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» Search Results » W JOHNSON
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1784-1787 State Census
Name WM21-60 WM-Other WF B21-50 B-Other
Johnson, William 1
Johnston, William 1 2 3
1790 Federal Census
Name FWM16- FWM16+ FWF AOFP Slaves
Johnston, William 1 3
Johnston, William 3 2 3
1800 Federal Census
Name Pg/Rw M00 M10 M16 M26 M45 F00 F10 F16 F26 F45 FP SL
Johnson, Wiley 767 / 14 2 1 1 1 1 1
Johnson, William 752 / 21 2 1 2 1 1
Johnson, William 762 / 14 1 2 1
Johnson, William S…r 764 / 13 1 1 1 1
1810 Federal Census
Name Pg/Rw M00 M10 M16 M26 M45 F00 F10 F16 F26 F45 FP SL
Johnson, Warren 285 / 15 1 1
Johnson, William 288 / 2 1 2 1
Johnson, Willie 275 / 13 3 1 1 1 2 1 4
1820 Federal Census *
Name M00 M10 M1618 M16 M26 M45+ F00 F10 F16 F26 F45+
Johnson, John W. 2 1 1
Johnson, Warren 1 1 1 1
Johnson, West 1 1 1
Johnson, Whitmell 2 1 3 1
Johnson, William 1 1 2 1
Johnson, William 4 1 2 2 1
Johnson, Willie 4 2 1 1 1 3 1
* Missing Categories - Free colored persons, slaves, foreigners and employment
1830 Federal Census *
Name M00 M05 M10 M15 M20 M30 M40 M50 M60 M70+
Johnson, John W. 1 2 1
Johnson, Warren 1 1
Johnson, Whitmel 2 1 1 1
Johnson, William 1 1 1
Johnson, William 2 1 1
Johnson, William 2 1 1 1
Johnson, William 2 3 1
Johnson, William W. 1 3
Johnson, Willie 2 1 2 1
* Missing Categories - Free white women, free colored persons, slaves, foreigners and blind, deaf & dumb
1840 Federal Census *
Name M00 M05 M10 M15 M20 M30 M40 M50 M60 M70 M80 M90
Johnson, Henry W.
Johnson, John W. 1 1 1
Johnson, Warren 1
Johnson, Whitmill 1 2 1
Johnson, Wilie 1
Johnson, Wilie Jr. 1
Johnson, William 1 1 1 1
Johnson, William C. 1 2 1
Johnson, William D. 3 1 1 1 1
Johnson, William P. 1 1 1
Johnson, William W. 1 1 1
* Missing Categories - Free white women, free colored persons, slaves, blind/deaf/dumb, age and education
1860 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Johnnson, Willis
23 White Male 842 Earpsboro
Johnson, George W.
15 White Male 238 Leachburg
Johnson, James Wm.
32 White Male 250 Leachburg
Johnson, John W.
13 White Male 78 Clayton
Johnson, Sarah W.
17 White Female 18 Clayton
Johnson, Sir William
26 White Male 702 Elevation
Johnson, Sir William
4 White Male 697 Elevation
Johnson, Sir William
1 White Male 244 Leachburg
Johnson, Walter
17 White Male 389 Leachburg
Johnson, Warren
75 White Male 911 St. Charles
Johnson, Warren
17 White Male 333 Boon Hill
Johnson, William
42 White Male 619 Elevation
Johnson, William
13 White Male 468 Elevation
Johnson, William
64 White Male 519 Beulah
Johnson, William
23 White Male 412 Leachburg
Johnson, William
17 White Male 453 Elevation
Johnson, William
2 White Male 827 Newton Grove
Johnson, William
6 White Male 704 Elevation
Johnson, William
15 White Male 316 Smithfield
Johnson, William
11 White Male 537 Leachburg
Johnson, William
12 White Male 475 Elevation
Johnson, William
14 White Male 519 Beulah
Johnson, William
36 White Male 636 Elevation
Johnson, William L.
19 White Male 251 Leachburg
Johnson, William W.
59 White Male 251 Leachburg
Johnson, Willie P.
7 White Male 18 Clayton
Johnson, Willis
24 White Male 519 Beulah
Johnson, Willis
5 White Male 385 Leachburg
Johnson, Winiford
12 White Female 385 Leachburg
Johnson, Winifred
24 White Female 705 Elevation
Johnson, Worrell
28 White Male 149 Clayton
Johnson, Wright
33 White Male 705 Elevation
Johnson, Wyatt
0 White Male 236 Leachburg
1870 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Johnson, Edward W.
24 White Male 81 Smithfield
Johnson, John W.
25 White Male 3 Pleasant Grove
Johnson, Sir William
35 White Male 252 Clayton
Johnson, W. James
45 White Male 92 Pleasant Grove
Johnson, Walter
27 White Male 293 Smithfield
Johnson, Warren
85 White Male 53 O'Neals
Johnson, Wilie
17 White Male 142 Smithfield
Johnson, Wilie
5 White Male 84 Smithfield
Johnson, Wilie
2 White Male 1 Meadow
Johnson, William Sr.
38 White Male 100 Ingrams
Johnson, William
21 Mulatto Male 110 Ingrams
Johnson, William
14 White Male 102 Ingrams
Johnson, William
27 White Male 234 Clayton
Johnson, William
12 Black Male 300 Clayton
Johnson, William
2 White Male 234 Clayton
Johnson, William
7 White Male 1 Meadow
Johnson, William
0 White Male 115 Meadow
Johnson, William
40 White Male 204 Boon Hill
Johnson, William
23 White Male 284 Elevation
Johnson, William
14 White Male 286 Elevation
Johnson, William
35 White Male 280 Smithfield
Johnson, William
25 White Male 106 Smithfield
Johnson, William
12 White Male 219 Smithfield
Johnson, William
25 White Male 142 Pleasant Grove
Johnson, William
18 White Male 64 Pleasant Grove
Johnson, William
12 Black Male 96 Pleasant Grove
Johnson, William
5 White Male 7 Pleasant Grove
Johnson, William C.
30 White Male 79 Smithfield
Johnson, William W.
69 White Male 297 Pleasant Grove
Johnson, William, Sr.
25 White Male 168 Elevation
Johnson, Willis
2 White Male 137 Pleasant Grove
Johnson, Willy
17 White Male 199 Pleasant Grove
Johnson, Winford
37 White Female 74 Ingrams
Johnson, Winny
25 White Female 175 Elevation
Johnson, Winny
4 White Female 38 Elevation
1880 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Johnson, A. W.
50 White Male 151 Elevation
Johnson, Geo. W.
29 White Male 177 Elevation
Johnson, J. W.
18 White Male 243 South Smithfield
Johnson, J. W.
14 White Male 40 South Smithfield
Johnson, James W.
55 White Male 101 Pleasant Grove
Johnson, Rebecca W.
10 White Female 194 Meadow
Johnson, S. W.
22 White Male 43 South Smithfield
Johnson, S. W.
35 White Male 55 Ingrams
Johnson, Sally W.
15 White Female 250 Elevation
Johnson, Sarah W.
35 White Female 164 Meadow
Johnson, Sur W.
35 White Male 237 Elevation
Johnson, W. B.
35 White Male 223 South Smithfield
Johnson, W. D.
5 White Male 58 South Smithfield
Johnson, W. D.
51 White Male 198 O'Neals
Johnson, W. G.
15 White Male 289 South Smithfield
Johnson, W. H.
6 White Male 58 South Smithfield
Johnson, W. L.
39 White Male 58 South Smithfield
Johnson, W. R.
12 White Female 50 South Smithfield
Johnson, W. S.
5 White Male 50 South Smithfield
Johnson, W. T. (Tom)
29 White Male 48 Pleasant Grove
Johnson, Walter
39 White Male 50 South Smithfield
Johnson, Walter D.
2 White Male 185 Meadow
Johnson, Warren
4 White Male 104 Meadow
Johnson, Westley
19 Black Male 267 Elevation
Johnson, Wilcey A.
38 White Female 233 Elevation
Johnson, Wilcy
5 White Female 233 Elevation
Johnson, Willey N.
12 White Male 320 Meadow
Johnson, William
22 White Male 155 South Smithfield
Johnson, William
24 White Male 53 Ingrams
Johnson, William
24 Black Male 23 Clayton
Johnson, William
33 Mulatto Male 210 Ingrams
Johnson, William
10 Black Male 309 Pleasant Grove
Johnson, William A.
11 White Male 194 Meadow
Johnson, William E.
25 White Male 258 Elevation
Johnson, William E.
1 White Male 46 Pleasant Grove
Johnson, William G.
6 White Male 55 Ingrams
Johnson, William H.
8 White Male 101 Pleasant Grove
Johnson, William H.
12 White Male 144 Clayton
Johnson, William H.
45 White Male 470 Boon Hill
Johnson, William H.
21 White Male 311 Meadow
Johnson, William J.
17 White Male 320 Meadow
Johnson, William L.
9 White Male 330 Elevation
Johnson, William R.
33 White Male 253 Elevation
Johnson, Willie
12 White Male 193 Pleasant Grove
Johnson, Willie
5 White Male 26 Town of Clayton
Johnson, Willie G.
1 White Male 76 Pleasant Grove
Johnson, Willis
25 White Male 132 Pleasant Grove
Johnson, Willis
66 White Male 112 Elevation
Johnson, Willis H.
12 White Male 46 Pleasant Grove
Johnson, Willis H.
8 White Male 116 Elevation
Johnson, Wineford
42 White Female 250 Elevation
Johnson, Wineyford
28 White Female 132 Pleasant Grove
1900 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Johnson, Alan W.
4 White Male 121 Meadow
Johnson, Bettie W.
24 White Female 200 Elevation
Johnson, Clarence W.
13 White Male 313 Elevation
Johnson, Curtis W.
38 White Male 177 Ingrams
Johnson, Earl W.
6 White Female 121 Meadow
Johnson, Edmund W.
52 White Male 308 Ingrams
Johnson, George W.
26 White Male 292 Selma
Johnson, Henry W.
14 White Male 250 Meadow
Johnson, Ira W.
0 White Male 272 Wilders
Johnson, Iretty W.
55 White Male 44 Clayton
Johnson, James W.
9 White Male 185 Ingrams
Johnson, Jesse W.
4 White Male 141 Clayton
Johnson, John W.
27 White Male 402 Smithfield
Johnson, John W.
29 White Male 531 Smithfield
Johnson, Martha W.
28 White Female 401 Banner
Johnson, Mary W.
25 White Female 176 Ingrams
Johnson, Robert Wiley
10 White Male 177 Ingrams
Johnson, Sarah W.
57 White Female 162 Meadow
Johnson, Sir William
55 White Male 273 Elevation
Johnson, Sir William
70 White Male 176 Ingrams
Johnson, Sir William
65 White Male 188 Clayton
Johnson, W. L.
58 White Male 436 Smithfield
Johnson, W. Troy
46 White Male 397 Banner
Johnson, Wade H.
4 White Male 55 Pleasant Grove
Johnson, Walter
58 White Male 460 Smithfield
Johnson, Walter
24 White Male 53 Smithfield
Johnson, Walter
12 Black Male 6 Smithfield
Johnson, Walter
17 White Male 154 O'Neals
Johnson, Walter H.
