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» Search Results » VILAS JOHNSON
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  • Phonetic matches for the first/middle name ("Vilas") and last name ("Johnson")
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  • 3-Character matches on the last name ("Joh")
1784-1787 State Census
No Results found
1790 Federal Census
No Results found
1800 Federal Census
No Results found
1810 Federal Census
No Results found
1820 Federal Census *
No Results found
1830 Federal Census *
No Results found
1840 Federal Census *
No Results found
1860 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Johnson, Vine
34 White Male 704 Elevation
1870 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Johnson, V. Allen
50 White Male 102 Ingrams
1880 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Jenkins, Magie V.
24 White Female 110 Pleasant Grove
Johnson, Cartruner V. T.
48 White Female 28 Elevation
Johnson, Charles V.
3 White Male 245 Pleasant Grove
Johnson, Junius V.
0 White Male 101 Meadow
Johnson, Victory
6 White Female 193 Pleasant Grove
Johnson, Virginia L.
5 White Female 177 Elevation
1900 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Jenkins, Vena
44 Black Female 299 Clayton
Johnson, Charles V.
37 White Male 18 Smithfield
Johnson, Claudie V.
1 White Female 165 Elevation
Johnson, Cotrena V. T.
70 White Female 76 Elevation
Johnson, Fannie V.
8 Black Female 496 Smithfield
Johnson, Ila V.
11 White Female 205 Elevation
Johnson, Jennis V.
20 White Male 23 Meadow
Johnson, Julia V.
20 White Female 397 Banner
Johnson, Matie V.
0 White Female 208 Meadow
Johnson, Vander H.
11 White Male 106 Clayton
Johnson, Vera M.
3 White Female 205 Elevation
Johnson, Victor
0 White Male 177 Elevation
Johnson, Victoria
24 White Female 162 Cleveland
Johnson, Vilas
2 White Male 88 Cleveland
Johnson, Viora
0 Black Female 141 Selma
Johnson, Vivian
19 White Female 203 Elevation
1910 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Jinkins, Vinnie
2/24/1900 Black Female 273 Clayton
Johnson, Chas. V.
42 White Male 13 Smithfield
Johnson, Etta V.
2/11/1900 White Female 61 Clayton
Johnson, Hugh V.
11 White Male 203 Smithfield
Johnson, James V.
1/5/1900 White Male 326 Beulah
Johnson, James V.
1/3/1900 White Male 168 Meadow
Johnson, Junius V.
1/30/1900 White Male 24 Meadow
Johnson, Katie V.
23 White Female 41 Meadow
Johnson, Mary V.
11 White Female 52 Ingrams
Johnson, Susan V.
11 White Female 122 Ingrams
Johnson, Tommie V.
1 White Male 219 Banner
Johnson, Treacy V.
1/30/1900 White Female 207 Elevation
Johnson, V.
27 White Male 69 Elevation
Johnson, Valara
5 White Female 272 Ingrams
Johnson, Valaria W.
22 White Female 5 Meadow
Johnson, Vandar H.
21 White Male 194 Clayton
Johnson, Vara E.
21 White Female 39 Meadow
Johnson, Vara E.
4 White Female 1 Meadow
Johnson, Varinda
1/28/1900 Mulatto Female 242 Clayton
Johnson, Vass G.
1/17/1900 White Male 659 Smithfield
Johnson, Vella
1/20/1900 White Female 483 Smithfield
Johnson, Venolius
3 White Male 69 Elevation
Johnson, Verda
4 White Female 310 Ingrams
Johnson, Verta
1/6/1900 White Female 23 Banner
Johnson, Vertle E.
1/5/1900 White Female 147 Meadow
Johnson, Victor
1/10/1900 White Male 77 Elevation
Johnson, Vilas D.
13 White Male 14 Cleveland
Johnson, Viola
6 White Female 310 Ingrams
Johnson, Viola
6 White Female 242 Banner
Johnson, Violet
3 White Female 192 Cleveland
Johnson, Vira
White Female 59 Elevation
Johnson, Virl
1/10/1900 White Female 23 Banner
Johnson, Volina
23 White Male 246 Wilders
Johnson, Vonnie L.
