael W. Kay
County Volunteers
Ross Sippel
Connie Ellen Adams
Passed away on 15 July 2015

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