0 Black Male 202 Selma
Johnson, Walter S.
24 White Male 366 Smithfield
Johnson, Walter T.
2 White Male 14 O'Neals
Johnson, Walton
15 White Male 160 Meadow
Johnson, Waren O.
23 White Male 16 Meadow
Johnson, Wayland
15 White Male 106 Clayton
Johnson, Wayman
2 Black Male 259 Clayton
Johnson, William
15 White Male 132 O'Neals
Johnson, William
56 White Male 402 Smithfield
Johnson, William
25 White Male 199 Clayton
Johnson, William
27 White Male 238 Smithfield
Johnson, William
11 White Male 409 Banner
Johnson, William
9 Black Male 259 Clayton
Johnson, William
33 Black Male 184 Cleveland
Johnson, William
40 White Male 455 Smithfield
Johnson, William
6 White Male 290 Ingrams
Johnson, William
37 White Male 189 Meadow
Johnson, William A.
14 White Male 273 Elevation
Johnson, William Allen
31 White Male 3 Meadow
Johnson, William D.
27 White Male 520 Smithfield
Johnson, William E.
2 Black Male 16 Elevation
Johnson, William E.
11 White Male 14 O'Neals
Johnson, William G.
25 White Male 176 Ingrams
Johnson, William H.
43 White Male 14 O'Neals
Johnson, William H.
42 White Male 208 Meadow
Johnson, William J.
14 White Male 136 Pleasant Grove
Johnson, William P.
35 White Male 532 Smithfield
Johnson, William P.
10 White Male 208 Meadow
Johnson, William R.
5 White Male 102 Smithfield
Johnson, William T.
31 White Male 142 Cleveland
Johnson, William Thomas
49 White Male 81 Pleasant Grove
Johnson, William Z.
17 White Male 303 Boon Hill
Johnson, Willie
0 White Male 189 Meadow
Johnson, Willie
13 White Male 423 Banner
Johnson, Willie
12 White Male 160 Meadow
Johnson, Willie
7 White Male 246 Wilders
Johnson, Willie
12 White Male 170 Elevation
Johnson, Willie R.
15 White Male 196 Elevation
Johnson, Willis
32 White Male 121 Pleasant Grove
Johnson, Willis D.
23 White Male 436 Smithfield
Johnson, Willis F.
22 White Male 140 Clayton
Johnson, Willis H.
27 White Male 276 Elevation
Johnson, Willis R.
6 White Male 106 Clayton
Johnson, Wilsie A.
58 White Female 183 Elevation
Johnson, Winnaford
66 White Female 431 Banner
Johnson, Winnie
25 Black Female 496 Smithfield
Johnson, Winnie
26 White Female 185 Clayton
Johnson, Winnie F.
26 White Female 178 Ingrams
Johnson, Wyatt
38 White Male 493 Smithfield
1910 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Johnson, Allen W.
1/14/1900 White Male 147 Meadow
Johnson, Bettie W.
33 White Female 178 Ingrams
Johnson, Curtis W.
46 White Male 130 Ingrams
Johnson, Earl W.
1/16/1900 White Female 147 Meadow
Johnson, Elam W.
12-Apr White Male 282 Ingrams
Johnson, George W.
2/28/1900 White Male 179 Elevation
Johnson, Henry W.
23 White Male 118 Meadow
Johnson, Howard W.
5/12/2012 White Male 24 Meadow
Johnson, Hurbert W.
9 White Male 203 Smithfield
Johnson, I. W.
3/5/1900 White Male 3 Clayton
Johnson, James W.
1/10/1900 White Male 2 Clayton
Johnson, James W.
28 White Male 221 Pleasant Grove
Johnson, James W.
18 White Male 129 Ingrams
Johnson, James W.
1+9/12 White Male 625 Selma
Johnson, Laynelle W.
1/3/1900 White Male 566 Smithfield
Johnson, Martha W.
38 White Female 117 Pine Level
Johnson, Mary W.
32 White Female 281 Ingrams
Johnson, Nellie W.
1/16/1900 White Female 568 Smithfield
Johnson, Nina W.
1+8/12 White Female 104 Ingrams
Johnson, Robert W.
20 White Male 130 Ingrams
Johnson, Sarah W.
2 White Female 207 Banner
Johnson, Sir William
83 White Male 131 Ingrams
Johnson, Sir Wm.
2/21/1900 White Male 570 Smithfield
Johnson, Thomas W.
41 White Male 130 Smithfield
Johnson, Valaria W.
22 White Female 5 Meadow
Johnson, W. A.
1/27/1900 White Male 36 Clayton
Johnson, W. David
2/2/1900 White Male 559 Smithfield
Johnson, W. Sellie
2/3/1900 White Male 586 Smithfield
Johnson, Wade A.
1/8/1900 White Male 3 Banner
Johnson, Wade H.
13 White Male 39 Pleasant Grove
Johnson, Walter
1/28/1900 White Male 310 O'Neals
Johnson, Walter
4 White Male 219 Banner
Johnson, Walter
White Male 258 Boon Hill
Johnson, Walter
34 White Male 165 Smithfield
Johnson, Walter
13 White Male 186 O'Neals
Johnson, Walter
5 White Male 18 Elevation
Johnson, Walter D.
32 White Male 4 Meadow
Johnson, Walton
22 White Male 162 Elevation
Johnson, Wayland
1/8/1900 White Male 58 O'Neals
Johnson, Waymon
12 Black Male 251 Clayton
Johnson, Wilbert T.
4 White Male 177 Cleveland
Johnson, Wiley P.
23 Black Male 324 Wilders
Johnson, Will A.
23 White Male 47 Elevation
Johnson, Will B.
23 White Male 249 Cleveland
Johnson, Will G.
2/13/1900 White Male 659 Smithfield
Johnson, Will H.
2/5/1900 White Male 337 Smithfield
Johnson, William
White Male 46 Smithfield
Johnson, William
3/12/2012 Black Male 141 Banner
Johnson, William
54 White Male 186 O'Neals
Johnson, William
3 White Male 8 Bentonville
Johnson, William A.
1/4/1900 White Male 225 Banner
Johnson, William A.
42 White Male 85 Meadow
Johnson, William E.
1/12/1900 Mulatto Male 240 Elevation
Johnson, William F.
17 White Male 11 Clayton
Johnson, William G.
1/5/1900 White Male 565 Smithfield
Johnson, William G.
32 White Male 281 Ingrams
Johnson, William H.
White Male 39 Elevation
Johnson, William H.
38 White Male 173 Ingrams
Johnson, William J.
1/25/1900 White Male 134 Elevation
Johnson, William J.
2/16/1900 White Male 166 Meadow
Johnson, William L.
2/3/1900 White Male 2 Clayton
Johnson, William L.
1/7/1900 White Male 570 Smithfield
Johnson, William L.
3/7/1900 White Male 559 Smithfield
Johnson, William R.
14 White Male 52 Ingrams
Johnson, William T.
60 White Male 241 Pleasant Grove
Johnson, Willie
8/12/2012 White Male 282 O'Neals
Johnson, Willie
23 White Male 59 Elevation
Johnson, Willie
White Male 79 Elevation
Johnson, Willie
1/10/1900 White Male 166 Meadow
Johnson, Willie
23 White Male 13 Meadow
Johnson, Willie B.
7 White Male 281 Ingrams
Johnson, Willie E.
1/22/1900 White Male 301 Banner
Johnson, Willie E.
11 White Male 130 Smithfield
Johnson, Willie H.
1/16/1900 White Male 477 Smithfield
Johnson, Willie T.
45 White Male 177 Cleveland
Johnson, Willie W.
1/4/1900 White Male 207 Elevation
Johnson, Willis
2/23/1900 White Male 212 Banner
Johnson, Willis R.
15 White Male 194 Clayton
Johnson, Wilsie
12-Sep White Female 115 Ingrams
Johnson, Wilsie A.
69 White Female 50 Elevation
Johnson, Winnefred
76 White Female 199 Banner
Johnson, Winnie
36 White Female 452 Selma
Johnson, Wm. B.
3/3/1900 White Male 463 Smithfield
Johnson, Wm. B.
21 White Male 146 Smithfield
Johnson, Wright H.
4 White Male 146 Ingrams
Johnson, Wyatt R.
9 White Male 33 Elevation
1920 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Jenkins, Wilbert
6 Black Male 455 Clayton
Jhonson, Welson
Black Male 61 Smithfield
John, Wade M.
White Male 331 Smithfield
Johns, Walter C.
6 White Male 99 Smithfield
Johnson, Allen W.
24 White Male 94 Elevation
Johnson, Bettie W.
43 White Female 18 Ingrams
Johnson, Carl W.
13 White Male 232 Elevation
Johnson, Carl W.
32 White Male 53 Banner
Johnson, Charlie W.
37 White Male 184 Boon Hill
Johnson, Chas. W.
9 White Male 18 Banner
Johnson, Clarence W.
22 White Male 147 Banner
Johnson, Georg W.
63 White Male 34 Elevation
Johnson, George W.
White Male 132 Ingrams
Johnson, Gracy W.
27 White Female 28 Selma
Johnson, Howard W.
10 White Male 156 Meadow
Johnson, Iradell W.
75 White Male 76 Clayton
Johnson, J. Willard
26 White Male 374 Ingrams
Johnson, James W.
52 White Male 104 Banner
Johnson, James W.
38 White Male 189 Pleasant Grove
Johnson, Jas. W.
63 White Male 85 Banner
Johnson, Johe W.
16 Black Male 108 Smithfield
Johnson, John W.
6 White Male 82 Smithfield
Johnson, John W.
44 White Male 115 Smithfield
Johnson, Kilty W.
1 White Female 31 Meadow
Johnson, Lizzie W.
39 White Female 239 Smithfield
Johnson, Loomis W.
6 White Male 156 Meadow
Johnson, Mary W.
46 White Female 329 Ingrams
Johnson, Parker W.
17 White Male 82 Smithfield
Johnson, Ralph W.
29 White Male 470 Smithfield
Johnson, Robert W.
7 White Male 151 Elevation
Johnson, Robert W.
30 White Male 210 Ingrams
Johnson, Ruby W.
58 White Female 36 Pleasant Grove
Johnson, Sir William
60 White Male 259 Smithfield
Johnson, Thad W.
63 White Male 393 Smithfield
Johnson, Themon W.
5 White Male 274 Ingrams
Johnson, Tom W.
52 White Male 309 Smithfield
Johnson, W. Leon
20 White Male 239 Smithfield
Johnson, W. Perry
29 White Male 64 Elevation
Johnson, W.H.
48 White Male 200 Ingrams
Johnson, Wade
7 White Male 216 Ingrams
Johnson, Wade B.
White Male 61 Elevation
Johnson, Wade F.
14 White Male 91 Banner
Johnson, Waland
18 White Male 58 O'Neals
Johnson, Waltar
8 White Male 276 Smithfield
Johnson, Walter
15 White Male 189 Elevation
Johnson, Walter
15 White Male 26 Banner
Johnson, Walter
11 White Male 184 Boon Hill
Johnson, Walter
32 White Male 152 Smithfield
Johnson, Walter E.