12 White Female 281 Ingrams
Johnson, Zeb V.
1/14/1900 White Male 659 Smithfield
1920 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Johnson, Cathan V.
12 White Female 154 Smithfield
Johnson, Chas. V.
56 White Male 81 Smithfield
Johnson, Frank V.
8 White Male 239 Smithfield
Johnson, Junius V.
29 White Male 156 Meadow
Johnson, Lessie V.
4 White Female 9 Elevation
Johnson, Ray Vaughn
13 White Male 56 Elevation
Johnson, Roy V.
White Male 408 Ingrams
Johnson, Vaden
40 White Female 264 Elevation
Johnson, Valeria
33 White Female 31 Meadow
Johnson, Vara
14 White Female 56 Meadow
Johnson, Vara
31 White Female 131 Meadow
Johnson, Vara
23 White Female 22 Meadow
Johnson, Vara
3 Black Female 47 Selma
Johnson, Velmer
19 White Female 331 O'Neals
Johnson, Venolius
12 White Male 63 Elevation
Johnson, Vera
39 White Female 121 Wilson's Mills
Johnson, Verla
14 White Female 167 Ingrams
Johnson, Verna
19 White Female 38 Meadow
Johnson, Vernia
21 White Female 226 Ingrams
Johnson, Vernon
8 White Male 264 Elevation
Johnson, Victor
20 White Male 154 Elevation
Johnson, Victoria
31 White Female 346 Pleasant Grove
Johnson, Vida
White Female 264 Elevation
Johnson, Vida
White Female 210 Ingrams
Johnson, Vida May
White Female 63 Elevation
Johnson, Vila
8 White Female 73 Elevation
Johnson, Vilas D.
21 White Male 34 Cleveland
Johnson, Vilaska
37 White Male 63 Elevation
Johnson, Viney
White Female 210 Ingrams
Johnson, Vinnie C.
White Male 45 Banner
Johnson, Vinson
16 White Male 318 Beulah
Johnson, Viola
16 White Female 85 Banner
Johnson, Viola
15 White Female 167 Ingrams
Johnson, Violet
13 White Female 262 Cleveland
Johnson, Virginia G.
White Female 38 Pleasant Grove
Johnson, Vivian
23 White Female 49 Wilders
Johnson, Vivian
8 White Female 262 Cleveland
Johnson, Vonnie May
9 White Female 9 Elevation
Johnson, Vurtle E.
15 White Female 94 Elevation
Johnston, Hallie V.
7 White Male 327 Selma
Johnston, Ruth V.
White Female 327 Selma
Johnston, Vermont
5 White Female 247 O'Neals
Johnston, Vick E.
39 White Female 188 Selma
Johnston, Violia
8 White Female 112 O'Neals
1930 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Jenkins, Ella V.
3 Black Female 133 Clayton
Johnson, Annie V.
34 White Female 016 Wilders
Johnson, Curtis V.
3+1/12 White Male 091 Beulah
Johnson, Edieth V.
5 White Female 109 Beulah
Johnson, Elizebeath V.
42 White Female 309 Meadow
Johnson, Flonnie V.
32 White Female 151 Elevation
Johnson, Gladys V.
29 White Female 034 Cleveland
Johnson, Grover V.
13 White Male 055 Beulah
Johnson, James V.
1+1/12 White Male 109 Beulah
Johnson, James V.
25 White Male 109 Beulah
Johnson, James V.
10 White Male 028 Bentonville
Johnson, Mary V.
29 White Female 147 Meadow
Johnson, Roy V.
10 White Male 400 Ingrams
Johnson, Valeria
43 White Female 056 Meadow
Johnson, Valton G.
2+3/12 White Male 028 Bentonville
Johnson, Vara
34 White Female 118 Meadow
Johnson, Velma
17 White Female 137 Banner
Johnson, Vennie
10 White Female 059 Ingrams
Johnson, Vera
41 White Female 136 Wilson's Mills
Johnson, Vergie B.
17 White Female 074 Ingrams
Johnson, Verle M.