4 White Male 183 Cleveland
Johnson, Walton
36 White Male 86 Banner
Johnson, Walton
3 White Male 86 Banner
Johnson, Wayland
14 White Male 264 Elevation
Johnson, Waynor
21 Black Male 380 Clayton
Johnson, Wesley
34 White Male 40 Meadow
Johnson, Weslie
35 White Male 95 Clayton
Johnson, Wiliam E.
40 White Male 224 Pleasant Grove
Johnson, Will H.
44 White Male 239 Smithfield
Johnson, Willard B.
30 White Male 28 Selma
Johnson, Willhemina
8 White Female 66 Elevation
Johnson, William
8 White Male 97 Boon Hill
Johnson, William
67 White Male 211 Micro
Johnson, William
21 White Male 53 Elevation
Johnson, William
17 White Male 259 Smithfield
Johnson, William
32 Black Male 106 Cleveland
Johnson, William
23 White Male 212 Banner
Johnson, William
White Male 371 Smithfield
Johnson, William
10 White Male 67 Smithfield
Johnson, William
6 White Male 16 Wilson's Mills
Johnson, William
6 White Male 56 Meadow
Johnson, William A.
13 White Male 408 Ingrams
Johnson, William A.
51 White Male 50 Meadow
Johnson, William A.
33 White Male 66 Elevation
Johnson, William Alfred
White Male 140 Elevation
Johnson, William B.
25 White Male 38 Pleasant Grove
Johnson, William B.
76 White Male 473 Smithfield
Johnson, William D.
White Male 33 Selma
Johnson, William G.
53 White Male 329 Ingrams
Johnson, William G.
16 White Male 425 Smithfield
Johnson, William H.
48 White Male 188 Cleveland
Johnson, William H.
14 White Male 43 Banner
Johnson, William H.
4 White Male 354 Ingrams
Johnson, William J.
34 White Male 102 Pleasant Grove
Johnson, William J.
53 White Male 56 Meadow
Johnson, William L.
47 White Male 164 Smithfield
Johnson, William L.
48 White Male 43 Banner
Johnson, William R.
25 White Male 51 Smithfield
Johnson, William R.
White Male 52 Smithfield
Johnson, William T.
69 White Male 249 Pleasant Grove
Johnson, William T.
27 White Male 33 Selma
Johnson, William W.
7 White Male 274 Ingrams
Johnson, Willice
White Male 31 Clayton
Johnson, Willie
19 White Male 278 Clayton
Johnson, Willie
9 White Male 46 Elevation
Johnson, Willie
16 White Male 329 Ingrams
Johnson, Willis D.
43 White Male 243 Smithfield
Johnson, Willis G.
68 White Male 147 Banner
Johnson, Wilmer R.
White Male 239 Smithfield
Johnson, Winnie
46 White Female 56 Selma
Johnson, Winnie F.
46 White Female 407 Ingrams
Johnson, Wm. Edgar
22 Black Male 104 Elevation
Johnson, Wm. L.
7 White Male 183 Smithfield
Johnson, Wm. R.
24 White Male 95 Smithfield
Johnson, Woodroe
4 White Male 35 Bentonville
Johnson, Woodrow
5 White Male 11 Wilson's Mills
Johnson, Worth
8 White Male 397 Ingrams
Johnson, Wright H.
10 White Male 29 Elevation
Johnson, Wyatt R.
18 White Male 36 Elevation
Johnston, C. W.
33 White Male 265 O'Neals
Johnston, W. J.
22 White Male 55 O'Neals
Johnston, W. M.
28 White Male 256 O'Neals
Johnston, Walter
37 White Male 323 O'Neals
Johnston, Walter
3 White Male 31 Wilders
Johnston, Willard
4 White Male 141 O'Neals
Johnston, William
White Male 12 Selma
Johnston, William K.
10 White Male 107 Wilders
Johnston, Willie
27 White Male 12 Selma
Johnston, Willie
32 White Male 69 Meadow
Johson, Willie E.
21 White Male 477 Smithfield
Johson, Willie R.
White Male 477 Smithfield
1930 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Jenkins, James W.
16 Black Male 133 Clayton
Jenkins, William T.
12 White Male 134 Clayton
Johns, Wade McK.
14 White Male 269 Selma
Johnson, Alma W.
21 White Female 280 Banner
Johnson, Annie W.
3+5/12 White Female 213 Smithfield
Johnson, Bettie W.
53 White Female 283 Ingrams
Johnson, Carl W.
72 White Female 058 Pleasant Grove
Johnson, Charles W.
7 White Male 008 Clayton
Johnson, Ellie W.
2+3/12 White Female 051 Elevation
Johnson, George W.
12 White Male 156 Ingrams
Johnson, Henry W.
44 White Male 046 Ingrams
Johnson, J. Willard
38 White Male 114 Ingrams
Johnson, James W.
70 White Male 025 Banner
Johnson, James W.
49 White Male 281 Pleasant Grove
Johnson, Joe W.
54 White Male 435 Smithfield
Johnson, John W.
8 White Male 401 Ingrams
Johnson, Kilty W.
11 White Female 056 Meadow
Johnson, Lacy W.
1+10/12 Black Male 007 Banner
Johnson, Mary W.
51 White Female 020 Ingrams
Johnson, Perie W.
29 White Female 063 Meadow
Johnson, Ralph W.
38 White Male 385 Smithfield
Johnson, Ralph W. Jr.
5 White Male 385 Smithfield
Johnson, Raymond W.
13 White Male 079 Banner
Johnson, Robert W.
96 White Male 141 Meadow
Johnson, Robert W.
39 White Male 059 Ingrams
Johnson, Ruby W.
19 White Female 129 Pleasant Grove
Johnson, Si W.
71 White Male 117 Smithfield
Johnson, Theron W.
13 White Male 051 Elevation
Johnson, Thomas W.
61 White Male 156 Elevation
Johnson, Thomas W.
6/12 White Male 312 Smithfield
Johnson, Thomas W.
12 White Male 209 Elevation
Johnson, Thurman W.
15 White Male 028 Bentonville
Johnson, W. D.
27 White Male 064 Smithfield
Johnson, W. Leon
31 White Male 231 Smithfield
Johnson, W. Leon Jr.
5 White Male 231 Smithfield
Johnson, Wade
18 White Male 101 Smithfield
Johnson, Wade
12 White Male 137 Banner
Johnson, Wade B.
12 White Male 147 Elevation
Johnson, Wade F.
25 White Male 280 Banner
Johnson, Wade H.
6 White Male 028 Bentonville
Johnson, Wade H.
7 White Male 043 Ingrams
Johnson, Walter
1+10/12 White Male 010 O'Neals
Johnson, Walter
32 White Male 018 O'Neals
Johnson, Walter
26 White Male 122 O'Neals
Johnson, Walter
45 White Male 247 O'Neals
Johnson, Walter
21 White Male 159 Boon Hill
Johnson, Walter E.
14 White Male 071 Pleasant Grove
Johnson, Walter J.
12 White Male 016 Wilders
Johnson, Walter J.
56 White Male 148 Wilders
Johnson, Walter M.
24 White Male 214 Banner
Johnson, Walter S.
17 White Male 185 Smithfield
Johnson, Walter T.
26 White Male 004 Pleasant Grove
Johnson, Walton
45 White Male 079 Banner
Johnson, Walton
13 White Male 079 Banner
Johnson, Warren L.
9 White Male 271 Ingrams
Johnson, Wilbert
9 White Male 159 Elevation
Johnson, Wiley
2 White Male 088 Wilders
Johnson, Wiley C.
1+5/12 White Male 136 Meadow
Johnson, Will
40 White Male 229 Selma
Johnson, Willard
9 White Male 011 O'Neals
Johnson, William
21 Black Male 056 Selma
Johnson, William
17 White Male 004 Smithfield
Johnson, William
17 White Male 179 Micro
Johnson, William
18 White Male 301 Smithfield
Johnson, William
35 White Male 104 Elevation
Johnson, William
27 White Male 389 Selma
Johnson, William
21 White Male 222 Smithfield
Johnson, William
2 White Male 321 Clayton
Johnson, William
11 White Male 314 Smithfield
Johnson, William A.
14 White Male 234 Elevation
Johnson, William A.
43 White Male 138 Elevation
Johnson, William A.
61 White Male 011 Meadow
Johnson, William B.
7 White Male 055 Smithfield
Johnson, William B.
36 White Male 340 Smithfield
Johnson, William B. Jr.
9 White Male 340 Smithfield
Johnson, William C.
4/12 White Male 214 Banner
Johnson, William C.
8 White Male 018 O'Neals
Johnson, William D.
5 White Male 116 Smithfield
Johnson, William D.
14 White Male 092 Clayton
Johnson, William E.
51 White Male 192 Pleasant Grove
Johnson, William E.
41 White Male 075 Beulah
Johnson, William F.
1 White Male 138 Elevation
Johnson, William G.
28 White Male 018 Ingrams
Johnson, William G.
61 White Male 020 Ingrams
Johnson, William H.
15 White Male 277 Ingrams
Johnson, William H.
29 White Male 434 Smithfield
Johnson, William H.
71 White Male 310 Meadow
Johnson, William L.
52 White Male 191 Clayton
Johnson, William L.
7/12 White Male 290 Selma
Johnson, William L.
17 White Male 238 Meadow
Johnson, William M.
5 White Male 434 Smithfield
Johnson, William M.
7 Black Male 007 Banner
Johnson, William R.
38 White Male 267 O'Neals
Johnson, William T.
27 White Male 116 Smithfield
Johnson, William T.
37 White Male 092 Clayton
Johnson, Willie
43 White Male 229 Meadow
Johnson, Willie
16 White Male 063 Smithfield
Johnson, Willie
24 White Male 035 Boon Hill
Johnson, Willie
30 White Male 008 Clayton
Johnson, Willie
11 Black Male 040 Clayton
Johnson, Willie A.
43 White Male 160 Elevation
Johnson, Willie B.
3+7/12 Black Male 251 Beulah
Johnson, Willie D.
53 White Male 157 Smithfield
Johnson, Willie E.
43 White Male 019 Banner
Johnson, Willie W.
17 White Male 110 Smithfield
Johnson, Wilma
5 White Female 155 Cleveland
Johnson, Wilmer
14 White Male 034 Smithfield
Johnson, Wilson R.
8 White Male 060 Pleasant Grove
Johnson, Wilton F.
5 White Male 047 Cleveland
Johnson, Winnie
7 White Female 179 Micro
Johnson, Winnie
7 Black Female 032 Clayton
Johnson, Winnie B.
67 White Female 155 Selma
Johnson, Wise
26 Black Male 095 Beulah
Johnson, Woodroe
9 White Male 156 Elevation
Johnson, Woodrow
15 White Male 042 Bentonville
Johnson, Wordell
29 Black Male 251 Beulah
Johnson, Wordell Jr.
9 Black Male 251 Beulah
Johnson, Wright
20 White Male 294 Smithfield
Johnson, Wright D.
2+11/12 Black Male 007 Banner
Johnson, Wyatt M.
4+6/12 White Male 314 Smithfield
Johnston, James W.
13 White Male 095 O'Neals
Johnston, Lucy W.
50 White Female 096 Banner
Johnston, Walton
9 White Male 189 Elevation
Johnston, Wilhelmina
19 White Female 189 Elevation
Johnston, William
4 White Male 240 Banner
Johnston, William H.
24 White Male 326 Banner
Johnston, William J.
18 White Male 040 Banner
Johnston, William R.
34 White Male 101 Smithfield
Johnston, Willie
20 White Male 170 Banner
Johnston, Willie
33 White Male 110 Pine Level
Johnston, Woodrow
16 White Male 079 Pine Level
Johnston, Worth A.
19 White Male 038 Banner
Johnston, Wright H.
22 White Male 006 Banner
1940 Federal Census
Name Age Race Sex Family Township
Jenkins, Will
42 Black Male 367 Clayton
Jenkins, Will Jr.
2 Black Male 367 Clayton
Jenkins, Willie
30 Black Male 288 Selma
Jenkins, Willie Lee
5 Black Female 288 Selma
Johns, Wade
33 White Male 313 Selma
Johnson, B. W.
40 White Male 184 Pleasant Grove
Johnson, Bessie W.
22 White Female 203 Beulah
Johnson, Charles W.
17 White Male 96 Clayton
Johnson, Edsel W.
6 White Male 222 Ingrams
Johnson, Elizabeth W.
60 White Female 201 Smithfield
Johnson, Eva W.
4 White Female 153 Ingrams
Johnson, H. Wiliam
38 White Male 75 Smithfield
Johnson, Henry Warren
22 White Male 82 Meadow
Johnson, Hubert Wade
35 White Male 397 Smithfield
Johnson, J. W.
30 White Female 7 O'Neals
Johnson, J. W.
37 White Male 7 O'Neals
Johnson, J. W.
58 White Male 28 Pleasant Grove
Johnson, J. W.
1 White Male 153 Ingrams
Johnson, J. W. Jr.
8 White Male 28 Pleasant Grove
Johnson, John W.
18 White Male 327 Elevation
Johnson, John W.
<1 White Male 241a Ingrams
Johnson, John William
<1 White Male 20 Ingrams
Johnson, L. W.
23 White Male 385 O'Neals
Johnson, Lucy W.
60 White Female 64 Banner
Johnson, Marthia W.
8 White Female 96 Boon Hill
Johnson, Raford W.
1 White Male 187 Ingrams
Johnson, Robert W.
50 White Male 187 Ingrams
Johnson, Rosa W.
9 White Female 97 Boon Hill
Johnson, Rufus W.
11 White Male 10 Elevation
Johnson, Shelton W.
9 White Male 8 Smithfield
Johnson, W. A.
35 White Male 78 O'Neals
Johnson, W. B.
8 White Male 169 Elevation
Johnson, W. E.
61 White Male 121 Pleasant Grove
Johnson, W. F.
35 White Male 39 Banner
Johnson, W. Gardner
4 White Male 159 Banner
Johnson, W. Gaston
69 White Male 127 Ingrams
Johnson, W. J.
1 White Male 258 O'Neals
Johnson, W. Leon
42 White Male 83 Smithfield
Johnson, W. Lester
35 White Male 184 Smithfield
Johnson, W. P.
42 White Male 80 O'Neals
Johnson, W. Perry
50 White Male 85 Ingrams
Johnson, W. R.
18 White Male 16 Pleasant Grove
Johnson, Wade
20 White Male 276 Elevation
Johnson, Wade
27 White Male 178 Smithfield
Johnson, Wade
17 White Male 164 Ingrams
Johnson, Wade B.
22 White Male 25 Elevation
Johnson, Walon
16 Black Male 194 O'Neals
Johnson, Walt
23 White Male 61 Banner
Johnson, Walter
24 White Male 227 Pleasant Grove
Johnson, Walter
56 White Male 257 O'Neals
Johnson, Walter
35 White Male 63 Banner
Johnson, Walter
31 White Male 205 Boon Hill
Johnson, Walter
23 White Male 131 Wilders
Johnson, Walter
7 Black Male 89 Boon Hill
Johnson, Walter Jr.
6 White Male 205 Boon Hill
Johnson, Walter E.
12 White Male 286 Selma
Johnson, Walter S.
27 White Male 221 Smithfield
Johnson, Walton
19 White Male 245 Elevation
Johnson, Walton C.
6 White Male 187 Ingrams
Johnson, Warren L.
20 White Male 134 Smithfield
Johnson, Waylon
6 White Male 187 Ingrams
Johnson, Waymon
52 Black Male 126 Wilders
Johnson, Welch
22 White Male 88 Beulah
Johnson, Wilber R.
18 White Male 298 Ingrams
Johnson, Wilbert
19 White Male 17 Elevation
Johnson, Wilbour
9 White Male 205 Wilders
Johnson, Wiley C.
11 White Male 74 Meadow
Johnson, Willa Mae
3 Black Female 151 Wilders
Johnson, Willia L.
12 White Female 298 Ingrams
Johnson, William
27 Black Male 101 Banner
Johnson, William
19 Black Male 183 Banner
Johnson, William
22 White Male 274 Elevation
Johnson, William
71 White Male 296 Meadow
Johnson, William
20 White Male 58 Smithfield
Johnson, William
15 White Male 184 Smithfield
Johnson, William
3 White Male 182 Clayton
Johnson, William
8 White Male 3 Wilson's Mills
Johnson, William
9 White Male 76 Wilders
Johnson, William A.
53 White Male 235 Elevation
Johnson, William B.
17 White Male 126 Smithfield
Johnson, William B.
18 White Male 124 Smithfield
Johnson, William D.
25 White Male 286 Clayton
Johnson, William E.
<1 White Male 55 Clayton
Johnson, William H.
1 White Male 39 Banner
Johnson, William I.
6 White Male 98 Clayton
Johnson, William L.
68 White Male 166 Banner
Johnson, William L. Jr.
15 White Male 83 Smithfield
Johnson, William Leon
9 White Male 232 Elevation
Johnson, William M.
46 White Male 209 Elevation
Johnson, William R.
23 White Male 155 Wilders
Johnson, William R.
45 White Male 312 Smithfield
Johnson, William R.
15 White Male 107 O'Neals
Johnson, Willie
40 White Male 96 Clayton
Johnson, Willie
31 White Male 84 Banner
Johnson, Willie
52 White Male 38 Meadow
Johnson, Willie
57 White Male 154 Elevation
Johnson, Willie D.
63 White Male 173 Smithfield
Johnson, Willie Mae
3 White Female 161 Wilders
Johnson, Willie May
3 White Female 84 Banner
Johnson, Willie T.
49 White Male 286 Clayton
Johnson, Willis
13 White Male 329 O'Neals
Johnson, Willis
3 White Male 127 Ingrams
Johnson, Willma M.
7 White Female 268 Beulah
Johnson, Willoden
4 White Female 146 Meadow
Johnson, Wilma
4 White Female 270 Beulah
Johnson, Wilma
4 White Female 10 Elevation
Johnson, Wilmer
<1 White Female 223 Ingrams
Johnson, Wilson
27 White Male 70 Banner
Johnson, Wilson
3 Black Male 305 Beulah
Johnson, Wilton
15 White Male 231 Smithfield
Johnson, Wilton R.
6 White Male 211 Smithfield
Johnson, Winnie
18 Black Female 218 Clayton
Johnson, Winnie B.
67 White Female 22 Selma
Johnson, Woodrow
12 Black Male 183 Banner
Johnson, Woodrow
25 White Male 260 Beulah
Johnson, Worth A.
28 White Male 164 O'Neals
Johnson, Wright
30 White Male 143 Smithfield
Johnson, Wright H.
33 White Male 269 Elevation
Johnson, Wright H. Jr.
3 White Male 269 Elevation
Johnson, Wyatt M.
14 White Male 58 Smithfield
Johnson, Wyatt R.
39 White Male 222 Elevation
Johnson, Wyolo
35 White Female 166b Banner
Johnston, M. William
15 White Male 72 Elevation
Johnston, Walter J.
66 White Male 10 Wilders
Johnston, Willard
58 White Male 84 Selma
Johnston, Willard
18 White Male 152 Selma
Johnston, Willard
23 White Male 550 Selma
Johnston, Willard Jr.
22 White Male 84 Selma
Johnston, William C.
33 White Male 98 Smithfield
Johnston, William D.
2 White Male 98 Smithfield
Johnston, William G.