8 White Female 013 Elevation
Johnson, Verlie
27 White Female 154 Ingrams
Johnson, Verna
31 White Female 049 Ingrams
Johnson, Vernard
14 White Male 137 Banner
Johnson, Victora
44 White Female 266 Pleasant Grove
Johnson, Victoria
24 White Female 043 Ingrams
Johnson, Vida
10 White Female 059 Ingrams
Johnson, Vida
11 White Female 002 Cleveland
Johnson, Vilas
32 White Male 084 Smithfield
Johnson, Vilasker
47 White Male 002 Cleveland
Johnson, Viola
25 White Female 314 Banner
Johnson, Viola
25 White Female 314 Banner
Johnson, Viola M.
18 White Female 215 Elevation
Johnson, Vira
27 White Female 315 Meadow
Johnson, Virginia
2 White Female 156 Ingrams
Johnson, Virginia G.
10 White Female 340 Smithfield
Johnson, Virginia G.
10 White Female 340 Smithfield
Johnson, Virginia H.
30 White Female 024 Smithfield
Johnson, Visea
19 White Female 015 Ingrams
Johnson, Vonnie
19 White Female 205 Elevation
Johnston, Vonnie
35 White Female 212 Selma
1940 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Jenkins, Villa
12 Black Female 142 Clayton
Johnson, Charlie V.
77 White Male 97 Smithfield
Johnson, Curtis V.
13 White Male 202 Beulah
Johnson, Earl V.
17 White Male 44 Ingrams
Johnson, Edith V.
15 White Female 284 Beulah
Johnson, Frank V.
26 White Male 201 Smithfield
Johnson, Grover V.
22 White Male 223 Beulah
Johnson, James V.
21 White Male 249 Pleasant Grove
Johnson, James V.
11 White Male 284 Beulah
Johnson, O. V.
46 White Male 329 O'Neals
Johnson, Ray Vaden
20 White Male 329 Elevation
Johnson, V. Bass
27 White Male 281 Elevation
Johnson, Vada
21 White Female 261 Beulah
Johnson, Vady
33 White Female 51 Boon Hill
Johnson, Valeria
52 White Female 189 Meadow
Johnson, Valeria E.
3 White Female 179 Smithfield
Johnson, Valton
11 White Male 249 Pleasant Grove
Johnson, Vara
43 White Female 154 Meadow
Johnson, Vara
27 Black Female 296 Smithfield
Johnson, Vara E.
51 White Female 166 Meadow
Johnson, Vastie
25 White Female 109 Smithfield
Johnson, Velma
25 White Female 219 Meadow
Johnson, Velma
32 White Female 279 Cleveland
Johnson, Velma
38 White Female 329 O'Neals
Johnson, Velton
10 White Male 323 Elevation
Johnson, Venice
23 White Male 98 Elevation
Johnson, Vennie
20 White Female 88 Beulah
Johnson, Vera B.
26 White Female 398 Smithfield
Johnson, Vergie
27 White Female 145 Meadow
Johnson, Verlie
18 White Female 221 Elevation
Johnson, Vern
57 White Female 110 Clayton
Johnson, Verna
39 White Female 173 Meadow
Johnson, Vernice
6 White Female 78 O'Neals
Johnson, Vernice R.
25 White Female 201 Smithfield
Johnson, Vernon
23 White Male 276 Elevation
Johnson, Vernon
1 White Male 26 Pine Level
Johnson, Vertia
31 White Female 135 Beulah
Johnson, Vestal
28 White Female 40 Banner
Johnson, Vetrain
13 White Female 221 Elevation
Johnson, Victoria
31 White Female 214 Pleasant Grove
Johnson, Victorie
34 White Female 164 Ingrams
Johnson, Vila
1 White Female 169 Meadow
Johnson, Vinson
35 White Male 284 Beulah
Johnson, Viola
29 White Female 121 Ingrams
Johnson, Viola
6 White Female 81 Clayton
Johnson, Viola A.