2 White Male 81 Smithfield
Johnston, Willie
30 White Male 105 Selma
Johnston, Willie
24 White Male 81 Smithfield
Johnston, Wise
39 Black Male 38 Beulah
Bastardy Bonds
Father's Name Mother's Name Date
Johnson, E. W. Underwood, Elizabeth 25 Apr 1877
Johnson, Edmond W. Johnson, Harriet 31 Mar 1870
Johnson, James W. Overby, Martha 26 Nov 1866
Johnson, William R. Capps, Managa E. 23 Sep 1873
NC Yearbooks
Name Year Class School
Johnson, Clarence Walton 1912 Senior UNC-Chapel Hill
Johnson, John Wright 1898 Senior UNC-Chapel Hill
Johnson, William Robert 1930 Senior UNC-Chapel Hill
No Results found
NC Civil War Soldiers Index *
Name Unit Comp Rank Side
Jamason, Thomas W. 25th Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Jameson, J. W. 11th Regiment, NC Infantry (Bethel Regiment) E Corporal C
Jamieson, William R. 37th Regiment, NC Infantry Private C
Jamison, D. W. 22nd Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Jamison, James W. 11th Regiment, NC Infantry (Bethel Regiment) E Corporal C
Jamison, Jones W. 11th Regiment, NC Infantry (Bethel Regiment) E Private C
Jamison, William 25th Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Jamison, William R. 37th Regiment, NC Infantry F Private C
Jammison, James W. 11th Regiment, NC Infantry (Bethel Regiment) E Private C
Jammison, James W. 11th Regiment, NC Infantry (Bethel Regiment) E Corporal C
Jemison, J. W. 11th Regiment, NC Infantry (Bethel Regiment) E Private C
Jemison, Thomas W. 25th Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Jenigen, J. W. 3rd Battalion, NC Junior Reserves I Private C
Jenkins, E. W. 6th Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Jenkins, E. W. 28th Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Jenkins, G. W. 28th Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Jenkins, George W. 17th Regiment, NC Infantry (2nd Organization) H Private C
Jenkins, George W. 2nd Battalion, NC Infantry E Private C
Jenkins, George W. 29th Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Jenkins, J. W. 17th Regiment, NC Infantry (2nd Organization) F Private C
Jenkins, James W. 31st Regiment, NC Infantry F Private C
Jenkins, John W. 50th Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Jenkins, John W. 8th Regiment, NC Infantry K Corporal C
Jenkins, John W. 1st Regiment, NC Junior Reserves B Private C
Jenkins, Loderick W. 3rd Regiment, NC Cavalry G Private C
Jenkins, Ludocie W. 3rd Regiment, NC Cavalry G Private C
Jenkins, Marcellus W. 3rd Regiment, NC Artillery A Private C
Jenkins, Osborne W. 1st Regiment, NC Infantry E Private C
Jenkins, R. W. 33rd Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Jenkins, S. W. Levi's Battery, Light Artillery, Thomas' NC Legion Private C
Jenkins, T. W. 33rd Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Jenkins, T. W. 31st Regiment, NC Infantry G Sergeant C
Jenkins, Thomas W. 31st Regiment, NC Infantry G Sergeant C
Jenkins, W. 3rd Battalion, NC Junior Reserves C Private C
Jenkins, W. 4th Battalion, NC Junior Reserves C Private C
Jenkins, W. 3rd Regiment, NC Infantry E Corporal C
Jenkins, W. A. 6th Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Jenkins, W. C. 43rd Regiment, NC Infantry F Private C
Jenkins, W. F. 21st Regiment, NC Infantry M Private C
Jenkins, W. J. 33rd Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Jenkins, W. L. 6th Regiment, NC Cavalry B Private C
Jenkins, W. T. 27th Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Jenkins, William 66th Regiment, NC Infantry G Musician C
Jenkins, William 4th Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Jenkins, William 50th Regiment, NC Infantry K Private C
Jenkins, William Lawrence's Company, NC Volunteers (Wilson Partison Rangers) Private C
Jenkins, William 17th Regiment, NC Infantry (2nd Organization) C Private C
Jenkins, William 17th Regiment, NC Infantry (2nd Organization) C Private C
Jenkins, William Infantry Regiment, Thomas' NC Legion H Private C
Jenkins, William 1st Regiment, NC Infantry F Private C
Jenkins, William 49th Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Jenkins, William 13th Battalion, NC Light Artillery D Private C
Jenkins, William 18th Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Jenkins, William 5th Regiment, NC Infantry Private C
Jenkins, William 1st Regiment, NC Junior Reserves K Sergeant C
Jenkins, William A. 21st Regiment, NC Infantry H Sergeant C
Jenkins, William A. 46th Regiment, NC Infantry C Lieutenant Colonel C
Jenkins, William B. 50th Regiment, NC Infantry B Junior Second Lieutenant C
Jenkins, William B. 1st Regiment, NC Artillery K Private C
Jenkins, William C. 58th Regiment, NC Infantry E Private C
Jenkins, William C. 14th Regiment, NC Infantry A Private C
Jenkins, William E. 44th Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Jenkins, William E. 2nd Regiment, NC Cavalry C Private C
Jenkins, William F. 14th Regiment, NC Infantry A Private C
Jenkins, William F. 2nd Regiment, NC Artillery G Private C
Jenkins, William H. 1st Regiment, NC Artillery K Private C
Jenkins, William H. 3rd Regiment, NC Artillery B Private C
Jenkins, William H. 3rd Regiment, NC Infantry E Corporal C
Jenkins, William J. 49th Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Jenkins, William L. 56th Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Jenkins, William R. 23rd Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Jenkins, William R. 33rd Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Jenkins, William S. 7th Regiment, NC Infantry G Sergeant C
Jenkins, William T. 30th Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Jenkins, William T. 1st Regiment, NC Cavalry K Private C
Jenkins, Willis 34th Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Jenkins, Wilson F. 14th Regiment, NC Infantry A Captain C
Jenkins, Winborne 56th Regiment, NC Infantry E Private C
Jenkins, Winbourne 5th Regiment, NC Infantry F Private C
Jennigan, H. W. 5th Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Jimison, William A. 64th Regiment, NC Infantry (Allen's) A Private C
Jimmison, William A. 64th Regiment, NC Infantry (Allen's) A Private C
Jinkens, William Croom's Company, NC Local Defense (Kingston Guards)(Kingston Provost Guard) Private C
Jinkins, E. W. 6th Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Jinkins, J. W. 1st Regiment, NC Junior Reserves B Private C
Jinkins, W. 4th Battalion, NC Junior Reserves C Private C
Jinkins, W. A. 6th Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Jinkins, William 18th Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Jinkins, William E. 44th Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Jinkins, William R. 23rd Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Jinkins, William S. 7th Regiment, NC Infantry G Sergeant C
John, W. 1st Regiment, NC Infantry C,L Private U
John, W. 1st Regiment, NC Infantry C,L Private U
John, W. 1st Regiment, NC Infantry A Private U
John, W. 1st Regiment, NC Infantry A Private U
John, W. 3rd Regiment, NC Mounted Infantry E Second Corporal U
John, W. 2nd Regiment, NC Infantry C Private U
John, W. 2nd Regiment, NC Infantry F Corporal U
John, W. 1st Regiment, NC Infantry E Private U
John, W. 3rd Regiment, NC Mounted Infantry G Private U
John, W. 3rd Regiment, NC Mounted Infantry G Private U
John, W. 2nd Regiment, NC Mounted Infantry H Private U
John, W. 1st Regiment, NC Infantry C First Lieutenant/Adjutant U
John, W. 1st Regiment, NC Infantry E Private U
John, W. 1st Regiment, NC Infantry A Private U
John, W. 2nd Regiment, NC Mounted Infantry A Private U
John, W. 2nd Regiment, NC Mounted Infantry H Private U
John, W. 2nd Regiment, NC Mounted Infantry H Private U
John, W. 3rd Regiment, NC Mounted Infantry K Private U
John, W. 3rd Regiment, NC Mounted Infantry K Private U
John, W. 3rd Regiment, NC Mounted Infantry K Private U
John, W. 3rd Regiment, NC Mounted Infantry K Private U
John, W. 3rd Regiment, NC Mounted Infantry E Private U
John, W. 3rd Regiment, NC Mounted Infantry E Private U
John, W. 2nd Regiment, NC Infantry E,B Sergeant U
John, W. 1st Regiment, NC Infantry D Corporal U
John, W. 2nd Regiment, NC Infantry E,B Sergeant U
John, W. 1st Regiment, NC Infantry D,H Private U
John, W. 2nd Regiment, NC Infantry C Private U
John, W. 2nd Regiment, NC Infantry C Private U
John, W. 2nd Regiment, NC Infantry C Private U
John, W. 2nd Regiment, NC Infantry C Private U
John, W. 1st Regiment, NC Infantry L Private U
John, W. 3rd Regiment, NC Mounted Infantry D Teamster U
John, W. 2nd Regiment, NC Mounted Infantry F Private U
John, W. 1st Regiment, NC Infantry E Private U
John, W. 2nd Regiment, NC Infantry E Private U
John, W. 1st Regiment, NC Infantry A Private U
John, W. 2nd Regiment, NC Infantry C,A Musician U
John, W. 3rd Regiment, NC Mounted Infantry A Captain U
John, W. 3rd Regiment, NC Mounted Infantry K Private U
John, W. 2nd Regiment, NC Infantry E Private U
John, W. 1st Regiment, NC Infantry D Private U
John, W. 2nd Regiment, NC Infantry B Private U
John, W. 1st Regiment, NC Infantry D Private U
Johnican, W. 2nd Regiment, NC Junior Reserves H Private C
Johnson, A. W. 62nd Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Johnson, A. W. 64th Regiment, NC Infantry (Allen's) C Private C
Johnson, A. W. 1st Regiment, NC Infantry F Private C
Johnson, Alexander W. 8th Regiment, NC Senior Reserves Private C
Johnson, Asaph W. 62nd Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Johnson, Bird W. 54th Regiment, NC Infantry F Sergeant C
Johnson, Bryhan W. 24th Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Johnson, Bythan W. 24th Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Johnson, C. W. 1st Regiment, NC Junior Reserves G Second Lieutenant C
Johnson, C. Waverly 1st Regiment, NC Junior Reserves H First Lieutenant C
Johnson, Charles W. 53rd Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Johnson, Curtis W. 5th Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Johnson, D. W. 31st Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Johnson, D. W. 54th Regiment, NC Infantry F Sergeant C
Johnson, David W. 31st Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Johnson, David W. 31st Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Johnson, Edmond W. 24th Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Johnson, Eli W. 14th Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Johnson, Ezra W. 30th Regiment, NC Infantry E Private C
Johnson, Finley W. 4th Regiment, NC Infantry A Private C
Johnson, G. W. 6th Regiment, NC Infantry F Private C
Johnson, G. W. 4th Regiment, NC Cavalry (59th NC State Troops) E Private C
Johnson, G. W. Mallett's Company, NC Private C
Johnson, G. W. 12th Regiment, NC Infantry E,C Private C
Johnson, G. W. 2nd Regiment, NC Cavalry H Private C
Johnson, G. W. 53rd Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Johnson, G. W. 30th Regiment, NC Infantry K Private C
Johnson, G. W. 47th Regiment, NC Infantry K Private C
Johnson, G. W. 7th Regiment, NC Senior Reserves Corporal C
Johnson, General W. 42nd Regiment, NC Infantry E Private C
Johnson, George W. 1st Regiment, NC Artillery H Private C
Johnson, George W. 2nd Regiment, NC Artillery I Private C
Johnson, George W. 31st Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Johnson, George W. 2nd Regiment, NC Cavalry A Private C
Johnson, George W. 4th Regiment, NC Cavalry (59th NC State Troops) B Private C
Johnson, George W. 15th Regiment, NC Infantry I Corporal C
Johnson, George W. 20th Regiment, NC Infantry I Sergeant C
Johnson, George W. 17th Regiment, NC Infantry (1st Organization) C Lieutenant Colonel C
Johnson, Green W. 31st Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Johnson, Henry W. 26th Regiment, NC Infantry G Corporal C
Johnson, I. W. 16th Battalion, NC Cavalry G Private C
Johnson, Isaac W. 16th Regiment, NC Infantry E,F Private C
Johnson, J. W. 54th Regiment, NC Infantry A Private C
Johnson, J. W. 54th Regiment, NC Infantry K Private C
Johnson, J. W. 2nd Battalion, NC Infantry D Private C
Johnson, J. W. 7th Battalion, NC Junior Reserves B Private C
Johnson, J. W. 38th Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Johnson, J. W. 1st Regiment, NC Infantry (6 months, 1861) C Private C
Johnson, J. W. 11th Regiment, NC Infantry (Bethel Regiment) D Private C
Johnson, J. W. 4th Regiment, NC Cavalry (59th NC State Troops) E Private C
Johnson, J. W. 11th Regiment, NC Infantry (Bethel Regiment) H Private C
Johnson, J. W. 61st Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Johnson, J. W. Mallett's Battalion, NC Camp Guards (Camp Holmes) C Private C
Johnson, J. W. 1st Regiment, NC Artillery E Corporal C
Johnson, J. W. 11th Regiment, NC Infantry (Bethel Regiment) E Corporal C
Johnson, J. W.H. 4th Regiment, NC Cavalry (59th NC State Troops) I Private C
Johnson, J. W.H. 12th Battalion, NC Cavalry B Private C
Johnson, J. W.W. 44th Regiment, NC Infantry K Private C
Johnson, James W. 33rd Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Johnson, James W. 2nd Regiment, NC Cavalry H Private C
Johnson, James W. 54th Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Johnson, Jeremiah W. 38th Regiment, NC Infantry Private C
Johnson, Jesse W. 3rd Battalion, NC Light Artillery A Private C
Johnson, John W. 12th Battalion, NC Cavalry B Private C
Johnson, John W. 66th Regiment, NC Infantry K Private C
Johnson, John W. 10th Battalion, NC Heavy Artillery B Private C
Johnson, John W. 24th Regiment, NC Infantry E Private C
Johnson, John W. 13th Battalion, NC Infantry D Private C
Johnson, John W. 44th Regiment, NC Infantry K Private C
Johnson, John W. 2nd Regiment, NC Artillery A Private C
Johnson, John W. 31st Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Johnson, John W. 14th Regiment, NC Infantry K Private C
Johnson, John W. 20th Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Johnson, John W. 35th Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Johnson, John W. 3rd Regiment, NC Cavalry D Private C
Johnson, John W. 4th Regiment, NC Cavalry (59th NC State Troops) H Private C
Johnson, John W. 7th Regiment, NC Infantry F Private C
Johnson, John Wesley 1st Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Johnson, John Wiles 64th Regiment, NC Infantry (Allen's) N Private C
Johnson, John William 1st Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Johnson, L. W. 30th Regiment, NC Infantry A Private C
Johnson, Lewis W. 28th Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Johnson, Miles W. 1st Regiment, NC Cavalry F Private C
Johnson, R. W. 1st Regiment, NC Cavalry G Private C
Johnson, R. W. 61st Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Johnson, Redwine W. 6th Regiment, NC Infantry E Private C
Johnson, Richard W. 44th Regiment, NC Infantry A Private C
Johnson, Robert W. Jr. 52nd Regiment, NC Infantry A Private C
Johnson, Robert W. Sr. 52nd Regiment, NC Infantry A Private C
Johnson, S. W. 28th Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Johnson, Samuel W. 1st Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Johnson, Sir William 1st Regiment, NC Artillery H Private C
Johnson, Sir William 4th Regiment, NC Cavalry (59th NC State Troops) I Private C
Johnson, Sir William 12th Battalion, NC Cavalry B Private C
Johnson, T. W. 2nd Regiment, NC Cavalry D Private C
Johnson, T. W. 4th Regiment, NC Infantry A Private C
Johnson, T. Winborne 48th Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Johnson, Taylor W. 2nd Regiment, NC Artillery H Private C
Johnson, Titus W. 48th Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Johnson, W. 11th Regiment, NC Infantry (Bethel Regiment) D Private C
Johnson, W. 16th Battalion, NC Cavalry F Private C
Johnson, W. 32nd Regiment, NC Infantry (Lenoir Braves) G Private C
Johnson, W. A. 38th Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Johnson, W. A. 8th Regiment, NC Senior Reserves Private C
Johnson, W. A. 57th Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Johnson, W. A. 4th Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Johnson, W. A. 2nd Regiment, NC Junior Reserves C Private C
Johnson, W. A. 31st Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Johnson, W. A. Allen's Company, NC Local Defense Corporal C
Johnson, W. B. 7th Regiment, NC Senior Reserves Captain C
Johnson, W. D. 6th Regiment, NC Senior Reserves K Private C
Johnson, W. E. 7th Battalion, NC Junior Reserves A Private C
Johnson, W. Eaton 12th Regiment, NC Infantry F Brevet Second Lieutenant C
Johnson, W. F. 21st Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Johnson, W. F. 9th Battalion, NC Sharpshooters (1st Battalion) A Private C
Johnson, W. G. Cumberland County Battalion, NC Detailed Men A Private C
Johnson, W. G. 12th Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Johnson, W. H. 38th Regiment, NC Infantry K Private C
Johnson, W. H. Allen's Company, NC Local Defense Private C
Johnson, W. H. 17th Regiment, NC Infantry (2nd Organization) L Private C
Johnson, W. H. 57th Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Johnson, W. H. 61st Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Johnson, W. H.H. 1st Regiment, NC Cavalry A Private C
Johnson, W. J. 31st Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Johnson, W. J. 32nd Regiment, NC Infantry (Lenoir Braves) K Private C
Johnson, W. L. Infantry Regiment, Thomas' NC Legion F Private C
Johnson, W. L. 20th Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Johnson, W. O. 3rd Regiment, NC Cavalry A Private C
Johnson, W. R. 1st Battalion, NC Heavy Artillery B Private C
Johnson, W. R. Mallett's Battalion, NC Camp Guards (Camp Holmes) F Private C
Johnson, W. Redwine 6th Regiment, NC Infantry E Private C
Johnson, W. S. 20th Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Johnson, W. T. 9th Battalion, NC Sharpshooters (1st Battalion) B Private C
Johnson, W. T. 13th Battalion, NC Infantry C Private C
Johnson, W. T. 1st Regiment, NC Junior Reserves H Private C
Johnson, W. W. 8th Regiment, NC Senior Reserves Private C
Johnson, W. W. 8th Regiment, NC Senior Reserves Private C
Johnson, W. W. 7th Battalion, NC Junior Reserves A Private C
Johnson, W. W. 4th Regiment, NC Infantry A Private C
Johnson, W. W. 44th Regiment, NC Infantry K Private C
Johnson, W. W. Allen's Company, NC Local Defense Sergeant C
Johnson, Waightstill 16th Regiment, NC Infantry E Private C
Johnson, Walker 1st Regiment, NC Infantry F Private C
Johnson, Walter 53rd Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Johnson, Warren E.H. 5th Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Johnson, Washington S. 24th Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Johnson, Wilborn 29th Regiment, NC Infantry A Private C
Johnson, Wilburn Walker's Battalion, Thomas' NC Legion F Private C
Johnson, Wiley 54th Regiment, NC Infantry I Corporal C
Johnson, Wiley E. 6th Regiment, NC Senior Reserves C First Lieutenant C
Johnson, Wiley F. 2nd Battalion, NC Local Defense Troops C Private C
Johnson, Wiley M. Infantry Regiment, Thomas' NC Legion C Private C
Johnson, William 12th Battalion, NC Cavalry B Private C
Johnson, William 12th Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Johnson, William 13th Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Johnson, William 29th Regiment, NC Infantry Private C
Johnson, William 49th Regiment, NC Infantry A Private C
Johnson, William 49th Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Johnson, William 6th Regiment, NC Cavalry F,A Private C
Johnson, William 46th Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Johnson, William 3rd Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Johnson, William 20th Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Johnson, William 1st Regiment, NC Artillery C Private C
Johnson, William 1st Regiment, NC Artillery F Private C
Johnson, William 1st Regiment, NC Artillery H Private C
Johnson, William 2nd Regiment, NC Artillery D Private C
Johnson, William 31st Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Johnson, William 31st Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Johnson, William 64th Regiment, NC Infantry (Allen's) H Private C
Johnson, William 3rd Regiment, NC Artillery H Private C
Johnson, William 22nd Regiment, NC Infantry L Private C
Johnson, William 18th Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Johnson, William 48th Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Johnson, William 58th Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Johnson, William 7th Battalion, NC Junior Reserves C Sergeant C
Johnson, William 57th Regiment, NC Infantry H Captain C
Johnson, William 3rd Battalion, NC Junior Reserves I Sergeant C
Johnson, William 6th Regiment, NC Cavalry G Corporal C
Johnson, William 20th Regiment, NC Infantry B First Lieutenant C
Johnson, William A. 21st Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Johnson, William A. 4th Regiment, NC Senior Reserves G Private C
Johnson, William A. 21st Regiment, NC Infantry A Corporal C
Johnson, William A. 2nd Regiment, NC Infantry K Private C
Johnson, William A. 66th Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Johnson, William Alexander 15th Regiment, NC Infantry F Corporal C
Johnson, William Allen 15th Regiment, NC Infantry F Private C
Johnson, William B. 24th Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Johnson, William B. 20th Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Johnson, William B. 1st Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Johnson, William B. 24th Regiment, NC Infantry C Sergeant C
Johnson, William C. 60th Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Johnson, William C. 5th Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Johnson, William D. 2nd Battalion, NC Local Defense Troops B Private C
Johnson, William D. 33rd Regiment, NC Infantry A Private C
Johnson, William D. 54th Regiment, NC Infantry G Sergeant C
Johnson, William De Prune 6th Regiment, NC Infantry E Private C
Johnson, William E. 43rd Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Johnson, William E. 12th Regiment, NC Infantry F Brevet Second Lieutenant C
Johnson, William F. 4th Regiment, NC Infantry A Private C
Johnson, William F. 2nd Regiment, NC Artillery B,E Private C
Johnson, William F. 2nd Regiment, NC Artillery G Private C
Johnson, William F. 3rd Regiment, NC Cavalry D Private C
Johnson, William F. 55th Regiment, NC Infantry E Private C
Johnson, William F. 26th Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Johnson, William G. 46th Regiment, NC Infantry E Private C
Johnson, William G. 12th Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Johnson, William G. 42nd Regiment, NC Infantry F Corporal C
Johnson, William H. Lawrence's Company, NC Volunteers (Wilson Partison Rangers) Private C
Johnson, William H. 10th Battalion, NC Heavy Artillery B Private C
Johnson, William H. 21st Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Johnson, William H. 12th Battalion, NC Cavalry A Private C
Johnson, William H. 46th Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Johnson, William H. 62nd Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Johnson, William H. 3rd Regiment, NC Cavalry D Private C
Johnson, William H. 13th Battalion, NC Light Artillery A Private C
Johnson, William H. 32nd Regiment, NC Infantry (Lenoir Braves) G Private C
Johnson, William H. 1st Regiment, NC Cavalry A Private C
Johnson, William H. 20th Regiment, NC Infantry A Private C
Johnson, William H. 2nd Regiment, NC Artillery C Private C
Johnson, William H. 17th Regiment, NC Infantry (2nd Organization) E Private C
Johnson, William H. 39th Regiment, NC Infantry E Private C
Johnson, William H. 25th Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Johnson, William H. 30th Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Johnson, William H. 61st Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Johnson, William H. 8th Regiment, NC Infantry F Corporal C
Johnson, William H. 30th Regiment, NC Infantry A Sergeant C
Johnson, William H. 23rd Regiment, NC Infantry L Captain C
Johnson, William J. 15th Regiment, NC Infantry A Private C
Johnson, William J. 15th Regiment, NC Infantry L Private C