7 White Female 137 Ingrams
Johnson, Vira
37 White Female 163 Meadow
Johnson, Vira Ellen
4 White Female 84 Banner
Johnson, Virginia
30 White Female 74 Smithfield
Johnson, Virginia
29 White Female 148 Elevation
Johnson, Virginia
30 White Female 348 Elevation
Johnson, Virginia
12 White Female 97 Ingrams
Johnson, Virginia
5 White Female 179 Smithfield
Johnson, Virginia Gray
20 White Female 124 Smithfield
Johnson, Virlie
38 White Female 137 Ingrams
Johnson, Vivian Pearl
13 White Female 196 Wilders
Johnson, Volet R.
18 White Male 98 Clayton
Johnston, Ollie Veay
<1 White Female 12 Selma
Johnston, Vergie
18 White Female 260 Beulah
Bastardy Bonds
No Results found
NC Yearbooks
Name Year Class School
Johnson, Vilad David 1921 Senior Davidson College
No Results found
NC Civil War Soldiers Index *
Name Unit Comp Rank Side
Jenkins, Joseph V. 15th Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Johnson, B. V. 54th Regiment, NC Infantry G Lieutenant C
Johnson, J. V. 56th Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Johnson, Jesse V. 3rd Regiment, NC Infantry K Private C
Johnson, Martin V. 31st Regiment, NC Infantry F Private C
Johnson, Martin V.B. 6th Regiment, NC Infantry E Private C
Johnson, Martin Van Buren 17th Regiment, NC Infantry (1st Organization) G Private C
Johnson, V. M. 23rd Regiment, NC Infantry F Private C
Johnson, Vine A. 24th Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Johnston, Jesse V. 3rd Regiment, NC Infantry K Private C
* All North Carolina soldiers (Union and Confederate) who fought in the Civil War.
NC Civil War Sailors Index *
No Results found
Southern Claims Commission
No Results found
No Results found
Cemetery Graves
Name Birth Death Cemetery
Jenkim, Vinnie 1865 1928 Piney Grove Church
Johnson, Bettie Vira 1910 1912 Hannah's Creek Primitive Baptist Church
Johnson, Charlie V 1863 1948 Riverside
Johnson, Flonnie V 1897 1971 St. Mary's Grove Original Free Will Baptist Church
Johnson, Grover V 1916 1971 Holly Springs Free Will Baptist
Johnson, Junius Vernon 1880 1941 Johnson/Lee
Johnson, Junius Vernon Jr 1920 1921 Johnson/Lee
Johnson, Katie V 1885 1921 Johnson, John
Johnson, M Verna Lee 1900 1992 Johnson, J. Q.
Johnson, Mary Vashti Whitley 1915 1970 Sunset Memorial Park
Johnson, Morris Victor 1911 1965 Sunset Memorial Park
Johnson, Pearl Vestal 1898 Benson City
Johnson, S V 1851 Johnson, Myrick B.
Johnson, Valaria Tart 1886 1948 Tart, Austin
Johnson, Valasker 1883 1942 Hannah's Creek Primitive Baptist Church
Johnson, Valton 1907 1909 Hannah's Creek Primitive Baptist Church
Johnson, Vara Lee 1889 1968 Roselawn
Johnson, Vara Wood 1890 1958 Roselawn
Johnson, Verda I 1908 1978 Mill Creek Christian Church
Johnson, Verlie B 1901 1983 Blackman, George Bennett
Johnson, Verna Lee 1900 Johnson, J. Q.
Johnson, Verta Mae Williams 1906 1942 Mt. Moriah Baptist Church
Johnson, Vessie Cora 1889 Four Oaks Town
Johnson, Vessie Peters 1915 2003 Barbour, Robert C.