Johnson, William J. 54th Regiment, NC Infantry A Private C
Johnson, William J. 5th Regiment, NC Infantry A Private C
Johnson, William J. 12th Battalion, NC Cavalry C Private C
Johnson, William J. 2nd Battalion, NC Local Defense Troops D Sergeant C
Johnson, William J. 35th Regiment, NC Infantry D Sergeant C
Johnson, William K. 1st Battalion, NC Heavy Artillery B Private C
Johnson, William L. 53rd Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Johnson, William L. 52nd Regiment, NC Infantry E Private C
Johnson, William L. 45th Regiment, NC Infantry F&S Quartermaster C
Johnson, William M. 62nd Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Johnson, William M. 2nd Regiment, NC Cavalry F Private C
Johnson, William M. 5th Regiment, NC Cavalry G Private C
Johnson, William M.H. 52nd Regiment, NC Infantry K Private C
Johnson, William P. 1st Regiment, NC Cavalry C Private C
Johnson, William R. 37th Regiment, NC Infantry E Private C
Johnson, William R. 29th Regiment, NC Infantry A Private C
Johnson, William S. 1st Regiment, NC Cavalry I Private C
Johnson, William Sen. 31st Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Johnson, William T. 5th Regiment, NC Infantry A Private C
Johnson, William W. 3rd Regiment, NC Cavalry D Private C
Johnson, William W. 62nd Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Johnson, William W. 13th Regiment, NC Infantry A Private C
Johnson, William W. 56th Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Johnson, Willie 10th Battalion, NC Heavy Artillery B Private C
Johnson, Willie 15th Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Johnson, Willis 22nd Regiment, NC Infantry M Private C
Johnson, Willis 50th Regiment, NC Infantry E Private C
Johnson, Willis 29th Regiment, NC Infantry F Private C
Johnson, Willis 8th Regiment, NC Senior Reserves Junior Second Lieutenant C
Johnson, Willis M. 29th Regiment, NC Infantry A Private C
Johnson, Willis P. 26th Regiment, NC Infantry G Corporal C
Johnson, Woodard 4th Regiment, NC Cavalry (59th NC State Troops) H Private C
Johnson, Wright A. 24th Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Johnston, A. W. 62nd Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Johnston, Alfred W. 64th Regiment, NC Infantry (Allen's) C Private C
Johnston, Andrew W. 1st Regiment, NC Infantry F Private C
Johnston, C. W. 53rd Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Johnston, C. W. 5th Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Johnston, D. W. 31st Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Johnston, D. W. 22nd Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Johnston, Elias W. 7th Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Johnston, Francis W. 25th Regiment, NC Infantry E Captain C
Johnston, G. W. 30th Regiment, NC Infantry K Private C
Johnston, G. W. 4th Regiment, NC Cavalry (59th NC State Troops) B Private C
Johnston, G. W. 31st Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Johnston, G. W. 53rd Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Johnston, George W. 64th Regiment, NC Infantry (Allen's) B Private C
Johnston, George W. 4th Regiment, NC Cavalry (59th NC State Troops) E Private C
Johnston, George W. 17th Regiment, NC Infantry (1st Organization) C Lieutenant Colonel C
Johnston, J. W. 3rd Battalion, NC Junior Reserves D Private C
Johnston, J. W. 7th Regiment, NC Infantry F Private C
Johnston, J. W. 16th Regiment, NC Infantry E,F Private C
Johnston, J. W. 31st Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Johnston, J. W. 1st Regiment, NC Infantry (6 months, 1861) C Private C
Johnston, J. W. 11th Regiment, NC Infantry (Bethel Regiment) D Private C
Johnston, J. W. 11th Regiment, NC Infantry (Bethel Regiment) E Corporal C
Johnston, J. W.H. 4th Regiment, NC Cavalry (59th NC State Troops) I Private C
Johnston, J. W.W. 44th Regiment, NC Infantry K Private C
Johnston, John W. 20th Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Johnston, John W. 1st Regiment, NC Artillery E Corporal C
Johnston, M. W. 29th Regiment, NC Infantry A Corporal C
Johnston, R. W. 1st Regiment, NC Infantry (6 months, 1861) C Private C
Johnston, Robert W. Jr. 52nd Regiment, NC Infantry A Private C
Johnston, Robert W. Sr. 52nd Regiment, NC Infantry A Private C
Johnston, Samuel W. 3rd Regiment, NC Cavalry C Private C
Johnston, Samuel W. 1st Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Johnston, Sir W. 4th Regiment, NC Cavalry (59th NC State Troops) I Private C
Johnston, W. B. 7th Regiment, NC Senior Reserves Captain C
Johnston, W. C. 5th Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Johnston, W. C. 5th Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Johnston, W. E. 3rd Battalion, NC Junior Reserves H Private C
Johnston, W. H. 7th Regiment, NC Senior Reserves Private C
Johnston, W. J. 54th Regiment, NC Infantry A Private C
Johnston, W. J. 32nd Regiment, NC Infantry (Lenoir Braves) K Private C
Johnston, W. L. 20th Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Johnston, W. M. 62nd Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Johnston, W. O. 1st Regiment, NC Artillery I Private C
Johnston, W. P. 1st Regiment, NC Cavalry C Second Lieutenant C
Johnston, W. S. 20th Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Johnston, W. S. 45th Regiment, NC Infantry F&S Quartermaster C
Johnston, W. W. 4th Regiment, NC Infantry A Private C
Johnston, W. W. 44th Regiment, NC Infantry K Private C
Johnston, Warden E.H. 5th Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Johnston, Whitmel A. 14th Regiment, NC Infantry A Sergeant C
Johnston, William 1st Regiment, NC Artillery C Private C
Johnston, William 42nd Regiment, NC Infantry F&S Commissary Sergeant C
Johnston, William 13th Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Johnston, William 13th Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Johnston, William 2nd Regiment, NC Cavalry F Private C
Johnston, William 46th Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Johnston, William 62nd Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Johnston, William 49th Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Johnston, William 18th Regiment, NC Infantry I Private C
Johnston, William 57th Regiment, NC Infantry H Captain C
Johnston, William 20th Regiment, NC Infantry B First Lieutenant C
Johnston, William A. 14th Regiment, NC Infantry A Lieutenant Colonel C
Johnston, William B. 20th Regiment, NC Infantry H Private C
Johnston, William C. 62nd Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Johnston, William C. 62nd Regiment, NC Infantry E Private C
Johnston, William G. 6th Regiment, NC Infantry F Private C
Johnston, William H. 24th Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Johnston, William H. 17th Regiment, NC Infantry (2nd Organization) E Private C
Johnston, William H. 25th Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Johnston, William H. 8th Regiment, NC Infantry F Corporal C
Johnston, William H. 23rd Regiment, NC Infantry K Captain C
Johnston, William J. 5th Regiment, NC Infantry A Private C
Johnston, William K. 30th Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Johnston, William L. 53rd Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Johnston, William L. 45th Regiment, NC Infantry F&S Quartermaster C
Johnston, William M. 20th Regiment, NC Infantry B Private C
Johnston, William M. 5th Regiment, NC Cavalry K Private C
Johnston, William R. 37th Regiment, NC Infantry E Private C
Johnston, William S. 1st Regiment, NC Cavalry I Private C
Johnston, William W. 39th Regiment, NC Infantry D Private C
Johnston, William W. 56th Regiment, NC Infantry C Private C
Johnston, Willis R. 14th Regiment, NC Infantry A Sergeant C
Johnston, Woodard 4th Regiment, NC Cavalry (59th NC State Troops) H Private C
Johnstone, Francis W. 25th Regiment, NC Infantry E Captain C
Johnstone, W. C. 62nd Regiment, NC Infantry F&S Quartermaster Sergeant C
Johnstone, W. J. 52nd Regiment, NC Infantry K Private C
Johnstone, W. M.H. 52nd Regiment, NC Infantry K Private C
Jonican, W. 2nd Regiment, NC Junior Reserves H Private C
Jonigan, W. 51st Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
Jonnican, Willis 51st Regiment, NC Infantry G Private C
* All North Carolina soldiers (Union and Confederate) who fought in the Civil War.
NC Civil War Sailors Index *
Name Birthplace Occupation Age
John, Wallace NC 25
* African-American sailors who were born in North Carolina and fought for the Union.
Southern Claims Commission
No Results found
No Results found
Cemetery Graves
Name Birth Death Cemetery
Jansen, William T 1909 1973 Wilson's Mills
Jenkins, Henrietta Whitley 1905 1947 Wilson's Mills Community
Johnson, A W 1812 1908 Johnson/Holmes
Johnson, Allen W 1895 1973 Roselawn
Johnson, Amos Woodrow 1915 1975 Mill Creek Christian Church
Johnson, Annie W Langston 1912 2000 Deans, J. R.
Johnson, Averick W Hardwick 1873 1907 Riverside
Johnson, Barttie W 1891 1956 Plainview Presbyterian Church
Johnson, Betty W 1970 1975 Benson City
Johnson, Bittie W 1877 1939 Bethel Freewill Baptist Church
Johnson, Charlie W 1886 1945 Piney Grove Free Will Baptist Church
Johnson, Charlie W 1884 1961 Princeton
Johnson, Charlie Walter 1909 1986 Princeton
Johnson, Christopher W 1916 1972 Benson City
Johnson, Cleo W 1915 1976 Princeton
Johnson, Clinton W 1931 1931 Johnson, J. Wade
Johnson, Cora W 1893 Kenly City
Johnson, Curt W 1864 1924 Johnson, T. R.
Johnson, Danny West 1947 1968 Burnell Baptist Church
Johnson, David Washington Parker, J. C.
Johnson, Edmond W 1847 1908 Corinth United Methodist. Church
Johnson, Fred W 1930 1957 Roselawn
Johnson, George Washington 1851 1928 Johnson, George W.
Johnson, Golon W 1806 1844 Piney Grove Free Will Baptist Church
Johnson, Grace Whitley 1843 1966 Greenwood
Johnson, Harriett Woodall 1875 1947 Antioch Methodist Church
Johnson, Henry Wesley 1885 1965 Johnson, Pias
Johnson, Howard Worth 1909 1947 Johnson/Lee
Johnson, I W Maplewood
Johnson, Ida Williford 1898 1969 Johnson/Lee
Johnson, Infant W W 1951 1951 Sunset Memorial Park
Johnson, Ione W 1909 1971 Johnston Union Primitive Baptist Church
Johnson, J W 1852 1852 Lee's Chapel Baptist Church
Johnson, J Wade 1913 Oliver's Grove
Johnson, J Wade 1913 Johnson, J. Wade
Johnson, J Walter 1888 1969 Casey, Matthew
Johnson, James W 1907 1911 Batten/Brown
Johnson, James W 1853 1940 Banner Chapel Church
Johnson, James W 1891 1945 Four Oaks Town
Johnson, James W 1913 Hills of the Neuse Memorial Gardens
Johnson, James Wilbert Bill 1920 1976 Hannah's Creek Primitive Baptist Church
Johnson, James Willard 1921 1985 Bethany Baptist Church
Johnson, Jimmy Waylon Sr 1938 1999 Johnson, Pias
Johnson, John W 1921 2000 Johnson, Sir William
Johnson, John W 1869 1954 Mt. Moriah Baptist Church
Johnson, John W 1873 1902 Sunset Memorial Park
Johnson, John W 1873 1902 Johnson, William B.
Johnson, Joseph W 1911 1936 Benson City
Johnson, Linda Wood 1935 2001 Wood, Larry
Johnson, Loomis Wood Sr 1913 1972 Johnson/Lee
Johnson, Louise Woodall 1850 1923 Elevation United Methodist Church
Johnson, Lucy W 1880 1951 Hannah's Creek Primitive Baptist Church
Johnson, Milo W 1905 1974 White Oak Baptist Church
Johnson, Nancy W 1810 1852 Piney Grove Free Will Baptist Church
Johnson, Preston W 1907 1973 Banner Chapel Church
Johnson, Richard William 1935 2012 Princeton
Johnson, Robert W 1889 1970 Lee's Chapel Advent Christian Church
Johnson, Sallie Wright 1894 1978 Sunset Memorial Park
Johnson, Sarah W 1859 1942 Pisgah Baptist Church
Johnson, Thaddeus W 1857 1922 Corinth United Methodist. Church
Johnson, Thelma Wall 1901 1973 Salem Primitive Baptist Church
Johnson, Thomas W 1868 1943 Johnson Chapel
Johnson, Thomas Wilson 1929 1931 Hopewell Baptist Church
Johnson, Vara Wood 1890 1958 Roselawn
Johnson, W A 1886 1949 Barbour's Chapel Advent Christian Church
Johnson, W Alton 1907 1975 Johnson, Sir William
Johnson, W B 1885 1923 Clayton City
Johnson, W Carey 1909 1964 Maplewood
Johnson, W Curtis 1948 1978 Oliver's Grove
Johnson, W E 1909 1956 Johnson/Holmes
Johnson, W E 1897 1925 Stewart, Charles M.
Johnson, W Gaston Dunn, Dicey
Johnson, W H 1872 1928 Four Oaks Town
Johnson, W H Bill 1858 1930 Barefoot/McLamb
Johnson, W Harvey 1893 1960 Sunset Memorial Park
Johnson, W Henry 1905 1978 Hannah's Creek Primitive Baptist Church
Johnson, W L 1841 1914 Johnson, W. L.
Johnson, W Lathan 1912 1978 Roselawn
Johnson, W Lena 1906 1906 Fellowship Primitive Baptist Church
Johnson, W Leon 1899 1972 Oakland
Johnson, W Lonnie 1871 1945 Hannah's Creek Primitive Baptist Church
Johnson, W Mack Jr 1925 1975 Roselawn
Johnson, W Manley 1860 1935 Rehobeth Primitive Baptist Church
Johnson, W Odell Tony 1908 1964 Corinth Baptist Church
Johnson, W Parker 1902 1958 Oakland
Johnson, W R 1851 1881 Johnson, Myrick B.
Johnson, W T 1868 1925 Shiloh Baptist Church
Johnson, W W Billy 1873 1956 Johnston Union Primitive Baptist Church
Johnson, W Wiley 1927 1979 Corinth Baptist Church
Johnson, Wade Felton 1905 1941 Benson City
Johnson, Wade Felton Jr 1932 1933 Benson City
Johnson, Walter 1882 1945 Johnson, Walter
Johnson, Walter David 1877 1937 Peacock/Johnson
Johnson, Walter Earl 1928 1975 Selma Memorial Gardens
Johnson, Walter Edward 1913 1970 White Oak Baptist Church
Johnson, Walter Herbert 1910 Peacock/Johnson
Johnson, Walter J 1872 1956 White Oak Baptist Church
Johnson, Walter Mack Sr 1906 1969 Roselawn
Johnson, Walter Melvin 1910 1939 Johnson, Walter
Johnson, Walter Sellie 1875 1918 Johnson, Simeon
Johnson, Walter T 1902 1964 Little Flock Church
Johnson, Walton 1884 1931 Benson City
Johnson, Wayne Corbett 1944 1975 Coats City
Johnson, Wilcie A 1842 1912 Johnson, Amos
Johnson, Wilcy 1910 1911 Johnson, Elbert
Johnson, Wiley Kinsey, J. B./Hudson
Johnson, Wiley 1888 Kinsey, J. B./Hudson
Johnson, Willard 1881 1882 Johnson, Edmond
Johnson, Willard B Sr 1889 1943 Greenwood
Johnson, Willard L 1901 1939 Greenwood
Johnson, Sir William 1833 1918 Johnson, Sir William
Johnson, William 1894 1959 Hodges Chapel Free Will Baptist Church
Johnson, William 1926 1973 Johnson, Elder J. H.
Johnson, William Allan 1868 1950 Johnson/Lee
Johnson, William B 1845 1922 Johnson, William B.
Johnson, Sir William Bill Ed 1844 1902 Johnson, Edmond
Johnson, William Bythan Sr 1894 1965 Knollwood
Johnson, William Delmon 1925 2007 Faith Free Will Baptist Church
Johnson, William E 1894 1897 Johnson, Joseph E.
Johnson, William F 1881 1885 Johnson, William B.
Johnson, William Floyd 1905 1962 Sunset Memorial Park
Johnson, William H 1900 1957 Benson Grove Baptist Church
Johnson, William H 1869 1905 Clayton City
Johnson, William Hawkins 1931 Johnson, M. D.
Johnson, William Hugh 1909 1972 Roselawn
Johnson, William J 1905 1906 Antioch Methodist Church
Johnson, William J 1942 1970 Buffaloe Heirs
Johnson, William J B 1908 1937 Riverside
Johnson, William James 1862 1927 Johnson, William J
Johnson, William Jasper 1912 1982 Roselawn
Johnson, William L 1912 1936 Riverside
Johnson, William Leon 1941 1976 Johnson, Sir William
Johnson, William M 1858 1936 Johnson/Holmes
Johnson, William Perry 1890 1954 Roselawn
Johnson, William R 1895 1971 Antioch Methodist Church
Johnson, William R 1947 Johnson, Sir William
Johnson, William Rufus 1923 1977 Selma Memorial Gardens
Johnson, William Russell 1911 1927 Benson City
Johnson, William Thomas 1850 1927 Carroll/Lee
Johnson, William Thomas 1856 1927 Johnson, John
Johnson, William Thomas 1856 1927 Johnson, John
Johnson, Willie 1900 1960 Bethesda Baptist Church
Johnson, Willie 1922 Sanders, Alfred
Johnson, Willie Peacock, John B.
Johnson, Willie 1887 1942 Johnson/Barefoot
Johnson, Willie Jr 1936 Yelverton Grove Free Will Baptist Church
Johnson, Willie B 1901 1936 Dunn, Dicey
Johnson, Willis 1895 1961 Langley, Zeno H.
Johnson, Willis 1885 1888 Johnson Chapel
Johnson, Willis D 1876 1962 Pisgah Baptist Church
Johnson, Willis H 1868 1905 Fellowship Primitive Baptist Church
Johnson, Willis I 1926 1958 Hodges Chapel Free Will Baptist Church
Johnson, Wilma Gray 1931 1932 Johnson, L. M.
Johnson, Winiford F 1873 1923 Johnson, T. R.
Johnson, Winnie Eloise 1873 1957 Sunset Memorial Park
Johnson, Winniford 1834 1914 Johnson, Zebulon
Johnson, Winniford & Linda 1874 Johnson, Zebulon
Johnson, Woodrow 1912 1913 Johnson Chapel
Johnson, Woodrow W 1914 1973 Wilson's Mills
Johnson, Rev Worth A 1911 1979 Oliver's Grove
Johnson, Worth Lee 1936 Johnson/Lee
Johnson, Wright Handy 1977 Pisgah Baptist Church
Johnson, Wyatt Ransom 1901 1969 Johnson Chapel
Johnston, Edith Wilkins 1925 Oakland
NC Confederate Soldiers Burial Database*
Name Death County Cemetery
Jenkins, William H. 1879 New Hanover Bellevue Cemetery
Jenkins, William M. 1916 Wake Oakwood Cemetery
Johnson, Ezra W. 1866 Duplin Rockfish Presbyterian Church Cemetery
Johnson, George W. 1862 Wayne Willow Dale Cemetery
Johnson, George Washington 1917 Wake Oakwood Cemetery
Johnson, Henry W. 1906 Chatham MOON'S CHAPEL BAPTIST CHURCH
Johnson, John W. H. 1904 Wake Oakwood Cemetery
Johnson, W. 1863 Alamance Mount Hermon United Methodist Church
Johnson, W. H. Wake Oakwood Cemetery
Johnson, W. H. Wake Oakwood Cemetery
Johnson, Wiley T. 1929 Wake Oakwood Cemetery
Johnson, William 1914 Cumberland Johnson Cemetery
Johnson, William 1863 Wake Oakwood Cemetery
Johnson, William H. 1901 Sampson Clinton City Cemetery
Johnston, Milas Wilson 1897 Cabarrus Oakwood Cemetery
Johnston, W. (William) W. 1907 Buncombe Avery's Creek Christian Church Cemetery
Johnston, William 1862 Wayne Willow Dale Cemetery
* Records are still being added.
Wills Index *
Name Year
Johnson, William 1864
Johnson, Willie 1855
* Wills from 1760-1922 which are physically located at the North Carolina Archives [C.R. 050.801.1-11]
Other Resources
Surname Resource Title
Johnson Bibles Amos Green Johnson Family Bible Records
Johnston Biographies Gabriel Johnston, 1699-1752
Johnson Cemeteries William J. Johnson Cemetery
Johnston Court Records Johnston & Medlin v. Noel Johnston Et Al, 1808
Johnston Court Records Johnston Et Al v. Alvin Johnston, 1860
Johnston Court Records Johnston County Justices
Johnston-Dobbs Court Records Johnston-Dobbs County Court Issues, 1759
Hiner-Johnson Deaths & Obituaries Pauline Martin Johnson Hiner, 2008
Johnston Deaths & Obituaries Mary S. Johnston, 1811
Cogdell-Johnson Deeds Francis Cogdell to Peter Johnson, 1767
Cogdell-Johnston Deeds Francis Cogdal to Peter Johnston, 1767
Johnson-Nelson-Boykin Deeds Parmelia Johnson & Dolly Nelson to Edwin Boykin, 1844
Ingram-Johnson Marriages William Ingram to Nancy Johnson, 1823
Johnson-ingram Marriages Curtis Johnson to Sarah Ingram, 1854
Johnson-Penny Marriages W.R. Johnson to M.A.E. Penny, 1860
Johnson-Rhodes Marriages Nathan Johnson to Dianah Rhodes, 1859
Johnson-Smith Marriages James Johnson to Betsy Smith, 1862
Johnson-Stallings Marriages Richard Johnson to Mary Stallings, 1810
Munden-Johnston Marriages W.H. Munden to Harriet Johnston, 1859
Rose-Johnson Marriages John Rose to Milly Johnson, 1830
Rose-Johnson Marriages J. H. Rose to Ella Johnson, 1894
Rose-Johnson Marriages John J. Rose to Bethany Johnson, 1895
Rose-Johnson Marriages Enos Rose to Piety S. Johnson, 1896
Johnson Military Alexander Johnson Pension, 1832
Johnson Wills & Estates Abel Johnson - 1817
Johnson Wills & Estates Amos Johnson - 1797
Johnson Wills & Estates Amos Johnson - 1872
Johnson Wills & Estates Elizabeth Johnson - 1790
Johnson Wills & Estates Henry Johnson - 1807
Johnson Wills & Estates James Johnson - 1837
Johnson Wills & Estates John Johnson - 1779
Johnson Wills & Estates Richard Johnson - 1769
Johnson Wills & Estates Sill Johnson - 1763
Johnson Wills & Estates Thenny Johnson - 1824
Johnson Wills & Estates Thomas Johnson - 1781
Johnson Wills & Estates Willie Johnson - 1853
Johnson Wills & Estates Esther Johnson - 1823
Johnson Wills & Estates Henry Johnson - 1807
Johnson Wills & Estates Polly Jerrot Johnson - 1825
Johnson Wills & Estates Travis Johnson - 1790
Johnson Wills & Estates Travis Johnson - 1791
Johnston Wills & Estates Isaac Johnston
Surname Researchers
Surname Counties Date Range Researcher
Johnson Sylvia Stephens
JohnsonJohnston, Harnett1700 - present Gwen O?Daniels
Johnson Sandra Shaffner
JohnsonJohnston1700's - present Shelly Mendenhall
JohnsonJohnston, Wake1860 - 1920 Carla Stancil
JohnsonJohnston David Dunn
Johnson, MarkJohnson1700's - present Ruth Creech
Johnson/JohnstonJohnston1700's & 1800's Mamie Tate
Johnson/Johnston Alice Holmes
Johnson/JohnstonJohnston1700's - present Ernest Johnson
JohnstonJohnston1700's - 1900's Tammy Gurley Tyner
JohnstonJohnston Douglas Johnson
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Michael W. Kay
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Ross Sippel
Connie Ellen Adams
Passed away on 15 July 2015

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