Johnson, Victor 1900 1925 Johnson Chapel
Johnson, Vida Pearce 1907 Princeton
Johnson, Vilas D 1897 1955 Oakland Presbyterian Church
Johnson, Viola Smith 1905 1980 Roselawn
Johnson, Vira 1907 1908 Johnson Chapel
Johnson, Vira B 1903 1975 Roselawn
Johnson, Virginia 1925 1983 Buffaloe Heirs
Johnson, Virginia S 1910 St. Mary's Grove Original Free Will Baptist Church
Johnson, Vivian 1896 1926 Corinth Baptist Church
Johnson, Vonaie 1896 1897 Johnson, Edmond
NC Confederate Soldiers Burial Database*
No Results found
Wills Index *
No Results found
Other Resources
Surname Resource Title
Johnson Bibles Amos Green Johnson Family Bible Records
Johnston Biographies Gabriel Johnston, 1699-1752
Johnson Cemeteries William J. Johnson Cemetery
Johnston Court Records Johnston & Medlin v. Noel Johnston Et Al, 1808
Johnston Court Records Johnston Et Al v. Alvin Johnston, 1860
Johnston Court Records Johnston County Justices
Johnston-Dobbs Court Records Johnston-Dobbs County Court Issues, 1759
Hiner-Johnson Deaths & Obituaries Pauline Martin Johnson Hiner, 2008
Johnston Deaths & Obituaries Mary S. Johnston, 1811
Cogdell-Johnson Deeds Francis Cogdell to Peter Johnson, 1767
Cogdell-Johnston Deeds Francis Cogdal to Peter Johnston, 1767
Johnson-Nelson-Boykin Deeds Parmelia Johnson & Dolly Nelson to Edwin Boykin, 1844
Ingram-Johnson Marriages William Ingram to Nancy Johnson, 1823
Johnson-ingram Marriages Curtis Johnson to Sarah Ingram, 1854
Johnson-Penny Marriages W.R. Johnson to M.A.E. Penny, 1860
Johnson-Rhodes Marriages Nathan Johnson to Dianah Rhodes, 1859
Johnson-Smith Marriages James Johnson to Betsy Smith, 1862
Johnson-Stallings Marriages Richard Johnson to Mary Stallings, 1810
Munden-Johnston Marriages W.H. Munden to Harriet Johnston, 1859
Rose-Johnson Marriages John Rose to Milly Johnson, 1830
Rose-Johnson Marriages J. H. Rose to Ella Johnson, 1894
Rose-Johnson Marriages John J. Rose to Bethany Johnson, 1895
Rose-Johnson Marriages Enos Rose to Piety S. Johnson, 1896
Johnson Military Alexander Johnson Pension, 1832
Johnson Wills & Estates Abel Johnson - 1817
Johnson Wills & Estates Amos Johnson - 1797
Johnson Wills & Estates Amos Johnson - 1872
Johnson Wills & Estates Elizabeth Johnson - 1790
Johnson Wills & Estates Henry Johnson - 1807
Johnson Wills & Estates James Johnson - 1837
Johnson Wills & Estates John Johnson - 1779
Johnson Wills & Estates Richard Johnson - 1769
Johnson Wills & Estates Sill Johnson - 1763
Johnson Wills & Estates Thenny Johnson - 1824
Johnson Wills & Estates Thomas Johnson - 1781
Johnson Wills & Estates Willie Johnson - 1853
Johnson Wills & Estates Esther Johnson - 1823
Johnson Wills & Estates Henry Johnson - 1807
Johnson Wills & Estates Polly Jerrot Johnson - 1825
Johnson Wills & Estates Travis Johnson - 1790
Johnson Wills & Estates Travis Johnson - 1791
Johnston Wills & Estates Isaac Johnston
Surname Researchers
Surname Counties Date Range Researcher
Johnson Sylvia Stephens
JohnsonJohnston, Harnett1700 - present Gwen O?Daniels
Johnson Sandra Shaffner
JohnsonJohnston1700's - present Shelly Mendenhall
JohnsonJohnston, Wake1860 - 1920 Carla Stancil
JohnsonJohnston David Dunn
Johnson, MarkJohnson1700's - present Ruth Creech
Johnson/JohnstonJohnston1700's & 1800's Mamie Tate
Johnson/Johnston Alice Holmes
Johnson/JohnstonJohnston1700's - present Ernest Johnson
JohnstonJohnston1700's - 1900's Tammy Gurley Tyner
JohnstonJohnston Douglas Johnson
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County Coordinator
Michael W. Kay
County Volunteers
Ross Sippel
Connie Ellen Adams
Passed away on 15 July 2015

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